Inducting Rasayana Therapy in Our Daily Routine

by Dr.Krishna . R.S
November 27, 2005


Ayurveda , the oldest health science has eight branches. Rasayana (rejuvenation) is one of them. Rasa has different meanings like ”juice”, "taste“, “essence", "flavor”, or “emotion", but is not limited to any of these in itself. In therapeutic process Rasa is concerned with the conservation, transformation, and revitalization of energy. Rasa nourishes our body, boosts immunity and helps to keep the body and mind in best of health.

The Aim Of Rasayana

The Rasayana therapy enhances the qualities of rasa, enriches it with nutrients. With such enriched excellent Rasa, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorder, youthfulness, excellence of luster, complexion & voice, optimum development of physique and sense organs, mastery over phonetics, respectability and brilliance.

Types of Rasayana

1. Types of rasayana preparations which can be consumed according to the needs.

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A . Kamya Rasayanas
Kamya rasayanas are promoters of normal health. These boost body energy levels, immunity and general health.

  • Pranakamya – Promoter of vitality and longevity

  • Medhakamya – Promoter of intelligence.

  • Srikamya - – Promoter of complexion.

B .Naimittika Rasayana
Naimittika rasayanas help to fight a specific disease.

2. Types of Rasayanas on the basis of place of Therapy

A. Kuti Praveshika Rasayana – Indoor Rasayana Therapy .
B. Vatatapika Rasayana – Outdoor Rasayana Therapy.

3. Types of Rasayanas On the basis of diet and life styles.

A. .Aushdha Rasayana – Drug Based Rasayana.
B. Ahara Rasayana – Dietary Rasayana.
C. Achara Rasayana – Lifestyle Rasayana.

Preparation for Rasayana Therapy

It is very essential for a person who wishes to undergo rasayana therapy to undergo samshodhana (detoxification) as a preparatory procedure. The samshodhana process detoxifies both body and mind. A detoxified body and mind is a like a clean cloth which readily absorbs the color in which it has been dipped unlike a soiled cloth which looks soiled even after coloring with best colors.

But when a person is not eligible for samshodhana or is not able to get samshodhana then he can also consume rasayana preparations which still boost the qualities of rasa in his body.

Effect of Rasayana Therapy

Rasayana therapy enriches nutritional quality of Rasa, enhances digestion and metabolism by normalizing agni or body fire, and promoting the competence of channels

Benefits of Rasayana

The main purpose of Rasayana therapy is to retard the aging process and to delay the degenerative process in the body.

  • It enhances the intelligence, memory, body strength, luster of the skin, and modulation of voice

  • It nourishes the blood, lymph, muscles, tissues, semen, and thus prevents Chronic degenerative disorders like Arthritis.

  • Improves metabolic process and quality of body tissues and eradicates diseases of old age.

  • Helps to attain optimal physical strength and sharpness of sense organs.

  • Rasayana has marked action on reproductive organs and also nourishes shukra dhatu (semen).

  • Rasayana nourishes the whole body and improves Immune system and hence the natural resistance to infection will be more.

By following Achara Rasayana one can be more Satvik and surge ahead in the spiritual field by his pure daily routines like speaking truth, not getting angry, by having control over his sense organs and calmness.

Dr. Krishna.R.S has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 19 yrs , after getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1986 from University of Mysore, India. He completed his post graduation diploma about allopathic medicine and surgery from University of Bangalore, Karnataka, India.His articles about ayurveda and life sciences have been published in many magzines.

Dr.Krishna. R.S is a star athlete and has represented state and universities when he was in high school, pre university and college.

Dr.Krishna . R.S lives in Mysore , Karnataka, India. He gives consultations in Mysore and also in Bangalore the silicon valley of India.

Ph:91-0821-2451405 Mob: 9448433911 Email :

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is an Ayurvedic Physician