
                     Z O D I A C    S I D E R E A L   H O R O S C O P E               





                  NAME                    : Alexandra                                 

                  SEX                     : FEMALE                                    

                  BIRTH STAR              : CHITHRA                                    

                  STAR QUARTER (PADA)     :          3                                

                  LORD OF ASTERISM        : MARS                                      

                  MOON SIGN               : LIBRA                                      

                  LORD OF MOON SIGN       : VENUS                                     

                  TIME OF BIRTH           :  10.40 AM STANDARD TIME                   

                  DATE OF BIRTH           : 23-07-1996  TUESDAY                       

                  PLACE OF BIRTH          : MUNICH                                    

                  AYANAMSA                : CHAITRA PAKSHA                            

                  LONGITUDE               :  11.30  EAST                              

                  LATITUDE                : 48.10  NORTH                              

                  SUNRISE                 : 4.39 AM                                   

                  SUNSET                  : 8.01 PM                                   

                  TIMEZONE                :  1.00  EAST OF GREENWICH                  

                  CALCULATION METHOD      : STANDARD TIME                             

                  DASA METHOD             : VIMSHOTTARI  YEAR = 365.25 days           

                  LOCAL MEAN TIME         : STANDARD TIME    -14  MINS                




            Version 8.00 ENG 0905 /15-11-2021                                         

            SOFTWARE: ZODIAC EAST NADA GURUVAYUR-680101 PH 552851                     

            Licencee: AJ Placement Consultants G4 Pragati Tower 26 Rajendra Place Delhi






            SIDEREAL LONGITUDES OF PLANETS                                            



            PLANET    RASI         SPHUTAM      STAR         PADA    LONGITUDE        


            SUN       CANCER        7: 1:13    POOYAM             2     97 : 1 :13    

            MARS      GEMINI        4:36:52    MAKAYIRAM          4     64 :36 :52    

            JUPITER   SAGITTARIUS  16:30:57R   POORADAM           1    256 :30 :57    

            VENUS     TAURUS       25: 5:48    MAKAYIRAM          1     55 : 5 :48    

            SATURN    PISCES       13:33:45R   UTHRATTATHI        4    343 :33 :45    

            MERCURY   CANCER       20: 2:13    AYILYAM            2    110 : 2 :13    

            MOON      LIBRA         2:59:27    CHITHRA            3    182 :59 :27    

            RAHU      VIRGO        17:50:20    ATHAM              3    167 :50 :20    

            KETU      PISCES       17:50:20    REVATI             1    347 :50 :20    

            LAGNA     VIRGO        12: 0:53    ATHAM              1    162 : 0 :53    

            GULIKA    LIBRA        17:10: 2    CHOTHI             4    197 :10 : 2    



            CHAITRA PAKSHA AYANAMSA         :  23  DEG   47  MIN   26  SEC            


            KALI DINA NUMBER :     1861822                                            


            THITHI: ASHTAMI       SHUKLA PAKSHA   NITHYAYOGA: SADHYA                  



            Planetary Periods (Udu Dasa Balance At Birth) :                           



                                                                              = 2=

            MARS       END     1   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            RAHU       END    19   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                     

            JUPITER    END    35   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            SATURN     END    54   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            MERCURY    END    71   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            KETU       END    78   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            VENUS      END    98   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    

            SUN        END   104   YEARS   11   MONTHS    6   DAYS                    




            CHANDRA KRIYA     :   Mamsa Bhojanam                                      


            CHANDRA AVASTHA   :   Kshudbadithatwam                                    


            CHANDRA VELA      :   Virodham                                            


            AYANA             :   DAKSHINAYANA                                        


            RITHU             :   GREESHMA                                            




            Alexandra                          CHITHRA                     23-07-1996 





             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | VEN         |       MAR       |        

             |  SAT        KET |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |  SUN       MER  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             __________________          R A S I           __________________         

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |             JUP |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       RAH       |        

             |                 |             |             |       LAG       |        

             |                 |             | GUL         |                 |        


















                                                                              = 3=



             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       RAH       |        

             |                 |     LAG     |             |                 |        

             |  GUL            |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             _________________            NAVAMSA          _________________          

             |             MER |                           |                 |        

             |                 |       (MARITAL LIFE)      |  VEN       JUP  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |         

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |  SUN            |        

             |                 |     MAR     |             |                 |        

             |             KET | SAT         |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        








             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | VEN         |       MAR       |        

             |  SAT        KET |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |  SUN       MER  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             -------------------         B H A V A         -------------------        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |         


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |             JUP |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       RAH       |        

             |                 |             |             |       LAG       |        

             |                 |             | GUL         |                 |        









            Record#  HORASUN    HORAMOON                                              


                  2             SUN                                                   

                  3  MARS                                                              

                  4             JUP                                                   

                  5  VEN                                                              

                  6             SAT                                                   

                                                                              = 4=

                  7  MER                                                              

                  8  MOON                                                             

                  9  RAHU                                                             

                 10  KETU                                                             

                 11             LAGNA                                                 

                 12             GUL                                                   







             |             MER |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |         JUP |             |       MAR       |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |  SUN            |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |  SAT       KET  |        

             | GUL             |                           |                 |        

             _________________       D R E K K A N A       _________________          

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |  VEN            |       ( BROTHERS )        |                 |        

             |       RAH       |                           |                 |        

             |       LAG       |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        










             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       MAR  JUP  |        

             |       RAH       |             |             |  SAT            |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |  SUN            |        

             |  VEN            |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             _________________         CHATHURTHAMSA       _________________          

             |             MER |                           |                 |        

             |                 |        ( ASSETS )         |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |            KET  |        

             |       LAG       |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | GUL         |                 |        




                                                                              = 5=









             |                 |             |         MER |                 |        

             |             JUP | VEN         |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |     LAG     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |  SUN            |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |       MAR       |        

             |                 |                           |       RAH       |        

             | GUL             |                           |                 |        

             _________________        SAPTAMSA             _________________          

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |       (CHILDREN)          |                 |        

             |             KET |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |  SAT            |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        












             |                 |     MOO MER |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |         JUP |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             _________________        D A S A M S A        _________________          

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |       MAR       |       (PROFESSION)        |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |  SUN            |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | VEN         |                 |        

             |                 |     RAH KET | SAT         |                 |         

             |                 |             |     LAG     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |  GUL            |        






                                                                              = 6=









             |                 |             |     MOO     |  SUN            |        

             |                 |             |     MAR     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |  VEN            |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             _________________        DWADASAMSA           _________________          

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |       (PARENTS)           |                 |         

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |       LAG       |        


             |             MER |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |         JUP |                 |        

             |                 |     RAH KET |             |  SAT            |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | GUL         |                 |        














             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |       MAR       |                           |                 |         

             |                 |                           |       RAH       |        

             |                 |                           |       LAG       |        

             -------------------          PRATIBHAMSA      -------------------        

             |                 |                           |  SUN            |        

             |  VEN            |       (MIND INTELLIGENCE) |                 |        

             |  SAT        KET |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO MER |                 |        

             |                 |             |         JUP |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |  GUL            |             |             |                 |        




                                                                              = 7=









             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       LAG       |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |             MER |                           |  SUN            |         

             |       MAR       |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |  SAT            |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             -------------------          SHODASAMSA                                  


             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |       (BLISS VEHICLES )   |            JUP  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             | GUL             |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |  VEN            |        

             |                 |             |             |       RAH  KET  |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        










            SATELLITES OF MAJOR PLANETS                                               



            In  Indian  Astrology  each  planet  has  a satellite of its own.         

            For instance  Phobos  and  Deimos of Mars are called as Dhooma &           

            Mrityu in Indian science. The longitudes  of satellites of Venus          

            Moon  Mars  Rahu  & Ketu  are  calculated  based on the sidereal          

            longitude of the Sun.                                                      




            Satellites like Dhooma                                                    



            PLANET       SATELLITE        METHOD OF COMPUTATION                       

            -----        ---------        ---------------------                       

            Mars         Dhooma           Sun's longitude + 133 deg 20 mins           

            Rahu         Vyatipata        360- Dhooma's longitude                     

            Moon         Parivesh         180 + Vyatipata's longitude                 

            Venus        Indrachapa       360 - Parivesh's longitude                  

            Ketu         Upaketu          Indrachapa + 16 deg 40 mins                 


            A different method of calculation is adopted  for the satellites          

            of Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury &  Mars. Days  and nights are divi-         

            ded into 8 divisions.                                                     


            The first division is ruled by the lord of the day & other divi-          

                                                                              = 8=

            sions are given to the other  lords in sequential order. During           

            night the first lord is the fifth lord from the lord of the day.          


            In order to measure the longitudes of satellites  two different           

            methods have been adopted.In the first method the beginning time          

            of the planet who holds  absolute  sway  is taken. In the other            

            method the end time is taken.The Lagna is computed for this time          

            and this is how the longitude of the satellite is computed.               


            To compute Gulika's longitude  a  third method has been  adopted.         

            The rising  time  of Gulika  is charted out for each day and the          

            sphuta or longitude computed is labelled as Mandi or Gulika.              


            Day of Week     Day                    Night                              

            -----------     ---                    -----                              


            Sunday          26 ghati (Nazhika)     10 ghati (Nazhika)                 

            Monday          22    "                6   "                              

            Tuesday         18    "                2   "                              

            Wednesday       14    "                26  "                              

            Thursday        10    "                22  "                              

            Friday          6     "                18  "                              

            Saturday        2     "                14  "                              


            Record#  PLANET     SATELLITE            START        END                 

                  1  SUN        KALA                 12.39      17.09                 

                  2  MERCURY    ARDHAPRAHARA          5.11       8.41                 

                  3  MARS       MRITHYU               3.19       7.49                 

                  4  JUPITER    YAMAKANDAKA           7.03      10.33                 










             NIRAYANA LONGITUDES OF SATELLITES                                        



            SATELLITE       RASI         SPHUTAM      STAR         PADA    LONGITUDE  


            DHOOMA          SCORPIO      20:13:13    THRIKKETTA     2    230 :13 :13  

            VYATHIPATHA     LEO           9:46:47    MAKAM          3    129 :46 :47  

            PARIVESHA       AQUARIUS      9:46:47    CHATHAYAM      1    309 :46 :47  

            INDRACHAPA      TAURUS       20:13:13    ROHINI         4     50 :13 :13  

            UPAKETU         GEMINI        6:37:13    MAKAYIRAM      4     66 :37 :13  

            YAMAKANDAKA     LEO           2:16:28    MAKAM          1    122 :16 :28  

            KALA            LIBRA         3:44:49    CHITHRA        4    183 :44 :49  

            MRITHYU         GEMINI       20:22:17    PUNARTHAM      1     80 :22 :17  

            ARDHAPRAHARA    CANCER       11:50:11    POOYAM         3    101 :50 :11  















                                                                              = 9=


             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | IND         |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |  MRI       UPA  |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |       PAR       |                           |            ARD  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             _________________       U P A G R A H A       _________________          

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |            YAM  |        

             |                 |                           |       VYA       |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             | KAL         |                 |        

             |                 |     DHU     |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        




            THE ASTAKAVARGA SYSTEM OF PREDICTION                                       



            As  a  result  of the progression of the seven  planets from their        

            respective  radical  places  and  from  the Ascendant a collective        

            factor  sets  in going  under  the  name  of Astakavarga. A planet        

            as a  result  of his  horoscopic  position in a particular sign is        

            capable of  throwing  out  beams  of  influence  on certain places        

            declared as favourable both from his position & from  the position        

            of other  planets  so  that such beams of influence contributed by        

            different planets may act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good        

            effects of radical as well as transit influences.                         


            Astakavarga  also takes into cognisance the actions & interactions        

            of the transiting  planets with regard to their radical situations        

            and by a certain manipulation of the benefic & malefic  influences        

            given rise to by such movements & measured numerically as  so many        

            units - certain important events are determined.                          


            Astakavarga  essentially  aims  at  a  generalised  assessment  of        

            vitality of a horoscope.                                                  




            A  planet  is  said  to become highly benefic if he secures in his        

            own Ashtakavarga  more  than 5 bindus.  A  planet having less than        

            4 bindus  will  affect  the bhava it is in adversely. Similarly in        

            total or  Sarvashtavarga if  a  sign attains  more  than 30 bindus        

            it  becomes  highly  benefic  and  any  sign  getting less than 25        

            bindus becomes malefic.                                                    


            To determine auspicious time                                              



            Take  the  sign  which  attains  the  maximum number of bindus  in        

            Sarvashtavarga. The time when that sign is rising becomes the most        

            auspicious time for you and you can choose that time for  business        

            purposes and for starting any new event.                                  


            Transit Influences                                                        




            Ashtavarga is used  in  interpreting  Gochara effects. Apart  from        

            the  benefic  or  the  malefic  nature of the trasiting planet the        

            Ashtakavarga points he gets in a Rasi is also considered.                 


            When  a planet transits a Rasi declared favourable & has less than        

            4 bindus in his  own  Astakavarga  the  favourable results will be        

            minimum. If the number is 4 they will be optimum and if  more than        

            4 the maximum.Similarly if a planet transits an unfavourable place        

            and  has 5 bindus in  it  the  malefic effects are proportionately        

            reduced depending upon the  number  of bindus in it. Conversely  a        

            favourable  transit in a Rasi devoid of bindus reduces the benefic        

            effects while an unfavourable  transit in such a Rasi will furthur        

            increase the malefic effects.                                             







                           |   5   |   6   |   3   |   4   |                          


                           |   3   |sooryashtavarga|   4   |                           

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   3   |     -48-      |   4   |                          


                           |   5   |   4   |   4   |   3   |                          




                           |   4   |   4   |   3   |   2   |                          


                           |   5   |chandrastavarga|   7   |                          

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   5   |     -49-      |   4   |                          


                           |   3   |   4   |   4   |   4   |                          






                           |   4   |   3   |   3   |   3   |                          


                           |   1   |kujashtavarga  |   2   |                          

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   2   |     -39-      |   1   |                          


                           |   6   |   5   |   3   |   6   |                           




                           |   2   |   3   |   7   |   4   |                          


                           |   4   |shukrashtavarga|   4   |                           

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   4   |     -52-      |   4   |                          


                           |   5   |   5   |   4   |   6   |                          




                           |   6   |   4   |   4   |   5   |                          


                           |   6   |guruashtavarga |   6   |                          

                           |       |               |       |                          


                           |   5   |     -56-      |   4   |                          


                           |   4   |   2   |   5   |   5   |                          






                           |   6   |   4   |   5   |   6   |                          


                           |   2   |budhashtavarga |   6   |                           

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   4   |     -54-      |   2   |                          


                           |   6   |   5   |   3   |   5   |                          




                           |   4   |   5   |   5   |   2   |                          


                           |   3   |shaniashtavarga|   3   |                          

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |   2   |     -39-      |   4   |                          


                           |   3   |   3   |   4   |   1   |                          








                           |  31   |  29   |  30   |  26   |                          


                           |  24   |sarvashtavarga |  32   |                          

                           |       |               |       |                          

                           |  25   |     -337-     |  23   |                          


                           |  32   |  28   |  27   |  30   |                          





            L O N G I T U D E S   O F   H O U S E S (B H A V A):                      

