Today'Star : MAKAYIRAM Moon 63.15
At : 5.30 AM Standard Time
Today : 01-09-2021 wednesday
At Place : KANGLA
Longitude : 93.56 East
Latitude : 24.48 North
Sunrise : 4.58 AM
Sunset : 5.36 PM
Time Zone : 5.30 East Of Greenwich
Local Mean Time : Standard Time + 46 Mins
Sidereal Time : 642
SolarTransit-NjattuVela : POORAM Sun 134.65
Kalpa : Sveta Varaha
7th Manvantara : Vaivaswata
Ahargana - Elapsed Days : 1870993
Equinoctial Cycle : 28th Chathur Yuga
Karana - Half Lunation : Pashu
Z Ephemeris / ePanchang 8.0 / 072020 / 22-09-2021 11:06:19
Software : www.eastrovedica.com M 93885 56053 g4marry.com
guruvayur4u.com email - info@eastrovedica.com eastro.mobi
Rah | ||||
Jup | ![]()
Moo | ||
Sat | ||||
Ket |
Ven Mer | Sun Mar |
1 Mon 7 30 9 0
2 Sat 9 0 10 30
3 Fri 10 30 12 0
4 Wed 12 0 1 30
5 Thu 1 30 3 0
6 Tue 3 0 4 30
7 Sun 4 30 6 0
Moorthithve Parikalpitha Sasabrutho Varma Punarjanmanam
Athmethmavidham Kruthuscha Yajatham Bharthamara Jyothisham
Lokanam Pralayodayasthithi Vibhuschanekada Ya Sruthau
Vacham Na Sa dathunaikakirana Trailokya Deepo Ravi
O Whose light makes Luna Shine ! O Originator of the Solar Path !
O Self of the philosophers ! O lord of the luminaries !
Thou Preserver Destroyer and Creator ! O well extolled !
O Time Eternal! give me the divine gift of articulate speech !
Of Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya
The Knowers of Brahman
Speak of Knowledge as Twofold
Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya
Ithee hi yad Brahmavido Vadanti
Para chaiva Apara cha.
Apara Vidya = Relative Knowledge
Para Vidya = Absolute Knowledge
Chemistry- Physics- Biology et al
Are Sciences of the Relative !
Even Astronomy- Maths & Astrology
( Siddhanta- Samhita & Hora )
Are all Relative Knowledge !
The Fivefold Ephemeris- Pancha Anga
Is nothing but Apara Vidya
Pancha Anga means Five Limbs-
The Five Limbs of Time Eternal !
Lunation = Thidhi = 12 degrees
( Lunar Longitude - Solar Longitude)-
There are fifteen of them.
Lunar Mansions = Nakshatras
There are twenty seven of them
Week Day = Vara
Based on First Planetary Hour- Kala Hora.
Eternal Combinations = Nitya Yogas
( Lunar Longitude + Solar Longitude )
There are twenty seven of them.
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Half Lunation = Karana =6 degrees
Thidhi Ardham Karanam Proktam
These Five Variables constitute
Mighty Hindu Ephemeris !
The Five Limbs of Time are
Vara Date Sun Moo Star Lunation Nithya Yoga Ka
1 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
2 Sat 02-01-21 257.67 112.09 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
3 Sun 03-01-21 258.69 125.50 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
4 Mon 04-01-21 259.71 139.10 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
5 Tue 05-01-21 260.72 152.89 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
6 Wed 06-01-21 261.74 166.83 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
7 Thu 07-01-21 262.76 180.92 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI SUKARMAN
8 Fri 08-01-21 263.77 195.14 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
9 Sat 09-01-21 264.79 209.45 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
10 Sun 10-01-21 265.81 223.81 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
11 Mon 11-01-21 266.83 238.15 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
12 Tue 12-01-21 267.84 252.41 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
13 Wed 13-01-21 268.86 266.49 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA HARSHANA
14 Thu 14-01-21 269.88 280.34 22 SRAVANA PRATHAMA VAJRA
15 Fri 15-01-21 270.89 293.88 23 DHANISHTA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
16 Sat 16-01-21 271.91 307.09 24 SATHABHISH THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
17 Sun 17-01-21 272.93 319.95 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
18 Mon 18-01-21 273.94 332.48 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
19 Tue 19-01-21 274.96 344.72 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
20 Wed 20-01-21 275.97 356.74 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
21 Thu 21-01-21 276.99 8.62 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
22 Fri 22-01-21 278.05 20.43 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
23 Sat 23-01-21 279.07 32.28 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
24 Sun 24-01-21 280.08 44.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
25 Mon 25-01-21 281.10 56.40 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
26 Tue 26-01-21 282.11 68.81 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VAIDHRITI
27 Wed 27-01-21 283.13 81.53 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS VISHKAMBH
28 Thu 28-01-21 284.14 94.56 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI PRITI
29 Fri 29-01-21 285.16 107.92 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA AYUSHMAN
30 Sat 30-01-21 286.17 121.56 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
31 Sun 31-01-21 287.18 135.44 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
32 Mon 01-02-21 288.20 149.48 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
33 Tue 02-02-21 289.21 163.62 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
34 Wed 03-02-21 290.22 177.79 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SOOLA
35 Thu 04-02-21 291.23 191.95 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI GANDA
36 Fri 05-02-21 292.25 206.06 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
37 Sat 06-02-21 293.26 220.11 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
38 Sun 07-02-21 294.27 234.08 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
39 Mon 08-02-21 295.28 247.97 19 MOOLA DWADASI HARSHANA
40 Tue 09-02-21 296.29 261.76 20 POORVASHAD THRAYODASI VAJRA
41 Wed 10-02-21 297.30 275.40 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURDAS SIDDHI
42 Thu 11-02-21 298.31 288.87 22 SRAVANA AMAVASYA VARIYAN
43 Fri 12-02-21 299.32 302.12 23 DHANISHTA PRATHAMA PARIGHA
44 Sat 13-02-21 300.33 315.12 24 SATHABHISH DWITHEEYA SIVA
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45 Sun 14-02-21 301.34 327.85 25 POORVABHAD THRITHEEYA SIDDHA
46 Mon 15-02-21 302.35 340.31 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURTHI SADHYA
47 Tue 16-02-21 303.36 352.53 27 REVATI PANCHAMI SUBHA
48 Wed 17-02-21 304.37 4.54 1 ASWINI SHASHTI SUKLA
49 Thu 18-02-21 305.42 16.41 2 BHARANI SHASHTI BRAHMA
50 Fri 19-02-21 306.43 28.21 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI INDRA
51 Sat 20-02-21 307.43 40.04 4 ROHINI ASHTAMI VAIDHRITI
52 Sun 21-02-21 308.44 51.98 4 ROHINI NAVAMI VISHKAMBH
53 Mon 22-02-21 309.45 64.14 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI PRITI
54 Tue 23-02-21 310.45 76.59 6 ARIDRA EKADASI AYUSHMAN
55 Wed 24-02-21 311.46 89.40 7 PUNARVASU DWADASI SAUBHAGYA
56 Thu 25-02-21 312.46 102.61 8 PUSHYA THRAYODASI SOBHANA
57 Fri 26-02-21 313.47 116.24 9 ASLESHA CHATHURDAS ATIGANDA
58 Sat 27-02-21 314.47 130.25 10 MAGHA POURNAMI SUKARMAN
59 Sun 28-02-21 315.47 144.57 11 PUBBA PRATHAMA DHRITI
60 Mon 01-03-21 316.48 159.08 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SOOLA
61 Tue 02-03-21 317.48 173.69 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI GANDA
62 Wed 03-03-21 318.48 188.26 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI DHRUVA
63 Thu 04-03-21 319.48 202.70 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VYAGHATA
64 Fri 05-03-21 320.48 216.96 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
65 Sat 06-03-21 321.48 231.01 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI VAJRA
66 Sun 07-03-21 322.48 244.83 19 MOOLA NAVAMI SIDDHI
67 Mon 08-03-21 323.48 258.45 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI VYATIPATA
68 Tue 09-03-21 324.48 271.88 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI VARIYAN
69 Wed 10-03-21 325.48 285.13 22 SRAVANA DWADASI PARIGHA
70 Thu 11-03-21 326.48 298.20 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI SIVA
71 Fri 12-03-21 327.48 311.09 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
72 Sat 13-03-21 328.48 323.78 25 POORVABHAD AMAVASYA SADHYA
73 Sun 14-03-21 329.47 336.27 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA SUBHA
74 Mon 15-03-21 330.47 348.56 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA SUKLA
75 Tue 16-03-21 331.47 0.66 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
76 Wed 17-03-21 332.49 12.61 1 ASWINI CHATHURTHI INDRA
77 Thu 18-03-21 333.48 24.44 2 BHARANI PANCHAMI VAIDHRITI
78 Fri 19-03-21 334.48 36.23 3 KRITHIKA SHASHTI VISHKAMBH
79 Sat 20-03-21 335.47 48.04 4 ROHINI SAPTHAMI PRITI
80 Sun 21-03-21 336.46 59.95 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
81 Mon 22-03-21 337.46 72.07 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
82 Tue 23-03-21 338.45 84.48 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI SOBHANA
83 Wed 24-03-21 339.44 97.26 8 PUSHYA DASAMI ATIGANDA
84 Thu 25-03-21 340.43 110.49 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SUKARMAN
85 Fri 26-03-21 341.42 124.20 10 MAGHA DWADASI DHRITI
86 Sat 27-03-21 342.41 138.36 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI GANDA
87 Sun 28-03-21 343.40 152.92 12 UTHARA POURNAMI VRIDDHI
88 Mon 29-03-21 344.39 167.77 13 HASTHA PRATHAMA DHRUVA
89 Tue 30-03-21 345.38 182.76 14 CHITHRA DWITHEEYA VYAGHATA
90 Wed 31-03-21 346.37 197.74 15 SWATHI THRITHEEYA HARSHANA
91 Thu 01-04-21 347.35 212.57 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI VAJRA
92 Fri 02-04-21 348.34 227.14 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI VYATIPATA
93 Sat 03-04-21 349.33 241.40 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI VARIYAN
94 Sun 04-04-21 350.31 255.31 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI PARIGHA
95 Mon 05-04-21 351.30 268.89 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SIVA
96 Tue 06-04-21 352.28 282.18 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SIDDHA
97 Wed 07-04-21 353.27 295.20 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI SADHYA
98 Thu 08-04-21 354.25 307.98 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI SUBHA
99 Fri 09-04-21 355.23 320.56 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI SUKLA
100 Sat 10-04-21 356.22 332.96 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURDAS BRAHMA
101 Sun 11-04-21 357.20 345.19 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS INDRA
102 Mon 12-04-21 358.18 357.28 27 REVATI AMAVASYA VAIDHRITI
103 Tue 13-04-21 359.16 9.23 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VISHKAMBH
104 Wed 14-04-21 0.15 21.09 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA PRITI
105 Thu 15-04-21 1.14 32.89 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
106 Fri 16-04-21 2.12 44.67 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI SAUBHAGYA
107 Sat 17-04-21 3.10 56.49 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI SOBHANA
108 Sun 18-04-21 4.08 68.41 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI ATIGANDA
109 Mon 19-04-21 5.05 80.52 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SUKARMAN
110 Tue 20-04-21 6.03 92.90 7 PUNARVASU ASHTAMI DHRITI
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111 Wed 21-04-21 7.00 105.62 8 PUSHYA NAVAMI SOOLA
112 Thu 22-04-21 7.98 118.76 9 ASLESHA DASAMI GANDA
113 Fri 23-04-21 8.96 132.38 10 MAGHA EKADASI VRIDDHI
114 Sat 24-04-21 9.93 146.48 11 PUBBA DWADASI DHRUVA
115 Sun 25-04-21 10.90 161.03 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VYAGHATA
116 Mon 26-04-21 11.88 175.94 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS VAJRA
117 Tue 27-04-21 12.85 191.08 15 SWATHI POURNAMI SIDDHI
118 Wed 28-04-21 13.82 206.29 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA VYATIPATA
119 Thu 29-04-21 14.80 221.41 17 ANURADHA THRITHEEYA VARIYAN
120 Fri 30-04-21 15.77 236.29 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
121 Sat 01-05-21 16.74 250.83 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI SIDDHA
122 Sun 02-05-21 17.71 264.97 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI SADHYA
123 Mon 03-05-21 18.68 278.69 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI SUBHA
124 Tue 04-05-21 19.65 292.02 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI SUKLA
125 Wed 05-05-21 20.62 304.98 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI BRAHMA
126 Thu 06-05-21 21.59 317.65 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI INDRA
127 Fri 07-05-21 22.56 330.05 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI VAIDHRITI
128 Sat 08-05-21 23.53 342.26 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI VISHKAMBH
129 Sun 09-05-21 24.49 354.30 27 REVATI THRAYODASI PRITI
130 Mon 10-05-21 25.46 6.23 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS AYUSHMAN
131 Tue 11-05-21 26.42 18.07 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA SAUBHAGYA
132 Wed 12-05-21 27.39 29.86 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA SOBHANA
133 Thu 13-05-21 28.35 41.65 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA ATIGANDA
134 Fri 14-05-21 29.32 53.47 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SUKARMAN
135 Sat 15-05-21 30.28 65.37 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA DHRITI
136 Sun 16-05-21 31.25 77.38 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI SOOLA
137 Mon 17-05-21 32.21 89.58 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI GANDA
138 Tue 18-05-21 33.18 102.00 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI VRIDDHI
139 Wed 19-05-21 34.14 114.73 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
140 Thu 20-05-21 35.10 127.81 10 MAKAM ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
141 Fri 21-05-21 36.07 141.30 11 PUBBA NAVAMI HARSHANA
142 Sat 22-05-21 37.03 155.23 12 UTHARA DASAMI VAJRA
143 Sun 23-05-21 37.99 169.59 13 HASTHA EKADASI SIDDHI
144 Mon 24-05-21 38.95 184.33 14 CHITHRA THRAYODASI VYATIPATA
145 Tue 25-05-21 39.91 199.35 15 SWATHI CHATHURDAS VARIYAN
146 Wed 26-05-21 40.88 214.52 17 ANURADHA POURNAMI SIVA
147 Thu 27-05-21 41.84 229.69 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA SIDDHA
148 Fri 28-05-21 42.80 244.71 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA SADHYA
149 Sat 29-05-21 43.76 259.43 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA SUBHA
150 Sun 30-05-21 44.72 273.77 21 UTHRASHADA PANCHAMI SUKLA
151 Mon 31-05-21 45.68 287.68 22 SRAVANA SHASHTI INDRA
152 Tue 01-06-21 46.64 301.13 23 DHANISHTA SAPTHAMI VAIDHRITI
153 Wed 02-06-21 47.60 314.17 24 SATHABHISH ASHTAMI VISHKAMBH
154 Thu 03-06-21 48.56 326.83 25 POORVABHAD NAVAMI PRITI
155 Fri 04-06-21 49.52 339.18 26 UTHARABHAD DASAMI AYUSHMAN
156 Sat 05-06-21 50.48 351.30 27 REVATI EKADASI SAUBHAGYA
157 Sun 06-06-21 51.43 3.25 1 ASWINI EKADASI SOBHANA
158 Mon 07-06-21 52.37 15.09 2 BHARANI DWADASI ATIGANDA
159 Tue 08-06-21 53.32 26.88 3 KRITHIKA THRAYODASI SUKARMAN
160 Wed 09-06-21 54.28 38.67 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SUKARMAN
161 Thu 10-06-21 55.24 50.50 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA DHRITI
162 Fri 11-06-21 56.20 62.42 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA SOOLA
163 Sat 12-06-21 57.15 74.46 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA GANDA
164 Sun 13-06-21 58.11 86.66 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA VRIDDHI
165 Mon 14-06-21 59.07 99.04 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI DHRUVA
166 Tue 15-06-21 60.02 111.65 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI VYAGHATA
167 Wed 16-06-21 60.98 124.50 10 MAGHA SHASHTI HARSHANA
168 Thu 17-06-21 61.93 137.64 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI VAJRA
169 Fri 18-06-21 62.89 151.10 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI VYATIPATA
170 Sat 19-06-21 63.85 164.89 13 HASTHA NAVAMI VARIYAN
171 Sun 20-06-21 64.80 179.02 14 CHITHRA DASAMI PARIGHA
172 Mon 21-06-21 65.76 193.47 15 SWATHI EKADASI SIVA
173 Tue 22-06-21 66.71 208.19 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI SIDDHA
174 Wed 23-06-21 67.67 223.09 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI SADHYA
175 Thu 24-06-21 68.63 238.06 18 JYESHTA POURNAMI SUKLA
176 Fri 25-06-21 69.58 252.95 19 MOOLA PRATHAMA BRAHMA
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177 Sat 26-06-21 70.54 267.65 21 UTHRASHADA DWITHEEYA INDRA
178 Sun 27-06-21 71.49 282.03 22 SRAVANA THRITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
179 Mon 28-06-21 72.45 296.02 23 DHANISHTA CHATHURTHI VISHKAMBH
180 Tue 29-06-21 73.40 309.57 24 SATHABHISH PANCHAMI PRITI
181 Wed 30-06-21 74.36 322.69 25 POORVABHAD SHASHTI AYUSHMAN
182 Thu 01-07-21 75.31 335.41 26 UTHARABHAD SAPTHAMI SAUBHAGYA
183 Fri 02-07-21 76.27 347.78 27 REVATI ASHTAMI SOBHANA
184 Sat 03-07-21 77.22 359.89 27 REVATI NAVAMI ATIGANDA
185 Sun 04-07-21 78.18 11.81 1 ASWINI DASAMI SUKARMAN
186 Mon 05-07-21 79.10 23.62 2 BHARANI EKADASI DHRITI
187 Tue 06-07-21 80.05 35.41 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI SOOLA
188 Wed 07-07-21 81.00 47.24 4 ROHINI THRAYODASI GANDA
189 Thu 08-07-21 81.96 59.16 5 MRIGASIRA CHATHURDAS VRIDDHI
190 Fri 09-07-21 82.91 71.23 6 ARIDRA AMAVASYA DHRUVA
191 Sat 10-07-21 83.87 83.48 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
192 Sun 11-07-21 84.82 95.93 8 PUSHYA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
193 Mon 12-07-21 85.78 108.61 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA VAJRA
194 Tue 13-07-21 86.73 121.51 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SIDDHI
195 Wed 14-07-21 87.69 134.63 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI VYATIPATA
196 Thu 15-07-21 88.65 147.98 12 UTHARA PANCHAMI VARIYAN
197 Fri 16-07-21 89.60 161.54 13 HASTHA SHASHTI PARIGHA
198 Sat 17-07-21 90.56 175.33 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI SIVA
199 Sun 18-07-21 91.51 189.32 15 SWATHI NAVAMI SADHYA
200 Mon 19-07-21 92.47 203.53 16 VISHAKHA DASAMI SUBHA
201 Tue 20-07-21 93.42 217.92 17 ANURADHA EKADASI SUKLA
202 Wed 21-07-21 94.38 232.45 18 JYESHTA DWADASI BRAHMA
203 Thu 22-07-21 95.34 247.04 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI INDRA
204 Fri 23-07-21 96.29 261.61 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS VAIDHRITI
205 Sat 24-07-21 97.25 276.05 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI VISHKAMBH
206 Sun 25-07-21 98.21 290.26 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
207 Mon 26-07-21 99.16 304.16 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
208 Tue 27-07-21 100.12 317.67 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI SOBHANA
209 Wed 28-07-21 101.08 330.79 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI ATIGANDA
210 Thu 29-07-21 102.04 343.53 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SUKARMAN
211 Fri 30-07-21 102.99 355.92 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI DHRITI
212 Sat 31-07-21 103.95 8.04 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SOOLA
213 Sun 01-08-21 104.87 19.96 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI GANDA
214 Mon 02-08-21 105.83 31.78 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI VRIDDHI
215 Tue 03-08-21 106.78 43.59 4 ROHINI DASAMI DHRUVA
216 Wed 04-08-21 107.74 55.46 5 MRIGASIRA EKADASI VYAGHATA
217 Thu 05-08-21 108.70 67.48 6 ARIDRA DWADASI HARSHANA
218 Fri 06-08-21 109.66 79.70 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VAJRA
219 Sat 07-08-21 110.62 92.16 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS SIDDHI
220 Sun 08-08-21 111.58 104.90 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA VYATIPATA
221 Mon 09-08-21 112.54 117.92 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA VARIYAN
222 Tue 10-08-21 113.50 131.19 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA PARIGHA
223 Wed 11-08-21 114.46 144.69 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SIVA
224 Thu 12-08-21 115.42 158.38 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI SIDDHA
225 Fri 13-08-21 116.38 172.22 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SADHYA
226 Sat 14-08-21 117.35 186.17 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SUBHA
227 Sun 15-08-21 118.31 200.20 16 VISHAKHA SAPTHAMI SUKLA
228 Mon 16-08-21 119.27 214.30 17 ANURADHA ASHTAMI INDRA
229 Tue 17-08-21 120.23 228.46 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VAIDHRITI
230 Wed 18-08-21 121.20 242.65 19 MOOLA EKADASI VISHKAMBH
231 Thu 19-08-21 122.16 256.85 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI PRITI
232 Fri 20-08-21 123.12 271.00 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI AYUSHMAN
233 Sat 21-08-21 124.09 285.05 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS SAUBHAGYA
234 Sun 22-08-21 125.05 298.91 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI SOBHANA
235 Mon 23-08-21 126.02 312.53 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
236 Tue 24-08-21 126.98 325.85 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKARMAN
237 Wed 25-08-21 127.95 338.84 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA SOOLA
238 Thu 26-08-21 128.91 351.50 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI GANDA
239 Fri 27-08-21 129.88 3.86 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI VRIDDHI
240 Sat 28-08-21 130.81 15.96 2 BHARANI SHASHTI DHRUVA
241 Sun 29-08-21 131.78 27.88 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
242 Mon 30-08-21 132.74 39.70 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
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243 Tue 31-08-21 133.71 51.50 4 ROHINI NAVAMI HARSHANA
244 Wed 01-09-21 134.68 63.40 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI VAJRA
245 Thu 02-09-21 135.65 75.46 6 ARIDRA DASAMI SIDDHI
246 Fri 03-09-21 136.62 87.77 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI VYATIPATA
247 Sat 04-09-21 137.59 100.39 8 PUSHYA DWADASI VARIYAN
248 Sun 05-09-21 138.56 113.35 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI PARIGHA
249 Mon 06-09-21 139.53 126.66 10 MAGHA CHATHURDAS SIVA
250 Tue 07-09-21 140.50 140.30 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA SADHYA
251 Wed 08-09-21 141.47 154.22 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SUBHA
252 Thu 09-09-21 142.44 168.34 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA SUKLA
253 Fri 10-09-21 143.42 182.58 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI BRAHMA
254 Sat 11-09-21 144.39 196.86 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI INDRA
255 Sun 12-09-21 145.36 211.12 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VAIDHRITI
256 Mon 13-09-21 146.34 225.32 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI VISHKAMBH
257 Tue 14-09-21 147.31 239.43 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI AYUSHMAN
258 Wed 15-09-21 148.29 253.43 20 POORVASHAD NAVAMI SAUBHAGYA
259 Thu 16-09-21 149.26 267.33 21 UTHRASHADA DASAMI SOBHANA
260 Fri 17-09-21 150.24 281.10 22 SRAVANA EKADASI ATIGANDA
261 Sat 18-09-21 151.21 294.73 23 DHANISHTA DWADASI SUKARMAN
262 Sun 19-09-21 152.19 308.18 24 SATHABHISH THRAYODASI DHRITI
263 Mon 20-09-21 153.17 321.42 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI SOOLA
264 Tue 21-09-21 154.15 334.42 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA GANDA
265 Wed 22-09-21 155.12 347.16 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA VRIDDHI
266 Thu 23-09-21 156.10 359.65 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA DHRUVA
267 Fri 24-09-21 157.08 11.89 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA VYAGHATA
268 Sat 25-09-21 158.04 23.93 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI HARSHANA
269 Sun 26-09-21 159.02 35.81 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VAJRA
270 Mon 27-09-21 160.00 47.62 4 ROHINI SHASHTI SIDDHI
271 Tue 28-09-21 160.98 59.41 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI VYATIPATA
272 Wed 29-09-21 161.96 71.29 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI VARIYAN
273 Thu 30-09-21 162.95 83.34 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI PARIGHA
274 Fri 01-10-21 163.93 95.66 8 PUSHYA DASAMI SIVA
275 Sat 02-10-21 164.91 108.31 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SIDDHA
276 Sun 03-10-21 165.90 121.35 10 MAGHA DWADASI SADHYA
277 Mon 04-10-21 166.88 134.82 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI SUBHA
278 Tue 05-10-21 167.87 148.69 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS SUKLA
279 Wed 06-10-21 168.85 162.92 13 HASTHA AMAVASYA BRAHMA
280 Thu 07-10-21 169.84 177.42 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA VAIDHRITI
281 Fri 08-10-21 170.83 192.09 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
282 Sat 09-10-21 171.81 206.80 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA PRITI
283 Sun 10-10-21 172.80 221.44 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
284 Mon 11-10-21 173.79 235.93 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
285 Tue 12-10-21 174.78 250.21 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
286 Wed 13-10-21 175.77 264.24 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI SUKARMAN
287 Thu 14-10-21 176.76 278.02 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI DHRITI
288 Fri 15-10-21 177.75 291.56 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SOOLA
289 Sat 16-10-21 178.74 304.86 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI GANDA
290 Sun 17-10-21 179.73 317.94 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI VRIDDHI
291 Mon 18-10-21 180.72 330.80 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI DHRUVA
292 Tue 19-10-21 181.72 343.46 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
293 Wed 20-10-21 182.71 355.91 27 REVATI POURNAMI HARSHANA
294 Thu 21-10-21 183.70 8.16 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VAJRA
295 Fri 22-10-21 184.69 20.24 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
296 Sat 23-10-21 185.69 32.18 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
297 Sun 24-10-21 186.68 44.02 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
298 Mon 25-10-21 187.68 55.80 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI PARIGHA
299 Tue 26-10-21 188.67 67.59 6 ARIDRA PANCHAMI SIVA
300 Wed 27-10-21 189.67 79.46 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI SIDDHA
301 Thu 28-10-21 190.67 91.49 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SADHYA
302 Fri 29-10-21 191.67 103.76 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SUBHA
303 Sat 30-10-21 192.67 116.35 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI SUKLA
304 Sun 31-10-21 193.67 129.33 10 MAKAM DASAMI BRAHMA
305 Mon 01-11-21 194.67 142.75 11 PUBBA EKADASI INDRA
306 Tue 02-11-21 195.67 156.63 12 UTHARA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
307 Wed 03-11-21 196.67 170.95 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
308 Thu 04-11-21 197.67 185.63 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS PRITI
= 8=
309 Fri 05-11-21 198.67 200.58 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA AYUSHMAN
310 Sat 06-11-21 199.67 215.64 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA SOBHANA
311 Sun 07-11-21 200.67 230.68 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA ATIGANDA
312 Mon 08-11-21 201.67 245.56 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI SUKARMAN
313 Tue 09-11-21 202.68 260.16 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI DHRITI
314 Wed 10-11-21 203.68 274.42 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI SOOLA
315 Thu 11-11-21 204.69 288.30 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI GANDA
316 Fri 12-11-21 205.69 301.81 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI DHRUVA
317 Sat 13-11-21 206.69 314.97 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI VYAGHATA
318 Sun 14-11-21 207.70 327.82 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI HARSHANA
319 Mon 15-11-21 208.71 340.41 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI VAJRA
320 Tue 16-11-21 209.71 352.77 27 REVATI DWADASI SIDDHI
321 Wed 17-11-21 210.72 4.96 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI VYATIPATA
322 Thu 18-11-21 211.74 16.99 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS VARIYAN
323 Fri 19-11-21 212.75 28.92 3 KRITHIKA POURNAMI PARIGHA
324 Sat 20-11-21 213.75 40.76 4 ROHINI PRATHAMA SIVA
325 Sun 21-11-21 214.76 52.57 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA SIDDHA
326 Mon 22-11-21 215.77 64.36 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SADHYA
327 Tue 23-11-21 216.78 76.20 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI SADHYA
328 Wed 24-11-21 217.79 88.12 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI SUBHA
329 Thu 25-11-21 218.80 100.18 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI SUKLA
330 Fri 26-11-21 219.81 112.44 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI BRAHMA
331 Sat 27-11-21 220.82 124.97 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI INDRA
332 Sun 28-11-21 221.83 137.83 11 PUBBA NAVAMI VAIDHRITI
333 Mon 29-11-21 222.84 151.10 12 UTHARA DASAMI PRITI
334 Tue 30-11-21 223.86 164.81 13 HASTHA EKADASI AYUSHMAN
335 Wed 01-12-21 224.87 178.97 14 CHITHRA DWADASI SAUBHAGYA
336 Thu 02-12-21 225.88 193.55 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI SOBHANA
337 Fri 03-12-21 226.89 208.49 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURDAS ATIGANDA
338 Sat 04-12-21 227.91 223.65 17 ANURADHA AMAVASYA SUKARMAN
339 Sun 05-12-21 228.92 238.90 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA SOOLA
340 Mon 06-12-21 229.93 254.06 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA GANDA
341 Tue 07-12-21 230.94 268.98 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI VRIDDHI
342 Wed 08-12-21 231.96 283.54 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI DHRUVA
343 Thu 09-12-21 232.97 297.66 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI VYAGHATA
344 Fri 10-12-21 233.99 311.31 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
345 Sat 11-12-21 235.00 324.51 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI VAJRA
346 Sun 12-12-21 236.02 337.31 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI SIDDHI
347 Mon 13-12-21 237.03 349.78 27 REVATI DASAMI VARIYAN
348 Tue 14-12-21 238.05 1.99 1 ASWINI EKADASI PARIGHA
349 Wed 15-12-21 239.09 14.00 2 BHARANI DWADASI PARIGHA
350 Thu 16-12-21 240.11 25.89 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI SIVA
351 Fri 17-12-21 241.12 37.71 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
352 Sat 18-12-21 242.14 49.51 4 ROHINI CHATHURDAS SADHYA
353 Sun 19-12-21 243.16 61.32 5 MRIGASIRA POURNAMI SUBHA
354 Mon 20-12-21 244.17 73.18 6 ARIDRA PRATHAMA SUKLA
355 Tue 21-12-21 245.19 85.13 7 PUNARVASU DWITHEEYA BRAHMA
356 Wed 22-12-21 246.21 97.18 8 PUSHYA THRITHEEYA INDRA
357 Thu 23-12-21 247.22 109.38 9 ASLESHA CHATHURTHI VAIDHRITI
358 Fri 24-12-21 248.24 121.75 10 MAGHA PANCHAMI VISHKAMBH
359 Sat 25-12-21 249.26 134.34 11 PUBBA SHASHTI PRITI
360 Sun 26-12-21 250.27 147.19 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
361 Mon 27-12-21 251.29 160.34 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
362 Tue 28-12-21 252.31 173.85 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI SOBHANA
363 Wed 29-12-21 253.33 187.75 15 SWATHI DASAMI SUKARMAN
364 Thu 30-12-21 254.34 202.04 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI DHRITI
365 Fri 31-12-21 255.36 216.71 17 ANURADHA DWADASI SOOLA
366 Sat 01-01-22 256.38 231.67 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI GANDA
367 Sun 02-01-22 257.39 246.80 19 MOOLA AMAVASYA VRIDDHI
368 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
How to discern Month Lunation Star & Njattuvela from Tables
The real path of the Earth around the Sun is called the Ecliptic.
9 degrees to either side of the Ecliptic is a belt of the Heavens know
the Zodiac. ( Dante called it the Oblique Line that beareth all planet
First 30 degrees of the Zodiac constitute the sign of Aries. The next
degrees Taurus and so on. The Zodiac counted from the first degree of
Aries to the 360th degree of Pisces is called the Tropical Zodiac.
Sign Degrees Sanskrit
Aries 00 - 30 Mesha
Taurus 30 - 60 Vrishabha
Gemini 60 - 90 Mithuna
Cancer 90 - 120 Kataka
Leo 120 -150 Simha
Virgo 150 -180 Kanya
Libra 180 -210 Thula
Scorpio 210 -240 Vrischika
Sagittarius 240 -270 Dhanus
Capricorn 270- 300 Makara
Aquarius 300 -330 Kumbha
Pisces 330 -360 Meena
These 12 signs are the limbs of the Cosmic Man or Time Eternal
( Kalapurusha- The Almighty Self as Time )
Aries is His head Taurus His face Gemini His neck
Cancer His heart Leo the place beneath Virgo His belly
Libra His generative organ Scorpio the place beneath
Sagittarius His upper thigh Capricorn his lower thigh
Aquarius His leg and Pisces His feet !
Q - How to find the Hindu month we are in?
A - From the Sun's longitude - find out the month from the
above table.
This is the Table of Lunations
Lunation = Difference between Longitudes - Solar & Lunar
Elongation is the angular distance
From the glorious Sun !
Zero is Conjunction
And 180 degrees - Opposition!
Q - How do we know which is today's Lunation ?
A - From Moon's Longitude find out the Lunation from
this Table.
Lunation Elongation of Moon
Prathama Moon between 0 degrees and 12 degrees from the Sun
Dwithyeeya Moon between 12 degrees and 24 degrees
Thritheeya Moon between 24 degrees and 36 degrees
Chathurthi Moon between 36 degrees and 48 degrees
Panchami Moon between 48 degrees and 60 degrees
Shashti Moon between 60 degrees and 72 degrees
Sapthami Moon between 72 degrees and 84 degrees
Ashtami Moon between 84 degrees and 96 degrees
Navami Moon between 96 degrees and 108 degrees
Dasami Moon between 108 degrees and 120 degrees
Ekadasi Moon betw een 120 degrees and 132 degrees
Dwadasi Moon between 132 degrees and 144 degrees
Thrayodasi Moon between 144 degrees and 156 degrees
Chathurdasi Moon between 156 degrees and 168 degrees
Pournami Moon between 168 degrees and 180 degrees
This Table of Stars is useful for finding out the Solar Transits
and the Star of the day - Njattuvelas and Nakshatras.
From Moon's longitude - find out the Star or Nakshatra from this Tabl
From Sun's longitude - find out the Njattvela / Solar Transit
from this Table.
Name of Constellation Deg Min Deg Min
1. Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) 00 00 13 20
2. 41 Arietis ( Bharani ) 13 20 26 40
3. Eta Tauri ( Karthika ) 26 40 40 00
4. Alpha Tauri ( Rohini ) 40 00 53 20
5. Lambda Orionis ( Mrigasira ) 53 20 66 40
6. Alpha Orionis ( Aridra ) 66 40 80 00
7. Beta Geminorum ( Punarvasu ) 80 00 93 20
8. Delta Cancri ( Pushya ) 93 20 106 40
9 Alpha Cancri ( Aslesha ) 106 40 120 00
10.Alpha Leonis ( Magha ) 120 00 133 20
11.Delta Leonis ( Pubba ) 133 20 146 40
12.Beta Leonis ( Uttara ) 146 40 160.00
13.Delta Corvi ( Hasta ) 160 00 173 20
14.Alpha Virginis ( Chitra ) 173 20 186 40
15.Alpha Bootis ( Chothi ) 186 40 200 00
16.Beta Librae ( Vishakam) 200 00 213 20
17.Delta Scorpi ( Anuradha) 213 20 226 40
18.Alpha Scorpi ( Jyeshta ) 226 40 240 00
19.Lamda Scorpi ( Moola ) 240 00 253 20
20.Delta Sagittari ( Poorvashad ) 253 20 266 40
21.Delta Sagittari ( Uthrashad ) 266 40 280 00
22.Alpha Aquilae ( Sravana ) 280 00 293 20
23.Alpha Delphini ( Dhanishta ) 293 20 306 40
24.Lambda Aquari ( Satabhisha) 306 40 320 00
25.Alpha Pegasi ( Poorvabhadra) 320 00 333 20
26.Alpha Andromeda ( Uttrarabhadra)333 20 346 40
27.Zeta Piscium ( Revathi ) 346 40 360 00
ALWAYE (ALUVA) -5.30 -76.24 17.20
ARANTANGI (TN) -5.30 -79.02 10.10
BODINAYAKKANUR (TN) -5.30 -77.24 10.01
DHARAPURAM -5.30 -77.34 10.45
DINDIGUL (TN) -5.30 -78.00 10.22
KARAIKKUDI (TN) -5.30 -78.47 10.06
KARIKAL -5.30 -79.51 10.56
KIRANUR (TN) -5.30 -78.49 10.35
KODAIKANAL -5.30 -77.28 10.14
KODIKKARAI (TN) -5.30 -79.55 10.18
KODUNGALLUR -5.30 -76.20 10.05
KUMBAKONAM (TN) -5.30 -79.25 10.58
MANAPPARAI (TN) -5.30 -78.27 10.37
MANNARGUDI (TN) -5.30 -79.29 10.40
MELUR (TN) -5.30 -78.22 10.05
MUSIRI (TM) -5.30 -78.29 10.59
NAGAPATTINAM (TN) -5.30 -79.53 10.46
NAGORE (TN) -5.30 -79.55 10.51
NILAKKOTTAI (TN) -5.30 -77.55 10.10
The Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava
Parallel to the Tan Tables of Brahma Gupta we have
the Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava which gives
correct sine values for every 3 degrees 45 minutes
Ashtamsas or 30/8.
Actually they are not Sine Tables but the Tables of
R Sine Differences.
Suppose a planet has traversed 30 degrees. Its RSine
will be 206265 Seconds * Sin (30).
Circumference = 2 Pi R
= 360 degrees
R = 360/2 Pi
= 360/2* 3.14
= 360/6.28
= 57.3 degrees
into Minutes = 57.3 * 60
into Seconds = 57.3 * 60 *60
= 206265* Sin(30)
= 206265*.5
= 180/PI*3600*.5
We are not saying that every thing was dscovered by Indians.
Goethe coined the term Levity for Anti Gravity.
Shaw coined the term Life Force and gave us this Equation
Life Force = Soul
= Living Body - Dead Body
Another scientist coined the term Extropy for Order ( the opposite o
Entropy - Disorder ).
The Aryabhata Hypothesis
He hypthesised about Khagoleya Gurutvakarshan- Celestial Gravity.
Soorya Jagata Chakshu Gurutvakarshan
Q - What maketh the planets revolve around the Sun?
A- The factor called Celestial Gravity.
Q- Which is the main cause for the perturbations of planets ?
A - Same factor.
Q- Why do planets retrogade ?
A - When a planet's course changes from Perihelion to Aphelion-
in order to gain the Sun's Celestial Gravity it retrogrades !
We have analysed all Nithya- Karthru - Shad Doshas
Nava Doshas come under Nithya Doshas
Sayahna Sandhya- 6 8 12 Moon- Venus & malefic aspects.
Karthru Doshas are renunciation of 1 3 5 7 stars & 8th Sign
from Moon & Asc along with 108th and 88th quarter.
Stellar Cusp - Nakshatra Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes
Lunation Cusp - Thidhi Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes.
The two dangerous Sandhyas
Pratha Sandhya = Sunrise + 78 mins (18*12/180)
Sayahna Sandhya = Sunset + 48 mins.(Twilight)
Renounce for all Electional Hours
Soorya Samkrama Dosha - Sun's entry into a Zodiacal Sign
When the Sun enters 0 degrees of a Sign this Dosha is caused.
Renounce 3 hours ( normally it is 6 hours ) before and after
the Solar ingress.
The Solar Ingress into Aries & Libra
Renounce one day before & after that date
The Solar Ingress into Cancer & Capricorn
Renounce 3 days before & after that date
Lunation - Day Yoga ( Dagdha Yoga ).
Renounce 90 minutes after Sunrise
Wednesday & 2nd Lunation; Tuesday & 5th
Thursday and 6th; 8th Lunation and Friday !
Monday & the 11th; 9th & the Day of Saturn
12th & the day of Sun; coincidence of these
Are Dagdha Yoga called !
Timings for Marriage- Auspicious months & dates (Ishta Krishnashtami.
Excellent is the Eighth Lunar Day after Full Moon !
Never the last half of Pisces
No to Sagittarius- Cancer- Virgo- Aquarius !
Excellent the Uttara triune
Moola- Anuradha- Rohini- Hasta- Mrigasira
Magha- Revathi-Never the Birth Star of Boy
& Also malefics in Seventh !
Non Annabha Stars ( considered Inauspicious
Bharani - Aridra - Aslesha - Karthika - Magha -
Pubba -Moola - Poorvashada -Utharashada - Poororuttathi -
Bharanyathira Ayilyam
Karthika Maka Pooravum
Moolam thottiha munnalum
Pooruttathi vishkhavum
Rest are all Auspicious Stars.
Karthru Doshas ( Asthaseethithamasakam Pariharel..... )
Never the 88th Quarter nor the 108th
Renounce the First Third Fifth & Seventh Stars !
Also the 8th Sign From Ascendant!
These are Karthru Doshas called !
Rahu Kala - Start & End - Renounce for all Electional Hours
The Calender gives you only Gross Rahu Kala which is not enough
for an astrologer.
The equation of Rahu Kala is
R K = Sunrise + Aharmana/8.
Sunrise & the Diurnal Duration are variables. This program gives
you the Subtle R K.
You can use the formula
Mother Sat Father With Their Two Sons
counting from M for Monday whose R K starts from roughly 0730 onwards
(M - Monday;Sat - Saturday;F - Friday;With- Wednesday;Their -Thursday
Two - Tuesday; & Sons - Sunday )
Brahma Muhurta is defined as the penultimate Muhurta before Rise
and is given by the Equation
B M = Sunrise - 96 minutes to Sunrise - 48 minutes
Sunrise varies from day to day and from latitude to latitude.
The Auspicious Abhijit Muhurta
Abhijith is the 28th constellation and is considered male-
in contrast to the 27 wives of the Moon- the 27 constellations
which tenant the Ecliptic
Mythology has it that Moon used to stay with his 27 wives
and loved Rohini more. He is exalted in Taurus. Abhijith
starts from 6 deg 40 minutes in Sidereal Capricorn and
extends upto 10 deg 53 min 40 seconds in that Sign.
A Muhurta is 48 minutes or 2 Nadis ( 2* 24 minutes ). Diurnal
or nocturnal duration is divided by 15 and we get 15 Muhurtas
in a day. The 8th Muhurtha occurring in a day is the auspicious
Abhijith Muhurtha.
Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for this Electional Hour.
Muhurta Vara Start End Rise Set
1 Rahu Kala Wednesday 11 37 13 16 458 536
2 Abhijit Wednesday 10 47 11 40
3 Brahma Wednesday 2 59 3 47
The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles In Destiny.
Natural Benefics are Jupiter Venus and Moon and Natural
Malefics are Mars Saturn Rahu et al.
FUNCTIONAL Benefics are owners of trines and quadrants and Functional
Malefics are the Trika lords of 6 8 and 12.
The most dangerous is Kharesa -lord of the 22nd decanate. He is a
killer. Also the Ascending Decanate Lord.
Most positive planet is Bhagyaprada. Also Lagnesa.
The native's form wii resemble the form of the Ascending Navamsa Lord-
Lagna Navamsapa tulya tanu syath.
Varesa offsets the affliction of Gulika.
Badhakesa is negative. We will define the House of Badha.
For Quadrants - 11th House
For 2 5 8 11 - Ninth House
For 3 6 9 12 - Seventh House
Are afflicted / Badha Houses
Charodaye Labha Grihe tu Badha
Sthithe pi Rasau Navame Vichintya
Tadobhaye Kama Grihe trayanam
Kendrasthitairithyapare vadanti
The help of Kala Horesa is needed for any enterprise.
IF Chandramsesa is stronger - Kala Chakra Dasa to be applied.
The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles in Destiny
1 Ascending D2 Lord Lagna Horesa MOO
2 Ascending D12 Lord Lagna Dwadasesa MAR
3 Ascending D30 Lord Lagna Trimsamsesa MER
4 Ascending D7 Lord Lagna Saptamsesa SAT
5 Ascending Sign Lagna LEO
6 Lunar Ascendant Chandra Lagna GEM
7 Lord of Birth Star Nakshatresa MAR
8 Ascending Star Lord Lagna Nakshatresa VEN
9 Lunar Ascendant lord Chandra Lagnesa MER
10 Lunar Decanate Lord Chandra Drekkanesa MER
11 Lord of Lunar D9 Chandra Navamsesa VEN
12 Ascending Decanate Lord Lagna Drekkanesa MAR
13 Ascending D9 Lord Lagna Navamsesa VEN
14 Lord of 22nd Decanate Lagna Kharesa MAR
15 Lord of Lunar 22nd Decanate Chandra Kharesa SAT
16 Lord of 64th Star Quarter Chatu Shashti Padesa SUN
17 Lord of 88TH Star Quarter Ashtaseethih Padesa MER
18 Lord of 108TH Star Quarter Ashtothara Sata Pade MAR
19 Lord of Weekday Varesa MER
20 Dispositor of Gulika Mandeesa MAR
21 Afflicted Lord Badhakesa MAR
22 Temporal Horary Lord Kala Horesa MER
23 Functional Benefic Bhagyaprada MAR
24 Ascendant lord Lagnesa SUN
Hour Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diurnal Strength 27.50 32.50 32.50 60.00 27.50 27.50 32.50
Tribhaga Strengt 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Year Strength 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Month Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Week Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Solstice Strengt 80.96 0.20 34.53 31.26 13.55 20.77 53.14
Fortnight Streng 36.16 47.67 36.16 23.84 23.84 23.84 36.16
Intrinsic Streng 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85 8.5
Exaltation Stren 18.45 49.95 9.62 57.79 8.84 0.85 32.01
Angular Strength 60.00 30.00 60.00 30.00 60.00 30.00 15.00
Decanate Strengt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 15.
Even Odd Sign St 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 15.00 0.00
Sevenfold Divisi 138.75 105.00 93.75 35.25 63.75 86.25 101.25
Directional Stre 26.69 9.48 22.62 48.09 0.38 46.57 53.77
War Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Motional Strengt 0.00 0.00 5.36 26.03 56.03 28.01 50.25
Aspectual Streng 8.82 18.30 11.87 12.79 4.40 9.56 8.82
TOTAL 487.33 344.53 368.55 545.75 397.57 346.20 406.47
STRENGTH IN RUPA 8.12 5.74 6.14 9.10 6.63 5.77 6.77
PERC STREGNTH 1.62 0.96 1.23 1.30 1.02 1.05 1.35
The Sequential Order of Weekdays
is derived from
The Sequential Order of Planetary Hours
The 25th Planetary Hour of Sunday is ruled by the Moon and so Moon's
Day became the next day.
These are the 24 Lords of Kala Hora.
The Indian is more complicated. Everything is referenced to Sunrise
and Sunset.
The Equation for Abhijit is Sunrise + Aharmana/15 and for Rahu
Kaal it is Sunrise + Aharmana/8.
The Equation of Kala Hora is Sunrise + Aharmana/12.
We have 12 Day Lords and 12 Night Lords. Day Lords follow a
1 + 5 order (thata shashta shashta kramena) and Night Lords
follow a 1 + 4 order (nisayam tu varesvarath panchamadya)
ARANTAN 636 616 -5.30 10.10 -79.02 01-
BODINAY 643 625 -5.30 10.01 -77.24 01-
DHARAPU 643 623 -5.30 10.45 -77.34 01
DINDIGU 640 621 -5.30 10.22 -78.00 01-0
KARAIKK 638 619 -5.30 10.06 -78.47 01-
KARIKAL 635 613 -5.30 10.56 -79.51 01-0
KIRANUR 638 619 -5.30 10.35 -78.49 01-
KODAIKA 643 623 -5.30 10.14 -77.28 01-
KODIKKA 634 614 -5.30 10.18 -79.55 01-
KODUNGA 647 629 -5.30 10.05 -76.20 01
KUMBAKO 636 615 -5.30 10.58 -79.25 01
MANAPPA 639 619 -5.30 10.37 -78.27 01
MANNARG 635 615 -5.30 10.40 -79.29 01
MELUR 639 621 -5.30 10.05 -78.22 01-0
MUSIRI 640 618 -5.30 10.59 -78.29 01-02
NAGAPAT 634 614 -5.30 10.46 -79.53 01-
NAGORE 634 614 -5.30 10.51 -79.55 01-
NILAKKO 641 622 -5.30 10.10 -77.55 01-0
PALANI 643 623 -5.30 10.30 -77.36 01-02
PALGHAT 647 627 -5.30 10.46 -76.40 01-
PALGHAT 647 627 -5.30 10.46 -76.40 01-
PALLADA 644 623 -5.30 10.59 -77.20 01-
PATTUKK 635 616 -5.30 10.26 -79.22 01-
PODANUR 644 623 -5.30 10.58 -77.07 01
POLLACH 644 624 -5.30 10.36 -77.03 01-
PUDUKKO 638 618 -5.30 10.23 -78.52 01
Scientific Terms of Indian Astronomy - The 18 Siddhantas
M = Mean Anomaly of the planet
A = Aphelion of the Planet
L = Mean Longitude of the Planet
e = Orbital eccentricity
mjv = Orbital eccentricity in seconds
Sheegra Kendra = The Anomaly of Conjunction
Sheegroccha = Perihelion; Mandoccha = Aphelion;
Sheeghra Phala = The Angle between the Planet the
Sun and Earth; Oja = Odd; Yugma = Even;
Manda Kendra = The angle between position and Aphelion;
Sheeghra Kendra Ardha = A/2- half of Sheegra Kendra;
Kranti Vritta = Ecliptic; Vikshepa Vritta = Heliocentric Circle;
Kshithija = Celestial Horizon; Bha Chakra = Zodiac;
Vishuvat Vritta = Celestial Equator;
Khagoleeya Dhruva Rekha = Celestial Meridien;
Vishu Vat Bhoga = Right Ascension( R A );
Meshadi = The First Point of Aries;
Thuladi = The First Point of Libra;
Karkyadi = The First Point of Cancer;
Makaradi = The First Point of Capricorn;
Theta = True Longitude of the planet;
v = True Anomaly; Manda Karna = Radius Vector- heliocentric distance;
Sheeghra Karna = geocentric vector- distance of the planet from the
Vedic Astronomy & Trignometry
In the Great Circle of Light which is 360 degrees ( the Bha Chakra-
the Kala Chakra- the Zodiac )- the first 90 degrees are Oja Pada
( Odd Tri Signs ) and the next 90 degrees are Yugma Pada ( Even
Tri Signs ). There are two major Indian Planetary Models -
the Eccentric Model and the Epicycle Model. In the Eccentric Model-
the Mean Circle is called Manda Pratimandala- that is the circle
traversed by the mean angular motion of the planet. In the Epicycle
Model- the Planet is on the epicycle- known as Manda Paridhi.
The Equation of Bhuja
The degrees traversed by a planet is called Bhuja and the degrees
yet to be traversed by a planet is called Koti in an Odd Sign. In
an Even Sign-the degrees traversed by the planet is called Koti
and the degrees yet to be traversed by a planet is called Bhuja.
In other words- the degrees traversed by a planet is the same
in the first 0 - 90 degrees and in the second Pada- it is 180
- degrees traversed. In the 180-270 degrees arc-
it is distance traversed - 180 degrees and in the 270-360 degrees arc
it is 360 - distance traversed. This is known in Vedic Astronomy as
the equation of Bhuja or Sine. Bhujajya is radius multiplied by modern
This mighty Circle of Light- Zodiac
Is divided by four into Four Quadrant
Distance traversed is Bhuja in Odd Sign
In Even Sign- it is Koti called !
Bhuja is Radius * Modern Sine
More at http://www.eastrovedica.com
Surya Siddhanta
Pitamaha Siddhanta
Vyasa Siddhanta
Vasishta Siddhanta
Atri Siddanta
Parasara Siddhanta
Kashyapa Siddhanta
Narada Siddhanta
Garga Siddhanta
Marichi Siddhanta
Manu Siddhanta
Angira Siddhanta
Lomasa Siddhanta
Paulasa Siddhanta
Yavana Siddhanta
Chyavana Siddhanta
Bhrigu Siddhanta
And Others
Maha Bhaskareeya by Bhaskara I
Arya Siddhanta by Aryabhata I
Maha Siddhanta by Aryabhata II
Siddhanta Siromani by Bhaskara II
Aryabhateeya by Aryabhata
Aryabhateeya Bhasya by Neelakanta Somayaji
The Decanate reveals the Figure & Nature
When the 360 degrees Ellipse
Is divided by 36
We get 36 Drekkanas
Of ten degrees!
Decanates are used
Heavily in Horary
Also in Electional
It finds its use !
Summary of Decanates/ Nature
1 Ascendant MAR Manushya/Armed
2 Udaya MAR Manushya/Armed
3 6th House VEN Sthree
4 Lunar Ascendant MER Sthree
5 Kharesha MAR Sarpa/Agni
6 2nd House MER Sthree/Visha
7 3rd House VEN Sthree
8 4th House MAR Chathushpad/Armed
9 5th House SAT Pakshi
10 7th House VEN Sthree
11 8th House SAT Pakshi
12 9th House MAR Chathushpad/Armed
13 10th House VEN Sthree
14 11th House MER Sthree/Visha
15 12th House MER Sthree
Some Important Mathematical Points
All important is the Ascending Degree as everything is based on
the Ascendant- Sarvam Vi Lagnepi Chintayet. 180 degrees- diametricall
opposite to that point is the Descending Degree- Astha Lagna.
The Meridien Cusp is another point and 180 degrees diametrically
opposite to it is the Imum Caeli. In the Computation of House Division
Bhava Sphuta Ganitha- these are the major points which are calculated
Only five planets there are
Sol and Luna are luminaries
Rest are all math degrees
Important indeed to Sages
The Nodes of the Moon- both Ascending and Descending- are also import
as they are the determinants of behavior.
The Lunar Ascending Degree is vital and same importance is given to it
the Ascending Degree.
Equally important is the Triune Longitude as the health of the native
be discerned from it.
The Vital Force is represented by the Ascendant- Body by Luna and Deat
Gulika and this Ttiad is known as Tri Sputa- Lagnath Amsyamasum vapu
Sasabhutho Mandescha Mrityor Vidu.
Negative indications are conveyed if Trisphuta falls in Dissolution st
Dissolution Stars are Third Stars as First Stars are Creation Star
and Second Preservation - Aswinyadyat Kramal Sarve Srishit Sthithi L
Physical Vital & Death Longitudes figure in Horary. The Triad is known
as Subtle Triue Longitude and figure in Medical Astrology. Furthur
extensions are the Fourfold and Fivefold Longitude.
Nuptial Longitude figure in Marriage Horary while Beeja ad Kshetra fig
in Horary Progeny.
Trisphuta Dasa - Its Rationale
Similar to Udu Dasa in Natal Astrology Horary uses another Dasa
known as Trisphuta Dasa.It is a 360 days cycle with the nine planets
having their proportionate share. The dasas/bhukhtis of malefics
given below will be bad and benefics will do good
Trisphuta Dasa
Start End Dasa
01-01-2021 03-01-2021 SATURN
03-01-2021 23-02-2021 MERCURY
23-02-2021 16-03-2021 KETU
16-03-2021 15-05-2021 VENUS
15-05-2021 02-06-2021 SUN
02-06-2021 02-07-2021 MOON
02-07-2021 23-07-2021 MARS
23-07-2021 15-09-2021 RAHU
15-09-2021 02-11-2021 JUPITER
| | | | |
| | MAR | | |
| | | RAH | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | MOO |
| | | |
| | PUSHYA | |
| | | |
____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | |
| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-01-2021 | |
| | | |
| SUN MER | | | |
| | VEN | | |
| | KET | | |
| | | | LAG |
| | GUL | | |
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to March 04
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 F 01-01-2021 16 25 3 7 8 35 26 0 7 27 23 13 5 37 24 45
2 S 02-01-2021 17 26 3 35 8 49 27 15 7 34 24 52 18 45 24 42
3 S 03-01-2021 18 28 4 1 9 3 28 30 7 41 26 29 2 7 24 39
4 M 04-01-2021 19 29 4 27 9 17 29 45 7 48 28 7 15 40 24 36
5 T 05-01-2021 20 30 4 54 9 30 1 0 7 55 29 46 29 24 24 33
6 W 06-01-2021 21 31 5 21 9 44 2 16 8 2 1 24 13 19 24 31
7 T 07-01-2021 22 32 5 48 9 58 3 31 8 9 3 2 27 22 24 28
8 F 08-01-2021 23 33 6 15 10 12 4 46 8 16 4 41 11 33 24 25
9 S 09-01-2021 24 34 6 42 10 26 6 1 8 23 6 19 25 51 24 22
10 S 10-01-2021 25 35 7 10 10 40 7 16 8 30 7 57 10 12 24 19
11 M 11-01-2021 26 36 7 38 10 54 8 31 8 37 9 35 24 33 24 16
12 T 12-01-2021 27 37 8 7 11 8 9 46 8 44 11 13 8 50 24 14
13 W 13-01-2021 28 38 8 35 11 22 11 2 8 51 12 50 22 58 24 11
14 T 14-01-2021 29 39 9 4 11 36 12 17 8 58 14 26 6 53 24 8
15 F 15-01-2021 0 40 9 33 11 50 13 32 9 5 16 1 20 30 24 5
16 S 16-01-2021 1 41 10 2 12 4 14 47 9 13 17 34 3 48 24 2
17 S 17-01-2021 2 42 10 32 12 18 16 2 9 20 19 6 16 45 24 0
18 M 18-01-2021 3 43 11 2 12 32 17 17 9 27 20 36 29 22 23 57
The Kali Yuga started at 3102 BCE. ( 18 Feb 3102 BCE to be exact ).
We are in the 3102 + 2020 = 5122 th year of Kali Yuga.
To get the Saka Era minus 78 from the English Era. This year it is
1942 78 years subtracted from 2020.
It is 5122 nd year of the Kali Yuga ( 3102+2020 = 5122). ( Unfor-
tunately India is a "secular" country following the Gregorian Calendar
In Thailand they follow the Buddhist Calendar . In the Buddhist
Calendar we are in the 2563rd year ( 2020+ 543- 543 BCE beng the
date when Buddha attained Parinirvana)
In the Masonic Calendar we are in the 6020 th year ( 2020+4000) ).
In the Jewish C we are in the year 5782.
Effects of the fiery Solar Transits
Njattu Velas are Solar Transits through the Sidereal Zodiac--- the
Sapta Vimsatmaka Jagath. A constellation is 13 deg 20 minutes in
length and the Sun takes almost 14 days to transit a constellation.
Aswathy Njattuvela means the Solar Transit of Aswathy and Thiruvathira
Njattuvela means the Solar Transit of Betelgeuse or Thiruvathira.
Astro Meterology has been founded by observation--- far more accurate
than modern Meteorology when it comes to predicting the weather. In
Kerala both Kala Varsha ( Solar Transit from the 15th degree of Taurus
and Thula Varsha ( Solar Transit from the First Degree of Libra )
comes dot on time.
Lunations are 12 degrees in length. Lc - Lr = T
that is the longitude of the Moon - long Sun = Thidhi.
Most of the Hindu festivals are based on Lunations--- Vinayaka
Chathurthi Maha Navami Vijaya Dasami et al.
The Lunar Months - the Chaitradi Chandra Masas are reckoned from the
Equinoctial New Moon.
The Full Moon is called Poornima and New Moon - Amavasya.
The Twelve Solar Months Meshadi Dwadasa Masas are caused by Sun's
transit of the Zodiac of Signs- the Dwadasa Rasyatmaka Jagath.
The Sexagesimal ( 1/60 th ) Division of Day & The Computation of
Time ( Kala Nirnayah )
One Asu is 4 seconds and 6 such Asus constitute a Vinadi ( 24
seconds ). One Nadi is 60 Vinadis - 24 minutes) . 60 such Nadis
constitute a day of 24 Horas ( hours ). Chatur Vimshati Smrithah.
Or 15 degrees = 1 Hour. Ardha Rasi Bhaveth Hora.
Fifteen such Days constitute a Fortnight- Pancha Dasa Ahani
Pakshah. There are two Fortnights -Bright Fortnight--- Shukla
Paksha and Dark Fortnight--- Krishna Paksha ( Tad Shuklam
Krishnamm cha ).
Thirty days make a month. Two such months constitute an Indian
Season--- Rithu. Tau Dau Rithu. Six months constitute a Solstice-
-- Shan Masa Ayanam Bhavathi. Only on two days do Night Duration
equal Day Duration and they are Vishu and Thula Vishu.
( Yadha Mesha Tulayo Varthathe/ Thada Ahoratranam Samanani Bhavanthi).
There are two Solstices--- Winter and Summer. Tad Uttaram Dakshinam
When sun's longitude
Is > 270 and < 90
The period is called
Uttarayana- Northern Solstice.
When sun's longitude
Is > 90 and < 270
The period is called
Dakshinayana- Southern Solstice.
The Southern Solstice--- that is the southerly journey of the Sun is
Dakshinayana( Karkyadi gathe shad ke Dakshinayanam uchyathe ) ---
as his Northerly journey or Northern Solstice is Uttarayana.
( Makaradi gathe shad ke Uttarayanam Uchyathe ).
Twelve such solar months constitute a Solar Year--- Samvatsara
( Dwadasa Masa Vatsara Smritha). 43---20000 such years constitute an
Equinoctial Cycle--- Chatur Yuga and 1000 such Equinoctial Cycles or
4.32 billion years constitute a Cosmological Cycle Brahma Kalpa (
Chatur Yuga Sahasram Indraharina dinam uchyathe) . A Super Cosmo-
logical Cycle Brahma Span--- --Maha Manvantara is 100 years or
311.04 trillion years !
( Source of Sanskrit definitions - The Maha Bhagavata ).
Thousand Equinoctial Cycles
Is one Day of Brahma
Same duration is Night
So the scholars averr !
Sahasra Yuga Paryantham
Aharyal Brahamano Vidu
Ratrim Yugah Sahasrantham
The Ahoratra vido Janah
Most Auspicious Muhurta
Muhurta = 48 minutes
Each M presided by a Star
First M = Sunrise + 48 mins
Sixteenth M = Sunset + 48
A Day = 30*48 mins
Sunrise 4.58
Sunrise in Mins 298.00
Dayduration 798.00
Muhurtha 53.20
Abhijit Start 298.00000000000000
Abhijit End 351.20
When Moon's elongation is
In between 144 and 156
Pradosha Vrat is observed
From Sayahna Sandhya start time.
Dawn and dusk are ideal
For Meditation and Prayer
Sayahna Sandhya's duration is 48 minutes
From the setting of the Sun!
A Day has been divided by 5
To generate 5 Sandhyas
Pratha Sandhya is the first
And Sayahna - the last !
Time to be renounced
For all electional hours.
For Pradosh - Sunset+ 48 mins
For others- Sunrise + 78 mins.
The Eighteen Planetary Strengths and their Role in the Five Systems
of Prognostication
Table- software generated- showing the Eighteenfold strengths of
planets in the Sample Horoscope.
Hour Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00
Diurnal Strength 49.17 10.83 10.83 60.00 49.17 49.17
Tribhaga Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00
Year Strength 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Month Strength 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Week Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00
Solstice Strength 119.86 8.29 58.23 59.35 55.13 58.28
Fortnight Strength 46.16 27.68 46.16 13.84 13.84 13.84
Intrinsic Strength 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85
Exaltation Strength 40.76 34.59 10.97 24.25 58.73 42.76
Quadrant Strength 15.00 60.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 30.00
Decanate Strength 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00
Odd Signs Strength 30.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
Sevenfold Divisional 86.25 60.00 101.25 85.50 86.25 93.75
Directional Strength 29.85 16.31 35.63 1.27 12.41 36.49
War Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Motional Strength 0.00 0.00 6.50 43.99 10.45 10.66
Aspectual Strength -9.26 1.06 -6.30 -10.51 -1.62 -11.57
Total Points 482.79 330.19 310.41 393.39 498.64 441.23 3
Strength In Rupas 8.05 5.50 5.17 6.56 8.31 7.35
% Strength 1.61 0.92 1.03 0.94 1.28 1.34
1 SUN 501 Strong Sampoorna
2 MOO 362 Strong Poorna
3 MAR 317 Strong Poorna
4 MER 432 Strong Poorna
5 JUP 540 Strong Sampoorna
6 VEN 411 Strong Sampoorna
7 SAT 404 Strong Sampoorna
Strength of Bhava Lords in Sexagesimal Units
Wealth Points after analysing the strengths of the House Lords
MOON 362.47
SUN 515.69
VEN 410.65
MARS 316.74
JUP 539.53
JUP 539.53
SAT 403.98
SAT 403.98
MARS 316.74
VEN 410.65
MERC 431.74
MER 431.74
Wealt 1803.7
Avg P 450.93
Which ae e Five Predictive Systems?
The Five Predictive Systems are
Directional Influence -Dasa System
Transit - Gochara System
Eightfold Ashtaka Varga System
Planetary Hours Calculator
Ascending Signs Calculator
How to use these Tables?
The First Table shows tthe overall strengths of planets . Rather than
Analysis = it is an eighteenfold analysis - as 18 strengths of planets
assessed. In sexageimal units or shashtiamsas...
The Second Table displays which planets are strong or weak.
The Third Table assesses the strength of the house lords and the Wealt
which accrue from them. Above 450 is considered good.
Of the Martial Commander of Heaven- Mars
Mars is the Defense Minister in the Government of the Almighty.
On the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of admin-
istrative ability. If the fire of Mars is not present in the natal cha
the native will be a dreamer lacking in the practical brilliance neede
for success.
The term martial is derived from Mars. Police defence martial arts -
all these come under his domain. Fiery temparament and skill in war
are the prerogatives of Mars. If he be exalted in one's horoscope -
the native will become a cruel ruler ( as in Emperor Nero's horoscope)
The fourth planet in the Solar System Mars is named after the Roman
god of War- Mars. It is described as the Red Planet- because the iro
oxide present on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. The rotati
and seasonal cycles of Mars are smilar to that of Earth as is the tilt
generates the seasons. The highest known mountain in the Solar System-
Olympus Mons -is on Mars.
