Learn Vedic Astrology step by step. Here are Free Vedic Astrology Lessons to help you. Master this ocean of transcendental knowledge ! Astrology Lessons which can elevate you to the level of Self Actualisation & Transcendence. The true Astro Gnosis !
Brahma, Vishnu & Siva (Orion Belt ) Abhijth or Vega Vasishta and Arundhati ( Mizar & Alcor ) Aridra or Betelgeuse
Agastya or Canopus Dhruva or Polaris Jyeshta ( Antares )
The normal classifcation of the Zodiac Signs are based on the Four Elements, FEAW, that Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That is Aries is an airy sign, Taurus is and earthly sign, Gemini is an airy sign and Cancer, a watery sign. Even the great Dr B V Raman used this classification.
The Sequential Order of
the Elements
We find that the Five Great Elements evolved out of the Absolute Self, in order
of density. Ether evolved first, being the least dense. Then the more dense Air,
then more dense Fire, then the more dense Water and then finally, the most dense
Earth. ( From this Diagram we can get the sequential order of the Five Elements,
if we count backwards from Pisces to Virgo ).
" Matter is the final precipitate, the ultimate product of densificaton of
Consciousness wrought out through successive planes " - Aurobindo.
Shabdath Vyoma, thata Sasarjitha vibho
Sparsam thadho marutha
Thasmath Roopa matho mahotha cha rasam
Thoyancha Gandham Maheem
Then FIve Subtle Essences
Sabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa and Gandha
Corresponding to the Elemental Five
Evolved out of Thee !
( Narayaneeyam )
Computing Vedic Planetary Positions