                 START      MIDDLE     END                                            

             1  147:15:26  162: 0:52  177:15:26                                        

             2  177:15:26  192:30: 0  207:44:34                                       

             3  207:44:34  222:59: 8  238:13:42                                       

             4  238:13:42  253:28:16  268:13:42                                        

             5  268:13:42  282:59: 8  297:44:34                                       

             6  297:44:34  312:30: 0  327:15:26                                       

             7  327:15:26  342: 0:52  357:15:26                                        

             8  357:15:26   12:30: 0   27:44:34                                       

             9   27:44:34   42:59: 8   58:13:42                                       

            10   58:13:42   73:28:16   88: 0:13                                       

            11   88: 0:13  102:59: 8  117:44:34                                       

            12  117:44:34  132:30: 0  147:15:26                                       




                        ARI  TAU  GEM  CAN  LEO  VIR  LIB  SCO  SAG  CAP  AQU  PIS  TOT


                  SUN    6    3    4    4    4    3    4    4    5    3    3    5    48

                  MOO    4    3    2    7    4    4    4    4    3    5    5    4    49

                  MER    4    5    6    6    2    5    3    5    6    4    2    6    54

                  VEN    3    7    4    4    4    6    4    5    5    4    4    2    52


                  MAR    3    3    3    2    1    6    3    5    6    2    1    4    39

                  JUP    4    4    5    6    4    5    5    2    4    5    6    6    56

                  SAT    5    5    2    3    4    1    4    3    3    2    3    4    39

                  TOT   29   30   26   32   23   30   27   28   32   25   24   31   337





             LORDS OF SAPTHA VARGA                                                    




            MAR      MER    MAR     MER       SUN       SUN       MOO       MAR       

            JUP      JUP    SUN     MAR       MOO       JUP       MER       JUP       

            VEN      VEN    SUN     SAT       SUN       MAR       JUP       MAR       

            SAT      JUP    MAR     MOO       MOO       JUP       SUN       JUP       

            MER      MOO    SAT     JUP       SUN       VEN       JUP       SAT       

            MOO      VEN    VEN     VEN       SUN       VEN       MAR       MAR       

            SUN      MOO    MER     MOO       MOO       SAT       MER       MER       

            RAH      MER    MER     SAT       SUN       MOO       MAR       JUP       

            KET      JUP    JUP     MOO       SUN       SAT       VEN       JUP       

            LAG      MER    MAR     SAT       MOO       VEN       SAT       JUP       

            GUL      VEN    JUP     SAT       MOO       SAT       MAR       JUP       








            DASA        BHUKTHI      CHIDRA         START           END               


            MARS        VENUS       VENUS         23-05-1996     02-08-1996            

            MARS        VENUS       SUN           02-08-1996     23-08-1996           

            MARS        VENUS       MOON          23-08-1996     27-09-1996           

            MARS        VENUS       MARS          27-09-1996     22-10-1996           

            MARS        VENUS       RAHU          22-10-1996     25-12-1996           

            MARS        VENUS       JUPITER       25-12-1996     20-02-1997           

            MARS        VENUS       SATURN        20-02-1997     28-04-1997           

            MARS        VENUS       MERCURY       28-04-1997     28-06-1997           

            MARS        VENUS       KETU          28-06-1997     23-07-1997           

            MARS        SUN         SUN           23-07-1997     29-07-1997           

            MARS        SUN         MOON          29-07-1997     09-08-1997           

            MARS        SUN         MARS          09-08-1997     16-08-1997           

            MARS        SUN         RAHU          16-08-1997     04-09-1997           

            MARS        SUN         JUPITER       04-09-1997     21-09-1997           

            MARS        SUN         SATURN        21-09-1997     12-10-1997           

            MARS        SUN         MERCURY       12-10-1997     30-10-1997           

            MARS        SUN         KETU          30-10-1997     06-11-1997           

            MARS        SUN         VENUS         06-11-1997     28-11-1997           

            MARS        MOON        MOON          28-11-1997     15-12-1997           

            MARS        MOON        MARS          15-12-1997     28-12-1997           

            MARS        MOON        RAHU          28-12-1997     29-01-1998           

            MARS        MOON        JUPITER       29-01-1998     26-02-1998           

            MARS        MOON        SATURN        26-02-1998     01-04-1998           

            MARS        MOON        MERCURY       01-04-1998     01-05-1998           

            MARS        MOON        KETU          01-05-1998     13-05-1998           

            MARS        MOON        VENUS         13-05-1998     18-06-1998           

            MARS        MOON        SUN           18-06-1998     29-06-1998           

            RAHU        RAHU        RAHU          29-06-1998     24-11-1998           

            RAHU        RAHU        JUPITER       24-11-1998     04-04-1999           

            RAHU        RAHU        SATURN        04-04-1999     07-09-1999            

            RAHU        RAHU        MERCURY       07-09-1999     25-01-2000           

            RAHU        RAHU        KETU          25-01-2000     22-03-2000           

            RAHU        RAHU        VENUS         22-03-2000     03-09-2000           

            RAHU        RAHU        SUN           03-09-2000     22-10-2000           


            RAHU        RAHU        MOON          22-10-2000     12-01-2001           

            RAHU        RAHU        MARS          12-01-2001     11-03-2001           

            RAHU        JUPITER     JUPITER       11-03-2001     06-07-2001           

            RAHU        JUPITER     SATURN        06-07-2001     21-11-2001           

            RAHU        JUPITER     MERCURY       21-11-2001     26-03-2002           

            RAHU        JUPITER     KETU          26-03-2002     16-05-2002           

            RAHU        JUPITER     VENUS         16-05-2002     09-10-2002           

            RAHU        JUPITER     SUN           09-10-2002     22-11-2002           

            RAHU        JUPITER     MOON          22-11-2002     03-02-2003           

            RAHU        JUPITER     MARS          03-02-2003     26-03-2003           

            RAHU        JUPITER     RAHU          26-03-2003     04-08-2003           

            RAHU        SATURN      SATURN        04-08-2003     16-01-2004           

            RAHU        SATURN      MERCURY       16-01-2004     12-06-2004           

            RAHU        SATURN      KETU          12-06-2004     11-08-2004           

            RAHU        SATURN      VENUS         11-08-2004     01-02-2005           

            RAHU        SATURN      SUN           01-02-2005     25-03-2005           

            RAHU        SATURN      MOON          25-03-2005     20-06-2005           

            RAHU        SATURN      MARS          20-06-2005     19-08-2005           

            RAHU        SATURN      RAHU          19-08-2005     23-01-2006           

            RAHU        SATURN      JUPITER       23-01-2006     10-06-2006           

            RAHU        MERCURY     MERCURY       10-06-2006     20-10-2006           

            RAHU        MERCURY     KETU          20-10-2006     14-12-2006           

            RAHU        MERCURY     VENUS         14-12-2006     18-05-2007           

            RAHU        MERCURY     SUN           18-05-2007     03-07-2007            

            RAHU        MERCURY     MOON          03-07-2007     19-09-2007           

            RAHU        MERCURY     MARS          19-09-2007     12-11-2007           

            RAHU        MERCURY     RAHU          12-11-2007     31-03-2008           

            RAHU        MERCURY     JUPITER       31-03-2008     02-08-2008           

            RAHU        MERCURY     SATURN        02-08-2008     28-12-2008           

            RAHU        KETU        KETU          28-12-2008     19-01-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        VENUS         19-01-2009     24-03-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        SUN           24-03-2009     12-04-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        MOON          12-04-2009     14-05-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        MARS          14-05-2009     06-06-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        RAHU          06-06-2009     02-08-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        JUPITER       02-08-2009     22-09-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        SATURN        22-09-2009     22-11-2009           

            RAHU        KETU        MERCURY       22-11-2009     15-01-2010           

            RAHU        VENUS       VENUS         15-01-2010     17-07-2010           

            RAHU        VENUS       SUN           17-07-2010     10-09-2010           

            RAHU        VENUS       MOON          10-09-2010     10-12-2010           

            RAHU        VENUS       MARS          10-12-2010     12-02-2011           

            RAHU        VENUS       RAHU          12-02-2011     26-07-2011           

            RAHU        VENUS       JUPITER       26-07-2011     19-12-2011           

            RAHU        VENUS       SATURN        19-12-2011     10-06-2012           

            RAHU        VENUS       MERCURY       10-06-2012     12-11-2012           

            RAHU        VENUS       KETU          12-11-2012     15-01-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         SUN           15-01-2013     31-01-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         MOON          31-01-2013     28-02-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         MARS          28-02-2013     19-03-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         RAHU          19-03-2013     07-05-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         JUPITER       07-05-2013     20-06-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         SATURN        20-06-2013     11-08-2013            

            RAHU        SUN         MERCURY       11-08-2013     27-09-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         KETU          27-09-2013     16-10-2013           

            RAHU        SUN         VENUS         16-10-2013     10-12-2013           

            RAHU        MOON        MOON          10-12-2013     24-01-2014           

            RAHU        MOON        MARS          24-01-2014     25-02-2014           

            RAHU        MOON        RAHU          25-02-2014     19-05-2014           

            RAHU        MOON        JUPITER       19-05-2014     31-07-2014           

            RAHU        MOON        SATURN        31-07-2014     25-10-2014           

            RAHU        MOON        MERCURY       25-10-2014     11-01-2015           

            RAHU        MOON        KETU          11-01-2015     12-02-2015           

            RAHU        MOON        VENUS         12-02-2015     14-05-2015           

            RAHU        MOON        SUN           14-05-2015     11-06-2015           

            RAHU        MARS        MARS          11-06-2015     03-07-2015           


            RAHU        MARS        RAHU          03-07-2015     30-08-2015           

            RAHU        MARS        JUPITER       30-08-2015     20-10-2015           

            RAHU        MARS        SATURN        20-10-2015     19-12-2015           

            RAHU        MARS        MERCURY       19-12-2015     12-02-2016           

            RAHU        MARS        KETU          12-02-2016     05-03-2016           

            RAHU        MARS        VENUS         05-03-2016     08-05-2016           

            RAHU        MARS        SUN           08-05-2016     27-05-2016           

            RAHU        MARS        MOON          27-05-2016     28-06-2016           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     JUPITER       28-06-2016     10-10-2016           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     SATURN        10-10-2016     10-02-2017           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     MERCURY       10-02-2017     01-06-2017           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     KETU          01-06-2017     16-07-2017           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     VENUS         16-07-2017     23-11-2017           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     SUN           23-11-2017     01-01-2018           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     MOON          01-01-2018     07-03-2018            

            JUPITER     JUPITER     MARS          07-03-2018     22-04-2018           

            JUPITER     JUPITER     RAHU          22-04-2018     16-08-2018           

            JUPITER     SATURN      SATURN        16-08-2018     10-01-2019           

            JUPITER     SATURN      MERCURY       10-01-2019     21-05-2019           

            JUPITER     SATURN      KETU          21-05-2019     14-07-2019           

            JUPITER     SATURN      VENUS         14-07-2019     15-12-2019           

            JUPITER     SATURN      SUN           15-12-2019     30-01-2020           

            JUPITER     SATURN      MOON          30-01-2020     17-04-2020           

            JUPITER     SATURN      MARS          17-04-2020     10-06-2020           

            JUPITER     SATURN      RAHU          10-06-2020     26-10-2020           

            JUPITER     SATURN      JUPITER       26-10-2020     27-02-2021           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     MERCURY       27-02-2021     24-06-2021           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     KETU          24-06-2021     11-08-2021           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     VENUS         11-08-2021     27-12-2021           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     SUN           27-12-2021     07-02-2022           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     MOON          07-02-2022     17-04-2022           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     MARS          17-04-2022     04-06-2022           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     RAHU          04-06-2022     06-10-2022           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     JUPITER       06-10-2022     25-01-2023           

            JUPITER     MERCURY     SATURN        25-01-2023     05-06-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        KETU          05-06-2023     25-06-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        VENUS         25-06-2023     20-08-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        SUN           20-08-2023     06-09-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        MOON          06-09-2023     05-10-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        MARS          05-10-2023     25-10-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        RAHU          25-10-2023     15-12-2023           

            JUPITER     KETU        JUPITER       15-12-2023     29-01-2024           

            JUPITER     KETU        SATURN        29-01-2024     23-03-2024           

            JUPITER     KETU        MERCURY       23-03-2024     11-05-2024            

            JUPITER     VENUS       VENUS         11-05-2024     20-10-2024           

            JUPITER     VENUS       SUN           20-10-2024     08-12-2024           

            JUPITER     VENUS       MOON          08-12-2024     27-02-2025           

            JUPITER     VENUS       MARS          27-02-2025     25-04-2025           

            JUPITER     VENUS       RAHU          25-04-2025     18-09-2025           

            JUPITER     VENUS       JUPITER       18-09-2025     26-01-2026           

            JUPITER     VENUS       SATURN        26-01-2026     29-06-2026           

            JUPITER     VENUS       MERCURY       29-06-2026     14-11-2026           

            JUPITER     VENUS       KETU          14-11-2026     10-01-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         SUN           10-01-2027     24-01-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         MOON          24-01-2027     18-02-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         MARS          18-02-2027     07-03-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         RAHU          07-03-2027     19-04-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         JUPITER       19-04-2027     28-05-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         SATURN        28-05-2027     14-07-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         MERCURY       14-07-2027     24-08-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         KETU          24-08-2027     10-09-2027           

            JUPITER     SUN         VENUS         10-09-2027     29-10-2027           

            JUPITER     MOON        MOON          29-10-2027     08-12-2027           

            JUPITER     MOON        MARS          08-12-2027     06-01-2028           

            JUPITER     MOON        RAHU          06-01-2028     19-03-2028           

            JUPITER     MOON        JUPITER       19-03-2028     23-05-2028           


            JUPITER     MOON        SATURN        23-05-2028     08-08-2028           

            JUPITER     MOON        MERCURY       08-08-2028     16-10-2028           

            JUPITER     MOON        KETU          16-10-2028     13-11-2028           

            JUPITER     MOON        VENUS         13-11-2028     02-02-2029           

            JUPITER     MOON        SUN           02-02-2029     27-02-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        MARS          27-02-2029     19-03-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        RAHU          19-03-2029     09-05-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        JUPITER       09-05-2029     23-06-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        SATURN        23-06-2029     16-08-2029            

            JUPITER     MARS        MERCURY       16-08-2029     04-10-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        KETU          04-10-2029     23-10-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        VENUS         23-10-2029     19-12-2029           

            JUPITER     MARS        SUN           19-12-2029     05-01-2030           

            JUPITER     MARS        MOON          05-01-2030     03-02-2030           

            JUPITER     RAHU        RAHU          03-02-2030     14-06-2030           

            JUPITER     RAHU        JUPITER       14-06-2030     09-10-2030           

            JUPITER     RAHU        SATURN        09-10-2030     25-02-2031           

            JUPITER     RAHU        MERCURY       25-02-2031     29-06-2031           

            JUPITER     RAHU        KETU          29-06-2031     19-08-2031           

            JUPITER     RAHU        VENUS         19-08-2031     12-01-2032           

            JUPITER     RAHU        SUN           12-01-2032     25-02-2032           

            JUPITER     RAHU        MOON          25-02-2032     08-05-2032           

            JUPITER     RAHU        MARS          08-05-2032     28-06-2032           

            SATURN      SATURN      SATURN        28-06-2032     19-12-2032           

            SATURN      SATURN      MERCURY       19-12-2032     24-05-2033           

            SATURN      SATURN      KETU          24-05-2033     27-07-2033           

            SATURN      SATURN      VENUS         27-07-2033     26-01-2034           

            SATURN      SATURN      SUN           26-01-2034     22-03-2034           

            SATURN      SATURN      MOON          22-03-2034     22-06-2034           

            SATURN      SATURN      MARS          22-06-2034     25-08-2034           

            SATURN      SATURN      RAHU          25-08-2034     06-02-2035           

            SATURN      SATURN      JUPITER       06-02-2035     02-07-2035           

            SATURN      MERCURY     MERCURY       02-07-2035     18-11-2035           

            SATURN      MERCURY     KETU          18-11-2035     15-01-2036           

            SATURN      MERCURY     VENUS         15-01-2036     27-06-2036           

            SATURN      MERCURY     SUN           27-06-2036     15-08-2036           

            SATURN      MERCURY     MOON          15-08-2036     05-11-2036           

            SATURN      MERCURY     MARS          05-11-2036     01-01-2037            

            SATURN      MERCURY     RAHU          01-01-2037     29-05-2037           

            SATURN      MERCURY     JUPITER       29-05-2037     07-10-2037           

            SATURN      MERCURY     SATURN        07-10-2037     11-03-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        KETU          11-03-2038     04-04-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        VENUS         04-04-2038     10-06-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        SUN           10-06-2038     01-07-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        MOON          01-07-2038     03-08-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        MARS          03-08-2038     27-08-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        RAHU          27-08-2038     27-10-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        JUPITER       27-10-2038     20-12-2038           

