Astrology Lesson 49
Definitions of Longitudes in Horary Astrology
We have defined Triune
Longitude or Trisphuta as the combined longitudes of Lagna, Moon and Gulika.
TRI = Long Moon + Long
Gulika + Long Lagna
The Fourfold Longitude,
Chatu Sphuta
If we add the longitude of
the Sun to TRI ( Trisphuta ), it becomes Chatu Sphuta, the Fourfold Longitude.
Chatu Sphuta = Long Sun
+ Long Lagna + Long Moon + Long Gulika.
or TRI + Long Sun.
The Fivefold Longitude,
Pancha Sphuta
If we add the longitude of
Rahu to Chatu Sphuta, we get Pancha Sphuta, the Fivefold Longitude
Pancha Sphuta = Long Rahu +
Chatu Sphuta
or TRI + Long Sun + Long
Now we will define the
famous Deha, Prana and Mrityu Sphutas
Deha means Body and Deha
Sphuta can be translated as the Physical Longitude.
Prana means Vital Energy and
Prana Sphuta can be translated as the Vital Longitude.
Mrityu means Death and
Mrityu Sphuta can be translated as the Death Longitude.
If we multiply the
Long Lagna into 5 and add the longitude of Gulika, we get Prana Sphuta
If we multiply the Long Moon
into 8 and add the longitude of Gulika, we ge Deha Sphuta
If we multiply the Long
Gulika into 7 and add the longitude of the Sun, we get Prana Sphuta
prana sphuta = ((lag*5) +
deha sphuta = ((moo*8)+ gul)
mrityu sphuta = ((gul*7) + sun)
The Subtle Triune Longitude
or Sooksham Trisphuta
If we add the longitudes of
Deha, Prana and Mrithy, we get the Subtle Triune Longitude or Sookshma
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sookshma trisphuta, STRI
= (prana+deha+mrityu)
If STRI ( Sookshma
Trisphutam ) Rasi is tenanted by planets the significations of that planet
will suffer.
For instance if Mars is in
STRI Rasi then danger to brother is indicated.
If Sun tenants the STRI Rasi
danger to father can be predicted.
If Moon tenants the STRI
Rasi danger to mother can be indicated.
If Jupiter tenants the STRI
Rasi danger to children can be predicted.
If Mercury tenants the STRI
Rasi danger to uncle can be predicted.
If Venus tenants the STRI
Rasi danger to wife can be indicated.
If Saturn tenants the STRI
Rasi danger to subordinates can be indi-
If Trisphuta Navamsa
Dwadasamsa Sphutam falls in Risha Sandhis or
the Janma ( 1st ) and Anujanma Stars of the Querent death can be
If the Querent's house
contain a member whose star is the same as
the TRI star disease can be predicted for him. Anu Janma stars can
also be taken into account.
If TRI is with the Nava
Doshas the querent may face danger.
Indications of TRI, Trisphuta
If TRI is in Srushti Khandas
- Mesha ,Vrishabha, Mithuna & Kataka -
in Srushti Nakshatras and if conjoined with benefics good longevity
is indicated.
If TRI falls in the Navamsas
of Mesha ,Simha or Dhanus good long-
evity can be indicated.
The Effects of the Subtle
Triune Longitude, STRI
If the Sookshma Trisphuta
Rasi or Sign is tenanted by planets, danger to their significations can be
If Sun tenants the STRI
Sign, danger to Father, as Sun represents the Father.
If Moon, danger to Mother.
If Mars, danger to brother
If Mercury, danger to
If Jupiter, danger to
If Venus, danger to wife.
If Saturn,danger to
If Rahu or Gulika tenant the
STRI Rasi, the querent may die.
If Gulika alone, danger to
If Ketu, danger to messenger
( the man who took the Aroodha ).