Occult Vibratory Chemistry existed in India by the name of Tantra.
Tantra is derived from two Sanskrit words - Thanoti ( to expand )
& Trayaten ( to liberate). This Science has the power to expand
and liberate !
means to grow beyond one's boundaries. Expansion upto Infinity.
Thanothi means the expansion of Consciousness ad
infinitum.Individual consciousness should expand to Universal
Consciousness for mergence in the Supreme Self.
Trayate means to liberate, to
liberate man from bondgage, from the Seven Deadly Sins which bind
him to the sublunar world. The purging of mortal dross is a must for
Self-Actualisation and the " inner enemies of man " Lust,
greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness & attachment ) are
the real blocks in the way of Self Actualisation
Liberation is not possible without expansion of Consciousness. When
our individual Consciousness expands to Cosmic, we feel whole &
are liberated from the thraldom of matter.
The Upanishadic Philosophy was based on the Five Concentric Sheaths
known as the Five Koshas. The outermost concentric Sheath, the Anna
Maya Kosha, is known as the Material Sheath. It envelopes the other
four sheaths - vital, mental, intellectual & bliss. These five
layers exist as the layers of an onion.
1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )
The Five Great Elements ( Earth, air, water, fire & ether )
& Mind reside
in the Six Chakras.
Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra
Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra
Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra
Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra
Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra
Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra.
The Microscomic representative of the Macrocosmic Shakti ( Cosmic
Power ), the Kundalini, sportest as the Six principles in the Six
Chakras in Her Cosmic Play.
O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow
In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle
In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle
In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle
In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle
In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother !
And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved
Consort !
She lies coiled in human beings as the Coiled Serpent Power (
Kundalini). She rises during Mediation and Yogic processes.
Her rise can be felt by the meditator. When She rises, a subtle
warmth will be felt in the body. Voice changes. Voice becomes
musical, " propertied as the tuned spheres". The
personality of the native becomes very attractive due to the influx
of Jupiterian energy. Wisdom and learning grace the individual. When
She rises furthur, torrential bliss will be felt. And when She
reaches the Crown Chakra, it is Cosmic Consciousness for the native
Who is She, this Eternal Feminine ?
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The joy that beckons from the impossible,
- Bhagavan Aurobindo - Savitri
She sports as Universal Power in the Macrocosm; and in the microcosm
as the coiled Serpent Power!
Infinite Power of the Absolute art Thou!
The Cause of the Universe as Maya
The entire Creation is Thy Play
Thy blessing is Bliss Absolute !
The essence of all sciences art Thou
All women Thy manifestations !
The visible Universe Thou art
And the dormant Serpentine Power !
One of the
pioneers in Tantra Research was Sir John Woodroffe , who had written
many scholarly treatises on the subject. His magnum opus is the
"Serpent Power", which is a scientific treatise about the
Kundalini. His
practice of Tantra endowed him with personal magnetism. He became
the cynosure of all eyes. There was a special lustre on his face, he
possessed the Golden Tongue of Good Report & there was a
spiritual halo around him. He had developed his Auric Field ( the
human electro-magnetic field ) due to Tantric techniques and bacame
a dynamo of spiritual energy. His masterly book is a scientific
diagnosis about Tantra.
The heart and vocal nervous centers are intimately related
physiologically. Bhava Shuddhi or purity of Heart makes the voice
innocent and musical. The true Initiate is he whose voice is true
and who possesses the Golden Tongue of Good Report!
The Cosmic Shakti is the Force behind the Universe & the entire
Universe is her play & display. Kundalini is Her microcosmic
representation. She has been depicted as the Mother Goddess in Pagan
Nature is visible Intelligence; Intelligence is invisible Nature. The Spiritual & the Natural are not different. That which is spiritual is natural in its ascent & cause. That which is natural is spiritual in its descent and being.
There is talk in the West about Tantra sacred sex. Sex is spiritual and something which comes from the inner recesses of our being. Tantra sexuality means sexuality powered by Tantric methods. Tantra Yoga is the union of Tantra and Yoga. The Kundalini of Tantra is the power latent in humans and the power of the Shakti which controls the Universe. Creation is Her play and display. The Western equivalent of Tantra is the Craft of the Wise, Witchcraft, derived from the German word 'Wicca' meaning Wisdom.
as related to Astrology
Tides are caused by the Moon. The human body is 65% water. ( Even
the Archbishop of Canterbury is 65% water ). If Moon can effectuate
tides, what effect will he have on the human body which is
predominantly water? And what about the effects of other planets ?