            SATURN      KETU        SATURN        20-12-2038     22-02-2039           

            SATURN      KETU        MERCURY       22-02-2039     20-04-2039           

            SATURN      VENUS       VENUS         20-04-2039     30-10-2039           

            SATURN      VENUS       SUN           30-10-2039     27-12-2039           

            SATURN      VENUS       MOON          27-12-2039     01-04-2040           

            SATURN      VENUS       MARS          01-04-2040     08-06-2040           

            SATURN      VENUS       RAHU          08-06-2040     28-11-2040           

            SATURN      VENUS       JUPITER       28-11-2040     01-05-2041           

            SATURN      VENUS       SATURN        01-05-2041     31-10-2041           

            SATURN      VENUS       MERCURY       31-10-2041     13-04-2042           

            SATURN      VENUS       KETU          13-04-2042     20-06-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         SUN           20-06-2042     07-07-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         MOON          07-07-2042     05-08-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         MARS          05-08-2042     25-08-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         RAHU          25-08-2042     16-10-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         JUPITER       16-10-2042     02-12-2042           

            SATURN      SUN         SATURN        02-12-2042     25-01-2043           

            SATURN      SUN         MERCURY       25-01-2043     16-03-2043           


            SATURN      SUN         KETU          16-03-2043     05-04-2043           

            SATURN      SUN         VENUS         05-04-2043     02-06-2043           

            SATURN      MOON        MOON          02-06-2043     20-07-2043            

            SATURN      MOON        MARS          20-07-2043     23-08-2043           

            SATURN      MOON        RAHU          23-08-2043     17-11-2043           

            SATURN      MOON        JUPITER       17-11-2043     03-02-2044           

            SATURN      MOON        SATURN        03-02-2044     04-05-2044           

            SATURN      MOON        MERCURY       04-05-2044     25-07-2044           

            SATURN      MOON        KETU          25-07-2044     28-08-2044           

            SATURN      MOON        VENUS         28-08-2044     02-12-2044           

            SATURN      MOON        SUN           02-12-2044     31-12-2044           

            SATURN      MARS        MARS          31-12-2044     24-01-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        RAHU          24-01-2045     25-03-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        JUPITER       25-03-2045     18-05-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        SATURN        18-05-2045     21-07-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        MERCURY       21-07-2045     17-09-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        KETU          17-09-2045     10-10-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        VENUS         10-10-2045     17-12-2045           

            SATURN      MARS        SUN           17-12-2045     06-01-2046           

            SATURN      MARS        MOON          06-01-2046     09-02-2046           

            SATURN      RAHU        RAHU          09-02-2046     15-07-2046           

            SATURN      RAHU        JUPITER       15-07-2046     01-12-2046           

            SATURN      RAHU        SATURN        01-12-2046     15-05-2047           

            SATURN      RAHU        MERCURY       15-05-2047     09-10-2047           

            SATURN      RAHU        KETU          09-10-2047     09-12-2047           

            SATURN      RAHU        VENUS         09-12-2047     30-05-2048           

            SATURN      RAHU        SUN           30-05-2048     21-07-2048           

            SATURN      RAHU        MOON          21-07-2048     16-10-2048           

            SATURN      RAHU        MARS          16-10-2048     16-12-2048            

            SATURN      JUPITER     JUPITER       16-12-2048     18-04-2049           

            SATURN      JUPITER     SATURN        18-04-2049     12-09-2049           

            SATURN      JUPITER     MERCURY       12-09-2049     21-01-2050           

            SATURN      JUPITER     KETU          21-01-2050     16-03-2050           

            SATURN      JUPITER     VENUS         16-03-2050     17-08-2050           

            SATURN      JUPITER     SUN           17-08-2050     02-10-2050           

            SATURN      JUPITER     MOON          02-10-2050     18-12-2050           

            SATURN      JUPITER     MARS          18-12-2050     10-02-2051           

            SATURN      JUPITER     RAHU          10-02-2051     29-06-2051           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     MERCURY       29-06-2051     01-11-2051           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     KETU          01-11-2051     22-12-2051           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     VENUS         22-12-2051     17-05-2052           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     SUN           17-05-2052     30-06-2052           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     MOON          30-06-2052     11-09-2052           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     MARS          11-09-2052     01-11-2052           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     RAHU          01-11-2052     13-03-2053           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     JUPITER       13-03-2053     09-07-2053           

            MERCURY     MERCURY     SATURN        09-07-2053     25-11-2053           

            MERCURY     KETU        KETU          25-11-2053     16-12-2053           

            MERCURY     KETU        VENUS         16-12-2053     14-02-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        SUN           14-02-2054     04-03-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        MOON          04-03-2054     04-04-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        MARS          04-04-2054     25-04-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        RAHU          25-04-2054     18-06-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        JUPITER       18-06-2054     05-08-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        SATURN        05-08-2054     02-10-2054           

            MERCURY     KETU        MERCURY       02-10-2054     22-11-2054           

            MERCURY     VENUS       VENUS         22-11-2054     14-05-2055           

            MERCURY     VENUS       SUN           14-05-2055     04-07-2055            

            MERCURY     VENUS       MOON          04-07-2055     29-09-2055           

            MERCURY     VENUS       MARS          29-09-2055     28-11-2055           

            MERCURY     VENUS       RAHU          28-11-2055     01-05-2056           

            MERCURY     VENUS       JUPITER       01-05-2056     16-09-2056           

            MERCURY     VENUS       SATURN        16-09-2056     27-02-2057           

            MERCURY     VENUS       MERCURY       27-02-2057     24-07-2057           

            MERCURY     VENUS       KETU          24-07-2057     22-09-2057           

            MERCURY     SUN         SUN           22-09-2057     07-10-2057           


            MERCURY     SUN         MOON          07-10-2057     02-11-2057           

            MERCURY     SUN         MARS          02-11-2057     20-11-2057           

            MERCURY     SUN         RAHU          20-11-2057     06-01-2058           

            MERCURY     SUN         JUPITER       06-01-2058     16-02-2058           

            MERCURY     SUN         SATURN        16-02-2058     07-04-2058           

            MERCURY     SUN         MERCURY       07-04-2058     21-05-2058           

            MERCURY     SUN         KETU          21-05-2058     08-06-2058           

            MERCURY     SUN         VENUS         08-06-2058     29-07-2058           

            MERCURY     MOON        MOON          29-07-2058     11-09-2058           

            MERCURY     MOON        MARS          11-09-2058     11-10-2058           

            MERCURY     MOON        RAHU          11-10-2058     27-12-2058           

            MERCURY     MOON        JUPITER       27-12-2058     06-03-2059           

            MERCURY     MOON        SATURN        06-03-2059     27-05-2059           

            MERCURY     MOON        MERCURY       27-05-2059     09-08-2059           

            MERCURY     MOON        KETU          09-08-2059     08-09-2059           

            MERCURY     MOON        VENUS         08-09-2059     03-12-2059           

            MERCURY     MOON        SUN           03-12-2059     29-12-2059           

            MERCURY     MARS        MARS          29-12-2059     19-01-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        RAHU          19-01-2060     13-03-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        JUPITER       13-03-2060     01-05-2060            

            MERCURY     MARS        SATURN        01-05-2060     27-06-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        MERCURY       27-06-2060     17-08-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        KETU          17-08-2060     07-09-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        VENUS         07-09-2060     07-11-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        SUN           07-11-2060     25-11-2060           

            MERCURY     MARS        MOON          25-11-2060     25-12-2060           

            MERCURY     RAHU        RAHU          25-12-2060     14-05-2061           

            MERCURY     RAHU        JUPITER       14-05-2061     15-09-2061           

            MERCURY     RAHU        SATURN        15-09-2061     09-02-2062           

            MERCURY     RAHU        MERCURY       09-02-2062     21-06-2062           

            MERCURY     RAHU        KETU          21-06-2062     15-08-2062           

            MERCURY     RAHU        VENUS         15-08-2062     17-01-2063           

            MERCURY     RAHU        SUN           17-01-2063     05-03-2063           

            MERCURY     RAHU        MOON          05-03-2063     21-05-2063           

            MERCURY     RAHU        MARS          21-05-2063     14-07-2063           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     JUPITER       14-07-2063     02-11-2063           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     SATURN        02-11-2063     12-03-2064           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     MERCURY       12-03-2064     07-07-2064           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     KETU          07-07-2064     25-08-2064           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     VENUS         25-08-2064     10-01-2065           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     SUN           10-01-2065     20-02-2065           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     MOON          20-02-2065     30-04-2065           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     MARS          30-04-2065     17-06-2065           

            MERCURY     JUPITER     RAHU          17-06-2065     19-10-2065           

            MERCURY     SATURN      SATURN        19-10-2065     24-03-2066           

            MERCURY     SATURN      MERCURY       24-03-2066     10-08-2066           

            MERCURY     SATURN      KETU          10-08-2066     07-10-2066           

            MERCURY     SATURN      VENUS         07-10-2066     20-03-2067           

            MERCURY     SATURN      SUN           20-03-2067     08-05-2067            

            MERCURY     SATURN      MOON          08-05-2067     29-07-2067           

            MERCURY     SATURN      MARS          29-07-2067     24-09-2067           

            MERCURY     SATURN      RAHU          24-09-2067     18-02-2068           

            MERCURY     SATURN      JUPITER       18-02-2068     29-06-2068           

            KETU        KETU        KETU          29-06-2068     07-07-2068           

            KETU        KETU        VENUS         07-07-2068     01-08-2068           

            KETU        KETU        SUN           01-08-2068     09-08-2068           

            KETU        KETU        MOON          09-08-2068     21-08-2068           

            KETU        KETU        MARS          21-08-2068     30-08-2068           

            KETU        KETU        RAHU          30-08-2068     21-09-2068           

            KETU        KETU        JUPITER       21-09-2068     11-10-2068           

            KETU        KETU        SATURN        11-10-2068     04-11-2068           

            KETU        KETU        MERCURY       04-11-2068     25-11-2068           

            KETU        VENUS       KETU          25-11-2068     20-12-2068           

            KETU        VENUS       VENUS         20-12-2068     01-03-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       SUN           01-03-2069     22-03-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       MOON          22-03-2069     26-04-2069           


            KETU        VENUS       MARS          26-04-2069     21-05-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       RAHU          21-05-2069     24-07-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       JUPITER       24-07-2069     19-09-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       SATURN        19-09-2069     25-11-2069           

            KETU        VENUS       MERCURY       25-11-2069     25-01-2070           

            KETU        SUN         SUN           25-01-2070     31-01-2070           

            KETU        SUN         MOON          31-01-2070     11-02-2070           

            KETU        SUN         MARS          11-02-2070     18-02-2070           

            KETU        SUN         RAHU          18-02-2070     09-03-2070           

            KETU        SUN         JUPITER       09-03-2070     27-03-2070           

            KETU        SUN         SATURN        27-03-2070     16-04-2070           

            KETU        SUN         MERCURY       16-04-2070     04-05-2070           

            KETU        SUN         KETU          04-05-2070     11-05-2070           

            KETU        SUN         VENUS         11-05-2070     02-06-2070            

            KETU        MOON        MOON          02-06-2070     19-06-2070           

            KETU        MOON        MARS          19-06-2070     02-07-2070           

            KETU        MOON        RAHU          02-07-2070     03-08-2070           

            KETU        MOON        JUPITER       03-08-2070     31-08-2070           

            KETU        MOON        SATURN        31-08-2070     04-10-2070           

            KETU        MOON        MERCURY       04-10-2070     03-11-2070           

            KETU        MOON        KETU          03-11-2070     16-11-2070           

            KETU        MOON        VENUS         16-11-2070     21-12-2070           

            KETU        MOON        SUN           21-12-2070     01-01-2071           

            KETU        MARS        MARS          01-01-2071     09-01-2071           

            KETU        MARS        RAHU          09-01-2071     01-02-2071           

            KETU        MARS        JUPITER       01-02-2071     21-02-2071           

            KETU        MARS        SATURN        21-02-2071     16-03-2071           

            KETU        MARS        MERCURY       16-03-2071     06-04-2071           

            KETU        MARS        KETU          06-04-2071     15-04-2071           

            KETU        MARS        VENUS         15-04-2071     10-05-2071           

            KETU        MARS        SUN           10-05-2071     17-05-2071           

            KETU        MARS        MOON          17-05-2071     30-05-2071           

            KETU        RAHU        RAHU          30-05-2071     26-07-2071           

            KETU        RAHU        JUPITER       26-07-2071     16-09-2071           

            KETU        RAHU        SATURN        16-09-2071     15-11-2071           

            KETU        RAHU        MERCURY       15-11-2071     09-01-2072           

            KETU        RAHU        KETU          09-01-2072     31-01-2072           

            KETU        RAHU        VENUS         31-01-2072     04-04-2072           

            KETU        RAHU        SUN           04-04-2072     23-04-2072           

            KETU        RAHU        MOON          23-04-2072     25-05-2072           

            KETU        RAHU        MARS          25-05-2072     16-06-2072           

            KETU        JUPITER     JUPITER       16-06-2072     01-08-2072           

            KETU        JUPITER     SATURN        01-08-2072     24-09-2072            

            KETU        JUPITER     MERCURY       24-09-2072     11-11-2072           

            KETU        JUPITER     KETU          11-11-2072     01-12-2072           

            KETU        JUPITER     VENUS         01-12-2072     27-01-2073           

            KETU        JUPITER     SUN           27-01-2073     13-02-2073           

            KETU        JUPITER     MOON          13-02-2073     13-03-2073           

            KETU        JUPITER     MARS          13-03-2073     02-04-2073           

            KETU        JUPITER     RAHU          02-04-2073     23-05-2073           

            KETU        SATURN      SATURN        23-05-2073     26-07-2073           

            KETU        SATURN      MERCURY       26-07-2073     22-09-2073           

            KETU        SATURN      KETU          22-09-2073     15-10-2073           

            KETU        SATURN      VENUS         15-10-2073     22-12-2073           

            KETU        SATURN      SUN           22-12-2073     11-01-2074           

            KETU        SATURN      MOON          11-01-2074     14-02-2074           

            KETU        SATURN      MARS          14-02-2074     09-03-2074           

            KETU        SATURN      RAHU          09-03-2074     09-05-2074           

            KETU        SATURN      JUPITER       09-05-2074     02-07-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     MERCURY       02-07-2074     22-08-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     KETU          22-08-2074     13-09-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     VENUS         13-09-2074     12-11-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     SUN           12-11-2074     30-11-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     MOON          30-11-2074     30-12-2074           

