Continued from Vedic Astrology 27 A - 

The 27 Constellations in Hindu Astrology 
Delta Leonis : Pooram



Their straightforwardness creates enemies. They  may not get the full level of progress or the  full  fruition of their deeds  but they will not be  considered as a failure. Their aesthetic sense arouses the envy of  many. They prefer a peaceful life without much show and power. They   are  noble  in all dealings and they  will earn the name of a  decent  gentle person  in society.  They are destined to succeed in all that  they   do.  Since they  are not diplomatic and do not go out of  the way to  please people  they  may be confronted by many problems and obstacles. They   have  a big circle of friends as they are sincere and honest.  Some people  consider them  egotistic & overconfident. They  may have gas trouble &  stomach related problems.  A happy successful life is indicated.  Marital  life is good even  though  there  may  be  rifts  within the lute. Their  love of material comforts & friends surpasses everything.

Beware of these diseases - Heart troubles - diseases of legs and ankles - BP - gout - lumbago-  sciatica operation.
Nature - Generous -  honest - cautious- fond of sweets -over sexy fond of company of other's wives-  fond of eating
Gemstone - Wearing Diamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.


Beta Leonis
: Uthram


They are self made men blessed  by  many versatile qualities. They are considered lucky. They cannot curb expenditure and  this  takes a heavy toll of their purse. They are hedonists and pleasure seeking is their pastime. Decency and sincerity form part of their  persona. They are good at heart and  this earns many friends & enemies. Their  levels of patience and tolerance are very  low. When they get angry they lose  control and forget the environment.  After the  spasm is over  they  become repentant. They  are  prepared  to  help  without caring a hoot about self. Their  hardwork makes them workaholics and all  difficulties  which they  encounter are overcome by  patience. They do not at all like criticism  even  though it is constructive. They  meet all their  targets in life. They  are born in a solar constellation  and  become  endowed  with  all the solar qualities like magnanimity, nobility & spirituality.
Beware of these diseases - Intestinal and bowel disorders - sore throat - gout.
Nature - First child daughter -  tactful -  mother  longlived - separation from children in old age - more than one wife-loss of money through women.
Gemstone - Wearing Ruby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.

Delta Corvi : Atham


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                                  Corvus or Hasta 

They encounter occasional failures and they  become melancholic as a result. Powerful hindrances appear in their path to success and they come back again into their shell. Their lack  of diplomacy earns many enemies. This is a serious obstacle to their  success. They are burdened by many responsibilities and problems &  their financial progress is affected. Despite  many  rifts  within  the lute  marital life reaches happiness level. They love  regality and  refuse to do any menial work. They  are burdened  with many responsibilities and problems and this  affects their  financial progress.  Life is pleasant to them. They are forewarned about falling into relations which may create scandals and thereby earn the displeasure of their partner. They  become lucky after marriage.  Problems  regarding their better half  are  likely.  Sudden  adverse effects  appear on the path to  progress  regressing their forward movement.
Beware of these diseases - Stomach troubles - Vit B deficiency eye- troubles  -  gout - worms -  diarrhoea -  dysentry -  neuralgia - jaundice -skin troubles.
Nature - Magician - astrologer - industrious - prudent - thievish.
- Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Alpha Virginis : Chithra


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Their courage earns good laurels &  They can face any sort of crisis Their  abnormal  skill  makes  them  uncontrollable.  They  are quite stern & with tremendous  will-power  but  may appear  as affable & accomodative. In fact  they do not care for even the advice of their better half.  This generates enmity  and  opposition. They are ready to  do anything for those whom they love. They  tend to be too independent and this can become a negative trait  under certain circumstances.  They have to incorporate  the spirit  of interdependence. They are born in a  martian constellation  and all the martial qualities  like courage liberal outlook and  charitable   nature  are inherent in them. Their fortitude in the  face  of adversity is amazing.   They are ready  to do any  hard  work and tend  to become workaholics.  They are adventurous and  dashing.   They  will do well in speculation and trade.
Beware of these diseases -  Bowel disorders -  worms -    fevers - wounds from animals - skin troubles.
Nature - Fond of drinking - bold & courageous - troubles  through first son - quarrelsome. 
Gemstone - Wearing Red Coral can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.
Alpha Bootis : Chothi - Swathi


