The Hidden Power Within You

by Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

There is within you a power that, if awakened and harnessed, would unfailingly create almost anything you can dream of. That force is the infinite power of your Mind, and the power of manifested THOUGHT.

Your Mind, and the way you use it, is the single factor that can cause you to wallow in the masses of the boringly average, or rise to levels of success undreamed of.

The world's most successful people began, for the most part, with no special advantages over you. Most were of average intelligence, not particularly attractive, and did not even begin wealthy or well connected. It is primarily through the use of mind and thought that they achieved everything that they are known for.

The point is that in almost all cases, people who succeed greatly have no special advantages over you or I. They are NORMAL people. The one thing that they have learned to do, and do supremely well, is to concentrate their thoughts and discipline their minds.

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They have developed the capacity to visualize their chosen dream clearly, and set sail for it; never swerving, and never using the words 'impossible', 'try' or even 'if only'. There is no self-doubt; only a totally 'unreasonable' commitment to their vision.

We live in a universe that basically IS Thought. Mind is present throughout the universe at all levels, and it is present in you. In that sense, you are made in the image of God. You are a creator, just as the Divine is. If only you knew it!....

If you could just master the single idea that your mind and your thoughts create EVERYTHING you experience in your life, and apply that notion consistently to discipline your mind and bring it under your control, then your world would change fast and furiously for the better. Your dreams would manifest, and do so rapidly.

Sadly, taking control of the mind and its thoughts is the biggest challenge in a world filled with distractions. Most people fall at this hurdle. TV, X-box, movies, sex, vacations, hanging out with pals, the bar, or whatever. The list is endless.

We are amazingly loose with our time, as if we live forever. We squander our mental discipline, as if we can always get started at some later date. However, what you focus upon expands. Hence, lack of discipline just leads to more of the same. Before youknow it, things go out of control and life becomes an ill-disciplined disaster.

You CAN begin to make dramatic change in your life. Yes, starting TODAY.

The starting point is taking control of your mind and focusing your thoughts to a laser-beam precision. Use your thoughts consistently to take you in the direction of your dreams.

This will take considerable practice to begin with. Most people have never tried to do it. Hence, it is strange and foreign initially. However, with diligent effort, anything is possible.

Begin to take stock of your life. What is distracting your mind and your thoughts? What keeps you away from making massive progress? What IS it going to take for you to learn how to master your mind? Take the time to ponder questions like these, and develop a determination to get some answers and make some changes; small at first, but larger as time goes on.

Everything has a price. You will have to get serious. It could mean that you give up some time-wasting relationship or habits that keep you mentally dissipated. Cutting down on TV-gazing would be a great start for most people!

Here are some possible exercises to help develop your mental focus:

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1) Light a candle in a dark room and just stare at the flame for 10-15 minutes each day. Keep your mind on the flame and think of nothing else. When your mind wanders, bring it back. This exercise should be very revealing!

2) Create affirmations to strengthen your Mind Power. You could write statements like 'My mental focus becomes clearer and more powerful each and every day'. Or, 'My mind and my thoughts are increasingly focused upon the good, and beneficial, and the joyous; both for myself and all whom I come into contact with'. Develop the ones that make sense for YOU and YOUR life goals. Repeat them often. Write them on cards and carry the cards around to look at several times a day.

3) Study great teachers of Mental Science. Try the works of Thomas Troward, Joseph Murphy, Vernon Howard, Bob Proctor and others. Make copious notes and ponder what they teach.

4) Think on paper. Brainstorm ideas. Write out your ideal future life. Begin to make plans to get there. Set goals. The greatest success throughout history thought on paper!

5) Learn to do ONE THING at a time and see it to completion. This is an exercise in focused concentration itself, what with all the distractions we have available. A major secret to success is to do ONE THING AT A TIME.

In short, there is a world of opportunity awaiting you if you can simply master your own mind and your own thoughts. It is THE one differentiating factor between people who are average, and those who succeed tremendously. Mental focus creates your 'luck'! You literally begin to attract 'lucky' circumstances into your life.

You too can be anything you wish to be and achieve anything you wish to achieve, provided you can believe it is possible and make it your grand obsession. As Earl Nightingale said: 'You become what you think about all the time'. So, begin to take charge of your MIND and your THOUGHTS, and direct them in beneficial ways, to what you dream of!