            KETU        MERCURY     MARS          30-12-2074     20-01-2075           

            KETU        MERCURY     RAHU          20-01-2075     16-03-2075           


            KETU        MERCURY     JUPITER       16-03-2075     03-05-2075           

            KETU        MERCURY     SATURN        03-05-2075     29-06-2075           

            VENUS       VENUS       VENUS         29-06-2075     18-01-2076           

            VENUS       VENUS       SUN           18-01-2076     19-03-2076           

            VENUS       VENUS       MOON          19-03-2076     29-06-2076            

            VENUS       VENUS       MARS          29-06-2076     08-09-2076           

            VENUS       VENUS       RAHU          08-09-2076     09-03-2077           

            VENUS       VENUS       JUPITER       09-03-2077     19-08-2077           

            VENUS       VENUS       SATURN        19-08-2077     27-02-2078           

            VENUS       VENUS       MERCURY       27-02-2078     19-08-2078           

            VENUS       VENUS       KETU          19-08-2078     29-10-2078           

            VENUS       SUN         SUN           29-10-2078     16-11-2078           

            VENUS       SUN         MOON          16-11-2078     17-12-2078           

            VENUS       SUN         MARS          17-12-2078     07-01-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         RAHU          07-01-2079     03-03-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         JUPITER       03-03-2079     20-04-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         SATURN        20-04-2079     17-06-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         MERCURY       17-06-2079     08-08-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         KETU          08-08-2079     29-08-2079           

            VENUS       SUN         VENUS         29-08-2079     29-10-2079           

            VENUS       MOON        MOON          29-10-2079     19-12-2079           

            VENUS       MOON        MARS          19-12-2079     23-01-2080           

            VENUS       MOON        RAHU          23-01-2080     24-04-2080           

            VENUS       MOON        JUPITER       24-04-2080     14-07-2080           

            VENUS       MOON        SATURN        14-07-2080     18-10-2080           

            VENUS       MOON        MERCURY       18-10-2080     12-01-2081           

            VENUS       MOON        KETU          12-01-2081     17-02-2081           

            VENUS       MOON        VENUS         17-02-2081     29-05-2081           

            VENUS       MOON        SUN           29-05-2081     29-06-2081           

            VENUS       MARS        MARS          29-06-2081     24-07-2081           

            VENUS       MARS        RAHU          24-07-2081     26-09-2081           

            VENUS       MARS        JUPITER       26-09-2081     21-11-2081           

            VENUS       MARS        SATURN        21-11-2081     28-01-2082           

            VENUS       MARS        MERCURY       28-01-2082     29-03-2082            

            VENUS       MARS        KETU          29-03-2082     23-04-2082           

            VENUS       MARS        VENUS         23-04-2082     03-07-2082           

            VENUS       MARS        SUN           03-07-2082     24-07-2082           

            VENUS       MARS        MOON          24-07-2082     29-08-2082           

            VENUS       RAHU        RAHU          29-08-2082     09-02-2083           

            VENUS       RAHU        JUPITER       09-02-2083     05-07-2083           

            VENUS       RAHU        SATURN        05-07-2083     26-12-2083           

            VENUS       RAHU        MERCURY       26-12-2083     29-05-2084           

            VENUS       RAHU        KETU          29-05-2084     01-08-2084           

            VENUS       RAHU        VENUS         01-08-2084     31-01-2085           

            VENUS       RAHU        SUN           31-01-2085     27-03-2085           

            VENUS       RAHU        MOON          27-03-2085     26-06-2085           

            VENUS       RAHU        MARS          26-06-2085     29-08-2085           

            VENUS       JUPITER     JUPITER       29-08-2085     06-01-2086           

            VENUS       JUPITER     SATURN        06-01-2086     09-06-2086           

            VENUS       JUPITER     MERCURY       09-06-2086     25-10-2086           

            VENUS       JUPITER     KETU          25-10-2086     21-12-2086           

            VENUS       JUPITER     VENUS         21-12-2086     01-06-2087           

            VENUS       JUPITER     SUN           01-06-2087     20-07-2087           

            VENUS       JUPITER     MOON          20-07-2087     09-10-2087           

            VENUS       JUPITER     MARS          09-10-2087     05-12-2087           

            VENUS       JUPITER     RAHU          05-12-2087     29-04-2088           

            VENUS       SATURN      SATURN        29-04-2088     29-10-2088           

            VENUS       SATURN      MERCURY       29-10-2088     11-04-2089           

            VENUS       SATURN      KETU          11-04-2089     17-06-2089           

            VENUS       SATURN      VENUS         17-06-2089     27-12-2089           

            VENUS       SATURN      SUN           27-12-2089     23-02-2090           

            VENUS       SATURN      MOON          23-02-2090     30-05-2090           

            VENUS       SATURN      MARS          30-05-2090     06-08-2090            

            VENUS       SATURN      RAHU          06-08-2090     26-01-2091           

            VENUS       SATURN      JUPITER       26-01-2091     29-06-2091           

            VENUS       MERCURY     MERCURY       29-06-2091     23-11-2091           


            VENUS       MERCURY     KETU          23-11-2091     22-01-2092           

            VENUS       MERCURY     VENUS         22-01-2092     13-07-2092           

            VENUS       MERCURY     SUN           13-07-2092     03-09-2092           

            VENUS       MERCURY     MOON          03-09-2092     28-11-2092           

            VENUS       MERCURY     MARS          28-11-2092     27-01-2093           

            VENUS       MERCURY     RAHU          27-01-2093     01-07-2093           

            VENUS       MERCURY     JUPITER       01-07-2093     16-11-2093           

            VENUS       MERCURY     SATURN        16-11-2093     29-04-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        KETU          29-04-2094     24-05-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        VENUS         24-05-2094     03-08-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        SUN           03-08-2094     24-08-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        MOON          24-08-2094     29-09-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        MARS          29-09-2094     24-10-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        RAHU          24-10-2094     27-12-2094           

            VENUS       KETU        JUPITER       27-12-2094     22-02-2095           

            VENUS       KETU        SATURN        22-02-2095     30-04-2095           

            VENUS       KETU        MERCURY       30-04-2095     29-06-2095           

            SUN         SUN         SUN           29-06-2095     05-07-2095           

            SUN         SUN         MOON          05-07-2095     14-07-2095           

            SUN         SUN         MARS          14-07-2095     20-07-2095           

            SUN         SUN         RAHU          20-07-2095     06-08-2095           

            SUN         SUN         JUPITER       06-08-2095     20-08-2095           

            SUN         SUN         SATURN        20-08-2095     07-09-2095           

            SUN         SUN         MERCURY       07-09-2095     22-09-2095           

            SUN         SUN         KETU          22-09-2095     29-09-2095            

            SUN         SUN         VENUS         29-09-2095     17-10-2095           

            SUN         MOON        MOON          17-10-2095     01-11-2095           

            SUN         MOON        MARS          01-11-2095     12-11-2095           

            SUN         MOON        RAHU          12-11-2095     09-12-2095           

            SUN         MOON        JUPITER       09-12-2095     03-01-2096           

            SUN         MOON        SATURN        03-01-2096     01-02-2096           

            SUN         MOON        MERCURY       01-02-2096     26-02-2096           

            SUN         MOON        KETU          26-02-2096     08-03-2096           

            SUN         MOON        VENUS         08-03-2096     08-04-2096           

            SUN         MOON        SUN           08-04-2096     17-04-2096           

            SUN         MARS        MARS          17-04-2096     24-04-2096           

            SUN         MARS        RAHU          24-04-2096     13-05-2096           

            SUN         MARS        JUPITER       13-05-2096     30-05-2096           

            SUN         MARS        SATURN        30-05-2096     20-06-2096           

            SUN         MARS        MERCURY       20-06-2096     08-07-2096           

            SUN         MARS        KETU          08-07-2096     15-07-2096           

            SUN         MARS        VENUS         15-07-2096     05-08-2096           

            SUN         MARS        SUN           05-08-2096     12-08-2096           

            SUN         MARS        MOON          12-08-2096     22-08-2096           

            SUN         RAHU        RAHU          22-08-2096     11-10-2096           

            SUN         RAHU        JUPITER       11-10-2096     24-11-2096           

            SUN         RAHU        SATURN        24-11-2096     15-01-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        MERCURY       15-01-2097     02-03-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        KETU          02-03-2097     21-03-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        VENUS         21-03-2097     15-05-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        SUN           15-05-2097     01-06-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        MOON          01-06-2097     28-06-2097           

            SUN         RAHU        MARS          28-06-2097     17-07-2097           

            SUN         JUPITER     JUPITER       17-07-2097     25-08-2097            

            SUN         JUPITER     SATURN        25-08-2097     10-10-2097           

            SUN         JUPITER     MERCURY       10-10-2097     21-11-2097           

            SUN         JUPITER     KETU          21-11-2097     08-12-2097           

            SUN         JUPITER     VENUS         08-12-2097     26-01-2098           

            SUN         JUPITER     SUN           26-01-2098     09-02-2098           

            SUN         JUPITER     MOON          09-02-2098     06-03-2098           

            SUN         JUPITER     MARS          06-03-2098     23-03-2098           

            SUN         JUPITER     RAHU          23-03-2098     05-05-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      SATURN        05-05-2098     29-06-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      MERCURY       29-06-2098     18-08-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      KETU          18-08-2098     07-09-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      VENUS         07-09-2098     04-11-2098           


            SUN         SATURN      SUN           04-11-2098     21-11-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      MOON          21-11-2098     20-12-2098           

            SUN         SATURN      MARS          20-12-2098     09-01-2099           

            SUN         SATURN      RAHU          09-01-2099     02-03-2099           

            SUN         SATURN      JUPITER       02-03-2099     17-04-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     MERCURY       17-04-2099     31-05-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     KETU          31-05-2099     19-06-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     VENUS         19-06-2099     09-08-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     SUN           09-08-2099     25-08-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     MOON          25-08-2099     20-09-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     MARS          20-09-2099     08-10-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     RAHU          08-10-2099     23-11-2099           

            SUN         MERCURY     JUPITER       23-11-2099     04-01-2100           

            SUN         MERCURY     SATURN        04-01-2100     22-02-2100           

            SUN         KETU        KETU          22-02-2100     01-03-2100           

            SUN         KETU        VENUS         01-03-2100     23-03-2100           

            SUN         KETU        SUN           23-03-2100     29-03-2100           

            SUN         KETU        MOON          29-03-2100     09-04-2100           

            SUN         KETU        MARS          09-04-2100     16-04-2100            

            SUN         KETU        RAHU          16-04-2100     05-05-2100           

            SUN         KETU        JUPITER       05-05-2100     22-05-2100           

            SUN         KETU        SATURN        22-05-2100     12-06-2100           

            SUN         KETU        MERCURY       12-06-2100     30-06-2100           

            SUN         VENUS       VENUS         30-06-2100     30-08-2100           

            SUN         VENUS       SUN           30-08-2100     17-09-2100           

            SUN         VENUS       MOON          17-09-2100     17-10-2100           

            SUN         VENUS       MARS          17-10-2100     08-11-2100           

            SUN         VENUS       RAHU          08-11-2100     01-01-2101           

            SUN         VENUS       JUPITER       01-01-2101     19-02-2101           

            SUN         VENUS       SATURN        19-02-2101     18-04-2101           

            SUN         VENUS       MERCURY       18-04-2101     09-06-2101           

            SUN         VENUS       KETU          09-06-2101     30-06-2101           



             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | VEN         |       MAR       |        

             |  SAT        KET |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |     LAG     |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        


             |                 |                           |  SUN       MER  |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |        

             -------------------    D h a n a  L a g n a   -------------------        

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             |                 |                           |                 |        

             |                 |                           |                 |         

             |                 |                           |                 |        


             |                 |             |     MOO     |                 |        

             |             JUP |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             |             |       RAH       |        

             |                 |             |             |                 |        

             |                 |             | GUL         |                 |        


























NAME Alexandra 

Here we deal exhaustively about planetary influences on 
your life. You may find some contradictory statements 
but this is due to the different influences of planets 
acting on your life. 

ASHTAMI THIDHI bestows love for freedom and independence. These 
qualities when they are affected you turn to aggression & rebe- 
llion.You are calm cool & collected normally. You have an attract- 
ive personality and love the pleasures of the mundane. 


As you are born in SADHYA NITHYAYOGA you have good knowledge and 
and devotion to duty. This may not be appreciated by many people. 
This begets enmity. You love music & fine arts.You normally get 
what you want in life. 

Virgo rising gives scholarly qualities and you are a lover of lea- 
rning. You love music and the arts. Your IQ level is above the 
ordinary. You are diplomatic and shrewd and possess business ins- 
ight. You are emotional and gets carried away by sentiments. You 
are interested in modern equipments. You love mathematics and the 
wisdom of the heavens. You are a pleasant talker and you love good 
principles & philosophy. You are healthy & wealthy and love good 
relations. You are generally under the control of your partner. 
You are thrifty and enterprising. You have a natural affinity to 
electronics & computers.You are ruled by the intellectual planet 
Mercury who is the representer of Maths computing music art 
& sculpture.You will shine as a lecturer / teacher as the planet 
of Academic Education rules you. You will be humourous & witty. 
You will shine as a writer and publisher. 

The second decanate of Virgo ruled by Saturn 

The Second Drekkana of Virgo represents a man with a bow & a pen 
in the hand- dark complexioned- crowned by a cloth- always counting 
debit and credit- with dense hair all over the body. This is an armed 
decanate & a male one. 

Since the second decanate of Virgo is rising your financial con- 
dition will be OK. If you minimize unnecessary risks you are 
likely to amass considerable wealth. You practice thrift 
and are careful in fiscal matters. Jupiter's transit of Cancer 
Aquarius and Scorpio will be important fiscally. The most = 2=
important years in your life are 18 24 30 36 42 49 and 55. 

Wealth and good behaviour will be yours as Luna tenants the 2nd 
bhava. Good longevity and romantic you become. You possess the 
divine gift of articulate speech and people find you pleasant. 

Uncontrolled you become as the Node is in the 7th bhava.You will 
need a strong mentor to help you to regain normalcy. Antogonists 
may complain that you are selfish. 

As Jupiter is in the 4th bhava you will be having all the 
comforts of life. Will have good educational gains. Will get 
the praise of all for force of character. Will own a house. 


As Sun is in the 11th bhava you will have immense wealth- wealth 
beyond the dreams of avarice wealth beyond the dreams of a Monte 
Cristo. All sorts of comforts will be enjoyed by you. Gains from 
elder co-borns and friends possible. 

As Venus is in the 9th bhava you will have immense spiritual 
progress. Tapaswi is the term denoted by the sastras for 9th 
Venus. Inclination to Philosophy and Religion meditation prayer 
prayer and other yogic techniques will shower bliss on you. 

As Saturn is in the 7th bhava you may be insulted by women. But 
Saturn has got full directional strength (DigBala) in 7th. Hence 
this position is extremely good for philosophic outlook and 
spiritual progres. 

As Rahu is in your Lagna Bhava you may be visited by illness 
during childhood. Health hazards may result. 

As Mars is posited in your 10th bhava you will be highly reputed 
and this position is conducive to professional enhancement. 10th 
Mars has been extolled by the Rishies as the best position for 
Mars as he is very powerful on the Upper Meridian. 

