Astrology Lesson 51
Horary Chart for
Marriage and the Computation of Yama Shukra
When it comes to
a query regarding Marriage, Vivaha Prasna, the astro scholar has to
depend on Venus and his satellite, Yamashukra.
Find out the longitudes of Venus and
Yamashukra. Find out their positions from Aroodha and Udaya.
If Venus tenants
the 6,8,12 positions from Aroodha, marriage may be delayed.
If Yamashukra
tenants the 6,8,12 positions from Aroodha, delayed will be marriage.
If Venus tenants the
6,8,12 from Yamashukra, marriage will be delayed.
IF the Tenth lord from
Yamashukra tenants the 6,8,12 from Aroodha, marriage may be delayed.
If Yamasukra is in
adverse 6 8 12
Delayed will be the wedding bells!
Or Dasamesa from Venus' beloved son
Or Venus himself in 6 8 12 from son!
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The Computation of Veli
Sphuta, Nuptial Longitude
The longitudes of Asc
Venus Yamasukra
Is Veli Sphutam called, O learned One!
If V S is connected by malefics supreme!
Difficult be post marital happiness !
(Malefics supreme here denotes
Rahu - Ketu -
Gulika. Connection = either aspect/association)
Veli Sphuta = Long
Venus + Long Ascendant + Long Yamashukra
Compute Veli Sphuta. If
malefics vitiate the Sign of Veli Sphuta, post marital life may not
be happy.
If malefics tenant
the Veli Sphuta Rasi, happiness will become a difficult commodity.
If 3 malefics tenant
the 7th and 8th from Ascendant and if one of them is debilitated, post marital
happiness will be difficult to enjoy.
If Moon tenants the 6th
or 8th and if Mars tenants the 6 or 8 from Moon, the husband will die.
If Moon tenants the 6th
or 8th from the Horary Ascendant, afflicted by malefics, the couple may die
within 8 years.
If a malefic is
aspected by another malefic, and if he be debilitated or in inimical houses,
and that Sign becomes the Ascendant, the woman may become a widow.
If Moon and Mars tenant
the Ascendant or the 7th House, the husband may die in the 7th month.
If the Moon and
Ascendant have got benefic association or aspected by benefics, the couple
will have good longevity.
If Mars tenant the
houses and navamsas of Venus and if Venus tenants the navamsas and houses of
Mars, that woman's chastity may be doubtful. The combination of Venus and Mars
are not considered good for chastity.
If malefics tenant
the House of Progeny, the Fifth House, wife may not deliver or the children
delivered by her may die.
If malefis tenant
the House of Marriage, the Seventh House and if that House receives the aspect
of malefics, wife may be abandoned by the husband.
Great care should be
exercised while prognosticating Marriage. Venus and his satellite plays a
major role. Also the Seventh House, the House of Marriage !
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