You have to get into the Web 2.0 bandwagon and invest time
in implementing your marketing strategies. Sites, blogs, feeds all have to be
submitted to the search engines and socially bookmarked..
Blogging is one of the best methods of Social Network Marketing. Social
Bookmarking is another. You can get immense traffic due to Social Bookmarking.
I get 1000 hits a day for my blog
from Social Bookmarking. I submit to Digg,, Multiply, Faves, Spurl,
Furl, Myspace etc and my submission do bring in a lot of traffic. I do own a
Social Bookmarking site,, which also gives me good
For Social Bookmarking, building a Great Profile is a must.
All users are not equal and it is time to build a great profile. If you are
well known as a user who has submitted tons of interesting stories, then
highly probable are the chances that what you submit will be noticed. You
should not only bookmark your articles on your site or blog, but links to
other interesting articles on other sites. This shows that you are a lover of
information. If you bookmark only your articles, it implies that you are
indulging in self promotion. If you post other links, that shows you are well
informed and wants to point out quality information to the international
Link with other social bookmarkers
You cannot do it alone. You have to have links with other social bookmarkers.
If your friends vote for you, the probability is more than other will also
vote for you. The votes from your supporters may act as a catalyst in getting
more votes and your story will be very popular on Digg, delicious etc
Submit new news
Dont submit old news, which have become obsolete. You have to understand that
yesterday was a dream and that yesterday's news was part of history.
Give accurate facts
If your story doesnt contain accurate facts, you are in for trouble. Your
readers will find out if there are any inaccurate details in your story and
the votes which you will get will be negative.
You have to understand the it is quality content which attracts all. If you
provide proper quality information, people will vist your sites and blogs. If
your article is topclass, that article will definitely attract traffic. You
have to submit the url to search engines and socially bookmark the article for
maximum exposure.
Article by G Kumar, astro scholar, writer & programmer of blog site A professional internet marketer, he had made all his eleven dotcoms succesful with Web Marketing strategies.All his articles are up at and you can submit news to his Social Bookmarking Site