Vedic Astrology Lesson 136  

 Mass Horary, Ashta Mangalya Prashna 


For Ashta Mangalya Prashna

Mass Horary done by many
You have to know the date auspicious
So say Astrology's classics !
Avoid these stars
Which are not Anna !
Gandantha, Ushna, Visha
Ashtami, Vishti, Riktha !
Sthira Karana, Thidhi Sandhi
Nakshatra Sandhi, Rasi Sandhi
Gulika rising, Ekargala, Eclipse
Dagdha Yoga, Mrityu, Sarpa Sheersha
Electional Ascendant
Aspected by malefics
Thrayodashee Pradosha
Sankranti, Stars 3,5,7
The Eighth Sign from Moon
Known as Chandra Ashtama
The Eighth Sign from Lagna
The Lagna Ashtama
Avoid these bad periods
For all things Horary !
Those which are not Anna Stars
New Page 7


Bharani, Aridra, Aslesha
Karthika, Magha, Pubba
Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha
Poorvabhadra, Vishakha
Are to be renounced !
Whereas the Anna stars are Shubha !
Nakshatra Sandhi
Is the 24 mins, one Nadi
At the start and end
Of a Nakshatra, Asterism !
Thidhi Sandhi
Is the 24 mins, one Nadi
At the start and end
Of a Lunation, Thidhi !
Sandhis of Rasi
Is Five Vinadis
5*24 seconds
At the start and end !
Sandhis of Amsa
Is one Vinadi
24 seconds
At the start and end !
Magha and Sunday
Vishakha and Monday
Aridra and Tuesday
Moola and Mercury
Sathabhisha and Thursday
Rohini and Friday
Uthrashada and Saturday
Are Mrityu Yoga called !
Wednesday and Second Lunation
Tuesday and Fifth, Panchami
Thursday and Sixth, Shashti
Friday and Eighth, Ashtami
Monday and Eleventh, Ekadasi
Saturday and Ninth, Navami
Are Dagdha Yoga called !






