The Zodiac Strength Analysis Method
In Sanskrit, Samjna means a name given to a planet. There are Seven Samjnas for planets.
There are Seven Names of Planets
Sampoorna | Maximum powerful |
Poorna | Medium powerful |
Riktha | Powerless |
Avarohee | Descending |
Madhya | Medium |
Arohinee | Ascending |
Adhama | Vicious |
Planets in the Sixfold Strength
Knowest thou not that planets called Vibala
Are planets weak in the Sixfold
Cancellation Bhanga they cause of Raja Yoga
And are harmful in their nature; Learned One!
This program checks for weak planets; weak in Shad
Know that Weak Planets cause Raja Yoga Bhanga
Exalted with other strengths is Sampoorna called;
Devoid of other strengths is Poorna; of medium
Below its average strength in Sixfold is Riktha;
Use these terms for correct prognostication O Noble
SUN | 469 | Strong | Sampoorna |
MOON | 362 | Strong | Poorna |
MARS | 289 | Weak | Riktha |
MERC | 432 | Strong | Poorna |
JUP | 540 | Strong | Sampoorna |
VEN | 411 | Strong | Sampoorna |
SAT | 404 | Strong | Sampoorna |
Certain planets have to get a minimum certain points or otherwise they are deemed Riktha or Weak. In the Sample Horoscope, Mars is Rikhta or Weak, attaining only 289 shashtiamsas. The Sun and Jupiter are strong with 469 and 540 shashtiamsas.
So we have to go in for this method, while evaluating horoscopes, to know which planet is powerful and which is not. Shadbala or the Sixfold Source of Planetary Strength is a great method and only if we follow this Zodiac Strength Analysis can we be able to know the total planetary strength. Most of the astrologers look at the Rasi and Amsa positions to determine planetary strength. This is merely superficial and that is why many predictions go wrong.
The two Sanskrit verses quoted above are from Hora, by Varaha. We have translated them as best as we could. A planet may look powerful in the Rasi chart. but he may not be powerful in the Sixfold, in Shad Bala. On the other hand, he may appear weak in Rasi, but may be powerful in the Sixfold.
The Importance of the Zodiac Strength Analysis Method in Horoscopy
The dasa of a Riktha or Weak planet will be fraught with problems - loss of wealth, unnecessary wanderings and journeys, danger to self and destruction to Guru figures ( sthanabramsa dhanakshayatma vipado gurvadi nasam thada ). Such a planet's reign is Anishta Phalada - sa dasa anishta phalada.
On the contrary, a Sampoorna planet will do good and such a planet's rule is Atheeve Guna Phalada - he will shower his blessings in the form of wealth and fame.
If a planet is Poorna or of medium strength, his dasa will be mixed - Sa Dasa Mishra Phalda. Good and bad experiences will characterise his period.