Vaidya Natha Ashtakam,
Octet to the Doctor of Doctors
Salutations to Thee
O Doctor of Doctors
Adored by Lord Rama
By Sun and celestials
By Lakshmana, Karthikeya
Who is Benevolent
Imparter of Medical Knowledge
O Blue Throated
O Divine Doctor
Accept our humble obeisances.
shrIrAmasaumitrijaTAyuveda ShaDAnanAditya kujArchitAya |
shrInIlakaNThAya dayAmayAya shrIvaidyanAthAya namaHshivAya ||
Salutations to Thee
O Divine Doctor
Who wears the Ganges
The Crescent in His tress locks
The Three Eyed
Symbolising Past, Present and Future
Destroyer of Lust
Destroyer of Time
Adored by all
Accept our obeisances !
ga~NgApravAhendu jaTAdharAya
trilochanAya smara kAlahantre |
samasta devairabhipUjitAya shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya ||
O Darling of devotees
Destroyer of Tripura
Holder of bow, Pinaka
Vanquisher of evil
Cunning and subterfuge
Whose Dance is known
Whose sportive play
Manifests as Dance Cosmic
Accept our obeisances !
bhaktaHpriyAya tripurAntakAya pinAkine duShTaharAya nityam |
pratyaxalIlAya manuShyaloke shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya ||
O Destroyer of diseases mortal
Annihilator of Rheumatism
and gout
Praised by sages divine
Whose eyes triune
Are Sun, Moon and Fire
O Divine Doctor
Accept our obeisances !
samastaroga pranAshakartre munivanditAya |
prabhAkarendvagni vilochanAya shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya ||
O Granter of all boons
Giver of sight to the blind
Power of speech to the dumb
Who cures diseases malefic
O Divine Doctor
Accept our obeisances !
vAk shrotra
netrA~Nghri vihInajantoH vAkshrotranetrA~NghrisukhapradAya |
kuShThAdisarvonnatarogahantre shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya ||
O Master Unknown
Who cannot be known
Without study of
The All Pervading
Manifesting as the world
Whose Lotus Feet
Is meditated upon by
Who has manifested
As the Divine Trinity
Or the Trinitarian Unity
Who has names thousand
O Divine Doctor
Accept our obeisances !
vedAntavedyAya jaganmayAya
yogIshvaradyeya padAmbujAya |
trimUrtirUpAya sahasranAmne shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya |
O Destroyer of fear
Fear and pain
Who is of the nature of
Self Supreme
Imperishable amidst the
O Doctor of Doctors
Accept our obeisances !
svatIrthamR^idbhasmabhR^itA~NgabhAjAM pishAchaduHkhArtibhayApahAya |
AtmasvarUpAya sharIrabhAjAM shrIvaidyanAathAya namaH shivAya ||
O Blue Throated One
Having a flag divine
Depicting a bull
Symbol of animal aspect
Adorned by fragrance
Of water flowers and ashes
Imparter of Soubhagya
Good family, wife, sons
O Doctor of Doctors
Accept our obeisances !
shrInIlakaNThAya vR^iShadhvajAya srakgandha bhasmAdyabhishobhitAya |
suputradArAdi subhAgyadAya shrIvaidyanAthAya namaH shivAya ||
Daily chanting
Of these verses divine
Destroys diseases
Disease of Samsar
Bhavaroga Hara
Calling on Him
The Doctor of Doctors,
Cures all ills !
Vaidyanatha means
Lord of Healers
This octet, Ashtakam
Can be recited by the sick
May the Divine Doctor
Them to Health supreme !
vAlAmbikesha vaidyesha bhavarogahareti cha |
japennAmatrayaM nityaM mahAroganivAraNam ||
By Govind