trust people too much and this tendency is not good in
a fraudulent world. They are capable of
overcoming any problem but they are never systematic. They
have to be careful about trusting men in
business deals. They cool off fast enough even
though they are systematic. They are pleased easily. They do
not any financial planning. They may have to
face scandals. They will earn the love and affection
of their relatives. Better period turns out to be the middle
and second half. They do not get the same pleasure from
children. They will spend for decorative items for their
better half. They are weak-minded in certain areas and the
levels of tolerance and patience are low. They
are capable of finding faults with others but
they are harmless. Urinary problems / problems
connected with lungs possible. They have to
incorporate patience & perseverance.
of these diseases - Sore Throat - cough & cold
eye-troubles ailments of legs and feet - apoplexy -
menstrual trouble.
Good nature - pleasant manners - fond of music art &
literature- enjoys the company of opposite sex - sweet
tongued - flamboyant - many sons.
Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord
and this will make them more fortunate.
Orionis :
Makiryam - Mrigasira
or Meissa
is the best credential for success in life and they
carry out this principle to the very end. The
second half of their life span will be
very comfortable . They will have professional
reputation and enhancement. Pivotal role will be
played by mother in their life and progress.
They do not blindly believe anybody even though
they respect and listen to other's
opinions. A principled life appeals to you. They will
have somebody to direct and control in the early period so
that the path chosen becomes the correct one.
They have to understand that the
real cause of progress is their life partner. Mental
strength is wanting and becomes upset by
triflings. They believe that
cleanliness is next to godliness. Stomach
problems must be kept under control. Their
ego becomes a problem creator. They should curb the tendency
to gossip.
of these diseases - Throat troubles- adenoids - fevers -
nose-bleed - goitre - polypus - arms fracture - disorders of
secret parts gout.
- Unhappy conjugal life - quick witted - fluent - magnetic
-industrious and wealthy danger of accidents.
Wearing Coral can fortify the birth
constellational lord and this will make them more
Orionis :
Thiruvathira - Aridra

research mind and the ability to
concentrate on more than one thing at a time are
some of the qualities bequethed by this
nodal constellation . They shine in
public activities. They are cooperative and
impartial. Their sincerity and
honesty will pay good dividends in
the long run. For their travel and staying
in faraway places are favourable.
They always perform far below their
potential . The enemy and the
hindrance for that is that
they are unable to please others at
any cost or bow in front of others. They feel that
the satisfaction derived from their better half
is below expected standards. Rifts with wife in family
life even though life becomes peaceful and
pleasant. Pleasure from children also becomes
scarce. Medical attention is needed for
blood and reproductive system. They progress
well in wisdom and the gain of knowledge.
They have innate ability to speculate and
achieve success in speculation.
of these diseases - Throat troubles- mumps- gout- ear
troubles- red eyes - urinary troubles.
- Active - fond of company of other's
wives - danger of accidents.
Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord
and this will make them more fortunate.
Geminorum :
- Punarvasu - Punartham

always rebel against anything unfair and untrue
as they are a born gentlemen. They believe in fair
play. Skill and luck combine to make them perfect
artists. They tend to follow the philosophic
path and give priority to respect and
acceptance. Despite fiscal progress discord is rampant
in the family atmosphere. They are easily
pleased and irritated. They have to be
careful about their words and speech. Health is
good but there is an element of fear lurking around. They
may be plagued by problems from children. They enjoy
all the modern facilities of life. As they
are born in a Jupiterian constellation there
is Divine Grace and innate philosophical
qualities. Jupiter gives wisdom and
comfort and above all mental peace and a sense
of fulfillment. Lord Rama was born in
their star and all the qualities he had - viz
the will to sacrifice patience purity and
perseverance - they will have.
of these diseases - Pleurisy - bronchitis - dropsy - stomach
troubles - dyspepsia - lung troubles - headache - pains in
the body eye troubles.
- Sharp intellect- good memory - honest - sincere - reliable
fond of business afraid of girls.
Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth
constellational lord and this will make them more
Cancri :
Pushya Pooyam
are skilled and efficient. Sometimes they work without
any sense of purpose and some projects do not
meet with success. They always are
away from their place of domicile. They derive
pleasure from travelling. They may not get much
parental property. They become self made men and
achieve necessary prosperity. Normally they do not get
domestic happiness. They are forewarned about
choosing friends. They will be misunderstood and
they will misunderstand their wife as
well. They are entertaining conversationalists
and they can become the life of the party. They
weak limb is the lungs. They have to exercise
ceaseless vigilance not to jump into new
ventures on their whims and fancies. They
have a penchant for getting into troubled
situations. They have high standards
in cleanliness and dress. As they
are born in a saturnine
constellation they become melancholic as they
reach reality levels.
of these diseases - Consumption- gastric ulcer- respiratory
troubles- gallstones- obstruction in the bowels- jaundice-
eczema pyorhea.
- Prudent- economical- sober- careful- attentive- troubles
through children.
Wearing Blue Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational
lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Cancri :
Ayilyam - Aslesha
are always looked at by suspicion
even though they do not cheat others. They may
get poor camaraderie from wife
as well as pleasure from her. All
that they create by hard work is not
enjoyed by them. May be their
children become the beneficiaries .
The events that envisaged unpleasant
circumstance can be forgotten as they
are adepts in diverting the mind to
pleasurable areas . They believe that
economy is prudence and people may
call them a miser. At the same
time they show lavishness in many other areas.
tend to lose balance of mind when angry and
tend to forget the environment as well.
On certain occasions they are
cool and composed. Problems are
created by lack of diplomacy. They have
indomitable will-power and strength of mind.
Their enemies get annihilated but they can create much
of these diseases - Stomach diseases - diseases of
legs & knees -hysteria- dropsy -jaundice - neurosis.
- Harsh speech - witty - versatile - can imitate others -
finding fault with others - jealous - clever.
Wearing Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord
and this will make them more fortunate.
Leonis :
are quite knowledgeable and cool and altruistic and
good. They are ready to sacrifice for others and
this earns them many friends as well as enemies.Their
foresight is excellent and conscientious they
are. High-principled and noble hearted. They are
selfsufficient and their way of doing things their own
way arouses envy. They are much bothered about
their race and people. They are fated to
face problems regarding children. Their strange
personality leaves its mark on all. They are born in a
nodal constellation and this makes them wise
and Moksha oriented. They may
get sudden flashes of intuition about the
actuality of things. They will be
plagued by relatives and friends who rob them much of
their time.
of these diseases - Heart troubles - backache- gravel
in kidneys fainting - spinal meningitis.
- Defensive - forceful - proud - unhappy conjugal life.
Wearing Cat's Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord
and this will make them more fortunate.