Mars has two moons- Phobos and Deimos - which are small & irregularly
shaped. They are known as Dhooma and Mrityu in Indian Astronomy.
Dharanee Garbha Sambhootham
Vidyut Kantha Samaprabham
Kumaram Shakthi Hastham cha
Mangalam Pranamamyaham
O Son of Earth and Defence Minister of the celestial Army ! My salutat
to Thee !
Of the Prince of the Solar Logos Mercury
This science of the Heavens was called by the Germans as Cosmo-Biology
them Cosmo-Biology was the calculus of cosmic interrelatedness. It sim
means the celestial influences on terrestrial affairs as per the princ
As Above so below ".
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and the innermost a
his sidereal period is just 88 days. Of all planets he exhibits the ma
eccentricity and has the smallest axial tilt. The perihelion of the or
of Mercury precesses around the Sun at the rate of 43 arc seconds per
century - a phenomenon explained by Einstein's General Theory of Relat
The role of Mercury in Horoscopy
Academic knowledge and degrees are the prerogative of Mercury. Sudhams
thanayam prajnam.
Books publishing knowledge mathematics sculpture & arts all come
under his domain. If he be exalted in one's horoscope the native will
become a great scholar. ( Example horoscope is that of Augustus
Caesar who had exalted Mercury in Virgo ).
He represents academic education vidya vijana vanee ganitha lipi kala.
represents uncles Vidya karaka mathulo bhudha. Amogst the Five Element
represents the earth principle- Kshithirapi vachanam jnanam indus than
Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon: it is heavily cratered w
regions of smooth plains has no natural satellites and no substantial
atmosphere. He is the Messenger of the Gods Hermes in Western Mytholo
In the Indian He is Budha the academic planet which bestows education
intelligence. Computers are also ruled by him.
For Mercury
Priyangu Kalika Shyamam
Roopena Prathimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Gunopetham
Namami Shashinam Sutham
O Son of the Moon and Representer of all academic Knowledge ! My salut
to Thee !
Of the Significator of Medicine - Moon (Somena Oushada)
The role of Moon in Horoscopy
As the Queen of the Solar Logos Moon is an important luminary capable
conferring great mental power. The position of Moon is very important
the perspective of prosperity.A strong Moon powerful in digit strengt
give immense courage to the native and courage is essential for prospe
Prosperity depends on the position of Moon & Jupiter the indicator of
wealth. The Moon is considered as a natural benefic in Vedic Astrology
represents Mother and Mind- mano matharo sheeta rashmi.
Moon has only strength if he has digit strength. He should not come wi
72 degrees of the Sun to be powerful.
Its regular cycle of lunar phases and its prominence in the heavens ha
made Luna an important cultural influence on Mythology language calend
and art. Moon's gravitational influence causes ocean tides and the min
lengthening of the day. Her current orbital distance about Earth's dia
* 30 makes her appear as big as the Sun and allowing her to cover the
precisely in solar eclipses.
Moon in Mythology. Mythology is the representation of astronomical tru
There is a mythological story occurring in the Devi Bhagavatha that M
took the twenty seven daughters of Daksha as his wives. His 27 wives a
constellations ! Poetic allegory has it that he circumambulates the Zo
( allegorically depicted as Maha Meru ) with his 27 consorts ! Moon ge
in Taurus. As he shines bright and brilliant in Rohin he was called Ro
by the Sanskrit poets.
Rohini the brightest star in Taurus is Aldebaran with a visual magnitu
is a red and beautiful orange star. It lies within 50 of the ecliptic
therefore periodically occulted by the Moon. That is why it is said th
Aldebaran is loved most !
Meteorologists must study Varaha's claim that Rohini Yoga occurring wh
the Moon is in contact with Rohini in the dark fortnight of the lunar
of Ashada determines the agricultural prospects for the year.
Mantra For the Moon
Rohineesa sudhamoorthim
Sudha gatra sudhasana
Vishama Sthana sambhootam
Peedam harathu me vidhuh
Dhadhi Shankha Thusharabham
Ksheerodharnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam
Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam
O Thou who adorns the head of the mighty Lord Siva !
My obeisances to Thee !
In Indian Astrology each planet has a satellite of i
For instance Phobos and Deimos of Mars are called as Dh
Mrityu in Indian science. The longitudes of satellites of
Moon Mars Rahu & Ketu are calculated based on the si
longitude of the Sun.
Satellites like Dhooma
----- --------- ---------------------
Mars Dhooma Sun's longitude + 133 deg 20
Rahu Vyatipata 360- Dhooma's longitude
Moon Parivesh 180 + Vyatipata's longitude
Venus Indrachapa 360 - Parivesh's longitude
Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa + 16 deg 40 mins
A different method of calculation is adopted for the sate
of Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury & Mars. Days and nights ar
ded into 8 divisions.
The first division is ruled by the lord of the day & other
sions are given to the other lords in sequential order. D
night the first lord is the fifth lord from the lord of th
In order to measure the longitudes of satellites two diff
methods have been adopted.In the first method the beginnin
of the planet who holds absolute sway is taken. In the
method the end time is taken.The Lagna is computed for thi
and this is how the longitude of the satellite is computed
To compute Gulika's longitude a third method has been a
The rising time of Gulika is charted out for each day a
sphuta or longitude computed is labelled as Mandi or Gulik
Day of Week Day Night
----------- --- -----
Sunday 26 ghati (Nazhika) 10 ghati (Nazhika)
Monday 22 " 6 "
Tuesday 18 " 2 "
Wednesday 14 " 26 "
Thursday 10 " 22 "
Friday 6 " 18 "
Saturday 2 " 14 "
Record# PLANET
Kerala Astrology's Contribution to humanity ( like Sin Tan & Cos)
KSAM's Jya and Kojya became Jiba and Kojiba in Arabic - Sinus and
Cosinus in Latin and Sine and Cosine in English (vide " The Cultural
Foundations of Maths ").
There was another Contribution -Gulika.
The satellite of Saturn - Gulika
These are the Rising Hours of Gulika in minutes.
Vara Day Night
1 SUN 624 240
2 MON 528 144
3 TUE 432 48
4 WED 336 624
5 THU 240 528
6 FRI 144 432
7 SAT 48 336
Add this to Sunrise or Sunset and you will get Gulika
Udaya - the Rising Time of Gulika.
If he rises in the horary chart - death is indicated-
Prushtu syath Gulikodaye tu maranam-he can devastate
as a malefic - akhila Mrityu samhara karako Mandi.
What is the antidote to Guliokdaya Dosha ?
If the lord of Day of the week -Varesa is stong - GD
will be destroyed = Varese balade Gulikodaya Doshasya Vinasyati.
Origin of Gulika - satellite of Saturn
There is an interesting story about the origin of Saturn's son-
Gulika. Ravana a person of immense occult power commanded
Saturn to come and stay in the 11th House of his son Indrajith-
the 11th House being the best house for Saturn to be in.
Saturn with his innate laziness came and stayed at the
11th house but put his foot in the 12th ( the worst house
for Saturn to be in ). An enraged Ravana cut off his leg
and the entire mass of blood and bones went and stayed in Lagna !
The Satellite of Venus - Yamashukra
Yamashukra is a satellite of Venus.A strong angular YS is needed
in Horary to indicate wedding bells !
He rises at 48 minutes on FRI and his Ascendant
is calculated like Gulika's.
SUN 528 240
MON 432 144
TUE 336 48
WED 240 624
THU 144 528
FRI 48 432
SAT 624 336
SUN 528 240
MON 432 144
TUE 336 48
WED 240 624
THU 144 528
FRI 48 432
SAT 624 336
Nirayana Longitudes of Aroodha Veedhi & Chatra
UPAKETU CANCER 14:15:11 POOYAM 4 104 :15 :11
YAMAKANDAK CANCER 27:57: 8 AYILYAM 4 117 :57 : 8
KALA LEO 1: 5:40 MAKAM 1 121 : 5 :40
MRITHYU LEO 3:11:44 MAKAM 1 123 :11 :44
ARDHAPRAHA CANCER 26:54:27 AYILYAM 4 116 :54 :27
YAMASUKRA LIBRA 11:23: 0 CHOTHI 2 191 :23 : 0
Natal Star Adverse Unfavorable Janma 1
Wealth Star Benevolent Favorable Sampat 2
Crisis Star Adverse Dangerous Vipat 3
Prosperity Benign Favorable Kshema 4
Obstacle Star Blocking Adverse Pratyak 5
Smooth Star Benign Favorable Sadhana 6
Death Star Destructive Malign Naidhana 7
Friend Star Benign Favorable Mitra 8
Very Friendly Benevolent Benign Para Mitra 9
Q - How to find favorable star from above table ?
eg - My star is Aslesha. Swati rules today (080121) till Sunrise
+ 18*24 mins. It is my adverse Death Star.No wonder nothing turned
out right today. Nehru died on his death star day.
Tomorrow and the day after are my 8th and 9th stars -
both favorable.
Colours of Planets
Jupiter Golden Hue
Sun Reddish
Moon Fair
Mars Deep red
Mercury Greenish
Saturn Black
Venus Polished Light Black
Rahu Black ( Resembles Saturn )
Ketu Red (Resembles Mars
Body of the native will resemble
Body of the Ascending D 9 Lord.
Lagna Navamsapa Tulya Tanu Syath
In complexion and structure !
The Starting of the Epoch is 13/04/1899 the Karana Arambha.
The sidereal positions of planets are given at the time of
the Epoch ( at the Sunrise Time at Trivandrum Kerala India ).
The computations are based on Vedic Astronomy ( Siddhanta ) &
Vedic Mathematics.
The Sidereal Positions of planets
Planet Sign Degree Mins Secs Tatpara
Sun 11283350 44
Moon's Apogee312391519
North Node810384540
The Three Methods of Vedic Astronomy & Mathematics
1) Zodiacal Longitudes - The First Method is to compute
the longitudes of the planets along the Ecliptic ( Kranti
Vritta ). Western astronomers have accepted 0 degree Aries
as the First Point of the Tropical Zodiac and Vedic astron-
omers have accepted 0 degree Beta Arietis ( Aswini )
as the First Point of the Sidereal Zodiac.
Extending 9 degrees to either side of the Ecliptic is the
Great Circle of Light the Zodiac.
2) Celestial Equatorial Longitudes -
The Second Method is to compute the longitudes along
the Celestial Equator ( Vishuvat Vritta ). The Starting
Point is 0 degree Aries. The longitudes thus obtained is
called the Right Ascension ( R A ) of Planets.
3)Celestial Horizontal Longitudes -
The Third Method is to compute longitudes along the
Celestial Horizon. The Eastern Celestial Horizon - the
intersecting point between the Ecliptic and the Celestial
Horizon is called the Ascendant ( Udaya Lagna ). 180
degrees opposite to that point is called the Western
Celestial Horizon ( Astha Lagna ). The highest point
on the Celestial Horizon is called the Zenith ( Madhya
Lagna or MC ) and the lowest point the Nadir ( Patala
Lagna or IC ). The Original Point of the Celestial
Horizon is the Northern Point on the Celestial Horizon.
The Vedic Method is Longitude corrected thrice -
through 3 major trignometric corrections called
Manda Kriya ( Reduction to True Anomaly )
Parinathi Kriya ( Reduction to Ecliptic )
& Sheeghra Kriya ( Reduction to Geocentric Coordinates ).
Reduction to the Heliocentric Coordinate System
I . Reduction to True Anomaly ( Manda Kriya )
After finding the Mean Longitude of the Planet
the Mean Anomaly of the Planet is calculated as
per the formula
Mean Anomaly = Mean Longitude - Aphelion
( M = L - A ).
The Manda Jya Vikalakal ( mjv - eccentricity in seconds )
is computed as per the formula
mjv = R (2 e - 1/4 e^3 + 5/95 e^5 ) Sin A + R (5/4 e^2 -
11/24 e^2 + 17/192 e^2 ) Sin 2 A + R ( 13/12 e^3 - 43/64 e^5 )
Sin 3 A + R ( 103/ 96 e^4 - 451 / 480 e ^5 ) Sin 4 A +
R ( 1097/960 e ^5 ) Sin 5 A + R (1223/960 e ^ 6 ) Sin 6 A
A = Mean Anomaly of the Planet + 6 Signs or M + 180.
R is 206265 seconds
This value MJV is deducted or added to M the Mean Anomaly
of the Planet to get the True Anomaly of the planet v
v = M + or - mjv
If the Mean Anomaly ( Manda Kendra ) is greater than 6 Signs
it is added and if it is less than 6 Signs ( 180 degrees ) it is subt
The Radius Vector ( Manda Karna ) is computed using the formula
Manda Karna = a ( 1+ 1/2 e^2 ) - e ( 1- 3/8 e^2) Cos A -
1/2 e^2 ( 1- 2/3 e^2 ) Cos 2 A - 3/8 e^3 Cos 3 A - 1/3 e^4 Cos 4 A )
where a is the semi major axis ( Madhyama Manda Karna ) of the planet.
Semi Major Axis is the average distance of the planet expressed in AU.
The Sun's a is 1 AU or 149 million kilometres from the earth.
It is to be noted that at 90 degrees the Manda Karna of the
planet equals Semi Major Axis because Cos 90 = 0.
Reduction to the Ecliptic Coordinate System
II. Reduction to the Ecliptic ( Parinathi Kriya )
The Ascending Node of the planet is deducted to get the Y the plane
minus the Node.
Y = True Anomaly of the Planet - Node of the planet
First the latitude of the planet is computed as per the formula
Sin l = Sin L Sin Y
where l is the latitude of the planet Y is the Longitude of
the planet after deducting the Node and L is the maximum
latitude of the planet
The mean longitude of the planet after Manda Kriya is
reduced to the Ecliptic Coordinate System . The formula used is
Sin h = ( 1-Cos L Sin Y Cos Y /cos l )
where the l is the latitude of the planet Y is the Longitude of
the planet after deducting the Node and L is the maximum
latitude of the planet and h is the Parinathi Phalam the factor
which is to be added or subtracted to the True Anomaly.
( This is also the formula used for computing the Sun's Prana-
kalanthara which is the difference between Tropical longitudes
and Right Ascension ).
i or Inclination or inclinent of Orbit is known as Parama
Vikshepa the angular distance of the orbital plane from
our plane of reference the Ecliptic. This is also known
as Sara. For Mercury it is 7 degrees and for Jove it is 1.31 degree
The first 3 Signs are Odd ( Oja ) the next 3 Signs are
Even ( Yugma ) the next 3 Signs are Odd ( Oja )
and the next 3 signs are Even ( Yugma ).
The Parinathi Phalam is added if the Signs are Yugma and
subtracted if it is Oja to True Anomaly to get the Ecliptic degree.
Ecliptic Degree = True Anomaly + or - Parinathi Phalam
The Heliocentric distance or Manda Karna ( Kranthi Vritheeya
Manda Karna ) is computed as per the formula
Kranthi Vritheeya Manda Karna = Vikshepa Vritheeya
Manda Karna * cos l
Reduction to the Geocentric Coordinate System
III Sheeghra Kriya - Reduction to Geocentric Coordinates
The Sheeghra Anomaly
When the longitude of the Sun is deducted from the Ecliptic
Degree thus obtained we get the Sheeghra Anomaly the angle
between the Sun and the planet
Sheeghra Anomaly = Heliocentric longitude of planet -
Longitude of the Mean Sun.
x Sheeghra Phalam is the angle formed between the Sun
the planet and the Earth. It is computed as per the formula
Tan A/2 - x = ( b - a) /( b + a) Tan A/2
where A is the Sheeghra Kendra a is the Ravi Manda Karna
( Sun's distance ) b the Graha Manda Karna ( distance of the
planet from the Sun ) and x the Sheeghra Phalam
Arka Sphutoniham Kheda Mandasphuta mihoditham
Sparsajya Sheegrakendrardha Labhda karnathara hatha
Karna Yoga hritha bhooya sparsa chapatmaka kritha
Shoditha sheegrakendrardhal syath phalam sheegrasamjnakam
The Sheeghra Phalam is added if the Signs are greater than 6 and
subtracted if the Signs are less than 6 .
There is another method of computing Sheeghra Karna- the
geocentric distance of the planet. . Sheeghra Karna can
be computed by the following formula
c^2 = a^2 +b ^2 + 2 a b Cos A and the Sheegra Phalam can be
obtained by
sin x = a Sin A /c for Jupiter Mars and Saturn &
sin x = b Sin A /c for Mercury and Venus
True Longitude of the Planet = Heliocentric Longitude
of the Planet - or + Sheegra Phalam.
If the Mandaphalam is m and p is Parinathi Phalam and
s is Sheegra Phalam then
Truelong = Meanlong + or - m + or - p + or - s
For Mercury and Venus the computation is slightly different.
The Sheeghra Phalam thus obtained is subtracted from the Sun's
longitude if the Signs are more than 6 and added if the Signs
are less than 6.
This method of Longitudes Corrected Thrice is highlighted
in Puliyoor's Ganitha Nirnaya and Bhaskara's Ganitha Adhyaya.
Achyuta Pisharody's Sphuta Nirnaya also deals with the
calculations in Indian Astronomy. Other reference books
are Maha Bhaskareeya Aryabhateeya and Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta.
In Mathematics there are many methods and the Western
Method is to find the True Anomaly of the Planet and to it
add the Argument of Perihelion ( Long = v + w ). The
Eccentric Anomaly of the Planet ( an auxiliary angle used in
Kepler's equations ) is computed from the Mean Anomaly
and the True Anomaly is computed from it . The Argument
of Perihelion is added to it to get the true longitude.
v is the Angle between the Planet and Perihelion and w is
the angle between the Node and Perihelion.
The perturbations of the Moon Jupiter and Saturn are included
in these computations. Some large perturbations of the Moon
viz the Evection the Annual Equation the Variation and the
Parallactic Equation with the equations of the Center are all
While the Western Method is to give 12 corrections to the Moon's
longitude the Vedic method is to subject the Mean longitude of
the Moon to 16 trignometric corrections. ( 14 reductions plus
Manda Kriya & Parinathi Kriya ).
Then find out the Cartesian coordinates x y and z and then
convert it to Spherical Coordinates r Theta and Phi.
This Western method is not at all similar to the Indian one.
As a result of the progression of the seven planets from their
respective radical places and from the Ascendant a collective
factor sets in going under the name of Astakavarga. A planet
as a result of his horoscopic position in a particular sign is
capable of throwing out beams of influence on certain places
declared as favourable both from his position & from the position
of other planets so that such beams of influence contributed by
different planets may act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good
effects of radical as well as transit influences.
Astakavarga also takes into cognisance the actions & interactions
of the transiting planets with regard to their radical situations
and by a certain manipulation of the benefic & malefic influences
given rise to by such movements & measured numerically as so many
units - certain important events are determined.
Astakavarga essentially aims at a generalised assessment of
vitality of a horoscope.
A planet is said to become highly benefic if he secures in his
own Ashtakavarga more than 5 bindus. A planet having less than
4 bindus will affect the bhava it is in adversely. Similarly in
total or Sarvashtavarga if a sign attains more than 30 bindus
it becomes highly benefic and any sign getting less than 25
bindus becomes malefic.
To determine auspicious time
Take the sign which attains the maximum number of bindus in
Sarvashtavarga. The time when that sign is rising becomes the most
auspicious time for you and you can choose that time for business
purposes and for starting any new event.
Transit Influences
Ashtavarga is used in interpreting Gochara effects. Apart from
the benefic or the malefic nature of the trasiting planet the
Ashtakavarga points he gets in a Rasi is also considered.
When a planet transits a Rasi declared favourable & has less than
4 bindus in his own Astakavarga the favourable results will be
minimum. If the number is 4 they will be optimum and if more than
4 the maximum.Similarly if a planet transits an unfavourable place
and has 5 bindus in it the malefic effects are proportionately
reduced depending upon the number of bindus in it. Conversely a
favourable transit in a Rasi devoid of bindus reduces the benefic
effects while an unfavourable transit in such a Rasi will furthur
increase the malefic effects.
DATE 10 DEG 20 DEG 30 D
01/01/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 722.00 537.00
06/01/2021 642.00 616.00 700.00 559.00 720.00 538.00
11/01/2021 642.00 617.00 659.00 600.00 718.00 540.00
16/01/2021 641.00 618.00 657.00 601.00 716.00 543.00
21/01/2021 640.00 618.00 656.00 603.00 713.00 545.00
26/01/2021 639.00 619.00 654.00 605.00 710.00 549.00
31/01/2021 638.00 620.00 652.00 607.00 707.00 552.00
05/02/2021 637.00 621.00 649.00 610.00 703.00 556.00
10/02/2021 636.00 623.00 647.00 612.00 659.00 600.00
15/02/2021 635.00 624.00 644.00 615.00 655.00 604.00
20/02/2021 634.00 625.00 642.00 617.00 651.00 608.00
25/02/2021 632.00 626.00 639.00 620.00 646.00 612.00
02/03/2021 631.00 628.00 636.00 623.00 642.00 617.00
07/03/2021 630.00 629.00 633.00 626.00 637.00 621.00
12/03/2021 628.00 631.00 630.00 628.00 633.00 626.00
17/03/2021 627.00 632.00 628.00 631.00 628.00 631.00
22/03/2021 625.00 633.00 624.00 634.00 623.00 636.00
27/03/2021 624.00 635.00 622.00 637.00 619.00 640.00
01/04/2021 623.00 636.00 619.00 640.00 614.00 644.00
06/04/2021 621.00 637.00 616.00 643.00 610.00 649.00
11/04/2021 620.00 639.00 613.00 646.00 606.00 653.00
16/04/2021 619.00 640.00 611.00 648.00 601.00 657.00
21/04/2021 617.00 641.00 608.00 651.00 557.00 702.00
26/04/2021 616.00 643.00 605.00 653.00 553.00 706.00
01/05/2021 615.00 644.00 603.00 656.00 549.00 710.00
06/05/2021 614.00 645.00 601.00 658.00 545.00 713.00
11/05/2021 613.00 646.00 559.00 700.00 542.00 717.00
16/05/2021 612.00 647.00 557.00 702.00 539.00 720.00
21/05/2021 611.00 648.00 555.00 704.00 536.00 723.00
26/05/2021 610.00 649.00 553.00 706.00 533.00 725.00
31/05/2021 609.00 649.00 552.00 707.00 531.00 728.00
05/06/2021 609.00 650.00 551.00 708.00 529.00 729.00
10/06/2021 609.00 650.00 550.00 709.00 528.00 730.00
15/06/2021 608.00 650.00 549.00 709.00 527.00 731.00
20/06/2021 608.00 651.00 549.00 710.00 527.00 732.00
25/06/2021 608.00 650.00 549.00 710.00 527.00 731.00
30/06/2021 608.00 650.00 550.00 709.00 528.00 731.00
05/07/2021 609.00 650.00 551.00 708.00 529.00 730.00
10/07/2021 609.00 649.00 551.00 707.00 531.00 728.00
15/07/2021 610.00 649.00 553.00 706.00 533.00 726.00
20/07/2021 611.00 648.00 554.00 705.00 535.00 724.00
25/07/2021 612.00 647.00 556.00 703.00 538.00 721.00
30/07/2021 612.00 646.00 558.00 701.00 541.00 718.00
04/08/2021 613.00 645.00 600.00 659.00 544.00 714.00
09/08/2021 615.00 644.00 602.00 657.00 548.00 711.00
14/08/2021 616.00 643.00 605.00 654.00 552.00 707.00
19/08/2021 617.00 642.00 607.00 652.00 556.00 703.00
24/08/2021 618.00 641.00 610.00 649.00 600.00 659.00
29/08/2021 619.00 639.00 612.00 646.00 604.00 655.00
03/09/2021 621.00 638.00 615.00 644.00 608.00 650.00
08/09/2021 622.00 637.00 618.00 641.00 613.00 646.00
13/09/2021 623.00 635.00 621.00 638.00 617.00 642.00
18/09/2021 625.00 634.00 623.00 635.00 622.00 637.00
23/09/2021 625.00 633.00 624.00 634.00 623.00 636.00
28/09/2021 628.00 631.00 629.00 630.00 631.00 628.00
03/10/2021 629.00 630.00 632.00 627.00 635.00 624.00
08/10/2021 630.00 628.00 635.00 624.00 640.00 619.00
13/10/2021 632.00 627.00 637.00 621.00 644.00 615.00
18/10/2021 633.00 626.00 640.00 619.00 648.00 610.00
23/10/2021 634.00 625.00 643.00 616.00 653.00 606.00
28/10/2021 635.00 623.00 645.00 613.00 657.00 602.00
02/11/2021 637.00 622.00 648.00 611.00 701.00 558.00
07/11/2021 638.00 621.00 650.00 609.00 704.00 554.00
12/11/2021 639.00 620.00 653.00 606.00 708.00 551.00
17/11/2021 640.00 619.00 655.00 604.00 711.00 547.00
22/11/2021 641.00 618.00 656.00 602.00 714.00 544.00
27/11/2021 641.00 617.00 658.00 601.00 717.00 542.00
02/12/2021 642.00 617.00 659.00 559.00 719.00 540.00
07/12/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 721.00 538.00
12/12/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 722.00 537.00
17/12/2021 643.00 615.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
22/12/2021 643.00 615.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
27/12/2021 643.00 616.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
01/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
02/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
03/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
04/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
05/01/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/01/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
01/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
02/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
03/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
04/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
05/01/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/01/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
07/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
08/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
09/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 612 6
10/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
11/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
12/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 605 647 612 6
13/01/2021 642 616 642 617 654 605 646 612 6
14/01/2021 642 616 641 617 653 605 646 612 6
15/01/2021 642 617 641 617 653 605 646 613 6
16/01/2021 642 617 641 617 653 606 646 613 6
17/01/2021 642 617 641 618 653 606 646 613 6
18/01/2021 642 617 641 618 652 606 645 613 6
19/01/2021 641 617 641 618 652 607 645 614 6
20/01/2021 641 617 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
21/01/2021 641 618 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
22/01/2021 641 618 640 618 651 607 645 614 6
23/01/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 614 6
24/01/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 615 6
25/01/2021 640 618 640 619 650 608 644 615 6
26/01/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 644 615 6
27/01/2021 640 619 639 619 649 609 643 615 6
28/01/2021 640 619 639 620 649 609 643 616 6
29/01/2021 640 619 639 620 649 610 643 616 6
30/01/2021 639 619 639 620 648 610 643 616 6
31/01/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 616 6
01/02/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 617 6
02/02/2021 639 620 638 621 647 611 642 617 6
03/02/2021 638 620 638 621 647 612 641 617 6
04/02/2021 638 621 638 621 646 612 641 618 6
05/02/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
06/02/2021 638 621 637 622 646 613 640 618 6
07/02/2021 637 621 637 622 645 613 640 619 6
08/02/2021 637 622 637 622 645 614 640 619 6
09/02/2021 637 622 636 622 644 614 640 619 6
10/02/2021 637 622 636 622 644 615 639 619 6
11/02/2021 636 622 636 623 643 615 639 620 6
12/02/2021 636 623 636 623 643 616 639 620 6
13/02/2021 636 623 635 623 643 616 638 620 6
14/02/2021 636 623 635 623 642 616 638 621 6
15/02/2021 635 623 635 624 642 617 638 621 6
16/02/2021 635 624 635 624 641 617 637 621 6
17/02/2021 635 624 634 624 641 618 637 622 6
18/02/2021 635 624 634 624 640 618 637 622 6
19/02/2021 634 624 634 625 640 619 636 622 6
20/02/2021 634 625 634 625 639 619 636 623 6
21/02/2021 634 625 633 625 639 620 636 623 6
22/02/2021 633 625 633 625 638 620 635 623 6
23/02/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
24/02/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
25/02/2021 633 626 632 626 637 622 634 624 6
26/02/2021 632 626 632 627 637 622 634 625 6
27/02/2021 632 627 632 627 636 622 633 625 6
28/02/2021 632 627 631 627 636 623 633 626 6
01/03/2021 631 627 631 627 635 623 633 626 6
02/03/2021 631 628 631 628 635 624 632 626 6
03/03/2021 631 628 631 628 634 624 632 627 6
04/03/2021 631 628 630 628 634 625 632 627 6
05/03/2021 630 628 630 628 633 625 631 627 6
06/03/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 628 6
07/03/2021 630 629 630 629 632 626 631 628 6
08/03/2021 629 629 629 629 632 627 630 628 6
09/03/2021 629 630 629 630 631 627 630 629 6
10/03/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 630 629 6
11/03/2021 629 630 628 630 630 628 629 629 6
12/03/2021 628 630 628 630 630 629 629 630 6
13/03/2021 628 631 628 631 629 629 628 630 6
14/03/2021 628 631 628 631 629 630 628 631 6
15/03/2021 627 631 627 631 628 630 628 631 6
16/03/2021 627 632 627 631 628 631 627 631 6
17/03/2021 627 632 627 632 627 631 627 632 6
18/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
19/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
20/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
21/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
22/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
23/03/2021 625 634 625 633 624 634 625 634 6
24/03/2021 625 634 625 634 624 635 624 634 6
25/03/2021 624 634 625 634 623 635 624 635 6
26/03/2021 624 635 624 634 623 636 624 635 6
27/03/2021 624 635 624 635 622 636 623 635 6
28/03/2021 624 635 624 635 622 637 623 636 6
29/03/2021 623 635 623 635 621 637 623 636 6
30/03/2021 623 636 623 635 621 638 622 636 6
31/03/2021 623 636 623 636 620 638 622 637 6
01/04/2021 622 636 623 636 620 639 622 637 6
02/04/2021 622 637 622 636 619 639 621 637 6
03/04/2021 622 637 622 636 619 640 621 638 6
04/04/2021 622 637 622 637 618 640 620 638 6
05/04/2021 621 637 622 637 618 641 620 639 6
06/04/2021 621 638 621 637 618 641 620 639 6
07/04/2021 621 638 621 638 617 642 619 639 6
08/04/2021 620 638 621 638 617 642 619 640 6
09/04/2021 620 639 620 638 616 642 619 640 6
10/04/2021 620 639 620 638 616 643 618 640 6
11/04/2021 620 639 620 639 615 643 618 641 6
12/04/2021 619 639 620 639 615 644 618 641 6
13/04/2021 619 640 619 639 614 644 617 641 6
14/04/2021 619 640 619 639 614 645 617 642 6
15/04/2021 619 640 619 640 613 645 617 642 6
16/04/2021 618 641 619 640 613 646 616 642 6
17/04/2021 618 641 618 640 612 646 616 643 6
18/04/2021 618 641 618 640 612 647 616 643 6
19/04/2021 617 641 618 641 611 647 615 643 6
20/04/2021 617 642 618 641 611 648 615 644 6
21/04/2021 617 642 617 641 611 648 615 644 6
22/04/2021 617 642 617 641 610 648 614 644 6
23/04/2021 616 642 617 642 610 649 614 645 6
24/04/2021 616 643 617 642 609 649 614 645 6
25/04/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 645 6
26/04/2021 616 643 616 642 608 650 613 646 6
27/04/2021 615 643 616 643 608 651 613 646 6
28/04/2021 615 644 616 643 608 651 612 646 6
29/04/2021 615 644 615 643 607 651 612 647 6
30/04/2021 615 644 615 643 607 652 612 647 6
01/05/2021 614 644 615 644 606 652 611 647 6
02/05/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 648 6
03/05/2021 614 645 614 644 605 653 611 648 6
04/05/2021 614 645 614 644 605 654 611 648 6
05/05/2021 613 645 614 645 605 654 610 648 6
06/05/2021 613 646 614 645 604 654 610 649 6
07/05/2021 613 646 614 645 604 655 610 649 6
08/05/2021 613 646 613 645 604 655 609 649 6
09/05/2021 612 646 613 645 603 655 609 650 6
10/05/2021 612 646 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
11/05/2021 612 647 613 646 602 656 609 650 6
12/05/2021 612 647 613 646 602 657 608 650 6
13/05/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 651 6
14/05/2021 611 647 612 646 601 657 608 651 6
15/05/2021 611 647 612 647 601 658 608 651 5
16/05/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 607 651 5
17/05/2021 611 648 612 647 600 658 607 652 5
18/05/2021 611 648 611 647 600 658 607 652 5
19/05/2021 611 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
20/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 652 5
21/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 653 5
22/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
23/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
24/05/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
25/05/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
26/05/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
27/05/2021 609 650 610 649 558 701 605 654 5
28/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
29/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
30/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
31/05/2021 609 650 609 649 557 702 604 654 5
01/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 654 5
02/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
03/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
04/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
05/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
06/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
07/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 604 655 5
08/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
09/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
10/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
11/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 656 5
12/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
13/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
14/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
15/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
16/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
17/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
18/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
19/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
20/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
21/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
22/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
23/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
24/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
25/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
26/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
27/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
28/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
29/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
30/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 656 5
01/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 655 5
02/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
03/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
04/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
05/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
06/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
07/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
08/07/2021 608 651 609 649 556 703 604 655 5
09/07/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
10/07/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
11/07/2021 609 650 609 649 557 702 604 654 5
12/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 604 654 5
13/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
14/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
15/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
16/07/2021 609 650 610 649 558 701 605 654 5
17/07/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
18/07/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
19/07/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
20/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
21/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
22/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 652 5
23/07/2021 610 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
24/07/2021 611 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
25/07/2021 611 648 612 647 600 658 607 652 5
26/07/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 607 651 5
27/07/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 608 651 5
28/07/2021 611 647 612 646 601 657 608 651 5
29/07/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 651 6
30/07/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 650 6
31/07/2021 612 647 613 646 602 656 609 650 6
01/08/2021 612 647 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
02/08/2021 612 646 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
03/08/2021 613 646 613 645 603 655 609 649 6
04/08/2021 613 646 613 645 604 655 610 649 6
05/08/2021 613 646 614 645 604 655 610 649 6
06/08/2021 613 645 614 645 604 654 610 649 6
07/08/2021 613 645 614 644 605 654 610 648 6
08/08/2021 614 645 614 644 605 653 611 648 6
09/08/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 648 6
10/08/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 647 6
11/08/2021 614 644 615 644 606 652 612 647 6
12/08/2021 615 644 615 643 607 652 612 647 6
13/08/2021 615 644 616 643 607 651 612 646 6
14/08/2021 615 644 616 643 608 651 613 646 6
15/08/2021 615 643 616 643 608 650 613 646 6
16/08/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 646 6
17/08/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 645 6
18/08/2021 616 643 617 642 609 649 614 645 6
19/08/2021 616 642 617 642 610 649 614 645 6
20/08/2021 617 642 617 641 610 648 614 644 6
21/08/2021 617 642 617 641 611 648 615 644 6
22/08/2021 617 642 618 641 611 647 615 644 6
23/08/2021 617 641 618 641 612 647 615 643 6
24/08/2021 618 641 618 640 612 647 616 643 6
25/08/2021 618 641 618 640 612 646 616 643 6
26/08/2021 618 640 619 640 613 646 616 642 6
27/08/2021 619 640 619 640 613 645 617 642 6
28/08/2021 619 640 619 639 614 645 617 642 6
29/08/2021 619 640 619 639 614 644 617 641 6
30/08/2021 619 639 620 639 615 644 618 641 6
31/08/2021 620 639 620 639 615 643 618 641 6
01/09/2021 620 639 620 638 616 643 618 640 6
02/09/2021 620 638 621 638 616 642 619 640 6
03/09/2021 620 638 621 638 617 642 619 640 6
04/09/2021 621 638 621 638 617 642 619 639 6
05/09/2021 621 638 621 637 618 641 620 639 6
06/09/2021 621 637 622 637 618 641 620 639 6
07/09/2021 622 637 622 637 619 640 621 638 6
08/09/2021 622 637 622 636 619 640 621 638 6
09/09/2021 622 637 622 636 619 639 621 637 6
10/09/2021 622 636 623 636 620 639 622 637 6
11/09/2021 623 636 623 636 620 638 622 637 6
12/09/2021 623 636 623 635 621 638 622 636 6
13/09/2021 623 635 623 635 621 637 623 636 6
14/09/2021 624 635 624 635 622 637 623 636 6
15/09/2021 624 635 624 635 622 636 623 635 6
16/09/2021 624 635 624 634 623 636 624 635 6
17/09/2021 624 634 625 634 623 635 624 635 6
18/09/2021 625 634 625 634 624 635 624 634 6
19/09/2021 625 634 625 633 624 634 625 634 6
20/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
21/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
22/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
23/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
24/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
25/09/2021 627 632 627 632 627 631 627 632 6
26/09/2021 627 632 627 632 628 631 627 631 6
27/09/2021 627 631 627 631 628 630 628 631 6
28/09/2021 628 631 628 631 629 630 628 631 6
29/09/2021 628 631 628 631 629 629 628 630 6
30/09/2021 628 630 628 630 630 629 629 630 6
01/10/2021 628 630 628 630 630 628 629 630 6
02/10/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 629 629 6
03/10/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 630 629 6
04/10/2021 629 629 629 629 632 627 630 629 6
05/10/2021 630 629 629 629 632 627 631 628 6
06/10/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 628 6
07/10/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 627 6
08/10/2021 630 628 630 628 633 625 632 627 6
09/10/2021 631 628 631 628 634 625 632 627 6
10/10/2021 631 628 631 628 634 624 632 626 6
11/10/2021 631 627 631 627 635 624 633 626 6
12/10/2021 632 627 631 627 635 623 633 626 6
13/10/2021 632 627 632 627 636 623 633 625 6
14/10/2021 632 627 632 627 636 622 634 625 6
15/10/2021 632 626 632 626 637 622 634 625 6
16/10/2021 633 626 632 626 637 621 634 624 6
17/10/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
18/10/2021 633 625 633 626 638 620 635 624 6
19/10/2021 634 625 633 625 639 620 635 623 6
20/10/2021 634 625 633 625 639 619 636 623 6
21/10/2021 634 625 634 625 640 619 636 623 6
22/10/2021 634 624 634 625 640 619 636 622 6
23/10/2021 635 624 634 624 640 618 637 622 6
24/10/2021 635 624 634 624 641 618 637 622 6
25/10/2021 635 624 635 624 641 617 637 621 6
26/10/2021 635 623 635 624 642 617 638 621 6
27/10/2021 636 623 635 623 642 616 638 621 6
28/10/2021 636 623 635 623 643 616 638 620 6
29/10/2021 636 622 636 623 643 615 639 620 6
30/10/2021 636 622 636 623 644 615 639 620 6
31/10/2021 637 622 636 622 644 615 639 619 6
01/11/2021 637 622 636 622 644 614 640 619 6
02/11/2021 637 621 637 622 645 614 640 619 6
03/11/2021 637 621 637 622 645 613 640 618 6
04/11/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
05/11/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
06/11/2021 638 621 638 621 646 612 641 618 6
07/11/2021 638 620 638 621 647 612 641 617 6
08/11/2021 639 620 638 621 647 611 642 617 6
09/11/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 617 6
10/11/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 616 6
11/11/2021 639 619 639 620 648 610 643 616 6
12/11/2021 640 619 639 620 649 610 643 616 6
13/11/2021 640 619 639 619 649 609 643 616 6
14/11/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 643 615 6
15/11/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 644 615 6
16/11/2021 640 618 640 619 650 608 644 615 6
17/11/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 615 6
18/11/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 614 6
19/11/2021 641 618 640 618 651 607 645 614 6
20/11/2021 641 618 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
21/11/2021 641 617 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
22/11/2021 641 617 641 618 652 607 645 613 6
23/11/2021 642 617 641 618 652 606 645 613 6
24/11/2021 642 617 641 618 653 606 646 613 6
25/11/2021 642 617 641 617 653 606 646 613 6
26/11/2021 642 617 641 617 653 605 646 613 6
27/11/2021 642 616 641 617 653 605 646 612 6
28/11/2021 642 616 642 617 654 605 646 612 6
29/11/2021 643 616 642 617 654 605 647 612 6
30/11/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
01/12/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
02/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 612 6
03/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
04/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
05/12/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/12/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
07/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
08/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
09/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
10/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
11/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 610 6
12/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 610 6
13/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
14/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
15/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 648 610 6
16/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
17/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
18/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
19/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
20/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
21/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
22/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
23/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
24/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
25/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
26/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
27/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 648 610 6
28/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
29/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
30/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 611 6
31/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 611 6
Celestial Influences on Meteorology - Astro Meteorogy
The Sun causeth the Seasons - Rithu Karta Prabhakara
According to Physics- the land gets heated faster than the Sea
and cool winds from the Bengal of Bengal pick up moisture and
pour over India during Thula Varsha. The reverse happens during
Edava Pathi ( Half sidereal Taurus- that is when Sun enters the
15th degree of Edava or Taurus ) cool winds from the Indian Ocean
pick up moisture and precipitate over India !
This astronomical phenemenon was known to the Indian mathematicians
who accurately devised the Calendar and the two Monsoons- Kala
Varsha and Thula Varsha !
Let us see what the Sun creates during his journey through the 360
degrees Circle of Light- the Jyotis Chakra !
Degrees Event
0 Vishu
10 Patham Udayam
45 Kala Varsha
90 Dakshinayana
120 Mal Era Start
180 Thula Varsha
210 Mandala Kala
270 Uttarayana
Kala Varsha - From May 29 to Sep 16
Thula Varsha - From Sep 17 to Dec 26
In Kerala- only three major seasons are experienced. They are more
or less related to the revolution of the Earth or the Sun's longitude.
Shaithya- Winter -When Solar Longitude is in between 240 and 300. ( Dh
Ushna- Summer - When Sun's longitude is in between 300 and 45 ( Kumbha
Varsha- Rainy Season - When Sun's long is 45 - 240 degrees-.( Half Vri
The best books on Astro Meteorology
Mysterium Cosmographicum - By Kepler
The Krishi Geetha - by Parasurama.
Summary of Nava Doshas
1 Gulikodaya Dosha YES General
2 Vishti Dosha NIL General
3 Lada Vaidhrutha NIL General
4 Gandanda Dosha NIL General
5 Lunar Gandanda Dosha NIL General
6 Visha Gatika Dosha NIL General
7 Lunar Visha Gatika Dosha NIL General
8 Sarpa Masthaka Dosha NIL General
9 Ushna Shikha Dosha NIL General
10 Ekargala Dosha Nil General
11 Chandra Ashtama Dosha Nil General
12 Partner's 8th Moon Dosha Nil General
13 Shashtamandhyendu Dosha NIL General
14 Riktha Ashtami Dosha NIL Gen/Business
15 Pratyara Vipat Vadha Dosha YES General
16 Vainashika 108th Lunar Mansion NIL General
17 Vainashika 88th Lunar Mansion NIL General
18 Nakshatra Pada Dosha NIL General
19 Lagnendu Dosha NIL Marriage & Anna
20 Rahu & Mars in 8th Dosha NIL Marriage
21 Rahu Sat Mars Sun in Asc Dosha NIL Marriage
22 Jupiter in the 12th Dosha NIL Marriage
23 Sapthama Non-Shuddhi YES Marriage
24 Lagna Non-Shuddhi NIL Marriage
25 Vara Non-Shuddhi YES Marriage
26 Lagna Papakarthari Yoga NIL General
27 Ashubha Star YES AnnaPrasna
28 Asc Non-Shuddhi NIL AnnaPrasna
29 Visha Drekkana Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
30 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
31 Jup in the 4th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
32 Mercury in the 9th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
33 Moon in the 9th Dosha YES AnnaPrasna
34 Dasama Non-Shuddhi YES AnnaPrasna
35 Ashubha Star/Nama YES Namakarana
36 Lagna Non-Shuddhi/Nama NIL Namakarana
37 Dwadasa Non-Shuddhi NIL Namakarana
38 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL Namakarana
39 Sun in Asc Dosha/Nama NIL Namakarana
40 Ashubha Star YES GrihaArambha
41 Lagna Non-Shuddhi NIL GrihaArambha
42 Masa Non-Shuddhi NIL GrihaArambha
43 Nakshatra Non-Shuddhi YES GrihaArambha
44 Karana Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
45 Chathurtha Non-Shuddhi YES GrihaArambha
46 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
47 Sun in the Asc Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
48 Masa Non Shuddhi NIL GrihaPravesha
49 Vara Dosha Yes Griha Arambha
50 Thritheeya Non-Shuddhi NIL Krishi
51 Ekadasa Non-Shuddhi YES Sraddha
52 Panchama Non-Shuddhi Nil Travel
53 Chathurtha Moon Non Shuddhi Nil Travel
54 Travel Vara Dosha Yes Travel
55 Travel Rasi Non-Shuddhi Yes Travel
56 Travel Bad Star Dosha Yes Travel
57 Janma Star Dosha Nil Travel
58 Ashtama Non-Shuddhi NIL Business/Upanayana
59 Lagna Ashtama Dosha Nil General
60 Pradosha Dosha Nil General
61 Thidhi Dosha Yes Sanchayana
62 Sanchayana Vara Dosha Yes Sanchayana
63 Dwirasi Gatha Star Dosha Nil Sanchayana
64 Janma Star Dosha Nil Sanchayana
65 Departed Man's 8th Moon Dosha Nil Sanchayana
66 Mrityu Yoga Dosha Nil General
67 Ashubha Yoga Dosha Nil General
68 Visha Yoga Dosha Nil General
69 Nakshatra Sandhi Dosha Nil General
70 Thidhi Sandhi Dosha Nil General
71 Inauspicious Med Star Dosha Nil Medicine
72 Vara Dosha Yes Medicine
73 Downtide Dosha Yes Medicine
74 Ekargala Dosha Nil Medicine
75 Lada Vaidhrutha NIL Medicine
76 Riktha Ashtami Dosha NIL Medicine
77 Ashtama Non-Shuddhi NIL Medicine
78 Shashta Non-Shuddhi YES Medicine
79 Dagdha Yoga Dosha NIL Medicine
80 Surya Samkrama Dosha Nil General
81 Rasi Non-Shuddhi Yes Education
82 Vara Dosha Yes Education
83 Mars in 8th Dosha Yes Education
84 Janma Star Dosha Nil Education
85 8th Moon Dosha Nil Education
86 Ashubha Star YES Education
87 Dwitheeya Non-Shuddhi NIL Education
88 Panchama Non-Shuddhi NIL Education
Nava Doshas & Others - YES - Left to the Discretion of the Astrologer.
Certain doshas can be taken with Remedial Measures ( Prayaschitha ).
Some cannot be taken. This is left to the discretion of the astrol-
ogic scholar.
14 Doshas are present in the Electional Hour
Resultant Conclusion : Auspicious Hour - Adhamam
The Rising of Planets along with Asc/Lagna
Vishishta Vipra Bhashitham
Subha Grahasya Chodaya
Thanoscha Soumya Vargatha
Thrayo Maha Guna Smrutha !
The prescription of the Learned
A Benefic Planet Rising
Lagna or Asc being Shubha Sampoorna
These Three are Great Benedictions !
Lagna Subha Sampoorna?
Ascendant or Lagna is Subha Sampoorna. Hence Highly Recommended with
6 benefic points
Su Muhoorthamasthu !