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They are born in  a  nodal  constellation  ruled  by the North Node,  Rahu. They are skilled  and  specially  talented. They  cannot  tolerate any  kind of criticism  even  though  it  is   constructive.   They  will  be unkind  towards  their  critics .  They  create  more  enemies  with their bold and  uncompromising  approach. They will find  it  difficult  to  work  under  anybody  as  ego problems  surface. They  do not  go  out  of  the  way  to  please  people. They  do  not  give respect  easily. Scandals  and  blames  rise  as  their adamant and recalcitrant behavior is  known  to  society. They  have  more enemies  than  friends . They  are   fond  of  those  who love them. Their  strong  will-power  and  sangfroid  are    helpful  in  many areas. They  have  to  guard  themselves  against  stomach  problems. They  have to  make special efforts  to  make  their   domestic  life happy and healthy. Their life  will be subject to dire vicissitudes and  they  have  to  turn to  prayer  and  meditation  for  getting mental peace.
Beware of these diseases -Urinary troubles - eczema -skin troubles - leprosy - toothache.
Nature - Loose temper - fond of luxuries - extravagant - troubles through children - clever in speech.
Gemstone - Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Beta Librae : Visakham 


They are  unorthodox and give less  importance to the  thoughts of ancient times. They have independent  views on life in general. They move away  from other  members of the  family. They  are  efficient at work. They  practise the principle "Economy is prudence". They do not believe anything  blindly. Their  understanding  and compassion and their love for all human  beings  are  worthy of  attention. On the  other  hand  they  are hedonists  interested in  the mundane pleasures of life. They want to enjoy at any cost and they are ready to spend anything for it. They have a prosperous life with partner and children.
They are born in a Jupiterian constellation and  naturally  they are endowed  with all the qualities of Jupiter.  Patience  purity  and perseverance are their  hallmarks. They are wise and kind. Their love universal for all creatures  will earn them  laurels. Their altruism and optimistic approach is excellent.
Beware of these diseases -Skin eruption -diabetes - kidney trouble - headache - fevers.
Nature -  Ungrateful -  talented - broad-minded - short-tempered - troubles in getting higher education - loss of first wife.
Gemstone - Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.
Delta Scorpi : Anizham


They are born in a saturnine constellation and hence they face problems more than anybody else. They do not get the  reward they deserve. Saturn is the  melancholy planet and he can give a  melancholic  temperament. Unwise thinking and simplicity often put them in trouble. They are forewarned against  argumentative disputes, competitions which are unhealthy &  drinks.  They  are hedonists and sometimes go out  of the way in their  pleasure-seeking. This may  have  effects  which  are damaging.  While luxury do not appeal to them  nor fanciful dresses  They  do love the mundane pleasures of  life. They are quite attractive to  women and appeal to them with strong feelings. They do enjoy family life thoroughly with wife and children. Great patience &   perseverance are imparted by Saturn and their  tolerance & patience level rise.
Beware of these diseases - Constipation - piles - nasal catarrh - sore throat - hipbone fracture - stomach troubles.
Nature - Fond of travel - grave - cruel - vindictive - dishonest - troubles through children.

Gemstone - Wearing Blue Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.


Alpha Scorpi : Thrikketta

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They  are born in a mercurial constellation and hence they are endowed with a mercurial temperament. They wax and wane and their life is marked by dire  vicissitudes. They take  decisions without thinking and this  lack  of forethought  puts them in trouble. They are quite knowledgeable and they  are  likely to stay abroad. Their outlook is unique and their tolerance level is low when they deal with unpleasant and difficult  situations. They will get a lot of relief if they speak out their problems  with  someone whom they trust. Independent outlook  & strong will  power  are  helpful to their  progress. They do not go out of the way in pleasing people and lack of diplomacy is also a deterrent to success. Happy married life with wife. They  have to  control their urge to be inebriated. Scandals & blames have to be countenanced by them even though  they are  innocent. They will have a good house but misunderstanding with wife and children are quite possible. They  feel helpless before Fate. Solution - God.

Beware of these diseases - Bleeding piles - fistula - bowel disorders - pain in arms and shoulders.
Nature - Ingenius - bold - witty - poisonous tongue - will not have many friends - energetic.
Gemstone - Wearing Emerald  can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.