As Mercury is in your 11th bhava you will have exceptional 
gains. Mercury tenanting the sarvabhistasthana is excellent 
for Labha or gain. Gains due to publishing books and period- 
icals literature poetry and art. 

Since the ascendant lord is in the 11th you will be inclined to 
beauty and harmony in music art and romance. You associate freely 
with all particularly with the opposite sex. You are advised to 
guard against marital infidelity. You will be subject to delays 
or difficulties in marriage. You will not experience financial 
difficulties.You will succeed in business and your fiscal success 
will be due to your elder brother.Elder sisters will also be fav- 
ourable to you. As far as gains are concerned you will make prof- 
its commensurate with your abilities. 

As the 2nd lord is in the 9th you will attain to wealth and you 
will have professional expertise during the latter part of your 
career. During the early period of your life there will be consi- = 3=
derable suffering both physical & mental. You may secretly resent 
the loss of childhood innocence & pleasures. You have to establish 
unrivalled command on others to retain the image of superiority 
and self respect. You will visit pilgrim spots and follow Religion 
and Philosophy as 9th house represents that. You may get legacies 
and benefits will come from many a source. 

Since the 3rd lord is in the 10th you will be selfsufficient 
and selfmade.Your wealth may generate all sorts of comforts for 
you even the forbidden. Ultimately remorse would supervene and 
you become melancholic thinking of the temptations in which you 
were trapped. You have a pleasing personality and sincere approach 
which in turn creates a sympathy wave amidst the public. Your pro- 
fession may be connected by travelling and you become the gainer. 
Almost all the brothers become successful and they will help you 
in many ways.Most of them will attain to professional reputation 

Since the 5th lord is in the 7th you will be known for your 
public relations. You are basically an altruist. One son will 
go abroad & attain fame and wealth. You are affectionate and your 
children are provided with practically everything even though it 
is beyond your means. You are careful not to be misunderstood by 
others particularly by members of family. You will have a spouse 
who is cordially disposed. Since 5th lord is the owner of a trine 
in a quadrant this is a powerful position for both gains from 
spouse and children. 

Since the 6th lord is in 7th you will be surprised by the 
difference between actuality & the marital life which you dreamt. 
It is likely that you will marry from within your family. Your 
maternal uncle may live abroad. You abhor day dreaming. From your 
perspective all human relationship must have a clearcut aim and 
unambigous function. You should give freedom to your spouse to 
express opinions.Then only will you understand that impulsive and 
headstrong behaviour can only bring regret. Clashes with life 
partner likely. 

Since the 8th lord is in the 10th you tend to be with your pare- 
nts. You may have to face stiff competition from a cunning sub - 
ordinate. You are capable of coping with any problem situation. 
But once you are warned it creates doubt in your mind and this 
doubt destroys the ability to solve the problem. Despite the obs- 
tacles you face you will achieve progress in your career. In or- 
der to handle the cunning subordinate you may go and adopt unfair 
and deceiptful practices. This may pave the way for the wrath of 
the Govt or the Law. Avoid unfair means. 

Since the 10th lord is in the 11th you will earn merit & reputa- 
tion along with money. You display a happy exterior always and 
shows bonhomie and geniality. This earns you good reputation and 
goodwill among the public. You will be in a position to give emp- 
loyment opportunities to many a people. And this makes you the 
most sought after individual with many friends. As the 11th is 2nd 
from the 10th profession will fetch you immense largesse. Fame 
and reputation will be yours. Professional enhancement indicated. 
Immense earning if you use your abilities properly. 

As the 11th lord is in the 2nd you will have the help and gui- 
dance of your elder brothers. Harmonious relationship will be est- 
ablished with friends and elder coborns. Businesses partnering = 4=
friends always bring good profits. You are an altruist and chari- 
table basically. You are also religious and spiritual. Friends & 
elder coborns help you throughout life. This is a powerful Dhana 
Yoga a combination for immense wealth. The 2nd is the 4th from 
the 11th. Hence you will be blessed by conveyances and a good 

The 12th lord in the 11th is detrimental to your business profits 
& expenditure. Because the 11th is 12th to the 12th. Many enemies 
are cultivated and only a few friends. You will have extravagant 
habits which have been picked up in a place far away from home. 
Losses at a critical time are inevitable. Regarding progeny there 
may be difficulties and delays. Unexpected losses may result as 
the Vyaya lord takes an adverse stance. Expenditure spirals as a 
result and spiritual progress is hard to come by. You may be sub- 
ject to persecution by enemies. 


Since the 4th lord is in the 4th itself you are likely to be a 
hedonist seeking the pleasures of life. You will be lucky with 
respect to the 4th house significations viz - friends aunts 
mother uncles houses and conveyances as the 4th lord is in Lagna 
with respect to the 4th house. Financial stability blesses you as 
the 4th house is one of the houses of wealth. You will have power- 
ful friends and uncles & aunts become favourable. You will have a 
good house and conveyances. 

You will sacrifice your life for noble ideals as Jupiter is the 
lord of the 4th house. Because of your penchant for ethical 
moral aesthetic and spiritual values you will be highly respected. 
You will have strong commitment and a sense of devotion for what 
ever objective you have. You are impartial and capable of seeing 
both sides of the argument without favouring none. 

You will be a hedonist as Jupiter is in the 4th house. You 
will be blessed with learning and a philosophical outlook. The 
powers that be will help you in your hour of need. So enemies 
will be very careful. You will be respected and spiritually incl- 
ined. Fortune smiles on you. 

As the 4th lord is in the 4th from childhood you will exhibit 
leadership qualities and power orientation. It is quite likely 
that you will hold a responsible post close to the ministry. You 
will be highly educated & expertise in profession will be atta- 
ained and you will be a skilled manipulator. You will maintain a 
spotless character & do not give chance to anybody to point an 
accusing finger at you. That love is a gift to be given will be 
understood by you later on and not a game to be won. 


As the 9th lord is in the 9th father becomes prosperous and long 
lived. You will be considered a fortunate girl by all who come & 
see you. Your noble qualities of head & heart will inspire other 
boys and girls. Your father will be instrumental into making the 
noble person that you are. He will play a significant role in 
your development. You will imbibe all his noble qualities & his = 5=
immense knowledge. You will be blessed by paternal legacy. 
Husband also benefits from your luck and socio- economic 
position. You also will be favourably disposed to your brothers 
& sisters. 

You can wear white or light shade dress which is conducive to 
good fortune on different occasions. Diamond has been prescribed 
as the birthstone for you. It will give you good luck parti- 
cularly if you are engaged in art. 

Venus in the ninth bestows all sorts of happiness comforts and all 
the sensual enjoyments. Prosperity dawns. 


As Saturn is in your 7th house probable delay in marriage indi- 
cated. You are advised to depend on God and visit holy places for 
relief. Finally you may find a good man to marry you. Proposal 
may come up under peculiar circumstances. Peculiarity in age 
difference or height difference possible. Even it may be a second 
marriage for the man. You may have to settle in a place far away 
from your place of birth. 

Your 7th lord is in the 4th house.This is a powerful conjunction 
for 7th house significations like husband and conjugal bliss.You 
are devoted to the well being of your husband.You will have imm- 
ense educational attainments. You will have a good mansion and 
good conveyace facilities. Since 4th is 10th to the 7th & is a 
powerful angle to it your husband may reach the top in his 
career and your role in his development will not be negligible. 
Your pleasant words also attract your husband to your way of 
thinking. You will also enjoy maternal bliss. 

A person hailing from the northern direction will make an ideal 
partner for you 



Nipuna Yoga is formed when Mercury and Sun are together. 
High skill intelligence and fame are some of the charact- 
eristics of this yoga which is also called Budha_Adithya Yoga. 
( " Budhena nipunam dhee keerthi saukhyanwitham " ) 
All sorts of comforts are bestowed by this yoga. The effects of 
this yoga will be null and void if Mercury is combust. 


Adhi Yoga results when the lunar 6th 7th and 8th positions 
are occupied by major planets. The result of this yoga is 
wealth and fame. You will be the leader wherever you are 
placed. You will be above want. 


Amala Yoga is formed when the lunar 10th is occupied by 
major planets. Fame wealth and intellectual achievements 
are denoted by this yoga. Your reputation will spread far 
and wide. 


Vasi yoga results when the solar 12th is tenanted by major 
planets. Financial stability health and fame are indicated. 
You will be known as a pious individual amidst your circle. 


According to the classical texts the person become a king ext- 
olled by the good will eat pure food and will be of righteous 
disposition. Jupiter is the planet of Religion and the person 
not only becomes religious but revives true Religion. Wealth 
righteousness comforts devotion to preceptors beautiful voice 
fame and liberality - these are some of the characteristics of 
Hamsa Yoga. High longevity is also conferred by this yoga. 

Jupiter is the planet of Expansion & it bestows you with charisma 
and personal magnetism. You influence those whom you come in cont- 
act with. 

Brief Note about Planetary Gemology 

Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology 
& Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine 
planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the 
planet governing fortune can generate fortune. Gemology post- 
ulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have thera- 
peutic properties which can be used in the medical field. 

Its therapeutic properties are used in Cosmic Ray Therapy. 
Gems have changed the destiny of many prominent individuals and 
if you wear the stone prescribed by Computer you can also see 
the remarkable transformation taking place in your career. 

Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the 
earth have the ability to heal diseases. 

Similarly if you wear the gem of a recommended Benefic 
you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colours radiated by 
the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating 
Colour hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colours are absorbed 
by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body. 
The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical 
body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease). 

Scientific Research done in Astro-Gemology - The Rationale 

The seven primary colours of the spectrum and the two secondary 
colours correspond to the nine revolving heavens.(VIBGYOR & infra- = 7=
red and ultra-violet ). 

The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the 
very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours 
that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the 
visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the long- 
est wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength 
of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match 
those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s). 
Researches show that the wavelength of light emanating from 
the Sun is identical to the wavelength of light emanating 
from Ruby - Red. 

Among all the elements in nature gemstones constitute the most 
condensed form of concentrated color. Gems therefore provide 
an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays. 

Here we give the Cosmic Colour and the Gem corresponding to the 
Nine revolving heavens. 

( The term 'planet' used in Sidereal Astrology refers to cel- 
estial bodies or mathematical points. A star(Sun) the two ma- 
thematical points where orbits of the Sun (Earth-in-reflex) 
and the Moon intersect - viz the North and South Nodes of the 
Moon - ( Rahu & Ketu ) are referred as planets.) 

Cosmic Colour Planet Gemstone 

Red Sun Ruby 
Orange Moon Pearl 
Light Blue Jupiter Yellow Sapphire 
Ultra-Violet Rahu Hessonite 
Green Mercury Emerald 
Indigo Venus Diamond 
Infra-red Ketu Cat's Eye 
Violet Saturn Blue Sapphire 
Yellow Mars Coral 

Here in this horoscope we have given the gemstones of the 
Birth Constellation lord and for the various Dasa Rulers. 
Wearing such gems can only fortify these important planets. 



According to Indian Astrology inevitable effects are to 
be judged from dasa as per the dictum " Dasa prabhedena Vichinth- 
ayeth Dridam". Astrology is based on the Universal Law of Cause 
and Effect called by the philosophers as the Law of Karma. Planets 
have got dualistic role and always the negative aspect of the 
ruling planet must be taken into consideration and divine remedial 
measures must be resorted to overcome the minus points of the dasa 

Dasa is translated as the period of directional influence 
of the ruling planet. Philosophically dasa represents the prarabda 
karma of the native and the inevitable effects he has to undergo 
during the planet's reign. 

In the periods & subperiods of malefics 
Transfer ruin economic crises galore misery 
Destruction of Masters. During the periods 
Of lords of Eighth; Stars Three Five Seven 
Misery & if Transit Saturn or Jove adverse 
Proclaim Death if other factors negative 

Know these to be malefics who tenant 
6 8 12 from Ascendant; also their lords 
Planets debilitated combust Mandeesha 
Malefics tenanting trines angles two 
Lords Mandyamsa 3 5 7 from Birth Star 
Their Dasas bring in misery and pain 
Benefics in angles are good O scholar! 

There are many terms for planets who reign 
Sampoorna Balavarjitha(Poorna) Riktha called! 
Anishtaphalada Madhya Avarohi Arohini Adhama 
Know these Eight terms to be their Samjnas! 

Predictions are given starting from current dasa onwards. 

STARTING FROM 28-06-2016 

Jupiter's Period 

During Jupiter's period you will be well liked by all.Spiritual 
progress- gain in educational attainments- fame & name are some 
of the characteristics of Jupiter's period. Spiritual growth through 
meditation -prayer- learning- Ethics- Morality- scriptures and gain 
of wealth via these subjects - royal favour - Truth-actualisation 
via intuition are some of Jupiter's benign blessings. You will be 
extolled by the good.You will be blessed by vehicles.You will achieve 
whatever you aim at -even though it will take time. You will do a lot 
of righteous acts & there will be an upsurge of spirituality in you. 

Jupiter is the wisdom planet and his period should be used = 2=
for the realisation of Truth. He can give immense mental peace 
and happiness as well as learning scholarship & wisdom. 

Negative Aspect 

Jupiter is the divine planet who tends you to scholastic 
subjects and spirituality. He can take you to the philosophic 
field and give you spiritual progress. Wordly people may see 
this as a hindrance to the normal pursuits of life which requi- 
res attention on the specific and the immediate. Jupiter empha- 
sises spirituality and not worldly success. 

Gem Therapy 

Yellow Sapphire is the stone represented by Jupiter. It should 
be worn on a Waxing Moon period Thursday (Thor - Jupiter ) in a 
state of purity. Renunciation or self-abnegation of sensory enjoy- 
ments will pave the way for spiritual progress. 

An adverse period is indicated during the sub-period of 
Jupiter in Jupiter dasa. Health improves and so does your 
matters connected with children. Mental and intellectual 
development. Improved relations with associates. You get 
the favour of seniors. 

Mind loses control and wanders on forbidden topics during the 
sub-period of Saturn in the Jupiter dasa. Tempting and all- 
uring becomes drugs cards and alcohol. A feeling of vague- 
ness manifests. Fear enters into your psyche that you may 
be pushed back from your present position. 

New and innovative changes take place during the sub-period 
of Mercury in the Jupiter dasa. You get access to opportunit- 
ies and enjoyments. Jealous people spread scandals despite 
the fact that you are sincere and selfless. You may be 
subject to self-pity. High educational attainments. 

Transfer or change of residence or area of work is effected 
during the sub-period of Ketu in the Jupiter dasa. Travels 
overseas becomes a living reality. Inevitable becomes dis- 

Malefic and adverse is the sub-period of Venus in the Jupiter 
dasa. Anger gets the upper hand and you become irate with 
foes and friends alike. Hindrances will be caused by female 
members. Shameful events will take place. Financial progress 
indicated. Reasoning ability improves. New furniture and equ- 
ipments will be brought home. 

Enemies make a strategic retreat and become weak and timid 
during the sub-period of Sun in the Jupiter dasa. Guests 
and entertainments increase. Enhancement of reputation & 
fame. Reduction of problems connected with travel. Public 
accepts you and your talents become recognised. 
= 3=
You enjoy social interaction and mix freely with all during 
the sub-period of Moon in the Jupiter dasa. Enemies change 
as a result of your devotion to the law. You will be offered 
help by many. Recognition of your talents or approval of your 

Courage and boldness surface in your during the sub-period 
of Mars in the Jupiter dasa. If anybody goes against your 
vested interests you become daring enough to face them with 
belligerence. Fame dawns on you. Enjoyable becomes the days. 