| SUN MER | | | |
| VEN | | MAR | |
| | | RAH | |
| LAG | | | |
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| | VISHAKHA | |
| GUL | | |
____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | |
| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-04-2021 | |
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| | MOO | | |
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| | KET | | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-04-2021 17 23 22 20 29 5 18 51 17 17 0 25 2 46 20 1
2 F 02-04-2021 18 22 22 56 29 17 20 5 17 21 2 9 17 20 19 58
3 S 03-04-2021 19 21 23 33 29 28 21 20 17 26 3 53 1 35 19 55
4 S 04-04-2021 20 20 24 9 29 40 22 34 17 30 5 40 15 29 19 52
5 M 05-04-2021 21 19 24 45 29 51 23 49 17 35 7 27 29 4 19 50
6 T 06-04-2021 22 18 25 22 0 3 25 3 17 39 9 16 12 21 19 47
7 W 07-04-2021 23 17 25 58 0 14 26 17 17 44 11 6 25 22 19 44
8 T 08-04-2021 24 16 26 34 0 25 27 32 17 48 12 58 8 9 19 41
9 F 09-04-2021 25 15 27 11 0 36 28 46 17 52 14 52 20 44 19 38
10 S 10-04-2021 26 14 27 47 0 47 0 1 17 56 16 46 3 8 19 35
11 S 11-04-2021 27 13 28 23 0 58 1 15 18 0 18 43 15 22 19 32
12 M 12-04-2021 28 12 29 0 1 9 2 29 18 4 20 40 27 27 19 30
13 T 13-04-2021 29 11 29 36 1 19 3 43 18 8 22 39 9 24 19 27
14 W 14-04-2021 0 10 0 13 1 30 4 58 18 11 24 40 21 16 19 24
15 T 15-04-2021 1 8 0 49 1 40 6 12 18 15 26 42 3 4 19 21
16 F 16-04-2021 2 7 1 26 1 51 7 26 18 19 28 45 14 51 19 18
17 S 17-04-2021 3 6 2 3 2 1 8 40 18 22 0 49 26 40 19 6
18 S 18-04-2021 4 5 2 31 2 11 9 55 18 26 2 55 8 36 19 3
19 M 19-04-2021 5 4 3 8 2 21 11 9 18 29 5 1 20 42 19 0
20 T 20-04-2021 6 2 3 44 2 31 12 23 18 32 7 8 3 5 18 57
21 W 21-04-2021 7 1 4 21 2 41 13 37 18 35 9 15 15 49 18 54
22 T 22-04-2021 7 59 4 57 2 50 14 51 18 38 11 23 28 58 18 52
23 F 23-04-2021 8 58 5 34 3 0 16 6 18 41 13 31 12 34 18 49
24 S 24-04-2021 9 56 6 11 3 9 17 20 18 44 15 38 26 41 18 46
25 S 25-04-2021 10 55 6 47 3 19 18 34 18 47 17 46 11 14 18 43
26 M 26-04-2021 11 53 7 24 3 28 19 48 18 50 19 52 26 9 18 40
27 T 27-04-2021 12 51 8 1 3 37 21 2 18 52 21 58 11 18 18 38
28 W 28-04-2021 13 50 8 38 3 46 22 16 18 55 24 2 26 30 18 35
29 T 29-04-2021 14 48 9 15 3 55 23 30 18 57 26 5 11 37 18 32
30 F 30-04-2021 15 46 9 51 4 4 24 44 19 0 28 5 26 30 18 29
31 S 01-05-2021 16 45 10 28 4 12 25 58 19 2 0 4 11 2 18 26
Day Date Sun Moo Nakshatra Thidhi
1 T 01-04-21 347.39 212.76 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI 19
2 F 02-04-21 348.38 227.33 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI 20
3 S 03-04-21 349.36 241.58 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI 22
4 S 04-04-21 350.35 255.49 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI 23
5 M 05-04-21 351.33 269.07 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI 24
6 T 06-04-21 352.31 282.36 22 SRAVANA DASAMI 25
7 W 07-04-21 353.30 295.37 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI 26
8 T 08-04-21 354.28 308.16 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI 27
9 F 09-04-21 355.26 320.74 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI 28
10 S 10-04-21 356.25 333.14 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURDAS 29
11 S 11-04-21 357.23 345.37 26 UTHARABHAD AMAVASYA 30
12 M 12-04-21 358.21 357.45 27 REVATI AMAVASYA 30
13 T 13-04-21 359.19 9.41 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA 1
14 W 14-04-21 0.17 21.27 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA 2
15 T 15-04-21 1.15 33.07 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA 3
16 F 16-04-21 2.13 44.85 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI 4
17 S 17-04-21 3.11 56.67 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI 5
18 S 18-04-21 4.09 68.60 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI 6
19 M 19-04-21 5.07 80.71 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI 7
20 T 20-04-21 6.04 93.09 7 PUNARVASU ASHTAMI 8
21 W 21-04-21 7.02 105.81 8 PUSHYA NAVAMI 9
22 T 22-04-21 8.00 118.96 9 ASLESHA DASAMI 10
23 F 23-04-21 8.97 132.59 10 MAGHA EKADASI 11
24 S 24-04-21 9.95 146.69 12 UTHARA DWADASI 12
25 S 25-04-21 10.92 161.25 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI 13
26 M 26-04-21 11.89 176.16 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS 14
27 T 27-04-21 12.87 191.31 15 SWATHI POURNAMI 15
28 W 28-04-21 13.84 206.52 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA 17
29 T 29-04-21 14.81 221.63 17 ANURADHA THRITHEEYA 18
30 F 30-04-21 15.78 236.51 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI 19
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-05-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to January 18
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 S 01-05-2021 16 44 10 26 4 12 25 57 19 2 0 3 10 57 18 26
2 S 02-05-2021 17 43 11 5 4 20 27 11 19 4 1 59 25 5 18 24
3 M 03-05-2021 18 41 11 42 4 29 28 25 19 6 3 52 8 48 18 21
4 T 04-05-2021 19 39 12 19 4 37 29 39 19 8 5 42 22 7 18 18
5 W 05-05-2021 20 37 12 56 4 45 0 53 19 10 7 29 5 5 18 15
6 T 06-05-2021 21 35 13 33 4 53 2 7 19 12 9 13 17 45 18 12
7 F 07-05-2021 22 33 14 9 5 1 3 21 19 13 10 53 0 9 18 9
8 S 08-05-2021 23 32 14 46 5 8 4 35 19 15 12 30 12 22 18 7
9 S 09-05-2021 24 30 15 23 5 16 5 48 19 6 14 3 24 24 18 4
10 M 10-05-2021 25 28 16 0 5 23 7 2 19 7 15 33 6 20 18 1
11 T 11-05-2021 26 26 16 37 5 30 8 16 19 9 16 58 18 10 17 58
12 W 12-05-2021 27 24 17 14 5 37 9 30 19 10 18 20 29 58 17 55
13 T 13-05-2021 28 22 17 51 5 44 10 43 19 11 19 37 11 46 17 52
14 F 14-05-2021 29 20 18 28 5 51 11 57 19 12 20 51 23 35 17 40
15 S 15-05-2021 0 17 18 55 5 58 13 10 19 13 21 59 5 29 17 37
16 S 16-05-2021 1 15 19 32 6 4 14 24 19 14 23 4 17 30 17 34
17 M 17-05-2021 2 13 20 9 6 10 15 38 19 15 24 5 29 41 17 31
18 T 18-05-2021 3 10 20 46 6 16 16 51 19 15 25 2 12 7 17 29
19 W 19-05-2021 4 8 21 23 6 22 18 5 19 16 25 55 24 51 17 26
20 T 20-05-2021 5 6 22 0 6 28 19 19 19 16 26 43 7 56 17 23
21 F 21-05-2021 6 4 22 37 6 34 20 32 19 16 27 27 21 26 17 20
22 S 22-05-2021 7 2 23 15 6 39 21 46 19 17 28 6 5 22 17 17
23 S 23-05-2021 7 59 23 52 6 45 22 59 19 17 28 41 19 43 17 14
24 M 24-05-2021 8 57 24 29 6 50 24 13 19 17 29 11 4 28 17 12
25 T 25-05-2021 9 55 25 6 6 55 25 26 19 17 29 37 19 29 17 9
26 W 26-05-2021 10 52 25 43 6 59 26 40 19 16 29 58 4 40 17 6
27 T 27-05-2021 11 50 26 20 7 4 27 53 19 16 0 14 19 50 17 3
28 F 28-05-2021 12 48 26 58 7 8 29 7 19 16 0 26 4 50 17 1
29 S 29-05-2021 13 45 27 35 7 13 0 20 19 15 0 32 19 34 16 58
30 S 30-05-2021 14 43 28 12 7 17 1 34 19 15 0 34 3 54 16 55
31 M 31-05-2021 15 41 28 49 7 21 2 47 19 14 0 32 17 48 16 52
32 T 01-06-2021 16 38 29 27 7 25 4 1 19 13 0 25 1 15 16 49
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 S 01-05-21 16.75 250.96 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI 20
2 S 02-05-21 17.72 265.10 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI 21
3 M 03-05-21 18.69 278.82 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI 22
4 T 04-05-21 19.66 292.14 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI 23
5 W 05-05-21 20.63 305.11 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI 24
6 T 06-05-21 21.60 317.76 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI 25
7 F 07-05-21 22.57 330.17 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI 26
8 S 08-05-21 23.53 342.37 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI 27
9 S 09-05-21 24.50 354.42 27 REVATI THRAYODASI 28
10 M 10-05-21 25.47 6.34 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS 29
11 T 11-05-21 26.44 18.18 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA 30
12 W 12-05-21 27.40 29.98 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA 1
13 T 13-05-21 28.37 41.77 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA 2
14 F 14-05-21 29.34 53.59 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 3
15 S 15-05-21 30.29 65.48 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 3
16 S 16-05-21 31.25 77.50 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI 4
17 M 17-05-21 32.22 89.69 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI 5
18 T 18-05-21 33.18 102.12 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI 6
19 W 19-05-21 34.15 114.85 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI 7
20 T 20-05-21 35.11 127.94 10 MAKAM ASHTAMI 8
21 F 21-05-21 36.07 141.43 11 PUBBA NAVAMI 9
22 S 22-05-21 37.03 155.36 12 UTHARA DASAMI 10
23 S 23-05-21 38.00 169.73 13 HASTHA EKADASI 11
24 M 24-05-21 38.96 184.47 14 CHITHRA THRAYODASI 13
25 T 25-05-21 39.92 199.49 15 SWATHI CHATHURDAS 14
26 W 26-05-21 40.88 214.67 17 ANURADHA POURNAMI 15
27 T 27-05-21 41.84 229.84 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA 16
28 F 28-05-21 42.80 244.85 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA 17
29 S 29-05-21 43.76 259.57 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA 18
30 S 30-05-21 44.72 273.91 21 UTHRASHADA PANCHAMI 20
31 M 31-05-21 45.68 287.81 22 SRAVANA SHASHTI 21
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-06-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-06-2021 16 37 29 23 7 25 4 0 19 13 0 24 1 12 16 49
2 W 02-06-2021 17 35 0 4 7 28 5 14 19 13 0 13 14 13 16 46
3 T 03-06-2021 18 33 0 41 7 31 6 27 19 12 29 58 26 53 16 44
4 F 04-06-2021 19 30 1 18 7 35 7 40 19 11 29 39 9 14 16 41
5 S 05-06-2021 20 28 1 56 7 38 8 54 19 9 29 16 21 21 16 38
6 S 06-06-2021 21 25 2 33 7 41 10 7 19 8 28 51 3 18 16 35
7 M 07-06-2021 22 23 3 10 7 43 11 20 19 7 28 23 15 9 16 32
8 T 08-06-2021 23 20 3 47 7 46 12 34 19 5 27 52 26 56 16 29
9 W 09-06-2021 24 18 4 25 7 48 13 47 19 4 27 20 8 43 16 26
10 T 10-06-2021 25 15 5 2 7 50 15 0 19 2 26 47 20 34 16 14
11 F 11-06-2021 26 11 5 28 7 52 16 12 19 1 26 11 2 29 16 11
12 S 12-06-2021 27 9 6 6 7 54 17 25 18 59 25 37 14 31 16 8
13 S 13-06-2021 28 6 6 43 7 56 18 39 18 57 25 5 26 43 16 6
14 M 14-06-2021 29 3 7 20 7 57 19 52 18 55 24 33 9 6 16 3
15 T 15-06-2021 0 1 7 58 7 58 21 5 18 53 24 3 21 43 16 0
16 W 16-06-2021 0 58 8 35 7 59 22 18 18 51 23 35 4 34 15 57
17 T 17-06-2021 1 55 9 13 8 0 23 31 18 49 23 10 17 43 15 54
18 F 18-06-2021 2 53 9 50 8 0 24 44 18 47 22 49 1 10 15 51
19 S 19-06-2021 3 50 10 27 8 1 25 57 18 44 22 30 14 57 15 49
20 S 20-06-2021 4 47 11 5 8 1 27 10 18 42 22 16 29 5 15 46
21 M 21-06-2021 5 45 11 42 8 1 28 23 18 39 22 5 13 33 15 43
22 T 22-06-2021 6 42 12 20 8 1 29 36 18 37 21 59 28 16 15 40
23 W 23-06-2021 7 39 12 57 8 0 0 49 18 34 21 58 13 10 15 37
24 T 24-06-2021 8 37 13 35 8 0 2 2 18 31 22 1 28 8 15 35
25 F 25-06-2021 9 34 14 13 7 59 3 15 18 28 22 9 13 2 15 32
26 S 26-06-2021 10 31 14 50 7 58 4 28 18 25 22 21 27 43 15 29
27 S 27-06-2021 11 29 15 28 7 57 5 41 18 22 22 39 12 6 15 26
28 M 28-06-2021 12 26 16 5 7 55 6 54 18 19 23 1 26 5 15 23
29 T 29-06-2021 13 23 16 43 7 54 8 6 18 16 23 28 9 38 15 21
30 W 30-06-2021 14 21 17 21 7 52 9 19 18 13 24 0 22 45 15 18
31 T 01-07-2021 15 18 17 58 7 50 10 32 18 10 24 36 5 28 15 15
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 T 01-06-21 46.63 301.20 23 DHANISHTA SAPTHAMI 22
2 W 02-06-21 47.60 314.23 24 SATHABHISH ASHTAMI 23
3 T 03-06-21 48.56 326.90 25 POORVABHAD NAVAMI 24
4 F 04-06-21 49.52 339.25 26 UTHARABHAD DASAMI 25
5 S 05-06-21 50.47 351.37 27 REVATI EKADASI 26
6 S 06-06-21 51.43 3.31 1 ASWINI EKADASI 26
7 M 07-06-21 52.39 15.15 2 BHARANI DWADASI 27
8 T 08-06-21 53.35 26.94 3 KRITHIKA THRAYODASI 28
9 W 09-06-21 54.31 38.73 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS 29
10 T 10-06-21 55.26 50.57 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA 30
11 F 11-06-21 56.19 62.48 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA 1
12 S 12-06-21 57.15 74.53 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA 2
13 S 13-06-21 58.11 86.72 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA 3
14 M 14-06-21 59.06 99.11 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI 4
15 T 15-06-21 60.02 111.71 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI 5
16 W 16-06-21 60.98 124.57 10 MAGHA SHASHTI 6
17 T 17-06-21 61.93 137.71 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI 7
18 F 18-06-21 62.89 151.17 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI 8
19 S 19-06-21 63.84 164.96 13 HASTHA NAVAMI 9
20 S 20-06-21 64.80 179.09 14 CHITHRA DASAMI 10
21 M 21-06-21 65.75 193.54 15 SWATHI EKADASI 11
22 T 22-06-21 66.71 208.27 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI 12
23 W 23-06-21 67.66 223.17 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI 13
24 T 24-06-21 68.62 238.13 18 JYESHTA POURNAMI 15
25 F 25-06-21 69.58 253.03 19 MOOLA PRATHAMA 16
26 S 26-06-21 70.53 267.73 21 UTHRASHADA DWITHEEYA 17
27 S 27-06-21 71.49 282.11 22 SRAVANA THRITHEEYA 18
28 M 28-06-21 72.44 296.10 23 DHANISHTA CHATHURTHI 19
29 T 29-06-21 73.40 309.65 24 SATHABHISH PANCHAMI 20
30 W 30-06-21 74.35 322.76 25 POORVABHAD SHASHTI 21
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-07-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-07-2021 15 17 17 53 7 50 10 31 18 10 24 35 5 28 15 15
2 F 02-07-2021 16 15 18 36 7 48 11 45 18 6 25 17 17 50 15 12
3 S 03-07-2021 17 12 19 13 7 46 12 57 18 3 26 2 29 57 15 9
4 S 04-07-2021 18 10 19 51 7 43 14 10 18 0 26 52 11 52 15 6
5 M 05-07-2021 19 7 20 29 7 41 15 23 17 56 27 46 23 41 15 3
6 T 06-07-2021 20 4 21 6 7 38 16 35 17 52 28 44 5 28 15 1
7 W 07-07-2021 21 2 21 44 7 35 17 48 17 49 29 47 17 18 14 48
8 T 08-07-2021 21 57 22 10 7 32 18 59 17 45 0 53 29 13 14 45
9 F 09-07-2021 22 54 22 48 7 29 20 12 17 42 2 4 11 18 14 43
10 S 10-07-2021 23 51 23 26 7 25 21 24 17 38 3 20 23 33 14 40
11 S 11-07-2021 24 48 24 3 7 21 22 37 17 34 4 40 6 0 14 37
12 M 12-07-2021 25 46 24 41 7 17 23 49 17 30 6 5 18 41 14 34
13 T 13-07-2021 26 43 25 19 7 13 25 2 17 26 7 33 1 35 14 31
14 W 14-07-2021 27 40 25 57 7 9 26 14 17 22 9 5 14 42 14 28
15 T 15-07-2021 28 38 26 34 7 4 27 26 17 18 10 41 28 3 14 26
16 F 16-07-2021 29 35 27 12 7 0 28 39 17 14 12 21 11 37 14 23
17 S 17-07-2021 0 32 27 50 6 55 29 51 17 10 14 4 25 24 14 20
18 S 18-07-2021 1 30 28 28 6 50 1 3 17 6 15 50 9 24 14 17
19 M 19-07-2021 2 27 29 6 6 45 2 15 17 2 17 40 23 36 14 14
20 T 20-07-2021 3 24 29 44 6 40 3 28 16 57 19 33 7 58 14 11
21 W 21-07-2021 4 22 0 22 6 34 4 40 16 53 21 29 22 30 14 9
22 T 22-07-2021 5 19 1 0 6 29 5 52 16 49 23 27 7 6 14 6
23 F 23-07-2021 6 16 1 38 6 23 7 4 16 45 25 27 21 40 14 3
24 S 24-07-2021 7 14 2 16 6 17 8 16 16 40 27 29 6 7 14 0
25 S 25-07-2021 8 11 2 54 6 11 9 28 16 36 29 32 20 19 13 57
26 M 26-07-2021 9 9 3 32 6 5 10 40 16 32 1 37 4 13 13 55
27 T 27-07-2021 10 6 4 10 5 59 11 52 16 27 3 43 17 44 13 52
28 W 28-07-2021 11 4 4 48 5 52 13 4 16 23 5 49 0 51 13 49
29 T 29-07-2021 12 1 5 26 5 46 14 16 16 19 7 56 13 35 13 46
30 F 30-07-2021 12 58 6 4 5 39 15 28 16 14 10 3 25 59 13 43
31 S 31-07-2021 13 56 6 42 5 33 16 40 16 10 12 9 8 6 13 40
32 S 01-08-2021 14 53 7 20 5 26 17 51 16 5 14 15 20 1 13 37
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 T 01-07-21 75.29 335.47 26 UTHARABHAD SAPTHAMI 22
2 F 02-07-21 76.26 347.85 27 REVATI ASHTAMI 23
3 S 03-07-21 77.22 359.95 27 REVATI NAVAMI 24
4 S 04-07-21 78.17 11.87 1 ASWINI DASAMI 25
5 M 05-07-21 79.13 23.69 2 BHARANI EKADASI 26
6 T 06-07-21 80.08 35.48 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI 27
7 W 07-07-21 81.04 47.31 4 ROHINI THRAYODASI 28
8 T 08-07-21 81.95 59.23 5 MRIGASIRA CHATHURDAS 29
9 F 09-07-21 82.91 71.30 6 ARIDRA AMAVASYA 30
10 S 10-07-21 83.86 83.55 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA 30
11 S 11-07-21 84.82 96.00 8 PUSHYA PRATHAMA 1
12 M 12-07-21 85.77 108.68 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA 2
13 T 13-07-21 86.73 121.58 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA 3
14 W 14-07-21 87.68 134.70 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI 4
15 T 15-07-21 88.64 148.05 12 UTHARA PANCHAMI 5
16 F 16-07-21 89.59 161.61 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI 7
17 S 17-07-21 90.55 175.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI 8
18 S 18-07-21 91.50 189.39 15 SWATHI NAVAMI 9
19 M 19-07-21 92.46 203.60 16 VISHAKHA DASAMI 10
20 T 20-07-21 93.41 217.99 17 ANURADHA EKADASI 11
21 W 21-07-21 94.37 232.52 18 JYESHTA DWADASI 12
22 T 22-07-21 95.33 247.11 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI 13
23 F 23-07-21 96.28 261.69 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS 14
24 S 24-07-21 97.24 276.13 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI 15
25 S 25-07-21 98.20 290.34 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA 17
26 M 26-07-21 99.15 304.23 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA 18
27 T 27-07-21 100.11 317.75 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI 19
28 W 28-07-21 101.07 330.86 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI 20
29 T 29-07-21 102.02 343.60 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI 21
30 F 30-07-21 102.98 355.99 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI 22
31 S 31-07-21 103.94 8.11 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI 23
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-08-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 S 01-08-2021 14 52 7 14 5 26 17 51 16 5 14 14 20 3 13 37
2 M 02-08-2021 15 51 7 58 5 19 19 3 16 1 16 20 1 52 13 35
3 T 03-08-2021 16 48 8 36 5 12 20 15 15 57 18 25 13 41 13 22
4 W 04-08-2021 17 43 9 3 5 5 21 25 15 52 20 26 25 33 13 20
5 T 05-08-2021 18 41 9 41 4 58 22 36 15 48 22 28 7 34 13 17
6 F 06-08-2021 19 39 10 19 4 51 23 48 15 44 24 29 19 47 13 14
7 S 07-08-2021 20 36 10 58 4 43 24 59 15 39 26 28 2 16 13 11
8 S 08-08-2021 21 34 11 36 4 36 26 11 15 35 28 27 15 0 13 8
9 M 09-08-2021 22 31 12 14 4 28 27 22 15 30 0 23 28 1 13 5
10 T 10-08-2021 23 29 12 52 4 21 28 34 15 26 2 19 11 17 13 2
11 W 11-08-2021 24 27 13 30 4 13 29 45 15 22 4 12 24 48 13 0
12 T 12-08-2021 25 24 14 9 4 5 0 56 15 17 6 4 8 29 12 57
13 F 13-08-2021 26 22 14 47 3 58 2 7 15 13 7 55 22 19 12 54
14 S 14-08-2021 27 20 15 25 3 50 3 18 15 9 9 44 6 16 12 51
15 S 15-08-2021 28 17 16 4 3 42 4 29 15 5 11 32 20 18 12 48
16 M 16-08-2021 29 15 16 42 3 34 5 41 15 0 13 18 4 24 12 46
17 T 17-08-2021 0 13 17 21 3 26 6 51 14 56 15 3 18 33 12 43
18 W 18-08-2021 1 11 17 59 3 19 8 2 14 52 16 46 2 45 12 40
19 T 19-08-2021 2 8 18 38 3 11 9 13 14 48 18 28 16 57 12 37
20 F 20-08-2021 3 6 19 16 3 3 10 24 14 44 20 9 1 6 12 34
21 S 21-08-2021 4 4 19 55 2 55 11 35 14 40 21 48 15 9 12 31
22 S 22-08-2021 5 2 20 33 2 47 12 45 14 36 23 26 29 1 12 29
23 M 23-08-2021 6 0 21 12 2 39 13 56 14 32 25 2 12 38 12 26
24 T 24-08-2021 6 58 21 50 2 31 15 7 14 28 26 37 25 57 12 23
25 W 25-08-2021 7 56 22 29 2 23 16 17 14 24 28 11 8 56 12 20
26 T 26-08-2021 8 54 23 7 2 16 17 27 14 20 29 43 21 36 12 17
27 F 27-08-2021 9 52 23 46 2 8 18 38 14 17 1 14 3 57 12 14
28 S 28-08-2021 10 50 24 24 2 0 19 48 14 13 2 43 16 3 12 12
29 S 29-08-2021 11 48 25 3 1 52 20 58 14 9 4 11 27 58 12 9
30 M 30-08-2021 12 46 25 42 1 45 22 8 14 6 5 37 9 47 12 6
31 T 31-08-2021 13 44 26 20 1 37 23 18 14 2 7 2 21 36 11 54
32 W 01-09-2021 14 40 26 49 1 30 24 27 13 59 8 24 3 29 11 51
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 S 01-08-21 104.88 20.06 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI 23
2 M 02-08-21 105.86 31.88 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI 24
3 T 03-08-21 106.82 43.69 4 ROHINI DASAMI 25
4 W 04-08-21 107.73 55.56 5 MRIGASIRA EKADASI 26
5 T 05-08-21 108.69 67.58 6 ARIDRA DWADASI 27
6 F 06-08-21 109.65 79.80 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI 28
7 S 07-08-21 110.61 92.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS 29
8 S 08-08-21 111.57 105.01 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA 30
9 M 09-08-21 112.53 118.02 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA 1
10 T 10-08-21 113.49 131.30 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA 2
11 W 11-08-21 114.45 144.80 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA 3
12 T 12-08-21 115.41 158.49 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI 4
13 F 13-08-21 116.37 172.33 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI 5
14 S 14-08-21 117.34 186.27 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI 6
15 S 15-08-21 118.30 200.31 16 VISHAKHA SAPTHAMI 7
16 M 16-08-21 119.26 214.41 17 ANURADHA ASHTAMI 8
17 T 17-08-21 120.22 228.57 18 JYESHTA DASAMI 10
18 W 18-08-21 121.19 242.76 19 MOOLA EKADASI 11
19 T 19-08-21 122.15 256.96 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI 12
20 F 20-08-21 123.11 271.11 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI 13
21 S 21-08-21 124.08 285.16 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS 14
22 S 22-08-21 125.04 299.02 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI 15
23 M 23-08-21 126.01 312.64 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA 16
24 T 24-08-21 126.97 325.96 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA 17
25 W 25-08-21 127.94 338.94 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA 18
26 T 26-08-21 128.90 351.60 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI 19
27 F 27-08-21 129.87 3.96 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI 20
28 S 28-08-21 130.84 16.06 2 BHARANI SHASHTI 21
29 S 29-08-21 131.80 27.98 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI 22
30 M 30-08-21 132.77 39.80 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI 23
31 T 31-08-21 133.74 51.60 4 ROHINI NAVAMI 24
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-09-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 W 01-09-2021 14 41 26 52 1 30 24 28 13 59 8 25 3 33 11 51
2 T 02-09-2021 15 38 27 28 1 23 25 38 13 55 9 47 15 37 11 48
3 F 03-09-2021 16 36 28 7 1 15 26 47 13 52 11 7 27 56 11 45
4 S 04-09-2021 17 35 28 46 1 8 27 57 13 49 12 26 10 33 11 42
5 S 05-09-2021 18 33 29 25 1 1 29 7 13 46 13 44 23 31 11 39
6 M 06-09-2021 19 31 0 3 0 54 0 17 13 42 14 59 6 50 11 36
7 T 07-09-2021 20 29 0 42 0 47 1 26 13 39 16 13 20 29 11 34
8 W 08-09-2021 21 28 1 21 0 40 2 36 13 36 17 26 4 24 11 31
9 T 09-09-2021 22 26 2 0 0 33 3 45 13 33 18 36 18 31 11 28
10 F 10-09-2021 23 24 2 39 0 26 4 54 13 31 19 45 2 46 11 25
11 S 11-09-2021 24 23 3 18 0 20 6 3 13 28 20 51 17 3 11 22
12 S 12-09-2021 25 21 3 57 0 13 7 12 13 25 21 56 1 18 11 20
13 M 13-09-2021 26 20 4 36 0 7 8 21 13 23 22 58 15 30 11 17
14 T 14-09-2021 27 18 5 15 0 1 9 30 13 20 23 57 29 36 11 14
15 W 15-09-2021 28 17 5 54 29 55 10 39 13 18 24 54 13 36 11 11
16 T 16-09-2021 29 15 6 33 29 49 11 48 13 15 25 48 27 30 11 8
17 F 17-09-2021 0 14 7 13 29 43 12 57 13 13 26 39 11 16 11 6
18 S 18-09-2021 1 12 7 52 29 37 14 5 13 11 27 27 24 54 11 3
19 S 19-09-2021 2 11 8 31 29 32 15 13 13 9 28 11 8 21 11 0
20 M 20-09-2021 3 10 9 10 29 26 16 22 13 7 28 51 21 35 10 57
21 T 21-09-2021 4 8 9 49 29 21 17 30 13 5 29 27 4 35 10 54
22 W 22-09-2021 5 7 10 29 29 16 18 38 13 3 29 59 17 20 10 51
23 T 23-09-2021 6 6 11 8 29 11 19 46 13 1 0 26 29 49 10 48
24 F 24-09-2021 7 4 11 47 29 6 20 54 12 59 0 48 12 3 10 46
25 S 25-09-2021 8 3 12 26 29 2 22 1 12 58 1 5 24 5 10 43
26 S 26-09-2021 9 2 13 6 28 58 23 9 12 56 1 16 5 58 10 40
27 M 27-09-2021 10 1 13 45 28 53 24 16 12 55 1 20 17 46 10 28
28 T 28-09-2021 10 58 14 16 28 50 25 23 12 54 1 17 29 34 10 25
29 W 29-09-2021 11 57 14 56 28 46 26 30 12 53 1 8 11 27 10 22
30 T 30-09-2021 12 56 15 35 28 42 27 38 12 51 0 52 23 30 10 19
31 F 01-10-2021 13 55 16 15 28 39 28 44 12 50 0 28 5 49 10 16
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 W 01-09-21 134.69 63.56 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI 25
2 T 02-09-21 135.64 75.63 6 ARIDRA DASAMI 25
3 F 03-09-21 136.61 87.94 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI 26
4 S 04-09-21 137.58 100.56 8 PUSHYA DWADASI 27
5 S 05-09-21 138.55 113.53 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI 28
6 M 06-09-21 139.53 126.84 10 MAKAM CHATHURDAS 29
7 T 07-09-21 140.50 140.49 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA 30
8 W 08-09-21 141.47 154.41 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA 2
9 T 09-09-21 142.44 168.53 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA 3
10 F 10-09-21 143.41 182.77 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI 4
11 S 11-09-21 144.39 197.05 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI 5
12 S 12-09-21 145.36 211.31 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI 6
13 M 13-09-21 146.33 225.50 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI 7
14 T 14-09-21 147.31 239.61 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI 8
15 W 15-09-21 148.28 253.61 20 POORVASHAD NAVAMI 9
16 T 16-09-21 149.26 267.51 21 UTHRASHADA DASAMI 10
17 F 17-09-21 150.24 281.28 22 SRAVANA EKADASI 11
18 S 18-09-21 151.21 294.91 23 DHANISHTA DWADASI 12
19 S 19-09-21 152.19 308.35 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS 14
20 M 20-09-21 153.17 321.59 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI 15
21 T 21-09-21 154.15 334.59 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA 16
22 W 22-09-21 155.12 347.33 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA 17
23 T 23-09-21 156.10 359.82 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA 17
24 F 24-09-21 157.08 12.06 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA 18
25 S 25-09-21 158.06 24.10 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI 19
26 S 26-09-21 159.04 35.98 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI 20
27 M 27-09-21 160.02 47.78 4 ROHINI SHASHTI 21
28 T 28-09-21 160.98 59.57 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI 22
29 W 29-09-21 161.96 71.45 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI 23
30 T 30-09-21 162.95 83.51 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI 24
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-10-2021 | |
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| | | MER | SUN |
| | | VEN | MAR |
| | KET | | |
| | | | LAG |
| | | GUL | |
LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 F 01-10-2021 13 56 16 17 28 39 28 45 12 50 0 28 5 54 10 16
2 S 02-10-2021 14 55 16 55 28 35 29 52 12 50 29 56 18 33 10 13
3 S 03-10-2021 15 54 17 34 28 32 0 58 12 49 29 17 1 36 10 10
4 M 04-10-2021 16 53 18 14 28 29 2 5 12 48 28 30 15 4 10 8
5 T 05-10-2021 17 52 18 53 28 27 3 11 12 47 27 37 28 57 10 5
6 W 06-10-2021 18 51 19 33 28 24 4 17 12 47 26 37 13 11 10 2
7 T 07-10-2021 19 50 20 13 28 22 5 23 12 47 25 32 27 42 9 59
8 F 08-10-2021 20 50 20 53 28 20 6 29 12 46 24 24 12 22 9 56
9 S 09-10-2021 21 49 21 32 28 18 7 34 12 46 23 13 27 5 9 54
10 S 10-10-2021 22 48 22 12 28 16 8 39 12 46 22 2 11 43 9 51
11 M 11-10-2021 23 48 22 52 28 14 9 45 12 46 20 53 26 12 9 48
12 T 12-10-2021 24 47 23 32 28 13 10 50 12 46 19 48 10 28 9 45
13 W 13-10-2021 25 46 24 12 28 12 11 54 12 46 18 48 24 30 9 42
14 T 14-10-2021 26 46 24 52 28 11 12 59 12 46 17 55 8 16 9 40
15 F 15-10-2021 27 45 25 32 28 10 14 3 12 47 17 12 21 48 9 37
16 S 16-10-2021 28 45 26 12 28 10 15 7 12 47 16 38 5 5 9 34
17 S 17-10-2021 29 44 26 52 28 9 16 11 12 48 16 14 18 10 9 31
18 M 18-10-2021 0 44 27 32 28 9 17 15 12 49 16 2 1 1 9 28
19 T 19-10-2021 1 43 28 12 28 9 18 18 12 49 16 1 13 41 9 25
20 W 20-10-2021 2 43 28 52 28 9 19 21 12 50 16 11 26 7 9 23
21 T 21-10-2021 3 43 29 32 28 10 20 24 12 51 16 31 8 23 9 20
22 F 22-10-2021 4 42 0 12 28 11 21 26 12 52 17 2 20 28 9 17
23 S 23-10-2021 5 42 0 52 28 11 22 29 12 54 17 41 2 24 9 14
24 S 24-10-2021 6 42 1 32 28 12 23 31 12 55 18 29 14 14 9 2
25 M 25-10-2021 7 41 2 7 28 14 24 33 12 56 19 24 26 1 8 59
26 T 26-10-2021 8 41 2 47 28 16 25 35 12 58 20 26 7 49 8 56
27 W 27-10-2021 9 41 3 27 28 17 26 36 12 59 21 34 19 41 8 53
28 T 28-10-2021 10 41 4 7 28 19 27 37 13 1 22 47 1 43 8 50
29 F 29-10-2021 11 41 4 48 28 21 28 37 13 3 24 5 13 59 8 47
30 S 30-10-2021 12 41 5 28 28 23 29 37 13 5 25 26 26 35 8 45
31 S 31-10-2021 13 41 6 9 28 26 0 36 13 7 26 51 9 34 8 42
32 M 01-11-2021 14 41 6 49 28 28 1 36 13 9 28 18 23 0 8 39
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 F 01-10-21 163.94 95.90 8 PUSHYA DASAMI 25
2 S 02-10-21 164.92 108.55 9 ASLESHA EKADASI 26
3 S 03-10-21 165.91 121.60 10 MAGHA DWADASI 27
4 M 04-10-21 166.89 135.07 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI 28
5 T 05-10-21 167.88 148.95 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS 29
6 W 06-10-21 168.86 163.19 13 HASTHA AMAVASYA 30
7 T 07-10-21 169.85 177.70 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA 1
8 F 08-10-21 170.84 192.36 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA 2
9 S 09-10-21 171.82 207.07 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA 3
10 S 10-10-21 172.81 221.71 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI 5
11 M 11-10-21 173.80 236.20 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI 6
12 T 12-10-21 174.79 250.47 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI 7
13 W 13-10-21 175.78 264.49 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI 8
14 T 14-10-21 176.77 278.27 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI 9
15 F 15-10-21 177.76 291.80 22 SRAVANA DASAMI 10
16 S 16-10-21 178.75 305.10 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI 11
17 S 17-10-21 179.75 318.18 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI 12
18 M 18-10-21 180.74 331.04 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI 13
19 T 19-10-21 181.73 343.69 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS 14
20 W 20-10-21 182.72 356.14 27 REVATI POURNAMI 15
21 T 21-10-21 183.72 8.39 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA 16
22 F 22-10-21 184.71 20.48 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA 17
23 S 23-10-21 185.71 32.41 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA 18
24 S 24-10-21 186.70 44.25 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI 19
25 M 25-10-21 187.70 56.03 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI 20
26 T 26-10-21 188.69 67.82 6 ARIDRA PANCHAMI 20
27 W 27-10-21 189.69 79.69 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI 21
28 T 28-10-21 190.69 91.72 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI 22
29 F 29-10-21 191.69 103.99 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI 23
30 S 30-10-21 192.69 116.59 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI 24
31 S 31-10-21 193.69 129.58 10 MAKAM DASAMI 25
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | MOO |
| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-11-2021 | |
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| | | SUN | MER |
| VEN | | MAR | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 M 01-11-2021 14 41 6 50 28 28 1 36 13 9 28 19 23 5 8 39
2 T 02-11-2021 15 41 7 30 28 31 2 35 13 11 29 48 6 58 8 36
3 W 03-11-2021 16 41 8 11 28 34 3 33 13 13 1 20 21 18 8 33
4 T 04-11-2021 17 41 8 51 28 38 4 31 13 16 2 53 5 59 8 30
5 F 05-11-2021 18 41 9 32 28 41 5 28 13 18 4 27 20 56 8 28
6 S 06-11-2021 19 41 10 12 28 45 6 25 13 21 6 2 6 0 8 25
7 S 07-11-2021 20 42 10 53 28 48 7 22 13 23 7 38 21 2 8 22
8 M 08-11-2021 21 42 11 34 28 52 8 17 13 26 9 14 5 54 8 19
9 T 09-11-2021 22 42 12 14 28 57 9 13 13 29 10 50 20 30 8 17
10 W 10-11-2021 23 42 12 55 29 1 10 8 13 32 12 27 4 45 8 14
11 T 11-11-2021 24 43 13 36 29 6 11 2 13 35 14 4 18 37 8 11
12 F 12-11-2021 25 43 14 17 29 10 11 55 13 38 15 41 2 7 8 8
13 S 13-11-2021 26 43 14 58 29 15 12 48 13 41 17 18 15 16 8 5
14 S 14-11-2021 27 43 15 39 29 20 13 41 13 44 18 55 28 7 8 2
15 M 15-11-2021 28 44 16 19 29 26 14 32 13 48 20 31 10 42 8 0
16 T 16-11-2021 29 44 17 0 29 31 15 23 13 51 22 8 23 4 7 57
17 W 17-11-2021 0 45 17 41 29 37 16 13 13 55 23 44 5 15 7 54
18 T 18-11-2021 1 45 18 22 29 42 17 3 13 59 25 21 17 17 7 51
19 F 19-11-2021 2 46 19 3 29 48 17 51 14 2 26 57 29 13 7 48
20 S 20-11-2021 3 46 19 44 29 55 18 39 14 6 28 33 11 3 7 36
21 S 21-11-2021 4 48 20 23 0 1 19 29 14 10 0 9 22 52 7 33
22 M 22-11-2021 5 48 21 4 0 8 20 15 14 14 1 45 4 39 7 30
23 T 23-11-2021 6 49 21 45 0 14 21 0 14 18 3 20 16 30 7 27
24 W 24-11-2021 7 49 22 26 0 21 21 44 14 22 4 55 28 25 7 24
25 T 25-11-2021 8 50 23 8 0 28 22 28 14 27 6 30 10 29 7 22
26 F 26-11-2021 9 51 23 49 0 35 23 10 14 31 8 5 22 45 7 19
27 S 27-11-2021 10 51 24 30 0 42 23 51 14 35 9 40 5 17 7 16
28 S 28-11-2021 11 52 25 12 0 50 24 30 14 40 11 14 18 9 7 13
29 M 29-11-2021 12 53 25 53 0 57 25 9 14 44 12 49 1 26 7 10
30 T 30-11-2021 13 53 26 35 1 5 25 46 14 49 14 23 15 9 7 7
31 W 01-12-2021 14 54 27 16 1 13 26 22 14 53 15 57 29 19 7 4
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 M 01-11-21 194.69 143.09 11 PUBBA EKADASI 26
2 T 02-11-21 195.69 156.98 12 UTHARA DWADASI 27
3 W 03-11-21 196.69 171.31 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI 28
4 T 04-11-21 197.69 186.00 14 CHITHRA AMAVASYA 30
5 F 05-11-21 198.70 200.95 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA 1
6 S 06-11-21 199.70 216.01 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA 2
7 S 07-11-21 200.70 231.05 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA 3
8 M 08-11-21 201.70 245.92 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI 4
9 T 09-11-21 202.71 260.52 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI 5
10 W 10-11-21 203.71 274.77 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI 6
11 T 11-11-21 204.72 288.64 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI 7
12 F 12-11-21 205.72 302.14 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI 9
13 S 13-11-21 206.73 315.29 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI 10
14 S 14-11-21 207.73 328.13 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI 11
15 M 15-11-21 208.74 340.72 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI 11
16 T 16-11-21 209.75 353.08 27 REVATI DWADASI 12
17 W 17-11-21 210.75 5.26 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI 13
18 T 18-11-21 211.76 17.30 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS 14
19 F 19-11-21 212.77 29.22 3 KRITHIKA POURNAMI 15
20 S 20-11-21 213.78 41.07 4 ROHINI PRATHAMA 16
21 S 21-11-21 214.80 52.86 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA 17
22 M 22-11-21 215.81 64.66 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 18
23 T 23-11-21 216.82 76.50 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI 19
24 W 24-11-21 217.83 88.42 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI 20
25 T 25-11-21 218.84 100.48 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI 21
26 F 26-11-21 219.85 112.75 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI 22
27 S 27-11-21 220.86 125.28 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI 23
28 S 28-11-21 221.87 138.16 11 PUBBA NAVAMI 24
29 M 29-11-21 222.89 151.43 12 UTHARA DASAMI 25
30 T 30-11-21 223.90 165.15 13 HASTHA EKADASI 26
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-12-2021 | |
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| | SUN MER | | MOO |
| VEN | | MAR | |
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Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 W 01-12-2021 14 54 27 16 1 13 26 22 14 54 15 58 29 22 7 4
2 T 02-12-2021 15 55 27 58 1 21 26 57 14 58 17 32 13 58 7 2
3 F 03-12-2021 16 56 28 39 1 29 27 30 15 3 19 6 28 55 6 59
4 S 04-12-2021 17 57 29 21 1 38 28 2 15 8 20 40 14 5 6 56
5 S 05-12-2021 18 58 0 2 1 46 28 32 15 13 22 14 29 19 6 53
6 M 06-12-2021 19 58 0 44 1 55 29 0 15 18 23 48 14 29 6 51
7 T 07-12-2021 20 59 1 26 2 4 29 27 15 23 25 22 29 23 6 48
8 W 08-12-2021 22 0 2 7 2 13 29 52 15 28 26 56 13 56 6 45
9 T 09-12-2021 23 1 2 49 2 22 0 15 15 34 28 30 28 3 6 42
10 F 10-12-2021 24 2 3 31 2 31 0 37 15 39 0 4 11 41 6 39
11 S 11-12-2021 25 3 4 13 2 40 0 57 15 44 1 38 24 53 6 36
12 S 12-12-2021 26 4 4 54 2 49 1 14 15 50 3 12 7 40 6 34
13 M 13-12-2021 27 4 5 36 2 59 1 30 15 55 4 46 20 8 6 31
14 T 14-12-2021 28 5 6 18 3 9 1 43 16 1 6 21 2 20 6 28
15 W 15-12-2021 29 6 7 0 3 19 1 54 16 6 7 55 14 21 6 25
16 T 16-12-2021 0 7 7 42 3 28 2 3 16 12 9 29 26 14 6 22
17 F 17-12-2021 1 8 8 24 3 39 2 10 16 18 11 3 8 3 6 10
18 S 18-12-2021 2 11 9 7 3 49 2 21 16 24 12 39 19 51 6 7
19 S 19-12-2021 3 12 9 49 3 59 2 23 16 30 14 14 1 40 6 4
20 M 20-12-2021 4 13 10 31 4 10 2 22 16 26 15 48 13 32 6 1
21 T 21-12-2021 5 14 11 13 4 20 2 20 16 32 17 22 25 28 5 58
22 W 22-12-2021 6 15 11 55 4 31 2 14 16 38 18 56 7 32 5 56
23 T 23-12-2021 7 16 12 37 4 42 2 6 16 45 20 30 19 44 5 53
24 F 24-12-2021 8 17 13 20 4 53 1 56 16 51 22 3 2 7 5 50
25 S 25-12-2021 9 18 14 2 5 4 1 43 16 57 23 37 14 42 5 47
26 S 26-12-2021 10 20 14 44 5 15 1 28 17 3 25 9 27 34 5 44
27 M 27-12-2021 11 21 15 27 5 26 1 10 17 9 26 42 10 43 5 41
28 T 28-12-2021 12 22 16 9 5 37 0 50 17 16 28 13 24 14 5 39
29 W 29-12-2021 13 23 16 52 5 48 0 27 17 22 29 44 8 9 5 36
30 T 30-12-2021 14 24 17 34 6 0 0 3 17 28 1 13 22 27 5 33
31 F 31-12-2021 15 25 18 17 6 11 29 36 17 35 2 41 7 8 5 30
32 S 01-01-2022 16 26 18 59 6 23 29 7 17 41 4 7 22 6 5 27
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 W 01-12-21 224.92 179.38 14 CHITHRA DWADASI 27
2 T 02-12-21 225.93 193.97 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI 28
3 F 03-12-21 226.94 208.91 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURDAS 29
4 S 04-12-21 227.95 224.08 17 ANURADHA AMAVASYA 30
5 S 05-12-21 228.97 239.33 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA 1
6 M 06-12-21 229.98 254.49 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA 3
7 T 07-12-21 230.99 269.40 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI 4
8 W 08-12-21 232.01 283.95 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI 5
9 T 09-12-21 233.02 298.05 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI 6
10 F 10-12-21 234.04 311.69 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI 7
11 S 11-12-21 235.05 324.89 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI 8
12 S 12-12-21 236.07 337.68 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI 9
13 M 13-12-21 237.08 350.14 27 REVATI DASAMI 10
14 T 14-12-21 238.10 2.35 1 ASWINI EKADASI 11
15 W 15-12-21 239.11 14.36 2 BHARANI DWADASI 12
16 T 16-12-21 240.13 26.25 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI 13
17 F 17-12-21 241.15 38.07 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS 14
18 S 18-12-21 242.20 49.85 4 ROHINI CHATHURDAS 14
19 S 19-12-21 243.21 61.66 5 MRIGASIRA POURNAMI 15
20 M 20-12-21 244.23 73.53 6 ARIDRA PRATHAMA 16
21 T 21-12-21 245.25 85.48 7 PUNARVASU DWITHEEYA 17
22 W 22-12-21 246.26 97.54 8 PUSHYA THRITHEEYA 18
23 T 23-12-21 247.28 109.74 9 ASLESHA CHATHURTHI 19
24 F 24-12-21 248.30 122.12 10 MAGHA PANCHAMI 20
25 S 25-12-21 249.32 134.71 11 PUBBA SHASHTI 21
26 S 26-12-21 250.33 147.56 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI 22
27 M 27-12-21 251.35 160.72 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI 23
28 T 28-12-21 252.37 174.24 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI 24
29 W 29-12-21 253.39 188.15 15 SWATHI DASAMI 25
30 T 30-12-21 254.40 202.45 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI 26
31 F 31-12-21 255.42 217.12 17 ANURADHA DWADASI 27
Samudaya Rashmi
Planet Rashmi
Samudaya Rashmi 22
On Shatru Badha - One of the most important aspects of V A Horary
For Chara Rasis the 11H is the Badhasthana
For Sthira Rasis the 9H is the Badhasthana
For Ubhaya Rasis the 7H is the Badhasthana
Mandeesha also is Badhaka
All planets with Mandeesh are Badhaka
All planets with Badhakesh are also Badhaka
( Charodaye Labha Gruhe Thu Badha ....... )
If Jupiter and the Sun tenant Badhasthana- Enemy is rich and handsome
If Mars- is a hunchback
If Mercury- is of big build
If Saturn- is lame.
If Venus- is a woman
( Shatruswaroopam Ripugena Vachyam ..........)
If the 6H lord is in Badhastana- Badha is obvious
If Badhakesh in the 6H- Badha is predicted
If Mandeesha is in 6H- Badha is obvious
If 6H lord is with Gulika- Badha is clear.
( Badheswarasya Yogekshanam Ari Bhavane Shatrunathasya Yogo.... )
No 6th Lord in Badha
No Badhakesh in 6H
No Mandeesha in 6 H
No 6th lord with Gulika
No Badhakesh in 4 H
No Badhakesh in 7 H
Badhasthe Gulikedhava Gulikape Prethodbhava Syadruja......
Gulika is not in Badhasthana
Problems from Brahma Rakshas Seen as Jup is with Gulika
No conjunction of Badhakesh & Areesh
No Opposition of Badhakesh & Areesh
No Badhakesh in Areesh's Houses
V I B A L A Planets in the Sixfold Strength
Knowest thou not that planets called Vibala
Are planets weak in the Sixfold Strength?
Cancellation Bhanga they cause of Raja Yoga
And are harmful in their nature; Learned One!
This program checks for weak planets; weak in Shad Bala
Know that Weak Planets cause Raja Yoga Bhanga
Exalted with other strengths is Sampoorna called; best
Devoid of other strengths is Poorna; of medium strength
Below its average strength in Sixfold is Riktha; weak
Use these terms for correct prognostication O Noble One!
1 SUN 4
2 MOO 3
3 MAR 3
4 MER 5
5 JUP 3
6 VEN 3
7 SAT 4
Wealth Factors governing Horoscopy
The lords of Two Five Nine Eleven
Rule wealth; Six Eight Twelve lords
Cause ruin & misery; they generate
Fear of enemies during their reign!
The Rays of the Ninth Lords from Asc & Luna
Add these two to get the Total Ray Strength
Take remainder from Twelve; Sign from Moon
That Sign is Dhana Lagna or Wealth Asc called !
Ninth lord from Asc; VENUS
Ninth Lord from Luna; MERCURY
Wealth Asc ( Dhana Lagna ): 5
Of wealth beyond the dreams of Avarice know
Wealthy the native becomes based on strength
Of Dhana Lagna; if it be powerful and benign
Result is positive; else predict Negativity!
Second Lord From Dhana Lagna: MERCURY
Fifth Lord from Dhana Lagna: JUPITER
Ninth Lord from Dhana Lagna; MARS
Eleventh lord from Dhana Lagna; MERCURY
Wealth Percentage : 16.58333333333333
The Five Limbs of Time are
Vara Date Sun Moo Star Lunation Nithya Yoga
1 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
2 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
3 Sat 02-01-21 257.42 108.77 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
4 Sun 03-01-21 258.43 122.13 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
5 Mon 04-01-21 259.45 135.68 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
6 Tue 05-01-21 260.47 149.42 12 UTHARA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
7 Wed 06-01-21 261.49 163.33 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
8 Thu 07-01-21 262.50 177.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
9 Fri 08-01-21 263.52 191.58 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
10 Sat 09-01-21 264.54 205.87 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
11 Sun 10-01-21 265.55 220.22 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
12 Mon 11-01-21 266.57 234.57 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
13 Tue 12-01-21 267.59 248.85 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
14 Wed 13-01-21 268.61 262.99 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
15 Thu 14-01-21 269.62 276.90 21 UTHRASHADA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
16 Fri 15-01-21 270.64 290.53 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
17 Sat 16-01-21 271.66 303.82 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
18 Sun 17-01-21 272.67 316.76 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
19 Mon 18-01-21 273.69 329.37 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
20 Tue 19-01-21 274.70 341.68 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
21 Wed 20-01-21 275.72 353.75 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
22 Thu 21-01-21 276.74 5.66 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
23 Fri 22-01-21 277.80 17.48 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
24 Sat 23-01-21 278.81 29.31 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
25 Sun 24-01-21 279.83 41.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
26 Mon 25-01-21 280.84 53.34 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
27 Tue 26-01-21 281.86 65.68 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
28 Wed 27-01-21 282.87 78.32 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
29 Thu 28-01-21 283.89 91.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS PRITI
30 Fri 29-01-21 284.90 104.55 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI AYUSHMAN
31 Sat 30-01-21 285.92 118.13 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
32 Sun 31-01-21 286.93 131.95 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
33 Mon 01-02-21 287.94 145.96 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
34 Tue 02-02-21 288.96 160.08 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
35 Wed 03-02-21 289.97 174.25 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI DHRITI
36 Thu 04-02-21 290.98 188.41 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
37 Fri 05-02-21 291.99 202.54 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
38 Sat 06-02-21 293.01 216.60 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
39 Sun 07-02-21 294.02 230.59 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
40 Mon 08-02-21 295.03 244.51 19 MOOLA EKADASI HARSHANA
41 Tue 09-02-21 296.04 258.32 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI VAJRA
42 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
43 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
44 Sat 02-01-21 257.42 108.77 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
45 Sun 03-01-21 258.43 122.13 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
46 Mon 04-01-21 259.45 135.68 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
47 Tue 05-01-21 260.47 149.42 12 UTHARA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
48 Wed 06-01-21 261.49 163.33 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
49 Thu 07-01-21 262.50 177.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
50 Fri 08-01-21 263.52 191.58 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
51 Sat 09-01-21 264.54 205.87 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
52 Sun 10-01-21 265.55 220.22 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
53 Mon 11-01-21 266.57 234.57 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
54 Tue 12-01-21 267.59 248.85 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
55 Wed 13-01-21 268.61 262.99 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
56 Thu 14-01-21 269.62 276.90 21 UTHRASHADA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
57 Fri 15-01-21 270.64 290.53 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
58 Sat 16-01-21 271.66 303.82 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
59 Sun 17-01-21 272.67 316.76 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
60 Mon 18-01-21 273.69 329.37 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
61 Tue 19-01-21 274.70 341.68 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
62 Wed 20-01-21 275.72 353.75 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
63 Thu 21-01-21 276.74 5.66 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
64 Fri 22-01-21 277.80 17.48 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
65 Sat 23-01-21 278.81 29.31 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
66 Sun 24-01-21 279.83 41.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
67 Mon 25-01-21 280.84 53.34 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
68 Tue 26-01-21 281.86 65.68 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
69 Wed 27-01-21 282.87 78.32 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
70 Thu 28-01-21 283.89 91.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS PRITI
71 Fri 29-01-21 284.90 104.55 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI AYUSHMAN
72 Sat 30-01-21 285.92 118.13 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
73 Sun 31-01-21 286.93 131.95 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
74 Mon 01-02-21 287.94 145.96 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
75 Tue 02-02-21 288.96 160.08 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
76 Wed 03-02-21 289.97 174.25 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI DHRITI
77 Thu 04-02-21 290.98 188.41 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
78 Fri 05-02-21 291.99 202.54 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
79 Sat 06-02-21 293.01 216.60 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
80 Sun 07-02-21 294.02 230.59 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
81 Mon 08-02-21 295.03 244.51 19 MOOLA EKADASI HARSHANA
82 Tue 09-02-21 296.04 258.32 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI VAJRA
83 Wed 10-02-21 297.05 272.00 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI SIDDHI
84 Thu 11-02-21 298.06 285.52 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS VYATIPATA
85 Fri 12-02-21 299.07 298.83 23 DHANISHTA AMAVASYA VARIYAN
86 Sat 13-02-21 300.08 311.89 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA PARIGHA
87 Sun 14-02-21 301.09 324.69 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SIVA
88 Mon 15-02-21 302.10 337.22 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA SIDDHA
89 Tue 16-02-21 303.11 349.49 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI SADHYA
90 Wed 17-02-21 304.12 1.55 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI SUBHA
91 Thu 18-02-21 305.17 13.45 2 BHARANI SHASHTI SUKLA
92 Fri 19-02-21 306.17 25.26 2 BHARANI SAPTHAMI BRAHMA
93 Sat 20-02-21 307.18 37.07 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI INDRA
94 Sun 21-02-21 308.19 48.98 4 ROHINI NAVAMI VAIDHRITI
95 Mon 22-02-21 309.19 61.07 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI VISHKAMBH
96 Tue 23-02-21 310.20 73.44 6 ARIDRA EKADASI PRITI
97 Wed 24-02-21 311.21 86.16 7 PUNARVASU DWADASI AYUSHMAN
98 Thu 25-02-21 312.21 99.27 8 PUSHYA THRAYODASI SAUBHAGYA
99 Fri 26-02-21 313.21 112.80 9 ASLESHA CHATHURDAS SOBHANA
100 Sat 27-02-21 314.22 126.72 10 MAKAM POURNAMI SUKARMAN
101 Sun 28-02-21 315.22 140.96 11 PUBBA PRATHAMA DHRITI
102 Mon 01-03-21 316.23 155.44 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SOOLA
103 Tue 02-03-21 317.23 170.03 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA GANDA
104 Wed 03-03-21 318.23 184.62 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI VRIDDHI
105 Thu 04-03-21 319.23 199.11 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI DHRUVA
106 Fri 05-03-21 320.23 213.42 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
107 Sat 06-03-21 321.23 227.52 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI VAJRA
108 Sun 07-03-21 322.23 241.40 19 MOOLA NAVAMI SIDDHI
109 Mon 08-03-21 323.23 255.07 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI VYATIPATA
110 Tue 09-03-21 324.23 268.54 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI VARIYAN
111 Wed 10-03-21 325.23 281.84 22 SRAVANA DWADASI PARIGHA
112 Thu 11-03-21 326.23 294.95 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI SIVA
113 Fri 12-03-21 327.23 307.88 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
114 Sat 13-03-21 328.23 320.62 25 POORVABHAD AMAVASYA SADHYA
115 Sun 14-03-21 329.22 333.16 25 POORVABHAD PRATHAMA SUBHA
116 Mon 15-03-21 330.22 345.50 26 UTHARABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKLA
117 Tue 16-03-21 331.22 357.65 27 REVATI THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
118 Wed 17-03-21 332.21 9.64 1 ASWINI CHATHURTHI INDRA
119 Thu 18-03-21 333.24 21.49 2 BHARANI PANCHAMI VAIDHRITI
120 Fri 19-03-21 334.23 33.28 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VISHKAMBH
121 Sat 20-03-21 335.22 45.08 4 ROHINI SHASHTI PRITI
122 Sun 21-03-21 336.22 56.96 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
123 Mon 22-03-21 337.21 69.01 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
124 Tue 23-03-21 338.20 81.34 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI SOBHANA
125 Wed 24-03-21 339.19 94.03 8 PUSHYA DASAMI ATIGANDA
126 Thu 25-03-21 340.18 107.14 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SUKARMAN
127 Fri 26-03-21 341.17 120.73 10 MAGHA DWADASI DHRITI
128 Sat 27-03-21 342.16 134.78 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI SOOLA
129 Sun 28-03-21 343.15 149.25 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS GANDA
130 Mon 29-03-21 344.14 164.04 13 HASTHA POURNAMI DHRUVA
131 Tue 30-03-21 345.13 179.01 14 CHITHRA DWITHEEYA VYAGHATA
132 Wed 31-03-21 346.12 194.01 15 SWATHI THRITHEEYA HARSHANA
133 Thu 01-04-21 347.11 208.88 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI VAJRA
134 Fri 02-04-21 348.09 223.53 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI SIDDHI
135 Sat 03-04-21 349.08 237.86 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI VARIYAN
136 Sun 04-04-21 350.06 251.86 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI PARIGHA
137 Mon 05-04-21 351.05 265.53 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI SIVA
138 Tue 06-04-21 352.04 278.88 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SIDDHA
139 Wed 07-04-21 353.02 291.96 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SADHYA
140 Thu 08-04-21 354.00 304.80 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI SUBHA
141 Fri 09-04-21 354.99 317.43 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI SUKLA
142 Sat 10-04-21 355.97 329.88 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI BRAHMA
143 Sun 11-04-21 356.95 342.15 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS INDRA
144 Mon 12-04-21 357.93 354.27 27 REVATI AMAVASYA VAIDHRITI
145 Tue 13-04-21 358.92 6.26 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VISHKAMBH
146 Wed 14-04-21 359.91 18.13 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA PRITI
147 Thu 15-04-21 0.89 29.94 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
148 Fri 16-04-21 1.88 41.72 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI SAUBHAGYA
149 Sat 17-04-21 2.85 53.52 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI SOBHANA
150 Sun 18-04-21 3.83 65.42 5 MRIGASIRA SHASHTI ATIGANDA
151 Mon 19-04-21 4.81 77.47 6 ARIDRA SAPTHAMI SUKARMAN
152 Tue 20-04-21 5.78 89.77 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI DHRITI
153 Wed 21-04-21 6.76 102.40 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SOOLA
154 Thu 22-04-21 7.74 115.43 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI GANDA
155 Fri 23-04-21 8.71 128.93 10 MAKAM EKADASI VRIDDHI
156 Sat 24-04-21 9.69 142.91 11 PUBBA DWADASI DHRUVA
157 Sun 25-04-21 10.66 157.35 12 UTHARA THRAYODASI VYAGHATA
158 Mon 26-04-21 11.63 172.18 13 HASTHA CHATHURDAS HARSHANA
159 Tue 27-04-21 12.61 187.28 15 SWATHI POURNAMI VAJRA
160 Wed 28-04-21 13.58 202.49 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA VYATIPATA
161 Thu 29-04-21 14.55 217.65 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA VARIYAN
162 Fri 30-04-21 15.52 232.60 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
163 Sat 01-05-21 16.50 247.23 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI SIVA
164 Sun 02-05-21 17.47 261.47 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI SIDDHA
165 Mon 03-05-21 18.44 275.30 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI SUBHA
166 Tue 04-05-21 19.41 288.72 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI SUKLA
167 Wed 05-05-21 20.38 301.77 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI BRAHMA
168 Thu 06-05-21 21.35 314.51 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI INDRA
169 Fri 07-05-21 22.32 326.97 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI VAIDHRITI
170 Sat 08-05-21 23.28 339.22 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI VISHKAMBH
171 Sun 09-05-21 24.25 351.30 27 REVATI THRAYODASI PRITI
172 Mon 10-05-21 25.22 3.25 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS AYUSHMAN
173 Tue 11-05-21 26.18 15.11 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA SAUBHAGYA
174 Wed 12-05-21 27.15 26.92 3 KRITHIKA AMAVASYA SOBHANA
175 Thu 13-05-21 28.11 38.70 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
176 Fri 14-05-21 29.08 50.51 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA ATIGANDA
177 Sat 15-05-21 30.04 62.38 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SUKARMAN
178 Sun 16-05-21 31.01 74.37 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI DHRITI
179 Mon 17-05-21 31.97 86.51 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI SOOLA
180 Tue 18-05-21 32.93 98.87 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI GANDA
181 Wed 19-05-21 33.90 111.52 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI VRIDDHI
182 Thu 20-05-21 34.86 124.50 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI DHRUVA
183 Fri 21-05-21 35.82 137.89 11 PUBBA NAVAMI HARSHANA
184 Sat 22-05-21 36.79 151.71 12 UTHARA DASAMI VAJRA
185 Sun 23-05-21 37.75 165.96 13 HASTHA EKADASI SIDDHI
186 Mon 24-05-21 38.71 180.61 14 CHITHRA DWADASI VYATIPATA
187 Tue 25-05-21 39.67 195.58 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI VARIYAN
188 Wed 26-05-21 40.64 210.73 16 VISHAKHA POURNAMI PARIGHA
189 Thu 27-05-21 41.60 225.91 17 ANURADHA PRATHAMA SIDDHA
190 Fri 28-05-21 42.56 240.98 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA SADHYA
191 Sat 29-05-21 43.52 255.79 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA SUBHA
192 Sun 30-05-21 44.48 270.23 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI SUKLA
193 Mon 31-05-21 45.44 284.24 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI BRAHMA
194 Tue 01-06-21 46.40 297.81 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI INDRA
195 Wed 02-06-21 47.36 310.94 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI VAIDHRITI
196 Thu 03-06-21 48.32 323.69 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI VISHKAMBH
197 Fri 04-06-21 49.28 336.12 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI PRITI
198 Sat 05-06-21 50.24 348.29 27 REVATI DASAMI AYUSHMAN
199 Sun 06-06-21 51.19 0.27 1 ASWINI EKADASI SAUBHAGYA
200 Mon 07-06-21 52.13 12.13 1 ASWINI DWADASI SOBHANA
201 Tue 08-06-21 53.09 23.93 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI ATIGANDA
202 Wed 09-06-21 54.04 35.72 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SUKARMAN
203 Thu 10-06-21 55.00 47.53 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA DHRITI
204 Fri 11-06-21 55.96 59.43 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA SOOLA
205 Sat 12-06-21 56.91 71.44 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA GANDA
206 Sun 13-06-21 57.87 83.59 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA VRIDDHI
207 Mon 14-06-21 58.83 95.93 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI DHRUVA
208 Tue 15-06-21 59.78 108.47 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI VYAGHATA
209 Wed 16-06-21 60.74 121.26 10 MAGHA SHASHTI HARSHANA
210 Thu 17-06-21 61.70 134.33 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI VAJRA
211 Fri 18-06-21 62.65 147.70 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI SIDDHI
212 Sat 19-06-21 63.61 161.41 13 HASTHA NAVAMI VYATIPATA
213 Sun 20-06-21 64.56 175.45 14 CHITHRA DASAMI PARIGHA
214 Mon 21-06-21 65.52 189.83 15 SWATHI EKADASI SIVA
215 Tue 22-06-21 66.48 204.49 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI SIDDHA
216 Wed 23-06-21 67.43 219.36 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI SADHYA
217 Thu 24-06-21 68.39 234.32 18 JYESHTA CHATHURDAS SUBHA
218 Fri 25-06-21 69.34 249.24 19 MOOLA POURNAMI SUKLA
219 Sat 26-06-21 70.30 264.00 20 POORVASHAD DWITHEEYA INDRA
220 Sun 27-06-21 71.25 278.47 21 UTHRASHADA THRITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
221 Mon 28-06-21 72.21 292.56 22 SRAVANA CHATHURTHI VISHKAMBH
222 Tue 29-06-21 73.16 306.23 23 DHANISHTA PANCHAMI PRITI
223 Wed 30-06-21 74.12 319.45 24 SATHABHISH SHASHTI AYUSHMAN
224 Thu 01-07-21 75.07 332.26 25 POORVABHAD SAPTHAMI SAUBHAGYA
225 Fri 02-07-21 76.03 344.71 26 UTHARABHAD ASHTAMI SOBHANA
226 Sat 03-07-21 76.98 356.88 27 REVATI NAVAMI ATIGANDA
227 Sun 04-07-21 77.94 8.84 1 ASWINI DASAMI SUKARMAN
228 Mon 05-07-21 78.86 20.67 2 BHARANI EKADASI DHRITI
229 Tue 06-07-21 79.81 32.46 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI SOOLA
230 Wed 07-07-21 80.77 44.28 4 ROHINI DWADASI GANDA
231 Thu 08-07-21 81.72 56.17 5 MRIGASIRA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
232 Fri 09-07-21 82.68 68.20 6 ARIDRA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
233 Sat 10-07-21 83.63 80.40 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
234 Sun 11-07-21 84.59 92.80 7 PUNARVASU PRATHAMA HARSHANA
235 Mon 12-07-21 85.54 105.42 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAJRA
236 Tue 13-07-21 86.50 118.26 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA SIDDHI
237 Wed 14-07-21 87.45 131.33 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI VYATIPATA
238 Thu 15-07-21 88.41 144.62 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI VARIYAN
239 Fri 16-07-21 89.36 158.13 12 UTHARA SHASHTI PARIGHA
240 Sat 17-07-21 90.32 171.86 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SIVA
241 Sun 18-07-21 91.27 185.80 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI SIDDHA
242 Mon 19-07-21 92.23 199.96 15 SWATHI NAVAMI SADHYA
243 Tue 20-07-21 93.18 214.31 17 ANURADHA EKADASI SUKLA
244 Wed 21-07-21 94.14 228.81 18 JYESHTA DWADASI BRAHMA
245 Thu 22-07-21 95.10 243.39 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI INDRA
246 Fri 23-07-21 96.05 257.98 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS VAIDHRITI
247 Sat 24-07-21 97.01 272.46 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI VISHKAMBH
248 Sun 25-07-21 97.97 286.74 22 SRAVANA PRATHAMA PRITI
249 Mon 26-07-21 98.92 300.72 23 DHANISHTA DWITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
250 Tue 27-07-21 99.88 314.33 24 SATHABHISH THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
251 Wed 28-07-21 100.84 327.55 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
252 Thu 29-07-21 101.80 340.38 26 UTHARABHAD PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
253 Fri 30-07-21 102.75 352.85 27 REVATI SHASHTI DHRITI
254 Sat 31-07-21 103.71 5.03 1 ASWINI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
255 Sun 01-08-21 104.63 17.00 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI GANDA
256 Mon 02-08-21 105.59 28.83 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI VRIDDHI
257 Tue 03-08-21 106.54 40.63 4 ROHINI DASAMI DHRUVA
258 Wed 04-08-21 107.50 52.48 4 ROHINI EKADASI DHRUVA
259 Thu 05-08-21 108.46 64.46 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VYAGHATA
260 Fri 06-08-21 109.42 76.62 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI HARSHANA
261 Sat 07-08-21 110.38 89.02 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS VAJRA
262 Sun 08-08-21 111.34 101.69 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA SIDDHI
263 Mon 09-08-21 112.30 114.64 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA VARIYAN
264 Tue 10-08-21 113.26 127.85 10 MAKAM DWITHEEYA PARIGHA
265 Wed 11-08-21 114.22 141.30 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SIVA
266 Thu 12-08-21 115.18 154.94 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI SIDDHA
267 Fri 13-08-21 116.14 168.75 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SADHYA
268 Sat 14-08-21 117.10 182.67 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SUBHA
269 Sun 15-08-21 118.07 196.69 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SUKLA
270 Mon 16-08-21 119.03 210.77 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI BRAHMA
271 Tue 17-08-21 119.99 224.92 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI INDRA
272 Wed 18-08-21 120.95 239.10 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VISHKAMBH
273 Thu 19-08-21 121.92 253.30 19 MOOLA EKADASI PRITI
274 Fri 20-08-21 122.88 267.47 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI AYUSHMAN
275 Sat 21-08-21 123.85 281.55 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS SAUBHAGYA
276 Sun 22-08-21 124.81 295.47 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI SOBHANA
277 Mon 23-08-21 125.77 309.15 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
278 Tue 24-08-21 126.74 322.55 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKARMAN
279 Wed 25-08-21 127.71 335.62 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA DHRITI
280 Thu 26-08-21 128.67 348.37 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI SOOLA
281 Fri 27-08-21 129.64 0.79 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI GANDA
282 Sat 28-08-21 130.57 12.95 1 ASWINI SHASHTI VRIDDHI
283 Sun 29-08-21 131.53 24.91 2 BHARANI SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
284 Mon 30-08-21 132.50 36.75 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
285 Tue 31-08-21 133.47 48.55 4 ROHINI ASHTAMI HARSHANA
286 Wed 01-09-21 134.44 60.41 5 MRIGASIRA NAVAMI VAJRA
287 Thu 02-09-21 135.41 72.42 6 ARIDRA DASAMI SIDDHI
288 Fri 03-09-21 136.38 84.66 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI VYATIPATA
289 Sat 04-09-21 137.35 97.20 8 PUSHYA DWADASI VARIYAN
290 Sun 05-09-21 138.32 110.08 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI PARIGHA
291 Mon 06-09-21 139.29 123.30 10 MAGHA CHATHURDAS SIVA
292 Tue 07-09-21 140.26 136.87 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA SIDDHA
293 Wed 08-09-21 141.23 150.72 12 UTHARA PRATHAMA SADHYA
294 Thu 09-09-21 142.20 164.79 13 HASTHA DWITHEEYA SUKLA
295 Fri 10-09-21 143.17 179.01 14 CHITHRA THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
296 Sat 11-09-21 144.15 193.29 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI INDRA
297 Sun 12-09-21 145.12 207.56 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VAIDHRITI
298 Mon 13-09-21 146.09 221.78 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI VISHKAMBH
299 Tue 14-09-21 147.07 235.91 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI PRITI
300 Wed 15-09-21 148.04 249.94 19 MOOLA NAVAMI AYUSHMAN
301 Thu 16-09-21 149.02 263.87 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI SAUBHAGYA
302 Fri 17-09-21 149.99 277.67 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI ATIGANDA
303 Sat 18-09-21 150.97 291.34 22 SRAVANA DWADASI SUKARMAN
304 Sun 19-09-21 151.95 304.83 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI DHRITI
305 Mon 20-09-21 152.92 318.13 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SOOLA
306 Tue 21-09-21 153.90 331.19 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI GANDA
307 Wed 22-09-21 154.88 344.00 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA VRIDDHI
308 Thu 23-09-21 155.86 356.55 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA DHRUVA
309 Fri 24-09-21 156.84 8.85 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA VYAGHATA
310 Sat 25-09-21 157.79 20.93 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI HARSHANA
311 Sun 26-09-21 158.77 32.85 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VAJRA
312 Mon 27-09-21 159.75 44.67 4 ROHINI SHASHTI SIDDHI
313 Tue 28-09-21 160.74 56.46 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI VYATIPATA
314 Wed 29-09-21 161.72 68.31 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI VARIYAN
315 Thu 30-09-21 162.70 80.31 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI PARIGHA
316 Fri 01-10-21 163.68 92.55 7 PUNARVASU DASAMI SIVA
317 Sat 02-10-21 164.67 105.11 8 PUSHYA EKADASI SIDDHA
318 Sun 03-10-21 165.65 118.05 9 ASLESHA DWADASI SADHYA
319 Mon 04-10-21 166.64 131.41 10 MAGHA THRAYODASI SUBHA
320 Tue 05-10-21 167.62 145.18 11 PUBBA CHATHURDAS SUKLA
321 Wed 06-10-21 168.61 159.33 12 UTHARA AMAVASYA BRAHMA
322 Thu 07-10-21 169.59 173.78 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA INDRA
323 Fri 08-10-21 170.58 188.42 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
324 Sat 09-10-21 171.57 203.13 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA PRITI
325 Sun 10-10-21 172.56 217.79 17 ANURADHA CHATHURTHI AYUSHMAN
326 Mon 11-10-21 173.54 232.33 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI SAUBHAGYA
327 Tue 12-10-21 174.53 246.66 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
328 Wed 13-10-21 175.52 260.75 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
329 Thu 14-10-21 176.51 274.60 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SUKARMAN
330 Fri 15-10-21 177.50 288.19 22 SRAVANA DASAMI DHRITI
331 Sat 16-10-21 178.49 301.55 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI GANDA
332 Sun 17-10-21 179.48 314.69 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI VRIDDHI
333 Mon 18-10-21 180.48 327.61 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI DHRUVA
334 Tue 19-10-21 181.47 340.31 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
335 Wed 20-10-21 182.46 352.81 27 REVATI POURNAMI HARSHANA
336 Thu 21-10-21 183.46 5.12 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VAJRA
337 Fri 22-10-21 184.44 17.23 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
338 Sat 23-10-21 185.44 29.21 3 KRITHIKA DWITHEEYA VYATIPATA
339 Sun 24-10-21 186.43 41.06 4 ROHINI THRITHEEYA VARIYAN
340 Mon 25-10-21 187.43 52.86 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
341 Tue 26-10-21 188.43 64.64 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI PARIGHA
342 Wed 27-10-21 189.42 76.48 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI SIVA
343 Thu 28-10-21 190.42 88.46 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
344 Fri 29-10-21 191.42 100.67 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SADHYA
345 Sat 30-10-21 192.42 113.17 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI SUBHA
346 Sun 31-10-21 193.42 126.04 10 MAGHA DASAMI SUKLA
347 Mon 01-11-21 194.42 139.35 11 PUBBA EKADASI INDRA
348 Tue 02-11-21 195.42 153.12 12 UTHARA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
349 Wed 03-11-21 196.42 167.33 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
350 Thu 04-11-21 197.42 181.93 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS PRITI
351 Fri 05-11-21 198.42 196.83 15 SWATHI AMAVASYA AYUSHMAN
352 Sat 06-11-21 199.42 211.87 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
353 Sun 07-11-21 200.42 226.93 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA ATIGANDA
354 Mon 08-11-21 201.42 241.86 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI SUKARMAN
355 Tue 09-11-21 202.43 256.54 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI DHRITI
356 Wed 10-11-21 203.43 270.89 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI SOOLA
357 Thu 11-11-21 204.43 284.87 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI GANDA
358 Fri 12-11-21 205.44 298.46 23 DHANISHTA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
359 Sat 13-11-21 206.44 311.71 24 SATHABHISH NAVAMI DHRUVA
360 Sun 14-11-21 207.45 324.63 25 POORVABHAD DASAMI VYAGHATA
361 Mon 15-11-21 208.45 337.28 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI HARSHANA
362 Tue 16-11-21 209.46 349.70 27 REVATI DWADASI VAJRA
363 Wed 17-11-21 210.47 1.93 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI SIDDHI
364 Thu 18-11-21 211.49 13.99 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS VYATIPATA
365 Fri 19-11-21 212.49 25.94 2 BHARANI POURNAMI VARIYAN
Fivefold Ephemeris Data for 2021 - cast at Guruvayur- Trichur -076 E 1
+10 N 30 and TZ = - 0530.
Solstice = Solar Ingress into a Sign or Constellation
Moonstice = Lunar Ingress into a Sign or Constellation
Lunstice = Lunar Ingress into a Lunation
T No - Thidhi or Lunation No. 30 numbers given for the 30 Lunations. 1
is Prathama- 2 Dwiteeya- 15 Pournami- 15 for Prathama" ?"after Full Mo
28 for Trayodasi in Dark Fortningt ( Krishna Paksha ) Trayadasi and 30
for Black Moon ( New Moon ) Amavasi.
St No - Star No.
V No - Vara No - Number of Weekday.
LD - Longitudinal Difference - between Sun and Moon - Thidhi.
N Yoga- the longitudinal sum of Moon and Sun.
Thidhi - Lunation. 12 degrees.
Karana - Half Lunation. 6 degrees.
Date Sun Moo Jup Mar Ven Mer Sat Star Thidhi No Solstice Mo
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 PUSHYA 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 PUSHYA 17 10.15
02-01-21 257 109 279 3.5 237 278 278 55 ASLESHA 18 10.01
03-01-21 258 122 279 3.9 238 278 278 55 MAGHA 19 10.43
04-01-21 259 136 279 4.4 240 278 278 55 PUBBA 20 10.85
05-01-21 260 149 280 4.8 241 278 278 55 UTHARA 21 11.27
06-01-21 261 163 280 5.2 242 278 278 55 HASTHA 22 11.69
07-01-21 263 177 280 5.7 244 278 278 54 CHITHRA 23 12.11
08-01-21 264 192 280 6.2 245 278 278 54 SWATHI 25 12.52
09-01-21 265 206 280 6.6 246 278 278 54 VISHAKHA 26 12.93
10-01-21 266 220 281 7.1 247 279 279 54 ANURADHA 27 13.35
11-01-21 267 235 281 7.6 249 279 279 54 JYESHTA 28 13.75
12-01-21 268 249 281 8.0 250 279 279 54 MOOLA 29 14.16
13-01-21 269 263 281 8.5 251 279 279 54 POORVASHAD 30 14.
14-01-21 270 277 282 9.0 252 279 279 54 UTHRASHADA 1 14.
15-01-21 271 291 282 9.5 254 279 279 54 SRAVANA 2 15.37
16-01-21 272 304 282 10 255 279 279 54 DHANISHTA 3 15.77
17-01-21 273 317 282 10 256 279 279 54 SATHABHISH 4 16.1
18-01-21 274 329 283 11 257 279 279 54 POORVABHAD 5 16.
19-01-21 275 342 283 11 259 280 280 54 UTHARABHAD 6 16.
20-01-21 276 354 283 12 260 280 280 54 REVATI 7 17.34 1
21-01-21 277 5.7 283 12 261 280 280 54 ASWINI 8 17.73 10
22-01-21 278 17 283 13 262 280 280 54 BHARANI 9 19.15
23-01-21 279 29 284 14 264 280 280 54 KRITHIKA 10 19.53
24-01-21 280 41 284 14 265 280 280 54 ROHINI 11 19.90 2
25-01-21 281 53 284 15 266 280 280 54 ROHINI 12 20.27 0
26-01-21 282 66 284 15 267 280 280 53 MRIGASIRA 12 20.64
27-01-21 283 78 285 16 269 281 281 53 ARIDRA 13 21.00 2
28-01-21 284 91 285 16 270 281 281 53 PUNARVASU 14 21.35
29-01-21 285 105 285 17 271 281 281 53 PUSHYA 15 21.69
30-01-21 286 118 285 17 272 281 281 53 ASLESHA 17 22.03
31-01-21 287 132 286 18 274 281 281 53 MAGHA 18 22.37
01-02-21 288 146 286 18 275 281 281 53 PUBBA 19 22.69
02-02-21 289 160 286 19 276 281 281 53 HASTHA 20 23.01
03-02-21 290 174 286 19 277 281 281 53 CHITHRA 21 23.32
04-02-21 291 188 287 20 279 281 281 53 SWATHI 22 23.62
05-02-21 292 202 287 20 280 282 282 53 VISHAKHA 23 23.92
06-02-21 293 217 287 21 281 282 282 53 ANURADHA 24 0.14
07-02-21 294 231 287 22 282 282 282 53 JYESHTA 25 0.42
08-02-21 295 244 288 22 284 282 282 53 MOOLA 26 0.70
09-02-21 296 258 288 23 285 282 282 53 POORVASHAD 27 0.
10-02-21 297 272 288 23 286 282 282 53 UTHRASHADA 28 1.
11-02-21 298 285 288 24 287 282 282 53 SRAVANA 29 1.48
12-02-21 299 299 288 24 289 282 282 53 DHANISHTA 30 1.73
13-02-21 300 312 289 25 290 283 283 53 SATHABHISH 1 1.9
14-02-21 301 325 289 25 291 283 283 53 POORVABHAD 2 2.
15-02-21 302 337 289 26 292 283 283 52 UTHARABHAD 3 2.
16-02-21 303 349 289 27 294 283 283 52 REVATI 4 2.63
17-02-21 304 1.5 290 27 295 283 283 52 ASWINI 5 2.83 2
18-02-21 305 13 290 28 296 283 283 52 BHARANI 6 4.00
19-02-21 306 25 290 28 297 283 283 52 BHARANI 7 4.18
20-02-21 307 37 290 29 299 283 283 52 KRITHIKA 8 4.35 1
21-02-21 308 49 291 29 300 283 283 52 ROHINI 9 4.51 16
22-02-21 309 61 291 30 301 284 284 52 MRIGASIRA 10 4.66
23-02-21 310 73 291 31 302 284 284 52 ARIDRA 11 4.81 1
24-02-21 311 86 291 31 304 284 284 52 PUNARVASU 12 4.94
25-02-21 312 99 291 32 305 284 284 52 PUSHYA 13 5.06
26-02-21 313 113 292 32 306 284 284 52 ASLESHA 14 5.16
27-02-21 314 127 292 33 307 284 284 52 MAKAM 15 5.26
28-02-21 315 141 292 33 309 284 284 52 PUBBA 16 5.34
01-03-21 316 155 292 34 310 284 284 52 UTHARA 17 5.42
02-03-21 317 170 293 35 311 284 284 52 HASTHA 18 5.48
03-03-21 318 185 293 35 312 285 285 52 CHITHRA 19 5.53
04-03-21 319 199 293 36 314 285 285 52 SWATHI 20 5.57
05-03-21 320 213 293 36 315 285 285 51 ANURADHA 22 5.60
06-03-21 321 227 294 37 316 285 285 51 JYESHTA 23 5.62
07-03-21 322 241 294 37 317 285 285 51 MOOLA 24 5.62
08-03-21 323 255 294 38 319 285 285 51 POORVASHAD 25 5.
09-03-21 324 269 294 39 320 285 285 51 UTHRASHADA 26 5.
10-03-21 325 282 294 39 321 285 285 51 SRAVANA 27 5.58
11-03-21 326 295 295 40 322 285 285 51 DHANISHTA 28 5.55
12-03-21 327 308 295 40 324 285 285 51 SATHABHISH 29 5.5
13-03-21 328 321 295 41 325 286 286 51 POORVABHAD 30 5.