Lamda Scorpi : Moolam


They are born in a nodal constellation  and hence  may  not the get the success they  deserve  particularly in the  realm of Economics. Their asterism  turns  them  to  spirituality  through suffering. They  are associated with  nobility and royalty  in  one way or another. They are sincere and  humorous. They are born optimists and do not exercise economy  which is prudence. They get contacts  of powerful people. Their humility  will earn laurels. They  have to control the urge and the impulse to be inebriated. Their general knowledge will be  excellent. Happy  married life  with wife. They  are forewarned about  health  hazards. Problems  due to  partner or children. They may  not  be  diplomatic  which  causes problems.  They may have to face many  a sorrow and  they are bound to be melancholic. They have to turn  to  prayer & meditation to gain inner strength and peace. Yoga can change them  totally.
Beware of these diseases -Rheumatism - Sciatica - lumbago - hip diseases - pulmonary troubles.
Nature - Noble - honest - God fearing.


Gemstone - Wearing Cat's Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.


Delta Sagittari : Pooradam  


vedic astrology lesson 27b,, hindu astrology software research and consultancy,pooradam


They are born with  the  divine gift of articulate speech.  They are quite imaginative and they criticise others without bothering about their  opinions. They  may  not have  parental luck. Their  involvement may be misunderstood  by  their  partner . They trust  people and this may land them in  trouble. They do  not  change  the  words they spoke  or break the  promises they  made and they will be known as people of  high  integrity. The  early  part  of  life is a sacrifice  for the family. A marriage based on  sentiment or  a  delayed  one is indicated. Their married life may not be happy. 


They are born in a Venusian constellation and hence all the  Venusian qualities they are  endowed with. They love romance and the material  pleasures. Venus is the planet  of  Love and  this  asterism makes them romantic and partake all the pleasures of the mundane.

Beware of these diseases - Sciatica - diabetes - gout - lung disorders - lumbago - hip knee disorders.
Nature - Over-liberal - broad-minded - optimistic.
Gemstone - Wearing Diamond  can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.
Delta Sagittari : Uthradam


vedic astrology lesson 27b,, hindu astrology software research and consultancy,uthradam

They are subject to dire vicissitudes  as they  are  born in a solar constellation. The solar virtues of nobility and spirituality  are latent in them. They are always shrewd and calculating in their words and actions. Sudden reversals are to be expected and they have  the innate  ability to overcome all obstacles. They always take decisions with the people who  are  elder to them and whom they  respect. They do not like to exhibit and demonstrate. They are always  orderly and systematic. They cannot talk unpleasantly to others.  Happiness is  adversely  affected by  the  ill-health  of  wife and  progeny.  They do not speak  much  and always are of equanimity of mind . They are always dignified and regal in behavior. If  they choose  politics as their field they  are bound to do  well as Sun rules politics.  They have in depth  learning and inclination towards occult  sciences. Their life becomes chaotic &  they have to turn to prayer and  medi-
tation to overcome the hindrances in life.
Beware of these diseases - Sciatica - eye troubles - disorders of limbs - consumption - gout - toothache.
Nature - Religious-minded - cheerful & benevolent - few sons - many daughters - fond of travel.

Gemstone - Wearing Ruby   can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.



Alpha Aquilae : Thiruvonam


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They are born in a lunar  constellation. They  are subject to waxing and waning like the  Moon &  they are subject to dire vicissitudes. They are noble in outlook and aristocratic in behavior. The reward they  get in return  may not be pleasant. Their love  for others may not be reciprocated. They  are not prepared to live a mediocre life.  They want gaiety and  all material comforts. They are high-principled and noble minded. They have a  rugged exterior  but  heart of gold. Only those who are close to them understand  how  different they are in  actuality. They are blunt and are not  diplomatic.  If they feel something is  truth  they tell it bluntly without taking  into cognizance other's  feelings. They sacrifice for  the  growth  of the family. They are of a melancholic temperament and worry  about one problem or the other. There may be  disappointments in life but ultimately the life with their better half will be happy. They are  altruists basically and devote their life to the betterment of the human race
Beware of these diseases - Skin troubles - gout - stomach troubles -heart troubles - consumption.
Nature - God fearing - fond of astrology - sweet natured.
Gemstone - Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.

