Vedic Astrology Lesson 81
Verses about the Fifth House in Horary Astrology
We give below the verses
about the House of Progeny or the Fifth House. The scholar will be asked the
question "Will we have kids? If so, when?" !
These are verses, hidden in
the great Sanskrit texts, unknown to many. Mythology Indian has 400 K verses
and Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora have lakhs of verses like these. The
Philosophia Indica is characterised by millions of such verses or Slokas !
Astronomy, Mathematics, Astrology, Logic and
other sciences written in poetic form is Philosophia Vedica !
Aries rising
With Moon in Leo
Predominance of progeny
Is indicated, O Scholar !
A malefic posited
In the House of Progeny
The Fifth House
Will destroy progeny !
Panchamastha Papasamstha
Putra nasam karothi
If a benefic be
Posited in the Fifth
The Eighth Lord excluded
There will be children !
Pisces ascending
And if Saturn be
In the Fifth, in Cancer
Lots of children indicated !
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If the lord of the Solar
The Sun, be posited therein
Lots of children indicated
Via a second wife !
If the fiery planet, Mars
Be posited in Cancer
In the Fifth House
Same result, O Scholar !
If Moon, females indicated
If Jupiter, same result !
If Mercury, less children
If Venus, same O Scholar !
If a natural malefic be
In exaltation or in own
Be in the House of Progeny
Good children indicated !
If a benefic tenants the
Sorrow due to children !
If Leo is the Fifth Sign
Or the Ninth from Lagna
And if a benefic tenant Five
Children via third wife !
Virgo ascending
With Jupiter in the Fifth
Can cause devastation
As far as Children are concerned !
Scoripio rising
With Jupiter in the Fifth
Same result forecast
Cancelled if benefics tenant
Ninth !
The Fifth lord in the
The Seventh lord in the
Are not good at all
From the perspective of
Progeny !