14-03-21 329 333 295 42 326 286 286 51 POORVABHAD 1 5.
15-03-21 330 345 296 42 327 286 286 51 UTHARABHAD 2 5.
16-03-21 331 358 296 43 329 286 286 51 REVATI 3 5.20 1
17-03-21 332 9.6 296 43 330 286 286 51 ASWINI 4 5.10 17
18-03-21 333 21 296 44 331 286 286 51 BHARANI 5 5.67
19-03-21 334 33 296 44 332 286 286 51 KRITHIKA 5 5.53 1
20-03-21 335 45 297 45 334 286 286 51 ROHINI 6 5.37 9
21-03-21 336 57 297 46 335 286 286 51 MRIGASIRA 7 5.21
22-03-21 337 69 297 46 336 286 286 51 ARIDRA 8 5.03
23-03-21 338 81 297 47 337 287 287 50 PUNARVASU 9 4.84
24-03-21 339 94 297 47 339 287 287 50 PUSHYA 10 4.64
25-03-21 340 107 298 48 340 287 287 50 ASLESHA 11 4.42
26-03-21 341 121 298 49 341 287 287 50 MAGHA 12 4.19
27-03-21 342 135 298 49 342 287 287 50 PUBBA 13 3.95
28-03-21 343 149 298 50 344 287 287 50 UTHARA 14 3.69
29-03-21 344 164 298 50 345 287 287 50 HASTHA 15 3.43
30-03-21 345 179 299 51 346 287 287 50 CHITHRA 17 3.15
31-03-21 346 194 299 52 347 287 287 50 SWATHI 18 2.85
01-04-21 347 209 299 52 349 287 287 50 VISHAKHA 19 2.55
02-04-21 348 224 299 53 350 287 287 50 ANURADHA 20 2.23
03-04-21 349 238 299 54 351 287 287 50 JYESHTA 21 1.90
04-04-21 350 252 300 54 352 287 287 50 MOOLA 22 1.56
05-04-21 351 266 300 55 353 288 288 50 POORVASHAD 23 1.
06-04-21 352 279 300 55 355 288 288 50 UTHRASHADA 24 0.
07-04-21 353 292 300 56 356 288 288 50 SRAVANA 25 0.47
08-04-21 354 305 300 57 357 288 288 50 DHANISHTA 26 0.08
09-04-21 355 317 301 57 358 288 288 50 SATHABHISH 27 23.7
10-04-21 356 330 301 58 360 288 288 50 POORVABHAD 28 23.
11-04-21 357 342 301 58 .92 288 288 50 UTHARABHAD 29 22.9
12-04-21 358 354 301 59 2.2 288 288 50 REVATI 30 22.48 13
13-04-21 359 6.2 301 60 3.4 288 288 49 ASWINI 1 22.03 11.
14-04-21 360 18 301 60 4.6 288 288 49 BHARANI 2 21.84
15-04-21 .89 30 302 61 5.9 288 288 49 KRITHIKA 3 21.35 5.
16-04-21 1.9 42 302 61 7.1 288 288 49 ROHINI 4 21.07 3.1
17-04-21 2.9 54 302 62 8.4 288 288 49 MRIGASIRA 5 20.54
18-04-21 3.8 65 302 62 9.6 288 288 49 MRIGASIRA 6 20.00 2
19-04-21 4.8 77 302 63 11 288 288 49 ARIDRA 7 19.45 19.
20-04-21 5.8 90 302 64 12 289 289 49 PUNARVASU 7 18.88
21-04-21 6.8 102 303 64 13 289 289 49 PUSHYA 8 18.31 1
22-04-21 7.7 115 303 65 15 289 289 49 ASLESHA 9 17.72 1
23-04-21 8.7 129 303 65 16 289 289 49 MAKAM 11 17.12 1
24-04-21 9.7 143 303 66 17 289 289 49 PUBBA 12 16.51 17
25-04-21 11 157 303 67 18 289 289 49 UTHARA 13 15.89 19
26-04-21 12 172 303 67 19 289 289 49 HASTHA 14 15.26 21
27-04-21 13 187 304 68 21 289 289 49 SWATHI 15 14.62 1
28-04-21 14 202 304 69 22 289 289 49 VISHAKHA 16 13.96
29-04-21 15 218 304 69 23 289 289 49 ANURADHA 17 13.30
30-04-21 16 233 304 70 24 289 289 49 JYESHTA 19 12.62 1
01-05-21 16 247 304 70 26 289 289 48 MOOLA 20 11.94 13
02-05-21 17 261 304 71 27 289 289 48 POORVASHAD 21 11.24
03-05-21 18 275 304 72 28 289 289 48 UTHRASHADA 22 10.53
04-05-21 19 289 305 72 29 289 289 48 SRAVANA 23 9.81
05-05-21 20 302 305 73 31 289 289 48 DHANISHTA 24 9.09
06-05-21 21 314 305 73 32 289 289 48 SATHABHISH 25 8.35
07-05-21 22 327 305 74 33 289 289 48 POORVABHAD 26 7.60
08-05-21 23 339 305 75 34 289 289 48 UTHARABHAD 27 6.84
09-05-21 24 351 305 75 35 289 289 48 REVATI 28 6.08 8.
10-05-21 25 3.3 305 76 37 289 289 48 ASWINI 29 5.30 5.8
11-05-21 26 15 305 76 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 4.30 3
12-05-21 27 27 306 77 39 289 289 48 KRITHIKA 30 3.49 0.
13-05-21 28 39 306 78 40 289 289 48 KRITHIKA 1 2.67 21.
14-05-21 29 51 306 78 42 289 289 48 ROHINI 2 1.84 18.9
15-05-21 30 62 306 79 43 289 289 48 MRIGASIRA 3 1.00 1
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 ARIDRA 4 0.15 13.
17-05-21 32 87 306 80 45 289 289 48 PUNARVASU 5 23.36
18-05-21 33 99 306 81 47 289 289 47 PUSHYA 6 22.49 10
19-05-21 34 112 306 81 48 289 289 47 ASLESHA 7 21.62
20-05-21 35 125 306 82 49 289 289 47 MAGHA 8 20.74 8
21-05-21 36 138 307 83 50 289 289 47 PUBBA 9 19.85 8
22-05-21 37 152 307 83 51 289 289 47 UTHARA 10 18.95 9
23-05-21 38 166 307 84 53 289 289 47 HASTHA 11 18.05 10
24-05-21 39 181 307 84 54 289 289 47 CHITHRA 12 17.14 13
25-05-21 40 196 307 85 55 289 289 47 SWATHI 13 16.22 16
26-05-21 41 211 307 86 56 289 289 47 VISHAKHA 15 15.30 1
27-05-21 42 226 307 86 58 289 289 47 ANURADHA 16 14.37
28-05-21 43 241 307 87 59 289 289 47 MOOLA 17 13.43 1
29-05-21 44 256 307 87 60 289 289 47 POORVASHAD 18 12.48
30-05-21 44 270 307 88 61 289 289 47 UTHRASHADA 19 11.53
31-05-21 45 284 307 89 62 289 289 47 SRAVANA 20 10.58
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 DHANISHTA 21 9.61
02-06-21 47 311 307 90 65 289 289 47 SATHABHISH 22 8.64
03-06-21 48 324 308 91 66 289 289 47 POORVABHAD 23 7.66
04-06-21 49 336 308 91 67 289 289 47 UTHARABHAD 24 6.68
05-06-21 50 348 308 92 69 289 289 47 REVATI 25 5.69 3.
06-06-21 51 .27 308 92 70 289 289 47 ASWINI 26 4.69 0.4
07-06-21 52 12 308 93 71 289 289 47 ASWINI 27 3.07 21.8
08-06-21 53 24 308 94 72 289 289 47 BHARANI 28 2.05 19
09-06-21 54 36 308 94 73 289 289 46 KRITHIKA 29 1.02 16.
10-06-21 55 48 308 95 75 289 289 46 ROHINI 30 24.06 13.5
11-06-21 56 59 308 95 76 289 289 46 MRIGASIRA 1 23.03 1
12-06-21 57 71 308 96 77 289 289 46 ARIDRA 2 21.99 8.
13-06-21 58 84 308 97 78 289 289 46 PUNARVASU 3 20.95
14-06-21 59 96 308 97 80 289 289 46 PUSHYA 4 19.90 4
15-06-21 60 108 308 98 81 289 289 46 ASLESHA 5 18.85
16-06-21 61 121 308 98 82 289 289 46 MAGHA 6 17.80 2
17-06-21 62 134 308 99 83 289 289 46 PUBBA 7 16.75 1
18-06-21 63 148 308 100 84 289 289 46 UTHARA 8 15.69
19-06-21 64 161 308 100 86 289 289 46 HASTHA 9 14.63
20-06-21 65 175 308 101 87 289 289 46 CHITHRA 10 13.57
21-06-21 66 190 308 102 88 289 289 46 SWATHI 11 12.51
22-06-21 66 204 308 102 89 289 289 46 VISHAKHA 12 11.44
23-06-21 67 219 308 103 91 289 289 46 ANURADHA 13 10.38
24-06-21 68 234 308 103 92 289 289 46 JYESHTA 14 9.31
25-06-21 69 249 308 104 93 288 288 46 MOOLA 15 8.24 1
26-06-21 70 264 308 105 94 288 288 46 POORVASHAD 17 7.1
27-06-21 71 278 308 105 95 288 288 45 UTHRASHADA 18 6.1
28-06-21 72 293 308 106 97 288 288 45 SRAVANA 19 5.02
29-06-21 73 306 308 107 98 288 288 45 DHANISHTA 20 3.95
30-06-21 74 319 308 107 99 288 288 45 SATHABHISH 21 2.87
01-07-21 75 332 308 108 100 288 288 45 POORVABHAD 22 1.
02-07-21 76 345 308 109 101 288 288 45 UTHARABHAD 23 0.
03-07-21 77 357 308 109 103 288 288 45 REVATI 24 23.69 1
04-07-21 78 8.8 308 110 104 288 288 45 ASWINI 25 22.61 15
05-07-21 79 21 308 110 105 288 288 45 BHARANI 26 20.62
06-07-21 80 32 308 111 106 288 288 45 KRITHIKA 27 19.53 1
07-07-21 81 44 308 111 107 288 288 45 ROHINI 27 18.44 7
08-07-21 82 56 308 112 109 288 288 45 MRIGASIRA 28 17.35
09-07-21 83 68 307 113 110 288 288 45 ARIDRA 29 16.26
10-07-21 84 80 307 113 111 288 288 45 PUNARVASU 30 15.17
11-07-21 85 93 307 114 112 288 288 45 PUNARVASU 1 14.09
12-07-21 86 105 307 115 114 288 288 45 PUSHYA 2 13.01
13-07-21 86 118 307 115 115 287 287 45 ASLESHA 3 11.93
14-07-21 87 131 307 116 116 287 287 44 MAGHA 4 10.85
15-07-21 88 145 307 116 117 287 287 44 PUBBA 5 9.78
16-07-21 89 158 307 117 118 287 287 44 UTHARA 6 8.70
17-07-21 90 172 307 118 120 287 287 44 HASTHA 7 7.63
18-07-21 91 186 307 118 121 287 287 44 CHITHRA 8 6.57
19-07-21 92 200 307 119 122 287 287 44 SWATHI 9 5.51
20-07-21 93 214 307 120 123 287 287 44 ANURADHA 11 4.45
21-07-21 94 229 307 120 124 287 287 44 JYESHTA 12 3.40
22-07-21 95 243 307 121 126 287 287 44 MOOLA 13 2.34
23-07-21 96 258 306 122 127 287 287 44 POORVASHAD 14 1.
24-07-21 97 272 306 122 128 287 287 44 UTHRASHADA 15 0.
25-07-21 98 287 306 123 129 287 287 44 SRAVANA 16 23.28
26-07-21 99 301 306 123 130 287 287 44 DHANISHTA 17 22.25
27-07-21 100 314 306 124 132 286 286 44 SATHABHISH 18 21.
28-07-21 101 328 306 125 133 286 286 44 POORVABHAD 19 20
29-07-21 102 340 306 125 134 286 286 44 UTHARABHAD 20 19
30-07-21 103 353 306 126 135 286 286 44 REVATI 21 18.14
31-07-21 104 5.0 306 127 136 286 286 44 ASWINI 22 17.12
01-08-21 105 17 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 15.11
02-08-21 106 29 305 128 139 286 286 44 KRITHIKA 24 14.10
03-08-21 107 41 305 128 140 286 286 44 ROHINI 25 13.10
04-08-21 108 52 305 129 141 286 286 43 ROHINI 26 12.10 2
05-08-21 108 64 305 130 142 286 286 43 MRIGASIRA 27 11.11
06-08-21 109 77 305 130 144 286 286 43 ARIDRA 28 10.13
07-08-21 110 89 305 131 145 286 286 43 PUNARVASU 29 9.1
08-08-21 111 102 305 132 146 286 286 43 PUSHYA 30 8.18
09-08-21 112 115 305 132 147 286 286 43 ASLESHA 1 7.22
10-08-21 113 128 304 133 148 285 285 43 MAKAM 2 6.26
11-08-21 114 141 304 133 149 285 285 43 PUBBA 3 5.32
12-08-21 115 155 304 134 151 285 285 43 UTHARA 4 4.38
13-08-21 116 169 304 135 152 285 285 43 HASTHA 5 3.45
14-08-21 117 183 304 135 153 285 285 43 CHITHRA 6 2.52
15-08-21 118 197 304 136 154 285 285 43 SWATHI 7 1.61
16-08-21 119 211 304 137 155 285 285 43 VISHAKHA 8 0.70
17-08-21 120 225 303 137 157 285 285 43 ANURADHA 9 23.8
18-08-21 121 239 303 138 158 285 285 43 JYESHTA 10 22.98
19-08-21 122 253 303 139 159 285 285 43 MOOLA 11 22.10
20-08-21 123 267 303 139 160 285 285 43 UTHRASHADA 13 21
21-08-21 124 282 303 140 161 285 285 43 SRAVANA 14 20.3
22-08-21 125 295 303 140 162 285 285 42 DHANISHTA 15 19.5
23-08-21 126 309 303 141 164 285 285 42 SATHABHISH 16 18.
24-08-21 127 323 303 142 165 284 284 42 POORVABHAD 17 17
25-08-21 128 336 302 142 166 284 284 42 UTHARABHAD 18 16
26-08-21 129 348 302 143 167 284 284 42 REVATI 19 16.15
27-08-21 130 .79 302 144 168 284 284 42 ASWINI 20 15.33
28-08-21 131 13 302 144 169 284 284 42 ASWINI 21 13.63 2
29-08-21 132 25 302 145 171 284 284 42 BHARANI 22 12.84
30-08-21 133 37 302 145 172 284 284 42 KRITHIKA 23 12.06
31-08-21 133 49 302 146 173 284 284 42 ROHINI 23 11.29 1
01-09-21 134 60 302 147 174 284 284 42 MRIGASIRA 24 10.52
02-09-21 135 72 301 147 175 284 284 42 ARIDRA 25 9.77
03-09-21 136 85 301 148 177 284 284 42 PUNARVASU 26 9.0
04-09-21 137 97 301 149 178 284 284 42 PUSHYA 27 8.30
05-09-21 138 110 301 149 179 284 284 42 ASLESHA 28 7.58
06-09-21 139 123 301 150 180 284 284 42 MAGHA 29 6.88
07-09-21 140 137 301 151 181 284 284 42 PUBBA 30 6.18
08-09-21 141 151 301 151 182 284 284 42 UTHARA 1 5.50
09-09-21 142 165 301 152 183 284 284 41 HASTHA 2 4.82
10-09-21 143 179 300 153 185 284 284 41 CHITHRA 3 4.16
11-09-21 144 193 300 153 186 283 283 41 SWATHI 5 3.51
12-09-21 145 208 300 154 187 283 283 41 VISHAKHA 6 2.87
13-09-21 146 222 300 155 188 283 283 41 ANURADHA 7 2.2
14-09-21 147 236 300 155 189 283 283 41 JYESHTA 8 1.63
15-09-21 148 250 300 156 190 283 283 41 MOOLA 9 1.02
16-09-21 149 264 300 156 192 283 283 41 POORVASHAD 10 0
17-09-21 150 278 300 157 193 283 283 41 UTHRASHADA 11 23
18-09-21 151 291 300 158 194 283 283 41 SRAVANA 12 23.3
19-09-21 152 305 300 158 195 283 283 41 DHANISHTA 13 22.7
20-09-21 153 318 299 159 196 283 283 41 SATHABHISH 14 22.
21-09-21 154 331 299 160 197 283 283 41 POORVABHAD 15 21
22-09-21 155 344 299 160 198 283 283 41 UTHARABHAD 16 21
23-09-21 156 357 299 161 199 283 283 41 REVATI 17 20.65
24-09-21 157 8.8 299 162 201 283 283 41 ASWINI 18 20.14 1
25-09-21 158 21 299 162 202 283 283 41 BHARANI 19 19.07
26-09-21 159 33 299 163 203 283 283 41 KRITHIKA 20 18.60
27-09-21 160 45 299 164 204 283 283 40 ROHINI 21 18.14
28-09-21 161 56 299 164 205 283 283 40 MRIGASIRA 22 17.70
29-09-21 162 68 299 165 206 283 283 40 ARIDRA 23 17.27
30-09-21 163 80 299 165 207 283 283 40 PUNARVASU 24 16.8
01-10-21 164 93 299 166 208 283 283 40 PUNARVASU 25 16.4
02-10-21 165 105 299 167 210 283 283 40 PUSHYA 26 16.05
03-10-21 166 118 299 167 211 283 283 40 ASLESHA 27 15.67
04-10-21 167 131 299 168 212 283 283 40 MAGHA 28 15.30
05-10-21 168 145 298 169 213 283 283 40 PUBBA 29 14.95
06-10-21 169 159 298 169 214 283 283 40 UTHARA 30 14.61
07-10-21 170 174 298 170 215 283 283 40 CHITHRA 1 14.28
08-10-21 171 188 298 171 216 283 283 40 SWATHI 2 13.96
09-10-21 172 203 298 171 217 283 283 40 VISHAKHA 3 13.66
10-10-21 173 218 298 172 218 283 283 40 ANURADHA 4 13.3
11-10-21 174 232 298 173 219 283 283 40 JYESHTA 5 13.09
12-10-21 175 247 298 173 221 283 283 40 MOOLA 7 12.82
13-10-21 176 261 298 174 222 283 283 40 POORVASHAD 8 12
14-10-21 177 275 298 175 223 283 283 40 UTHRASHADA 9 12
15-10-21 178 288 298 175 224 283 283 40 SRAVANA 10 12.0
16-10-21 178 302 298 176 225 283 283 40 DHANISHTA 11 11.8
17-10-21 179 315 298 177 226 283 283 40 SATHABHISH 12 11.
18-10-21 180 328 298 177 227 283 283 39 POORVABHAD 13 11
19-10-21 181 340 298 178 228 283 283 39 UTHARABHAD 14 11
20-10-21 182 353 298 179 229 283 283 39 REVATI 15 11.11
21-10-21 183 5.1 298 179 230 283 283 39 ASWINI 16 10.95
22-10-21 184 17 298 180 231 283 283 39 BHARANI 17 10.65
23-10-21 185 29 298 181 232 283 283 39 KRITHIKA 17 10.53
24-10-21 186 41 298 181 233 283 283 39 ROHINI 18 10.42
25-10-21 187 53 298 182 234 283 283 39 ROHINI 19 10.33 2
26-10-21 188 65 298 183 235 283 283 39 MRIGASIRA 20 10.25
27-10-21 189 76 298 183 236 283 283 39 ARIDRA 21 10.17
28-10-21 190 88 298 184 237 283 283 39 PUNARVASU 22 10.1
29-10-21 191 101 298 185 238 283 283 39 PUSHYA 23 10.06
30-10-21 192 113 298 185 239 283 283 39 ASLESHA 24 10.03
31-10-21 193 126 298 186 240 283 283 39 MAGHA 25 10.00
01-11-21 194 139 298 187 241 283 283 39 PUBBA 26 9.99
02-11-21 195 153 299 187 242 283 283 39 UTHARA 27 9.99
03-11-21 196 167 299 188 243 283 283 39 HASTHA 28 10.00
04-11-21 197 182 299 189 244 283 283 39 CHITHRA 29 10.02
05-11-21 198 197 299 189 245 283 283 38 SWATHI 30 10.05
06-11-21 199 212 299 190 246 283 283 38 VISHAKHA 2 10.09
07-11-21 200 227 299 191 247 283 283 38 JYESHTA 3 10.14
08-11-21 201 242 299 191 248 283 283 38 MOOLA 4 10.20
09-11-21 202 257 299 192 249 283 283 38 POORVASHAD 5 10
10-11-21 203 271 299 193 250 284 284 38 UTHRASHADA 6 10
11-11-21 204 285 299 193 251 284 284 38 SRAVANA 7 10.4
12-11-21 205 298 299 194 252 284 284 38 DHANISHTA 8 10.5
13-11-21 206 312 299 195 253 284 284 38 SATHABHISH 9 10.
14-11-21 207 325 299 196 253 284 284 38 POORVABHAD 10 10
15-11-21 208 337 299 196 254 284 284 38 UTHARABHAD 11 10
16-11-21 209 350 299 197 255 284 284 38 REVATI 12 11.07
17-11-21 210 1.9 300 198 256 284 284 38 ASWINI 13 11.22
18-11-21 211 14 300 198 257 284 284 38 BHARANI 14 11.70
19-11-21 212 26 300 199 258 284 284 38 BHARANI 15 11.89
20-11-21 214 38 300 200 258 284 284 38 KRITHIKA 16 12.09
21-11-21 215 50 300 200 259 284 284 38 ROHINI 17 12.30 1
22-11-21 216 61 300 201 260 284 284 38 MRIGASIRA 18 12.51
23-11-21 217 73 300 202 261 284 284 37 ARIDRA 19 12.74
24-11-21 218 85 300 202 262 284 284 37 PUNARVASU 19 12.9
25-11-21 219 97 300 203 262 284 284 37 PUSHYA 20 13.21
26-11-21 220 109 301 204 263 285 285 37 ASLESHA 21 13.46
27-11-21 221 122 301 204 264 285 285 37 MAGHA 22 13.71
28-11-21 222 135 301 205 264 285 285 37 PUBBA 23 13.98
29-11-21 223 148 301 206 265 285 285 37 UTHARA 24 14.25
30-11-21 224 161 301 206 266 285 285 37 HASTHA 25 14.53
01-12-21 225 175 301 207 266 285 285 37 CHITHRA 26 14.81
02-12-21 226 190 301 208 267 285 285 37 SWATHI 28 15.10
03-12-21 227 205 301 208 267 285 285 37 VISHAKHA 29 15.40
04-12-21 228 220 302 209 268 285 285 37 ANURADHA 30 15.7
05-12-21 229 235 302 210 268 285 285 37 JYESHTA 1 16.01
06-12-21 230 250 302 211 269 285 285 37 MOOLA 2 16.32
07-12-21 231 265 302 211 269 285 285 37 POORVASHAD 3 16
08-12-21 232 280 302 212 270 285 285 37 UTHRASHADA 5 16
09-12-21 233 294 302 213 270 286 286 37 DHANISHTA 6 17.3
10-12-21 234 308 302 213 270 286 286 37 SATHABHISH 7 17.
11-12-21 235 321 303 214 271 286 286 37 POORVABHAD 8 17
12-12-21 236 334 303 215 271 286 286 37 UTHARABHAD 9 18
13-12-21 237 347 303 215 271 286 286 37 REVATI 10 18.69
14-12-21 238 359 303 216 272 286 286 36 REVATI 11 19.05
15-12-21 239 11 303 217 272 286 286 36 ASWINI 12 19.42 1
16-12-21 240 23 303 218 272 286 286 36 BHARANI 12 20.54
17-12-21 241 35 304 218 272 286 286 36 KRITHIKA 13 20.93
18-12-21 242 47 304 219 272 286 286 36 ROHINI 14 21.32 1
19-12-21 243 58 304 220 272 286 286 36 MRIGASIRA 15 21.71
20-12-21 244 70 304 220 272 286 286 36 ARIDRA 16 22.11
21-12-21 245 82 304 221 272 287 287 36 PUNARVASU 17 22.5
22-12-21 246 94 304 222 272 287 287 36 PUSHYA 18 22.92
23-12-21 247 106 305 222 272 287 287 36 PUSHYA 19 23.33
24-12-21 248 119 305 223 272 287 287 36 ASLESHA 20 23.73
25-12-21 249 131 305 224 272 287 287 36 MAGHA 21 0.08
26-12-21 250 144 305 225 271 287 287 36 PUBBA 22 0.49
27-12-21 251 157 305 225 271 287 287 36 UTHARA 23 0.90
28-12-21 252 170 306 226 271 287 287 36 HASTHA 24 1.32
29-12-21 253 184 306 227 270 287 287 36 CHITHRA 25 1.73
30-12-21 254 198 306 227 270 287 287 36 SWATHI 26 2.14
31-12-21 255 213 306 228 270 288 288 36 VISHAKHA 27 2.56
01-01-22 256 228 306 229 269 288 288 35 JYESHTA 28 2.97
02-01-22 257 243 307 229 269 288 288 35 MOOLA 29 3.38
03-01-22 258 258 307 230 268 288 288 35 POORVASHAD 1 3
04-01-22 259 273 307 231 268 288 288 35 UTHRASHADA 2 4
05-01-22 260 288 307 232 267 288 288 35 SRAVANA 3 4.6
06-01-22 261 302 307 232 266 288 288 35 DHANISHTA 4 5.0
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 16.49
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 16.49
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 15.77
11-05-21 26 18 306 77 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 10.24 8
11-05-21 26 18 306 77 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 10.24 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 257 100 279 3.3 236 278 278 55 POOYAM 17 18.84
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
16-05-21 31 77 306 80 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 5.49 18
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 0.17 13
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 0.17 13
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 15.77
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-12 256 340 6.4 146 290 184 184 229 UTHRATTATH 8 17.
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
30-05-21 45 273 307 88 62 289 289 47 UTHRADAM 20 16.57
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-05-21 17 251 304 70 26 289 289 48 MOOLAM 20 18.41 2
01-01-22 256 228 306 229 269 288 288 35 THRIKKETTA 28 3.8
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-07-21 75 335 308 108 100 288 288 45 UTHRATTATH 22 6.3
01-07-21 75 335 308 108 100 288 288 45 UTHRATTATH 22 6.3
01-01-22 256 231 306 229 269 288 288 35 THRIKKETTA 28 9.4
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
15-07-21 89 147 307 117 117 287 287 44 UTHRAM 5 13.82
15-07-21 89 148 307 117 117 287 287 44 UTHRAM 5 14.77
16-07-21 89 158 307 117 118 287 287 44 UTHRAM 6 8.40
30-07-21 103 356 306 126 135 286 286 44 REVATI 22 22.52
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.58
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 28 16.5
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 28 16.8
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.43
07-08-21 111 92 305 131 145 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 29 14.2
11-08-21 115 146 304 134 150 285 285 43 POORAM 3 12.69
12-08-21 116 160 304 134 151 285 285 43 ATHAM 4 12.59
30-08-21 133 39 302 146 172 284 284 42 KARTHIKA 23 17.31
30-08-21 133 39 302 146 172 284 284 42 KARTHIKA 23 17.31
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
31-08-21 134 51 302 146 173 284 284 42 ROHINI 24 16.51 2
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
04-09-21 138 100 301 149 178 284 284 42 POOYAM 27 13.42
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
05-09-21 139 113 301 149 179 284 284 42 AYILYAM 28 12.67
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 65 301 147 175 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 19.1
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
Gulika Rising is considered malign. Beware !
1 Mon 1 30 3 0
2 Sat 6 0 7 30
3 Fri 7 30 9 0
4 Wed 10 30 12 30
5 Thu 9 0 10 30
6 Tue 12 0 1 30
7 Sun 3 0 4 30
Yamakanadaka is a benign satellite of Jupiter. Ganymede?
1 Mon 10 30 12 0
2 Sat 1 30 3 0
3 Fri 3 0 4 30
4 Wed 7 30 9 0
5 Thu 6 0 7 30
6 Tue 9 0 10 30
7 Sun 12 0 1 30
1 26/04/22 Thrip
2 12/05/22 Guruv
3 01/03/22 Deepa
4 02/05/22 Trikk
5 / / Naray
6 20/12/21 Thirv
7 / / Kuche
8 24/04/22 Patha
9 16/04/22 Chith
10 03/05/22 Aksha
11 08/08/21 Katak
12 20/11/21 Ashta
13 07/10/21 Nava
14 13/10/21 DURGA
15 14/10/21 MAHA
16 15/10/21 VIJAY
17 30/05/22 Kala
18 17/10/21 Tula
19 20/03/22 Easte
20 18/03/22 Good
21 17/03/22 Monte
22 14/01/22 Ponga
23 17/07/21 Ramay
24 08/02/22 Makar
25 07/03/22 Kumbh
26 14/04/21 Vishu
27 17/10/21 Tula
28 18/01/22 Makar
29 12/08/21 Start
30 21/08/21 Onam
31 20/08/21 First
32 22/08/21 Avani
33 23/08/21 Chath
34 14/01/22 Makar
35 08/08/21 Katak
36 24/07/21 Guru
37 11/10/21 Sanka
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to September 22
Start of the Hindu Lunar Months
Start Month Rithu No Cno
14/01/21 Pausha Hemanta 1 10
12/02/21 Magha Sisira 2 11
14/03/21 Phalguna Sisira 3 12
13/04/21 Chaitra Vasanta 4 1
12/05/21 Vaishakha Vasanta 5 2
11/06/21 Jyeshta Greeshma 6 3
11/07/21 Ashada Greeshma 7 4
09/08/21 Sravana Varsha 8 5
08/09/21 Bhadra Varsha 9 6
07/10/21 Aswina Sharath 10 7
05/11/21 Kartika Sharath 11 8
05/12/21 Margahirsh Hemanta 12 9
Ascensional Difference- Chara- for different Latitudes in Minutes
Lat D1 D5 D10 D15 D20 D25 D30 D23a
1 4 21 42 64 87 112 139 104
2 8 42 85 129 175 224 277 208
3 13 63 127 193 262 336 416 313
4 17 84 170 258 350 448 555 417
5 21 104 212 322 438 561 695 522
6 25 126 255 387 526 674 835 627
7 29 148 298 452 615 788 976 732
8 34 169 341 518 704 902 1117 839
9 38 191 384 584 793 1017 1259 945
10 42 212 428 650 883 1132 1402 1052
11 47 234 471 716 974 1248 1546 1161
12 51 256 516 783 1065 1365 1692 1269
13 55 278 560 851 1157 1483 1838 1379
14 60 300 605 919 1250 1602 1986 1490
15 64 322 650 988 1344 1723 2136 1601
16 69 345 696 1058 1438 1844 2287 1704
17 73 368 742 1128 1533 1967 2440 1828
18 78 391 788 1199 1630 2092 2595 1944
19 83 414 835 1271 1728 2218 2752 2061
20 87 438 883 1343 1827 2345 2931 2179
21 92 462 931 1417 1928 2474 3073 2300
22 97 486 980 1492 2029 2606 3237 2421
23 102 511 1030 1568 2133 2741 3405 2545
24 107 536 1081 1644 2238 2876 3575 2671
25 112 561 1132 1723 2345 3015 3748 2800
26 117 587 1184 1802 2454 3154 3925 2930
27 122 613 1237 1883 2565 3299 4105 3064
28 128 640 1291 1966 2678 3445 4291 3200
29 133 667 1346 2050 2793 3584 4480 3339
30 139 695 1402 2136 2911 3748 4673 3480
31 144 723 1460 2224 3032 3904 4872 3625
32 150 752 1518 2313 3155 4064 5075 3773
33 156 782 1578 2405 3281 4231 5285 3925
34 162 812 1636 2499 3411 4399 5481 4082
35 168 843 1702 2595 3544 4573 5723 4242
36 174 875 1766 2694 3680 4753 5952 4408
37 181 907 1833 2796 3820 4937 6189 4578
38 188 941 1900 2900 3965 5129 6435 4753
39 194 975 1970 3028 4114 5324 6690 4936
40 201 1010 2042 3118 4268 5527 6954 5122
41 209 1047 2116 3233 4427 5739 7230 5321
42 216 1084 2192 3351 4591 5958 7517 5516
43 224 1123 2271 3473 4762 6186 7818 5725
44 232 1163 2353 3599 4939 6423 8133 5942
45 240 1205 2437 3730 5123 6671 8463 6169
46 249 1248 2525 3866 5314 6929 8812 6404
47 257 1292 2616 4008 5514 7201 9181 6651
48 267 1338 2710 4155 5722 7486 9572 6909
49 276 1386 2809 4309 5941 7786 9988 7182
50 286 1436 2911 4469 6170 8102 10434 7468
51 296 1489 3018 4637 6410 8438 10914 7468
52 307 1543 3130 4814 6664 8795 11435 8092
53 318 1600 3248 4996 6932 9175 12003 8432
54 330 1660 3371 5194 7215 9583 12629 8817
55 343 1723 3500 5400 7517 10021 13330 9185
56 356 1789 3637 5618 7838 10496 15061 10063
57 370 1858 3781 5848 8181 11014 15061 10063
58 384 1932 3934 6094 8550 11584 16203 10548
59 400 2009 4096 6356 8948 12217 17741 11058
60 416 2092 4268 6637 9379 12928 21600 11689
61 433 2179 4452 6938 9850 13685 0 12960
62 452 2273 4648 7263 10367 14708 0 13118
63 471 2373 4859 7615 10941 15860 0 14016
64 492 2480 5086 7998 11584 17510 0 15067
65 514 2595 5332 8418 12314 21600 0 16427
66 529 2719 5599 8880 13160 0 0 18464
67 565 2854 5890 9394 14167 0 0 0
68 594 3002 6210 9970 15425 0 0 0
69 625 3161 6562 10624 17153 0 0 0
70 660 3338 6955 11377 21600 0 0 0
0 21877 -23.09 64996 -23.06
4 21894 -22.74 65107 -22.69
8 22000 -22.27 65212 -22.20
12 22097 -21.67 65309 -21.59
16 22185 -20.97 65395 -20.87
20 22261 -20.16 65470 -20.05
24 22326 -19.25 65533 -19.12
28 22378 -18.24 65584 -18.11
51 22418 -17.14 65622 -17.00
55 22444 -15.89 65647 -15.82
59 22458 -14.72 65658 -14.56
63 22458 -13.41 65657 -13.24
67 22446 -12.04 65644 -11.86
71 22424 -10.62 65620 -10.44
75 22391 -9.15 65586 -8.96
101 22349 -7.65 65543 -7.46
105 22296 -6.12 65492 -5.92
109 22242 -4.56 65434 -4.37
113 22179 -2.99 65371 -2.79
117 22111 -1.42 65302 -1.22
121 22040 0.17 65231 0.36
125 21968 1.74 65158 1.94
129 21895 3.31 65086 3.50
152 21823 4.86 65014 5.05
156 21753 6.38 64944 6.57
160 21686 7.88 64878 8.07
164 21623 9.34 64815 9.52
168 21565 10.60 64758 10.94
172 21514 12.13 64708 12.30
176 21470 13.45 64665 13.62
180 21434 14.71 64630 14.87
204 21408 15.91 64606 16.06
208 21388 17.04 64586 17.17
212 21378 18.09 64577 18.21
216 21382 19.06 64577 19.18
220 21385 19.94 64587 20.05
224 21402 20.82 64604 20.73
228 21427 21.43 64631 21.51
251 21460 22.36 64665 22.10
255 21499 22.53 64705 22.58
259 21544 22.92 64750 22.96
263 21592 23.20 64798 23.23
267 21642 23.38 64849 23.39
271 21694 23.44 64901 23.44
275 21746 23.40 64952 23.39
279 21796 23.24 65003 23.22
303 21843 22.97 65049 22.94
307 21885 22.61 65090 22.56
311 21921 22.14 65125 22.07
315 21950 21.56 65153 21.48
319 21970 20.89 65172 20.79
323 21983 20.12 65184 20.15
327 21986 19.26 65186 19.15
331 21980 18.32 65178 18.19
354 21963 17.28 65161 17.16
358 21937 16.20 65133 16.05
362 21902 15.03 65097 14.87
366 21857 13.80 65051 13.64
370 21805 12.52 64997 12.35
374 21745 11.17 64937 11.00
378 21678 9.78 64869 9.61
401 21605 8.35 64796 8.20
405 21588 6.89 64718 6.70
409 21446 5.39 64636 5.20
413 21362 3.87 64551 3.68
417 21277 2.33 64466 2.13
421 21192 0.78 64381 0.58
425 21108 -0.78 64298 -0.97
429 21027 -2.33 64217 -2.53
453 20950 -3.89 64140 -4.08
457 20877 -5.41 64069 -5.62
461 20811 -6.95 64003 -7.14
465 20753 -8.44 63946 -8.63
469 20704 -9.91 63898 -10.09
473 20665 -11.34 63861 -11.51
477 20637 -12.72 63834 -12.89
481 20621 -14.05 63820 -14.31
504 20617 -15.32 63816 -15.47
508 20626 -16.52 63828 -16.66
512 20648 -17.64 63852 -17.78
516 20685 -18.69 63890 -18.82
520 20735 -19.65 63942 -19.76
524 20798 -20.51 64007 -20.61
528 20873 -21.27 64084 -21.36
552 20960 -21.93 64172 -22.00
556 21056 -22.47 64269 -22.53
560 21161 -22.90 64375 -22.95
564 21272 -23.20 64487 -23.23
568 21389 -23.39 64604 -23.40
572 21508 -23.44 64723 -23.44
576 21628 -23.38 64843 -23.36
580 21746 -23.18 64960 -23.15
584 21860 -22.86 65073 -22.82
Table of Reffraction Correction for different Latitudes
Lat D0 D10 D15 D20 D23
0 188 191 195 200 205
10 191 194 198 204 209
20 200 204 208 215 224
30 217 222 227 236 245
35 230 235 242 253 262
40 245 252 261 274 287
45 266 274 286 304 322
50 293 304 319 346 373
55 328 344 368 409 458
60 376 401 440 515 629
A useful Table used in EQT Computation showing varations
300 -20.15 13 20
330 -11.47 21 69
0 0.00 24 121
30 11.47 21 170
60 20.15 12 221
90 23.45 0 272
120 20.15 -12 323
150 11.47 -20 373
180 0.00 -23 423
210 11.47 -21 474
240 -20.15 -13 523
270 23.45 0 572
The Lunation Degrees
120 YEARS IS Total Period-
Out of which Venus gets 20
and Saturn gets 19 et al.
PLANET blord clord dasa y m d mas din
SATURN SATURN SATURN 19 3 0 21 5 24 0
SATURN SATURN KETU 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN VENUS 19 3 0 21 6 3 0
SATURN SATURN SUN 19 3 0 21 1 24 54
SATURN SATURN MOON 19 3 0 21 3 1 30
SATURN SATURN MARS 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN RAHU 19 3 0 21 5 25 48
SATURN SATURN JUPITER 19 3 0 21 4 26 24
SATURN MERCURY KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MERCURY MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 3
SATURN MERCURY MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN KETU SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN KETU MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN KETU MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN KETU SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN KETU MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN VENUS VENUS 19 3 0 1 6 3 0
SATURN VENUS SUN 19 3 0 1 1 24 54
SATURN VENUS MOON 19 3 0 1 3 1 30
SATURN VENUS MARS 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN VENUS RAHU 19 3 0 1 5 25 48
SATURN VENUS JUPITER 19 3 0 1 4 26 24
SATURN VENUS SATURN 19 3 0 1 0 0 0
SATURN VENUS KETU 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN SUN SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN SUN MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN SUN MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
SATURN SUN JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN SUN SATURN 19 3 0 24 0 0 0
SATURN SUN MERCURY 19 3 0 24 5 5 42
SATURN SUN KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN MOON MOON 19 3 0 6 3 1 30
SATURN MOON MARS 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON RAHU 19 3 0 6 5 25 48
SATURN MOON JUPITER 19 3 0 6 4 26 24
SATURN MOON SATURN 19 3 0 6 0 0 0
SATURN MOON MERCURY 19 3 0 6 5 5 4
SATURN MOON KETU 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON VENUS 19 3 0 6 6 3 0
SATURN MOON SUN 19 3 0 6 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN MARS JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN MARS SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN MARS MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN MARS KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN MARS SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU RAHU 19 2 10 4 5 25 48
SATURN RAHU JUPITER 19 2 10 4 4 26 24
SATURN RAHU SATURN 19 2 10 4 0 0 0
SATURN RAHU MERCURY 19 2 10 4 5 5 42
SATURN RAHU KETU 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN RAHU VENUS 19 2 10 4 6 3 0
SATURN RAHU SUN 19 2 10 4 1 24 54
SATURN RAHU MOON 19 2 10 4 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU MARS 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN JUPITER KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN JUPITER SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN JUPITER MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN JUPITER MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
MERCURY KETU KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY KETU SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY KETU MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY KETU MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY KETU JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY KETU SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY VENUS VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY VENUS SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY VENUS MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY VENUS MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY VENUS RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY VENUS JUPITER 17 2 6 30 3 27 1
MERCURY VENUS SATURN 17 2 6 30 4 4 3
MERCURY VENUS KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN SUN 17 2 6 15 1 14 6
MERCURY SUN MOON 17 2 6 15 2 13 12
MERCURY SUN MARS 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN RAHU 17 2 6 15 4 20 42
MERCURY SUN JUPITER 17 2 6 15 3 27 18
MERCURY SUN SATURN 17 2 6 15 4 4 30
MERCURY SUN KETU 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN VENUS 17 2 6 15 4 26 42
MERCURY MOON MOON 17 2 6 19 2 13 1
MERCURY MOON MARS 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON RAHU 17 2 6 19 4 20 42
MERCURY MOON JUPITER 17 2 6 19 3 27 1
MERCURY MOON SATURN 17 2 6 19 4 4 3
MERCURY MOON KETU 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON VENUS 17 2 6 19 4 26 4
MERCURY MOON SUN 17 2 6 19 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY MARS JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY MARS SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY MARS KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY MARS SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU RAHU 17 2 7 18 4 20 42
MERCURY RAHU JUPITER 17 2 7 18 3 27 18
MERCURY RAHU SATURN 17 2 7 18 4 4 30
MERCURY RAHU KETU 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY RAHU VENUS 17 2 7 18 4 26 42
MERCURY RAHU SUN 17 2 7 18 1 14 6
MERCURY RAHU MOON 17 2 7 18 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU MARS 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY JUPITER SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY JUPITER MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY JUPITER MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY SATURN KETU 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN VENUS 17 2 8 3 4 26 4
MERCURY SATURN SUN 17 2 8 3 1 14 6
MERCURY SATURN MOON 17 2 8 3 2 13 1
MERCURY SATURN MARS 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN RAHU 17 2 8 3 4 20 42
KETU KETU KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU KETU SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU KETU MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU KETU MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU KETU JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU KETU SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU VENUS KETU 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS VENUS 7 0 5 25 0 24 52
KETU VENUS SUN 7 0 5 25 0 7 28
KETU VENUS MOON 7 0 5 25 0 12 25
KETU VENUS MARS 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS RAHU 7 0 5 25 0 23 51
KETU VENUS JUPITER 7 0 5 25 0 19 53
KETU VENUS SATURN 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS MERCURY 7 0 5 25 0 21 7
KETU SUN SUN 7 0 5 7 0 7 28
KETU SUN MOON 7 0 5 7 0 12 25
KETU SUN MARS 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN RAHU 7 0 5 7 0 23 51
KETU SUN JUPITER 7 0 5 7 0 19 53
KETU SUN SATURN 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN MERCURY 7 0 5 7 0 21 7
KETU SUN KETU 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN VENUS 7 0 5 7 0 24 52
KETU MOON MOON 7 0 5 13 0 12 25
KETU MOON MARS 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON RAHU 7 0 5 13 0 23 51
KETU MOON JUPITER 7 0 5 13 0 19 53
KETU MOON SATURN 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON MERCURY 7 0 5 13 0 21 7
KETU MOON KETU 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON VENUS 7 0 5 13 0 24 52
KETU MOON SUN 7 0 5 13 0 7 28
KETU MARS MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU MARS JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU MARS SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU MARS KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU MARS SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU MARS MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
KETU RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
KETU RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
KETU RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
KETU RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
KETU RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
KETU RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 5 20 0 19 53
KETU JUPITER SATURN 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER MERCURY 7 0 5 20 0 21 7
KETU JUPITER KETU 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER VENUS 7 0 5 20 0 24 52
KETU JUPITER SUN 7 0 5 20 0 7 28
KETU JUPITER MOON 7 0 5 20 0 12 25
KETU JUPITER MARS 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER RAHU 7 0 5 20 0 23 51
KETU SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
KETU SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
KETU SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
KETU SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
KETU SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
KETU SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY KETU 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY VENUS 7 0 5 21 0 24 52
KETU MERCURY SUN 7 0 5 21 0 7 28
KETU MERCURY MOON 7 0 5 21 0 12 25
KETU MERCURY MARS 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY RAHU 7 0 5 21 0 23 51
KETU MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 5 21 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY SATURN 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
VENUSI VENUS VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS VENUS MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 24
VENUS VENUS MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS VENUS RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS VENUS JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 18
VENUS VENUS SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS MERCURY 20 3 4 20 5 22 3
VENUS VENUS KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS SUN SUN 20 3 4 30 2 0 54
VENUS SUN MOON 20 3 4 30 3 11 24
VENUS SUN MARS 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN RAHU 20 3 4 30 6 14 42
VENUS SUN JUPITER 20 3 4 30 5 12 18
VENUS SUN SATURN 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS SUN MERCURY 20 3 4 30 5 22 30
VENUS SUN KETU 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN VENUS 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MOON 20 3 4 16 3 11 24
VENUS MOON MARS 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON RAHU 20 3 4 16 6 14 42
VENUS MOON JUPITER 20 3 4 16 5 12 18
VENUS MOON SATURN 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MERCURY 20 3 4 16 5 22 3
VENUS MOON KETU 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON VENUS 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON SUN 20 3 4 16 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS MARS JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS MARS SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
VENUS MARS KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU RAHU 20 3 0 12 6 14 42
VENUS RAHU JUPITER 20 3 0 12 5 12 18
VENUS RAHU SATURN 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU MERCURY 20 3 0 12 5 22 30
VENUS RAHU KETU 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS RAHU VENUS 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU SUN 20 3 0 12 2 0 54
VENUS RAHU MOON 20 3 0 12 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU MARS 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS JUPITER SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 3
VENUS JUPITER KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS JUPITER MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS JUPITER MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN SATURN 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN MERCURY 20 3 2 1 5 22 3
VENUS SATURN KETU 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN VENUS 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN SUN 20 3 2 1 2 0 54
VENUS SATURN MOON 20 3 2 1 3 11 24
VENUS SATURN MARS 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN RAHU 20 3 2 1 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN JUPITER 20 3 2 1 5 12 18
VENUS MERCURY KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS MERCURY SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS MERCURY MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 2
VENUS MERCURY MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS MERCURY JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 1
VENUS MERCURY SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS KETU KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS KETU MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS KETU MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS KETU JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS KETU SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
SUN SUN SUN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MOON 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MARS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN RAHU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN JUPITER 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN SATURN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MERCURY 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN KETU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN VENUS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN MOON MOON 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MARS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON RAHU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON JUPITER 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SATURN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MERCURY 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON KETU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON VENUS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SUN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MARS MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN RAHU RAHU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU JUPITER 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SATURN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MERCURY 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU KETU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU VENUS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SUN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MOON 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MARS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER JUPITER 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SATURN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MERCURY 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER KETU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER VENUS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SUN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MOON 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MARS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER RAHU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SATURN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MERCURY 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN KETU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN VENUS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SUN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MOON 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MARS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN RAHU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN JUPITER 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY KETU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY VENUS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SUN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MOON 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MARS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY RAHU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY JUPITER 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SATURN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN KETU KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN VENUS VENUS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SUN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MOON 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MARS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS RAHU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS JUPITER 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SATURN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MERCURY 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS KETU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
MOON MOON MOON 10 0 10 27 0 25 22
MOON MOON MARS 10 0 10 27 0 17 45
MOON MOON RAHU 10 0 10 27 1 18 36
MOON MOON JUPITER 10 0 10 27 1 10 30
MOON MOON SATURN 10 0 10 27 0 25 22
MOON MOON MERCURY 10 0 10 27 1 13 1
MOON MOON KETU 10 0 10 27 0 17 45
MOON MOON VENUS 10 0 10 27 1 20 42
MOON MOON SUN 10 0 10 27 0 15 12
MOON MARS MARS 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON MARS RAHU 10 0 10 18 1 18 36
MOON MARS JUPITER 10 0 10 18 1 10 30
MOON MARS SATURN 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON MARS MERCURY 10 0 10 18 1 13 12
MOON MARS KETU 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON MARS VENUS 10 0 10 18 1 20 42
MOON MARS SUN 10 0 10 18 0 15 12
MOON MARS MOON 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON RAHU RAHU 10 1 6 21 1 18 36
MOON RAHU JUPITER 10 1 6 21 1 10 30
MOON RAHU SATURN 10 1 6 21 0 25 22
MOON RAHU MERCURY 10 1 6 21 1 13 12
MOON RAHU KETU 10 1 6 21 0 17 45
MOON RAHU VENUS 10 1 6 21 1 20 42
MOON RAHU SUN 10 1 6 21 0 15 12
MOON RAHU MOON 10 1 6 21 0 25 22
MOON RAHU MARS 10 1 6 21 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER JUPITER 10 0 10 10 1 10 30
MOON JUPITER SATURN 10 0 10 10 0 25 22
MOON JUPITER MERCURY 10 0 10 10 1 13 1
MOON JUPITER KETU 10 0 10 10 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER VENUS 10 0 10 10 1 20 42
MOON JUPITER SUN 10 0 10 10 0 15 12
MOON JUPITER MOON 10 0 10 10 0 25 22
MOON JUPITER MARS 10 0 10 10 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER RAHU 10 0 10 10 1 18 36
MOON SATURN SATURN 10 1 7 0 0 25 22
MOON SATURN MERCURY 10 1 7 0 1 13 1
MOON SATURN KETU 10 1 7 0 0 17 45
MOON SATURN VENUS 10 1 7 0 1 20 42
MOON SATURN SUN 10 1 7 0 0 15 12
MOON SATURN MOON 10 1 7 0 0 25 22
MOON SATURN MARS 10 1 7 0 0 17 45
MOON SATURN RAHU 10 1 7 0 1 18 36
MOON SATURN JUPITER 10 1 7 0 1 10 30
MOON MERCURY MERCURY 10 0 10 13 1 13
MOON MERCURY KETU 10 0 10 13 0 17 45
MOON MERCURY VENUS 10 0 10 13 1 20 4
MOON MERCURY SUN 10 0 10 13 0 15 12
MOON MERCURY MOON 10 0 10 13 0 25 2
MOON MERCURY MARS 10 0 10 13 0 17 45
MOON MERCURY RAHU 10 0 10 13 1 18 36
MOON MERCURY JUPITER 10 0 10 13 1 10 3
MOON MERCURY SATURN 10 0 10 13 0 25 2
MOON KETU KETU 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON KETU VENUS 10 0 10 18 1 20 42
MOON KETU SUN 10 0 10 18 0 15 12
MOON KETU MOON 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON KETU MARS 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON KETU RAHU 10 0 10 18 1 18 36
MOON KETU JUPITER 10 0 10 18 1 10 30
MOON KETU SATURN 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON KETU MERCURY 10 0 10 18 1 13 12
MOON VENUS VENUS 10 0 10 20 1 20 42
MOON VENUS SUN 10 0 10 20 0 15 12
MOON VENUS MOON 10 0 10 20 0 25 22
MOON VENUS MARS 10 0 10 20 0 17 45
MOON VENUS RAHU 10 0 10 20 1 18 36
MOON VENUS JUPITER 10 0 10 20 1 10 30
MOON VENUS SATURN 10 0 10 20 0 25 22
MOON VENUS MERCURY 10 0 10 20 1 13 1
MOON VENUS KETU 10 0 10 20 0 17 45
MOON SUN SUN 10 0 10 15 0 15 12
MOON SUN MOON 10 0 10 15 0 25 22
MOON SUN MARS 10 0 10 15 0 17 45
MOON SUN RAHU 10 0 10 15 1 18 36
MOON SUN JUPITER 10 0 10 15 1 10 30
MOON SUN SATURN 10 0 10 15 0 25 22
MOON SUN MERCURY 10 0 10 15 1 13 12
MOON SUN KETU 10 0 10 15 0 17 45
MOON SUN VENUS 10 0 10 15 1 20 42
MARS MARS MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MARS JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MARS SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS MARS KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MARS SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS MARS MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
MARS RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
MARS RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
MARS RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
MARS RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
MARS RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
MARS RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS JUPITER SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS JUPITER SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS JUPITER MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS JUPITER MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
MARS SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
MARS SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
MARS SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
MARS SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
MARS SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
MARS MERCURY KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MERCURY VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MERCURY SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS MERCURY MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS MERCURY MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MERCURY RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MERCURY SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS KETU SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS KETU MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS KETU MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS KETU JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS KETU SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS VENUS VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS VENUS SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS VENUS MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS VENUS MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS VENUS RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS VENUS JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS VENUS SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS VENUS MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS VENUS KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS SUN MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS SUN MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS SUN JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS SUN SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS SUN KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MOON MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS MOON MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MOON JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MOON SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS MOON KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MOON SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
RAHU RAHU RAHU 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU RAHU JUPITER 18 2 9 26 4 11 24
RAHU RAHU SATURN 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU RAHU MERCURY 18 2 9 26 4 19 48
RAHU RAHU KETU 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU RAHU VENUS 18 2 9 26 5 14 24
RAHU RAHU SUN 18 2 9 26 1 19 12
RAHU RAHU MOON 18 2 9 26 2 22 12
RAHU RAHU MARS 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER JUPITER 18 2 9 10 4 11 24
RAHU JUPITER SATURN 18 2 9 10 5 7 48
RAHU JUPITER MERCURY 18 2 9 10 4 19 48
RAHU JUPITER KETU 18 2 9 10 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER VENUS 18 2 9 10 5 14 24
RAHU JUPITER SUN 18 2 9 10 1 19 12
RAHU JUPITER MOON 18 2 9 10 2 22 12
RAHU JUPITER MARS 18 2 9 10 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER RAHU 18 2 9 10 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN SATURN 18 2 10 12 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN MERCURY 18 2 10 12 4 19 48
RAHU SATURN KETU 18 2 10 12 1 27 36
RAHU SATURN VENUS 18 2 10 12 5 14 24
RAHU SATURN SUN 18 2 10 12 1 19 12
RAHU SATURN MOON 18 2 10 12 2 22 12
RAHU SATURN MARS 18 2 10 12 1 27 36
RAHU SATURN RAHU 18 2 10 12 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN JUPITER 18 2 10 12 4 11 24
RAHU MERCURY KETU 18 2 9 18 1 27 36
RAHU MERCURY VENUS 18 2 9 18 5 14 24
RAHU MERCURY SUN 18 2 9 18 1 19 12
RAHU MERCURY MOON 18 2 9 18 2 22 12
RAHU MERCURY MARS 18 2 9 18 1 27 36
RAHU MERCURY RAHU 18 2 9 18 5 7 48
RAHU MERCURY JUPITER 18 2 9 18 4 11 24
RAHU MERCURY SATURN 18 2 9 18 5 7 48
RAHU KETU KETU 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU KETU VENUS 18 2 9 27 5 14 24
RAHU KETU SUN 18 2 9 27 1 19 12
RAHU KETU MOON 18 2 9 27 2 22 12
RAHU KETU MARS 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU KETU RAHU 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU KETU JUPITER 18 2 9 27 4 11 24
RAHU KETU SATURN 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU KETU MERCURY 18 2 9 27 4 19 48
RAHU VENUS VENUS 18 2 9 12 5 14 24
RAHU VENUS SUN 18 2 9 12 1 19 12
RAHU VENUS MOON 18 2 9 12 2 22 12
RAHU VENUS MARS 18 2 9 12 1 27 36
RAHU VENUS RAHU 18 2 9 12 5 7 48
RAHU VENUS JUPITER 18 2 9 12 4 11 24
RAHU VENUS SATURN 18 2 9 12 5 7 48
RAHU VENUS MERCURY 18 2 9 12 4 19 48
RAHU VENUS KETU 18 2 9 12 1 27 36
RAHU SUN SUN 18 2 9 19 1 19 12
RAHU SUN MOON 18 2 9 19 2 22 12
RAHU SUN MARS 18 2 9 19 1 27 36
RAHU SUN RAHU 18 2 9 19 5 7 48
RAHU SUN JUPITER 18 2 9 19 4 11 24
RAHU SUN SATURN 18 2 9 19 5 7 48
RAHU SUN MERCURY 18 2 9 19 4 19 48
RAHU SUN KETU 18 2 9 19 1 27 36
RAHU SUN VENUS 18 2 9 19 5 14 24
RAHU MOON MOON 18 2 9 26 2 22 12
RAHU MOON MARS 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU MOON RAHU 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU MOON JUPITER 18 2 9 26 4 11 24
RAHU MOON SATURN 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU MOON MERCURY 18 2 9 26 4 19 48
RAHU MOON KETU 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU MOON VENUS 18 2 9 26 5 14 24
RAHU MOON SUN 18 2 9 26 1 19 12
RAHU MARS MARS 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU MARS RAHU 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU MARS JUPITER 18 2 9 27 4 11 24
RAHU MARS SATURN 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU MARS MERCURY 18 2 9 27 4 19 48
RAHU MARS KETU 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU MARS VENUS 18 2 9 27 5 14 24
RAHU MARS SUN 18 2 9 27 1 19 12
RAHU MARS MOON 18 2 9 27 2 22 12
JUPITER JUPITER SATURN 16 2 2 12 3 13 48
JUPITER JUPITER KETU 16 2 2 12 1 15 36
JUPITER JUPITER VENUS 16 2 2 12 4 9 54
JUPITER JUPITER SUN 16 2 2 12 1 9 0
JUPITER JUPITER MOON 16 2 2 12 2 4 48
JUPITER JUPITER MARS 16 2 2 12 1 15 36
JUPITER JUPITER RAHU 16 2 2 12 4 4 48
JUPITER SATURN SATURN 16 2 6 24 3 13 48
JUPITER SATURN KETU 16 2 6 24 1 15 36
JUPITER SATURN VENUS 16 2 6 24 4 9 54
JUPITER SATURN SUN 16 2 6 24 1 9 0
JUPITER SATURN MOON 16 2 6 24 2 4 48
JUPITER SATURN MARS 16 2 6 24 1 15 36
JUPITER SATURN RAHU 16 2 6 24 4 4 48
JUPITER SATURN JUPITER 16 2 6 24 3 13 48
JUPITER MERCURY KETU 16 2 2 19 1 15 36
JUPITER MERCURY SUN 16 2 2 19 1 9 0
JUPITER MERCURY MOON 16 2 2 19 2 4 4
JUPITER MERCURY MARS 16 2 2 19 1 15 36
JUPITER MERCURY RAHU 16 2 2 19 4 4 48
JUPITER KETU KETU 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER KETU VENUS 16 2 2 15 4 9 54
JUPITER KETU SUN 16 2 2 15 1 9 0
JUPITER KETU MOON 16 2 2 15 2 4 48
JUPITER KETU MARS 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER KETU RAHU 16 2 2 15 4 4 48
JUPITER KETU JUPITER 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER KETU SATURN 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER KETU MERCURY 16 2 2 15 3 20 24
JUPITER VENUS VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER VENUS SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER VENUS MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER VENUS MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER VENUS RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER VENUS JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER VENUS SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER VENUS KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER SUN MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER SUN MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER SUN JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER SUN SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER SUN MERCURY 16 2 2 8 3 20 24
JUPITER SUN KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER MOON MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER MOON MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER MOON RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER MOON JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER MOON SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER MOON MERCURY 16 2 2 8 3 20 2
JUPITER MOON KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER MOON VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER MOON SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER MARS MARS 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER MARS RAHU 16 2 2 15 4 4 48
JUPITER MARS JUPITER 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER MARS SATURN 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER MARS MERCURY 16 2 2 15 3 20 24
JUPITER MARS KETU 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER MARS VENUS 16 2 2 15 4 9 54
JUPITER MARS SUN 16 2 2 15 1 9 0
JUPITER MARS MOON 16 2 2 15 2 4 48
JUPITER RAHU RAHU 16 2 5 10 4 4 48
JUPITER RAHU JUPITER 16 2 5 10 3 13 48
JUPITER RAHU SATURN 16 2 5 10 3 13 48
JUPITER RAHU MERCURY 16 2 5 10 3 20 24
JUPITER RAHU KETU 16 2 5 10 1 15 36
JUPITER RAHU VENUS 16 2 5 10 4 9 54
JUPITER RAHU SUN 16 2 5 10 1 9 0
JUPITER RAHU MOON 16 2 5 10 2 4 48
JUPITER RAHU MARS 16 2 5 10 1 15 36
SATURN SATURN SATURN 19 3 0 21 0 0 0
SATURN SATURN KETU 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN VENUS 19 3 0 21 6 3 0
SATURN SATURN SUN 19 3 0 21 1 24 54
SATURN SATURN MOON 19 3 0 21 3 1 30
SATURN SATURN MARS 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN RAHU 19 3 0 21 5 25 48
SATURN SATURN JUPITER 19 3 0 21 4 26 24
SATURN MERCURY KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MERCURY MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 3
SATURN MERCURY MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN KETU SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN KETU MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN KETU MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN KETU SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN KETU MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN VENUS VENUS 19 3 0 1 6 3 0
SATURN VENUS SUN 19 3 0 1 1 24 54
SATURN VENUS MOON 19 3 0 1 3 1 30
SATURN VENUS MARS 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN VENUS RAHU 19 3 0 1 5 25 48
SATURN VENUS JUPITER 19 3 0 1 4 26 24
SATURN VENUS SATURN 19 3 0 1 0 0 0
SATURN VENUS KETU 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN SUN SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN SUN MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN SUN MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
SATURN SUN JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN SUN SATURN 19 3 0 24 0 0 0
SATURN SUN MERCURY 19 3 0 24 5 5 42
SATURN SUN KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN MOON MOON 19 3 0 6 3 1 30
SATURN MOON MARS 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON RAHU 19 3 0 6 5 25 48
SATURN MOON JUPITER 19 3 0 6 4 26 24
SATURN MOON SATURN 19 3 0 6 0 0 0
SATURN MOON MERCURY 19 3 0 6 5 5 4
SATURN MOON KETU 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON VENUS 19 3 0 6 6 3 0
SATURN MOON SUN 19 3 0 6 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN MARS JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN MARS SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN MARS MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN MARS KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN MARS SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU RAHU 19 2 10 4 5 25 48
SATURN RAHU JUPITER 19 2 10 4 4 26 24
SATURN RAHU SATURN 19 2 10 4 0 0 0
SATURN RAHU MERCURY 19 2 10 4 5 5 42
SATURN RAHU KETU 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN RAHU VENUS 19 2 10 4 6 3 0
SATURN RAHU SUN 19 2 10 4 1 24 54
SATURN RAHU MOON 19 2 10 4 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU MARS 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN JUPITER KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN JUPITER SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN JUPITER MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN JUPITER MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
MERCURY KETU KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY KETU SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY KETU MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY KETU MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY KETU JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY KETU SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY VENUS VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY VENUS SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY VENUS MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY VENUS MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY VENUS RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY VENUS JUPITER 17 2 6 30 3 27 1
MERCURY VENUS SATURN 17 2 6 30 4 4 3
MERCURY VENUS KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN SUN 17 2 6 15 1 14 6
MERCURY SUN MOON 17 2 6 15 2 13 12
MERCURY SUN MARS 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN RAHU 17 2 6 15 4 20 42
MERCURY SUN JUPITER 17 2 6 15 3 27 18
MERCURY SUN SATURN 17 2 6 15 4 4 30
MERCURY SUN KETU 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN VENUS 17 2 6 15 4 26 42
MERCURY MOON MOON 17 2 6 19 2 13 1
MERCURY MOON MARS 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON RAHU 17 2 6 19 4 20 42
MERCURY MOON JUPITER 17 2 6 19 3 27 1
MERCURY MOON SATURN 17 2 6 19 4 4 3
MERCURY MOON KETU 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON VENUS 17 2 6 19 4 26 4
MERCURY MOON SUN 17 2 6 19 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY MARS JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY MARS SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY MARS KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY MARS SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU RAHU 17 2 7 18 4 20 42
MERCURY RAHU JUPITER 17 2 7 18 3 27 18
MERCURY RAHU SATURN 17 2 7 18 4 4 30
MERCURY RAHU KETU 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY RAHU VENUS 17 2 7 18 4 26 42
MERCURY RAHU SUN 17 2 7 18 1 14 6
MERCURY RAHU MOON 17 2 7 18 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU MARS 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY JUPITER SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY JUPITER MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY JUPITER MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY SATURN KETU 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN VENUS 17 2 8 3 4 26 4
MERCURY SATURN SUN 17 2 8 3 1 14 6
MERCURY SATURN MOON 17 2 8 3 2 13 1
MERCURY SATURN MARS 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN RAHU 17 2 8 3 4 20 42
KETU KETU KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU KETU SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU KETU MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU KETU MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU KETU JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU KETU SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU VENUS KETU 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS VENUS 7 0 5 25 0 24 52
KETU VENUS SUN 7 0 5 25 0 7 28
KETU VENUS MOON 7 0 5 25 0 12 25
KETU VENUS MARS 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS RAHU 7 0 5 25 0 23 51
KETU VENUS JUPITER 7 0 5 25 0 19 53
KETU VENUS SATURN 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS MERCURY 7 0 5 25 0 21 7
KETU SUN SUN 7 0 5 7 0 7 28
KETU SUN MOON 7 0 5 7 0 12 25
KETU SUN MARS 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN RAHU 7 0 5 7 0 23 51
KETU SUN JUPITER 7 0 5 7 0 19 53
KETU SUN SATURN 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN MERCURY 7 0 5 7 0 21 7
KETU SUN KETU 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN VENUS 7 0 5 7 0 24 52
KETU MOON MOON 7 0 5 13 0 12 25
KETU MOON MARS 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON RAHU 7 0 5 13 0 23 51
KETU MOON JUPITER 7 0 5 13 0 19 53
KETU MOON SATURN 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON MERCURY 7 0 5 13 0 21 7
KETU MOON KETU 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON VENUS 7 0 5 13 0 24 52
KETU MOON SUN 7 0 5 13 0 7 28
KETU MARS MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU MARS JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU MARS SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU MARS KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU MARS SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU MARS MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
KETU RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
KETU RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
KETU RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
KETU RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
KETU RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
KETU RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 5 20 0 19 53
KETU JUPITER SATURN 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER MERCURY 7 0 5 20 0 21 7
KETU JUPITER KETU 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER VENUS 7 0 5 20 0 24 52
KETU JUPITER SUN 7 0 5 20 0 7 28
KETU JUPITER MOON 7 0 5 20 0 12 25
KETU JUPITER MARS 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER RAHU 7 0 5 20 0 23 51
KETU SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
KETU SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
KETU SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
KETU SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
KETU SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
KETU SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY KETU 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY VENUS 7 0 5 21 0 24 52
KETU MERCURY SUN 7 0 5 21 0 7 28
KETU MERCURY MOON 7 0 5 21 0 12 25
KETU MERCURY MARS 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY RAHU 7 0 5 21 0 23 51
KETU MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 5 21 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY SATURN 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
VENUS VENUS VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS VENUS MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 24
VENUS VENUS MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS VENUS RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS VENUS JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 18
VENUS VENUS SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS MERCURY 20 3 4 20 5 22 3
VENUS VENUS KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS SUN SUN 20 3 4 30 2 0 54
VENUS SUN MOON 20 3 4 30 3 11 24
VENUS SUN MARS 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN RAHU 20 3 4 30 6 14 42
VENUS SUN JUPITER 20 3 4 30 5 12 18
VENUS SUN SATURN 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS SUN MERCURY 20 3 4 30 5 22 30
VENUS SUN KETU 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN VENUS 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MOON 20 3 4 16 3 11 24
VENUS MOON MARS 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON RAHU 20 3 4 16 6 14 42
VENUS MOON JUPITER 20 3 4 16 5 12 18
VENUS MOON SATURN 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MERCURY 20 3 4 16 5 22 3
VENUS MOON KETU 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON VENUS 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON SUN 20 3 4 16 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS MARS JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS MARS SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
VENUS MARS KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU RAHU 20 3 0 12 6 14 42
VENUS RAHU JUPITER 20 3 0 12 5 12 18
VENUS RAHU SATURN 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU MERCURY 20 3 0 12 5 22 30
VENUS RAHU KETU 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS RAHU VENUS 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU SUN 20 3 0 12 2 0 54
VENUS RAHU MOON 20 3 0 12 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU MARS 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS JUPITER SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 3
VENUS JUPITER KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS JUPITER MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS JUPITER MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN SATURN 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN MERCURY 20 3 2 1 5 22 3
VENUS SATURN KETU 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN VENUS 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN SUN 20 3 2 1 2 0 54
VENUS SATURN MOON 20 3 2 1 3 11 24
VENUS SATURN MARS 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN RAHU 20 3 2 1 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN JUPITER 20 3 2 1 5 12 18
VENUS MERCURY KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS MERCURY SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS MERCURY MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 2
VENUS MERCURY MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS MERCURY JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 1
VENUS MERCURY SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS KETU KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS KETU MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS KETU MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS KETU JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS KETU SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
SUN SUN SUN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MOON 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MARS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN RAHU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN JUPITER 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN SATURN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MERCURY 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN KETU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN VENUS 6 0 4 5 0 18 16
SUN MOON MOON 6 0 4 10 0 10 57
SUN MOON MARS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON RAHU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON JUPITER 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SATURN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MERCURY 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON KETU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON VENUS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SUN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MARS MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN RAHU RAHU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU JUPITER 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SATURN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MERCURY 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU KETU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU VENUS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SUN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MOON 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MARS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER JUPITER 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SATURN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MERCURY 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER KETU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER VENUS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SUN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MOON 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MARS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER RAHU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SATURN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MERCURY 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN KETU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN VENUS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SUN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MOON 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MARS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN RAHU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN JUPITER 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY KETU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY VENUS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SUN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MOON 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MARS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY RAHU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY JUPITER 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SATURN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN KETU KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN VENUS VENUS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SUN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MOON 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MARS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS RAHU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS JUPITER 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SATURN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MERCURY 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
Sun VENUS KETU 6 0 4 18 0 6 23
Njattu Space No
ASWINI 0.0000 1
BHARANI 13.3333 2
KARTIKA 26.6660 3
ROHINI 39.9990 4
MRIGASIRA 53.3320 5
ARIDRA 66.6650 6
PUNARVASU 79.9980 7
PUSHYA 93.3310 8
ASLESHA 106.6640 9
MAGHA 119.9970 10
PUBBA 133.3300 11
UTHARA 146.6630 12
HASTA 159.9960 13
CHITHRA 173.3290 14
SWATHI 186.6620 15
VISHAKHA 199.9950 16
ANURADHA 213.3280 17
JYESHTA 226.6610 18
MOOLA 239.9940 19
POORVASHAD 253.3270 20
UTHARASHAD 266.6600 21
SRAVANA 279.9930 22
DHANISHTA 293.3260 23
SATABHISHA 306.6590 24
POORVABHAD 319.9920 25
UTHARABHAD 333.3250 26
REVATHI 346.6580 27
SUN 3590.0 149.58 78.77272
MOON 47435 1976.5 102.65420
JUPITER 299.00 12.46 170.27333
VENUS 5787.0 241.13 287.71796
MERCURY 14732 613.83 233.45276
MARS 2340.0 97.50 131.79800
NODES 190.77 7.95 0.00000
SATURN 120.00 5.00 248.64500
Relation between Nine Gems & the Nine Revolving Heavens
Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology
& Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine
planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the
planet governing fortune can generate fortune. Gemology post-
ulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have thera-
peutic properties which can be used in the medical field.