Enmity and revenge becomes the concomitant effects of your 
sincerity and love during the sub-period of Rahu in the 
Jupiter dasa. Disappointment and dejection manifests in toto 
Many dolorific situations develop. Health of dear and near 
ones cause anxiety. The need to change the area of work 


Devanam cha Rishinam cha 
Gurum Kanchana Sannibham 
Buddhibhootham Thrilokesam 
Tham Namami Brahaspathim 

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Jupiter's Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Jupiter. 
STARTING FROM 28-06-2032 

Saturn Dasa 

During Saturn's dasa you become lethargic and lazy. 
This slow moving sluggish planet makes you move slowly & this 
will be reflected in all your activities. Physical tiredness will 
be felt. Health hazards may also manifest. You may lose control 
and may become angry and anger can cause a lot of miseries. On the 
positive side you will gain wealth moderately via agriculture or 

Deficiency of the Air Element in the body physiologic in 
Medical Astrology - dissipation of tissue element (Dhatu)- ruled 
by Saturn & all Signs ruled by him -fear of wicked - destruction 
of agriculture - money problems & litigation - enmity from kith 
and kin - diseases due to Wind (Vata)- epilepsy- lack of appetite 
- pox - fear of low minded enemies - loss in agriculture - legal 
battles pertaining to wealth etc are indicated. 

This supremely malefic planet takes a toll of one's mental 
peace. Lack of happiness and mental peace will be manifest. 

Negative Aspect 

All planets have dualistic role and Saturn's maleficence 
manifests as suffering both physical and mental. Mind becomes 
a melting pot of mental turmoil. Enemies increase. Calumny and 
vilification by enemies have to be faced. Misunderstandings inc- = 4=

Gem Therapy 

Blue Sapphire is the stone represented by Saturn. It should 
be worn on a Waxing Moon period Saturday in a state of purity. 
Renunciation or self-abnegation of sensory enjoyments - fasting on 
Saturdays - worshipping the Tutelary Deity on Saturdays - all these 
can enhance Saturnine energy. 

Quarrels & misunderstandings surface during the sub-period 
of Saturn in Saturn's dasa.All of a sudden your mind is 
afflicted & you will wonder along with others as to what 
had happened. You will be on the move away from home. You 
may have to work under people with low reputation. 

Benign and favourable is this the sub-period of Mercury 
in Saturn's dasa. Improvement in financial status & you be- 
come blessed with many gifts from the Lord. Higher sense 
of responsibility have to be shouldered. Help from most 
unexpected quarters. Location of area of work implied. 

Nightmares & frightening dreams torment you during the 
sub-period of Ketu in Saturn's dasa. Turning to prayer & 
meditation is the remedy.Many valuable items in your perso- 
nal possession may be lost. Hindrances / problems during 
travel must be foreseen.Restrictions may be imposed on your 
personal freedom. 

More camaraderie & better friends can be had during 
the sub-period of Venus in Saturn's dasa. Without your 
request many good-natured people will come to your help. 
Ideal time for the construction of a house &your literary 
talent blossoms. 

Even your friends get affected as you combat adversity 
during the sub-period of Sun in Saturn's dasa. Lack of 
mutual trust cause enmity.You should not allow yourself to 
be dejected and your mental strength should not be 
allowed to be destroyed by evil elements. 

Hard & difficult urns out to be this sub-period of Moon 
in Saturn's dasa.Fear of death enters into the psyche & 
that causes alarm & despondency.Separations become possi- 
ble if you allow discords to play havoc. Control needed 
lest the system gets heated. 

Long journeys may be undertaken during the subperiod of 
Mars in Saturn's dasa. Symtoms of sickness may manifest. 
Depression reigns supreme & you foolishly talk about 
the end. Money & confidence may be gained at the end 
of this phase. 

Hurdles have to be overcome during the sub-period of 
Rahu in Saturn's dasa.Maximum care has to be exercised 
in every dimension of life. Negligence can only give a 
chance to enemies. Pilgrimages have a toning effect. 
= 5=
Benign is this the sub-period of Jupiter in Saturn's dasa. 
In your professional sphere help &assistance will be 
available in plenty.You may be lauded for your work. 
Recognition of talent. Under your leadership functions 
which are auspicious in character may be organised. 


Neelanjana Samanabham 
Raviputram Yamagrajam 
Chaya Marthanda Sambhootham 
Tham Namami Sanaishwaram 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Saturn Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Saturn. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2051 

Mercury Dasa 

During Mercury Dasa there will be gain of educational 
attainments and fame. Gain of wealth via preceptors and you 
will be extolled by scholars. You will be well liked by all 
due to your personal magnetism. Intellectual growth due to 
the study of the Sciences ( Shastras ) & doing charitable and 
religious acts indicated. On the negative side physical ailments 
due to the disequilibrium of the three humours- wind bile & phlegm. 

Deficiency of the Earth Element in the body physiologic in 
Medical Astrology- dissipation of tissue element (Dhatu) ruled 
by Mercury and all Signs ruled by him - increase of enemies- 
friends and relatives turning against - diseases due to Flesh 
Bone & Skin - loss of happiness etc indicated. 

Negative Aspect 

Mercury also has a dualistic role and his maleficence 
manifests as jumping into certain acts without thinking 
of the consequences. Intellectual avocations are ruled by 
Mercury and he tends one to the philosophic path and not to 
the practical path. 

Gem Therapy 

Emerald is represented by Mercury. It should be worn 
on a Shukla Paksha Wedenesday in a state of purity. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Mercury dasa you will 
be bereft of mental peace and happiness. Financial problems 
crop up. Relatives turn hostile particularly uncles & aunts. 
Knowledge improves as a result and you get ample opportunities 
of closely associating with learned people and gain practical 
= 6=
During the sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury Dasa sorrowful 
experiences may predominate. Effects contrary to expectations 
It need not be unhappy events but also symptoms of sickness 
without warning. Ketu is a shadowy planet which does not need 
any cause and brings about salvation through sorrow. 

There may be misunderstandings with people particularly from 
the opposite sex during the sub-period of Venus in the 
Mercury dasa. There will be procrastination and delay in many 
spheres. There will be sensual enjoyments as Venus indicates 

You will find it difficult to achieve your aims & objectives 
during the sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa. Exp- 
enses spiral to meet income. Expected progress will be diffi- 
cult to come by. 

Chances of skin problems more during the sub-period of Moon 
in the Mercury dasa. Go in for a medical checkup & any rashes 
seen on the skin should be attended for. More involvement 
with birds and animals. Consult an ophthalmologist for eye 

Transfer of residence indicated during the sub-period of Mars 
in the Mercury dasa. Head problems indicated. Trouble from 
thieves possible. Be careful while handling firearms and fire. 
Mars is the planet of war and hence quarrels can be expected. 

Enemies target you and attacks become frequent during the sub 
period of Rahu in the Mercury Dasa. You are advised not to 
travel at night. Educational attainments indicated. Improve- 
ment in finance . Be careful about guns & explosives. 

There may be problems from children and wealth during the sub- 
period of Jupiter in the Mercury dasa. Due respect will be 
given to deserving persons which will pave the way for good 
will. Many auspicious events in the family. 

During the sub- period of Saturn in the Mercury dasa there 
will be many visible changes in you. Greed and other material 
desires will surpass other needs. Increased correspondence. 
Your enemy during this phase comes in the form of laziness. 


Priyangu Kailka Shyamam 
Roopena Prathimam Budham 
Soumaym Soumyagunopetham 
Tham Budham Pranathosmyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions aris- 
ing from Budha Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Mercury. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2068 

--------- = 7=
Ketu Dasa is generally not considered good as it can 
give melancholy and bestow all sorts of impediments obstacles and 
sorrow. Ketu gives all sorts of ailments physical & mental. 
Health hazards are also to be guarded against. Enmity with one's 
own kith and kin sorrow meaningless wanderings and journeys are 
some of the neagative aspects of Ketu Dasa. 

Ketu is the planet of Moksha and hence on the positive 
side will give the impetus to spiritual progress.Divinest melan- 
choly & heavenly sorrow are considered to be the basis of 
spiritual progress. While adversity tends man to Philosophy and 
Religion Ketu shows the path to Moksha. 

On the positive side Ketu the spiritual planet gives 
spiritual solace even amidst material discomforts. 

Negative Aspect - Physical ailments and discomforts of the body 
quarrels and separation from partner dissipation of wealth 
quarrels with relatives residing away from home these are 
some of the negative aspects of Ketu Dasa 

Divine Remedial Measures - Includes fasting during Tuesdays 
worshipping the tutelary Deity on Tuesdays reciting the 
Shaktaite textbooks like Devi Mahatmyam on Tuesdays (or the 
Bible / the Quran) are some of the remedial measures prescribed. 

Gem Therapy - Black Cat's Eye or Vaidoorya to be worn on the 
ring finger on a Shukla Paksha Tuesday in a state of physical 
and mental purity. 

An uncomfortable period is this the sub-period of Ketu in 
the Ketu dasa. You will be questioned by the authorities. 
Enquiries regarding your wealth . Tax collectors may 
torment you. As many testing conditions are there you have 
to keep your cool despite adversity. 

Quarrel with the better half surface during the sub-period of 
Venus in the Ketu dasa. Enough provocations for a separation. 
Handle fire and electricity with care. 

You may get the displeasure of seniors during the subperiod 
of Sun in the Ketu dasa. Restricitve rules and regulations 
will be enforced. Punishment may be meted out to you despite 
the fact that you are innocent. Foreign travel will prove 

Increased income and expenses manifest during the sub-period 
of Moon in the Ketu dasa. Alternating moods of pleasure and 
displeasure. Gap with loved one manifest and many auspicious 
functions in the family. 

Verbal discords and quarrels increase during the sub-period 
of Mars in Ketu dasa. Both within and without needless talks 
create tensions. Thieves will try to come closer and this 
takes a toll of your mental peace. 

You have to adjust yourself in an adverse period during the 
sub-period of Rahu in the Ketu dasa. Turning to prayer and 
meditation is the remedy. Better take care of both body and 
mind. = 8=

Good men create an impression during sub-period of Jupiter 
in the Ketu dasa. People will come to you attracted by your 
personal magnetism. Gain from children. You gain respect and 
recognition in society. 

Physical ailments manifest during the sub-period of Saturn 
in the Ketu dasa. Long journeys may have to be undertaken 
for business purposes . Bad period for mental peace and 

Good relationships are established during the sub-period of 
Mercury in Ketu dasa. Improvement in financial status.Benign 
period with reduced sufferings.Educational gains & spiritual 
tual Grace. 


Palasa Pushpa Sankasham 
Tharakakara Masthakam 
Roudram Roudragunopetham 
Tham Ketum Pranamamyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Ketu Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Ketu. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2075 

Venus Dasa 

Venus is the fair planet of Love. Venus dasa is generally 
characterised by gain of house vehicles all sorts of enjoyments 
& exaltation in professional status. Gain of wealth health 
partner honour from the good success in all undertakings are 
some of the positive aspects of Venus' period. Visit to foreign 
country uninterrupted influx of income gains from speculation 
separation from elders jealousy from relatives & mental sorrow 
are some of its effects. This fair planet of Love causes 
sorrow due to love. 

Venus is the significator of enjoyments and spouse. Venus 
represents the libido of the Cosmic Man. Sensual pleasures 
are ruled by this graceful planet. Pleasures of the senses 
enjoyments of all sorts are some of the characteristics of 
Venus Dasa. In Indian Mythology he is the Asura Guru who 
gives satisfaction through pleasures of the flesh. Asura 
in Sanskrit means one who takes pleasures in Asu in the senses. 

Negative Aspect 

Venus tends one to mundane life and hence is 
considered to be a hindrance to salvation. He can destroy 
all comforts as he tends man to ventures which involve 
tension and risk. Even though he gives material success he 
exacts a great price in terms of lack of mental peace & happiness. 

Divine Remedial Measures = 9=

Includes fasting on Fridays reciting the Devi 
Mahatmyam or the Bible or the Quran worshipping the tutelary 
Deity on Fridays are some of the remedial measures prescribed. 

Gem Therapy 

Diamond is the stone prescribed for Venus. Wearing it 
on a Shukla Paksha Friday can protect you from the negative 
radiations arising from Venus Dasa. 

One of the ideal periods of marriage is this the sub-period 
of Venus in the Venus dasa . An auspicious period for 
constructing houses. Your talents get recognised and you will 
maintain a good reputation among your circle. 

You become a prey to virus attacks during the subperiod 
of Sun in the Venus dasa.Your carelessness becomes your enemy 
and you invite problems for yourself. Tight controls may be 
forced upon you. 

During the sub-period of Moon in the Venus dasa troubles 
to bones and nails are indicated. Many problems manifest 
during this phase. This period becomes more adverse than 
the earlier periods. Anyway enthusiasm prevails and you 
overcome problems. 

Misunderstandings surface with the near and dear ones during 
the sub-period of Mars in the Venus dasa. Health hazards 
manifest.You jump into new ventures with a daredevil attitude 
Development of land and buildings will be planned by you 
with care. 

Clashes with bad elements cannot be avoided despite you 
exercising self control during the sub- period of Rahu in the 
Venus dasa. Near and dear ones suffer and those who involve 
in education bring happy news. 

Good delectable food can be had during the sub- period of 
Jupiter in the Venus dasa. You attain respect in your 
immediate circle. Many gains can be had during this phase. 
Good educational attainments can be had and many auspicious 
news reach you. 

During the sub-period of Saturn in the Venus dasa you will 
deal closely with seniors and elders. Children find this a 
bad time. Enemies find it difficult to fight with you and you 
enjoy family comforts.Chance of living overseas in affluence 
cannot be ruled out. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Venus dasa increase 
in assets and wealth indicated. Fame prosperity and success 
on a majestic scale reach you. Your status gets a promotion 
and you get more ego-satisfaction. 

Quarrels and misunderstandings surface during the sub-period 
of Ketu in the Venus dasa. Enmity is acquired for nothing. =10=
Your antogonists do not succeed and may even be annihilated. 
Involvement with undesirable elements. Economic growth & 
gains indicated. 


Hima Kunda Mrinalabham 
Daithyanam Paramam Gurum 
Sarva Shastra Pravartharam 
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Venus Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Venus. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2095 

During the Dasa of the Sun gain of wealth and 
allround happiness will be experienced. Equanimity in happiness 
and sorrow- mental satisfaction due to enthusiasm- conquest of 
enemies & gain of wealth due to cruel acts and royal favour. 

On the negative side threats to mental peace and 
happiness caused by enemies- wealth -wife & fire - lack of attach- 
ment- quarrels with subordinates- afflictions to heart & stomach 
and & attachment to evil & evildoers. 

The dasa of malefics ( Sun is considered as a 
malefic in Indian Astrology ) is generally marked by lack of 
mental peace and fulfillment. 

Gem Therapy - The Sun is represented by Ruby. Wearing Ruby on 
a Shukla Paksha Sunday can destroy most of the afflictions caused 
by Sun's dasa. 

You can expect financial help and development during the sub- 
period of Sun in the Sun dasa. From own people you can hear 
unpleasant words and bad behaviour. Economic prudence has to 
be exercised to control spiralling expenditure. 

You become a pacifist during the sub-period of Moon in the 
Sun dasa. Compromise with your enemies and work towards 
that. Prosperity will dawn and you enjoy a peaceful period. 

