Vedic Astrology Lesson 165 

       Of the Horoscopy of Females !



Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo

Be the House Fifth
And malefics tenanting therein
She will have less wealth !
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo
Be the House Fifth
And malefics and benefics tenanting therein
She will have medium wealth!
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo
Be the House Fifth
And benefics tenanting therein
She will have wealth !
If the Moon be
With Venus and Mars
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Be in Martian or Saturnine houses
She will be a profligate !
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If in Martian or Saturnine houses
On in their Navamsas
Planets be, with benefics and Moon
Aspects by malefics supreme
Along with mother, a profligate !
If the Seventh from Ascendant be
A Martian Sign in Navamsa
Aspected by Mercury and Sun
She will have disease in private parts !
If the Seventh from Ascendant be
A Martian Sign in Navamsa
If benefics tenant those Navamsas
She will be with children and prosperous !
If two malefics tenant  Second
She will be oversexed
She may be widowed
If three malefics tenant
She will bring notoriety
Destroyer of husband
If benefics tenant Second
She will be regal !
If Saturn and Venus be
In mutual interchange
In Rasi or Navamsa
Or in Opposition
And if birth be
With Aquarius ascending
And they be in Eighth Navamsa
She will be highly oversexed !
If the Seventh House
From the Lunar Ascendant
Be tenanted by a malefic
She may become a widow !
If the Seventh House
From the inconstant Moon
Be tenanted by a benefic
She will be fortunate !
If the Ascendant be
Tenanted by Venus and Moon
Ravishing she becomes
With pleasure and anger !






