Vedic Astrology Lesson 92 

                                                                          Of Death Degrees or Mrityu Bhagas!   


Degrees 20,12, 13, 25, 24

11,26,14,13,25 and 12
Of the Signs Twelve (respectively)
Are the Death Degrees of the Moon
Degrees 8,9,12,12,25
Of the Signs Twelve (respectively)
Are the Death Degrees of  Signs !
If the Ascending Degree
Falls in these Death Degrees
Longevity may be low
For the natives born !
If all malefics be
In angles benefic
And in the Eighth
New Page 7


Low longevity predicted.
If all malefics be
In angles benefic
And in the Ascendant
Low longevity indicated.
If Papakarthari Yoga
Malefics hemming a House
Hems Ascendant or Moon
Low longevity indicated.
If weak Luna be
In Houses malefic, Trika
Six,  Eight and Twelve
Predict low longevity !
If the Ascendant lord
And the Lunar Ascendant lord
Be both Dustha, badly placed
Predict low longevity !
If the Ascendant lord
And all natural benefics
Be in angles benefic
Predict high longevity !
If the Ascendant lord
And the Navamsa Ascendant lord
Are more powerful than Eighth lord
Predict high longevity !
If the Lunar Ascendant lord
And the Navamsa Lunar Ascendant lord
Are more powerful than Eighth lord
Predict high longevity !
If the Eighth lord be angular
And if the Ascendant lord is weak
And if the Eighth tenanted by malefic
Native lives upto 32 years !
Ashtamadhipe Kendre
Lagneshe bala varjithe
Ashtame papa samyukthe
Dwatrimshath paramayathe !
If Jupiter be angular
Whatever be the Doshas
Lakhs of afflictions He destroys
Laksham Doshan Hanti Devendra Poojya
If the Ascendant lord be
Aspected by benefics natural
He confers prosperity and Fame
Such is his awesome power !