Scholars who have done research in the subject are unani-
mous in their opinion that by wearing the gem of a functional
benefic in a Susthana one can not only enhance fortune
but also overcome many difficulties including diseases.
Its therapeutic properties are used in Cosmic Ray Therapy.
Gems have changed the destiny of many prominent individuals and
if you wear the stone prescribed by Computer you can also see
the remarkable transformation taking place in your career.
Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the
earth have the ability to heal diseases.
Similarly if you wear the gem of a Functional Benefic
you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colours radiated by
the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating
Colour hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colours are absorbed
by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body.
The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical
body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease).
Scientific Research done in Astro-Gemology - The Rationale
The seven primary colours of the spectrum and the two secondary
colours correspond to the nine revolving heavens.(VIBGYOR & infra-
red and ultra-violet ).
The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the
very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours
that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the
visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the long-
est wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength
of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match
those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s).
Researches show that the wavelength of light emanating from
the Sun is identical to the wavelength of light emanating
from Ruby - Red.
Among all the elements in nature gemstones constitute the most
condensed form of concentrated color. Gems therefore provide
an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays.
Here we give the Cosmic Colour and the Gem corresponding to the
Nine revolving heavens.
( The term 'planet' used in Sidereal Astrology refers to cel-
estial bodies or mathematical points. A star(Sun) the two ma-
thematical points where orbits of the Sun (Earth-in-reflex)
and the Moon intersect - viz the North and South Nodes of the
Moon - ( Rahu & Ketu ) are referred as planets.)
Cosmic Colour Planet Gemstone
Red Sun Ruby
Orange Moon Pearl
Light Blue Jupiter Yellow Sapphire
Ultra-Violet Rahu Hessonite
Green Mercury Emerald
Indigo Venus Diamond
Infra-red Ketu Cat's Eye
Violet Saturn Blue Sapphire
Yellow Mars Coral
Now due to the pioneering research work done by Zodiac the
secrets of this science is brought within the reach of the layman.
The points of exaltation debilitation and the relational
nature of planets are considered while assessing the positional
strengths of planets ( Sthanabala )
Following are the percentage points of planets as per Rasibala
100% - Exaltation
75% - Moolatrikona
50% - Swakshetra
25% - In friend's House
12.5% - In Neutral House
6.75% - In Enemy's House
0% - Debilitation
Trinal lords are considered to be benefics in Vedic Astrology.
After all the trines are defined as moral triangles. The Ninth
lord is the lord of Fortune the fifth lord is the ninth from
the ninth ( fortune) and the First Lord or Lagnadhipa the most
important planet as it rules the greatest of all wealth Health.
Functional Benefics
Any planet who owns a quadrant and a trine is considered to
be a functional benefic. Functional benefics are the planets
which can do immense good to the native.
Natural benefics are the Moon Jupiter Mercury and Venus...
Temporal benefics are the friendly planets of the Ascendant
In the West Pythagorus discovered the the Law of Vibration.
This Law states that each number has a particular vibration.
Astro-Numerology is the synthesis of Astrology and Numerology
the perfect integration between the science of the Heavens and
the Science of Numbers!
The nine numbers correspond to the nine planets in Astrology.
One represents the luminary SUN
Two represents the luminary MOON
Three represents the planet JUPITER
Four represents the planet RAHU
Five represents the planet MERCURY
Six represents the planet VENUS
Seven represents the planet KETU
Eight represents the planet SATURN
Nine represents the planet MARS
We will define Ketu and Rahu. They are the Nodes of the Moon.
The Moon's Ascending Node is Rahu and the Descending Node
is Ketu. The orbit of the Sun and the Moon intersect at
two points and they are these Nodes. Since now we know
which planet represents which number
different properties of the nine base numbers
The concept of the Fadic Number
If you add up all the digits which comprise your date of
birth eg -( 23/06/1955 = 2+3+0+6+1+9+5+5 = 31
you get the combined Fadic Number . Here in this example
it is 31 . 3 plus 1 = 4. So 4 is the Fadic Number Find
out the Fadic Number of the person concerned. There are
effects for both Fadic and the Combined Fadic Numbers.
Once you find the Fadic Number of the person
that person will have the characteristics of the planet
representing that Number. Now we are giving here the
effects for Unitarians
10th bhava lord's strength 346.20
11th bhava lord's strength 545.75
12th bhava lord's strength 344.53
Total Wealth Points in Sexagesimal units 1857.62
Their Average 464.40500000000000
SUN 487.33
MERC 545.75
VEN 346.20
MARS 368.55
JUP 397.57
SAT 406.47
SAT 406.47
JUP 397.57
MARS 368.55
VEN 346.20
MERC 545.75
MOON 344.53
Wealt 1857.6
Avg P 464.41
All planets have dual aspects like Man- the Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde aspects- the positive and the negative aspects and
corresponding mantras are chanted to reduce their negativity. .
Nava Graha Stotra means the ninefold Stotra of the planets
For the Sun
Japa Kusuma Sankasham
Kashyapeyam Mahadyuthim
Thamognam Sarvapapagnam
Pranathosmi Divakaram
O Destroyer of the Darkness
of Ignorance ! O Annihilator
of all sins !
My saluations to Thee !
For the Moon
Dhadhi Shankha Thusharabham
Ksheerodharnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam
Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam
O Thou who adorns the head of the mighty Lord Siva ! My obeisances to
For Jupiter
Devanamscha rishinamscha
Gurum kanchana sannibham
Bandhubhootam trilokesam
Tam namami brahaspathim
O Beloved of all Rishies and Yogins !
O Preceptor of all who follow the Path Divine !
I bow down to Thee !
For Rahu ( North Node )
Ardhakayam Mahaveeryam
Chandradithya Vimardhanam
Simhika Garbha Sambhootam
Tham Rahum pranamamyaham
O Devourer of the Apollo and Diana !
I bow down to Thee !
For Mercury
Priyangu Kalika Shyamam
Roopena Prathimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Gunopetham
Namami Shashinam Sutham
O Son of the Moon and Representer of all
academic Knowledge ! My salutations to Thee !
For Venus
Himakunda mrinalabham
Daityanam Paramam Gurum
Sarvashastra pravaktharam
Bharghavam prnamamyaham
O Preceptor of the Demons !
O Representer of all Sciences ! I bow down to Thee !
For Ketu ( South Node )
Palasa pushpa sankasam
Tharakakara Vigraham
Ugrascha Vividhakara
Tham Ketum Pranamamyaham
O Destroyer and Terrible of Form !
I bow down to Thee !
For Saturn
Neelanjana Samabhasam
Raviputram Yamagrajam
Chaya Marthanda Sambhootham
Tham Namami Sanaiswaram
O Son of the Sun and the Imparter of
Patience and Perseverance. I bow down to Thee !
For Mars
Dharanee Garbha Sambhootham
Vidyut Kantha Samaprabham
Kumaram Shakthi Hastham cha
Mangalam Pranamamyaham
O Son of Earth and Defence Minister of the
celestial Army ! My salutations to Thee !
These stotras are powerful and astrologers chant
it every day for the propitiation of the Nine Revolving Heavens !
In order to pacify the negative aspects of the planets
and to augment their positive aspects the following mantra
should be recited after this Nava Graha Stotra.
Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha
Thesham Grahanam Shubhaphalam Prarthayartham
Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha
Thesham Grahanam Anukoolyam Siddhayartham
O Nine Heavens ! Please pacify Thy immanence
in all that is bad and activate Thy immanence
in all that is good!
Nava Graha Gayatris
For the Sun
Om Ashwadhwaja Vidmahe Pasa Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soorya Prachoday
For the Moon
Om Padmadwajaya Vidmahe Hema Roopaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soma Prachodayat
For Jupiter
Om Vrishabhadwajaya Vidmahe Ghrini Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Guru Prac
For Rahu
Om Nagadwajaya Vidmahe Padma Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Rahu Prachodaya
For Mercury
Om Gajadwajaya Vidmahe Shuka Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Budha Prachoday
For Venus
Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Dhanur Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Shukra Pracho
For Ketu
Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Shoola Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Ketu Prachoda
For Saturn
Om Kakadwajaya Vidmahe Khadga Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Manda Prachoda
For Mars
Om Veeradwajaya Vidmahe Vighna Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Bhauma Pracho
For Navagraha Yantra
Sooryaya Namah
Somaya Namah
Bhoo Putraya Namah
Budhaya Namah
Shanaishwarayai Namah
Brahaspathe Namah
Rahave Namah
Shukraya Namah
Kethave Namah ( 3 - 3 times )
Navagraha Peeda Hara Stothra ( Mantras for destroying
the afflictions of the planets )
For the Sun
Grahanam Adiradithyo
Loka Rakshana Karakah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham
Peedam Harathu Me Ravih
For the Moon
Rohineesa Sudha Moorthim
Sudhagathra Sudhasanah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham
Peedam Harathu Me Vidhuh
For Mars
Bhoomi Putro Maha Thejo
Jagatha Bhayakrith Sada
Vishtikrith Vrishti Hartha Cha
Peedam Harathu Me Kujah
For Mercury
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham
Chandraputro Mahadyuthi
Soorya Priya Karo Vidwan
Peedam Harathu Me Budhah
For Jupiter
Deva Manthri Vishalakshah
Sada Loka Hithe Rathah
Aneka Shishya Sampoornah
Peedam Harathu Me Guruh
For Venus
Daithya Mantri Gurusthesham
Pranadascha MahamathiH
Prabhusthara Grahanam Cha
Peedam Harathu Me Brighu
For Saturn
Soorya Putro Deergha Deho
Vishalaksha Siva Priyah
Mandachara Prasannatma
Peedam Harathu Me Shanih
For Rahu
Aneka Roopa Varnaischa
Shathasotha Sahasra sa
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham
Peedam Harathu Me Thamah
Mahasiro Mahava
For Kethu
Maha Sira Maha Vakthro
Deergha Dhamshtro Mahabalah
Athanushchordhwa Keshascha
Peedam Harathu Me Sikhih
with VARA BEING M with
Asthu Trailokya Deepaya
Bhaktapi matha dayine
Samastha Vidya Nirmana
Kavaye Ravaye Nama
Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health.
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body.
The Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House the Feet.
Medical Astrology if incorporated in Astrology Software can
be of immense help in relieving patients' of their misery.
The Law of Correspondences of Classical Philosophy has
another term " The Doctrine of Signatures". This doctrine states
that objects - animate and inanimate - are governed by planets and
Classical Astrology has taken this concept beyond " The Law of Cause
and Effect " and has defined it as Archetypal or Psychological.
Reflections of the intrinsic qualities of the planets can be seen
in people plants animals & minerals. All that we see touch
consume & harvest has a correspondence. By knowing our own planetary
signature we can consume those materials which correspond to
our planetary signature and thus a healthy balance can be maintain
( In my horoscope Jupiter is posited in Cancer and hence powerful in
positional as well as directional strength. If I am afflicted by
any sort of disease the escape route is the Jupiterian Way - viz
consuming more vegetables and fruits as he rules fruits and
vegetables. If I do that I will be implementing what the Great
Seers said long ago " Naturopathic food is medicine and medicine
is food " )! Since the Zodiacal Signs represent the Five Elements
( Ether Fire Air Earth & Water ) the ancient astrological
savants assigned everything in the Universe to a planetary
ruler and considered all as the manifestation of the Elemental
Five and their respective qualities - hot and dry cold and dry
hot and humid cold and humid. Jupiter rules "Kapha" and the
Sun "Pitta' ( the three humors of Ayurveda ). These elements were
understood in a physical & metaphysical sense as per the principle
As Above So Below
in Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic ( predominance of Kapha) the Bilious
( preponderance of Pitta ) & the Windy ( predominance of Vata ).
There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine -
Sanguine Phlegmatic Choleric and Melancholic. Medical Astrology
here becomes Ayurvedic Astrology analysing the human body made
of Vata Pitta and Kapha and the seven gross tissue elements all
ruled by the Nine Revolving Heavens.
Ayurvedic Therapy
The Seven Planets correspond to the Three humours ( Doshas ) in Ayurve
In the Ayurvedic Model the Seven Revolving Heavens are classified
thus ( Vatam Pittayutha Karothi Dinakrith)
Vata & Kapha
Pitta Vata & Kapha
Vata & Kapha
The seven planets correspond to the Seven Gross Tissue- elements ( dha
Bone Marrow
Seminal Energy
By analysing the horoscope the astrologer can discern the badly place
and the corresponding Dhatu or gross tissue element which has caus
problem and can prescribe Ayurvedic remedial measures ( " Dushthithasy
Dhatustho Rogeenam Roga Eeryatham " )
Medical Astrology's perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac
House Organ
Ist House Head
2nd House Face
Third House Throat
Fourth House Heart
Fifth House Place beneath the heart
Sixth House Stomach
Seventh House Generative Organ
Eighth House Upper Thigh
Ninth House Thigh
Tenth House`````Knee
Eleventh House Calf
Twelfth House Feet
If in the Astrology Chart the 6 House is afflicted there can be
digestive tract disorders. Natural malefics in the 6 H may create
hyperacidity and gas trouble. Affliction either to the 7th house
means disorders of the digestive tract hyperacidity and gas trouble
( Papa Saptamagah Tadodara Ruja ). The same holds good for the 6 H
( Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja ). If the 6 H or the 7 H is afflict
one should be very careful about the body's acidity level. The body's
PH value should be kept at 7. Anything less than 7 is dangerous.
The 80% alkaline nature of the body should be kept up & acidity
should not be above 20%. The best foods to be taken are Vedic Foods
which are low acidity low cholesterol diet.The Acidity- Alkalinity
ratio should be kept at 80% -20%. That ratio can be maintained if you
consume 100 grams fruits and 300 grams vegetables daily and avoid
non-natural food. Natural foods are alkaline and non-veg basically
acidic. From experience it can be discerned that not only malefic
planets bring in problems from enemies but also problems to
the stomach ( Pape Shashtopagathe Vrina Bhayaschora Satru Peeda Cha ).
If the 12 H is afflicted by malefic planets there can be affliction
to the feet. We have seen many a patient suffering from 12 H afflictio
and which manifests as problems on the feet. One should beware of
hidden enemies as well !
There are some astrologers who take this from the Horoscope of the
Cosmic Man that is from His Ascendant Aries. This method also
yields results but from our experience we follow the dictum of
Natal Astrology that it is the Ascendant of the native which
is the head and the Descendant the stomach region. I know many an
astrologer who follow this from Aries Asc & if a malefic is
posited in Virgo in the 6 H of the Kalapurusha ( Cosmic Man )
he predicts stomach problems for the native. ( Kalanarasya Avayavath
Purushanam Kalpayeth ). Or if a malefic is posited in Taurus he
predicts wounds on the face for the native.
Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding
part of the body. North Node - or any other malefic - in the
Sixth is indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house
affliction means that the heart is afflicted and first house
affliction means that the head is afflicted. ( Pape Lagnagathe
Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja )
The planets correspond to the different systems of Man thus
Sun The Bone System
Moon The Circulatory System
Mars The Muscular System
Mercury The Veins
Venus The Reproductive System
Jupiter The Digestive System
Saturn The Excretory System
From experience Vedic Medical Astrology is found to be very
accurate. In my father's horoscope he had a specific yoga for
Arthritis with Jupiter in Libra Asc and Saturn in Aries. My mother
has Saturn in the 12 H; she has a problem in the leg. My co-brother
has Mars in the 12 H; he is suffering from some nerve problem on
the feet. I personally have the North Node in the 6 H and I have
hyperacidity and gas trouble ( Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja ) !
It is time Astrology Vedic programs incorporated Medical Astrology !
Three sorts of formulae are given in the Anushtana Paddhati dealing
with Medical Astrology. Roga Sutra is the formula for disease Mrityu
Sutra is the formula for Death and Jeeva Sutra for escaping from
disease ! Vedic astrologers who study vedic horoscopes should
incorporate the Prasna Anushtana Paddhati by Puliyoor to hone up
their astro skills !
Ayurvedic Gem Therapy
The following stones are prescribed in Ayurveda for specific disorders
Skin Diseases
Cat's Eye Lapis Lazuli Insomnia
Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire Ruby
Blue Sapphire
Topaz Coral
White Coral Diamond Emerald Topaz
Liver problems
Coral Emerald Topaz
Gastric Ulcer
Blue Sapphire
Jade Lapis Lazuli
Cat's Eye Cholera
Cat's Eye Topaz Abdominal Complaints
Heart Troubles
Diamond Pearl Ruby Lapis Lazuli
Blue Sapphire
Chest Pain
Emerald Ruby
Astrology and Medicine are two great branches of Knowledge and
only if they come together can humanity be served. The true
astrologer can find out the disease from the birth chart vedic
and can give remedial measures to redeem the patient.
Fadic Number Nine expresses Him
The Fadic no 9 occurs not only in Vedic
computations- but in Maths also.
Circumference of Circle or Ellipse = 360
That converted into minutes = 360*60
That converted into seconds = 360*60*60
pi = 3.14159265
year = 365.256
e = 2.718
day = 24*60=1440 minutes
day = 864000 seconds
half day = 720 minutes
Radius in seconds =57.3*60*60 =206280 secs.
Diameter in seconds =57.3*2*60*60 =412560 secs
Pi = 180
Pi/2 = 90
Pi/4 = 45
Sin 90 = 1
Sin 270 = -1
Tan 45 = 1
Tan 135 = 1
Tan 225= 1
Tan 315 = 1
Cot 45 = 1
Cot 135 = 1
Cot 225 = 1
Cot 315 = 1
Exponentiation of 3 or its multiples.
3*3 = 9
3*3*3 = 27
3^4 = 243
6^2 = 360
6^3 = 216
And what is this NINE?
It is the number of Mars of
materiality and Man.
How many gems are there? Nine.
How many digits are there? Nine.
How many planets are there? Nine.
The Ninth Prosperity = Cosmic
In the Vedic-27 constellations are divided by 4
and so we have 108 Lunar Mansions. precession of
the Equinoxes are 72 years per degree (which is
also one human Life Span).
Kali Yuga 432000
Treta 864000
Dwapara 1296000
Satya 1728000
4.32 billion years
Age Cycle ( 72*30) = 2
Precessional Cycle (72*360) = 25920 ye
Equinoctial Cycle (2000*2160) = 43 200
Cosmological Cycle ( 2 million * 2160 ) = 4.32 billi
One Cycle of Brahma = 100 Brahma years
One Day of Brahma = 4.32 billion years
Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or
Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 311.04 trillion years
One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one
Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be
one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand
Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles!
No wonder He is defined as the Great Geometer !
There are 18 Sciences
18 Arts
18 Siddhantas
18 Samhitas
18 Horas
18 Smritis
18 Upa Smritis
18 Steps
18 Principles
Cosec 270= -1
cos 180 = -1
sec 180 = -1
Ninefold Intelligence Theory was postulated by Gardiner.
Ninefold Bridal Mysticism- Nava Vidha Bhakti Yoga- is
most important.
Ninefold Deity of Durga is worshipped on Nine Nights
Nine Lunations- on Nava Ratri
D9 Chart is the most important in the Scienc
Nine Gems included Dhanvantari- Kalidasa and Varaha
in the Court of Vikramaditya.
Ninth House is the most important in Astrology.
Any numbr multplied by 9 will give 9 as Fadic Number
Rightly He has been defined as the Geometrician or the
The Absolute Being assuming the role of Numbers
The Timeless who is Infinity becomes O
He stands alone. He becomes Two as Consciousness and Forc
He assumes the role of Creator Preserver & Destroyer He
Three. He becomes Four as the Four Vedas. He becomes Fiv
sense organs.As the Six Shastras He becomes Six. He becom
as the Sevenfold Chord Of Being - Life Mind Matter Supermi
Knowledge and Bliss. He becomes Eight as the Ashta Aiswar
becomes Nine as the Nine planets and the Nine base digits.
Infinite is Thy play as Numbers !
Thy triune eyes Past Present & Future
Thy faces four are the fourfold Veds
Thy smile Maya Thy movement Time
Blessed be Thine Universal Form!
The Absolute Being as Time Infinite & as Wisdom Infinite
( The concepts of Kalapurusha & Vedapurusha )
The Absolute Self as Time Eternal
Lies coiled as the mighty Zodiac!
Aries is His head & Pisces His Feet!
The IC His heart & the MC His thighs!
The Six Auxiliary Sciences form His body
In His other aspect as Wisdom Eternal!
Poetics is His Feet Astrology His eyes
Grammar His Face & His ears Definition!
O Thou manifest in the Heavens
As the mighty Circle of Light
As the Zodiac - Sidereal & Tropical
Give us strength to overcome crises!
Asthu Trailokya Deepaya
Bhaktapi matha dayine
Samastha Vidya Nirmana
Kavaye Ravaye Nama
Moon Sign Aries - Meda Kooru- Mesha- ( Aswini- Bharani- Karthika 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 7th House you
should be careful about your approach to partner
and people belonging to the opposite sex.There may
be misunderstandings and rifts wihin the lute-
Yuvati Jnita Badhaam
As Transit Sun is in the 6th house there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthana Manadi Labham You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted
As Transit Mars is in the 6th -House there can be profes
ssional rise Sthana Manadi Labham. You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in your 7th House you will be known for your jovial
qualities. You will be versatile and knower of many subjects.
Educational attainements will not be of mean order.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You become a more aggressive man. Will not see eye to eye with
loved ones or perhaps wife at least for a few days. Take care not
to lose your self control and reputation by impulsive acts. You
can look forward to a more sparkling social life ahead with your
wife soon. Not a conducive time for education and literary
activities. This period is also known as Kandaka Sani.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You will see a change in the happenings and your luck now. Your
merits will be recognized though you think that it is delayed.
You will be a rich man. Expansion of assets is likely. There will
be happy events in the family. You tend to sacrifice leisure time
to catch up with odd jobs. You put on performances which prove
effective. There will be a tendency to flirt. All these may be
difficult for your wife to absorb.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
You will have the fortune to meet many eminent spiritual personages.
This transit is neither good for children nor father. You may gain
from speculation and investment.
Even though this phase is good for economic gains- health problems
may plague you. You can try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation
Response- leading to good health. There will be tension galore and
you can try Astro Therapy. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah -
in a state of purity.
Beware of thieves. Also loss of largesse. You may be misunderstood
by your family. On the positive side- there can be gains of a high
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Losses accrue as the planet of Finance enters the unfavourable
10th. Great patience and perseverance are needed to reach the
pinnacle of success. Loss of position and wandering about indi-
cated. Avoid sinful deeds and the resultant loss of respect.
30-09-2021 ................... 21-11-2021
Jupiter suddenly becomes benevolent and gains and prestige accrue
Romance blossoms. Wife becomes happy. Income increases and yo
u get
the help of your elder co-borns. Promotional prospects. You become
inspired and will-power to survive increases. Inner strength is
more now than ever.
21-11-2021 .................. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
10 10-10-2021 172.7819 221.1366
10 10-10-2021 11-10-2021
Moon Sign Taurus - Edava Kooru- Vrishabha- ( Karthika 3/4- Rohini- Mrigasira 1/2 )
As Transit Venus tenants your 6th House you
will be afflicted with crises galore.
Solution - Indulge in Bhakti and jnana yogas.
As Transit Sun tenants your 5th house relationships
with children may be affected. Happiness from children
may be affected by 5th Transit Sun.Many hindrances in the
path of life indicated as the 5th is one of the moral
As Transit Mars tenants your 5th -House relationships with
children may be affected. Happiness from children may be affected
by 5th Transit Many hindrances in the path of life indicated as the
5th is one of the moral triangles.
As Mercury is in your 6th House you will have less enemies than
the ordinary man. A benefic posited in the 6th destroys enemies.
You will be free from debts as Mercury destroys all liabilities.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Avoid indulgence in sinful actions. However careful you are some
losses are bound to take place. Income may be retarded. Although
the influence of Saturn is generally not favourable you may
develop useful contacts during this period which may help you in
the coming years. Maintain a tight budget. Your wife may not like
it initially.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
You become a more aggressive man. Will not see eye to eye with
loved ones or perhaps wife at least for a few days. Take care not
to lose your self control and reputation by impulsive acts. You
can look forward to a more sparkling social life ahead with your
wife soon. Not a conducive time for education and literary
activities. This period is also known as Kandaka Sani.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Transit of Nodes
While there may be some lucky breaks in Profession- health problems
may overwhelm you. Rahu can rob you of the much needed mental peace.
Try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation Response. Great tension
indicated. The Rahu mantra Om Rahave Namah can be used to store
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter turns benign and you have successfully crossed over to a
more prosperous period. Happziness which has eluded you so far now
embraces you. You become aware that there is still a reservoir of
good will towards you. Prestige gets enhanced. You gain respect
from the good. You will be known as an altruist as your social and
humanitarian aspect gets recognised.
30-09-2021 ................... 21-11-2021
Losses accrue as the planet of Finance enters the unfavourable
10th. Great patience and perseverance are needed to reach the
pinnacle of success. Loss of position and wandering about indi-
cated. Avoid sinful deeds and the resultant loss of respect.
21-11-2021 .................. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
12 12-10-2021 174.7594 249.9067
12 12-10-2021 13-10-2021
Moon Sign Gemini - Mithuna Kooru- Mithuna- ( Mrigasira 1/2- Aridra- Punarvasu 3/4 )
As Transit Venus tenants your 5th House auspicous
events in the making and happiness via children -
Putra Labdim.
As Transit Sun is in the 4th house you will be affli-
cted by many problems which affect your mental peace
You may not enjoy maternal property 4th Transit Sun is
a hindrance to mental peace and happiness Mental peace
takes a beating as many domestic problems crop up
Heart troubles indicated Avoid cholesterol foods
Eggs meat & all non veg and alcohol are all high chole-
sterol foods Revert to Vedic Foods ( mainly fruits and
vegetables ) The fourth represents our heart and any
malefic posited therein means trouble to the heart.
As Transit Mars is in the 4th -House you will be affli-
cted by many problems which affect your mental peace.You may
not enjoy maternal property. 4th Transit is a hindrance to
mental peace and happiness. Mental peace
takes a beating as many domestic problems crop up.
Heart troubles indicated. Avoid cholesterol foods. Eggs meat & all
non veg and alcohol are all high cholesterol foods. Revert to Vedic
Foods ( mainly fruits and vegetables ).The fourth represents our
heart and any malefic posited therein means trouble to the heart.
In Gem Therapy Emerald Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire are used.
Mercury rules nerves Moon the heart Mars the blood and brain & Transit
Mars the brain and heart.
As Mercury is in your 5th House you will attain a high position
on the socio-economic level.You will have children who will rise
upto your expectations.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
There will be increase in rivalry but you will act like a strong
man against onslaught of enemies in time . Restriction on
movements and death of a near relative is likely. Confusion and
problems caused by governmental or court actions will have to be
faced. Take special care while acquiring new things or property.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
Avoid indulgence in sinful actions. However careful you are some
losses are bound to take place. Income may be retarded. Although
the influence of Saturn is generally not favourable you may
develop useful contacts during this period which may help you in
the coming years. Maintain a tight budget. Your wife may not like
it initially.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
Improving skills becomes a must and this is the time to do that.
Social skills are considered very important. Friends and good
will increase. Economic benefits can ensue and this is the time
to store treasures in Heaven. This will accelerate your spiritual
evolution and take you Godward !.
You may be subject to discliplinary action by the Powers That Be.
On the positive side- you will gain the Grace of Gurus. There
will be gains from profession. But beware of burns and obstru-
ction in intellectual pursuits.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys
and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles
and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health
and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings
with wife and children likely.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Jupiter turns benign and you have successfully crossed over to a
more prosperous period. Happziness which has eluded you so far now
embraces you. You become aware that there is still a reservoir of
good will towards you. Prestige gets enhanced. You gain respect
from the good. You will be known as an altruist as your social and
humanitarian aspect gets recognised.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
14 14-10-2021 176.7389 277.7286
14 14-10-2021 15-10-2021
Moon Sign Cancer - Karkitadaka Kooru- Kataka- ( Punarvasu 1/4- Pushya- Aslesha )
As Transit Venus is in the 4th House lucky breaks
can visit you and your friends.
As Transit Sun is in the 3rd house there can be profe-
ssional rise-- Sthna Maaaaadi Labham You beome the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Transit Mars is in the 3rd -House there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthna Maaaaadi Labham. You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in the 4th House you will attain a high position
in life. You will enjoy all the comforts of life. A benefic
posited in the 4th is a sarvaristabhanga yoga ensuring longevity.
Educational attainments will come to you automatically.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Saturn tries to create a gloomy mood in you during this period.
The solution lies in your making an effort to see the brighter
side of things. No doubt you are a man of achievements and
blessings. You may have to travel against your wish during this
period of Kandaka Sani. It may upset your wife as well.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
There will be increase in rivalry but you will act like a strong
man against onslaught of enemies in time . Restriction on
movements and death of a near relative is likely. Confusion and
problems caused by governmental or court actions will have to be
faced. Take special care while acquiring new things or property.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Be careful about romantic relationships. A rift within the lute can
occur at any time. It may widen soon and make the music mute. On the
positive side- economic gains can accrue. Enemies increase. So also
expenditure. Financial tightness indicated.
On the negative side- there may be disagreement with life partner. But
this is offset by profit from investments and speculation. Your mer
its may be appreciated by VIPs. Your enemies may try this time to
humiliate you.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader
in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement
in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and
friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted
Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys
and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles
and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health
and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings
with wife and children likely.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
16 16-10-2021 178.7204 304.5597
16 16-10-2021 17-10-2021
Moon Sign Leo - Chinga Kooru- Simha ( Magha- Pubba- Uttara 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 3rd House - along
with some struggle there may b progress- vibhootim
As Transit Sun is in the 2nd your wealth may be taxed
by the government. You will have excess wealth and will
be an expert in business management Your shrewdness will
bring home the bacon. On the negative side you may be
afflicted by diseases on the face.
As Transit Mars is in the 2nd your wealth may be
taxed by the government. You will have excess wealth
and will be an expert in businessmanagement. Your shrew
dness will bring home the bacon. On the negative side
you may be afflicted by diseases on the face.
As Mercury is in the 3rd House your relationships with the
younger co-borns should be cared for. You will be known for your
valour and chivalry.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are a happy man now compared to your experiences in the past.
Your enemies will now find your strength better than before. Good
period to start new ventures. There will be advancement in career.
You will be known as a wealthy man now. Good news will reach you.
Make the best use of your masculine talents to consolidate your
30-09-2021 ................. 17-01-2023
Saturn tries to create a gloomy mood in you during this period.
The solution lies in your making an effort to see the brighter
side of things. No doubt you are a man of achievements and
blessings. You may have to travel against your wish during this
period of Kandaka Sani. It may upset your wife as well.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
You can improve your 13 skills and talk your way to the top- as the
Transit of the Nodes is benign. Friends increase. Good will also.
You become the cynosure of all eyes. There will be economic gains
and gain of friends. You can use this time to Love All and Serve
All- thereby increasing your Credit in the Cosmic Ledger.
While the Nodes favor Enlightenment- they can cause eye diseases .
While the cash will be good- there can be trouble to uncles and
aunts. So be careful.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Unhappzy you will be as the planet of Wealth transits the adverse
6th. Despite your having all conveniences you lack happziness.
You are confronted by enemies who plot and conspire against you.
Mental peace takes a beating. The remedy is to turn to prayer and
meditation to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader
in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement
in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and
friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted
Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
18 18-10-2021 180.7039 330.5189
18 18-10-2021 19-10-2021
Moon Sign Virgo - Kanni Kooru- Kanni ( Uttara 3/4- Hasta- Chitra 1/2 )
As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace
you- Vithasiddhim.
As Transit Sun is in Janma you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth-- there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
You will be endowed with the qualities great
of worldly prudence and political ablility.
You will enjoy all the comforts of life.
You will have the knowledge of politics and
economics which will make you an adept in
worldly life.
As Transit Mars is in Janma you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham - Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury tenants your 2nd House you will be wealthy and
endowed with education. Family life will be happy and healthy.
Mercury endows you with entreprenauership & oratorial ability.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
There will be problems from young members in the family. As a
father you will become patient. Separations cause unhappiness.
You can cheer up with the hope that the transit of Saturn is soon
going to become beneficial to you.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You are a happy man now compared to your experiences in the past.
Your enemies will now find your strength better than before. Good
period to start new ventures. There will be advancement in career.
You will be known as a wealthy man now. Good news will reach you.
Make the best use of your masculine talents to consolidate your
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
You should be careful about health during this phase. Mental peace
makes a strategic retreat. You can do TM- which can trigger the
Relaxation Response ( Dr Herbert Benson). The professional field
will give you tension and face all with equanimity of mind. If
health troubles you- you can chant the Health Mantra- Dhanwantari
Mantra. If Wealth- the Wealth Mantra- the Sree Sookta Mantra and
for Wisdom- the Gayatri ! The mantra of Rahu can be chanted to
reduce the maleficence of the North Node.
On the positive side- you may undertake pilgrimages and there may be
meritorious awards to your children. There will be chances of foreign
travel and you may take some correct decisions. On the negative side-
there will be impediments in your relationships and health hazards to
life partner.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny
gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery
will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to
acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of
30-09-2021 .............. 21-11-2021
Unhappzy you will be as the planet of Wealth transits the adverse
6th. Despite your having all conveniences you lack happziness.
You are confronted by enemies who plot and conspire against you.
Mental peace takes a beating. The remedy is to turn to prayer and
meditation to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity.
21-11-2021 .............. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
for Moon Sign Libra - Thula Kooru- Thula ( Chitra 1/2- Swathi- Vishakha 3/4 )
As Transit Venus is in Janma immense sensory
pleasures indicated-Akhila Vishya Bhogam.
As Transit Sun is in 12 H you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth-- there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
As Transit Mars is in 12 H you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury tenants your Janma House you will be considered
scholarly & jovial. Academic learning is the prerogative
of Mercury. There will be academic distinctions and excellence
in many fields.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Physical problems or mental worries are likely. Your fear and
apprehension of problems are more damaging than the problems
themselves. Try to be a positive and optimistic man. You may
travel a lot and stay away from home during this period. As a
result your wife may be unhappy. Take extra efforts to keep your
friends and loved ones in good spirits during this period of
Kandaka Sani.
30-09-2021 .............. 17-01-2023
There will be problems from young members in the family. As a
father you will become patient. Separations cause unhappiness.
You can cheer up with the hope that the transit of Saturn is soon
going to become beneficial to you.
17-01-2023 .............. 29-03-2025
Money takes away mental peace. You have to store treasures in Heaven for
gaining the peace that passeth understanding. Do Punya and eschew Papa-
this is the essence of the millions of books on Wisdom- Ethics and Mora-
lity. Friends increase. Paropakarya Punyaya Papaya Para Peedanam.
You will find that money is a killer. Money kills many a relationship.
Due to friction between the family members- lack of mental peace will
result. But this transit is not without its positive side. There may
be increase in largesse- social recognition- acquisition of knowledge
and improvement of the communication ability.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Financial tightness and enmity trouble from relatives mark the
entry of Jupiter into the 4th. Domestic happziness takes a beating
Worries on account of the loved ones. You worry more about their
health. Financial strains compound your woes. The pandavas lost
their kingdom when Jupiter transited the 4th and you are in a
similar situation.
30-09-2021 ....... 21-11-2021
Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny
gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery
will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to
acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of
21-11-2021 ........ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
23 23-10-2021 185.6657 31.9292
23 23-10-2021 24-10-2021
for Moon Sign Scorpio - Vrischika Kooru- ( Vishakha 1/4- Anuradha- Jyeshta )
As Transit Venus tenants your 12th House--
lucky breaks can grace you.
As Transit Sun is in the 11th House there can be profes
ssional rise-- Sthana Manadi Labham You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Transit Mars is in the 11th -House there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthana Manadi Labham. You become th cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in your 12th House you may change profession.
You may have to move away from your chosen karma or profession.
12th Mercury can bestow immense educational attainments.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Influence of Saturn is favourable now. You will receive good news.
Recognition of your talents and success in undertakings can be
anticipated . Health will improve. You will gain income from
unexpected sources. There will be no shortage of food or material
comforts required for a man of your background. You will get
nearer to your masculine goals.
30-09-2021 ................ 17-01-2023
Physical problems or mental worries are likely. Your fear and
apprehension of problems are more damaging than the problems
themselves. Try to be a positive and optimistic man. You may
travel a lot and stay away from home during this period. As a
result your wife may be unhappy. Take extra efforts to keep your
friends and loved ones in good spirits during this period of
Kandaka Sani.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
This is the time to take calculated risks. The envious rivals may attack
you with vicious propaganda. Rahu can take away your mental peace and the
Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted to get the maximum benefits
of the 7th Nodal Transit.
Be careful about relationship with neighbors. There will be a lack of
self confidence. On the positive side- you become more spiritual. Journeys
will be undertaken and you will get profit from investment and speculation.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
It is said that Lord Brahma lost his head during the transit of
3rd Jupiter and this period calls for courageous handling of work
situations and fiscal matters. You should not be detered by obst-
acles and hindrances in the path. Your wife becomes happzy as
changes in place of residence or work becomes imminent.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Financial tightness and enmity trouble from relatives mark the
entry of Jupiter into the 4th. Domestic happziness takes a beating
Worries on account of the loved ones. You worry more about their
health. Financial strains compound your woes. The pandavas lost
their kingdom when Jupiter transited the 4th and you are in a
similar situation.
21-11-2021 ................ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
26 26-10-2021 188.6541 67.3433
26 26-10-2021 27-10-2021
for Moon Sign Sagittarius - Dhanu Kooru ( Moola- Poorvashada- Uttarashada 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 11th House you will have
income from many sources.
As Transit Sun tenants the 10th House you will
have wealth of no mean order Transit Sun in the
Dasama House makes you learned in the scriptures &
endows chivalry and valour. You become an expert in
the science of politics as the Sun is a political
As Transit Mars tenants the 10th -House you will have wealth
of no mean order Mars in the Dasama -House makes you learned in
the scriptures & endows chivalry and valour. You become an expert
in the science of politics as the Transit is a political planet.
As Mercury is in your 11th House you will have exceptional
gains. Mercury tenanting the sarvabhistasthana is excellent
for Labha or gain. Gains due to publishing books and period-
icals literature poetry and art.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You have crossed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But
general unhappiness and a sorrowful mood may prevail. However
there may be bright moments which will cheer up your male ego.
Do not allow small disagreements with wife to end up in quarrels.
Guard your wealth and self respect carefully.
30-09-2021 ............... 17-01-2023
Influence of Saturn is favourable now. You will receive good news.
Recognition of your talents and success in undertakings can be
anticipated . Health will improve. You will gain income from
unexpected sources. There will be no shortage of food or material
comforts required for a man of your background. You will get
nearer to your masculine goals.
17-01-2023 ............... 29-03-2025
You can store your treasures in Heaven- which in turn will give you good
will from the people. Your talent will be recognised by the multitude. Be
careful about money transactions. Overwork may take its toll. Mental peace
takes a beating and you can overcome it by Prayer and Meditation. The Rahu
Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted in a state of purity.
Regarding Realty- there may be disputes. Beware of health hazards to
mother and elderly relatives. On the positive side- you may gain respect
and recognition- which you richly deserve.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Your work gets appzreciated by your bosses. Your abilities as a
leader gets recognised and you will play an important role in
social work. Speculative profits make you happzy. Domestic happzi-
ness improves. Enjoyment with wife and children. Financial posit-
ion improves under favourable stars.
30-09-2021 ............... 21-11-2021
It is said that Lord Brahma lost his head during the transit of
3rd Jupiter and this period calls for courageous handling of work
situations and fiscal matters. You should not be detered by obst-
acles and hindrances in the path. Your wife becomes happzy as
changes in place of residence or work becomes imminent.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
28 28-10-2021 190.6489 91.2344
28 28-10-2021 29-10-2021
for Moon Sign Capricorn - Makara Kooru ( Uthrashada 3/4- Sravana- Dhanishta 1/2 )
As Transit Venus tenants the 10th House you will have
misunderstandings or quarrels. Only Intellectual
Love can resolve misunderstandings.
As Transit Sun is in the 9th House you may lack
happiness from father. Wealth you will have in a
moderate way You will enjoy all the comforts of life
You may be afflicted by many hindrances on the path
as the 9th is a moral triangle.
As Transit Mars is in the 9th -House you may lack happiness
from father. Wealth you will have in a moderate way. You will
enjoy all the comforts of life. You may be afflicted by many
hindrances on the path as the 9th is a moral triangle.
As Mercury is in your 10th House you can rise to be a lect-
urer or professor or a big businessman. Mercury's influence
on the Dasama House tends one to the scholastic profession.
Excellence in the academic field.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are in the middle of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is
generally a bad period. As a man trying your best to emphasise
your success you should be very careful and cautions. Enmity
from your own people aimless wanderings breakdowns loss of
confidence etc are predicted when Saturn moves through Janma
Rasi which is the position now in your case. You may have to
face humiliating situations and financial problems. This will be
a heart breaking experience for a self respecting man like you.
Determined and a disciplined prayerful approach to face problems
is the need of the hour.
30-09-2021 .............. 17-01-2023
You have crossed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But
general unhappiness and a sorrowful mood may prevail. However
there may be bright moments which will cheer up your male ego.
Do not allow small disagreements with wife to end up in quarrels.
Guard your wealth and self respect carefully.
17-01-2023 ............. 29-03-2025
This is the time to store treasures in Heaven. Nature rewards good
deeds. What goes around- comes around. If you help people- people
will help you. You can try TM and Holistic Medicine- which can save
you from tension and health problems.
You may be worried about children. Speculation is taboo. On the posi-
tive side- you may be interested in the Occult. You may socialise and
gain recognition from society. Intellectual pursuits will be rewarded.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Adverse Jupiter causes unnecessary wanderings and journeys and
economic loss. This is a malefic period detrimental to health.
Avoid specualtive investments. Quite possible that you may have
to travel away from home. Misunderstandings with loved ones quite
30-09-2021 .............. 21-11-2021
Your work gets appzreciated by your bosses. Your abilities as a
leader gets recognised and you will play an important role in
social work. Speculative profits make you happzy. Domestic happzi-
ness improves. Enjoyment with wife and children. Financial posit-
ion improves under favourable stars.
21-11-2021 ............. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
3 03-10-2021 165.8768 121.0776
3 03-10-2021 04-10-2021
for Moon Sign Aquarius - Kumbha Kooru- ( Dhanishta 1/2- Satabhisha- Poorvabhadra 3/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 9th House you will have
immense Sensory pleasures -sthree sukhaptim
As Transit Sun is in 8th House you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth There may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
As Transit Mars is in 8th -House you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth. There may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury is posited in your 9th House you will have sons
wealth and all sorts of comforts. You will be charitable and
religious. Educational attainments will be of the highest
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are in the starting period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). Being
an ambitious man a turbulent period in your life is to be
expected. Since you see trouble all around you tend to give a
negative interpretation to any change you experience. You can
anticipate more comings and goings in your circle. Cautious
approach to problems is warranted. Strive against getting upset
on minor issues. Learn to appreciate the needs and feeling of
others and try to be an understanding husband. Hardwork will see
you safely through this period.
30-09-2021 ................. 17-01-2023
You are in the middle of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is
generally a bad period. As a man trying your best to emphasise
your success you should be very careful and cautions. Enmity
from your own people aimless wanderings breakdowns loss of
confidence etc are predicted when Saturn moves through Janma
Rasi which is the position now in your case. You may have to
face humiliating situations and financial problems. This will be
a heart breaking experience for a self respecting man like you.
Determined and a disciplined prayerful approach to face problems
is the need of the hour.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Malefic Jupiter in the 12th creates separation from loved ones.
Unnecessary wanderings and journeys long distance travel which
becomes unpleasant heavy expenditure. Sickness manifests as Jove
takes an adverse stance. It is better to warn your business part-
ners and wife about the potential problems in the offing.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Adverse Jupiter causes unnecessary wanderings and journeys and
economic loss. This is a malefic period detrimental to health.
Avoid specualtive investments. Quite possible that you may have
to travel away from home. Misunderstandings with loved ones quite
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
While there may be some lucky breaks in Profession- health problems
may overwhelm you. Rahu can rob you of the much needed mental peace.
Try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation Response. Great tension
indicated. The Rahu mantra- Om Rahave Namah- can be used to store
equilibrium !
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
6 06-10-2021 168.8330 162.6199
6 06-10-2021 07-10-2021
Moon Sign Pisces - Meena Kooru- ( Poorvabhadra 1/4- Uttarabhadra- Revathi )
As Transit Venus is in the 8th House you will be
blessed by lucky breaks- Sampadam.
As Transit Sun is in the 7th house you will
be insulted by members of the opposite sex Misunder
standings and quarrels surface You will be plagued by
quarrels and misunderstanding You should be
careful about your approach to partner.
As Transit Mars is in the 7th -House you will be insulted
by members of the opposite sex. Misunderstandings and quarrels
surface. You will be plagued by quarrels and worried about your
approach to partner.
As Mercury is in your 8th House you will be truly versatile
and reputed for your excellent qualities. Your knowledge and
enviable qualities will get the praise of many.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You will see a change in the happenings and your luck now. Your
merits will be recognized though you think that it is delayed.
You will be a rich man. Expansion of assets is likely. There will
be happy events in the family. You tend to sacrifice leisure time
to catch up with odd jobs. You put on performances which prove
effective. There will be a tendency to flirt. All these may be
difficult for your wife to absorb.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You are in the starting period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). Being
an ambitious man a turbulent period in your life is to be
expected. Since you see trouble all around you tend to give a
negative interpretation to any change you experience. You can
anticipate more comings and goings in your circle. Cautious
approach to problems is warranted. Strive against getting upset
on minor issues. Learn to appreciate the needs and feeling of
others and try to be an understanding husband. Hardwork will see
you safely through this period.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
Happiness will be found wanting. Envious rivals take this phase to
attack you. You may lose some friends also. If you Love All and
Serve All- you can store treasures in Heaven. You can get the
goodwill of society. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - and
chant it minimum 12 times a day.
There may be mental tension galore and worries. Worries are two
types - past regrets and future fears. You find that mental strength
has zapped. You may have to travel and you may be worried about
health of life partner.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter suddenly becomes benevolent and gains and prestige accrue
Romance blossoms. Wife becomes happy. Income increases and you get
the help of your elder co-borns. Promotional prospects. You become
inspired and will-power to survive increases. Inner strength is
more now than ever.
30-09-2021 ................. 21-11-2021
Malefic Jupiter in the 12th creates separation from loved ones.
Unnecessary wanderings and journeys long distance travel which
becomes unpleasant heavy expenditure. Sickness manifests as Jove
takes an adverse stance. It is better to warn your business part-
ners and wife about the potential problems in the offing.
21-11-2021 ................ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
8 08-10-2021 170.8064 191.7824
8 08-10-2021 09-10-2021
Today'Star : MAKAYIRAM Moon 63.15
At : 5.30 AM Standard Time
Today : 01-09-2021 wednesday
At Place : KANGLA
Longitude : 93.56 East
Latitude : 24.48 North
Sunrise : 4.58 AM
Sunset : 5.36 PM
Time Zone : 5.30 East Of Greenwich
Local Mean Time : Standard Time + 46 Mins
Sidereal Time : 642
SolarTransit-NjattuVela : POORAM Sun 134.65
Kalpa : Sveta Varaha
7th Manvantara : Vaivaswata
Ahargana - Elapsed Days : 1870993
Equinoctial Cycle : 28th Chathur Yuga
Karana - Half Lunation : Pashu
Z Ephemeris / ePanchang 8.0 / 072020 / 22-09-2021 11:06:19
Software : www.eastrovedica.com M 93885 56053 g4marry.com
guruvayur4u.com email - info@eastrovedica.com eastro.mobi
SUN LEO 14:39:11 POORAM 1 134 :39 :11
MARS LEO 26:51:36 UTHRAM 1 146 :51 :36
JUPITER AQUARIUS 1:30:53R AVITTAM 3 301 :30 :53
VENUS VIRGO 24:26: 6 CHITHRA 1 174 :26 : 6
MERCURY VIRGO 8:22:29 UTHRAM 4 158 :22 :29
MOON GEMINI 3: 8:47 MAKAYIRAM 3 63 : 8 :47
RAHU TAURUS 11:50:45 ROHINI 1 41 :50 :45
KETU SCORPIO 11:50:45 ANIZHAM 3 221 :50 :45
LAGNA LEO 21:38:34 POORAM 3 141 :38 :34
GULIKA SCORPIO 3:26:36 ANIZHAM 1 213 :26 :36
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__________________ R A S I __________________
| | | SUN |
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Table of Rahu Kala
1 Mon 7 30 9 0
2 Sat 9 0 10 30
3 Fri 10 30 12 0
4 Wed 12 0 1 30
5 Thu 1 30 3 0
6 Tue 3 0 4 30
7 Sun 4 30 6 0
Moorthithve Parikalpitha Sasabrutho Varma Punarjanmanam
Athmethmavidham Kruthuscha Yajatham Bharthamara Jyothisham
Lokanam Pralayodayasthithi Vibhuschanekada Ya Sruthau
Vacham Na Sa dathunaikakirana Trailokya Deepo Ravi
O Whose light makes Luna Shine ! O Originator of the Solar Path !
O Self of the philosophers ! O lord of the luminaries !
Thou Preserver Destroyer and Creator ! O well extolled !
O Time Eternal! give me the divine gift of articulate speech !
Of Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya
The Knowers of Brahman
Speak of Knowledge as Twofold
Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya
Ithee hi yad Brahmavido Vadanti
Para chaiva Apara cha.
Apara Vidya = Relative Knowledge
Para Vidya = Absolute Knowledge
Chemistry- Physics- Biology et al
Are Sciences of the Relative !
Even Astronomy- Maths & Astrology
( Siddhanta- Samhita & Hora )
Are all Relative Knowledge !
The Fivefold Ephemeris- Pancha Anga
Is nothing but Apara Vidya
Pancha Anga means Five Limbs-
The Five Limbs of Time Eternal !
Lunation = Thidhi = 12 degrees
( Lunar Longitude - Solar Longitude)-
There are fifteen of them.
Lunar Mansions = Nakshatras
There are twenty seven of them
Week Day = Vara
Based on First Planetary Hour- Kala Hora.
Eternal Combinations = Nitya Yogas
( Lunar Longitude + Solar Longitude )
There are twenty seven of them.
= 3=
Half Lunation = Karana =6 degrees
Thidhi Ardham Karanam Proktam
These Five Variables constitute
Mighty Hindu Ephemeris !