A lot of beneficial effects can be had during the sub-period 
of Mars in the Sun dasa. Seniors help you and recommend your 
name for promotion or increments. Public accept you and reco- 
gnise your talents. But this period takes a heavy toll of 
happiness and mental peace. 

Suspicions surface during the sub-period of Rahu in Sun dasa. 
Health hazards possible. Expenses spiral. Fear enters into 
you that you may lose your social position or be depromoted 
Parent's health add to your worries. 

Health conditon improves during the sub-period of Jupiter in 
the Sun dasa. Good results can be had wherever you put in =11=
effort. Your workaholism will be appreciated even by your 
enemies. Prosperity dawns and more interest is generated 
in God. 

Damages to equipments and loved ones surface during the sub- 
period of Saturn in the Sun dasa. Dissipation of energy & 
decline of health. Disappointment in areas where other's 
help and cooperation is sought. Depression manifests and you 
exhibit withdrawal symptoms. Eye should be tested by an 
expert consultant. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Sun dasa laziness 
manifests and you may neglect duty which leads to furthur 
failure at work. You are advised to keep the environment 

You tend to move away from your area of work and people 
during the sub-period of Ketu in the Sun dasa. Many 
adverse things happen against your interest. Common these 
days are hindrances and obstacles. 

Lack of comforts both physical and mental during the 
sub-period of Venus in the Sun dasa. Unbearable becomes 
headache which may torment you at times. You excel in your 
area of specialisation. 


Japa Kusuma Sankasam 
Kasyapeyam Mahadyuthim 
Thamognam Sarvapapagnam 
Pranathosmi Divakaram 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the affli- 
ctions arising from Surya Dasa. This is the moola sloka of the Sun.



According to Indian Astrology inevitable effects are to 
be judged from dasa as per the dictum " Dasa prabhedena Vichinth- 
ayeth Dridam". Astrology is based on the Universal Law of Cause 
and Effect called by the philosophers as the Law of Karma. Planets 
have got dualistic role and always the negative aspect of the 
ruling planet must be taken into consideration and divine remedial 
measures must be resorted to overcome the minus points of the dasa 

Dasa is translated as the period of directional influence 
of the ruling planet. Philosophically dasa represents the prarabda 
karma of the native and the inevitable effects he has to undergo 
during the planet's reign. 

In the periods & subperiods of malefics 
Transfer ruin economic crises galore misery 
Destruction of Masters. During the periods 
Of lords of Eighth; Stars Three Five Seven 
Misery & if Transit Saturn or Jove adverse 
Proclaim Death if other factors negative 

Know these to be malefics who tenant 
6 8 12 from Ascendant; also their lords 
Planets debilitated combust Mandeesha 
Malefics tenanting trines angles two 
Lords Mandyamsa 3 5 7 from Birth Star 
Their Dasas bring in misery and pain 
Benefics in angles are good O scholar! 

There are many terms for planets who reign 
Sampoorna Balavarjitha(Poorna) Riktha called! 
Anishtaphalada Madhya Avarohi Arohini Adhama 
Know these Eight terms to be their Samjnas! 

Predictions are given starting from current dasa onwards. 

STARTING FROM 28-06-2016 

Jupiter's Period 

During Jupiter's period you will be well liked by all.Spiritual 
progress- gain in educational attainments- fame & name are some 
of the characteristics of Jupiter's period. Spiritual growth through 
meditation -prayer- learning- Ethics- Morality- scriptures and gain 
of wealth via these subjects - royal favour - Truth-actualisation 
via intuition are some of Jupiter's benign blessings. You will be 
extolled by the good.You will be blessed by vehicles.You will achieve 
whatever you aim at -even though it will take time. You will do a lot 
of righteous acts & there will be an upsurge of spirituality in you. 

Jupiter is the wisdom planet and his period should be used = 2=
for the realisation of Truth. He can give immense mental peace 
and happiness as well as learning scholarship & wisdom. 

Negative Aspect 

Jupiter is the divine planet who tends you to scholastic 
subjects and spirituality. He can take you to the philosophic 
field and give you spiritual progress. Wordly people may see 
this as a hindrance to the normal pursuits of life which requi- 
res attention on the specific and the immediate. Jupiter empha- 
sises spirituality and not worldly success. 

Gem Therapy 

Yellow Sapphire is the stone represented by Jupiter. It should 
be worn on a Waxing Moon period Thursday (Thor - Jupiter ) in a 
state of purity. Renunciation or self-abnegation of sensory enjoy- 
ments will pave the way for spiritual progress. 

An adverse period is indicated during the sub-period of 
Jupiter in Jupiter dasa. Health improves and so does your 
matters connected with children. Mental and intellectual 
development. Improved relations with associates. You get 
the favour of seniors. 

Mind loses control and wanders on forbidden topics during the 
sub-period of Saturn in the Jupiter dasa. Tempting and all- 
uring becomes drugs cards and alcohol. A feeling of vague- 
ness manifests. Fear enters into your psyche that you may 
be pushed back from your present position. 

New and innovative changes take place during the sub-period 
of Mercury in the Jupiter dasa. You get access to opportunit- 
ies and enjoyments. Jealous people spread scandals despite 
the fact that you are sincere and selfless. You may be 
subject to self-pity. High educational attainments. 

Transfer or change of residence or area of work is effected 
during the sub-period of Ketu in the Jupiter dasa. Travels 
overseas becomes a living reality. Inevitable becomes dis- 

Malefic and adverse is the sub-period of Venus in the Jupiter 
dasa. Anger gets the upper hand and you become irate with 
foes and friends alike. Hindrances will be caused by female 
members. Shameful events will take place. Financial progress 
indicated. Reasoning ability improves. New furniture and equ- 
ipments will be brought home. 

Enemies make a strategic retreat and become weak and timid 
during the sub-period of Sun in the Jupiter dasa. Guests 
and entertainments increase. Enhancement of reputation & 
fame. Reduction of problems connected with travel. Public 
accepts you and your talents become recognised. 
= 3=
You enjoy social interaction and mix freely with all during 
the sub-period of Moon in the Jupiter dasa. Enemies change 
as a result of your devotion to the law. You will be offered 
help by many. Recognition of your talents or approval of your 

Courage and boldness surface in your during the sub-period 
of Mars in the Jupiter dasa. If anybody goes against your 
vested interests you become daring enough to face them with 
belligerence. Fame dawns on you. Enjoyable becomes the days. 

Enmity and revenge becomes the concomitant effects of your 
sincerity and love during the sub-period of Rahu in the 
Jupiter dasa. Disappointment and dejection manifests in toto 
Many dolorific situations develop. Health of dear and near 
ones cause anxiety. The need to change the area of work 


Devanam cha Rishinam cha 
Gurum Kanchana Sannibham 
Buddhibhootham Thrilokesam 
Tham Namami Brahaspathim 

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Jupiter's Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Jupiter. 
STARTING FROM 28-06-2032 

Saturn Dasa 

During Saturn's dasa you become lethargic and lazy. 
This slow moving sluggish planet makes you move slowly & this 
will be reflected in all your activities. Physical tiredness will 
be felt. Health hazards may also manifest. You may lose control 
and may become angry and anger can cause a lot of miseries. On the 
positive side you will gain wealth moderately via agriculture or 

Deficiency of the Air Element in the body physiologic in 
Medical Astrology - dissipation of tissue element (Dhatu)- ruled 
by Saturn & all Signs ruled by him -fear of wicked - destruction 
of agriculture - money problems & litigation - enmity from kith 
and kin - diseases due to Wind (Vata)- epilepsy- lack of appetite 
- pox - fear of low minded enemies - loss in agriculture - legal 
battles pertaining to wealth etc are indicated. 

This supremely malefic planet takes a toll of one's mental 
peace. Lack of happiness and mental peace will be manifest. 

Negative Aspect 

All planets have dualistic role and Saturn's maleficence 
manifests as suffering both physical and mental. Mind becomes 
a melting pot of mental turmoil. Enemies increase. Calumny and 
vilification by enemies have to be faced. Misunderstandings inc- = 4=

Gem Therapy 

Blue Sapphire is the stone represented by Saturn. It should 
be worn on a Waxing Moon period Saturday in a state of purity. 
Renunciation or self-abnegation of sensory enjoyments - fasting on 
Saturdays - worshipping the Tutelary Deity on Saturdays - all these 
can enhance Saturnine energy. 

Quarrels & misunderstandings surface during the sub-period 
of Saturn in Saturn's dasa.All of a sudden your mind is 
afflicted & you will wonder along with others as to what 
had happened. You will be on the move away from home. You 
may have to work under people with low reputation. 

Benign and favourable is this the sub-period of Mercury 
in Saturn's dasa. Improvement in financial status & you be- 
come blessed with many gifts from the Lord. Higher sense 
of responsibility have to be shouldered. Help from most 
unexpected quarters. Location of area of work implied. 

Nightmares & frightening dreams torment you during the 
sub-period of Ketu in Saturn's dasa. Turning to prayer & 
meditation is the remedy.Many valuable items in your perso- 
nal possession may be lost. Hindrances / problems during 
travel must be foreseen.Restrictions may be imposed on your 
personal freedom. 

More camaraderie & better friends can be had during 
the sub-period of Venus in Saturn's dasa. Without your 
request many good-natured people will come to your help. 
Ideal time for the construction of a house &your literary 
talent blossoms. 

Even your friends get affected as you combat adversity 
during the sub-period of Sun in Saturn's dasa. Lack of 
mutual trust cause enmity.You should not allow yourself to 
be dejected and your mental strength should not be 
allowed to be destroyed by evil elements. 

Hard & difficult urns out to be this sub-period of Moon 
in Saturn's dasa.Fear of death enters into the psyche & 
that causes alarm & despondency.Separations become possi- 
ble if you allow discords to play havoc. Control needed 
lest the system gets heated. 

Long journeys may be undertaken during the subperiod of 
Mars in Saturn's dasa. Symtoms of sickness may manifest. 
Depression reigns supreme & you foolishly talk about 
the end. Money & confidence may be gained at the end 
of this phase. 

Hurdles have to be overcome during the sub-period of 
Rahu in Saturn's dasa.Maximum care has to be exercised 
in every dimension of life. Negligence can only give a 
chance to enemies. Pilgrimages have a toning effect. 
= 5=
Benign is this the sub-period of Jupiter in Saturn's dasa. 
In your professional sphere help &assistance will be 
available in plenty.You may be lauded for your work. 
Recognition of talent. Under your leadership functions 
which are auspicious in character may be organised. 


Neelanjana Samanabham 
Raviputram Yamagrajam 
Chaya Marthanda Sambhootham 
Tham Namami Sanaishwaram 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Saturn Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Saturn. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2051 

Mercury Dasa 

During Mercury Dasa there will be gain of educational 
attainments and fame. Gain of wealth via preceptors and you 
will be extolled by scholars. You will be well liked by all 
due to your personal magnetism. Intellectual growth due to 
the study of the Sciences ( Shastras ) & doing charitable and 
religious acts indicated. On the negative side physical ailments 
due to the disequilibrium of the three humours- wind bile & phlegm. 

Deficiency of the Earth Element in the body physiologic in 
Medical Astrology- dissipation of tissue element (Dhatu) ruled 
by Mercury and all Signs ruled by him - increase of enemies- 
friends and relatives turning against - diseases due to Flesh 
Bone & Skin - loss of happiness etc indicated. 

Negative Aspect 

Mercury also has a dualistic role and his maleficence 
manifests as jumping into certain acts without thinking 
of the consequences. Intellectual avocations are ruled by 
Mercury and he tends one to the philosophic path and not to 
the practical path. 

Gem Therapy 

Emerald is represented by Mercury. It should be worn 
on a Shukla Paksha Wedenesday in a state of purity. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Mercury dasa you will 
be bereft of mental peace and happiness. Financial problems 
crop up. Relatives turn hostile particularly uncles & aunts. 
Knowledge improves as a result and you get ample opportunities 
of closely associating with learned people and gain practical 
= 6=
During the sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury Dasa sorrowful 
experiences may predominate. Effects contrary to expectations 
It need not be unhappy events but also symptoms of sickness 
without warning. Ketu is a shadowy planet which does not need 
any cause and brings about salvation through sorrow. 

There may be misunderstandings with people particularly from 
the opposite sex during the sub-period of Venus in the 
Mercury dasa. There will be procrastination and delay in many 
spheres. There will be sensual enjoyments as Venus indicates 

You will find it difficult to achieve your aims & objectives 
during the sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa. Exp- 
enses spiral to meet income. Expected progress will be diffi- 
cult to come by. 

Chances of skin problems more during the sub-period of Moon 
in the Mercury dasa. Go in for a medical checkup & any rashes 
seen on the skin should be attended for. More involvement 
with birds and animals. Consult an ophthalmologist for eye 

Transfer of residence indicated during the sub-period of Mars 
in the Mercury dasa. Head problems indicated. Trouble from 
thieves possible. Be careful while handling firearms and fire. 
Mars is the planet of war and hence quarrels can be expected. 

Enemies target you and attacks become frequent during the sub 
period of Rahu in the Mercury Dasa. You are advised not to 
travel at night. Educational attainments indicated. Improve- 
ment in finance . Be careful about guns & explosives. 

There may be problems from children and wealth during the sub- 
period of Jupiter in the Mercury dasa. Due respect will be 
given to deserving persons which will pave the way for good 
will. Many auspicious events in the family. 

During the sub- period of Saturn in the Mercury dasa there 
will be many visible changes in you. Greed and other material 
desires will surpass other needs. Increased correspondence. 
Your enemy during this phase comes in the form of laziness. 


Priyangu Kailka Shyamam 
Roopena Prathimam Budham 
Soumaym Soumyagunopetham 
Tham Budham Pranathosmyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions aris- 
ing from Budha Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Mercury. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2068 

--------- = 7=
Ketu Dasa is generally not considered good as it can 
give melancholy and bestow all sorts of impediments obstacles and 
sorrow. Ketu gives all sorts of ailments physical & mental. 
Health hazards are also to be guarded against. Enmity with one's 
own kith and kin sorrow meaningless wanderings and journeys are 
some of the neagative aspects of Ketu Dasa. 

Ketu is the planet of Moksha and hence on the positive 
side will give the impetus to spiritual progress.Divinest melan- 
choly & heavenly sorrow are considered to be the basis of 
spiritual progress. While adversity tends man to Philosophy and 
Religion Ketu shows the path to Moksha. 

On the positive side Ketu the spiritual planet gives 
spiritual solace even amidst material discomforts. 

Negative Aspect - Physical ailments and discomforts of the body 
quarrels and separation from partner dissipation of wealth 
quarrels with relatives residing away from home these are 
some of the negative aspects of Ketu Dasa 

Divine Remedial Measures - Includes fasting during Tuesdays 
worshipping the tutelary Deity on Tuesdays reciting the 
Shaktaite textbooks like Devi Mahatmyam on Tuesdays (or the 
Bible / the Quran) are some of the remedial measures prescribed. 

Gem Therapy - Black Cat's Eye or Vaidoorya to be worn on the 
ring finger on a Shukla Paksha Tuesday in a state of physical 
and mental purity. 

An uncomfortable period is this the sub-period of Ketu in 
the Ketu dasa. You will be questioned by the authorities. 
Enquiries regarding your wealth . Tax collectors may 
torment you. As many testing conditions are there you have 
to keep your cool despite adversity. 

Quarrel with the better half surface during the sub-period of 
Venus in the Ketu dasa. Enough provocations for a separation. 
Handle fire and electricity with care. 