Alpha Delphini  : Avittam


vedic astrology lesson 27b,, hindu astrology software research and consultancy,avittam



They are born in a Martian constellation  &  all the martial qualities they will have. Courage  fortitude  &  presence  of  mind  are some of the enviable Martian qualities. They are liberal in outlook and charitable. Despite  their  educational  background they exhibit special intellectual  abilities. Their efficiency,  ability and skill will earn laurels and  help.  They achieve good position in life. They will be  worried about one thing or  the other always. Self respect and  Ego they prize above anything else. Do not  believe others too much. They will be  attracted to science & literature. They are wise and self-confident. They  have to tell their partner to properly care for their  health. They have to incorporate the qualities of patience & perseverance in their life. They are prone to jumping to conclusions based on incomplete facts. They  have  to  rely on a senior man for counsel and wise words can really help them in crisis.
Beware of these diseases - Diseases of leg bones - cough and cold- heart troubles - fainting - respiratory diseases - indigestion.
Nature - Fond of eating - quarrelsome - shorttempered - sincere - impotent - unhappy conjugal life - separation from wife - sexually weak.
Gemstone - Wearing Red Coral Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.


Lamda Aquari : Chathayam


They are born in a nodal  constellation  which gives unstable life. They are short  tempered  by nature. Their asterism is ruled by Rahu, an incendiary  planet. They  will be good at gambling & speculation They are good at diplomacy  and  rhetoric. Their life becomes chaotic as many unpleasant  experiences  they undergo marks its  impression on them. They  are  subject to  mental  fluctuations. They are good conversationalists.  Difficulties  due  to wife  and  separation is indicated. Urinary problems indicated.  Their  tolerance  and patience levels are low. They are particular about  order  &  systematic they are  about traditional practices.  They will  be  misunderstood  by  many  and  their life  becomes  unstable.  They  crave  for  mental  peace  and the best remedy  is to turn to  yoga  &  meditation.  Bhakti  Yoga can give them much needed solace from the bruises suffered in life.
Beware of these diseases - Heart trouble - gout - arthritis - BP -fracture of hip bones - palpitation - eye troubles.
Nature - Lazy - fond of leisure - angry - cruel - sickly wife - troubles in old age.
Gemstone - Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Alpha Pegasi : Poororuttathi


They are born in a Jupiterian  constellation  and all the qualities of  Jupiter they are endowed with right from  childhood. The triple Ps  of Purity Patience  &  Perseverance  and  the great quality of resilience.  Jupiter stands for Justice and  they will do your very best to  uphold the ideals of Justice. Jupiter  stands for honesty & sincerity and for  the alleviation of human  suffering. They will have Divine Grace when they are confronted by  a bad situation. They will crave for spiritual solace and will get it in need.
They are highly skilled  which is conducive to professional enhancement. Their reputation  will  travel wide  and they progress in the field of spirituality. They do  not  withdraw from any problem when they are involved in it. Their love  and  consideration  always wins laurels.


Alpha Andromeda : Uthrattathi


vedic astrology lesson 27b,, hindu astrology software research and consultancy, uthrattathi


As gentlemen they  stand on strong  principles. They  gain  acceptance and respect  from  people more than from wealth. Impractical but  straightforward  clear  thinking.  They cannot be blind to religion  or  any  other   belief. Short-tempered persons by nature,  they  are  practical  and calm. If there  is  someone  to encourage they can achieve still higher levels  of  performance.  Though they are ready to do any service for others  what they  get in return is lack  of consideration.  Family problems, stoppages, obstacles and delays  may  have to be faced occasionally.  False prestige stands against  their interest and progress. The second half of  their life span is  comparatively  enjoyable. Very  devoted  to their wife.
Beware of these diseases -Toothache - fevers - small-pox - dropsy - stomach disorders - rheumatism - consumption.
Nature - Sickly partner - troubles through children - altruistic.
Gemstone - Wearing Blue Sapphire fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them  more fortunate.  



Zeta Piscium  : Revathi

vedic astrology lesson 27b,, hindu astrology software research and consultancy,revathi


They  are a sincere, straightforward  and  open-minded. Though short-tempered they  do  not  conceal  anything  or  pretend to  be somebody else  outside. They are confident  of what they  think  and do and hence stick to the same  irrespective  of  what others say. Their decisions are normally  slow or  delayed. They  may  not  care for  others  beyond  a  limit.  They  are  very   independent  too. Disagreements  with  wife or long  separations in  married life is likely.  Better they take care of their heart and stomach.'