The Five Limbs of Time are
Vara Date Sun Moo Star Lunation Nithya Yoga Ka
1 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
2 Sat 02-01-21 257.67 112.09 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
3 Sun 03-01-21 258.69 125.50 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
4 Mon 04-01-21 259.71 139.10 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
5 Tue 05-01-21 260.72 152.89 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
6 Wed 06-01-21 261.74 166.83 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
7 Thu 07-01-21 262.76 180.92 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI SUKARMAN
8 Fri 08-01-21 263.77 195.14 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
9 Sat 09-01-21 264.79 209.45 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
10 Sun 10-01-21 265.81 223.81 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
11 Mon 11-01-21 266.83 238.15 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
12 Tue 12-01-21 267.84 252.41 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
13 Wed 13-01-21 268.86 266.49 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA HARSHANA
14 Thu 14-01-21 269.88 280.34 22 SRAVANA PRATHAMA VAJRA
15 Fri 15-01-21 270.89 293.88 23 DHANISHTA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
16 Sat 16-01-21 271.91 307.09 24 SATHABHISH THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
17 Sun 17-01-21 272.93 319.95 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
18 Mon 18-01-21 273.94 332.48 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
19 Tue 19-01-21 274.96 344.72 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
20 Wed 20-01-21 275.97 356.74 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
21 Thu 21-01-21 276.99 8.62 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
22 Fri 22-01-21 278.05 20.43 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
23 Sat 23-01-21 279.07 32.28 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
24 Sun 24-01-21 280.08 44.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
25 Mon 25-01-21 281.10 56.40 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
26 Tue 26-01-21 282.11 68.81 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VAIDHRITI
27 Wed 27-01-21 283.13 81.53 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS VISHKAMBH
28 Thu 28-01-21 284.14 94.56 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI PRITI
29 Fri 29-01-21 285.16 107.92 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA AYUSHMAN
30 Sat 30-01-21 286.17 121.56 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
31 Sun 31-01-21 287.18 135.44 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
32 Mon 01-02-21 288.20 149.48 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
33 Tue 02-02-21 289.21 163.62 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
34 Wed 03-02-21 290.22 177.79 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SOOLA
35 Thu 04-02-21 291.23 191.95 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI GANDA
36 Fri 05-02-21 292.25 206.06 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
37 Sat 06-02-21 293.26 220.11 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
38 Sun 07-02-21 294.27 234.08 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
39 Mon 08-02-21 295.28 247.97 19 MOOLA DWADASI HARSHANA
40 Tue 09-02-21 296.29 261.76 20 POORVASHAD THRAYODASI VAJRA
41 Wed 10-02-21 297.30 275.40 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURDAS SIDDHI
42 Thu 11-02-21 298.31 288.87 22 SRAVANA AMAVASYA VARIYAN
43 Fri 12-02-21 299.32 302.12 23 DHANISHTA PRATHAMA PARIGHA
44 Sat 13-02-21 300.33 315.12 24 SATHABHISH DWITHEEYA SIVA
= 4=
45 Sun 14-02-21 301.34 327.85 25 POORVABHAD THRITHEEYA SIDDHA
46 Mon 15-02-21 302.35 340.31 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURTHI SADHYA
47 Tue 16-02-21 303.36 352.53 27 REVATI PANCHAMI SUBHA
48 Wed 17-02-21 304.37 4.54 1 ASWINI SHASHTI SUKLA
49 Thu 18-02-21 305.42 16.41 2 BHARANI SHASHTI BRAHMA
50 Fri 19-02-21 306.43 28.21 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI INDRA
51 Sat 20-02-21 307.43 40.04 4 ROHINI ASHTAMI VAIDHRITI
52 Sun 21-02-21 308.44 51.98 4 ROHINI NAVAMI VISHKAMBH
53 Mon 22-02-21 309.45 64.14 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI PRITI
54 Tue 23-02-21 310.45 76.59 6 ARIDRA EKADASI AYUSHMAN
55 Wed 24-02-21 311.46 89.40 7 PUNARVASU DWADASI SAUBHAGYA
56 Thu 25-02-21 312.46 102.61 8 PUSHYA THRAYODASI SOBHANA
57 Fri 26-02-21 313.47 116.24 9 ASLESHA CHATHURDAS ATIGANDA
58 Sat 27-02-21 314.47 130.25 10 MAGHA POURNAMI SUKARMAN
59 Sun 28-02-21 315.47 144.57 11 PUBBA PRATHAMA DHRITI
60 Mon 01-03-21 316.48 159.08 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SOOLA
61 Tue 02-03-21 317.48 173.69 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI GANDA
62 Wed 03-03-21 318.48 188.26 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI DHRUVA
63 Thu 04-03-21 319.48 202.70 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VYAGHATA
64 Fri 05-03-21 320.48 216.96 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
65 Sat 06-03-21 321.48 231.01 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI VAJRA
66 Sun 07-03-21 322.48 244.83 19 MOOLA NAVAMI SIDDHI
67 Mon 08-03-21 323.48 258.45 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI VYATIPATA
68 Tue 09-03-21 324.48 271.88 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI VARIYAN
69 Wed 10-03-21 325.48 285.13 22 SRAVANA DWADASI PARIGHA
70 Thu 11-03-21 326.48 298.20 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI SIVA
71 Fri 12-03-21 327.48 311.09 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
72 Sat 13-03-21 328.48 323.78 25 POORVABHAD AMAVASYA SADHYA
73 Sun 14-03-21 329.47 336.27 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA SUBHA
74 Mon 15-03-21 330.47 348.56 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA SUKLA
75 Tue 16-03-21 331.47 0.66 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
76 Wed 17-03-21 332.49 12.61 1 ASWINI CHATHURTHI INDRA
77 Thu 18-03-21 333.48 24.44 2 BHARANI PANCHAMI VAIDHRITI
78 Fri 19-03-21 334.48 36.23 3 KRITHIKA SHASHTI VISHKAMBH
79 Sat 20-03-21 335.47 48.04 4 ROHINI SAPTHAMI PRITI
80 Sun 21-03-21 336.46 59.95 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
81 Mon 22-03-21 337.46 72.07 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
82 Tue 23-03-21 338.45 84.48 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI SOBHANA
83 Wed 24-03-21 339.44 97.26 8 PUSHYA DASAMI ATIGANDA
84 Thu 25-03-21 340.43 110.49 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SUKARMAN
85 Fri 26-03-21 341.42 124.20 10 MAGHA DWADASI DHRITI
86 Sat 27-03-21 342.41 138.36 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI GANDA
87 Sun 28-03-21 343.40 152.92 12 UTHARA POURNAMI VRIDDHI
88 Mon 29-03-21 344.39 167.77 13 HASTHA PRATHAMA DHRUVA
89 Tue 30-03-21 345.38 182.76 14 CHITHRA DWITHEEYA VYAGHATA
90 Wed 31-03-21 346.37 197.74 15 SWATHI THRITHEEYA HARSHANA
91 Thu 01-04-21 347.35 212.57 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI VAJRA
92 Fri 02-04-21 348.34 227.14 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI VYATIPATA
93 Sat 03-04-21 349.33 241.40 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI VARIYAN
94 Sun 04-04-21 350.31 255.31 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI PARIGHA
95 Mon 05-04-21 351.30 268.89 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SIVA
96 Tue 06-04-21 352.28 282.18 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SIDDHA
97 Wed 07-04-21 353.27 295.20 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI SADHYA
98 Thu 08-04-21 354.25 307.98 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI SUBHA
99 Fri 09-04-21 355.23 320.56 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI SUKLA
100 Sat 10-04-21 356.22 332.96 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURDAS BRAHMA
101 Sun 11-04-21 357.20 345.19 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS INDRA
102 Mon 12-04-21 358.18 357.28 27 REVATI AMAVASYA VAIDHRITI
103 Tue 13-04-21 359.16 9.23 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VISHKAMBH
104 Wed 14-04-21 0.15 21.09 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA PRITI
105 Thu 15-04-21 1.14 32.89 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
106 Fri 16-04-21 2.12 44.67 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI SAUBHAGYA
107 Sat 17-04-21 3.10 56.49 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI SOBHANA
108 Sun 18-04-21 4.08 68.41 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI ATIGANDA
109 Mon 19-04-21 5.05 80.52 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SUKARMAN
110 Tue 20-04-21 6.03 92.90 7 PUNARVASU ASHTAMI DHRITI
= 5=
111 Wed 21-04-21 7.00 105.62 8 PUSHYA NAVAMI SOOLA
112 Thu 22-04-21 7.98 118.76 9 ASLESHA DASAMI GANDA
113 Fri 23-04-21 8.96 132.38 10 MAGHA EKADASI VRIDDHI
114 Sat 24-04-21 9.93 146.48 11 PUBBA DWADASI DHRUVA
115 Sun 25-04-21 10.90 161.03 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VYAGHATA
116 Mon 26-04-21 11.88 175.94 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS VAJRA
117 Tue 27-04-21 12.85 191.08 15 SWATHI POURNAMI SIDDHI
118 Wed 28-04-21 13.82 206.29 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA VYATIPATA
119 Thu 29-04-21 14.80 221.41 17 ANURADHA THRITHEEYA VARIYAN
120 Fri 30-04-21 15.77 236.29 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
121 Sat 01-05-21 16.74 250.83 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI SIDDHA
122 Sun 02-05-21 17.71 264.97 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI SADHYA
123 Mon 03-05-21 18.68 278.69 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI SUBHA
124 Tue 04-05-21 19.65 292.02 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI SUKLA
125 Wed 05-05-21 20.62 304.98 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI BRAHMA
126 Thu 06-05-21 21.59 317.65 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI INDRA
127 Fri 07-05-21 22.56 330.05 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI VAIDHRITI
128 Sat 08-05-21 23.53 342.26 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI VISHKAMBH
129 Sun 09-05-21 24.49 354.30 27 REVATI THRAYODASI PRITI
130 Mon 10-05-21 25.46 6.23 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS AYUSHMAN
131 Tue 11-05-21 26.42 18.07 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA SAUBHAGYA
132 Wed 12-05-21 27.39 29.86 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA SOBHANA
133 Thu 13-05-21 28.35 41.65 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA ATIGANDA
134 Fri 14-05-21 29.32 53.47 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SUKARMAN
135 Sat 15-05-21 30.28 65.37 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA DHRITI
136 Sun 16-05-21 31.25 77.38 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI SOOLA
137 Mon 17-05-21 32.21 89.58 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI GANDA
138 Tue 18-05-21 33.18 102.00 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI VRIDDHI
139 Wed 19-05-21 34.14 114.73 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
140 Thu 20-05-21 35.10 127.81 10 MAKAM ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
141 Fri 21-05-21 36.07 141.30 11 PUBBA NAVAMI HARSHANA
142 Sat 22-05-21 37.03 155.23 12 UTHARA DASAMI VAJRA
143 Sun 23-05-21 37.99 169.59 13 HASTHA EKADASI SIDDHI
144 Mon 24-05-21 38.95 184.33 14 CHITHRA THRAYODASI VYATIPATA
145 Tue 25-05-21 39.91 199.35 15 SWATHI CHATHURDAS VARIYAN
146 Wed 26-05-21 40.88 214.52 17 ANURADHA POURNAMI SIVA
147 Thu 27-05-21 41.84 229.69 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA SIDDHA
148 Fri 28-05-21 42.80 244.71 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA SADHYA
149 Sat 29-05-21 43.76 259.43 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA SUBHA
150 Sun 30-05-21 44.72 273.77 21 UTHRASHADA PANCHAMI SUKLA
151 Mon 31-05-21 45.68 287.68 22 SRAVANA SHASHTI INDRA
152 Tue 01-06-21 46.64 301.13 23 DHANISHTA SAPTHAMI VAIDHRITI
153 Wed 02-06-21 47.60 314.17 24 SATHABHISH ASHTAMI VISHKAMBH
154 Thu 03-06-21 48.56 326.83 25 POORVABHAD NAVAMI PRITI
155 Fri 04-06-21 49.52 339.18 26 UTHARABHAD DASAMI AYUSHMAN
156 Sat 05-06-21 50.48 351.30 27 REVATI EKADASI SAUBHAGYA
157 Sun 06-06-21 51.43 3.25 1 ASWINI EKADASI SOBHANA
158 Mon 07-06-21 52.37 15.09 2 BHARANI DWADASI ATIGANDA
159 Tue 08-06-21 53.32 26.88 3 KRITHIKA THRAYODASI SUKARMAN
160 Wed 09-06-21 54.28 38.67 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SUKARMAN
161 Thu 10-06-21 55.24 50.50 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA DHRITI
162 Fri 11-06-21 56.20 62.42 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA SOOLA
163 Sat 12-06-21 57.15 74.46 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA GANDA
164 Sun 13-06-21 58.11 86.66 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA VRIDDHI
165 Mon 14-06-21 59.07 99.04 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI DHRUVA
166 Tue 15-06-21 60.02 111.65 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI VYAGHATA
167 Wed 16-06-21 60.98 124.50 10 MAGHA SHASHTI HARSHANA
168 Thu 17-06-21 61.93 137.64 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI VAJRA
169 Fri 18-06-21 62.89 151.10 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI VYATIPATA
170 Sat 19-06-21 63.85 164.89 13 HASTHA NAVAMI VARIYAN
171 Sun 20-06-21 64.80 179.02 14 CHITHRA DASAMI PARIGHA
172 Mon 21-06-21 65.76 193.47 15 SWATHI EKADASI SIVA
173 Tue 22-06-21 66.71 208.19 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI SIDDHA
174 Wed 23-06-21 67.67 223.09 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI SADHYA
175 Thu 24-06-21 68.63 238.06 18 JYESHTA POURNAMI SUKLA
176 Fri 25-06-21 69.58 252.95 19 MOOLA PRATHAMA BRAHMA
= 6=
177 Sat 26-06-21 70.54 267.65 21 UTHRASHADA DWITHEEYA INDRA
178 Sun 27-06-21 71.49 282.03 22 SRAVANA THRITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
179 Mon 28-06-21 72.45 296.02 23 DHANISHTA CHATHURTHI VISHKAMBH
180 Tue 29-06-21 73.40 309.57 24 SATHABHISH PANCHAMI PRITI
181 Wed 30-06-21 74.36 322.69 25 POORVABHAD SHASHTI AYUSHMAN
182 Thu 01-07-21 75.31 335.41 26 UTHARABHAD SAPTHAMI SAUBHAGYA
183 Fri 02-07-21 76.27 347.78 27 REVATI ASHTAMI SOBHANA
184 Sat 03-07-21 77.22 359.89 27 REVATI NAVAMI ATIGANDA
185 Sun 04-07-21 78.18 11.81 1 ASWINI DASAMI SUKARMAN
186 Mon 05-07-21 79.10 23.62 2 BHARANI EKADASI DHRITI
187 Tue 06-07-21 80.05 35.41 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI SOOLA
188 Wed 07-07-21 81.00 47.24 4 ROHINI THRAYODASI GANDA
189 Thu 08-07-21 81.96 59.16 5 MRIGASIRA CHATHURDAS VRIDDHI
190 Fri 09-07-21 82.91 71.23 6 ARIDRA AMAVASYA DHRUVA
191 Sat 10-07-21 83.87 83.48 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
192 Sun 11-07-21 84.82 95.93 8 PUSHYA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
193 Mon 12-07-21 85.78 108.61 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA VAJRA
194 Tue 13-07-21 86.73 121.51 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SIDDHI
195 Wed 14-07-21 87.69 134.63 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI VYATIPATA
196 Thu 15-07-21 88.65 147.98 12 UTHARA PANCHAMI VARIYAN
197 Fri 16-07-21 89.60 161.54 13 HASTHA SHASHTI PARIGHA
198 Sat 17-07-21 90.56 175.33 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI SIVA
199 Sun 18-07-21 91.51 189.32 15 SWATHI NAVAMI SADHYA
200 Mon 19-07-21 92.47 203.53 16 VISHAKHA DASAMI SUBHA
201 Tue 20-07-21 93.42 217.92 17 ANURADHA EKADASI SUKLA
202 Wed 21-07-21 94.38 232.45 18 JYESHTA DWADASI BRAHMA
203 Thu 22-07-21 95.34 247.04 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI INDRA
204 Fri 23-07-21 96.29 261.61 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS VAIDHRITI
205 Sat 24-07-21 97.25 276.05 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI VISHKAMBH
206 Sun 25-07-21 98.21 290.26 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
207 Mon 26-07-21 99.16 304.16 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
208 Tue 27-07-21 100.12 317.67 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI SOBHANA
209 Wed 28-07-21 101.08 330.79 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI ATIGANDA
210 Thu 29-07-21 102.04 343.53 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SUKARMAN
211 Fri 30-07-21 102.99 355.92 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI DHRITI
212 Sat 31-07-21 103.95 8.04 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SOOLA
213 Sun 01-08-21 104.87 19.96 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI GANDA
214 Mon 02-08-21 105.83 31.78 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI VRIDDHI
215 Tue 03-08-21 106.78 43.59 4 ROHINI DASAMI DHRUVA
216 Wed 04-08-21 107.74 55.46 5 MRIGASIRA EKADASI VYAGHATA
217 Thu 05-08-21 108.70 67.48 6 ARIDRA DWADASI HARSHANA
218 Fri 06-08-21 109.66 79.70 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VAJRA
219 Sat 07-08-21 110.62 92.16 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS SIDDHI
220 Sun 08-08-21 111.58 104.90 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA VYATIPATA
221 Mon 09-08-21 112.54 117.92 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA VARIYAN
222 Tue 10-08-21 113.50 131.19 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA PARIGHA
223 Wed 11-08-21 114.46 144.69 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SIVA
224 Thu 12-08-21 115.42 158.38 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI SIDDHA
225 Fri 13-08-21 116.38 172.22 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SADHYA
226 Sat 14-08-21 117.35 186.17 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SUBHA
227 Sun 15-08-21 118.31 200.20 16 VISHAKHA SAPTHAMI SUKLA
228 Mon 16-08-21 119.27 214.30 17 ANURADHA ASHTAMI INDRA
229 Tue 17-08-21 120.23 228.46 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VAIDHRITI
230 Wed 18-08-21 121.20 242.65 19 MOOLA EKADASI VISHKAMBH
231 Thu 19-08-21 122.16 256.85 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI PRITI
232 Fri 20-08-21 123.12 271.00 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI AYUSHMAN
233 Sat 21-08-21 124.09 285.05 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS SAUBHAGYA
234 Sun 22-08-21 125.05 298.91 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI SOBHANA
235 Mon 23-08-21 126.02 312.53 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
236 Tue 24-08-21 126.98 325.85 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKARMAN
237 Wed 25-08-21 127.95 338.84 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA SOOLA
238 Thu 26-08-21 128.91 351.50 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI GANDA
239 Fri 27-08-21 129.88 3.86 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI VRIDDHI
240 Sat 28-08-21 130.81 15.96 2 BHARANI SHASHTI DHRUVA
241 Sun 29-08-21 131.78 27.88 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
242 Mon 30-08-21 132.74 39.70 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
= 7=
243 Tue 31-08-21 133.71 51.50 4 ROHINI NAVAMI HARSHANA
244 Wed 01-09-21 134.68 63.40 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI VAJRA
245 Thu 02-09-21 135.65 75.46 6 ARIDRA DASAMI SIDDHI
246 Fri 03-09-21 136.62 87.77 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI VYATIPATA
247 Sat 04-09-21 137.59 100.39 8 PUSHYA DWADASI VARIYAN
248 Sun 05-09-21 138.56 113.35 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI PARIGHA
249 Mon 06-09-21 139.53 126.66 10 MAGHA CHATHURDAS SIVA
250 Tue 07-09-21 140.50 140.30 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA SADHYA
251 Wed 08-09-21 141.47 154.22 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SUBHA
252 Thu 09-09-21 142.44 168.34 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA SUKLA
253 Fri 10-09-21 143.42 182.58 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI BRAHMA
254 Sat 11-09-21 144.39 196.86 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI INDRA
255 Sun 12-09-21 145.36 211.12 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VAIDHRITI
256 Mon 13-09-21 146.34 225.32 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI VISHKAMBH
257 Tue 14-09-21 147.31 239.43 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI AYUSHMAN
258 Wed 15-09-21 148.29 253.43 20 POORVASHAD NAVAMI SAUBHAGYA
259 Thu 16-09-21 149.26 267.33 21 UTHRASHADA DASAMI SOBHANA
260 Fri 17-09-21 150.24 281.10 22 SRAVANA EKADASI ATIGANDA
261 Sat 18-09-21 151.21 294.73 23 DHANISHTA DWADASI SUKARMAN
262 Sun 19-09-21 152.19 308.18 24 SATHABHISH THRAYODASI DHRITI
263 Mon 20-09-21 153.17 321.42 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI SOOLA
264 Tue 21-09-21 154.15 334.42 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA GANDA
265 Wed 22-09-21 155.12 347.16 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA VRIDDHI
266 Thu 23-09-21 156.10 359.65 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA DHRUVA
267 Fri 24-09-21 157.08 11.89 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA VYAGHATA
268 Sat 25-09-21 158.04 23.93 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI HARSHANA
269 Sun 26-09-21 159.02 35.81 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VAJRA
270 Mon 27-09-21 160.00 47.62 4 ROHINI SHASHTI SIDDHI
271 Tue 28-09-21 160.98 59.41 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI VYATIPATA
272 Wed 29-09-21 161.96 71.29 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI VARIYAN
273 Thu 30-09-21 162.95 83.34 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI PARIGHA
274 Fri 01-10-21 163.93 95.66 8 PUSHYA DASAMI SIVA
275 Sat 02-10-21 164.91 108.31 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SIDDHA
276 Sun 03-10-21 165.90 121.35 10 MAGHA DWADASI SADHYA
277 Mon 04-10-21 166.88 134.82 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI SUBHA
278 Tue 05-10-21 167.87 148.69 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS SUKLA
279 Wed 06-10-21 168.85 162.92 13 HASTHA AMAVASYA BRAHMA
280 Thu 07-10-21 169.84 177.42 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA VAIDHRITI
281 Fri 08-10-21 170.83 192.09 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
282 Sat 09-10-21 171.81 206.80 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA PRITI
283 Sun 10-10-21 172.80 221.44 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
284 Mon 11-10-21 173.79 235.93 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
285 Tue 12-10-21 174.78 250.21 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
286 Wed 13-10-21 175.77 264.24 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI SUKARMAN
287 Thu 14-10-21 176.76 278.02 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI DHRITI
288 Fri 15-10-21 177.75 291.56 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SOOLA
289 Sat 16-10-21 178.74 304.86 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI GANDA
290 Sun 17-10-21 179.73 317.94 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI VRIDDHI
291 Mon 18-10-21 180.72 330.80 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI DHRUVA
292 Tue 19-10-21 181.72 343.46 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
293 Wed 20-10-21 182.71 355.91 27 REVATI POURNAMI HARSHANA
294 Thu 21-10-21 183.70 8.16 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VAJRA
295 Fri 22-10-21 184.69 20.24 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
296 Sat 23-10-21 185.69 32.18 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
297 Sun 24-10-21 186.68 44.02 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
298 Mon 25-10-21 187.68 55.80 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI PARIGHA
299 Tue 26-10-21 188.67 67.59 6 ARIDRA PANCHAMI SIVA
300 Wed 27-10-21 189.67 79.46 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI SIDDHA
301 Thu 28-10-21 190.67 91.49 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SADHYA
302 Fri 29-10-21 191.67 103.76 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SUBHA
303 Sat 30-10-21 192.67 116.35 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI SUKLA
304 Sun 31-10-21 193.67 129.33 10 MAKAM DASAMI BRAHMA
305 Mon 01-11-21 194.67 142.75 11 PUBBA EKADASI INDRA
306 Tue 02-11-21 195.67 156.63 12 UTHARA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
307 Wed 03-11-21 196.67 170.95 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
308 Thu 04-11-21 197.67 185.63 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS PRITI
= 8=
309 Fri 05-11-21 198.67 200.58 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA AYUSHMAN
310 Sat 06-11-21 199.67 215.64 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA SOBHANA
311 Sun 07-11-21 200.67 230.68 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA ATIGANDA
312 Mon 08-11-21 201.67 245.56 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI SUKARMAN
313 Tue 09-11-21 202.68 260.16 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI DHRITI
314 Wed 10-11-21 203.68 274.42 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI SOOLA
315 Thu 11-11-21 204.69 288.30 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI GANDA
316 Fri 12-11-21 205.69 301.81 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI DHRUVA
317 Sat 13-11-21 206.69 314.97 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI VYAGHATA
318 Sun 14-11-21 207.70 327.82 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI HARSHANA
319 Mon 15-11-21 208.71 340.41 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI VAJRA
320 Tue 16-11-21 209.71 352.77 27 REVATI DWADASI SIDDHI
321 Wed 17-11-21 210.72 4.96 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI VYATIPATA
322 Thu 18-11-21 211.74 16.99 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS VARIYAN
323 Fri 19-11-21 212.75 28.92 3 KRITHIKA POURNAMI PARIGHA
324 Sat 20-11-21 213.75 40.76 4 ROHINI PRATHAMA SIVA
325 Sun 21-11-21 214.76 52.57 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA SIDDHA
326 Mon 22-11-21 215.77 64.36 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SADHYA
327 Tue 23-11-21 216.78 76.20 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI SADHYA
328 Wed 24-11-21 217.79 88.12 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI SUBHA
329 Thu 25-11-21 218.80 100.18 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI SUKLA
330 Fri 26-11-21 219.81 112.44 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI BRAHMA
331 Sat 27-11-21 220.82 124.97 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI INDRA
332 Sun 28-11-21 221.83 137.83 11 PUBBA NAVAMI VAIDHRITI
333 Mon 29-11-21 222.84 151.10 12 UTHARA DASAMI PRITI
334 Tue 30-11-21 223.86 164.81 13 HASTHA EKADASI AYUSHMAN
335 Wed 01-12-21 224.87 178.97 14 CHITHRA DWADASI SAUBHAGYA
336 Thu 02-12-21 225.88 193.55 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI SOBHANA
337 Fri 03-12-21 226.89 208.49 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURDAS ATIGANDA
338 Sat 04-12-21 227.91 223.65 17 ANURADHA AMAVASYA SUKARMAN
339 Sun 05-12-21 228.92 238.90 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA SOOLA
340 Mon 06-12-21 229.93 254.06 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA GANDA
341 Tue 07-12-21 230.94 268.98 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI VRIDDHI
342 Wed 08-12-21 231.96 283.54 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI DHRUVA
343 Thu 09-12-21 232.97 297.66 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI VYAGHATA
344 Fri 10-12-21 233.99 311.31 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
345 Sat 11-12-21 235.00 324.51 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI VAJRA
346 Sun 12-12-21 236.02 337.31 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI SIDDHI
347 Mon 13-12-21 237.03 349.78 27 REVATI DASAMI VARIYAN
348 Tue 14-12-21 238.05 1.99 1 ASWINI EKADASI PARIGHA
349 Wed 15-12-21 239.09 14.00 2 BHARANI DWADASI PARIGHA
350 Thu 16-12-21 240.11 25.89 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI SIVA
351 Fri 17-12-21 241.12 37.71 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
352 Sat 18-12-21 242.14 49.51 4 ROHINI CHATHURDAS SADHYA
353 Sun 19-12-21 243.16 61.32 5 MRIGASIRA POURNAMI SUBHA
354 Mon 20-12-21 244.17 73.18 6 ARIDRA PRATHAMA SUKLA
355 Tue 21-12-21 245.19 85.13 7 PUNARVASU DWITHEEYA BRAHMA
356 Wed 22-12-21 246.21 97.18 8 PUSHYA THRITHEEYA INDRA
357 Thu 23-12-21 247.22 109.38 9 ASLESHA CHATHURTHI VAIDHRITI
358 Fri 24-12-21 248.24 121.75 10 MAGHA PANCHAMI VISHKAMBH
359 Sat 25-12-21 249.26 134.34 11 PUBBA SHASHTI PRITI
360 Sun 26-12-21 250.27 147.19 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
361 Mon 27-12-21 251.29 160.34 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
362 Tue 28-12-21 252.31 173.85 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI SOBHANA
363 Wed 29-12-21 253.33 187.75 15 SWATHI DASAMI SUKARMAN
364 Thu 30-12-21 254.34 202.04 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI DHRITI
365 Fri 31-12-21 255.36 216.71 17 ANURADHA DWADASI SOOLA
366 Sat 01-01-22 256.38 231.67 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI GANDA
367 Sun 02-01-22 257.39 246.80 19 MOOLA AMAVASYA VRIDDHI
368 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
How to discern Month Lunation Star & Njattuvela from Tables
The real path of the Earth around the Sun is called the Ecliptic.
9 degrees to either side of the Ecliptic is a belt of the Heavens know
the Zodiac. ( Dante called it the Oblique Line that beareth all planet
First 30 degrees of the Zodiac constitute the sign of Aries. The next
degrees Taurus and so on. The Zodiac counted from the first degree of
Aries to the 360th degree of Pisces is called the Tropical Zodiac.
Sign Degrees Sanskrit
Aries 00 - 30 Mesha
Taurus 30 - 60 Vrishabha
Gemini 60 - 90 Mithuna
Cancer 90 - 120 Kataka
Leo 120 -150 Simha
Virgo 150 -180 Kanya
Libra 180 -210 Thula
Scorpio 210 -240 Vrischika
Sagittarius 240 -270 Dhanus
Capricorn 270- 300 Makara
Aquarius 300 -330 Kumbha
Pisces 330 -360 Meena
These 12 signs are the limbs of the Cosmic Man or Time Eternal
( Kalapurusha- The Almighty Self as Time )
Aries is His head Taurus His face Gemini His neck
Cancer His heart Leo the place beneath Virgo His belly
Libra His generative organ Scorpio the place beneath
Sagittarius His upper thigh Capricorn his lower thigh
Aquarius His leg and Pisces His feet !
Q - How to find the Hindu month we are in?
A - From the Sun's longitude - find out the month from the
above table.
This is the Table of Lunations
Lunation = Difference between Longitudes - Solar & Lunar
Elongation is the angular distance
From the glorious Sun !
Zero is Conjunction
And 180 degrees - Opposition!
Q - How do we know which is today's Lunation ?
A - From Moon's Longitude find out the Lunation from
this Table.
Lunation Elongation of Moon
Prathama Moon between 0 degrees and 12 degrees from the Sun
Dwithyeeya Moon between 12 degrees and 24 degrees
Thritheeya Moon between 24 degrees and 36 degrees
Chathurthi Moon between 36 degrees and 48 degrees
Panchami Moon between 48 degrees and 60 degrees
Shashti Moon between 60 degrees and 72 degrees
Sapthami Moon between 72 degrees and 84 degrees
Ashtami Moon between 84 degrees and 96 degrees
Navami Moon between 96 degrees and 108 degrees
Dasami Moon between 108 degrees and 120 degrees
Ekadasi Moon betw een 120 degrees and 132 degrees
Dwadasi Moon between 132 degrees and 144 degrees
Thrayodasi Moon between 144 degrees and 156 degrees
Chathurdasi Moon between 156 degrees and 168 degrees
Pournami Moon between 168 degrees and 180 degrees
This Table of Stars is useful for finding out the Solar Transits
and the Star of the day - Njattuvelas and Nakshatras.
From Moon's longitude - find out the Star or Nakshatra from this Tabl
From Sun's longitude - find out the Njattvela / Solar Transit
from this Table.
Name of Constellation Deg Min Deg Min
1. Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) 00 00 13 20
2. 41 Arietis ( Bharani ) 13 20 26 40
3. Eta Tauri ( Karthika ) 26 40 40 00
4. Alpha Tauri ( Rohini ) 40 00 53 20
5. Lambda Orionis ( Mrigasira ) 53 20 66 40
6. Alpha Orionis ( Aridra ) 66 40 80 00
7. Beta Geminorum ( Punarvasu ) 80 00 93 20
8. Delta Cancri ( Pushya ) 93 20 106 40
9 Alpha Cancri ( Aslesha ) 106 40 120 00
10.Alpha Leonis ( Magha ) 120 00 133 20
11.Delta Leonis ( Pubba ) 133 20 146 40
12.Beta Leonis ( Uttara ) 146 40 160.00
13.Delta Corvi ( Hasta ) 160 00 173 20
14.Alpha Virginis ( Chitra ) 173 20 186 40
15.Alpha Bootis ( Chothi ) 186 40 200 00
16.Beta Librae ( Vishakam) 200 00 213 20
17.Delta Scorpi ( Anuradha) 213 20 226 40
18.Alpha Scorpi ( Jyeshta ) 226 40 240 00
19.Lamda Scorpi ( Moola ) 240 00 253 20
20.Delta Sagittari ( Poorvashad ) 253 20 266 40
21.Delta Sagittari ( Uthrashad ) 266 40 280 00
22.Alpha Aquilae ( Sravana ) 280 00 293 20
23.Alpha Delphini ( Dhanishta ) 293 20 306 40
24.Lambda Aquari ( Satabhisha) 306 40 320 00
25.Alpha Pegasi ( Poorvabhadra) 320 00 333 20
26.Alpha Andromeda ( Uttrarabhadra)333 20 346 40
27.Zeta Piscium ( Revathi ) 346 40 360 00
ALWAYE (ALUVA) -5.30 -76.24 17.20
ARANTANGI (TN) -5.30 -79.02 10.10
BODINAYAKKANUR (TN) -5.30 -77.24 10.01
DHARAPURAM -5.30 -77.34 10.45
DINDIGUL (TN) -5.30 -78.00 10.22
KARAIKKUDI (TN) -5.30 -78.47 10.06
KARIKAL -5.30 -79.51 10.56
KIRANUR (TN) -5.30 -78.49 10.35
KODAIKANAL -5.30 -77.28 10.14
KODIKKARAI (TN) -5.30 -79.55 10.18
KODUNGALLUR -5.30 -76.20 10.05
KUMBAKONAM (TN) -5.30 -79.25 10.58
MANAPPARAI (TN) -5.30 -78.27 10.37
MANNARGUDI (TN) -5.30 -79.29 10.40
MELUR (TN) -5.30 -78.22 10.05
MUSIRI (TM) -5.30 -78.29 10.59
NAGAPATTINAM (TN) -5.30 -79.53 10.46
NAGORE (TN) -5.30 -79.55 10.51
NILAKKOTTAI (TN) -5.30 -77.55 10.10
The Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava
Parallel to the Tan Tables of Brahma Gupta we have
the Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava which gives
correct sine values for every 3 degrees 45 minutes
Ashtamsas or 30/8.
Actually they are not Sine Tables but the Tables of
R Sine Differences.
Suppose a planet has traversed 30 degrees. Its RSine
will be 206265 Seconds * Sin (30).
Circumference = 2 Pi R
= 360 degrees
R = 360/2 Pi
= 360/2* 3.14
= 360/6.28
= 57.3 degrees
into Minutes = 57.3 * 60
into Seconds = 57.3 * 60 *60
= 206265* Sin(30)
= 206265*.5
= 180/PI*3600*.5
We are not saying that every thing was dscovered by Indians.
Goethe coined the term Levity for Anti Gravity.
Shaw coined the term Life Force and gave us this Equation
Life Force = Soul
= Living Body - Dead Body
Another scientist coined the term Extropy for Order ( the opposite o
Entropy - Disorder ).
The Aryabhata Hypothesis
He hypthesised about Khagoleya Gurutvakarshan- Celestial Gravity.
Soorya Jagata Chakshu Gurutvakarshan
Q - What maketh the planets revolve around the Sun?
A- The factor called Celestial Gravity.
Q- Which is the main cause for the perturbations of planets ?
A - Same factor.
Q- Why do planets retrogade ?
A - When a planet's course changes from Perihelion to Aphelion-
in order to gain the Sun's Celestial Gravity it retrogrades !
We have analysed all Nithya- Karthru - Shad Doshas
Nava Doshas come under Nithya Doshas
Sayahna Sandhya- 6 8 12 Moon- Venus & malefic aspects.
Karthru Doshas are renunciation of 1 3 5 7 stars & 8th Sign
from Moon & Asc along with 108th and 88th quarter.
Stellar Cusp - Nakshatra Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes
Lunation Cusp - Thidhi Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes.
The two dangerous Sandhyas
Pratha Sandhya = Sunrise + 78 mins (18*12/180)
Sayahna Sandhya = Sunset + 48 mins.(Twilight)
Renounce for all Electional Hours
Soorya Samkrama Dosha - Sun's entry into a Zodiacal Sign
When the Sun enters 0 degrees of a Sign this Dosha is caused.
Renounce 3 hours ( normally it is 6 hours ) before and after
the Solar ingress.
The Solar Ingress into Aries & Libra
Renounce one day before & after that date
The Solar Ingress into Cancer & Capricorn
Renounce 3 days before & after that date
Lunation - Day Yoga ( Dagdha Yoga ).
Renounce 90 minutes after Sunrise
Wednesday & 2nd Lunation; Tuesday & 5th
Thursday and 6th; 8th Lunation and Friday !
Monday & the 11th; 9th & the Day of Saturn
12th & the day of Sun; coincidence of these
Are Dagdha Yoga called !
Timings for Marriage- Auspicious months & dates (Ishta Krishnashtami.
Excellent is the Eighth Lunar Day after Full Moon !
Never the last half of Pisces
No to Sagittarius- Cancer- Virgo- Aquarius !
Excellent the Uttara triune
Moola- Anuradha- Rohini- Hasta- Mrigasira
Magha- Revathi-Never the Birth Star of Boy
& Also malefics in Seventh !
Non Annabha Stars ( considered Inauspicious
Bharani - Aridra - Aslesha - Karthika - Magha -
Pubba -Moola - Poorvashada -Utharashada - Poororuttathi -
Bharanyathira Ayilyam
Karthika Maka Pooravum
Moolam thottiha munnalum
Pooruttathi vishkhavum
Rest are all Auspicious Stars.
Karthru Doshas ( Asthaseethithamasakam Pariharel..... )
Never the 88th Quarter nor the 108th
Renounce the First Third Fifth & Seventh Stars !
Also the 8th Sign From Ascendant!
These are Karthru Doshas called !
Rahu Kala - Start & End - Renounce for all Electional Hours
The Calender gives you only Gross Rahu Kala which is not enough
for an astrologer.
The equation of Rahu Kala is
R K = Sunrise + Aharmana/8.
Sunrise & the Diurnal Duration are variables. This program gives
you the Subtle R K.
You can use the formula
Mother Sat Father With Their Two Sons
counting from M for Monday whose R K starts from roughly 0730 onwards
(M - Monday;Sat - Saturday;F - Friday;With- Wednesday;Their -Thursday
Two - Tuesday; & Sons - Sunday )
Brahma Muhurta is defined as the penultimate Muhurta before Rise
and is given by the Equation
B M = Sunrise - 96 minutes to Sunrise - 48 minutes
Sunrise varies from day to day and from latitude to latitude.
The Auspicious Abhijit Muhurta
Abhijith is the 28th constellation and is considered male-
in contrast to the 27 wives of the Moon- the 27 constellations
which tenant the Ecliptic
Mythology has it that Moon used to stay with his 27 wives
and loved Rohini more. He is exalted in Taurus. Abhijith
starts from 6 deg 40 minutes in Sidereal Capricorn and
extends upto 10 deg 53 min 40 seconds in that Sign.
A Muhurta is 48 minutes or 2 Nadis ( 2* 24 minutes ). Diurnal
or nocturnal duration is divided by 15 and we get 15 Muhurtas
in a day. The 8th Muhurtha occurring in a day is the auspicious
Abhijith Muhurtha.
Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for this Electional Hour.
Muhurta Vara Start End Rise Set
1 Rahu Kala Wednesday 11 37 13 16 458 536
2 Abhijit Wednesday 10 47 11 40
3 Brahma Wednesday 2 59 3 47
The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles In Destiny.
Natural Benefics are Jupiter Venus and Moon and Natural
Malefics are Mars Saturn Rahu et al.
FUNCTIONAL Benefics are owners of trines and quadrants and Functional
Malefics are the Trika lords of 6 8 and 12.
The most dangerous is Kharesa -lord of the 22nd decanate. He is a
killer. Also the Ascending Decanate Lord.
Most positive planet is Bhagyaprada. Also Lagnesa.
The native's form wii resemble the form of the Ascending Navamsa Lord-
Lagna Navamsapa tulya tanu syath.
Varesa offsets the affliction of Gulika.
Badhakesa is negative. We will define the House of Badha.
For Quadrants - 11th House
For 2 5 8 11 - Ninth House
For 3 6 9 12 - Seventh House
Are afflicted / Badha Houses
Charodaye Labha Grihe tu Badha
Sthithe pi Rasau Navame Vichintya
Tadobhaye Kama Grihe trayanam
Kendrasthitairithyapare vadanti
The help of Kala Horesa is needed for any enterprise.
IF Chandramsesa is stronger - Kala Chakra Dasa to be applied.
The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles in Destiny
1 Ascending D2 Lord Lagna Horesa MOO
2 Ascending D12 Lord Lagna Dwadasesa MAR
3 Ascending D30 Lord Lagna Trimsamsesa MER
4 Ascending D7 Lord Lagna Saptamsesa SAT
5 Ascending Sign Lagna LEO
6 Lunar Ascendant Chandra Lagna GEM
7 Lord of Birth Star Nakshatresa MAR
8 Ascending Star Lord Lagna Nakshatresa VEN
9 Lunar Ascendant lord Chandra Lagnesa MER
10 Lunar Decanate Lord Chandra Drekkanesa MER
11 Lord of Lunar D9 Chandra Navamsesa VEN
12 Ascending Decanate Lord Lagna Drekkanesa MAR
13 Ascending D9 Lord Lagna Navamsesa VEN
14 Lord of 22nd Decanate Lagna Kharesa MAR
15 Lord of Lunar 22nd Decanate Chandra Kharesa SAT
16 Lord of 64th Star Quarter Chatu Shashti Padesa SUN
17 Lord of 88TH Star Quarter Ashtaseethih Padesa MER
18 Lord of 108TH Star Quarter Ashtothara Sata Pade MAR
19 Lord of Weekday Varesa MER
20 Dispositor of Gulika Mandeesa MAR
21 Afflicted Lord Badhakesa MAR
22 Temporal Horary Lord Kala Horesa MER
23 Functional Benefic Bhagyaprada MAR
24 Ascendant lord Lagnesa SUN
Hour Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diurnal Strength 27.50 32.50 32.50 60.00 27.50 27.50 32.50
Tribhaga Strengt 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Year Strength 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Month Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Week Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Solstice Strengt 80.96 0.20 34.53 31.26 13.55 20.77 53.14
Fortnight Streng 36.16 47.67 36.16 23.84 23.84 23.84 36.16
Intrinsic Streng 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85 8.5
Exaltation Stren 18.45 49.95 9.62 57.79 8.84 0.85 32.01
Angular Strength 60.00 30.00 60.00 30.00 60.00 30.00 15.00
Decanate Strengt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 15.
Even Odd Sign St 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 15.00 0.00
Sevenfold Divisi 138.75 105.00 93.75 35.25 63.75 86.25 101.25
Directional Stre 26.69 9.48 22.62 48.09 0.38 46.57 53.77
War Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Motional Strengt 0.00 0.00 5.36 26.03 56.03 28.01 50.25
Aspectual Streng 8.82 18.30 11.87 12.79 4.40 9.56 8.82
TOTAL 487.33 344.53 368.55 545.75 397.57 346.20 406.47
STRENGTH IN RUPA 8.12 5.74 6.14 9.10 6.63 5.77 6.77
PERC STREGNTH 1.62 0.96 1.23 1.30 1.02 1.05 1.35
The Sequential Order of Weekdays
is derived from
The Sequential Order of Planetary Hours
The 25th Planetary Hour of Sunday is ruled by the Moon and so Moon's
Day became the next day.
These are the 24 Lords of Kala Hora.
The Indian is more complicated. Everything is referenced to Sunrise
and Sunset.
The Equation for Abhijit is Sunrise + Aharmana/15 and for Rahu
Kaal it is Sunrise + Aharmana/8.
The Equation of Kala Hora is Sunrise + Aharmana/12.
We have 12 Day Lords and 12 Night Lords. Day Lords follow a
1 + 5 order (thata shashta shashta kramena) and Night Lords
follow a 1 + 4 order (nisayam tu varesvarath panchamadya)
ARANTAN 636 616 -5.30 10.10 -79.02 01-
BODINAY 643 625 -5.30 10.01 -77.24 01-
DHARAPU 643 623 -5.30 10.45 -77.34 01
DINDIGU 640 621 -5.30 10.22 -78.00 01-0
KARAIKK 638 619 -5.30 10.06 -78.47 01-
KARIKAL 635 613 -5.30 10.56 -79.51 01-0
KIRANUR 638 619 -5.30 10.35 -78.49 01-
KODAIKA 643 623 -5.30 10.14 -77.28 01-
KODIKKA 634 614 -5.30 10.18 -79.55 01-
KODUNGA 647 629 -5.30 10.05 -76.20 01
KUMBAKO 636 615 -5.30 10.58 -79.25 01
MANAPPA 639 619 -5.30 10.37 -78.27 01
MANNARG 635 615 -5.30 10.40 -79.29 01
MELUR 639 621 -5.30 10.05 -78.22 01-0
MUSIRI 640 618 -5.30 10.59 -78.29 01-02
NAGAPAT 634 614 -5.30 10.46 -79.53 01-
NAGORE 634 614 -5.30 10.51 -79.55 01-
NILAKKO 641 622 -5.30 10.10 -77.55 01-0
PALANI 643 623 -5.30 10.30 -77.36 01-02
PALGHAT 647 627 -5.30 10.46 -76.40 01-
PALGHAT 647 627 -5.30 10.46 -76.40 01-
PALLADA 644 623 -5.30 10.59 -77.20 01-
PATTUKK 635 616 -5.30 10.26 -79.22 01-
PODANUR 644 623 -5.30 10.58 -77.07 01
POLLACH 644 624 -5.30 10.36 -77.03 01-
PUDUKKO 638 618 -5.30 10.23 -78.52 01
Scientific Terms of Indian Astronomy - The 18 Siddhantas
M = Mean Anomaly of the planet
A = Aphelion of the Planet
L = Mean Longitude of the Planet
e = Orbital eccentricity
mjv = Orbital eccentricity in seconds
Sheegra Kendra = The Anomaly of Conjunction
Sheegroccha = Perihelion; Mandoccha = Aphelion;
Sheeghra Phala = The Angle between the Planet the
Sun and Earth; Oja = Odd; Yugma = Even;
Manda Kendra = The angle between position and Aphelion;
Sheeghra Kendra Ardha = A/2- half of Sheegra Kendra;
Kranti Vritta = Ecliptic; Vikshepa Vritta = Heliocentric Circle;
Kshithija = Celestial Horizon; Bha Chakra = Zodiac;
Vishuvat Vritta = Celestial Equator;
Khagoleeya Dhruva Rekha = Celestial Meridien;
Vishu Vat Bhoga = Right Ascension( R A );
Meshadi = The First Point of Aries;
Thuladi = The First Point of Libra;
Karkyadi = The First Point of Cancer;
Makaradi = The First Point of Capricorn;
Theta = True Longitude of the planet;
v = True Anomaly; Manda Karna = Radius Vector- heliocentric distance;
Sheeghra Karna = geocentric vector- distance of the planet from the
Vedic Astronomy & Trignometry
In the Great Circle of Light which is 360 degrees ( the Bha Chakra-
the Kala Chakra- the Zodiac )- the first 90 degrees are Oja Pada
( Odd Tri Signs ) and the next 90 degrees are Yugma Pada ( Even
Tri Signs ). There are two major Indian Planetary Models -
the Eccentric Model and the Epicycle Model. In the Eccentric Model-
the Mean Circle is called Manda Pratimandala- that is the circle
traversed by the mean angular motion of the planet. In the Epicycle
Model- the Planet is on the epicycle- known as Manda Paridhi.
The Equation of Bhuja
The degrees traversed by a planet is called Bhuja and the degrees
yet to be traversed by a planet is called Koti in an Odd Sign. In
an Even Sign-the degrees traversed by the planet is called Koti
and the degrees yet to be traversed by a planet is called Bhuja.
In other words- the degrees traversed by a planet is the same
in the first 0 - 90 degrees and in the second Pada- it is 180
- degrees traversed. In the 180-270 degrees arc-
it is distance traversed - 180 degrees and in the 270-360 degrees arc
it is 360 - distance traversed. This is known in Vedic Astronomy as
the equation of Bhuja or Sine. Bhujajya is radius multiplied by modern
This mighty Circle of Light- Zodiac
Is divided by four into Four Quadrant
Distance traversed is Bhuja in Odd Sign
In Even Sign- it is Koti called !
Bhuja is Radius * Modern Sine
More at http://www.eastrovedica.com
Surya Siddhanta
Pitamaha Siddhanta
Vyasa Siddhanta
Vasishta Siddhanta
Atri Siddanta
Parasara Siddhanta
Kashyapa Siddhanta
Narada Siddhanta
Garga Siddhanta
Marichi Siddhanta
Manu Siddhanta
Angira Siddhanta
Lomasa Siddhanta
Paulasa Siddhanta
Yavana Siddhanta
Chyavana Siddhanta
Bhrigu Siddhanta
And Others
Maha Bhaskareeya by Bhaskara I
Arya Siddhanta by Aryabhata I
Maha Siddhanta by Aryabhata II
Siddhanta Siromani by Bhaskara II
Aryabhateeya by Aryabhata
Aryabhateeya Bhasya by Neelakanta Somayaji
The Decanate reveals the Figure & Nature
When the 360 degrees Ellipse
Is divided by 36
We get 36 Drekkanas
Of ten degrees!
Decanates are used
Heavily in Horary
Also in Electional
It finds its use !
Summary of Decanates/ Nature
1 Ascendant MAR Manushya/Armed
2 Udaya MAR Manushya/Armed
3 6th House VEN Sthree
4 Lunar Ascendant MER Sthree
5 Kharesha MAR Sarpa/Agni
6 2nd House MER Sthree/Visha
7 3rd House VEN Sthree
8 4th House MAR Chathushpad/Armed
9 5th House SAT Pakshi
10 7th House VEN Sthree
11 8th House SAT Pakshi
12 9th House MAR Chathushpad/Armed
13 10th House VEN Sthree
14 11th House MER Sthree/Visha
15 12th House MER Sthree
Some Important Mathematical Points
All important is the Ascending Degree as everything is based on
the Ascendant- Sarvam Vi Lagnepi Chintayet. 180 degrees- diametricall
opposite to that point is the Descending Degree- Astha Lagna.
The Meridien Cusp is another point and 180 degrees diametrically
opposite to it is the Imum Caeli. In the Computation of House Division
Bhava Sphuta Ganitha- these are the major points which are calculated
Only five planets there are
Sol and Luna are luminaries
Rest are all math degrees
Important indeed to Sages
The Nodes of the Moon- both Ascending and Descending- are also import
as they are the determinants of behavior.
The Lunar Ascending Degree is vital and same importance is given to it
the Ascending Degree.
Equally important is the Triune Longitude as the health of the native
be discerned from it.
The Vital Force is represented by the Ascendant- Body by Luna and Deat
Gulika and this Ttiad is known as Tri Sputa- Lagnath Amsyamasum vapu
Sasabhutho Mandescha Mrityor Vidu.
Negative indications are conveyed if Trisphuta falls in Dissolution st
Dissolution Stars are Third Stars as First Stars are Creation Star
and Second Preservation - Aswinyadyat Kramal Sarve Srishit Sthithi L
Physical Vital & Death Longitudes figure in Horary. The Triad is known
as Subtle Triue Longitude and figure in Medical Astrology. Furthur
extensions are the Fourfold and Fivefold Longitude.
Nuptial Longitude figure in Marriage Horary while Beeja ad Kshetra fig
in Horary Progeny.
Trisphuta Dasa - Its Rationale
Similar to Udu Dasa in Natal Astrology Horary uses another Dasa
known as Trisphuta Dasa.It is a 360 days cycle with the nine planets
having their proportionate share. The dasas/bhukhtis of malefics
given below will be bad and benefics will do good
Trisphuta Dasa
Start End Dasa
01-01-2021 03-01-2021 SATURN
03-01-2021 23-02-2021 MERCURY
23-02-2021 16-03-2021 KETU
16-03-2021 15-05-2021 VENUS
15-05-2021 02-06-2021 SUN
02-06-2021 02-07-2021 MOON
02-07-2021 23-07-2021 MARS
23-07-2021 15-09-2021 RAHU
15-09-2021 02-11-2021 JUPITER
| | | | |
| | MAR | | |
| | | RAH | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | MOO |
| | | |
| | PUSHYA | |
| | | |
____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | |
| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-01-2021 | |
| | | |
| SUN MER | | | |
| | VEN | | |
| | KET | | |
| | | | LAG |
| | GUL | | |
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to March 04
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 F 01-01-2021 16 25 3 7 8 35 26 0 7 27 23 13 5 37 24 45
2 S 02-01-2021 17 26 3 35 8 49 27 15 7 34 24 52 18 45 24 42
3 S 03-01-2021 18 28 4 1 9 3 28 30 7 41 26 29 2 7 24 39
4 M 04-01-2021 19 29 4 27 9 17 29 45 7 48 28 7 15 40 24 36
5 T 05-01-2021 20 30 4 54 9 30 1 0 7 55 29 46 29 24 24 33
6 W 06-01-2021 21 31 5 21 9 44 2 16 8 2 1 24 13 19 24 31
7 T 07-01-2021 22 32 5 48 9 58 3 31 8 9 3 2 27 22 24 28
8 F 08-01-2021 23 33 6 15 10 12 4 46 8 16 4 41 11 33 24 25
9 S 09-01-2021 24 34 6 42 10 26 6 1 8 23 6 19 25 51 24 22
10 S 10-01-2021 25 35 7 10 10 40 7 16 8 30 7 57 10 12 24 19
11 M 11-01-2021 26 36 7 38 10 54 8 31 8 37 9 35 24 33 24 16
12 T 12-01-2021 27 37 8 7 11 8 9 46 8 44 11 13 8 50 24 14
13 W 13-01-2021 28 38 8 35 11 22 11 2 8 51 12 50 22 58 24 11
14 T 14-01-2021 29 39 9 4 11 36 12 17 8 58 14 26 6 53 24 8
15 F 15-01-2021 0 40 9 33 11 50 13 32 9 5 16 1 20 30 24 5
16 S 16-01-2021 1 41 10 2 12 4 14 47 9 13 17 34 3 48 24 2
17 S 17-01-2021 2 42 10 32 12 18 16 2 9 20 19 6 16 45 24 0
18 M 18-01-2021 3 43 11 2 12 32 17 17 9 27 20 36 29 22 23 57
The Kali Yuga started at 3102 BCE. ( 18 Feb 3102 BCE to be exact ).
We are in the 3102 + 2020 = 5122 th year of Kali Yuga.
To get the Saka Era minus 78 from the English Era. This year it is
1942 78 years subtracted from 2020.
It is 5122 nd year of the Kali Yuga ( 3102+2020 = 5122). ( Unfor-
tunately India is a "secular" country following the Gregorian Calendar
In Thailand they follow the Buddhist Calendar . In the Buddhist
Calendar we are in the 2563rd year ( 2020+ 543- 543 BCE beng the
date when Buddha attained Parinirvana)
In the Masonic Calendar we are in the 6020 th year ( 2020+4000) ).
In the Jewish C we are in the year 5782.
Effects of the fiery Solar Transits
Njattu Velas are Solar Transits through the Sidereal Zodiac--- the
Sapta Vimsatmaka Jagath. A constellation is 13 deg 20 minutes in
length and the Sun takes almost 14 days to transit a constellation.
Aswathy Njattuvela means the Solar Transit of Aswathy and Thiruvathira
Njattuvela means the Solar Transit of Betelgeuse or Thiruvathira.
Astro Meterology has been founded by observation--- far more accurate
than modern Meteorology when it comes to predicting the weather. In
Kerala both Kala Varsha ( Solar Transit from the 15th degree of Taurus
and Thula Varsha ( Solar Transit from the First Degree of Libra )
comes dot on time.
Lunations are 12 degrees in length. Lc - Lr = T
that is the longitude of the Moon - long Sun = Thidhi.
Most of the Hindu festivals are based on Lunations--- Vinayaka
Chathurthi Maha Navami Vijaya Dasami et al.
The Lunar Months - the Chaitradi Chandra Masas are reckoned from the
Equinoctial New Moon.
The Full Moon is called Poornima and New Moon - Amavasya.
The Twelve Solar Months Meshadi Dwadasa Masas are caused by Sun's
transit of the Zodiac of Signs- the Dwadasa Rasyatmaka Jagath.
The Sexagesimal ( 1/60 th ) Division of Day & The Computation of
Time ( Kala Nirnayah )
One Asu is 4 seconds and 6 such Asus constitute a Vinadi ( 24
seconds ). One Nadi is 60 Vinadis - 24 minutes) . 60 such Nadis
constitute a day of 24 Horas ( hours ). Chatur Vimshati Smrithah.
Or 15 degrees = 1 Hour. Ardha Rasi Bhaveth Hora.
Fifteen such Days constitute a Fortnight- Pancha Dasa Ahani
Pakshah. There are two Fortnights -Bright Fortnight--- Shukla
Paksha and Dark Fortnight--- Krishna Paksha ( Tad Shuklam
Krishnamm cha ).
Thirty days make a month. Two such months constitute an Indian
Season--- Rithu. Tau Dau Rithu. Six months constitute a Solstice-
-- Shan Masa Ayanam Bhavathi. Only on two days do Night Duration
equal Day Duration and they are Vishu and Thula Vishu.
( Yadha Mesha Tulayo Varthathe/ Thada Ahoratranam Samanani Bhavanthi).
There are two Solstices--- Winter and Summer. Tad Uttaram Dakshinam
When sun's longitude
Is > 270 and < 90
The period is called
Uttarayana- Northern Solstice.
When sun's longitude
Is > 90 and < 270
The period is called
Dakshinayana- Southern Solstice.
The Southern Solstice--- that is the southerly journey of the Sun is
Dakshinayana( Karkyadi gathe shad ke Dakshinayanam uchyathe ) ---
as his Northerly journey or Northern Solstice is Uttarayana.
( Makaradi gathe shad ke Uttarayanam Uchyathe ).
Twelve such solar months constitute a Solar Year--- Samvatsara
( Dwadasa Masa Vatsara Smritha). 43---20000 such years constitute an
Equinoctial Cycle--- Chatur Yuga and 1000 such Equinoctial Cycles or
4.32 billion years constitute a Cosmological Cycle Brahma Kalpa (
Chatur Yuga Sahasram Indraharina dinam uchyathe) . A Super Cosmo-
logical Cycle Brahma Span--- --Maha Manvantara is 100 years or
311.04 trillion years !
( Source of Sanskrit definitions - The Maha Bhagavata ).
Thousand Equinoctial Cycles
Is one Day of Brahma
Same duration is Night
So the scholars averr !
Sahasra Yuga Paryantham
Aharyal Brahamano Vidu
Ratrim Yugah Sahasrantham
The Ahoratra vido Janah
Most Auspicious Muhurta
Muhurta = 48 minutes
Each M presided by a Star
First M = Sunrise + 48 mins
Sixteenth M = Sunset + 48
A Day = 30*48 mins
Sunrise 4.58
Sunrise in Mins 298.00
Dayduration 798.00
Muhurtha 53.20
Abhijit Start 298.00000000000000
Abhijit End 351.20
When Moon's elongation is
In between 144 and 156
Pradosha Vrat is observed
From Sayahna Sandhya start time.
Dawn and dusk are ideal
For Meditation and Prayer
Sayahna Sandhya's duration is 48 minutes
From the setting of the Sun!
A Day has been divided by 5
To generate 5 Sandhyas
Pratha Sandhya is the first
And Sayahna - the last !
Time to be renounced
For all electional hours.
For Pradosh - Sunset+ 48 mins
For others- Sunrise + 78 mins.
The Eighteen Planetary Strengths and their Role in the Five Systems
of Prognostication
Table- software generated- showing the Eighteenfold strengths of
planets in the Sample Horoscope.
Hour Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00
Diurnal Strength 49.17 10.83 10.83 60.00 49.17 49.17
Tribhaga Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00
Year Strength 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Month Strength 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Week Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00
Solstice Strength 119.86 8.29 58.23 59.35 55.13 58.28
Fortnight Strength 46.16 27.68 46.16 13.84 13.84 13.84
Intrinsic Strength 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85
Exaltation Strength 40.76 34.59 10.97 24.25 58.73 42.76
Quadrant Strength 15.00 60.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 30.00
Decanate Strength 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00
Odd Signs Strength 30.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
Sevenfold Divisional 86.25 60.00 101.25 85.50 86.25 93.75
Directional Strength 29.85 16.31 35.63 1.27 12.41 36.49
War Strength 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Motional Strength 0.00 0.00 6.50 43.99 10.45 10.66
Aspectual Strength -9.26 1.06 -6.30 -10.51 -1.62 -11.57
Total Points 482.79 330.19 310.41 393.39 498.64 441.23 3
Strength In Rupas 8.05 5.50 5.17 6.56 8.31 7.35
% Strength 1.61 0.92 1.03 0.94 1.28 1.34
1 SUN 501 Strong Sampoorna
2 MOO 362 Strong Poorna
3 MAR 317 Strong Poorna
4 MER 432 Strong Poorna
5 JUP 540 Strong Sampoorna
6 VEN 411 Strong Sampoorna
7 SAT 404 Strong Sampoorna
Strength of Bhava Lords in Sexagesimal Units
Wealth Points after analysing the strengths of the House Lords
MOON 362.47
SUN 515.69
VEN 410.65
MARS 316.74
JUP 539.53
JUP 539.53
SAT 403.98
SAT 403.98
MARS 316.74
VEN 410.65
MERC 431.74
MER 431.74
Wealt 1803.7
Avg P 450.93
Which ae e Five Predictive Systems?
The Five Predictive Systems are
Directional Influence -Dasa System
Transit - Gochara System
Eightfold Ashtaka Varga System
Planetary Hours Calculator
Ascending Signs Calculator
How to use these Tables?
The First Table shows tthe overall strengths of planets . Rather than
Analysis = it is an eighteenfold analysis - as 18 strengths of planets
assessed. In sexageimal units or shashtiamsas...
The Second Table displays which planets are strong or weak.
The Third Table assesses the strength of the house lords and the Wealt
which accrue from them. Above 450 is considered good.
Of the Martial Commander of Heaven- Mars
Mars is the Defense Minister in the Government of the Almighty.
On the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of admin-
istrative ability. If the fire of Mars is not present in the natal cha
the native will be a dreamer lacking in the practical brilliance neede
for success.
The term martial is derived from Mars. Police defence martial arts -
all these come under his domain. Fiery temparament and skill in war
are the prerogatives of Mars. If he be exalted in one's horoscope -
the native will become a cruel ruler ( as in Emperor Nero's horoscope)
The fourth planet in the Solar System Mars is named after the Roman
god of War- Mars. It is described as the Red Planet- because the iro
oxide present on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. The rotati
and seasonal cycles of Mars are smilar to that of Earth as is the tilt
generates the seasons. The highest known mountain in the Solar System-
Olympus Mons -is on Mars.
Mars has two moons- Phobos and Deimos - which are small & irregularly
shaped. They are known as Dhooma and Mrityu in Indian Astronomy.
Dharanee Garbha Sambhootham
Vidyut Kantha Samaprabham
Kumaram Shakthi Hastham cha
Mangalam Pranamamyaham
O Son of Earth and Defence Minister of the celestial Army ! My salutat
to Thee !
Of the Prince of the Solar Logos Mercury
This science of the Heavens was called by the Germans as Cosmo-Biology
them Cosmo-Biology was the calculus of cosmic interrelatedness. It sim
means the celestial influences on terrestrial affairs as per the princ
As Above so below ".
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and the innermost a
his sidereal period is just 88 days. Of all planets he exhibits the ma
eccentricity and has the smallest axial tilt. The perihelion of the or
of Mercury precesses around the Sun at the rate of 43 arc seconds per
century - a phenomenon explained by Einstein's General Theory of Relat
The role of Mercury in Horoscopy
Academic knowledge and degrees are the prerogative of Mercury. Sudhams
thanayam prajnam.
Books publishing knowledge mathematics sculpture & arts all come
under his domain. If he be exalted in one's horoscope the native will
become a great scholar. ( Example horoscope is that of Augustus
Caesar who had exalted Mercury in Virgo ).
He represents academic education vidya vijana vanee ganitha lipi kala.
represents uncles Vidya karaka mathulo bhudha. Amogst the Five Element
represents the earth principle- Kshithirapi vachanam jnanam indus than
Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon: it is heavily cratered w
regions of smooth plains has no natural satellites and no substantial
atmosphere. He is the Messenger of the Gods Hermes in Western Mytholo
In the Indian He is Budha the academic planet which bestows education
intelligence. Computers are also ruled by him.
For Mercury
Priyangu Kalika Shyamam
Roopena Prathimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Gunopetham
Namami Shashinam Sutham
O Son of the Moon and Representer of all academic Knowledge ! My salut
to Thee !
Of the Significator of Medicine - Moon (Somena Oushada)
The role of Moon in Horoscopy
As the Queen of the Solar Logos Moon is an important luminary capable
conferring great mental power. The position of Moon is very important
the perspective of prosperity.A strong Moon powerful in digit strengt
give immense courage to the native and courage is essential for prospe
Prosperity depends on the position of Moon & Jupiter the indicator of
wealth. The Moon is considered as a natural benefic in Vedic Astrology
represents Mother and Mind- mano matharo sheeta rashmi.
Moon has only strength if he has digit strength. He should not come wi
72 degrees of the Sun to be powerful.
Its regular cycle of lunar phases and its prominence in the heavens ha
made Luna an important cultural influence on Mythology language calend
and art. Moon's gravitational influence causes ocean tides and the min
lengthening of the day. Her current orbital distance about Earth's dia
* 30 makes her appear as big as the Sun and allowing her to cover the
precisely in solar eclipses.
Moon in Mythology. Mythology is the representation of astronomical tru
There is a mythological story occurring in the Devi Bhagavatha that M
took the twenty seven daughters of Daksha as his wives. His 27 wives a
constellations ! Poetic allegory has it that he circumambulates the Zo
( allegorically depicted as Maha Meru ) with his 27 consorts ! Moon ge
in Taurus. As he shines bright and brilliant in Rohin he was called Ro
by the Sanskrit poets.
Rohini the brightest star in Taurus is Aldebaran with a visual magnitu
is a red and beautiful orange star. It lies within 50 of the ecliptic
therefore periodically occulted by the Moon. That is why it is said th
Aldebaran is loved most !
Meteorologists must study Varaha's claim that Rohini Yoga occurring wh
the Moon is in contact with Rohini in the dark fortnight of the lunar
of Ashada determines the agricultural prospects for the year.
Mantra For the Moon
Rohineesa sudhamoorthim
Sudha gatra sudhasana
Vishama Sthana sambhootam
Peedam harathu me vidhuh
Dhadhi Shankha Thusharabham
Ksheerodharnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam
Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam
O Thou who adorns the head of the mighty Lord Siva !
My obeisances to Thee !
In Indian Astrology each planet has a satellite of i
For instance Phobos and Deimos of Mars are called as Dh
Mrityu in Indian science. The longitudes of satellites of
Moon Mars Rahu & Ketu are calculated based on the si
longitude of the Sun.
Satellites like Dhooma
----- --------- ---------------------
Mars Dhooma Sun's longitude + 133 deg 20
Rahu Vyatipata 360- Dhooma's longitude
Moon Parivesh 180 + Vyatipata's longitude
Venus Indrachapa 360 - Parivesh's longitude
Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa + 16 deg 40 mins
A different method of calculation is adopted for the sate
of Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury & Mars. Days and nights ar
ded into 8 divisions.
The first division is ruled by the lord of the day & other
sions are given to the other lords in sequential order. D
night the first lord is the fifth lord from the lord of th
In order to measure the longitudes of satellites two diff
methods have been adopted.In the first method the beginnin
of the planet who holds absolute sway is taken. In the
method the end time is taken.The Lagna is computed for thi
and this is how the longitude of the satellite is computed
To compute Gulika's longitude a third method has been a
The rising time of Gulika is charted out for each day a
sphuta or longitude computed is labelled as Mandi or Gulik
Day of Week Day Night
----------- --- -----
Sunday 26 ghati (Nazhika) 10 ghati (Nazhika)
Monday 22 " 6 "
Tuesday 18 " 2 "
Wednesday 14 " 26 "
Thursday 10 " 22 "
Friday 6 " 18 "
Saturday 2 " 14 "
Record# PLANET
Kerala Astrology's Contribution to humanity ( like Sin Tan & Cos)
KSAM's Jya and Kojya became Jiba and Kojiba in Arabic - Sinus and
Cosinus in Latin and Sine and Cosine in English (vide " The Cultural
Foundations of Maths ").
There was another Contribution -Gulika.
The satellite of Saturn - Gulika
These are the Rising Hours of Gulika in minutes.
Vara Day Night
1 SUN 624 240
2 MON 528 144
3 TUE 432 48
4 WED 336 624
5 THU 240 528
6 FRI 144 432
7 SAT 48 336
Add this to Sunrise or Sunset and you will get Gulika
Udaya - the Rising Time of Gulika.
If he rises in the horary chart - death is indicated-
Prushtu syath Gulikodaye tu maranam-he can devastate
as a malefic - akhila Mrityu samhara karako Mandi.
What is the antidote to Guliokdaya Dosha ?
If the lord of Day of the week -Varesa is stong - GD
will be destroyed = Varese balade Gulikodaya Doshasya Vinasyati.
Origin of Gulika - satellite of Saturn
There is an interesting story about the origin of Saturn's son-
Gulika. Ravana a person of immense occult power commanded
Saturn to come and stay in the 11th House of his son Indrajith-
the 11th House being the best house for Saturn to be in.
Saturn with his innate laziness came and stayed at the
11th house but put his foot in the 12th ( the worst house
for Saturn to be in ). An enraged Ravana cut off his leg
and the entire mass of blood and bones went and stayed in Lagna !
The Satellite of Venus - Yamashukra
Yamashukra is a satellite of Venus.A strong angular YS is needed
in Horary to indicate wedding bells !
He rises at 48 minutes on FRI and his Ascendant
is calculated like Gulika's.
SUN 528 240
MON 432 144
TUE 336 48
WED 240 624
THU 144 528
FRI 48 432
SAT 624 336
SUN 528 240
MON 432 144
TUE 336 48
WED 240 624
THU 144 528
FRI 48 432
SAT 624 336
Nirayana Longitudes of Aroodha Veedhi & Chatra
UPAKETU CANCER 14:15:11 POOYAM 4 104 :15 :11
YAMAKANDAK CANCER 27:57: 8 AYILYAM 4 117 :57 : 8
KALA LEO 1: 5:40 MAKAM 1 121 : 5 :40
MRITHYU LEO 3:11:44 MAKAM 1 123 :11 :44
ARDHAPRAHA CANCER 26:54:27 AYILYAM 4 116 :54 :27
YAMASUKRA LIBRA 11:23: 0 CHOTHI 2 191 :23 : 0
Natal Star Adverse Unfavorable Janma 1
Wealth Star Benevolent Favorable Sampat 2
Crisis Star Adverse Dangerous Vipat 3
Prosperity Benign Favorable Kshema 4
Obstacle Star Blocking Adverse Pratyak 5
Smooth Star Benign Favorable Sadhana 6
Death Star Destructive Malign Naidhana 7
Friend Star Benign Favorable Mitra 8
Very Friendly Benevolent Benign Para Mitra 9
Q - How to find favorable star from above table ?
eg - My star is Aslesha. Swati rules today (080121) till Sunrise
+ 18*24 mins. It is my adverse Death Star.No wonder nothing turned
out right today. Nehru died on his death star day.
Tomorrow and the day after are my 8th and 9th stars -
both favorable.
Colours of Planets
Jupiter Golden Hue
Sun Reddish
Moon Fair
Mars Deep red
Mercury Greenish
Saturn Black
Venus Polished Light Black
Rahu Black ( Resembles Saturn )
Ketu Red (Resembles Mars
Body of the native will resemble
Body of the Ascending D 9 Lord.
Lagna Navamsapa Tulya Tanu Syath
In complexion and structure !
The Starting of the Epoch is 13/04/1899 the Karana Arambha.
The sidereal positions of planets are given at the time of
the Epoch ( at the Sunrise Time at Trivandrum Kerala India ).
The computations are based on Vedic Astronomy ( Siddhanta ) &
Vedic Mathematics.
The Sidereal Positions of planets
Planet Sign Degree Mins Secs Tatpara
Sun 11283350 44
Moon's Apogee312391519
North Node810384540
The Three Methods of Vedic Astronomy & Mathematics
1) Zodiacal Longitudes - The First Method is to compute
the longitudes of the planets along the Ecliptic ( Kranti
Vritta ). Western astronomers have accepted 0 degree Aries
as the First Point of the Tropical Zodiac and Vedic astron-
omers have accepted 0 degree Beta Arietis ( Aswini )
as the First Point of the Sidereal Zodiac.
Extending 9 degrees to either side of the Ecliptic is the
Great Circle of Light the Zodiac.
2) Celestial Equatorial Longitudes -
The Second Method is to compute the longitudes along
the Celestial Equator ( Vishuvat Vritta ). The Starting
Point is 0 degree Aries. The longitudes thus obtained is
called the Right Ascension ( R A ) of Planets.
3)Celestial Horizontal Longitudes -
The Third Method is to compute longitudes along the
Celestial Horizon. The Eastern Celestial Horizon - the
intersecting point between the Ecliptic and the Celestial
Horizon is called the Ascendant ( Udaya Lagna ). 180
degrees opposite to that point is called the Western
Celestial Horizon ( Astha Lagna ). The highest point
on the Celestial Horizon is called the Zenith ( Madhya
Lagna or MC ) and the lowest point the Nadir ( Patala
Lagna or IC ). The Original Point of the Celestial
Horizon is the Northern Point on the Celestial Horizon.
The Vedic Method is Longitude corrected thrice -
through 3 major trignometric corrections called
Manda Kriya ( Reduction to True Anomaly )
Parinathi Kriya ( Reduction to Ecliptic )
& Sheeghra Kriya ( Reduction to Geocentric Coordinates ).
Reduction to the Heliocentric Coordinate System
I . Reduction to True Anomaly ( Manda Kriya )
After finding the Mean Longitude of the Planet
the Mean Anomaly of the Planet is calculated as
per the formula
Mean Anomaly = Mean Longitude - Aphelion
( M = L - A ).
The Manda Jya Vikalakal ( mjv - eccentricity in seconds )
is computed as per the formula
mjv = R (2 e - 1/4 e^3 + 5/95 e^5 ) Sin A + R (5/4 e^2 -
11/24 e^2 + 17/192 e^2 ) Sin 2 A + R ( 13/12 e^3 - 43/64 e^5 )
Sin 3 A + R ( 103/ 96 e^4 - 451 / 480 e ^5 ) Sin 4 A +
R ( 1097/960 e ^5 ) Sin 5 A + R (1223/960 e ^ 6 ) Sin 6 A
A = Mean Anomaly of the Planet + 6 Signs or M + 180.
