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                  How to write stories to get traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites



In our earlier articles, we have highlighted the importance of Social Bookmarking in Internet Marketing. We have get a lot of traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites. However we should submit our stories, blogs and sites professionally.

Write a good, brief description

An attractive description is a must, if you want to bring in huge traffic. People first look at the headline first and next the description. If the description is catchy, they are sure to visit your site. Lies should not be resorted to. It should be frank, honest and informative.

I use a description like this for my astrology sites.

"About Astrology, the Science of Time, an indicative science which indicates events happening in the Four Dimensional Space-Time Continuum, the Eternal Continuum in which we exist, live and breathe".

Brevity is the soul of wit, of Art and you should be as brief as possible. People will not bother to read more than 150 characters and you should cut down on your tendency to brag.

Have a great first paragraph

The first paragraph should be catchy. If this is attractive, it is half the battle won. The first paragraph must be luring and dramatic. So spend time to create a qualtiy

Content is King

There are some equations on the Net like " Content is King", " Email is Queen" & " Traffic is supreme". Content is undoubtedly King. People who come to your site are information-hungry and it is upto to provide them with the proper information. The best way of doing this is to upload quality content. Search engines love fresh, quality content and quality content will lure traffic to your site.

If your article is trash, then bookmarking them is without any use. Your articles must be top class, to attract readers. High class content will ensure that your readers bookmark your web pages, providing traffic in return.

Let others bookmark your site.

I have added the Add This Bookmark Button on my site and this bookmarks to more than 20 Social Bookmarking sites. My blog site,, got more than 1000 hits due to Social Bookmarking. Every day I blog and this is bookmarked to these highly traficked Bookmarking sites. Instead of you, others should bookmark your web or blog pages. This is the concept of Web Democrary. Suppose 10,000 people bookmark your site. This means that 10,000 people recommend your site and your ranking goes up in Web Democracy.

Time for Submission

The best time to submit is after 0830 PM Indian Standard Time. This is the beginning of night in India and the beginning of the day in the US. Your submissions will be there for 24 hours and many will read your submissions. Many will click on your links and you will get good traffic from them.

You have to submit to the Right Category

I used to submit my astro articles to the Category " Religon & Spirituality - New Age". If you submit to the wrong categories, you will not get the desired traffic.


Article by G Kumar, astro scholar, writer & programmer of blog site A professional internet marketer, he had made all his eleven dotcoms succesful with Web Marketing strategies.All his articles are up at and you can submit news to his Social Bookmarking Site