Vedic Astrology Lesson 163 

          Of Female Horoscopy


If the Signs owned by Saturn and Mars

Be the Ascending Sign
And if Moon and Venus tenant therein
She and her mother - Oldest Profession !
If the Seventh House be
In the Navamsa of Mars
With Saturnine aspect
She will have vaginal disease !

If a benefic has his Amsa

In the said Seventh
She will be fortunate
And dear to spouse !
If a malefic is posited in the Seventh
Weak and aspected by benefics
She will be renounced by husband
So say Astro classics !
If the said planet be
In Signs inimical
Or in debilitation signs
She will be inimcal to husband !
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If the Sun be in the Seventh
And  aspected by planets inimical
She will be abandoned by spouse
According to Astro classics !
If Mars  be in the Seventh
Be aspected by planets inimical
She will be widowed
So say the Astro wise !
If the Seventh House
Be tenanted by both
Malefics and benefics
She will remarry !

Agneyer vidhastha rasi sahitai
Mishrai Punarbhoor Bhaveth
If the Seventh House
Be tenanted by Saturn
She will be sans marriage
With life miserable ! 

If the Seventh House be
A malefic house
And if Saturn and Mars tenant
She will be widowed !
If the Seventh House be
Occupied by  the Moon
She will be a profligate
Along with spouse !
If the Fifth House be
Tenanted by a malefic
And if  the Ascendant
Falls in Signs, Martian or Saturnine 
And if Moon or Venus
Tenant the said Sign
She will be impotent !






