Vedic Astrology 133  

Of Medical Astrology



The patient will be longlived

If Ascendant lord is angular
Or if Jove tenants angles
So say the astro wise !
If the Sixth lord is powerful
And if a benefic is in Lagna
The patient will improve
And move into the health zone !
The patient will be longlived
If Ascendant lord is angular
Or if Venus  tenant angles
So say the astro wise !
If no malefics tenant
Trines and angles
New Page 7


And if Jove is angular
The patient will improve !
Even though Jove angular
Is extolled by the savants
In Medical Horary, in disease states
His angular position is baneful !
Also the Lord of the Eighth
Lord of Sign tenanted by Gulika
The planet of boundless Time, Saturn
Their angular position is also bad !
If the Ascendant lord be
Unaspected by malefics
Aspected by benefics
The native lives long !
If Full Moon
Be with Eighth lord
And if the Ascendant lord is strong
High longevity is the result !
If Lagna, Aroodha, Moon
Are in angles
Aspected by benefics
And its lords
Are in Five, Seven, Nine
And if powerful benefics
Are angular
There will be decrease in disease
Prosperous, native lives  long !
If the Lagna lord is strong
In exaltation, own house
Or in house friendly
The native will live long !
If the lord of Eighth
And the lord of Tenth
Are powerfully posited
High longevity decreed !
When it comes to longevity
The Tenth House is considered
Also the lord of the Tenth
There are many such dictums !






