Venusian Transit
As Transit Venus tenants your 5th House auspicous events in the making and happiness via children - Putra Labdim.
Solar Transit
As Transit Sun tenants your 5th house relationships with children may be affected. Happiness from children may be affected by 5th Transit Sun.Many hindrances in the path of life indicated as the 5th is one of the moral triangles.
Martian Transit
As Transit Mars is in 8th -House you will be subject to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to both healh and wealth. There may be Sthana Bhramsam and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
Mercurian Transit
As Mercury is in your 5th House you will attain a high position on the socio-economic level.You will have children who will rise upto your expectations.
Saturnine Transit
4 Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and significant from the perspective of fortune. Physical problems or mental worries are likely. Your fear and apprehension of problems are more damaging than the problems themselves. Try to be a positive and optimistic man. You may travel a lot and stay away from home during this period. As a result your wife may be unhappy. Take extra efforts to keep your friends and loved ones in good spirits during this period of Kandaka Sani.
Transit of Nodes
TRANSIT of nodes - Rahu & Ketu Nodes stay in a sign for one AND A half years, as 18.6 years is the Nodal Cycle. Both are natural malefics. Their motion is retrograde. Orbits of Sun and Moon differ by 5 degrees. These two orbits intersect at 2 points and these points ate called the Nodes of the Moon. Ascending North Node is Rahu and Descending South Nodes is Ketu. Even though not planets, they are powefull determinants of behaviour. This is the time to store treasures in Heaven. Nature rewards good deeds. What goes around- comes around. If you help people- people will help you. You can try TM and Holistic Medicine- which can save you from tension and health problems. You may be worried about children. Speculation is taboo. On the posi- tive side- you may be interested in the Occult. You may socialise and gain recognition from society. Intellectual pursuits will be rewarded.
Jupiterian Transit
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier- archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial dimension comes within his domain. Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially
24/03/2025 ................ 15/05/2025 Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings with wife and children likely.
15/05/2025 ............... 16/05/2025
MOON stays in a sign for 2.5 DAYS. As Mind is the most power- ful element in the Universe ( Mind is omnipotent - Freud ), Luna assumes tremendous importance.Mind is its own place and can make a Heaven of Hell or a Hell of Heaven - averred Milton. 3 Ms - Mindi Medicine - Mother are signified by Moon - Mano Matharo Oushadho Sheetarasmi. Luna gives good results in 1 3 6 9 10 houses - Janma Upachaya samstha Gochara Indu.
Unless maximum care is exercised you may have to face poverty economic loss and bad health. Enemies find it easy to attack you. Many miseries have to be faced ( Klesha Bheethim). A gloomy period for you as Moon takes an adverse stance. Children pose problems. Worries on account of children. You can resort to Vara Puja - pro- pitiating the Moon on Mondays with the mantra Om Somaya Namah - worshipping the Tutelary Deity on Mondays and fasting on Mondays. Wearing Pearl can also give relief.
Adverse Transit
Avoid risks during these days, indicated as they are by an adverse lunar transit 04/04/2025
05/04/2025 66.4841
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind. You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension= physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes with partner - all these mark your pitiable state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu