Vedic Astrology Lesson 97   

                                                                                 Of Second House


If the lord of Second House be

Angular or trinal
And posited powerfully
Rich the native becomes !
If the lord of Second House be
In Trika Houses, 6,8,12
Associated with malefics
Poor the native becomes !
If the lord of Second be exalted
And angular or trinal
And the dispositor is powerful
Native is blessed with riches !

If the House Second be benefic

And tenanted by benefics
Or aspected by benefics
Wealthy the native becomes !
If the Second lord be
Trinal or angular
And aspected by benefics
Native is endowed with wealth !
If the lord of the Second be
Aspected by malefics
And be in the House of Loss, Twelfth
New Page 7


Bad language the native uses !
If the lord of Ascendant be
With the lord of Second and Eleventh
Aspected by benefics
Native saves money considerable !
If the lord of Navamsa Lagna
Be angular, trinal, powerful
And be with Second lord
Native saves money considerable !
If Mars be in Second
Aspected by Mercury
And if Moon and Mercury,
Tenant angles, mathematician indicated !
If the lord of Second be
With Mercury, angular
And Jove tenants Ascendant
Mathematician indicated !
If the lord of Second be angular
With Mercury and  Saturn in Eighth,
The Love planet, Venus, exalted
Mathematician indicated !
If the lord of Ascendant be
In Second, if benefics be
In Ascendant, second exalted
Native becomes Master of Vedas !
If the lord of Second be
With the lord of Ascendant
And aspected by the Tenth lord's dispositor
Rich the native becomes !






