Transits of Jupiter from Ascendant  - By 


Normally transits are reckoned from Moon Sign. They can also be reckoned from the Ascendant. Let us see how the 12 Signs fare when reckoned from the First House. We have given the transit effects of Jupiter reckoned from the Moon Sign in our blog and site,

We deal with Transit Jupiter from the Ascendant 

Aries Ascendant - For Arians, this time is very favourable as Jove is in the Second ( Vitha Samriddhi ). There will gains of a high order and increase in income. Good returns from previous investment cannot be ruled out.

Taurus Ascendant - He can create obstacles and hindrances. If Jupiter is well posited in your horoscope, success will come easily. If not, there will be delay and procrastination. Progress becomes slow and marital life will be strained.

Gemini Ascendant  -  Unnecessary expenditure marks this phase. Unnecessary journeys and wanderings. Quarrels with neighbors  and false allegations have to be faced. Fear of accidents.

Cancer  Ascendant - In the 11th, Jove will increase prosperity. Pilgrimages give satisfaction. There will be some satisfaction in marital life. Relief from the health problems of spouse. Students should take their studies seriously.

Leo- The unmarried will get partner during this phase. Increase in income & success possible. Health is affected adversely by minor problems. There may be fear from minor accidents and short journeys.

Virgo - All round happiness and prosperity decreed as Jupiter transits the favorable  Ninth. Brothers and sisters become successful. Pilgrimages and short distance journeys. Children prosper in their fields of study and impart happiness to parents.

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                Libra - The health of the spouse may affect mental peace. Unnecessary journeys and wanderings. You may have to face calumny. Quarrels with neighbors foreseen. Loss of prestige and status.

Scorpio - There will be professional enhancement. Gain and success will be yours. Mental peace affected by parents' health problems. You will get relief from health hazards.

Sagittarius  - This cannot be considered a favorable period as liver trouble and health problems haunt you. Unexpected events catch you on the back foot. Mother's health may be affected adversely. Hard effort will cause a nominal rise in income. Family atmosphere is strained by some unhappy events

Capricorn - Quarrels with near and dear ones. Those above the age of 50 should exercise maximum vigilance. Success in competition, as well as over rivals. Those who are unemployed may get jobs.

Aquarius -  You will get relief from health problems. Pilgrimages and travelling to places considered sacred. Properity and general success. Children will give satisfaction, as they will do well in their studies. Lovers may tie their knots and the unmarried will get their partners. Rivalry in profession may come to an end. ]

Pisces - For Pisceans , this is not at all a favorable period. Hindrances and impediments on the path of progress. Adverse period for real estate agents. The professional sphere is characterised by mental tension. This period may adversely affect the health of the father. Those with a strong Jove in the Natal chart may get legacy.