Vedic Astrology Lesson 187 

  The Bhukthis of Rahu Dasa


In the Bhukti of  Ketu,
During Rahu Dasa,
Affliction from enemies
Affliction from fire..


Affliction from weapons,
Weakness in body,
Unhappiness to friends,
Unahppiness to relatives.
Afflictions from poison,
Affliction from wounds,
Enmity with relatives,
Are all indicated !
In the Bhukti of  Venus,
During Rahu Dasa,
Gain of girl friends,
Gain of conveyances.
Gain of quadruped,
Gain of agri land, jewels
Affliction due to Vata and Kapha,
Enmity with near and dear.

In the Bhukti of  Moon,
During Rahu Dasa.
Affliction to wife,
Affliction to mind.


Quarrels and strife,
Lessening of business,
Agriculture, wealth,
Progeny, quadruped.


Sorrows to relatives,
Fear of water,
And  impending floods,
Are all indicated
In the Bhukti of  Mars,
During Rahu Dasa.
Fear of Government,
Fear of fire.


Fear of thieves,
Death or diseases painful.
Transfer of residence,
Mental afflictions.


Afflictions to Mnd

Afflictions to heart
Diseases of the eyes
Are indicated !









In the Bhukti of  Sun,
During   Rahu Dasa.
Affliction by enemies,,
Affliction to eyes.

Torment from fire,
Torment from weapons.
Crises galore,
Gain of wife and kids.