You may get the displeasure of seniors during the subperiod 
of Sun in the Ketu dasa. Restricitve rules and regulations 
will be enforced. Punishment may be meted out to you despite 
the fact that you are innocent. Foreign travel will prove 

Increased income and expenses manifest during the sub-period 
of Moon in the Ketu dasa. Alternating moods of pleasure and 
displeasure. Gap with loved one manifest and many auspicious 
functions in the family. 

Verbal discords and quarrels increase during the sub-period 
of Mars in Ketu dasa. Both within and without needless talks 
create tensions. Thieves will try to come closer and this 
takes a toll of your mental peace. 

You have to adjust yourself in an adverse period during the 
sub-period of Rahu in the Ketu dasa. Turning to prayer and 
meditation is the remedy. Better take care of both body and 
mind. = 8=

Good men create an impression during sub-period of Jupiter 
in the Ketu dasa. People will come to you attracted by your 
personal magnetism. Gain from children. You gain respect and 
recognition in society. 

Physical ailments manifest during the sub-period of Saturn 
in the Ketu dasa. Long journeys may have to be undertaken 
for business purposes . Bad period for mental peace and 

Good relationships are established during the sub-period of 
Mercury in Ketu dasa. Improvement in financial status.Benign 
period with reduced sufferings.Educational gains & spiritual 
tual Grace. 


Palasa Pushpa Sankasham 
Tharakakara Masthakam 
Roudram Roudragunopetham 
Tham Ketum Pranamamyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Ketu Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Ketu. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2075 

Venus Dasa 

Venus is the fair planet of Love. Venus dasa is generally 
characterised by gain of house vehicles all sorts of enjoyments 
& exaltation in professional status. Gain of wealth health 
partner honour from the good success in all undertakings are 
some of the positive aspects of Venus' period. Visit to foreign 
country uninterrupted influx of income gains from speculation 
separation from elders jealousy from relatives & mental sorrow 
are some of its effects. This fair planet of Love causes 
sorrow due to love. 

Venus is the significator of enjoyments and spouse. Venus 
represents the libido of the Cosmic Man. Sensual pleasures 
are ruled by this graceful planet. Pleasures of the senses 
enjoyments of all sorts are some of the characteristics of 
Venus Dasa. In Indian Mythology he is the Asura Guru who 
gives satisfaction through pleasures of the flesh. Asura 
in Sanskrit means one who takes pleasures in Asu in the senses. 

Negative Aspect 

Venus tends one to mundane life and hence is 
considered to be a hindrance to salvation. He can destroy 
all comforts as he tends man to ventures which involve 
tension and risk. Even though he gives material success he 
exacts a great price in terms of lack of mental peace & happiness. 

Divine Remedial Measures = 9=

Includes fasting on Fridays reciting the Devi 
Mahatmyam or the Bible or the Quran worshipping the tutelary 
Deity on Fridays are some of the remedial measures prescribed. 

Gem Therapy 

Diamond is the stone prescribed for Venus. Wearing it 
on a Shukla Paksha Friday can protect you from the negative 
radiations arising from Venus Dasa. 

One of the ideal periods of marriage is this the sub-period 
of Venus in the Venus dasa . An auspicious period for 
constructing houses. Your talents get recognised and you will 
maintain a good reputation among your circle. 

You become a prey to virus attacks during the subperiod 
of Sun in the Venus dasa.Your carelessness becomes your enemy 
and you invite problems for yourself. Tight controls may be 
forced upon you. 

During the sub-period of Moon in the Venus dasa troubles 
to bones and nails are indicated. Many problems manifest 
during this phase. This period becomes more adverse than 
the earlier periods. Anyway enthusiasm prevails and you 
overcome problems. 

Misunderstandings surface with the near and dear ones during 
the sub-period of Mars in the Venus dasa. Health hazards 
manifest.You jump into new ventures with a daredevil attitude 
Development of land and buildings will be planned by you 
with care. 

Clashes with bad elements cannot be avoided despite you 
exercising self control during the sub- period of Rahu in the 
Venus dasa. Near and dear ones suffer and those who involve 
in education bring happy news. 

Good delectable food can be had during the sub- period of 
Jupiter in the Venus dasa. You attain respect in your 
immediate circle. Many gains can be had during this phase. 
Good educational attainments can be had and many auspicious 
news reach you. 

During the sub-period of Saturn in the Venus dasa you will 
deal closely with seniors and elders. Children find this a 
bad time. Enemies find it difficult to fight with you and you 
enjoy family comforts.Chance of living overseas in affluence 
cannot be ruled out. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Venus dasa increase 
in assets and wealth indicated. Fame prosperity and success 
on a majestic scale reach you. Your status gets a promotion 
and you get more ego-satisfaction. 

Quarrels and misunderstandings surface during the sub-period 
of Ketu in the Venus dasa. Enmity is acquired for nothing. =10=
Your antogonists do not succeed and may even be annihilated. 
Involvement with undesirable elements. Economic growth & 
gains indicated. 


Hima Kunda Mrinalabham 
Daithyanam Paramam Gurum 
Sarva Shastra Pravartharam 
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions 
arising from Venus Dasa. This is the moola sloka of Venus. 

STARTING FROM 29-06-2095 

During the Dasa of the Sun gain of wealth and 
allround happiness will be experienced. Equanimity in happiness 
and sorrow- mental satisfaction due to enthusiasm- conquest of 
enemies & gain of wealth due to cruel acts and royal favour. 

On the negative side threats to mental peace and 
happiness caused by enemies- wealth -wife & fire - lack of attach- 
ment- quarrels with subordinates- afflictions to heart & stomach 
and & attachment to evil & evildoers. 

The dasa of malefics ( Sun is considered as a 
malefic in Indian Astrology ) is generally marked by lack of 
mental peace and fulfillment. 

Gem Therapy - The Sun is represented by Ruby. Wearing Ruby on 
a Shukla Paksha Sunday can destroy most of the afflictions caused 
by Sun's dasa. 

You can expect financial help and development during the sub- 
period of Sun in the Sun dasa. From own people you can hear 
unpleasant words and bad behaviour. Economic prudence has to 
be exercised to control spiralling expenditure. 

You become a pacifist during the sub-period of Moon in the 
Sun dasa. Compromise with your enemies and work towards 
that. Prosperity will dawn and you enjoy a peaceful period. 

A lot of beneficial effects can be had during the sub-period 
of Mars in the Sun dasa. Seniors help you and recommend your 
name for promotion or increments. Public accept you and reco- 
gnise your talents. But this period takes a heavy toll of 
happiness and mental peace. 

Suspicions surface during the sub-period of Rahu in Sun dasa. 
Health hazards possible. Expenses spiral. Fear enters into 
you that you may lose your social position or be depromoted 
Parent's health add to your worries. 

Health conditon improves during the sub-period of Jupiter in 
the Sun dasa. Good results can be had wherever you put in =11=
effort. Your workaholism will be appreciated even by your 
enemies. Prosperity dawns and more interest is generated 
in God. 

Damages to equipments and loved ones surface during the sub- 
period of Saturn in the Sun dasa. Dissipation of energy & 
decline of health. Disappointment in areas where other's 
help and cooperation is sought. Depression manifests and you 
exhibit withdrawal symptoms. Eye should be tested by an 
expert consultant. 

During the sub-period of Mercury in the Sun dasa laziness 
manifests and you may neglect duty which leads to furthur 
failure at work. You are advised to keep the environment 

You tend to move away from your area of work and people 
during the sub-period of Ketu in the Sun dasa. Many 
adverse things happen against your interest. Common these 
days are hindrances and obstacles. 

Lack of comforts both physical and mental during the 
sub-period of Venus in the Sun dasa. Unbearable becomes 
headache which may torment you at times. You excel in your 
area of specialisation. 


Japa Kusuma Sankasam 
Kasyapeyam Mahadyuthim 
Thamognam Sarvapapagnam 
Pranathosmi Divakaram 

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the affli- 
ctions arising from Surya Dasa. This is the moola sloka of the Sun.


Z O D I A C A S T R O L O G Y 



Sun stays in a sign for one month. Sun is the most powerful 
luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength.Since he repre- 
sents the soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche 
very much. 

You have to understand that the losses which you experience now 
are not everlasting. You are forewarned that workaholism has 
its drawbacks & you are in need of rest in order to avoid diseases 
While strain is imminent you have to cope up with it. Travel 
more often than usual indicated. 

There may be unnecessary expenditure & losses during the second 
Solar Transit ( Vithe Vithakshaya).You have to take precautions to 
avoid disease connected with the eyes. Losses started earlier may 
continue for some more time. Economic prudence should be exercised 
and money management should be proper. You cannot afford to be care- 
less as care and diligence bring luck. Financial problems have to be 
tackled properly without losing your sang-froid and equanimity. Vara 
Puja should be resorted to - fasting on Sundays - propitiating the 
Family Deity and reciting the mantra Om Sooryaya Namah. 

20-11-2021 ................. 16-12-2021 

This marks the entry of a prosperous and auspicious period. Gains 
economic- promotion in job and all round happiness are about to 
take place. Your entire mind is now tuned to success.You have to 
pitch it strong and spare no efforts to succeed. Remember success 
often comes to those who dare and act. It seldom goes to the 
timid. You will get more acceptance from the public (Sthana Manadi 
Labham ).Improvement in finance & status. Your sense of importance 
rises as you are understood by men who care for you. Professional 
enhancement & reputation. If you appear for exams result can 
be predicted with certitude. This is the time to work hard and 
if you do so you will establish yourself as a superior female. If 
you wear Ruby you can enhance Sun in your horoscope. 

16-12-2021 ................ 22-07-2004 

Unfavourable Sun mars happiness. Difference of opinion with part- 
ner. Impatience caused by juniors. You are forewarned against 
sickness. You have to take prophylactic actions in time. You will 
escape from accident due to Grace Divine.Domestic happiness takes 
a beating. 

Unfavourable Sun creates general unhappiness. There will be fear & 
miseries in the psyche ( Klesha Bheethim ). Delays & postponement 
in many undertakings ailments physical &mental are likely. Loss of = 2=
respect. Domestic happiness takes a beating. You tend to quarrel 
with those whom you love. Taking preventive measures in time and 
exercising prudence and restraint are prophylactic indeed. The 
mantra Om Sooryaya Namah can give you relief; other remedies are 
reciting the Aditya Hridayam and fasting on Sundays. Fasting is 
good not only spiritually but medically also. 

22-07-2004 ............... 25-12-2006 


Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier- 
archy. Financial dimension comes within his domain. 

Benign Jupiter bestows the company of good neighbours. Acquisition 
of clothes and jewellery. Fresh clothes and comforts. You enjoy 
the company of good men. You feel that good men are more 
positive towards you. Your abilities get recognised and you 
indulge in spiritually meritorious acts. Jupiter turns benign and 
promotional prospects loom large. Progeny gives happiness. Mental 
peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery will be acquired by 
you. You also get an opportunity to acquire clothes and 
suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of society. This favour- 
able transit of Jove brings in largess normally (Putra Dhanapthim) 
You can use this time and invest in real estate and the stock 
market. Speculation done in small quantities will also bring home 
the bacon. Bank stocks can give good capital appreciation. You can 
try your luck in lottery and the jackpot. By enhancing Jupiter 
you can get more gains. Enhancing Jupiter includes wearing Yellow 
Sapphire or Citrine or Golden Topaz - fasting on Thursdays and 
chanting the Jupiterian mantra - Om Brihaspathaye Namah. 

20-11-2021 .............. 13-04-2022 

Not so benign Jupiter makes you unhappy despite material comforts. 
You will feel that your freedom is curtailed and you are bound by 
a malefic Fate.Your manners will be appreciated by males despite 
Jupiter's adverse stance. The unhappiness created by circumstances 
reduces your ego. Unhappy you will be as the planet of Wealth 
transits the adverse 6th. Despite the conveniences that you have 
you lack happiness. You are confronted by enemies who plot and 
conspire against you. (Ripu Badham). Mental peace takes a beating 
The remedy is to turn to prayer & meditation to achieve peace of 
mind & tranquillity.This is the time when Maveli was bound (Shaste 
Maveli Bandhanam ). The solution to the problem is not to go for 
confrontation. Conciliation and not confrontation is the solution. 
Patience ultimately will win the war for you. Worshipping the Man 
Lion aspect of Lord Vishnu can give you relief from enemy trouble. 
Other remedies include fasting on Thursdays - worshipping the 
Tutelary Deity on Thursdays and chanting the Jupiterian mantra - 
Om Brihaspathaye Namah - at least 12 times in a state of purity 
Wearing a Yellow Sapphire can give you immense relief. 

13-04-2022 .............. 22-04-2023 


Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through 
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and 
significant from the perspective of fortune. 

Mind turns turbulent as the planet of Destiny moves through the 
unfavourable 4th. The 4th house significations like mother house 
education uncle & conveyances get adversely affected. There 
is some sort of fear psychosis that something bad is bound to 
happen. Turning to Yoga and meditation can give relief to the 
ailing mind. While travelling away from home is indicated it is 
better if you exercise care. You have to learn to depend on God 
and His mercy. Better rely on the healing touch of divinity. 
There will be a dearth of happiness &you will face opposition from 
the opposite sex (Sthree Bandhartha Sukhachyuthim).Problems in the 
financial sphere.You can resort to astro therapeutic measures like 
fasting on Saturdays & wearing a Blue Sapphire. If you propitiate 
your Tutelary Deity on Saturdays you will get good relief. Wearing 
black clothes also can reduce the suffering caused by Saturn. 

20-11-2021 .............. 17-01-2023 

You get involved in disputes and children make problems at home. 
Parting is such sweet sorrow but you have to learn to part with 
friends who had given excellent camaraderie. Worries on account 
of juniors.Mind becomes hurt by thinking about adverse circumstan- 
ces. Turning to Yoga & meditation can cure a lot of afflictions . 
There will be a lack of happiness. Financial stringency indicated 
( Dhana Sukha Bramsam ).You can escape from the thraldom of Saturn 
by taking recourse to divine astro therapeutic measures like fast- 
ing on Saturdays & worshipping the Tutelary Deity on Saturdays. 
You can read Vedic texts on Saturdays & wear black clothes to 
offset the negative Saturnine transit.Wearing Blue Spinel or Blue 
Sapphire on a Shukla Paksha Saturday ( Shukla Paksha is 15 days 
after the New Moon ) can give relief.Wearing a Saturn Astral Tali- 
sman can also provide relief. 

17-01-2023 .............. 29-03-2025 


With best wishes 

A J Placement Consultants G4 & G 5 Pragati Tower 26 
Rajendra Place New Delhi 110 008 

1. If you want your Transit forecast again pls send us your 
date time & place of birth. Your data is not stored on our disk. 

2. The para "Fortune Prosperity Inheritance " is for general 
purpose only. If you want gems pls consult our experts who can 
recommend gems which are specific to your horoscope. 

3. Pls consult our Consultant G Kumar for astrological 
guidance. = 4=

Astrologic Scholar G Kumar & Free Consultancy 

The internationally renowned Planetary Gemologists Association 
has conferred a honorary degree to G Kumar as a Planetary Gem 
Advisor. www.p-g-a.org is headed by famous Gemologist Richard 
S Brown (www.agt-gems.com) who founded the Gemological Institute of 
America. Kumar is an exponent of Transcendental Philosophy. 

G Kumar's articles on Numerology Yoga Pranic Therapy Tantra etc 
are available at the following websites. 


FREE- Any body can learn Vedic Astrology Yoga Numerology Pranic 
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