Sree Sooktam - The
Hymn of Prosperity

O Sacrificial Fire
I invoke for Thee
The Goddess of Prosperity
Who shines like gold
Yellowish in hue
Wearer of gold garlands
Who blooms like Luna
The personification of
O Agni, invoke for me
That unfailing Divinity
With whose blessings
I shall become prosperous
Owner of horses and men !
I invoke mighty Goddess
Who has horses in front
Chariots in the middle
Awakened as She is
By the trumpeting of
Divinely resplendent
Embodiment of Bliss Absolute
Grace me, O Mighty Mother !
With smile pleasant
With golden luster
Resplendent with splendor
Personification of all
Fulfillment of wishes
The satisfier of
Who is seated on Lotus
And is as ravishing as Lotus
O Mighty Beauty
I take refuge in Thee
As ravishing as Luna Thou
Who shines brighly
With renown divine
Celestials adore Thee
O Mother bless
That my misfortunes end
I surrender myself
To Thy Lotus Feet !
O Thou with Solar splendor
By Thy glory and power
Plants grow up
Like the Bael tree
Let the Ignorance
And all inauspiciousness
Accruing from inner organs
Perish by Thy Grace !
O Glorious Mother
I am born noble
May the friends of Destroyer
Lord of Wealth, Kubera
Lord of Fame, Keerthi
Grace me !
May these mighty lords
Bestow on me fame and wealth
Let the elder sister,
Inauspiciousness, be
destroyed !
Let all poverty
And misfortune
Be driven out from home !
I invoke Prosperity
Shree, Mighty Mother,
Incapable of defeat
Who is healthy ever
Who is supreme
Over all that is created !
Grant us the fulfillment
Of all desires
Let our speech become
Agri prosperity
And all food sattwic
Let Fame and Prosperity
Reside in Thy devotee !
You have progeny
In Kardama
O Kardama
Reside in me !
May Mother Sree
Abide in home ancestral
O progeny of Sree, Chikita
Reside at my home
And arrange Sree
To stay there always !
O Fire, invoke for me
Sree, who shines like gold
Who is as brilliant
As the day's bright lord !
Who is fragrant
Empress of all
Queen of Universe
Radiant with ornaments
And Goddess of Lucre !
Invoke O Agni
Goddess Lakshmi
With golden lustre
Blooming like Luna
Adorned by lotuses
Lifted by elephants
Deity of nourishment
Yellowish in hue
And the true Transcendence !
Invoke for me, O Agni
That Goddess Lakshmi
Ever unfailing
With whose blessings
I shall win wealth
We thus commune
With Goddess Great
Meditating on the consort
Of the Preserving Divinity
May that Sree direct us
To the Goal Great,
Self Actualisation, Moksha
May there be always
Peace, peace, peace !
Hirannya-Varnnaam Harinniim
Candraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha
Taam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim
Yasyaam Hirannyam Vindeyam Gaam-Ashvam Purussaan-Aham |
Ashva-Puurvaam Ratha-Madhyaam Hastinaada-Prabodhiniim
Shriyam Deviim-Upahvaye Shriirmaa Devii Jussataam
Kaam So-Smitaam Hirannya-Praakaaraam-Aardraam Jvalantiim Trptaam
Padme Sthitaam Padma-Varnnaam Taam-Iho[a-u]pahvaye Shriyam
Candraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalantiim Shriyam Loke
Taam Padminiim-Iim Sharannam-Aham Prapadye-[A]lakssmiir-Me Nashyataam Tvaam
Aaditya-Varnne Tapaso[a-A]dhi-Jaato Vanaspatis-Tava Vrksso[ah-A]tha Bilvah
Tasya Phalaani
Tapasaa-Nudantu Maaya-Antaraayaashca Baahyaa Alakssmiih |
Upaitu Maam Deva-Sakhah Kiirtish-Ca Manninaa Saha
Praadurbhuuto[ah-A]smi Raassttre-[A]smin Kiirtim-Rddhim Dadaatu Me
Kssut-Pipaasaa-Malaam Jyesstthaam-Alakssmiim Naashayaamy-Aham
Abhuutim-Asamrddhim Ca Sarvaam Nirnnuda Me Grhaat |
Gandha-Dvaaraam Duraadharssaam Nitya-Pussttaam Kariissinniim
Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Taam-Iho[a-u]pahvaye Shriyam |
Manasah Kaamam-Aakuutim Vaacah Satyam-Ashiimahi
Pashuunaam Ruupam-Annasya Mayi Shriih Shrayataam Yashah
By Govind