Of the four forces
in the Universe - weak nuclear force,strong nuclearforce,electricity
& magnetism -are but different manifestations
ofthat Unitary Power which the Vedists call Prana. Using this Vital
Energy to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This article is a continuation of
thee arlier article Pranic Therapy Part I.
Application of Chaos Theory in the field of Medicine
The programme
for activating the body's own self-renewal processes is called
holistic health programme. It may take months or years for the
body to learn new patterns of response and renew itself. And this
programme succeeds only when certain conditions are fulfilled.
Awakening to a New Holistic Health Awareness
Only after undergoing an inner conversion do people start on a
holistic health programme. This conversion may come
naturally in the fulness of time or by coming into contact with a
holistic health adept or Yoga teacher. But
more commonly, the inner transformation takes place only when
people have reached the limits of suffering or when the shadow of
some terminal illness looms large on the horizon. Fear, they say,
is the beginning of wisdom.
Pain is the first born of the Inconscience
And thy body's dumb original base !
Whatever way the change occurs, it takes the form of two inner
processes; a new attitude towards one's body and a feeling of
responsibility for one's own health.
Man's greatest enemy - Thanatos ( Death-instinct )
The notion that what a person loves most is his own body has been
proved erroneous by Freud. Freud, who declared that pleasure
seeking ( hedonism ) was the basic instinct in man, modified his
view later.
And light invades the world's inconscient base
And perished is the Adversary force
He ( the Saviour ) must still labour on, his work halfdone! ( Aurobindo )