Spiritual Tourism 44 - Heavens on Earth - Payammal Shathrughna Temple


This the last Temple which one visits in the Nalambala Darshana. The presiding Deity is Lord Shatrughna, the destroyer of enemies. Did He not destroy Lavanasura ?
Lord Shatrughna is believed to be the incarnation of the Discus,which adorns Lord Vishnu, the Sudarshana Chakra.
Payammal Vanidum  Sree Shatrughnane
Padaadi Kesam njan kaivanangeedam
Sree Hari Karamathil Ayudha makkidum
Sudarshana Chakrathin Avatharame
O Lord who reside in Payammal
I bow before Thee in reverence
O Avatar of Sudarshana Discus,
Which adorns the Hand of the Lord !
A lamp is lighted behind the idol of Lord Shatrughna and this is for Srutha Keerthi, His better half. Ganesh is the sub deity here


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Annual Festival occurs when the Sun transits Aquarius / Kumbha and Moon tenants Pushya constellation.




I was wondering where I have heard Kallil kocthi vacha kavite ( Poetry sculptured in Stone ), a phrase which was featured in the Siva Sundar video..

 Here is the song

Seetha Devi married
Lord Rama of Treta Yuga
Once He touched a stone
Which transformed into an Enchantress !

Purposely was it done by Him
To liberate beauteous Ahalya !

 O Poetry sculptured in stone
How did thy feet bells ring ?
Thy chest vibrant with emotion
How didst thou achieve comeliness ?