Vedic Astrology Lesson 112   



Of the Effects of Venus in Different Signs            


Pisces is the exaltation Sign of Venus

Native becomes a scholar
And will get royal favour
From the Government and lords !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Aries
Will be fond of women and sex
And loser of wealth due to same
Bringing ill reputation to his tribe
He who is born when Venus  tenants  Taurus
Becomes self made by sheer merit
Lover of music and adored
And Redeemer of own tribe !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Gemini
Will be a doer of regal acts
Well off and well versed in the arts
Such is Astrology's decree !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Cancer
Will have two wives or affairs
Will stoop to conquer
Arrogant and oversexed !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Leo
Will have less sons
And wealth acquired from women
And with a majestic wife !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Virgo
Will be the doer of vile acts
May do ignoble acts
Shashta gathescha Neecha Karma !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Libra
Redeems his tribe with noble deeds
Adored, with a flair for music
And  self made !
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He who is born when Venus  tenants  Scorpio
Will lose wealth due to women
As he is fond of sex unlimited
And bring ill reputation to his tribe.
Para yuvathi rathasthaartha vadair
Hritha Vibhava Kulapamsana Kujarkshe
He who is born when Venus  tenants Sagittarius
Will have wealth beyond avarice's dreams
Will be adored by the multitude
Such is Astrology's decree !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Capricorn
Will have a handsome body
And subservient to women
And lover of women unethical !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Aquarius
Will have weakness for women
With handsome mein
Attracted to women immoral !
He who is born when Venus  tenants Pisces
Gets favor from Government
Will be respected by officials worldwide
Scholarly, intelligent  and wise !






