Astronomy & Maths are inseparable from Astrology. The father of Indian Astrology, Varaha Mihira ( 500 A
C E ), was not only an astrologer, he was an astronomer & mathematician par excellence. The trignometric equation Sin^2 ( x ) + Cos^2 ( x ) = 1 is attributed to this Master. (The word Trignometry derives from the Sanskrit Thrikonamithi & Geometry from Jyamithi). He wrote masterpieces in Astronomy ( Pancha Siddhantika ) & Astrology ( Horasastra ). In Astronomy and Maths, he had risen to the level of Kepler & Laplace, only to be matched by geniuses like Aryabhata, Brahmaguptha, Bhaskara, Sir Simon Newcomb, Brown & Leverier !
was the most brilliant amongst the Nine Gems ( Nine
Intellectuals), who adorned the court of King
Khyato Varaha Mihiro Nripater Sabhayam ).
He had acquired immense spiritual
powers due to Transcendental Meditation. He
postulated the Helio-centric Theory of Gravitation,
that all planets revolve around the Sun due to
Celestial Gravity. ( Soorya Jagathah Chakshu -
Guruthwakarshan ).
postulated that the planets traverse in elliptical
orbits around the Sun, that planets move faster at Sheeghrocha
( Perihelion - the point in orbit nearest to the Sun )
& slower at Mandhocha - ( Aphelion - the
point in orbit farthest from the Sun), that in order to
get the true longitudes of planets, one has to give Jya
Samskaras ( trignometric corrections to reduce
them from Circular to Elliptical, from Mean to
True ), long before the great Johannes Kepler
discovered them in the Western World !
is the strengths of planets due to diurnal or nocturnal
influences. Known as Divaratri Bala, it consist of Diurnal
Strength ( Diva Bala ) & Nocturnal Strength ( Ratri
Bala ).
While Midday is defined as the LMN ( Local Mean Noon ), the Seers have recommended that if the birth time is marked in LMT ( Local Mean Time ), it must be converted into LAT ( Local Apparent Time) by applying the Equation of Time. The Midnight is when the Sun is in the Lower Meridian of the place & this is reckoned as 12 O Clock Midnight.
A day is 360 degrees and the Interval between Midday & Midnight & vice versa is 180 degrees. LMT should be converted to LAT ( Local Apparent Time ) by applying the Equation of Time. Then convert Birthtime reckoned from Midnight into degrees at 15 degrees per hour ( Ardha Rasi Bhaveth Hora ) and apply the following rule ( If birthtime in degrees exceeds 180, subtract it from 360 )
in Shastiamsas
Fifteen days make a Fortnight ( Paksha ) and a Paksha = 15 Lunar Days. When the Moon waxes it is Shukla Paksha ( bright half of the lunar month ) and he wanes, it is Krishna Paksha ( dark half of the lunar month ). During the Dark Half, the malefics are powerful and during the Bright Half, the benefics !
Two major factors, the Obliquity of the Ecliptic ( 23.45 degrees ) and the Earth's Orbital Eccentricity ( .0167 ) are responsible for the Equation of Time, which is best illustrated by an Analemma or the Figure 8 in the heavens ! The Earth moves fastest at Perihelion ( Jan 3 ) & slowest at Aphelion ( Jul 3 ).
To find out whether birth occurred during the Dark Half or the Bright Half, subtract LongSun frm LongMoon. If the difference is < 180, it is the the Bright Half ( Shukla Paksha ) and if > 180 degrees, it is the Dark Half ( Krishna Paksha ).
Equations for 60 Degrees Strength ( Thribhaga Bala )
Divide Day ( Ahas ) & Ratri by 3 ( 180/3 = 60 degrees ). 60 degrees is a Thribhaga.
Mercury, Sun and Saturn rule the Thribhagas of the Day
Moon, Venus & Mars rule the Thribhagas of the Night
Find out the Thribhaga when birth has occurred. Assign 60 Shastiamsas to the ruling planet of that Thribhaga. Assign 60 Shastiamsas to Jupiter, who always gets 60 Shastiamsas !
So only 2 planets gets Thribhaga Bala of 60 Shastiamsas !
So you will find that Mathematical Astrology is not easy, nor is it difficult !