Vedic Astrology Lesson 155     

 About the Sixth Lord                                                                           


Signs from One to Six from Sun
Are Oordha Mukha called
From Seven to Twelve
Are Adhomukha Rasis called !
The first part of any decanate
Is known as Karma

The second part is Bhoga

And third part Nasa !
If the Fourth lord is exalted
Or with the Ascendant lord
Or with Venus and Jupiter
He will be a landlord !
If Jupiter is in the Fourth
Or with benefics in Fourth
Or if Fourth is aspected by Venus
He will be a landlord !
If Capricorn is Fourth
And if Mars is in Fourth
And if Saturn be with Jove
Landlord he becomes !
If Venus is lord of the Fourth
And if Mars aspects Venus
He will have many houses
So say the Astro wise !
If the Fourth lord is in the Fourth
And if Jupiter aspects Mars exalted
Native owns many houses and lands
Such is Astrology's decree !
If the Eighth lord is in Lagna
Native becomes a patient
If the Sixth lord is in Ascendant
Will be subject to enemy trouble !
If the Sixth lord be with Mars
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will be persecuted
By weapons or diseases !
If the Sixth lord be with Mercury
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will be persecuted
By Pitha generated diseases !
If the Sixth lord be with Jupiter
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will have no diseases
So say the Astro wise !
If the Sixth lord be with Saturn
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will be persecuted
By thieves and enemies !
If the Sixth lord be with Venus
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will be persecuted
By women and wife !
If the Sixth lord be with the Nodes
Or with the lord of Lagna
Native will be persecuted
By animals and snakes !