R is 206265 seconds
This value MJV is deducted or added to M the Mean Anomaly
of the Planet to get the True Anomaly of the planet v
v = M + or - mjv
If the Mean Anomaly ( Manda Kendra ) is greater than 6 Signs
it is added and if it is less than 6 Signs ( 180 degrees ) it is subt
The Radius Vector ( Manda Karna ) is computed using the formula
Manda Karna = a ( 1+ 1/2 e^2 ) - e ( 1- 3/8 e^2) Cos A -
1/2 e^2 ( 1- 2/3 e^2 ) Cos 2 A - 3/8 e^3 Cos 3 A - 1/3 e^4 Cos 4 A )
where a is the semi major axis ( Madhyama Manda Karna ) of the planet.
Semi Major Axis is the average distance of the planet expressed in AU.
The Sun's a is 1 AU or 149 million kilometres from the earth.
It is to be noted that at 90 degrees the Manda Karna of the
planet equals Semi Major Axis because Cos 90 = 0.
Reduction to the Ecliptic Coordinate System
II. Reduction to the Ecliptic ( Parinathi Kriya )
The Ascending Node of the planet is deducted to get the Y the plane
minus the Node.
Y = True Anomaly of the Planet - Node of the planet
First the latitude of the planet is computed as per the formula
Sin l = Sin L Sin Y
where l is the latitude of the planet Y is the Longitude of
the planet after deducting the Node and L is the maximum
latitude of the planet
The mean longitude of the planet after Manda Kriya is
reduced to the Ecliptic Coordinate System . The formula used is
Sin h = ( 1-Cos L Sin Y Cos Y /cos l )
where the l is the latitude of the planet Y is the Longitude of
the planet after deducting the Node and L is the maximum
latitude of the planet and h is the Parinathi Phalam the factor
which is to be added or subtracted to the True Anomaly.
( This is also the formula used for computing the Sun's Prana-
kalanthara which is the difference between Tropical longitudes
and Right Ascension ).
i or Inclination or inclinent of Orbit is known as Parama
Vikshepa the angular distance of the orbital plane from
our plane of reference the Ecliptic. This is also known
as Sara. For Mercury it is 7 degrees and for Jove it is 1.31 degree
The first 3 Signs are Odd ( Oja ) the next 3 Signs are
Even ( Yugma ) the next 3 Signs are Odd ( Oja )
and the next 3 signs are Even ( Yugma ).
The Parinathi Phalam is added if the Signs are Yugma and
subtracted if it is Oja to True Anomaly to get the Ecliptic degree.
Ecliptic Degree = True Anomaly + or - Parinathi Phalam
The Heliocentric distance or Manda Karna ( Kranthi Vritheeya
Manda Karna ) is computed as per the formula
Kranthi Vritheeya Manda Karna = Vikshepa Vritheeya
Manda Karna * cos l
Reduction to the Geocentric Coordinate System
III Sheeghra Kriya - Reduction to Geocentric Coordinates
The Sheeghra Anomaly
When the longitude of the Sun is deducted from the Ecliptic
Degree thus obtained we get the Sheeghra Anomaly the angle
between the Sun and the planet
Sheeghra Anomaly = Heliocentric longitude of planet -
Longitude of the Mean Sun.
x Sheeghra Phalam is the angle formed between the Sun
the planet and the Earth. It is computed as per the formula
Tan A/2 - x = ( b - a) /( b + a) Tan A/2
where A is the Sheeghra Kendra a is the Ravi Manda Karna
( Sun's distance ) b the Graha Manda Karna ( distance of the
planet from the Sun ) and x the Sheeghra Phalam
Arka Sphutoniham Kheda Mandasphuta mihoditham
Sparsajya Sheegrakendrardha Labhda karnathara hatha
Karna Yoga hritha bhooya sparsa chapatmaka kritha
Shoditha sheegrakendrardhal syath phalam sheegrasamjnakam
The Sheeghra Phalam is added if the Signs are greater than 6 and
subtracted if the Signs are less than 6 .
There is another method of computing Sheeghra Karna- the
geocentric distance of the planet. . Sheeghra Karna can
be computed by the following formula
c^2 = a^2 +b ^2 + 2 a b Cos A and the Sheegra Phalam can be
obtained by
sin x = a Sin A /c for Jupiter Mars and Saturn &
sin x = b Sin A /c for Mercury and Venus
True Longitude of the Planet = Heliocentric Longitude
of the Planet - or + Sheegra Phalam.
If the Mandaphalam is m and p is Parinathi Phalam and
s is Sheegra Phalam then
Truelong = Meanlong + or - m + or - p + or - s
For Mercury and Venus the computation is slightly different.
The Sheeghra Phalam thus obtained is subtracted from the Sun's
longitude if the Signs are more than 6 and added if the Signs
are less than 6.
This method of Longitudes Corrected Thrice is highlighted
in Puliyoor's Ganitha Nirnaya and Bhaskara's Ganitha Adhyaya.
Achyuta Pisharody's Sphuta Nirnaya also deals with the
calculations in Indian Astronomy. Other reference books
are Maha Bhaskareeya Aryabhateeya and Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta.
In Mathematics there are many methods and the Western
Method is to find the True Anomaly of the Planet and to it
add the Argument of Perihelion ( Long = v + w ). The
Eccentric Anomaly of the Planet ( an auxiliary angle used in
Kepler's equations ) is computed from the Mean Anomaly
and the True Anomaly is computed from it . The Argument
of Perihelion is added to it to get the true longitude.
v is the Angle between the Planet and Perihelion and w is
the angle between the Node and Perihelion.
The perturbations of the Moon Jupiter and Saturn are included
in these computations. Some large perturbations of the Moon
viz the Evection the Annual Equation the Variation and the
Parallactic Equation with the equations of the Center are all
While the Western Method is to give 12 corrections to the Moon's
longitude the Vedic method is to subject the Mean longitude of
the Moon to 16 trignometric corrections. ( 14 reductions plus
Manda Kriya & Parinathi Kriya ).
Then find out the Cartesian coordinates x y and z and then
convert it to Spherical Coordinates r Theta and Phi.
This Western method is not at all similar to the Indian one.
As a result of the progression of the seven planets from their
respective radical places and from the Ascendant a collective
factor sets in going under the name of Astakavarga. A planet
as a result of his horoscopic position in a particular sign is
capable of throwing out beams of influence on certain places
declared as favourable both from his position & from the position
of other planets so that such beams of influence contributed by
different planets may act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good
effects of radical as well as transit influences.
Astakavarga also takes into cognisance the actions & interactions
of the transiting planets with regard to their radical situations
and by a certain manipulation of the benefic & malefic influences
given rise to by such movements & measured numerically as so many
units - certain important events are determined.
Astakavarga essentially aims at a generalised assessment of
vitality of a horoscope.
A planet is said to become highly benefic if he secures in his
own Ashtakavarga more than 5 bindus. A planet having less than
4 bindus will affect the bhava it is in adversely. Similarly in
total or Sarvashtavarga if a sign attains more than 30 bindus
it becomes highly benefic and any sign getting less than 25
bindus becomes malefic.
To determine auspicious time
Take the sign which attains the maximum number of bindus in
Sarvashtavarga. The time when that sign is rising becomes the most
auspicious time for you and you can choose that time for business
purposes and for starting any new event.
Transit Influences
Ashtavarga is used in interpreting Gochara effects. Apart from
the benefic or the malefic nature of the trasiting planet the
Ashtakavarga points he gets in a Rasi is also considered.
When a planet transits a Rasi declared favourable & has less than
4 bindus in his own Astakavarga the favourable results will be
minimum. If the number is 4 they will be optimum and if more than
4 the maximum.Similarly if a planet transits an unfavourable place
and has 5 bindus in it the malefic effects are proportionately
reduced depending upon the number of bindus in it. Conversely a
favourable transit in a Rasi devoid of bindus reduces the benefic
effects while an unfavourable transit in such a Rasi will furthur
increase the malefic effects.
DATE 10 DEG 20 DEG 30 D
01/01/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 722.00 537.00
06/01/2021 642.00 616.00 700.00 559.00 720.00 538.00
11/01/2021 642.00 617.00 659.00 600.00 718.00 540.00
16/01/2021 641.00 618.00 657.00 601.00 716.00 543.00
21/01/2021 640.00 618.00 656.00 603.00 713.00 545.00
26/01/2021 639.00 619.00 654.00 605.00 710.00 549.00
31/01/2021 638.00 620.00 652.00 607.00 707.00 552.00
05/02/2021 637.00 621.00 649.00 610.00 703.00 556.00
10/02/2021 636.00 623.00 647.00 612.00 659.00 600.00
15/02/2021 635.00 624.00 644.00 615.00 655.00 604.00
20/02/2021 634.00 625.00 642.00 617.00 651.00 608.00
25/02/2021 632.00 626.00 639.00 620.00 646.00 612.00
02/03/2021 631.00 628.00 636.00 623.00 642.00 617.00
07/03/2021 630.00 629.00 633.00 626.00 637.00 621.00
12/03/2021 628.00 631.00 630.00 628.00 633.00 626.00
17/03/2021 627.00 632.00 628.00 631.00 628.00 631.00
22/03/2021 625.00 633.00 624.00 634.00 623.00 636.00
27/03/2021 624.00 635.00 622.00 637.00 619.00 640.00
01/04/2021 623.00 636.00 619.00 640.00 614.00 644.00
06/04/2021 621.00 637.00 616.00 643.00 610.00 649.00
11/04/2021 620.00 639.00 613.00 646.00 606.00 653.00
16/04/2021 619.00 640.00 611.00 648.00 601.00 657.00
21/04/2021 617.00 641.00 608.00 651.00 557.00 702.00
26/04/2021 616.00 643.00 605.00 653.00 553.00 706.00
01/05/2021 615.00 644.00 603.00 656.00 549.00 710.00
06/05/2021 614.00 645.00 601.00 658.00 545.00 713.00
11/05/2021 613.00 646.00 559.00 700.00 542.00 717.00
16/05/2021 612.00 647.00 557.00 702.00 539.00 720.00
21/05/2021 611.00 648.00 555.00 704.00 536.00 723.00
26/05/2021 610.00 649.00 553.00 706.00 533.00 725.00
31/05/2021 609.00 649.00 552.00 707.00 531.00 728.00
05/06/2021 609.00 650.00 551.00 708.00 529.00 729.00
10/06/2021 609.00 650.00 550.00 709.00 528.00 730.00
15/06/2021 608.00 650.00 549.00 709.00 527.00 731.00
20/06/2021 608.00 651.00 549.00 710.00 527.00 732.00
25/06/2021 608.00 650.00 549.00 710.00 527.00 731.00
30/06/2021 608.00 650.00 550.00 709.00 528.00 731.00
05/07/2021 609.00 650.00 551.00 708.00 529.00 730.00
10/07/2021 609.00 649.00 551.00 707.00 531.00 728.00
15/07/2021 610.00 649.00 553.00 706.00 533.00 726.00
20/07/2021 611.00 648.00 554.00 705.00 535.00 724.00
25/07/2021 612.00 647.00 556.00 703.00 538.00 721.00
30/07/2021 612.00 646.00 558.00 701.00 541.00 718.00
04/08/2021 613.00 645.00 600.00 659.00 544.00 714.00
09/08/2021 615.00 644.00 602.00 657.00 548.00 711.00
14/08/2021 616.00 643.00 605.00 654.00 552.00 707.00
19/08/2021 617.00 642.00 607.00 652.00 556.00 703.00
24/08/2021 618.00 641.00 610.00 649.00 600.00 659.00
29/08/2021 619.00 639.00 612.00 646.00 604.00 655.00
03/09/2021 621.00 638.00 615.00 644.00 608.00 650.00
08/09/2021 622.00 637.00 618.00 641.00 613.00 646.00
13/09/2021 623.00 635.00 621.00 638.00 617.00 642.00
18/09/2021 625.00 634.00 623.00 635.00 622.00 637.00
23/09/2021 625.00 633.00 624.00 634.00 623.00 636.00
28/09/2021 628.00 631.00 629.00 630.00 631.00 628.00
03/10/2021 629.00 630.00 632.00 627.00 635.00 624.00
08/10/2021 630.00 628.00 635.00 624.00 640.00 619.00
13/10/2021 632.00 627.00 637.00 621.00 644.00 615.00
18/10/2021 633.00 626.00 640.00 619.00 648.00 610.00
23/10/2021 634.00 625.00 643.00 616.00 653.00 606.00
28/10/2021 635.00 623.00 645.00 613.00 657.00 602.00
02/11/2021 637.00 622.00 648.00 611.00 701.00 558.00
07/11/2021 638.00 621.00 650.00 609.00 704.00 554.00
12/11/2021 639.00 620.00 653.00 606.00 708.00 551.00
17/11/2021 640.00 619.00 655.00 604.00 711.00 547.00
22/11/2021 641.00 618.00 656.00 602.00 714.00 544.00
27/11/2021 641.00 617.00 658.00 601.00 717.00 542.00
02/12/2021 642.00 617.00 659.00 559.00 719.00 540.00
07/12/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 721.00 538.00
12/12/2021 643.00 616.00 701.00 558.00 722.00 537.00
17/12/2021 643.00 615.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
22/12/2021 643.00 615.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
27/12/2021 643.00 616.00 702.00 557.00 723.00 536.00
01/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
02/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
03/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
04/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
05/01/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/01/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
01/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
02/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
03/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
04/01/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
05/01/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/01/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
07/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
08/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
09/01/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 612 6
10/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
11/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
12/01/2021 643 616 642 617 654 605 647 612 6
13/01/2021 642 616 642 617 654 605 646 612 6
14/01/2021 642 616 641 617 653 605 646 612 6
15/01/2021 642 617 641 617 653 605 646 613 6
16/01/2021 642 617 641 617 653 606 646 613 6
17/01/2021 642 617 641 618 653 606 646 613 6
18/01/2021 642 617 641 618 652 606 645 613 6
19/01/2021 641 617 641 618 652 607 645 614 6
20/01/2021 641 617 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
21/01/2021 641 618 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
22/01/2021 641 618 640 618 651 607 645 614 6
23/01/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 614 6
24/01/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 615 6
25/01/2021 640 618 640 619 650 608 644 615 6
26/01/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 644 615 6
27/01/2021 640 619 639 619 649 609 643 615 6
28/01/2021 640 619 639 620 649 609 643 616 6
29/01/2021 640 619 639 620 649 610 643 616 6
30/01/2021 639 619 639 620 648 610 643 616 6
31/01/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 616 6
01/02/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 617 6
02/02/2021 639 620 638 621 647 611 642 617 6
03/02/2021 638 620 638 621 647 612 641 617 6
04/02/2021 638 621 638 621 646 612 641 618 6
05/02/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
06/02/2021 638 621 637 622 646 613 640 618 6
07/02/2021 637 621 637 622 645 613 640 619 6
08/02/2021 637 622 637 622 645 614 640 619 6
09/02/2021 637 622 636 622 644 614 640 619 6
10/02/2021 637 622 636 622 644 615 639 619 6
11/02/2021 636 622 636 623 643 615 639 620 6
12/02/2021 636 623 636 623 643 616 639 620 6
13/02/2021 636 623 635 623 643 616 638 620 6
14/02/2021 636 623 635 623 642 616 638 621 6
15/02/2021 635 623 635 624 642 617 638 621 6
16/02/2021 635 624 635 624 641 617 637 621 6
17/02/2021 635 624 634 624 641 618 637 622 6
18/02/2021 635 624 634 624 640 618 637 622 6
19/02/2021 634 624 634 625 640 619 636 622 6
20/02/2021 634 625 634 625 639 619 636 623 6
21/02/2021 634 625 633 625 639 620 636 623 6
22/02/2021 633 625 633 625 638 620 635 623 6
23/02/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
24/02/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
25/02/2021 633 626 632 626 637 622 634 624 6
26/02/2021 632 626 632 627 637 622 634 625 6
27/02/2021 632 627 632 627 636 622 633 625 6
28/02/2021 632 627 631 627 636 623 633 626 6
01/03/2021 631 627 631 627 635 623 633 626 6
02/03/2021 631 628 631 628 635 624 632 626 6
03/03/2021 631 628 631 628 634 624 632 627 6
04/03/2021 631 628 630 628 634 625 632 627 6
05/03/2021 630 628 630 628 633 625 631 627 6
06/03/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 628 6
07/03/2021 630 629 630 629 632 626 631 628 6
08/03/2021 629 629 629 629 632 627 630 628 6
09/03/2021 629 630 629 630 631 627 630 629 6
10/03/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 630 629 6
11/03/2021 629 630 628 630 630 628 629 629 6
12/03/2021 628 630 628 630 630 629 629 630 6
13/03/2021 628 631 628 631 629 629 628 630 6
14/03/2021 628 631 628 631 629 630 628 631 6
15/03/2021 627 631 627 631 628 630 628 631 6
16/03/2021 627 632 627 631 628 631 627 631 6
17/03/2021 627 632 627 632 627 631 627 632 6
18/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
19/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
20/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
21/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
22/03/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
23/03/2021 625 634 625 633 624 634 625 634 6
24/03/2021 625 634 625 634 624 635 624 634 6
25/03/2021 624 634 625 634 623 635 624 635 6
26/03/2021 624 635 624 634 623 636 624 635 6
27/03/2021 624 635 624 635 622 636 623 635 6
28/03/2021 624 635 624 635 622 637 623 636 6
29/03/2021 623 635 623 635 621 637 623 636 6
30/03/2021 623 636 623 635 621 638 622 636 6
31/03/2021 623 636 623 636 620 638 622 637 6
01/04/2021 622 636 623 636 620 639 622 637 6
02/04/2021 622 637 622 636 619 639 621 637 6
03/04/2021 622 637 622 636 619 640 621 638 6
04/04/2021 622 637 622 637 618 640 620 638 6
05/04/2021 621 637 622 637 618 641 620 639 6
06/04/2021 621 638 621 637 618 641 620 639 6
07/04/2021 621 638 621 638 617 642 619 639 6
08/04/2021 620 638 621 638 617 642 619 640 6
09/04/2021 620 639 620 638 616 642 619 640 6
10/04/2021 620 639 620 638 616 643 618 640 6
11/04/2021 620 639 620 639 615 643 618 641 6
12/04/2021 619 639 620 639 615 644 618 641 6
13/04/2021 619 640 619 639 614 644 617 641 6
14/04/2021 619 640 619 639 614 645 617 642 6
15/04/2021 619 640 619 640 613 645 617 642 6
16/04/2021 618 641 619 640 613 646 616 642 6
17/04/2021 618 641 618 640 612 646 616 643 6
18/04/2021 618 641 618 640 612 647 616 643 6
19/04/2021 617 641 618 641 611 647 615 643 6
20/04/2021 617 642 618 641 611 648 615 644 6
21/04/2021 617 642 617 641 611 648 615 644 6
22/04/2021 617 642 617 641 610 648 614 644 6
23/04/2021 616 642 617 642 610 649 614 645 6
24/04/2021 616 643 617 642 609 649 614 645 6
25/04/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 645 6
26/04/2021 616 643 616 642 608 650 613 646 6
27/04/2021 615 643 616 643 608 651 613 646 6
28/04/2021 615 644 616 643 608 651 612 646 6
29/04/2021 615 644 615 643 607 651 612 647 6
30/04/2021 615 644 615 643 607 652 612 647 6
01/05/2021 614 644 615 644 606 652 611 647 6
02/05/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 648 6
03/05/2021 614 645 614 644 605 653 611 648 6
04/05/2021 614 645 614 644 605 654 611 648 6
05/05/2021 613 645 614 645 605 654 610 648 6
06/05/2021 613 646 614 645 604 654 610 649 6
07/05/2021 613 646 614 645 604 655 610 649 6
08/05/2021 613 646 613 645 604 655 609 649 6
09/05/2021 612 646 613 645 603 655 609 650 6
10/05/2021 612 646 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
11/05/2021 612 647 613 646 602 656 609 650 6
12/05/2021 612 647 613 646 602 657 608 650 6
13/05/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 651 6
14/05/2021 611 647 612 646 601 657 608 651 6
15/05/2021 611 647 612 647 601 658 608 651 5
16/05/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 607 651 5
17/05/2021 611 648 612 647 600 658 607 652 5
18/05/2021 611 648 611 647 600 658 607 652 5
19/05/2021 611 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
20/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 652 5
21/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 653 5
22/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
23/05/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
24/05/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
25/05/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
26/05/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
27/05/2021 609 650 610 649 558 701 605 654 5
28/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
29/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
30/05/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
31/05/2021 609 650 609 649 557 702 604 654 5
01/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 654 5
02/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
03/06/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
04/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
05/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
06/06/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
07/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 604 655 5
08/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
09/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
10/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
11/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 656 5
12/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
13/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
14/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
15/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
16/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
17/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
18/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
19/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
20/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
21/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
22/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
23/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
24/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
25/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
26/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
27/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
28/06/2021 607 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
29/06/2021 608 651 608 650 555 704 603 656 5
30/06/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 656 5
01/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 704 603 655 5
02/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
03/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
04/07/2021 608 651 609 650 555 703 603 655 5
05/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
06/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
07/07/2021 608 651 609 650 556 703 604 655 5
08/07/2021 608 651 609 649 556 703 604 655 5
09/07/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
10/07/2021 608 650 609 649 556 702 604 655 5
11/07/2021 609 650 609 649 557 702 604 654 5
12/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 604 654 5
13/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 702 605 654 5
14/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
15/07/2021 609 650 610 649 557 701 605 654 5
16/07/2021 609 650 610 649 558 701 605 654 5
17/07/2021 609 649 610 648 558 701 605 653 5
18/07/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
19/07/2021 610 649 610 648 558 700 606 653 5
20/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
21/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 700 606 653 5
22/07/2021 610 649 611 648 559 659 606 652 5
23/07/2021 610 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
24/07/2021 611 648 611 647 600 659 607 652 5
25/07/2021 611 648 612 647 600 658 607 652 5
26/07/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 607 651 5
27/07/2021 611 648 612 647 601 658 608 651 5
28/07/2021 611 647 612 646 601 657 608 651 5
29/07/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 651 6
30/07/2021 612 647 612 646 602 657 608 650 6
31/07/2021 612 647 613 646 602 656 609 650 6
01/08/2021 612 647 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
02/08/2021 612 646 613 646 603 656 609 650 6
03/08/2021 613 646 613 645 603 655 609 649 6
04/08/2021 613 646 613 645 604 655 610 649 6
05/08/2021 613 646 614 645 604 655 610 649 6
06/08/2021 613 645 614 645 604 654 610 649 6
07/08/2021 613 645 614 644 605 654 610 648 6
08/08/2021 614 645 614 644 605 653 611 648 6
09/08/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 648 6
10/08/2021 614 645 615 644 606 653 611 647 6
11/08/2021 614 644 615 644 606 652 612 647 6
12/08/2021 615 644 615 643 607 652 612 647 6
13/08/2021 615 644 616 643 607 651 612 646 6
14/08/2021 615 644 616 643 608 651 613 646 6
15/08/2021 615 643 616 643 608 650 613 646 6
16/08/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 646 6
17/08/2021 616 643 616 642 609 650 613 645 6
18/08/2021 616 643 617 642 609 649 614 645 6
19/08/2021 616 642 617 642 610 649 614 645 6
20/08/2021 617 642 617 641 610 648 614 644 6
21/08/2021 617 642 617 641 611 648 615 644 6
22/08/2021 617 642 618 641 611 647 615 644 6
23/08/2021 617 641 618 641 612 647 615 643 6
24/08/2021 618 641 618 640 612 647 616 643 6
25/08/2021 618 641 618 640 612 646 616 643 6
26/08/2021 618 640 619 640 613 646 616 642 6
27/08/2021 619 640 619 640 613 645 617 642 6
28/08/2021 619 640 619 639 614 645 617 642 6
29/08/2021 619 640 619 639 614 644 617 641 6
30/08/2021 619 639 620 639 615 644 618 641 6
31/08/2021 620 639 620 639 615 643 618 641 6
01/09/2021 620 639 620 638 616 643 618 640 6
02/09/2021 620 638 621 638 616 642 619 640 6
03/09/2021 620 638 621 638 617 642 619 640 6
04/09/2021 621 638 621 638 617 642 619 639 6
05/09/2021 621 638 621 637 618 641 620 639 6
06/09/2021 621 637 622 637 618 641 620 639 6
07/09/2021 622 637 622 637 619 640 621 638 6
08/09/2021 622 637 622 636 619 640 621 638 6
09/09/2021 622 637 622 636 619 639 621 637 6
10/09/2021 622 636 623 636 620 639 622 637 6
11/09/2021 623 636 623 636 620 638 622 637 6
12/09/2021 623 636 623 635 621 638 622 636 6
13/09/2021 623 635 623 635 621 637 623 636 6
14/09/2021 624 635 624 635 622 637 623 636 6
15/09/2021 624 635 624 635 622 636 623 635 6
16/09/2021 624 635 624 634 623 636 624 635 6
17/09/2021 624 634 625 634 623 635 624 635 6
18/09/2021 625 634 625 634 624 635 624 634 6
19/09/2021 625 634 625 633 624 634 625 634 6
20/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
21/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
22/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
23/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
24/09/2021 625 633 625 633 625 634 625 634 6
25/09/2021 627 632 627 632 627 631 627 632 6
26/09/2021 627 632 627 632 628 631 627 631 6
27/09/2021 627 631 627 631 628 630 628 631 6
28/09/2021 628 631 628 631 629 630 628 631 6
29/09/2021 628 631 628 631 629 629 628 630 6
30/09/2021 628 630 628 630 630 629 629 630 6
01/10/2021 628 630 628 630 630 628 629 630 6
02/10/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 629 629 6
03/10/2021 629 630 629 630 631 628 630 629 6
04/10/2021 629 629 629 629 632 627 630 629 6
05/10/2021 630 629 629 629 632 627 631 628 6
06/10/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 628 6
07/10/2021 630 629 630 629 633 626 631 627 6
08/10/2021 630 628 630 628 633 625 632 627 6
09/10/2021 631 628 631 628 634 625 632 627 6
10/10/2021 631 628 631 628 634 624 632 626 6
11/10/2021 631 627 631 627 635 624 633 626 6
12/10/2021 632 627 631 627 635 623 633 626 6
13/10/2021 632 627 632 627 636 623 633 625 6
14/10/2021 632 627 632 627 636 622 634 625 6
15/10/2021 632 626 632 626 637 622 634 625 6
16/10/2021 633 626 632 626 637 621 634 624 6
17/10/2021 633 626 633 626 638 621 635 624 6
18/10/2021 633 625 633 626 638 620 635 624 6
19/10/2021 634 625 633 625 639 620 635 623 6
20/10/2021 634 625 633 625 639 619 636 623 6
21/10/2021 634 625 634 625 640 619 636 623 6
22/10/2021 634 624 634 625 640 619 636 622 6
23/10/2021 635 624 634 624 640 618 637 622 6
24/10/2021 635 624 634 624 641 618 637 622 6
25/10/2021 635 624 635 624 641 617 637 621 6
26/10/2021 635 623 635 624 642 617 638 621 6
27/10/2021 636 623 635 623 642 616 638 621 6
28/10/2021 636 623 635 623 643 616 638 620 6
29/10/2021 636 622 636 623 643 615 639 620 6
30/10/2021 636 622 636 623 644 615 639 620 6
31/10/2021 637 622 636 622 644 615 639 619 6
01/11/2021 637 622 636 622 644 614 640 619 6
02/11/2021 637 621 637 622 645 614 640 619 6
03/11/2021 637 621 637 622 645 613 640 618 6
04/11/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
05/11/2021 638 621 637 621 646 613 641 618 6
06/11/2021 638 621 638 621 646 612 641 618 6
07/11/2021 638 620 638 621 647 612 641 617 6
08/11/2021 639 620 638 621 647 611 642 617 6
09/11/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 617 6
10/11/2021 639 620 638 620 648 611 642 616 6
11/11/2021 639 619 639 620 648 610 643 616 6
12/11/2021 640 619 639 620 649 610 643 616 6
13/11/2021 640 619 639 619 649 609 643 616 6
14/11/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 643 615 6
15/11/2021 640 619 639 619 650 609 644 615 6
16/11/2021 640 618 640 619 650 608 644 615 6
17/11/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 615 6
18/11/2021 641 618 640 619 651 608 644 614 6
19/11/2021 641 618 640 618 651 607 645 614 6
20/11/2021 641 618 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
21/11/2021 641 617 640 618 652 607 645 614 6
22/11/2021 641 617 641 618 652 607 645 613 6
23/11/2021 642 617 641 618 652 606 645 613 6
24/11/2021 642 617 641 618 653 606 646 613 6
25/11/2021 642 617 641 617 653 606 646 613 6
26/11/2021 642 617 641 617 653 605 646 613 6
27/11/2021 642 616 641 617 653 605 646 612 6
28/11/2021 642 616 642 617 654 605 646 612 6
29/11/2021 643 616 642 617 654 605 647 612 6
30/11/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
01/12/2021 643 616 642 617 654 604 647 612 6
02/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 612 6
03/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
04/12/2021 643 616 642 616 655 604 647 611 6
05/12/2021 643 615 642 616 655 603 648 611 6
06/12/2021 643 615 643 616 655 603 648 611 6
07/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
08/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
09/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
10/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 603 648 611 6
11/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 610 6
12/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 610 6
13/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
14/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
15/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 648 610 6
16/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
17/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
18/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
19/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
20/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
21/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
22/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
23/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
24/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
25/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
26/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 649 610 6
27/12/2021 644 615 643 615 657 602 648 610 6
28/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
29/12/2021 644 615 643 615 656 602 648 610 6
30/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 611 6
31/12/2021 644 615 643 616 656 602 648 611 6
Celestial Influences on Meteorology - Astro Meteorogy
The Sun causeth the Seasons - Rithu Karta Prabhakara
According to Physics- the land gets heated faster than the Sea
and cool winds from the Bengal of Bengal pick up moisture and
pour over India during Thula Varsha. The reverse happens during
Edava Pathi ( Half sidereal Taurus- that is when Sun enters the
15th degree of Edava or Taurus ) cool winds from the Indian Ocean
pick up moisture and precipitate over India !
This astronomical phenemenon was known to the Indian mathematicians
who accurately devised the Calendar and the two Monsoons- Kala
Varsha and Thula Varsha !
Let us see what the Sun creates during his journey through the 360
degrees Circle of Light- the Jyotis Chakra !
Degrees Event
0 Vishu
10 Patham Udayam
45 Kala Varsha
90 Dakshinayana
120 Mal Era Start
180 Thula Varsha
210 Mandala Kala
270 Uttarayana
Kala Varsha - From May 29 to Sep 16
Thula Varsha - From Sep 17 to Dec 26
In Kerala- only three major seasons are experienced. They are more
or less related to the revolution of the Earth or the Sun's longitude.
Shaithya- Winter -When Solar Longitude is in between 240 and 300. ( Dh
Ushna- Summer - When Sun's longitude is in between 300 and 45 ( Kumbha
Varsha- Rainy Season - When Sun's long is 45 - 240 degrees-.( Half Vri
The best books on Astro Meteorology
Mysterium Cosmographicum - By Kepler
The Krishi Geetha - by Parasurama.
Summary of Nava Doshas
1 Gulikodaya Dosha YES General
2 Vishti Dosha NIL General
3 Lada Vaidhrutha NIL General
4 Gandanda Dosha NIL General
5 Lunar Gandanda Dosha NIL General
6 Visha Gatika Dosha NIL General
7 Lunar Visha Gatika Dosha NIL General
8 Sarpa Masthaka Dosha NIL General
9 Ushna Shikha Dosha NIL General
10 Ekargala Dosha Nil General
11 Chandra Ashtama Dosha Nil General
12 Partner's 8th Moon Dosha Nil General
13 Shashtamandhyendu Dosha NIL General
14 Riktha Ashtami Dosha NIL Gen/Business
15 Pratyara Vipat Vadha Dosha YES General
16 Vainashika 108th Lunar Mansion NIL General
17 Vainashika 88th Lunar Mansion NIL General
18 Nakshatra Pada Dosha NIL General
19 Lagnendu Dosha NIL Marriage & Anna
20 Rahu & Mars in 8th Dosha NIL Marriage
21 Rahu Sat Mars Sun in Asc Dosha NIL Marriage
22 Jupiter in the 12th Dosha NIL Marriage
23 Sapthama Non-Shuddhi YES Marriage
24 Lagna Non-Shuddhi NIL Marriage
25 Vara Non-Shuddhi YES Marriage
26 Lagna Papakarthari Yoga NIL General
27 Ashubha Star YES AnnaPrasna
28 Asc Non-Shuddhi NIL AnnaPrasna
29 Visha Drekkana Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
30 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
31 Jup in the 4th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
32 Mercury in the 9th Dosha NIL AnnaPrasna
33 Moon in the 9th Dosha YES AnnaPrasna
34 Dasama Non-Shuddhi YES AnnaPrasna
35 Ashubha Star/Nama YES Namakarana
36 Lagna Non-Shuddhi/Nama NIL Namakarana
37 Dwadasa Non-Shuddhi NIL Namakarana
38 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL Namakarana
39 Sun in Asc Dosha/Nama NIL Namakarana
40 Ashubha Star YES GrihaArambha
41 Lagna Non-Shuddhi NIL GrihaArambha
42 Masa Non-Shuddhi NIL GrihaArambha
43 Nakshatra Non-Shuddhi YES GrihaArambha
44 Karana Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
45 Chathurtha Non-Shuddhi YES GrihaArambha
46 Mars in the 8th Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
47 Sun in the Asc Dosha NIL GrihaArambha
48 Masa Non Shuddhi NIL GrihaPravesha
49 Vara Dosha Yes Griha Arambha
50 Thritheeya Non-Shuddhi NIL Krishi
51 Ekadasa Non-Shuddhi YES Sraddha
52 Panchama Non-Shuddhi Nil Travel
53 Chathurtha Moon Non Shuddhi Nil Travel
54 Travel Vara Dosha Yes Travel
55 Travel Rasi Non-Shuddhi Yes Travel
56 Travel Bad Star Dosha Yes Travel
57 Janma Star Dosha Nil Travel
58 Ashtama Non-Shuddhi NIL Business/Upanayana
59 Lagna Ashtama Dosha Nil General
60 Pradosha Dosha Nil General
61 Thidhi Dosha Yes Sanchayana
62 Sanchayana Vara Dosha Yes Sanchayana
63 Dwirasi Gatha Star Dosha Nil Sanchayana
64 Janma Star Dosha Nil Sanchayana
65 Departed Man's 8th Moon Dosha Nil Sanchayana
66 Mrityu Yoga Dosha Nil General
67 Ashubha Yoga Dosha Nil General
68 Visha Yoga Dosha Nil General
69 Nakshatra Sandhi Dosha Nil General
70 Thidhi Sandhi Dosha Nil General
71 Inauspicious Med Star Dosha Nil Medicine
72 Vara Dosha Yes Medicine
73 Downtide Dosha Yes Medicine
74 Ekargala Dosha Nil Medicine
75 Lada Vaidhrutha NIL Medicine
76 Riktha Ashtami Dosha NIL Medicine
77 Ashtama Non-Shuddhi NIL Medicine
78 Shashta Non-Shuddhi YES Medicine
79 Dagdha Yoga Dosha NIL Medicine
80 Surya Samkrama Dosha Nil General
81 Rasi Non-Shuddhi Yes Education
82 Vara Dosha Yes Education
83 Mars in 8th Dosha Yes Education
84 Janma Star Dosha Nil Education
85 8th Moon Dosha Nil Education
86 Ashubha Star YES Education
87 Dwitheeya Non-Shuddhi NIL Education
88 Panchama Non-Shuddhi NIL Education
Nava Doshas & Others - YES - Left to the Discretion of the Astrologer.
Certain doshas can be taken with Remedial Measures ( Prayaschitha ).
Some cannot be taken. This is left to the discretion of the astrol-
ogic scholar.
14 Doshas are present in the Electional Hour
Resultant Conclusion : Auspicious Hour - Adhamam
The Rising of Planets along with Asc/Lagna
Vishishta Vipra Bhashitham
Subha Grahasya Chodaya
Thanoscha Soumya Vargatha
Thrayo Maha Guna Smrutha !
The prescription of the Learned
A Benefic Planet Rising
Lagna or Asc being Shubha Sampoorna
These Three are Great Benedictions !
Lagna Subha Sampoorna?
Ascendant or Lagna is Subha Sampoorna. Hence Highly Recommended with
6 benefic points
Su Muhoorthamasthu !
| SUN MER | | | |
| VEN | | MAR | |
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| GUL | | |
____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-04-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-04-2021 17 23 22 20 29 5 18 51 17 17 0 25 2 46 20 1
2 F 02-04-2021 18 22 22 56 29 17 20 5 17 21 2 9 17 20 19 58
3 S 03-04-2021 19 21 23 33 29 28 21 20 17 26 3 53 1 35 19 55
4 S 04-04-2021 20 20 24 9 29 40 22 34 17 30 5 40 15 29 19 52
5 M 05-04-2021 21 19 24 45 29 51 23 49 17 35 7 27 29 4 19 50
6 T 06-04-2021 22 18 25 22 0 3 25 3 17 39 9 16 12 21 19 47
7 W 07-04-2021 23 17 25 58 0 14 26 17 17 44 11 6 25 22 19 44
8 T 08-04-2021 24 16 26 34 0 25 27 32 17 48 12 58 8 9 19 41
9 F 09-04-2021 25 15 27 11 0 36 28 46 17 52 14 52 20 44 19 38
10 S 10-04-2021 26 14 27 47 0 47 0 1 17 56 16 46 3 8 19 35
11 S 11-04-2021 27 13 28 23 0 58 1 15 18 0 18 43 15 22 19 32
12 M 12-04-2021 28 12 29 0 1 9 2 29 18 4 20 40 27 27 19 30
13 T 13-04-2021 29 11 29 36 1 19 3 43 18 8 22 39 9 24 19 27
14 W 14-04-2021 0 10 0 13 1 30 4 58 18 11 24 40 21 16 19 24
15 T 15-04-2021 1 8 0 49 1 40 6 12 18 15 26 42 3 4 19 21
16 F 16-04-2021 2 7 1 26 1 51 7 26 18 19 28 45 14 51 19 18
17 S 17-04-2021 3 6 2 3 2 1 8 40 18 22 0 49 26 40 19 6
18 S 18-04-2021 4 5 2 31 2 11 9 55 18 26 2 55 8 36 19 3
19 M 19-04-2021 5 4 3 8 2 21 11 9 18 29 5 1 20 42 19 0
20 T 20-04-2021 6 2 3 44 2 31 12 23 18 32 7 8 3 5 18 57
21 W 21-04-2021 7 1 4 21 2 41 13 37 18 35 9 15 15 49 18 54
22 T 22-04-2021 7 59 4 57 2 50 14 51 18 38 11 23 28 58 18 52
23 F 23-04-2021 8 58 5 34 3 0 16 6 18 41 13 31 12 34 18 49
24 S 24-04-2021 9 56 6 11 3 9 17 20 18 44 15 38 26 41 18 46
25 S 25-04-2021 10 55 6 47 3 19 18 34 18 47 17 46 11 14 18 43
26 M 26-04-2021 11 53 7 24 3 28 19 48 18 50 19 52 26 9 18 40
27 T 27-04-2021 12 51 8 1 3 37 21 2 18 52 21 58 11 18 18 38
28 W 28-04-2021 13 50 8 38 3 46 22 16 18 55 24 2 26 30 18 35
29 T 29-04-2021 14 48 9 15 3 55 23 30 18 57 26 5 11 37 18 32
30 F 30-04-2021 15 46 9 51 4 4 24 44 19 0 28 5 26 30 18 29
31 S 01-05-2021 16 45 10 28 4 12 25 58 19 2 0 4 11 2 18 26
Day Date Sun Moo Nakshatra Thidhi
1 T 01-04-21 347.39 212.76 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI 19
2 F 02-04-21 348.38 227.33 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI 20
3 S 03-04-21 349.36 241.58 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI 22
4 S 04-04-21 350.35 255.49 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI 23
5 M 05-04-21 351.33 269.07 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI 24
6 T 06-04-21 352.31 282.36 22 SRAVANA DASAMI 25
7 W 07-04-21 353.30 295.37 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI 26
8 T 08-04-21 354.28 308.16 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI 27
9 F 09-04-21 355.26 320.74 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI 28
10 S 10-04-21 356.25 333.14 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURDAS 29
11 S 11-04-21 357.23 345.37 26 UTHARABHAD AMAVASYA 30
12 M 12-04-21 358.21 357.45 27 REVATI AMAVASYA 30
13 T 13-04-21 359.19 9.41 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA 1
14 W 14-04-21 0.17 21.27 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA 2
15 T 15-04-21 1.15 33.07 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA 3
16 F 16-04-21 2.13 44.85 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI 4
17 S 17-04-21 3.11 56.67 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI 5
18 S 18-04-21 4.09 68.60 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI 6
19 M 19-04-21 5.07 80.71 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI 7
20 T 20-04-21 6.04 93.09 7 PUNARVASU ASHTAMI 8
21 W 21-04-21 7.02 105.81 8 PUSHYA NAVAMI 9
22 T 22-04-21 8.00 118.96 9 ASLESHA DASAMI 10
23 F 23-04-21 8.97 132.59 10 MAGHA EKADASI 11
24 S 24-04-21 9.95 146.69 12 UTHARA DWADASI 12
25 S 25-04-21 10.92 161.25 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI 13
26 M 26-04-21 11.89 176.16 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS 14
27 T 27-04-21 12.87 191.31 15 SWATHI POURNAMI 15
28 W 28-04-21 13.84 206.52 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA 17
29 T 29-04-21 14.81 221.63 17 ANURADHA THRITHEEYA 18
30 F 30-04-21 15.78 236.51 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI 19
| | SUN | MER | |
| | VEN | | MAR |
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-05-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to January 18
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 S 01-05-2021 16 44 10 26 4 12 25 57 19 2 0 3 10 57 18 26
2 S 02-05-2021 17 43 11 5 4 20 27 11 19 4 1 59 25 5 18 24
3 M 03-05-2021 18 41 11 42 4 29 28 25 19 6 3 52 8 48 18 21
4 T 04-05-2021 19 39 12 19 4 37 29 39 19 8 5 42 22 7 18 18
5 W 05-05-2021 20 37 12 56 4 45 0 53 19 10 7 29 5 5 18 15
6 T 06-05-2021 21 35 13 33 4 53 2 7 19 12 9 13 17 45 18 12
7 F 07-05-2021 22 33 14 9 5 1 3 21 19 13 10 53 0 9 18 9
8 S 08-05-2021 23 32 14 46 5 8 4 35 19 15 12 30 12 22 18 7
9 S 09-05-2021 24 30 15 23 5 16 5 48 19 6 14 3 24 24 18 4
10 M 10-05-2021 25 28 16 0 5 23 7 2 19 7 15 33 6 20 18 1
11 T 11-05-2021 26 26 16 37 5 30 8 16 19 9 16 58 18 10 17 58
12 W 12-05-2021 27 24 17 14 5 37 9 30 19 10 18 20 29 58 17 55
13 T 13-05-2021 28 22 17 51 5 44 10 43 19 11 19 37 11 46 17 52
14 F 14-05-2021 29 20 18 28 5 51 11 57 19 12 20 51 23 35 17 40
15 S 15-05-2021 0 17 18 55 5 58 13 10 19 13 21 59 5 29 17 37
16 S 16-05-2021 1 15 19 32 6 4 14 24 19 14 23 4 17 30 17 34
17 M 17-05-2021 2 13 20 9 6 10 15 38 19 15 24 5 29 41 17 31
18 T 18-05-2021 3 10 20 46 6 16 16 51 19 15 25 2 12 7 17 29
19 W 19-05-2021 4 8 21 23 6 22 18 5 19 16 25 55 24 51 17 26
20 T 20-05-2021 5 6 22 0 6 28 19 19 19 16 26 43 7 56 17 23
21 F 21-05-2021 6 4 22 37 6 34 20 32 19 16 27 27 21 26 17 20
22 S 22-05-2021 7 2 23 15 6 39 21 46 19 17 28 6 5 22 17 17
23 S 23-05-2021 7 59 23 52 6 45 22 59 19 17 28 41 19 43 17 14
24 M 24-05-2021 8 57 24 29 6 50 24 13 19 17 29 11 4 28 17 12
25 T 25-05-2021 9 55 25 6 6 55 25 26 19 17 29 37 19 29 17 9
26 W 26-05-2021 10 52 25 43 6 59 26 40 19 16 29 58 4 40 17 6
27 T 27-05-2021 11 50 26 20 7 4 27 53 19 16 0 14 19 50 17 3
28 F 28-05-2021 12 48 26 58 7 8 29 7 19 16 0 26 4 50 17 1
29 S 29-05-2021 13 45 27 35 7 13 0 20 19 15 0 32 19 34 16 58
30 S 30-05-2021 14 43 28 12 7 17 1 34 19 15 0 34 3 54 16 55
31 M 31-05-2021 15 41 28 49 7 21 2 47 19 14 0 32 17 48 16 52
32 T 01-06-2021 16 38 29 27 7 25 4 1 19 13 0 25 1 15 16 49
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 S 01-05-21 16.75 250.96 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI 20
2 S 02-05-21 17.72 265.10 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI 21
3 M 03-05-21 18.69 278.82 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI 22
4 T 04-05-21 19.66 292.14 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI 23
5 W 05-05-21 20.63 305.11 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI 24
6 T 06-05-21 21.60 317.76 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI 25
7 F 07-05-21 22.57 330.17 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI 26
8 S 08-05-21 23.53 342.37 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI 27
9 S 09-05-21 24.50 354.42 27 REVATI THRAYODASI 28
10 M 10-05-21 25.47 6.34 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS 29
11 T 11-05-21 26.44 18.18 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA 30
12 W 12-05-21 27.40 29.98 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA 1
13 T 13-05-21 28.37 41.77 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA 2
14 F 14-05-21 29.34 53.59 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 3
15 S 15-05-21 30.29 65.48 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 3
16 S 16-05-21 31.25 77.50 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI 4
17 M 17-05-21 32.22 89.69 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI 5
18 T 18-05-21 33.18 102.12 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI 6
19 W 19-05-21 34.15 114.85 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI 7
20 T 20-05-21 35.11 127.94 10 MAKAM ASHTAMI 8
21 F 21-05-21 36.07 141.43 11 PUBBA NAVAMI 9
22 S 22-05-21 37.03 155.36 12 UTHARA DASAMI 10
23 S 23-05-21 38.00 169.73 13 HASTHA EKADASI 11
24 M 24-05-21 38.96 184.47 14 CHITHRA THRAYODASI 13
25 T 25-05-21 39.92 199.49 15 SWATHI CHATHURDAS 14
26 W 26-05-21 40.88 214.67 17 ANURADHA POURNAMI 15
27 T 27-05-21 41.84 229.84 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA 16
28 F 28-05-21 42.80 244.85 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA 17
29 S 29-05-21 43.76 259.57 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA 18
30 S 30-05-21 44.72 273.91 21 UTHRASHADA PANCHAMI 20
31 M 31-05-21 45.68 287.81 22 SRAVANA SHASHTI 21
| | | SUN | MER |
| | | | VEN MAR |
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-06-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-06-2021 16 37 29 23 7 25 4 0 19 13 0 24 1 12 16 49
2 W 02-06-2021 17 35 0 4 7 28 5 14 19 13 0 13 14 13 16 46
3 T 03-06-2021 18 33 0 41 7 31 6 27 19 12 29 58 26 53 16 44
4 F 04-06-2021 19 30 1 18 7 35 7 40 19 11 29 39 9 14 16 41
5 S 05-06-2021 20 28 1 56 7 38 8 54 19 9 29 16 21 21 16 38
6 S 06-06-2021 21 25 2 33 7 41 10 7 19 8 28 51 3 18 16 35
7 M 07-06-2021 22 23 3 10 7 43 11 20 19 7 28 23 15 9 16 32
8 T 08-06-2021 23 20 3 47 7 46 12 34 19 5 27 52 26 56 16 29
9 W 09-06-2021 24 18 4 25 7 48 13 47 19 4 27 20 8 43 16 26
10 T 10-06-2021 25 15 5 2 7 50 15 0 19 2 26 47 20 34 16 14
11 F 11-06-2021 26 11 5 28 7 52 16 12 19 1 26 11 2 29 16 11
12 S 12-06-2021 27 9 6 6 7 54 17 25 18 59 25 37 14 31 16 8
13 S 13-06-2021 28 6 6 43 7 56 18 39 18 57 25 5 26 43 16 6
14 M 14-06-2021 29 3 7 20 7 57 19 52 18 55 24 33 9 6 16 3
15 T 15-06-2021 0 1 7 58 7 58 21 5 18 53 24 3 21 43 16 0
16 W 16-06-2021 0 58 8 35 7 59 22 18 18 51 23 35 4 34 15 57
17 T 17-06-2021 1 55 9 13 8 0 23 31 18 49 23 10 17 43 15 54
18 F 18-06-2021 2 53 9 50 8 0 24 44 18 47 22 49 1 10 15 51
19 S 19-06-2021 3 50 10 27 8 1 25 57 18 44 22 30 14 57 15 49
20 S 20-06-2021 4 47 11 5 8 1 27 10 18 42 22 16 29 5 15 46
21 M 21-06-2021 5 45 11 42 8 1 28 23 18 39 22 5 13 33 15 43
22 T 22-06-2021 6 42 12 20 8 1 29 36 18 37 21 59 28 16 15 40
23 W 23-06-2021 7 39 12 57 8 0 0 49 18 34 21 58 13 10 15 37
24 T 24-06-2021 8 37 13 35 8 0 2 2 18 31 22 1 28 8 15 35
25 F 25-06-2021 9 34 14 13 7 59 3 15 18 28 22 9 13 2 15 32
26 S 26-06-2021 10 31 14 50 7 58 4 28 18 25 22 21 27 43 15 29
27 S 27-06-2021 11 29 15 28 7 57 5 41 18 22 22 39 12 6 15 26
28 M 28-06-2021 12 26 16 5 7 55 6 54 18 19 23 1 26 5 15 23
29 T 29-06-2021 13 23 16 43 7 54 8 6 18 16 23 28 9 38 15 21
30 W 30-06-2021 14 21 17 21 7 52 9 19 18 13 24 0 22 45 15 18
31 T 01-07-2021 15 18 17 58 7 50 10 32 18 10 24 36 5 28 15 15
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 T 01-06-21 46.63 301.20 23 DHANISHTA SAPTHAMI 22
2 W 02-06-21 47.60 314.23 24 SATHABHISH ASHTAMI 23
3 T 03-06-21 48.56 326.90 25 POORVABHAD NAVAMI 24
4 F 04-06-21 49.52 339.25 26 UTHARABHAD DASAMI 25
5 S 05-06-21 50.47 351.37 27 REVATI EKADASI 26
6 S 06-06-21 51.43 3.31 1 ASWINI EKADASI 26
7 M 07-06-21 52.39 15.15 2 BHARANI DWADASI 27
8 T 08-06-21 53.35 26.94 3 KRITHIKA THRAYODASI 28
9 W 09-06-21 54.31 38.73 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS 29
10 T 10-06-21 55.26 50.57 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA 30
11 F 11-06-21 56.19 62.48 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA 1
12 S 12-06-21 57.15 74.53 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA 2
13 S 13-06-21 58.11 86.72 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA 3
14 M 14-06-21 59.06 99.11 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI 4
15 T 15-06-21 60.02 111.71 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI 5
16 W 16-06-21 60.98 124.57 10 MAGHA SHASHTI 6
17 T 17-06-21 61.93 137.71 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI 7
18 F 18-06-21 62.89 151.17 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI 8
19 S 19-06-21 63.84 164.96 13 HASTHA NAVAMI 9
20 S 20-06-21 64.80 179.09 14 CHITHRA DASAMI 10
21 M 21-06-21 65.75 193.54 15 SWATHI EKADASI 11
22 T 22-06-21 66.71 208.27 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI 12
23 W 23-06-21 67.66 223.17 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI 13
24 T 24-06-21 68.62 238.13 18 JYESHTA POURNAMI 15
25 F 25-06-21 69.58 253.03 19 MOOLA PRATHAMA 16
26 S 26-06-21 70.53 267.73 21 UTHRASHADA DWITHEEYA 17
27 S 27-06-21 71.49 282.11 22 SRAVANA THRITHEEYA 18
28 M 28-06-21 72.44 296.10 23 DHANISHTA CHATHURTHI 19
29 T 29-06-21 73.40 309.65 24 SATHABHISH PANCHAMI 20
30 W 30-06-21 74.35 322.76 25 POORVABHAD SHASHTI 21
| MOO | | MER | SUN |
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-07-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 T 01-07-2021 15 17 17 53 7 50 10 31 18 10 24 35 5 28 15 15
2 F 02-07-2021 16 15 18 36 7 48 11 45 18 6 25 17 17 50 15 12
3 S 03-07-2021 17 12 19 13 7 46 12 57 18 3 26 2 29 57 15 9
4 S 04-07-2021 18 10 19 51 7 43 14 10 18 0 26 52 11 52 15 6
5 M 05-07-2021 19 7 20 29 7 41 15 23 17 56 27 46 23 41 15 3
6 T 06-07-2021 20 4 21 6 7 38 16 35 17 52 28 44 5 28 15 1
7 W 07-07-2021 21 2 21 44 7 35 17 48 17 49 29 47 17 18 14 48
8 T 08-07-2021 21 57 22 10 7 32 18 59 17 45 0 53 29 13 14 45
9 F 09-07-2021 22 54 22 48 7 29 20 12 17 42 2 4 11 18 14 43
10 S 10-07-2021 23 51 23 26 7 25 21 24 17 38 3 20 23 33 14 40
11 S 11-07-2021 24 48 24 3 7 21 22 37 17 34 4 40 6 0 14 37
12 M 12-07-2021 25 46 24 41 7 17 23 49 17 30 6 5 18 41 14 34
13 T 13-07-2021 26 43 25 19 7 13 25 2 17 26 7 33 1 35 14 31
14 W 14-07-2021 27 40 25 57 7 9 26 14 17 22 9 5 14 42 14 28
15 T 15-07-2021 28 38 26 34 7 4 27 26 17 18 10 41 28 3 14 26
16 F 16-07-2021 29 35 27 12 7 0 28 39 17 14 12 21 11 37 14 23
17 S 17-07-2021 0 32 27 50 6 55 29 51 17 10 14 4 25 24 14 20
18 S 18-07-2021 1 30 28 28 6 50 1 3 17 6 15 50 9 24 14 17
19 M 19-07-2021 2 27 29 6 6 45 2 15 17 2 17 40 23 36 14 14
20 T 20-07-2021 3 24 29 44 6 40 3 28 16 57 19 33 7 58 14 11
21 W 21-07-2021 4 22 0 22 6 34 4 40 16 53 21 29 22 30 14 9
22 T 22-07-2021 5 19 1 0 6 29 5 52 16 49 23 27 7 6 14 6
23 F 23-07-2021 6 16 1 38 6 23 7 4 16 45 25 27 21 40 14 3
24 S 24-07-2021 7 14 2 16 6 17 8 16 16 40 27 29 6 7 14 0
25 S 25-07-2021 8 11 2 54 6 11 9 28 16 36 29 32 20 19 13 57
26 M 26-07-2021 9 9 3 32 6 5 10 40 16 32 1 37 4 13 13 55
27 T 27-07-2021 10 6 4 10 5 59 11 52 16 27 3 43 17 44 13 52
28 W 28-07-2021 11 4 4 48 5 52 13 4 16 23 5 49 0 51 13 49
29 T 29-07-2021 12 1 5 26 5 46 14 16 16 19 7 56 13 35 13 46
30 F 30-07-2021 12 58 6 4 5 39 15 28 16 14 10 3 25 59 13 43
31 S 31-07-2021 13 56 6 42 5 33 16 40 16 10 12 9 8 6 13 40
32 S 01-08-2021 14 53 7 20 5 26 17 51 16 5 14 15 20 1 13 37
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 T 01-07-21 75.29 335.47 26 UTHARABHAD SAPTHAMI 22
2 F 02-07-21 76.26 347.85 27 REVATI ASHTAMI 23
3 S 03-07-21 77.22 359.95 27 REVATI NAVAMI 24
4 S 04-07-21 78.17 11.87 1 ASWINI DASAMI 25
5 M 05-07-21 79.13 23.69 2 BHARANI EKADASI 26
6 T 06-07-21 80.08 35.48 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI 27
7 W 07-07-21 81.04 47.31 4 ROHINI THRAYODASI 28
8 T 08-07-21 81.95 59.23 5 MRIGASIRA CHATHURDAS 29
9 F 09-07-21 82.91 71.30 6 ARIDRA AMAVASYA 30
10 S 10-07-21 83.86 83.55 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA 30
11 S 11-07-21 84.82 96.00 8 PUSHYA PRATHAMA 1
12 M 12-07-21 85.77 108.68 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA 2
13 T 13-07-21 86.73 121.58 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA 3
14 W 14-07-21 87.68 134.70 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI 4
15 T 15-07-21 88.64 148.05 12 UTHARA PANCHAMI 5
16 F 16-07-21 89.59 161.61 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI 7
17 S 17-07-21 90.55 175.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI 8
18 S 18-07-21 91.50 189.39 15 SWATHI NAVAMI 9
19 M 19-07-21 92.46 203.60 16 VISHAKHA DASAMI 10
20 T 20-07-21 93.41 217.99 17 ANURADHA EKADASI 11
21 W 21-07-21 94.37 232.52 18 JYESHTA DWADASI 12
22 T 22-07-21 95.33 247.11 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI 13
23 F 23-07-21 96.28 261.69 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS 14
24 S 24-07-21 97.24 276.13 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI 15
25 S 25-07-21 98.20 290.34 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA 17
26 M 26-07-21 99.15 304.23 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA 18
27 T 27-07-21 100.11 317.75 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI 19
28 W 28-07-21 101.07 330.86 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI 20
29 T 29-07-21 102.02 343.60 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI 21
30 F 30-07-21 102.98 355.99 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI 22
31 S 31-07-21 103.94 8.11 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI 23
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-08-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 S 01-08-2021 14 52 7 14 5 26 17 51 16 5 14 14 20 3 13 37
2 M 02-08-2021 15 51 7 58 5 19 19 3 16 1 16 20 1 52 13 35
3 T 03-08-2021 16 48 8 36 5 12 20 15 15 57 18 25 13 41 13 22
4 W 04-08-2021 17 43 9 3 5 5 21 25 15 52 20 26 25 33 13 20
5 T 05-08-2021 18 41 9 41 4 58 22 36 15 48 22 28 7 34 13 17
6 F 06-08-2021 19 39 10 19 4 51 23 48 15 44 24 29 19 47 13 14
7 S 07-08-2021 20 36 10 58 4 43 24 59 15 39 26 28 2 16 13 11
8 S 08-08-2021 21 34 11 36 4 36 26 11 15 35 28 27 15 0 13 8
9 M 09-08-2021 22 31 12 14 4 28 27 22 15 30 0 23 28 1 13 5
10 T 10-08-2021 23 29 12 52 4 21 28 34 15 26 2 19 11 17 13 2
11 W 11-08-2021 24 27 13 30 4 13 29 45 15 22 4 12 24 48 13 0
12 T 12-08-2021 25 24 14 9 4 5 0 56 15 17 6 4 8 29 12 57
13 F 13-08-2021 26 22 14 47 3 58 2 7 15 13 7 55 22 19 12 54
14 S 14-08-2021 27 20 15 25 3 50 3 18 15 9 9 44 6 16 12 51
15 S 15-08-2021 28 17 16 4 3 42 4 29 15 5 11 32 20 18 12 48
16 M 16-08-2021 29 15 16 42 3 34 5 41 15 0 13 18 4 24 12 46
17 T 17-08-2021 0 13 17 21 3 26 6 51 14 56 15 3 18 33 12 43
18 W 18-08-2021 1 11 17 59 3 19 8 2 14 52 16 46 2 45 12 40
19 T 19-08-2021 2 8 18 38 3 11 9 13 14 48 18 28 16 57 12 37
20 F 20-08-2021 3 6 19 16 3 3 10 24 14 44 20 9 1 6 12 34
21 S 21-08-2021 4 4 19 55 2 55 11 35 14 40 21 48 15 9 12 31
22 S 22-08-2021 5 2 20 33 2 47 12 45 14 36 23 26 29 1 12 29
23 M 23-08-2021 6 0 21 12 2 39 13 56 14 32 25 2 12 38 12 26
24 T 24-08-2021 6 58 21 50 2 31 15 7 14 28 26 37 25 57 12 23
25 W 25-08-2021 7 56 22 29 2 23 16 17 14 24 28 11 8 56 12 20
26 T 26-08-2021 8 54 23 7 2 16 17 27 14 20 29 43 21 36 12 17
27 F 27-08-2021 9 52 23 46 2 8 18 38 14 17 1 14 3 57 12 14
28 S 28-08-2021 10 50 24 24 2 0 19 48 14 13 2 43 16 3 12 12
29 S 29-08-2021 11 48 25 3 1 52 20 58 14 9 4 11 27 58 12 9
30 M 30-08-2021 12 46 25 42 1 45 22 8 14 6 5 37 9 47 12 6
31 T 31-08-2021 13 44 26 20 1 37 23 18 14 2 7 2 21 36 11 54
32 W 01-09-2021 14 40 26 49 1 30 24 27 13 59 8 24 3 29 11 51
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 S 01-08-21 104.88 20.06 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI 23
2 M 02-08-21 105.86 31.88 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI 24
3 T 03-08-21 106.82 43.69 4 ROHINI DASAMI 25
4 W 04-08-21 107.73 55.56 5 MRIGASIRA EKADASI 26
5 T 05-08-21 108.69 67.58 6 ARIDRA DWADASI 27
6 F 06-08-21 109.65 79.80 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI 28
7 S 07-08-21 110.61 92.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS 29
8 S 08-08-21 111.57 105.01 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA 30
9 M 09-08-21 112.53 118.02 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA 1
10 T 10-08-21 113.49 131.30 10 MAGHA DWITHEEYA 2
11 W 11-08-21 114.45 144.80 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA 3
12 T 12-08-21 115.41 158.49 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI 4
13 F 13-08-21 116.37 172.33 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI 5
14 S 14-08-21 117.34 186.27 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI 6
15 S 15-08-21 118.30 200.31 16 VISHAKHA SAPTHAMI 7
16 M 16-08-21 119.26 214.41 17 ANURADHA ASHTAMI 8
17 T 17-08-21 120.22 228.57 18 JYESHTA DASAMI 10
18 W 18-08-21 121.19 242.76 19 MOOLA EKADASI 11
19 T 19-08-21 122.15 256.96 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI 12
20 F 20-08-21 123.11 271.11 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI 13
21 S 21-08-21 124.08 285.16 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS 14
22 S 22-08-21 125.04 299.02 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI 15
23 M 23-08-21 126.01 312.64 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA 16
24 T 24-08-21 126.97 325.96 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA 17
25 W 25-08-21 127.94 338.94 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA 18
26 T 26-08-21 128.90 351.60 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI 19
27 F 27-08-21 129.87 3.96 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI 20
28 S 28-08-21 130.84 16.06 2 BHARANI SHASHTI 21
29 S 29-08-21 131.80 27.98 3 KRITHIKA SAPTHAMI 22
30 M 30-08-21 132.77 39.80 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI 23
31 T 31-08-21 133.74 51.60 4 ROHINI NAVAMI 24
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | SUN |
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| SAT | 01-09-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 W 01-09-2021 14 41 26 52 1 30 24 28 13 59 8 25 3 33 11 51
2 T 02-09-2021 15 38 27 28 1 23 25 38 13 55 9 47 15 37 11 48
3 F 03-09-2021 16 36 28 7 1 15 26 47 13 52 11 7 27 56 11 45
4 S 04-09-2021 17 35 28 46 1 8 27 57 13 49 12 26 10 33 11 42
5 S 05-09-2021 18 33 29 25 1 1 29 7 13 46 13 44 23 31 11 39
6 M 06-09-2021 19 31 0 3 0 54 0 17 13 42 14 59 6 50 11 36
7 T 07-09-2021 20 29 0 42 0 47 1 26 13 39 16 13 20 29 11 34
8 W 08-09-2021 21 28 1 21 0 40 2 36 13 36 17 26 4 24 11 31
9 T 09-09-2021 22 26 2 0 0 33 3 45 13 33 18 36 18 31 11 28
10 F 10-09-2021 23 24 2 39 0 26 4 54 13 31 19 45 2 46 11 25
11 S 11-09-2021 24 23 3 18 0 20 6 3 13 28 20 51 17 3 11 22
12 S 12-09-2021 25 21 3 57 0 13 7 12 13 25 21 56 1 18 11 20
13 M 13-09-2021 26 20 4 36 0 7 8 21 13 23 22 58 15 30 11 17
14 T 14-09-2021 27 18 5 15 0 1 9 30 13 20 23 57 29 36 11 14
15 W 15-09-2021 28 17 5 54 29 55 10 39 13 18 24 54 13 36 11 11
16 T 16-09-2021 29 15 6 33 29 49 11 48 13 15 25 48 27 30 11 8
17 F 17-09-2021 0 14 7 13 29 43 12 57 13 13 26 39 11 16 11 6
18 S 18-09-2021 1 12 7 52 29 37 14 5 13 11 27 27 24 54 11 3
19 S 19-09-2021 2 11 8 31 29 32 15 13 13 9 28 11 8 21 11 0
20 M 20-09-2021 3 10 9 10 29 26 16 22 13 7 28 51 21 35 10 57
21 T 21-09-2021 4 8 9 49 29 21 17 30 13 5 29 27 4 35 10 54
22 W 22-09-2021 5 7 10 29 29 16 18 38 13 3 29 59 17 20 10 51
23 T 23-09-2021 6 6 11 8 29 11 19 46 13 1 0 26 29 49 10 48
24 F 24-09-2021 7 4 11 47 29 6 20 54 12 59 0 48 12 3 10 46
25 S 25-09-2021 8 3 12 26 29 2 22 1 12 58 1 5 24 5 10 43
26 S 26-09-2021 9 2 13 6 28 58 23 9 12 56 1 16 5 58 10 40
27 M 27-09-2021 10 1 13 45 28 53 24 16 12 55 1 20 17 46 10 28
28 T 28-09-2021 10 58 14 16 28 50 25 23 12 54 1 17 29 34 10 25
29 W 29-09-2021 11 57 14 56 28 46 26 30 12 53 1 8 11 27 10 22
30 T 30-09-2021 12 56 15 35 28 42 27 38 12 51 0 52 23 30 10 19
31 F 01-10-2021 13 55 16 15 28 39 28 44 12 50 0 28 5 49 10 16
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 W 01-09-21 134.69 63.56 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI 25
2 T 02-09-21 135.64 75.63 6 ARIDRA DASAMI 25
3 F 03-09-21 136.61 87.94 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI 26
4 S 04-09-21 137.58 100.56 8 PUSHYA DWADASI 27
5 S 05-09-21 138.55 113.53 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI 28
6 M 06-09-21 139.53 126.84 10 MAKAM CHATHURDAS 29
7 T 07-09-21 140.50 140.49 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA 30
8 W 08-09-21 141.47 154.41 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA 2
9 T 09-09-21 142.44 168.53 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA 3
10 F 10-09-21 143.41 182.77 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI 4
11 S 11-09-21 144.39 197.05 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI 5
12 S 12-09-21 145.36 211.31 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI 6
13 M 13-09-21 146.33 225.50 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI 7
14 T 14-09-21 147.31 239.61 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI 8
15 W 15-09-21 148.28 253.61 20 POORVASHAD NAVAMI 9
16 T 16-09-21 149.26 267.51 21 UTHRASHADA DASAMI 10
17 F 17-09-21 150.24 281.28 22 SRAVANA EKADASI 11
18 S 18-09-21 151.21 294.91 23 DHANISHTA DWADASI 12
19 S 19-09-21 152.19 308.35 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS 14
20 M 20-09-21 153.17 321.59 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI 15
21 T 21-09-21 154.15 334.59 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA 16
22 W 22-09-21 155.12 347.33 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA 17
23 T 23-09-21 156.10 359.82 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA 17
24 F 24-09-21 157.08 12.06 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA 18
25 S 25-09-21 158.06 24.10 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI 19
26 S 26-09-21 159.04 35.98 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI 20
27 M 27-09-21 160.02 47.78 4 ROHINI SHASHTI 21
28 T 28-09-21 160.98 59.57 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI 22
29 W 29-09-21 161.96 71.45 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI 23
30 T 30-09-21 162.95 83.51 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI 24
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| JUP | | |
| SAT | 01-10-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 F 01-10-2021 13 56 16 17 28 39 28 45 12 50 0 28 5 54 10 16
2 S 02-10-2021 14 55 16 55 28 35 29 52 12 50 29 56 18 33 10 13
3 S 03-10-2021 15 54 17 34 28 32 0 58 12 49 29 17 1 36 10 10
4 M 04-10-2021 16 53 18 14 28 29 2 5 12 48 28 30 15 4 10 8
5 T 05-10-2021 17 52 18 53 28 27 3 11 12 47 27 37 28 57 10 5
6 W 06-10-2021 18 51 19 33 28 24 4 17 12 47 26 37 13 11 10 2
7 T 07-10-2021 19 50 20 13 28 22 5 23 12 47 25 32 27 42 9 59
8 F 08-10-2021 20 50 20 53 28 20 6 29 12 46 24 24 12 22 9 56
9 S 09-10-2021 21 49 21 32 28 18 7 34 12 46 23 13 27 5 9 54
10 S 10-10-2021 22 48 22 12 28 16 8 39 12 46 22 2 11 43 9 51
11 M 11-10-2021 23 48 22 52 28 14 9 45 12 46 20 53 26 12 9 48
12 T 12-10-2021 24 47 23 32 28 13 10 50 12 46 19 48 10 28 9 45
13 W 13-10-2021 25 46 24 12 28 12 11 54 12 46 18 48 24 30 9 42
14 T 14-10-2021 26 46 24 52 28 11 12 59 12 46 17 55 8 16 9 40
15 F 15-10-2021 27 45 25 32 28 10 14 3 12 47 17 12 21 48 9 37
16 S 16-10-2021 28 45 26 12 28 10 15 7 12 47 16 38 5 5 9 34
17 S 17-10-2021 29 44 26 52 28 9 16 11 12 48 16 14 18 10 9 31
18 M 18-10-2021 0 44 27 32 28 9 17 15 12 49 16 2 1 1 9 28
19 T 19-10-2021 1 43 28 12 28 9 18 18 12 49 16 1 13 41 9 25
20 W 20-10-2021 2 43 28 52 28 9 19 21 12 50 16 11 26 7 9 23
21 T 21-10-2021 3 43 29 32 28 10 20 24 12 51 16 31 8 23 9 20
22 F 22-10-2021 4 42 0 12 28 11 21 26 12 52 17 2 20 28 9 17
23 S 23-10-2021 5 42 0 52 28 11 22 29 12 54 17 41 2 24 9 14
24 S 24-10-2021 6 42 1 32 28 12 23 31 12 55 18 29 14 14 9 2
25 M 25-10-2021 7 41 2 7 28 14 24 33 12 56 19 24 26 1 8 59
26 T 26-10-2021 8 41 2 47 28 16 25 35 12 58 20 26 7 49 8 56
27 W 27-10-2021 9 41 3 27 28 17 26 36 12 59 21 34 19 41 8 53
28 T 28-10-2021 10 41 4 7 28 19 27 37 13 1 22 47 1 43 8 50
29 F 29-10-2021 11 41 4 48 28 21 28 37 13 3 24 5 13 59 8 47
30 S 30-10-2021 12 41 5 28 28 23 29 37 13 5 25 26 26 35 8 45
31 S 31-10-2021 13 41 6 9 28 26 0 36 13 7 26 51 9 34 8 42
32 M 01-11-2021 14 41 6 49 28 28 1 36 13 9 28 18 23 0 8 39
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 F 01-10-21 163.94 95.90 8 PUSHYA DASAMI 25
2 S 02-10-21 164.92 108.55 9 ASLESHA EKADASI 26
3 S 03-10-21 165.91 121.60 10 MAGHA DWADASI 27
4 M 04-10-21 166.89 135.07 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI 28
5 T 05-10-21 167.88 148.95 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS 29
6 W 06-10-21 168.86 163.19 13 HASTHA AMAVASYA 30
7 T 07-10-21 169.85 177.70 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA 1
8 F 08-10-21 170.84 192.36 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA 2
9 S 09-10-21 171.82 207.07 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA 3
10 S 10-10-21 172.81 221.71 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI 5
11 M 11-10-21 173.80 236.20 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI 6
12 T 12-10-21 174.79 250.47 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI 7
13 W 13-10-21 175.78 264.49 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI 8
14 T 14-10-21 176.77 278.27 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI 9
15 F 15-10-21 177.76 291.80 22 SRAVANA DASAMI 10
16 S 16-10-21 178.75 305.10 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI 11
17 S 17-10-21 179.75 318.18 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI 12
18 M 18-10-21 180.74 331.04 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI 13
19 T 19-10-21 181.73 343.69 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS 14
20 W 20-10-21 182.72 356.14 27 REVATI POURNAMI 15
21 T 21-10-21 183.72 8.39 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA 16
22 F 22-10-21 184.71 20.48 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA 17
23 S 23-10-21 185.71 32.41 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA 18
24 S 24-10-21 186.70 44.25 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI 19
25 M 25-10-21 187.70 56.03 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI 20
26 T 26-10-21 188.69 67.82 6 ARIDRA PANCHAMI 20
27 W 27-10-21 189.69 79.69 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI 21
28 T 28-10-21 190.69 91.72 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI 22
29 F 29-10-21 191.69 103.99 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI 23
30 S 30-10-21 192.69 116.59 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI 24
31 S 31-10-21 193.69 129.58 10 MAKAM DASAMI 25
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
| | | MOO |
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| SAT | 01-11-2021 | |
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LONGITUDES AT SUNRISE GURUVAYUR - -076..15 +10.30, -05.30
Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 M 01-11-2021 14 41 6 50 28 28 1 36 13 9 28 19 23 5 8 39
2 T 02-11-2021 15 41 7 30 28 31 2 35 13 11 29 48 6 58 8 36
3 W 03-11-2021 16 41 8 11 28 34 3 33 13 13 1 20 21 18 8 33
4 T 04-11-2021 17 41 8 51 28 38 4 31 13 16 2 53 5 59 8 30
5 F 05-11-2021 18 41 9 32 28 41 5 28 13 18 4 27 20 56 8 28
6 S 06-11-2021 19 41 10 12 28 45 6 25 13 21 6 2 6 0 8 25
7 S 07-11-2021 20 42 10 53 28 48 7 22 13 23 7 38 21 2 8 22
8 M 08-11-2021 21 42 11 34 28 52 8 17 13 26 9 14 5 54 8 19
9 T 09-11-2021 22 42 12 14 28 57 9 13 13 29 10 50 20 30 8 17
10 W 10-11-2021 23 42 12 55 29 1 10 8 13 32 12 27 4 45 8 14
11 T 11-11-2021 24 43 13 36 29 6 11 2 13 35 14 4 18 37 8 11
12 F 12-11-2021 25 43 14 17 29 10 11 55 13 38 15 41 2 7 8 8
13 S 13-11-2021 26 43 14 58 29 15 12 48 13 41 17 18 15 16 8 5
14 S 14-11-2021 27 43 15 39 29 20 13 41 13 44 18 55 28 7 8 2
15 M 15-11-2021 28 44 16 19 29 26 14 32 13 48 20 31 10 42 8 0
16 T 16-11-2021 29 44 17 0 29 31 15 23 13 51 22 8 23 4 7 57
17 W 17-11-2021 0 45 17 41 29 37 16 13 13 55 23 44 5 15 7 54
18 T 18-11-2021 1 45 18 22 29 42 17 3 13 59 25 21 17 17 7 51
19 F 19-11-2021 2 46 19 3 29 48 17 51 14 2 26 57 29 13 7 48
20 S 20-11-2021 3 46 19 44 29 55 18 39 14 6 28 33 11 3 7 36
21 S 21-11-2021 4 48 20 23 0 1 19 29 14 10 0 9 22 52 7 33
22 M 22-11-2021 5 48 21 4 0 8 20 15 14 14 1 45 4 39 7 30
23 T 23-11-2021 6 49 21 45 0 14 21 0 14 18 3 20 16 30 7 27
24 W 24-11-2021 7 49 22 26 0 21 21 44 14 22 4 55 28 25 7 24
25 T 25-11-2021 8 50 23 8 0 28 22 28 14 27 6 30 10 29 7 22
26 F 26-11-2021 9 51 23 49 0 35 23 10 14 31 8 5 22 45 7 19
27 S 27-11-2021 10 51 24 30 0 42 23 51 14 35 9 40 5 17 7 16
28 S 28-11-2021 11 52 25 12 0 50 24 30 14 40 11 14 18 9 7 13
29 M 29-11-2021 12 53 25 53 0 57 25 9 14 44 12 49 1 26 7 10
30 T 30-11-2021 13 53 26 35 1 5 25 46 14 49 14 23 15 9 7 7
31 W 01-12-2021 14 54 27 16 1 13 26 22 14 53 15 57 29 19 7 4
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 M 01-11-21 194.69 143.09 11 PUBBA EKADASI 26
2 T 02-11-21 195.69 156.98 12 UTHARA DWADASI 27
3 W 03-11-21 196.69 171.31 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI 28
4 T 04-11-21 197.69 186.00 14 CHITHRA AMAVASYA 30
5 F 05-11-21 198.70 200.95 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA 1
6 S 06-11-21 199.70 216.01 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA 2
7 S 07-11-21 200.70 231.05 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA 3
8 M 08-11-21 201.70 245.92 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI 4
9 T 09-11-21 202.71 260.52 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI 5
10 W 10-11-21 203.71 274.77 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI 6
11 T 11-11-21 204.72 288.64 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI 7
12 F 12-11-21 205.72 302.14 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI 9
13 S 13-11-21 206.73 315.29 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI 10
14 S 14-11-21 207.73 328.13 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI 11
15 M 15-11-21 208.74 340.72 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI 11
16 T 16-11-21 209.75 353.08 27 REVATI DWADASI 12
17 W 17-11-21 210.75 5.26 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI 13
18 T 18-11-21 211.76 17.30 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS 14
19 F 19-11-21 212.77 29.22 3 KRITHIKA POURNAMI 15
20 S 20-11-21 213.78 41.07 4 ROHINI PRATHAMA 16
21 S 21-11-21 214.80 52.86 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA 17
22 M 22-11-21 215.81 64.66 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA 18
23 T 23-11-21 216.82 76.50 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI 19
24 W 24-11-21 217.83 88.42 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI 20
25 T 25-11-21 218.84 100.48 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI 21
26 F 26-11-21 219.85 112.75 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI 22
27 S 27-11-21 220.86 125.28 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI 23
28 S 28-11-21 221.87 138.16 11 PUBBA NAVAMI 24
29 M 29-11-21 222.89 151.43 12 UTHARA DASAMI 25
30 T 30-11-21 223.90 165.15 13 HASTHA EKADASI 26
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____________________ Transit Chart ____________________
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| SAT | 01-12-2021 | |
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| VEN | | MAR | |
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Date Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer Moo Rah K
1 W 01-12-2021 14 54 27 16 1 13 26 22 14 54 15 58 29 22 7 4
2 T 02-12-2021 15 55 27 58 1 21 26 57 14 58 17 32 13 58 7 2
3 F 03-12-2021 16 56 28 39 1 29 27 30 15 3 19 6 28 55 6 59
4 S 04-12-2021 17 57 29 21 1 38 28 2 15 8 20 40 14 5 6 56
5 S 05-12-2021 18 58 0 2 1 46 28 32 15 13 22 14 29 19 6 53
6 M 06-12-2021 19 58 0 44 1 55 29 0 15 18 23 48 14 29 6 51
7 T 07-12-2021 20 59 1 26 2 4 29 27 15 23 25 22 29 23 6 48
8 W 08-12-2021 22 0 2 7 2 13 29 52 15 28 26 56 13 56 6 45
9 T 09-12-2021 23 1 2 49 2 22 0 15 15 34 28 30 28 3 6 42
10 F 10-12-2021 24 2 3 31 2 31 0 37 15 39 0 4 11 41 6 39
11 S 11-12-2021 25 3 4 13 2 40 0 57 15 44 1 38 24 53 6 36
12 S 12-12-2021 26 4 4 54 2 49 1 14 15 50 3 12 7 40 6 34
13 M 13-12-2021 27 4 5 36 2 59 1 30 15 55 4 46 20 8 6 31
14 T 14-12-2021 28 5 6 18 3 9 1 43 16 1 6 21 2 20 6 28
15 W 15-12-2021 29 6 7 0 3 19 1 54 16 6 7 55 14 21 6 25
16 T 16-12-2021 0 7 7 42 3 28 2 3 16 12 9 29 26 14 6 22
17 F 17-12-2021 1 8 8 24 3 39 2 10 16 18 11 3 8 3 6 10
18 S 18-12-2021 2 11 9 7 3 49 2 21 16 24 12 39 19 51 6 7
19 S 19-12-2021 3 12 9 49 3 59 2 23 16 30 14 14 1 40 6 4
20 M 20-12-2021 4 13 10 31 4 10 2 22 16 26 15 48 13 32 6 1
21 T 21-12-2021 5 14 11 13 4 20 2 20 16 32 17 22 25 28 5 58
22 W 22-12-2021 6 15 11 55 4 31 2 14 16 38 18 56 7 32 5 56
23 T 23-12-2021 7 16 12 37 4 42 2 6 16 45 20 30 19 44 5 53
24 F 24-12-2021 8 17 13 20 4 53 1 56 16 51 22 3 2 7 5 50
25 S 25-12-2021 9 18 14 2 5 4 1 43 16 57 23 37 14 42 5 47
26 S 26-12-2021 10 20 14 44 5 15 1 28 17 3 25 9 27 34 5 44
27 M 27-12-2021 11 21 15 27 5 26 1 10 17 9 26 42 10 43 5 41
28 T 28-12-2021 12 22 16 9 5 37 0 50 17 16 28 13 24 14 5 39
29 W 29-12-2021 13 23 16 52 5 48 0 27 17 22 29 44 8 9 5 36
30 T 30-12-2021 14 24 17 34 6 0 0 3 17 28 1 13 22 27 5 33
31 F 31-12-2021 15 25 18 17 6 11 29 36 17 35 2 41 7 8 5 30
32 S 01-01-2022 16 26 18 59 6 23 29 7 17 41 4 7 22 6 5 27
Day Date Sun Moo Star Lunation
1 W 01-12-21 224.92 179.38 14 CHITHRA DWADASI 27
2 T 02-12-21 225.93 193.97 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI 28
3 F 03-12-21 226.94 208.91 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURDAS 29
4 S 04-12-21 227.95 224.08 17 ANURADHA AMAVASYA 30
5 S 05-12-21 228.97 239.33 18 JYESHTA PRATHAMA 1
6 M 06-12-21 229.98 254.49 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA 3
7 T 07-12-21 230.99 269.40 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI 4
8 W 08-12-21 232.01 283.95 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI 5
9 T 09-12-21 233.02 298.05 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI 6
10 F 10-12-21 234.04 311.69 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI 7
11 S 11-12-21 235.05 324.89 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI 8
12 S 12-12-21 236.07 337.68 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI 9
13 M 13-12-21 237.08 350.14 27 REVATI DASAMI 10
14 T 14-12-21 238.10 2.35 1 ASWINI EKADASI 11
15 W 15-12-21 239.11 14.36 2 BHARANI DWADASI 12
16 T 16-12-21 240.13 26.25 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI 13
17 F 17-12-21 241.15 38.07 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS 14
18 S 18-12-21 242.20 49.85 4 ROHINI CHATHURDAS 14
19 S 19-12-21 243.21 61.66 5 MRIGASIRA POURNAMI 15
20 M 20-12-21 244.23 73.53 6 ARIDRA PRATHAMA 16
21 T 21-12-21 245.25 85.48 7 PUNARVASU DWITHEEYA 17
22 W 22-12-21 246.26 97.54 8 PUSHYA THRITHEEYA 18
23 T 23-12-21 247.28 109.74 9 ASLESHA CHATHURTHI 19
24 F 24-12-21 248.30 122.12 10 MAGHA PANCHAMI 20
25 S 25-12-21 249.32 134.71 11 PUBBA SHASHTI 21
26 S 26-12-21 250.33 147.56 12 UTHARA SAPTHAMI 22
27 M 27-12-21 251.35 160.72 13 HASTHA ASHTAMI 23
28 T 28-12-21 252.37 174.24 14 CHITHRA NAVAMI 24
29 W 29-12-21 253.39 188.15 15 SWATHI DASAMI 25
30 T 30-12-21 254.40 202.45 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI 26
31 F 31-12-21 255.42 217.12 17 ANURADHA DWADASI 27
Samudaya Rashmi
Planet Rashmi
Samudaya Rashmi 22
On Shatru Badha - One of the most important aspects of V A Horary
For Chara Rasis the 11H is the Badhasthana
For Sthira Rasis the 9H is the Badhasthana
For Ubhaya Rasis the 7H is the Badhasthana
Mandeesha also is Badhaka
All planets with Mandeesh are Badhaka
All planets with Badhakesh are also Badhaka
( Charodaye Labha Gruhe Thu Badha ....... )
If Jupiter and the Sun tenant Badhasthana- Enemy is rich and handsome
If Mars- is a hunchback
If Mercury- is of big build
If Saturn- is lame.
