Vedic Astrology
Lesson 76
Of Directional Influences &
Prediction of Death
It is the period of
directional influence which determines the time, favourable or unfavourable, of
the native.
So Dasas or directional
influences play a pivotal role in Vedic Astrology, whether it be in Horary or
Natal. In Natal Astrology, the 120 Year Cycle, Vimshottari Dasa is used
generally. When the Moon's Navamsa dispositor is strong, Kala Chakra is used.
And in Horary the Dasa of the Triune Longitude, Trisphuta Dasa, a 360 days
cycle, is used.
A planet associated with
another planet will not give beneficent effects during the beginning or end of
its reign.
The cusp between two Dasas
is called a Dasa Sandhi. The cusp between Venus and the Sun is bad for
females. Cusp between the North Node and Jupiter is bad for males. And
the cusp between Mars and Rahu for all.
At the end of the periods of
Saturn, Rahu, Mars and the Sun, there will be disease, loss and quarrels. If
that planet is defeated in planetary war or be in the 8th, dealth is
indicated. The scholar should use his discretion, find out the strength of
planets and if weak, predict negativity.
The periods of malefic
planets always bring inauspicious results. The lords of 3,5,7 stars devastate
the native. Also the eighth lord. Their periods and sub-periods can only
bring ruin and bad health for the native.
If the Eighth lord (
who rules longevity ) and the lord of the 22nd decanate be weak and if posited
in 6,7,8 houses, maximum inauspicousness will be conferred. Those houses
suffer devastation.
On the positive side, if all
malefics tenant the Upachayas ( houses and if all benefics tenant
angles and trines, those planets will confer auspicousness during
their periods and sub periods.
These are malefics in the
horoscope. Saturn, Mandeeshwara ( lord of the Sign occupied by Gulika ),
lord of the 22nd decanate, Eighth lord & their Navamsa lords . If
the native is running the Dasa of the weakest of them and if Transit Saturn is
adverse, death can be predicted.
In Horay and Natal, one can
expect this question. "When will my mother in law peg out ?" They may not ask
like that, but the question will be " What about the longevity of my in
Death can be predicted
New Page 7
When Transit Sun transits
the Sign
Tenanted by the Eighth Lord
When Transit Moon transits
the Sign
Tenanted by the Sun
Find out 64th Lunar
Mansion, Navamsa, from the Birth Lunar Mansion or the Moon's Lunar Mansion.
Find out the Sign and when that Sign rises, death can ravage.
When Moon transits the Solar
Star ( the constellation tenanted by the Sun ), or the constellation tenanted
by the Eighth lord, Birth Star,3,57 Stars, Vainashikas like 108th lunar
mansion, 88th Lunar Mansion, death can ensue.
When Transit Saturn
The Signs of the malefics
Or when He trines them
Death may loom large !
Find out the weakest
Amongst Gulika, Moon
Lord of 22nd decanate,
The Eight lord from
And also Ascendant Lunar
When Transit Saturn trines
The weakest amongst them
Death may ensue !