Electional Hours for the Beginning of Education
Education or Wisdom is the greatest and without it man becomes an animal. "Wisdom is greater than riches, all things desirable are not comparable to Her" said Solomon. " There is nothing in this world which can be compared to Wisdom" says the Geetha.
These four stars are known as Kshipra Taras.
Kshipram smritham pushya tara hastashwinabhijith thada
The planet of Education, Mercury should not be combust ( He should not be within 13 degrees from the Sun ).
Mars in the Eighth from the Electional Ascendant, Muhurtha Lagna and malefics in Second and Fifth Houses are inasupicious. The Birth Star of the native is also taboo.
The Nitya, Karthru and Shad Doshas should be renounced for all electional hours.
The Auspicious Zodiacal Signs Rising
Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius are the Signs which are auspicious.
The Fixed Signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, are inauspicious.
Inauspicious &
Auspicious Week Days
The days of Moon, Mars and Saturn, Monday, Tuesday and Saturday are to be renounced. The day of Mercury, the planet of Education, Wednesday, is Excellent and the days of Freya, Friday and Thor, Thursday, are Uthama or very good.
On Vijaya Dasami day ( on the 10th Lunation of the Festival of Nine Nights ), all can start Education. All hours are auspicious on that glorious day. One should propitiate the Goddess of Education, Saraswathi, on the Ninth Lunation Day, Navami, in the lunar month of Aswina ( when the Full Moon occurs near Aswini, the first constellation ).