Vedic Astrology Lesson 56
The Difficulties of Horary Astrology
Horary Astrology is
difficult as the scholar has to answer each and every question. He has two
major Lagnas, Udaya
and Aroodha and he has to
prognosticate according to the position of the heavens.
One of the major questions
he faces will be the onslaught of the enemy. The House of Enemy is the Sixth
How can he discern the Form
of the Enemy of the client ?
Form of enemy can be known
from the Sixth
Uncle or friend is indicated by Mercury
Intelligence son wealth mighty Jupiter
Women are represented by the fair Venus
Low minded is the satellite Gulika
Vicious people are ruled by Saturn
Cleverly dressed is the demon Rahu
Saturn shows the vicious & the dark
Enemy problem seen
If the Sixth House is
tenanted by malefics
If the Sixth House is
aspected by malefics
If Badhakesh is in the 6th.
If Mandeesha is in 6th.
If Badhakesh is in the House
of the 6th Lord.
If the 6 L ( Sixth Lord ) is
in Badha
If 6 L is with Gulika
If Badhakesh is in the
Fourth House.
If Badhakesh is in the
Seventh House
If Gulika is in Badha
If Jupiter is with Gulika
If Badhakesh is conjunct
with 6 L.
If Badhakesh is in
opposition with 6 L.
Badha is seen if
Ketu and Gulika are in
Quadrant from Lagna
Ketu and Gulika are in Quadrant from Badha
Rahu in 3rd and Gulika are in Quadrant from Lagna
Rahu in 3rd and Gulika are in Quadrant from Badha
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The Zodiacal Total
Longitude will help, to know the Negativity Factors
Zodiacal Number System : The
Total Longitude Method
If the Longitude Total falls in constellations
Not fully enjoyed will be the House
If - on the other hand - positivity is more than
All the significations of the House will fully
Negative will be the house
indications if
Said Longitude falls in Signs & Stars negative!
Samhara- Durithamsaka- Gandanda- Ushna- Visha
Dhooma stars - Vishti - 6 & 8th
lords Sign!
Signs rising backwards -Adhomukha Signs-Riktha
Downtide Signs -Karanas & functional malefics!
Positive be the house indications O scholar if
Said Longitude falls in Stars & Signs Positive!
Pranamsa - Dehamsa - Srishti - Piyusha - Oordhwa
Benefic aspects -benign- Uptide-Trines & angles !
If Enemy trouble is
seen, the client has to resort to Remedial Astrology
He can resort to chanting the Sudarshana Mantra - wear the
Sudarshana Yantra & perform the Sudarshana Havan for relief
from Satru Badha (torment from enemies). However this Tantric
rite is Vaishnavite & for faster action and quick
he can switch over to Pratyangari Mantra - Yantra - Havan.
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