Vedic Astrology Lesson 65
About Progeny in Horary Astrology
When a query comes why a
couple do not have children, the astro scholar has to discern the reasons. The
Horary Chart helps a lot to understand the karmic reasons behind lack of
There will be queries like
Will the couple have children and when?
Here are some verses which
will help the scholar to answer such queries.
Jupiter is the significator of children, putra karaka and his position is of
paramount importance. The Fifth House is the House of Progeny.
Here we give ten verses which will aid the horary scholar to discern the
causes for the lack of progeny. He can suggest divine remedial measures to
overcome these karmic causes and take the client Godward.
If Jupiter be in angles
Or in trines or Rising
And be without aspects
Gain of children is
indicated !
If Gulika be in angles,
And if the House of Progeny
Is aspected by Saturn or is
house Saturnine
A foster child is indicated
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If the lord of the Fifth be
In quadrants, or in 9,11,12
And if he be powerful,
unaspected by malefics
Lots of children indicated !
If Rahu be in Fifth
With the lord of the Fifth
And if he be aspected by
Lack of children due to
curse from snakes !
If Saturn and his son be
In Fifth or Ninth House
Aspected by malefics
Lack of children due to
father's curse !
If Fifth lord be in Ninth
Aspected by malefics supreme
And associated with malefics
Lack of children due to
God's curse !
If the Lord of Fifth be
With Mars or the Sixth lord
Aspected by natural malefics
Lack of children due to
enemy's curse !
If Mars be with
The Lord of the Sixth, in
Without benefic aspect
Enemy is the cause !
If the Fourth be afflicted
By malefics, also Twelfth
And Fifth lord be with
Lack of children due to
mother's curse !
If the Fifth lord be with
And if Gulika is in trines
And if a malefic tenants
Lack of children due to
father's curse !
The divine remedial
measure is to chant the Santana Gopala Mantra, wear the Santana Gopala Yantra
and perform the Santana Gopala Homa.
This is the Santana
Gopala Mantra
Devakeee Sutha Govinda
Vasudeva Jagat pathe
Dehi me thanayam Krishna
Thvamaham Saranam gatha
O Lord of the Cosmos
Born as Devaki's beloved son
Give me an offspring, O Lord,
Thou art my only Refuge !
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