Astrology Lesson 61
Definitions of Eight
Equations of Horary Astrology
We have said that
Vedic Horary Astrology is characterised by Five Major Equations. There are
other equations which adorn Horary Astrology.
The task before the
astro scholar is immense. He has to prognosticate based on 9 planets and 12
constellations. Since that is inadequate, more diagnostic tools and equations
are given to him to assist in his noble task.
Here we give 8 more equations which can
be useful to the horary astrologic scholar.
The Eight Equations
or Sutras
We have said that the
major 3 Ascendants of Horary, Aroodha, Udaya and Chatra should be in good
relationship. If they are in trines, it is Jeeva, if two are in trines it is
Roga and none of them are in trines, it is Mrityu.
Same holds good for
the second comparison of Aroodha and Udaya Lords. Also for the 3rd, lords of
Aroodha and Udaya Navamsas.
Mandi Sutra
Mandi means Gulika.
Find out the position of Gulika and whether he is in angles or triangles. If
Mandi is in angles, it is Mrityu, if in 2,5,8,11 it is Roga and if in
3,6,9,12, it is Jeeva.
Trisphuta Navamsa
Dwadasasa Lord falling in negative regions
Trisphuta ( long gul +
long moon + long lag ) is found out and we find out whether it has fallen in
the negative regions of the Zodiac.
The first negative
region is Birth Star, Janma Nakshatra. If TRI falls in Birth Star, it is
considered negative.
Junctional Points of
the Zodiac ( Risha Sandhis)
Other negative regions
are the Junctional Points or Risha Sandhis. At 120,240 and 360 degrees, these
occur. They are junctional points and their length is 3 degrees 20 minutes.
If Tri is in between
116.666 and 120
236.666 and 240
356.666 and 360
it is considered
negative or Mrityu.
Lagna Sutra
Find out the position
of the Ascendant. If the Sign No of the Ascendant = Sign no Mandi, it is
Mrityu. If not it is Jeeva.
Trisphuta Sutra
Let us see whether TRI
or Trisphuta has fallen in signs occupied by malefics. The fiery planets are
Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu and if they occupy the same sign as TRI, it
is Mrityu,negative. Else it is Jeeva Sutra.
This is the table got after analysing the Eight
Equations or Sutras by our program
Equation or
1 |
Veedhi Chatra |
Sutra |
2 |
& Lagna Lords |
Sutra |
3 |
& Lagna Navamsa Lords |
Sutra |
4 |
Sutra |
Sutra |
5 |
Nav Dwa Falling in Janma |
Jeeva |
6 |
Nav Dwa Falling in Risha Sandhi |
Jeeva |
7 |
vis a vis Gulika |
Sutra |
8 |
with Malefics |
Sutra |
New Page 7
this Chart, positivity and negativity can be discerned. In Medical Horary, the
Five Major Equations are used. Say for example, if Akasha Sutra or Ether
Formula represented
by Jupiter is negative and if Jupiter is badly positioned in the
Chart Horary, there will be destruction of wealth, agriculture, good
will etc. If the query is about longevity, the longevity of the native can be
discerned from the above Mandi Sutra and from the position of TRI or
Prediction about
Trisphuta, as it deals with Mandi,
generally is used to predict Death. If Transit Saturn transits the trines
of Kharesa or Lord of the 22nd Decanate, then during that phase, death can occur ! (
Randhra thribhagapathi mandirage cha Mande Tasya Trikonamapi prapti vadanti
mrityum ). Or
during the time of Transit Jupiter, when he transits the trines of the
Ascendant decanate lord
( Udyag Driganapati Rasi gathe
Suredye Tatra trikonamapi gachathi va vinasam ).