Spiritual Tourism XXX - Heavens on Earth -
The Thiruvenkitachapathy Temple, Guruvayur
The Symbolism behind the Epic Poem, the Maha Bharata
The two main enemies of man are Lust and Anger, Kama and Krodha. They are depicted allegorically as Duryodhana and Dussasana.
Know that Lust and Anger
Are the main foes of Mankind
They engender sins galore
Know them as Enemies
The main positive elements in Man are Truth, Dharma, Peace, Love and the Discriminative Intellect. They are depicted symbolically as the Five Pandavas.
We have said earlier that Arjuna is the symbol of the discriminative intellect or Prajna. There is a fierce inner war going in everybody's bosom. The solution to this problem is to Win the Mind ! Mano Jaya eva Maha Jaya. True mental peace is Bliss, Manasvasthathaiva Ananda !
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The Lord is the emblem of the Absolute Self, the Atman in us.
The negative elements in the human mind are the Kauravas ! Only after they are destroyed can we hope to get Self Actualisation ! The great struggle for supremacy is fought in us, between the Spirit and the Flesh, between the bipolarities of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Prosperity and Adversity !
May His Grace take us to Immortality or Self Realisation !
By Govind Kumar
She is innocent and cute and cannot live without the Lord ! Another Meera !
Sung well by Sujatha and featuring Malavika.
O Beloved of Gopis
And Stealer of ghee
Even though not Thy beloved Radha
I can make garlands !
Even though not Meera
I can sing Thy glories!
Bhakti is that state
Wherein there is no Vibhakti
Non-separation from Self
Who is the All in All !
If Thou wert sitting on mountain tops
I would have come as rains to bathe Thee !
May I become a calf
To be with Thee always !