If Venus- is a woman
( Shatruswaroopam Ripugena Vachyam ..........)
If the 6H lord is in Badhastana- Badha is obvious
If Badhakesh in the 6H- Badha is predicted
If Mandeesha is in 6H- Badha is obvious
If 6H lord is with Gulika- Badha is clear.
( Badheswarasya Yogekshanam Ari Bhavane Shatrunathasya Yogo.... )
No 6th Lord in Badha
No Badhakesh in 6H
No Mandeesha in 6 H
No 6th lord with Gulika
No Badhakesh in 4 H
No Badhakesh in 7 H
Badhasthe Gulikedhava Gulikape Prethodbhava Syadruja......
Gulika is not in Badhasthana
Problems from Brahma Rakshas Seen as Jup is with Gulika
No conjunction of Badhakesh & Areesh
No Opposition of Badhakesh & Areesh
No Badhakesh in Areesh's Houses
V I B A L A Planets in the Sixfold Strength
Knowest thou not that planets called Vibala
Are planets weak in the Sixfold Strength?
Cancellation Bhanga they cause of Raja Yoga
And are harmful in their nature; Learned One!
This program checks for weak planets; weak in Shad Bala
Know that Weak Planets cause Raja Yoga Bhanga
Exalted with other strengths is Sampoorna called; best
Devoid of other strengths is Poorna; of medium strength
Below its average strength in Sixfold is Riktha; weak
Use these terms for correct prognostication O Noble One!
1 SUN 4
2 MOO 3
3 MAR 3
4 MER 5
5 JUP 3
6 VEN 3
7 SAT 4
Wealth Factors governing Horoscopy
The lords of Two Five Nine Eleven
Rule wealth; Six Eight Twelve lords
Cause ruin & misery; they generate
Fear of enemies during their reign!
The Rays of the Ninth Lords from Asc & Luna
Add these two to get the Total Ray Strength
Take remainder from Twelve; Sign from Moon
That Sign is Dhana Lagna or Wealth Asc called !
Ninth lord from Asc; VENUS
Ninth Lord from Luna; MERCURY
Wealth Asc ( Dhana Lagna ): 5
Of wealth beyond the dreams of Avarice know
Wealthy the native becomes based on strength
Of Dhana Lagna; if it be powerful and benign
Result is positive; else predict Negativity!
Second Lord From Dhana Lagna: MERCURY
Fifth Lord from Dhana Lagna: JUPITER
Ninth Lord from Dhana Lagna; MARS
Eleventh lord from Dhana Lagna; MERCURY
Wealth Percentage : 16.58333333333333
The Five Limbs of Time are
Vara Date Sun Moo Star Lunation Nithya Yoga
1 Fri 01-01-21 256.68 98.88 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
2 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
3 Sat 02-01-21 257.42 108.77 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
4 Sun 03-01-21 258.43 122.13 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
5 Mon 04-01-21 259.45 135.68 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
6 Tue 05-01-21 260.47 149.42 12 UTHARA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
7 Wed 06-01-21 261.49 163.33 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
8 Thu 07-01-21 262.50 177.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
9 Fri 08-01-21 263.52 191.58 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
10 Sat 09-01-21 264.54 205.87 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
11 Sun 10-01-21 265.55 220.22 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
12 Mon 11-01-21 266.57 234.57 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
13 Tue 12-01-21 267.59 248.85 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
14 Wed 13-01-21 268.61 262.99 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
15 Thu 14-01-21 269.62 276.90 21 UTHRASHADA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
16 Fri 15-01-21 270.64 290.53 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
17 Sat 16-01-21 271.66 303.82 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
18 Sun 17-01-21 272.67 316.76 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
19 Mon 18-01-21 273.69 329.37 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
20 Tue 19-01-21 274.70 341.68 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
21 Wed 20-01-21 275.72 353.75 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
22 Thu 21-01-21 276.74 5.66 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
23 Fri 22-01-21 277.80 17.48 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
24 Sat 23-01-21 278.81 29.31 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
25 Sun 24-01-21 279.83 41.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
26 Mon 25-01-21 280.84 53.34 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
27 Tue 26-01-21 281.86 65.68 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
28 Wed 27-01-21 282.87 78.32 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
29 Thu 28-01-21 283.89 91.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS PRITI
30 Fri 29-01-21 284.90 104.55 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI AYUSHMAN
31 Sat 30-01-21 285.92 118.13 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
32 Sun 31-01-21 286.93 131.95 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
33 Mon 01-02-21 287.94 145.96 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
34 Tue 02-02-21 288.96 160.08 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
35 Wed 03-02-21 289.97 174.25 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI DHRITI
36 Thu 04-02-21 290.98 188.41 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
37 Fri 05-02-21 291.99 202.54 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
38 Sat 06-02-21 293.01 216.60 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
39 Sun 07-02-21 294.02 230.59 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
40 Mon 08-02-21 295.03 244.51 19 MOOLA EKADASI HARSHANA
41 Tue 09-02-21 296.04 258.32 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI VAJRA
42 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
43 Fri 01-01-21 256.42 95.62 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
44 Sat 02-01-21 257.42 108.77 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA VISHKAMBH
45 Sun 03-01-21 258.43 122.13 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI PRITI
46 Mon 04-01-21 259.45 135.68 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI AYUSHMAN
47 Tue 05-01-21 260.47 149.42 12 UTHARA SHASHTI SAUBHAGYA
48 Wed 06-01-21 261.49 163.33 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
49 Thu 07-01-21 262.50 177.39 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
50 Fri 08-01-21 263.52 191.58 15 SWATHI DASAMI DHRITI
51 Sat 09-01-21 264.54 205.87 16 VISHAKHA EKADASI SOOLA
52 Sun 10-01-21 265.55 220.22 17 ANURADHA DWADASI GANDA
53 Mon 11-01-21 266.57 234.57 18 JYESHTA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
54 Tue 12-01-21 267.59 248.85 19 MOOLA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
55 Wed 13-01-21 268.61 262.99 20 POORVASHAD AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
56 Thu 14-01-21 269.62 276.90 21 UTHRASHADA PRATHAMA HARSHANA
57 Fri 15-01-21 270.64 290.53 22 SRAVANA DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
58 Sat 16-01-21 271.66 303.82 23 DHANISHTA THRITHEEYA VYATIPATA
59 Sun 17-01-21 272.67 316.76 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURTHI VARIYAN
60 Mon 18-01-21 273.69 329.37 25 POORVABHAD PANCHAMI PARIGHA
61 Tue 19-01-21 274.70 341.68 26 UTHARABHAD SHASHTI SIVA
62 Wed 20-01-21 275.72 353.75 27 REVATI SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
63 Thu 21-01-21 276.74 5.66 1 ASWINI ASHTAMI SADHYA
64 Fri 22-01-21 277.80 17.48 2 BHARANI NAVAMI SUBHA
65 Sat 23-01-21 278.81 29.31 3 KRITHIKA DASAMI SUKLA
66 Sun 24-01-21 279.83 41.24 4 ROHINI EKADASI BRAHMA
67 Mon 25-01-21 280.84 53.34 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI INDRA
68 Tue 26-01-21 281.86 65.68 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
69 Wed 27-01-21 282.87 78.32 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
70 Thu 28-01-21 283.89 91.27 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS PRITI
71 Fri 29-01-21 284.90 104.55 8 PUSHYA POURNAMI AYUSHMAN
72 Sat 30-01-21 285.92 118.13 9 ASLESHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
73 Sun 31-01-21 286.93 131.95 10 MAGHA THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
74 Mon 01-02-21 287.94 145.96 11 PUBBA CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
75 Tue 02-02-21 288.96 160.08 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
76 Wed 03-02-21 289.97 174.25 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI DHRITI
77 Thu 04-02-21 290.98 188.41 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
78 Fri 05-02-21 291.99 202.54 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
79 Sat 06-02-21 293.01 216.60 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI DHRUVA
80 Sun 07-02-21 294.02 230.59 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VYAGHATA
81 Mon 08-02-21 295.03 244.51 19 MOOLA EKADASI HARSHANA
82 Tue 09-02-21 296.04 258.32 20 POORVASHAD DWADASI VAJRA
83 Wed 10-02-21 297.05 272.00 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI SIDDHI
84 Thu 11-02-21 298.06 285.52 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS VYATIPATA
85 Fri 12-02-21 299.07 298.83 23 DHANISHTA AMAVASYA VARIYAN
86 Sat 13-02-21 300.08 311.89 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA PARIGHA
87 Sun 14-02-21 301.09 324.69 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SIVA
88 Mon 15-02-21 302.10 337.22 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA SIDDHA
89 Tue 16-02-21 303.11 349.49 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI SADHYA
90 Wed 17-02-21 304.12 1.55 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI SUBHA
91 Thu 18-02-21 305.17 13.45 2 BHARANI SHASHTI SUKLA
92 Fri 19-02-21 306.17 25.26 2 BHARANI SAPTHAMI BRAHMA
93 Sat 20-02-21 307.18 37.07 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI INDRA
94 Sun 21-02-21 308.19 48.98 4 ROHINI NAVAMI VAIDHRITI
95 Mon 22-02-21 309.19 61.07 5 MRIGASIRA DASAMI VISHKAMBH
96 Tue 23-02-21 310.20 73.44 6 ARIDRA EKADASI PRITI
97 Wed 24-02-21 311.21 86.16 7 PUNARVASU DWADASI AYUSHMAN
98 Thu 25-02-21 312.21 99.27 8 PUSHYA THRAYODASI SAUBHAGYA
99 Fri 26-02-21 313.21 112.80 9 ASLESHA CHATHURDAS SOBHANA
100 Sat 27-02-21 314.22 126.72 10 MAKAM POURNAMI SUKARMAN
101 Sun 28-02-21 315.22 140.96 11 PUBBA PRATHAMA DHRITI
102 Mon 01-03-21 316.23 155.44 12 UTHARA DWITHEEYA SOOLA
103 Tue 02-03-21 317.23 170.03 13 HASTHA THRITHEEYA GANDA
104 Wed 03-03-21 318.23 184.62 14 CHITHRA CHATHURTHI VRIDDHI
105 Thu 04-03-21 319.23 199.11 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI DHRUVA
106 Fri 05-03-21 320.23 213.42 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI HARSHANA
107 Sat 06-03-21 321.23 227.52 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI VAJRA
108 Sun 07-03-21 322.23 241.40 19 MOOLA NAVAMI SIDDHI
109 Mon 08-03-21 323.23 255.07 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI VYATIPATA
110 Tue 09-03-21 324.23 268.54 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI VARIYAN
111 Wed 10-03-21 325.23 281.84 22 SRAVANA DWADASI PARIGHA
112 Thu 11-03-21 326.23 294.95 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI SIVA
113 Fri 12-03-21 327.23 307.88 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SIDDHA
114 Sat 13-03-21 328.23 320.62 25 POORVABHAD AMAVASYA SADHYA
115 Sun 14-03-21 329.22 333.16 25 POORVABHAD PRATHAMA SUBHA
116 Mon 15-03-21 330.22 345.50 26 UTHARABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKLA
117 Tue 16-03-21 331.22 357.65 27 REVATI THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
118 Wed 17-03-21 332.21 9.64 1 ASWINI CHATHURTHI INDRA
119 Thu 18-03-21 333.24 21.49 2 BHARANI PANCHAMI VAIDHRITI
120 Fri 19-03-21 334.23 33.28 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VISHKAMBH
121 Sat 20-03-21 335.22 45.08 4 ROHINI SHASHTI PRITI
122 Sun 21-03-21 336.22 56.96 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI AYUSHMAN
123 Mon 22-03-21 337.21 69.01 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI SAUBHAGYA
124 Tue 23-03-21 338.20 81.34 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI SOBHANA
125 Wed 24-03-21 339.19 94.03 8 PUSHYA DASAMI ATIGANDA
126 Thu 25-03-21 340.18 107.14 9 ASLESHA EKADASI SUKARMAN
127 Fri 26-03-21 341.17 120.73 10 MAGHA DWADASI DHRITI
128 Sat 27-03-21 342.16 134.78 11 PUBBA THRAYODASI SOOLA
129 Sun 28-03-21 343.15 149.25 12 UTHARA CHATHURDAS GANDA
130 Mon 29-03-21 344.14 164.04 13 HASTHA POURNAMI DHRUVA
131 Tue 30-03-21 345.13 179.01 14 CHITHRA DWITHEEYA VYAGHATA
132 Wed 31-03-21 346.12 194.01 15 SWATHI THRITHEEYA HARSHANA
133 Thu 01-04-21 347.11 208.88 16 VISHAKHA CHATHURTHI VAJRA
134 Fri 02-04-21 348.09 223.53 17 ANURADHA PANCHAMI SIDDHI
135 Sat 03-04-21 349.08 237.86 18 JYESHTA SHASHTI VARIYAN
136 Sun 04-04-21 350.06 251.86 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI PARIGHA
137 Mon 05-04-21 351.05 265.53 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI SIVA
138 Tue 06-04-21 352.04 278.88 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SIDDHA
139 Wed 07-04-21 353.02 291.96 22 SRAVANA DASAMI SADHYA
140 Thu 08-04-21 354.00 304.80 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI SUBHA
141 Fri 09-04-21 354.99 317.43 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI SUKLA
142 Sat 10-04-21 355.97 329.88 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI BRAHMA
143 Sun 11-04-21 356.95 342.15 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS INDRA
144 Mon 12-04-21 357.93 354.27 27 REVATI AMAVASYA VAIDHRITI
145 Tue 13-04-21 358.92 6.26 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VISHKAMBH
146 Wed 14-04-21 359.91 18.13 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA PRITI
147 Thu 15-04-21 0.89 29.94 3 KRITHIKA THRITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
148 Fri 16-04-21 1.88 41.72 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI SAUBHAGYA
149 Sat 17-04-21 2.85 53.52 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI SOBHANA
150 Sun 18-04-21 3.83 65.42 5 MRIGASIRA SHASHTI ATIGANDA
151 Mon 19-04-21 4.81 77.47 6 ARIDRA SAPTHAMI SUKARMAN
152 Tue 20-04-21 5.78 89.77 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI DHRITI
153 Wed 21-04-21 6.76 102.40 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SOOLA
154 Thu 22-04-21 7.74 115.43 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI GANDA
155 Fri 23-04-21 8.71 128.93 10 MAKAM EKADASI VRIDDHI
156 Sat 24-04-21 9.69 142.91 11 PUBBA DWADASI DHRUVA
157 Sun 25-04-21 10.66 157.35 12 UTHARA THRAYODASI VYAGHATA
158 Mon 26-04-21 11.63 172.18 13 HASTHA CHATHURDAS HARSHANA
159 Tue 27-04-21 12.61 187.28 15 SWATHI POURNAMI VAJRA
160 Wed 28-04-21 13.58 202.49 16 VISHAKHA PRATHAMA VYATIPATA
161 Thu 29-04-21 14.55 217.65 17 ANURADHA DWITHEEYA VARIYAN
162 Fri 30-04-21 15.52 232.60 18 JYESHTA CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
163 Sat 01-05-21 16.50 247.23 19 MOOLA PANCHAMI SIVA
164 Sun 02-05-21 17.47 261.47 20 POORVASHAD SHASHTI SIDDHA
165 Mon 03-05-21 18.44 275.30 21 UTHRASHADA SAPTHAMI SUBHA
166 Tue 04-05-21 19.41 288.72 22 SRAVANA ASHTAMI SUKLA
167 Wed 05-05-21 20.38 301.77 23 DHANISHTA NAVAMI BRAHMA
168 Thu 06-05-21 21.35 314.51 24 SATHABHISH DASAMI INDRA
169 Fri 07-05-21 22.32 326.97 25 POORVABHAD EKADASI VAIDHRITI
170 Sat 08-05-21 23.28 339.22 26 UTHARABHAD DWADASI VISHKAMBH
171 Sun 09-05-21 24.25 351.30 27 REVATI THRAYODASI PRITI
172 Mon 10-05-21 25.22 3.25 1 ASWINI CHATHURDAS AYUSHMAN
173 Tue 11-05-21 26.18 15.11 2 BHARANI AMAVASYA SAUBHAGYA
174 Wed 12-05-21 27.15 26.92 3 KRITHIKA AMAVASYA SOBHANA
175 Thu 13-05-21 28.11 38.70 3 KRITHIKA PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
176 Fri 14-05-21 29.08 50.51 4 ROHINI DWITHEEYA ATIGANDA
177 Sat 15-05-21 30.04 62.38 5 MRIGASIRA THRITHEEYA SUKARMAN
178 Sun 16-05-21 31.01 74.37 6 ARIDRA CHATHURTHI DHRITI
179 Mon 17-05-21 31.97 86.51 7 PUNARVASU PANCHAMI SOOLA
180 Tue 18-05-21 32.93 98.87 8 PUSHYA SHASHTI GANDA
181 Wed 19-05-21 33.90 111.52 9 ASLESHA SAPTHAMI VRIDDHI
182 Thu 20-05-21 34.86 124.50 10 MAGHA ASHTAMI DHRUVA
183 Fri 21-05-21 35.82 137.89 11 PUBBA NAVAMI HARSHANA
184 Sat 22-05-21 36.79 151.71 12 UTHARA DASAMI VAJRA
185 Sun 23-05-21 37.75 165.96 13 HASTHA EKADASI SIDDHI
186 Mon 24-05-21 38.71 180.61 14 CHITHRA DWADASI VYATIPATA
187 Tue 25-05-21 39.67 195.58 15 SWATHI THRAYODASI VARIYAN
188 Wed 26-05-21 40.64 210.73 16 VISHAKHA POURNAMI PARIGHA
189 Thu 27-05-21 41.60 225.91 17 ANURADHA PRATHAMA SIDDHA
190 Fri 28-05-21 42.56 240.98 19 MOOLA DWITHEEYA SADHYA
191 Sat 29-05-21 43.52 255.79 20 POORVASHAD THRITHEEYA SUBHA
192 Sun 30-05-21 44.48 270.23 21 UTHRASHADA CHATHURTHI SUKLA
193 Mon 31-05-21 45.44 284.24 22 SRAVANA PANCHAMI BRAHMA
194 Tue 01-06-21 46.40 297.81 23 DHANISHTA SHASHTI INDRA
195 Wed 02-06-21 47.36 310.94 24 SATHABHISH SAPTHAMI VAIDHRITI
196 Thu 03-06-21 48.32 323.69 25 POORVABHAD ASHTAMI VISHKAMBH
197 Fri 04-06-21 49.28 336.12 26 UTHARABHAD NAVAMI PRITI
198 Sat 05-06-21 50.24 348.29 27 REVATI DASAMI AYUSHMAN
199 Sun 06-06-21 51.19 0.27 1 ASWINI EKADASI SAUBHAGYA
200 Mon 07-06-21 52.13 12.13 1 ASWINI DWADASI SOBHANA
201 Tue 08-06-21 53.09 23.93 2 BHARANI THRAYODASI ATIGANDA
202 Wed 09-06-21 54.04 35.72 3 KRITHIKA CHATHURDAS SUKARMAN
203 Thu 10-06-21 55.00 47.53 4 ROHINI AMAVASYA DHRITI
204 Fri 11-06-21 55.96 59.43 5 MRIGASIRA PRATHAMA SOOLA
205 Sat 12-06-21 56.91 71.44 6 ARIDRA DWITHEEYA GANDA
206 Sun 13-06-21 57.87 83.59 7 PUNARVASU THRITHEEYA VRIDDHI
207 Mon 14-06-21 58.83 95.93 8 PUSHYA CHATHURTHI DHRUVA
208 Tue 15-06-21 59.78 108.47 9 ASLESHA PANCHAMI VYAGHATA
209 Wed 16-06-21 60.74 121.26 10 MAGHA SHASHTI HARSHANA
210 Thu 17-06-21 61.70 134.33 11 PUBBA SAPTHAMI VAJRA
211 Fri 18-06-21 62.65 147.70 12 UTHARA ASHTAMI SIDDHI
212 Sat 19-06-21 63.61 161.41 13 HASTHA NAVAMI VYATIPATA
213 Sun 20-06-21 64.56 175.45 14 CHITHRA DASAMI PARIGHA
214 Mon 21-06-21 65.52 189.83 15 SWATHI EKADASI SIVA
215 Tue 22-06-21 66.48 204.49 16 VISHAKHA DWADASI SIDDHA
216 Wed 23-06-21 67.43 219.36 17 ANURADHA THRAYODASI SADHYA
217 Thu 24-06-21 68.39 234.32 18 JYESHTA CHATHURDAS SUBHA
218 Fri 25-06-21 69.34 249.24 19 MOOLA POURNAMI SUKLA
219 Sat 26-06-21 70.30 264.00 20 POORVASHAD DWITHEEYA INDRA
220 Sun 27-06-21 71.25 278.47 21 UTHRASHADA THRITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
221 Mon 28-06-21 72.21 292.56 22 SRAVANA CHATHURTHI VISHKAMBH
222 Tue 29-06-21 73.16 306.23 23 DHANISHTA PANCHAMI PRITI
223 Wed 30-06-21 74.12 319.45 24 SATHABHISH SHASHTI AYUSHMAN
224 Thu 01-07-21 75.07 332.26 25 POORVABHAD SAPTHAMI SAUBHAGYA
225 Fri 02-07-21 76.03 344.71 26 UTHARABHAD ASHTAMI SOBHANA
226 Sat 03-07-21 76.98 356.88 27 REVATI NAVAMI ATIGANDA
227 Sun 04-07-21 77.94 8.84 1 ASWINI DASAMI SUKARMAN
228 Mon 05-07-21 78.86 20.67 2 BHARANI EKADASI DHRITI
229 Tue 06-07-21 79.81 32.46 3 KRITHIKA DWADASI SOOLA
230 Wed 07-07-21 80.77 44.28 4 ROHINI DWADASI GANDA
231 Thu 08-07-21 81.72 56.17 5 MRIGASIRA THRAYODASI VRIDDHI
232 Fri 09-07-21 82.68 68.20 6 ARIDRA CHATHURDAS DHRUVA
233 Sat 10-07-21 83.63 80.40 7 PUNARVASU AMAVASYA VYAGHATA
234 Sun 11-07-21 84.59 92.80 7 PUNARVASU PRATHAMA HARSHANA
235 Mon 12-07-21 85.54 105.42 8 PUSHYA DWITHEEYA VAJRA
236 Tue 13-07-21 86.50 118.26 9 ASLESHA THRITHEEYA SIDDHI
237 Wed 14-07-21 87.45 131.33 10 MAGHA CHATHURTHI VYATIPATA
238 Thu 15-07-21 88.41 144.62 11 PUBBA PANCHAMI VARIYAN
239 Fri 16-07-21 89.36 158.13 12 UTHARA SHASHTI PARIGHA
240 Sat 17-07-21 90.32 171.86 13 HASTHA SAPTHAMI SIVA
241 Sun 18-07-21 91.27 185.80 14 CHITHRA ASHTAMI SIDDHA
242 Mon 19-07-21 92.23 199.96 15 SWATHI NAVAMI SADHYA
243 Tue 20-07-21 93.18 214.31 17 ANURADHA EKADASI SUKLA
244 Wed 21-07-21 94.14 228.81 18 JYESHTA DWADASI BRAHMA
245 Thu 22-07-21 95.10 243.39 19 MOOLA THRAYODASI INDRA
246 Fri 23-07-21 96.05 257.98 20 POORVASHAD CHATHURDAS VAIDHRITI
247 Sat 24-07-21 97.01 272.46 21 UTHRASHADA POURNAMI VISHKAMBH
248 Sun 25-07-21 97.97 286.74 22 SRAVANA PRATHAMA PRITI
249 Mon 26-07-21 98.92 300.72 23 DHANISHTA DWITHEEYA AYUSHMAN
250 Tue 27-07-21 99.88 314.33 24 SATHABHISH THRITHEEYA SOBHANA
251 Wed 28-07-21 100.84 327.55 25 POORVABHAD CHATHURTHI ATIGANDA
252 Thu 29-07-21 101.80 340.38 26 UTHARABHAD PANCHAMI SUKARMAN
253 Fri 30-07-21 102.75 352.85 27 REVATI SHASHTI DHRITI
254 Sat 31-07-21 103.71 5.03 1 ASWINI SAPTHAMI SOOLA
255 Sun 01-08-21 104.63 17.00 2 BHARANI ASHTAMI GANDA
256 Mon 02-08-21 105.59 28.83 3 KRITHIKA NAVAMI VRIDDHI
257 Tue 03-08-21 106.54 40.63 4 ROHINI DASAMI DHRUVA
258 Wed 04-08-21 107.50 52.48 4 ROHINI EKADASI DHRUVA
259 Thu 05-08-21 108.46 64.46 5 MRIGASIRA DWADASI VYAGHATA
260 Fri 06-08-21 109.42 76.62 6 ARIDRA THRAYODASI HARSHANA
261 Sat 07-08-21 110.38 89.02 7 PUNARVASU CHATHURDAS VAJRA
262 Sun 08-08-21 111.34 101.69 8 PUSHYA AMAVASYA SIDDHI
263 Mon 09-08-21 112.30 114.64 9 ASLESHA PRATHAMA VARIYAN
264 Tue 10-08-21 113.26 127.85 10 MAKAM DWITHEEYA PARIGHA
265 Wed 11-08-21 114.22 141.30 11 PUBBA THRITHEEYA SIVA
266 Thu 12-08-21 115.18 154.94 12 UTHARA CHATHURTHI SIDDHA
267 Fri 13-08-21 116.14 168.75 13 HASTHA PANCHAMI SADHYA
268 Sat 14-08-21 117.10 182.67 14 CHITHRA SHASHTI SUBHA
269 Sun 15-08-21 118.07 196.69 15 SWATHI SAPTHAMI SUKLA
270 Mon 16-08-21 119.03 210.77 16 VISHAKHA ASHTAMI BRAHMA
271 Tue 17-08-21 119.99 224.92 17 ANURADHA NAVAMI INDRA
272 Wed 18-08-21 120.95 239.10 18 JYESHTA DASAMI VISHKAMBH
273 Thu 19-08-21 121.92 253.30 19 MOOLA EKADASI PRITI
274 Fri 20-08-21 122.88 267.47 21 UTHRASHADA THRAYODASI AYUSHMAN
275 Sat 21-08-21 123.85 281.55 22 SRAVANA CHATHURDAS SAUBHAGYA
276 Sun 22-08-21 124.81 295.47 23 DHANISHTA POURNAMI SOBHANA
277 Mon 23-08-21 125.77 309.15 24 SATHABHISH PRATHAMA ATIGANDA
278 Tue 24-08-21 126.74 322.55 25 POORVABHAD DWITHEEYA SUKARMAN
279 Wed 25-08-21 127.71 335.62 26 UTHARABHAD THRITHEEYA DHRITI
280 Thu 26-08-21 128.67 348.37 27 REVATI CHATHURTHI SOOLA
281 Fri 27-08-21 129.64 0.79 1 ASWINI PANCHAMI GANDA
282 Sat 28-08-21 130.57 12.95 1 ASWINI SHASHTI VRIDDHI
283 Sun 29-08-21 131.53 24.91 2 BHARANI SAPTHAMI DHRUVA
284 Mon 30-08-21 132.50 36.75 3 KRITHIKA ASHTAMI VYAGHATA
285 Tue 31-08-21 133.47 48.55 4 ROHINI ASHTAMI HARSHANA
286 Wed 01-09-21 134.44 60.41 5 MRIGASIRA NAVAMI VAJRA
287 Thu 02-09-21 135.41 72.42 6 ARIDRA DASAMI SIDDHI
288 Fri 03-09-21 136.38 84.66 7 PUNARVASU EKADASI VYATIPATA
289 Sat 04-09-21 137.35 97.20 8 PUSHYA DWADASI VARIYAN
290 Sun 05-09-21 138.32 110.08 9 ASLESHA THRAYODASI PARIGHA
291 Mon 06-09-21 139.29 123.30 10 MAGHA CHATHURDAS SIVA
292 Tue 07-09-21 140.26 136.87 11 PUBBA AMAVASYA SIDDHA
293 Wed 08-09-21 141.23 150.72 12 UTHARA PRATHAMA SADHYA
294 Thu 09-09-21 142.20 164.79 13 HASTHA DWITHEEYA SUKLA
295 Fri 10-09-21 143.17 179.01 14 CHITHRA THRITHEEYA BRAHMA
296 Sat 11-09-21 144.15 193.29 15 SWATHI PANCHAMI INDRA
297 Sun 12-09-21 145.12 207.56 16 VISHAKHA SHASHTI VAIDHRITI
298 Mon 13-09-21 146.09 221.78 17 ANURADHA SAPTHAMI VISHKAMBH
299 Tue 14-09-21 147.07 235.91 18 JYESHTA ASHTAMI PRITI
300 Wed 15-09-21 148.04 249.94 19 MOOLA NAVAMI AYUSHMAN
301 Thu 16-09-21 149.02 263.87 20 POORVASHAD DASAMI SAUBHAGYA
302 Fri 17-09-21 149.99 277.67 21 UTHRASHADA EKADASI ATIGANDA
303 Sat 18-09-21 150.97 291.34 22 SRAVANA DWADASI SUKARMAN
304 Sun 19-09-21 151.95 304.83 23 DHANISHTA THRAYODASI DHRITI
305 Mon 20-09-21 152.92 318.13 24 SATHABHISH CHATHURDAS SOOLA
306 Tue 21-09-21 153.90 331.19 25 POORVABHAD POURNAMI GANDA
307 Wed 22-09-21 154.88 344.00 26 UTHARABHAD PRATHAMA VRIDDHI
308 Thu 23-09-21 155.86 356.55 27 REVATI DWITHEEYA DHRUVA
309 Fri 24-09-21 156.84 8.85 1 ASWINI THRITHEEYA VYAGHATA
310 Sat 25-09-21 157.79 20.93 2 BHARANI CHATHURTHI HARSHANA
311 Sun 26-09-21 158.77 32.85 3 KRITHIKA PANCHAMI VAJRA
312 Mon 27-09-21 159.75 44.67 4 ROHINI SHASHTI SIDDHI
313 Tue 28-09-21 160.74 56.46 5 MRIGASIRA SAPTHAMI VYATIPATA
314 Wed 29-09-21 161.72 68.31 6 ARIDRA ASHTAMI VARIYAN
315 Thu 30-09-21 162.70 80.31 7 PUNARVASU NAVAMI PARIGHA
316 Fri 01-10-21 163.68 92.55 7 PUNARVASU DASAMI SIVA
317 Sat 02-10-21 164.67 105.11 8 PUSHYA EKADASI SIDDHA
318 Sun 03-10-21 165.65 118.05 9 ASLESHA DWADASI SADHYA
319 Mon 04-10-21 166.64 131.41 10 MAGHA THRAYODASI SUBHA
320 Tue 05-10-21 167.62 145.18 11 PUBBA CHATHURDAS SUKLA
321 Wed 06-10-21 168.61 159.33 12 UTHARA AMAVASYA BRAHMA
322 Thu 07-10-21 169.59 173.78 14 CHITHRA PRATHAMA INDRA
323 Fri 08-10-21 170.58 188.42 15 SWATHI DWITHEEYA VAIDHRITI
324 Sat 09-10-21 171.57 203.13 16 VISHAKHA THRITHEEYA PRITI
325 Sun 10-10-21 172.56 217.79 17 ANURADHA CHATHURTHI AYUSHMAN
326 Mon 11-10-21 173.54 232.33 18 JYESHTA PANCHAMI SAUBHAGYA
327 Tue 12-10-21 174.53 246.66 19 MOOLA SAPTHAMI SOBHANA
328 Wed 13-10-21 175.52 260.75 20 POORVASHAD ASHTAMI ATIGANDA
329 Thu 14-10-21 176.51 274.60 21 UTHRASHADA NAVAMI SUKARMAN
330 Fri 15-10-21 177.50 288.19 22 SRAVANA DASAMI DHRITI
331 Sat 16-10-21 178.49 301.55 23 DHANISHTA EKADASI GANDA
332 Sun 17-10-21 179.48 314.69 24 SATHABHISH DWADASI VRIDDHI
333 Mon 18-10-21 180.48 327.61 25 POORVABHAD THRAYODASI DHRUVA
334 Tue 19-10-21 181.47 340.31 26 UTHARABHAD CHATHURDAS VYAGHATA
335 Wed 20-10-21 182.46 352.81 27 REVATI POURNAMI HARSHANA
336 Thu 21-10-21 183.46 5.12 1 ASWINI PRATHAMA VAJRA
337 Fri 22-10-21 184.44 17.23 2 BHARANI DWITHEEYA SIDDHI
338 Sat 23-10-21 185.44 29.21 3 KRITHIKA DWITHEEYA VYATIPATA
339 Sun 24-10-21 186.43 41.06 4 ROHINI THRITHEEYA VARIYAN
340 Mon 25-10-21 187.43 52.86 4 ROHINI CHATHURTHI PARIGHA
341 Tue 26-10-21 188.43 64.64 5 MRIGASIRA PANCHAMI PARIGHA
342 Wed 27-10-21 189.42 76.48 6 ARIDRA SHASHTI SIVA
343 Thu 28-10-21 190.42 88.46 7 PUNARVASU SAPTHAMI SIDDHA
344 Fri 29-10-21 191.42 100.67 8 PUSHYA ASHTAMI SADHYA
345 Sat 30-10-21 192.42 113.17 9 ASLESHA NAVAMI SUBHA
346 Sun 31-10-21 193.42 126.04 10 MAGHA DASAMI SUKLA
347 Mon 01-11-21 194.42 139.35 11 PUBBA EKADASI INDRA
348 Tue 02-11-21 195.42 153.12 12 UTHARA DWADASI VAIDHRITI
349 Wed 03-11-21 196.42 167.33 13 HASTHA THRAYODASI VISHKAMBH
350 Thu 04-11-21 197.42 181.93 14 CHITHRA CHATHURDAS PRITI
351 Fri 05-11-21 198.42 196.83 15 SWATHI AMAVASYA AYUSHMAN
352 Sat 06-11-21 199.42 211.87 16 VISHAKHA DWITHEEYA SAUBHAGYA
353 Sun 07-11-21 200.42 226.93 18 JYESHTA THRITHEEYA ATIGANDA
354 Mon 08-11-21 201.42 241.86 19 MOOLA CHATHURTHI SUKARMAN
355 Tue 09-11-21 202.43 256.54 20 POORVASHAD PANCHAMI DHRITI
356 Wed 10-11-21 203.43 270.89 21 UTHRASHADA SHASHTI SOOLA
357 Thu 11-11-21 204.43 284.87 22 SRAVANA SAPTHAMI GANDA
358 Fri 12-11-21 205.44 298.46 23 DHANISHTA ASHTAMI VRIDDHI
359 Sat 13-11-21 206.44 311.71 24 SATHABHISH NAVAMI DHRUVA
360 Sun 14-11-21 207.45 324.63 25 POORVABHAD DASAMI VYAGHATA
361 Mon 15-11-21 208.45 337.28 26 UTHARABHAD EKADASI HARSHANA
362 Tue 16-11-21 209.46 349.70 27 REVATI DWADASI VAJRA
363 Wed 17-11-21 210.47 1.93 1 ASWINI THRAYODASI SIDDHI
364 Thu 18-11-21 211.49 13.99 2 BHARANI CHATHURDAS VYATIPATA
365 Fri 19-11-21 212.49 25.94 2 BHARANI POURNAMI VARIYAN
Fivefold Ephemeris Data for 2021 - cast at Guruvayur- Trichur -076 E 1
+10 N 30 and TZ = - 0530.
Solstice = Solar Ingress into a Sign or Constellation
Moonstice = Lunar Ingress into a Sign or Constellation
Lunstice = Lunar Ingress into a Lunation
T No - Thidhi or Lunation No. 30 numbers given for the 30 Lunations. 1
is Prathama- 2 Dwiteeya- 15 Pournami- 15 for Prathama" ?"after Full Mo
28 for Trayodasi in Dark Fortningt ( Krishna Paksha ) Trayadasi and 30
for Black Moon ( New Moon ) Amavasi.
St No - Star No.
V No - Vara No - Number of Weekday.
LD - Longitudinal Difference - between Sun and Moon - Thidhi.
N Yoga- the longitudinal sum of Moon and Sun.
Thidhi - Lunation. 12 degrees.
Karana - Half Lunation. 6 degrees.
Date Sun Moo Jup Mar Ven Mer Sat Star Thidhi No Solstice Mo
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 PUSHYA 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 PUSHYA 17 10.15
02-01-21 257 109 279 3.5 237 278 278 55 ASLESHA 18 10.01
03-01-21 258 122 279 3.9 238 278 278 55 MAGHA 19 10.43
04-01-21 259 136 279 4.4 240 278 278 55 PUBBA 20 10.85
05-01-21 260 149 280 4.8 241 278 278 55 UTHARA 21 11.27
06-01-21 261 163 280 5.2 242 278 278 55 HASTHA 22 11.69
07-01-21 263 177 280 5.7 244 278 278 54 CHITHRA 23 12.11
08-01-21 264 192 280 6.2 245 278 278 54 SWATHI 25 12.52
09-01-21 265 206 280 6.6 246 278 278 54 VISHAKHA 26 12.93
10-01-21 266 220 281 7.1 247 279 279 54 ANURADHA 27 13.35
11-01-21 267 235 281 7.6 249 279 279 54 JYESHTA 28 13.75
12-01-21 268 249 281 8.0 250 279 279 54 MOOLA 29 14.16
13-01-21 269 263 281 8.5 251 279 279 54 POORVASHAD 30 14.
14-01-21 270 277 282 9.0 252 279 279 54 UTHRASHADA 1 14.
15-01-21 271 291 282 9.5 254 279 279 54 SRAVANA 2 15.37
16-01-21 272 304 282 10 255 279 279 54 DHANISHTA 3 15.77
17-01-21 273 317 282 10 256 279 279 54 SATHABHISH 4 16.1
18-01-21 274 329 283 11 257 279 279 54 POORVABHAD 5 16.
19-01-21 275 342 283 11 259 280 280 54 UTHARABHAD 6 16.
20-01-21 276 354 283 12 260 280 280 54 REVATI 7 17.34 1
21-01-21 277 5.7 283 12 261 280 280 54 ASWINI 8 17.73 10
22-01-21 278 17 283 13 262 280 280 54 BHARANI 9 19.15
23-01-21 279 29 284 14 264 280 280 54 KRITHIKA 10 19.53
24-01-21 280 41 284 14 265 280 280 54 ROHINI 11 19.90 2
25-01-21 281 53 284 15 266 280 280 54 ROHINI 12 20.27 0
26-01-21 282 66 284 15 267 280 280 53 MRIGASIRA 12 20.64
27-01-21 283 78 285 16 269 281 281 53 ARIDRA 13 21.00 2
28-01-21 284 91 285 16 270 281 281 53 PUNARVASU 14 21.35
29-01-21 285 105 285 17 271 281 281 53 PUSHYA 15 21.69
30-01-21 286 118 285 17 272 281 281 53 ASLESHA 17 22.03
31-01-21 287 132 286 18 274 281 281 53 MAGHA 18 22.37
01-02-21 288 146 286 18 275 281 281 53 PUBBA 19 22.69
02-02-21 289 160 286 19 276 281 281 53 HASTHA 20 23.01
03-02-21 290 174 286 19 277 281 281 53 CHITHRA 21 23.32
04-02-21 291 188 287 20 279 281 281 53 SWATHI 22 23.62
05-02-21 292 202 287 20 280 282 282 53 VISHAKHA 23 23.92
06-02-21 293 217 287 21 281 282 282 53 ANURADHA 24 0.14
07-02-21 294 231 287 22 282 282 282 53 JYESHTA 25 0.42
08-02-21 295 244 288 22 284 282 282 53 MOOLA 26 0.70
09-02-21 296 258 288 23 285 282 282 53 POORVASHAD 27 0.
10-02-21 297 272 288 23 286 282 282 53 UTHRASHADA 28 1.
11-02-21 298 285 288 24 287 282 282 53 SRAVANA 29 1.48
12-02-21 299 299 288 24 289 282 282 53 DHANISHTA 30 1.73
13-02-21 300 312 289 25 290 283 283 53 SATHABHISH 1 1.9
14-02-21 301 325 289 25 291 283 283 53 POORVABHAD 2 2.
15-02-21 302 337 289 26 292 283 283 52 UTHARABHAD 3 2.
16-02-21 303 349 289 27 294 283 283 52 REVATI 4 2.63
17-02-21 304 1.5 290 27 295 283 283 52 ASWINI 5 2.83 2
18-02-21 305 13 290 28 296 283 283 52 BHARANI 6 4.00
19-02-21 306 25 290 28 297 283 283 52 BHARANI 7 4.18
20-02-21 307 37 290 29 299 283 283 52 KRITHIKA 8 4.35 1
21-02-21 308 49 291 29 300 283 283 52 ROHINI 9 4.51 16
22-02-21 309 61 291 30 301 284 284 52 MRIGASIRA 10 4.66
23-02-21 310 73 291 31 302 284 284 52 ARIDRA 11 4.81 1
24-02-21 311 86 291 31 304 284 284 52 PUNARVASU 12 4.94
25-02-21 312 99 291 32 305 284 284 52 PUSHYA 13 5.06
26-02-21 313 113 292 32 306 284 284 52 ASLESHA 14 5.16
27-02-21 314 127 292 33 307 284 284 52 MAKAM 15 5.26
28-02-21 315 141 292 33 309 284 284 52 PUBBA 16 5.34
01-03-21 316 155 292 34 310 284 284 52 UTHARA 17 5.42
02-03-21 317 170 293 35 311 284 284 52 HASTHA 18 5.48
03-03-21 318 185 293 35 312 285 285 52 CHITHRA 19 5.53
04-03-21 319 199 293 36 314 285 285 52 SWATHI 20 5.57
05-03-21 320 213 293 36 315 285 285 51 ANURADHA 22 5.60
06-03-21 321 227 294 37 316 285 285 51 JYESHTA 23 5.62
07-03-21 322 241 294 37 317 285 285 51 MOOLA 24 5.62
08-03-21 323 255 294 38 319 285 285 51 POORVASHAD 25 5.
09-03-21 324 269 294 39 320 285 285 51 UTHRASHADA 26 5.
10-03-21 325 282 294 39 321 285 285 51 SRAVANA 27 5.58
11-03-21 326 295 295 40 322 285 285 51 DHANISHTA 28 5.55
12-03-21 327 308 295 40 324 285 285 51 SATHABHISH 29 5.5
13-03-21 328 321 295 41 325 286 286 51 POORVABHAD 30 5.
14-03-21 329 333 295 42 326 286 286 51 POORVABHAD 1 5.
15-03-21 330 345 296 42 327 286 286 51 UTHARABHAD 2 5.
16-03-21 331 358 296 43 329 286 286 51 REVATI 3 5.20 1
17-03-21 332 9.6 296 43 330 286 286 51 ASWINI 4 5.10 17
18-03-21 333 21 296 44 331 286 286 51 BHARANI 5 5.67
19-03-21 334 33 296 44 332 286 286 51 KRITHIKA 5 5.53 1
20-03-21 335 45 297 45 334 286 286 51 ROHINI 6 5.37 9
21-03-21 336 57 297 46 335 286 286 51 MRIGASIRA 7 5.21
22-03-21 337 69 297 46 336 286 286 51 ARIDRA 8 5.03
23-03-21 338 81 297 47 337 287 287 50 PUNARVASU 9 4.84
24-03-21 339 94 297 47 339 287 287 50 PUSHYA 10 4.64
25-03-21 340 107 298 48 340 287 287 50 ASLESHA 11 4.42
26-03-21 341 121 298 49 341 287 287 50 MAGHA 12 4.19
27-03-21 342 135 298 49 342 287 287 50 PUBBA 13 3.95
28-03-21 343 149 298 50 344 287 287 50 UTHARA 14 3.69
29-03-21 344 164 298 50 345 287 287 50 HASTHA 15 3.43
30-03-21 345 179 299 51 346 287 287 50 CHITHRA 17 3.15
31-03-21 346 194 299 52 347 287 287 50 SWATHI 18 2.85
01-04-21 347 209 299 52 349 287 287 50 VISHAKHA 19 2.55
02-04-21 348 224 299 53 350 287 287 50 ANURADHA 20 2.23
03-04-21 349 238 299 54 351 287 287 50 JYESHTA 21 1.90
04-04-21 350 252 300 54 352 287 287 50 MOOLA 22 1.56
05-04-21 351 266 300 55 353 288 288 50 POORVASHAD 23 1.
06-04-21 352 279 300 55 355 288 288 50 UTHRASHADA 24 0.
07-04-21 353 292 300 56 356 288 288 50 SRAVANA 25 0.47
08-04-21 354 305 300 57 357 288 288 50 DHANISHTA 26 0.08
09-04-21 355 317 301 57 358 288 288 50 SATHABHISH 27 23.7
10-04-21 356 330 301 58 360 288 288 50 POORVABHAD 28 23.
11-04-21 357 342 301 58 .92 288 288 50 UTHARABHAD 29 22.9
12-04-21 358 354 301 59 2.2 288 288 50 REVATI 30 22.48 13
13-04-21 359 6.2 301 60 3.4 288 288 49 ASWINI 1 22.03 11.
14-04-21 360 18 301 60 4.6 288 288 49 BHARANI 2 21.84
15-04-21 .89 30 302 61 5.9 288 288 49 KRITHIKA 3 21.35 5.
16-04-21 1.9 42 302 61 7.1 288 288 49 ROHINI 4 21.07 3.1
17-04-21 2.9 54 302 62 8.4 288 288 49 MRIGASIRA 5 20.54
18-04-21 3.8 65 302 62 9.6 288 288 49 MRIGASIRA 6 20.00 2
19-04-21 4.8 77 302 63 11 288 288 49 ARIDRA 7 19.45 19.
20-04-21 5.8 90 302 64 12 289 289 49 PUNARVASU 7 18.88
21-04-21 6.8 102 303 64 13 289 289 49 PUSHYA 8 18.31 1
22-04-21 7.7 115 303 65 15 289 289 49 ASLESHA 9 17.72 1
23-04-21 8.7 129 303 65 16 289 289 49 MAKAM 11 17.12 1
24-04-21 9.7 143 303 66 17 289 289 49 PUBBA 12 16.51 17
25-04-21 11 157 303 67 18 289 289 49 UTHARA 13 15.89 19
26-04-21 12 172 303 67 19 289 289 49 HASTHA 14 15.26 21
27-04-21 13 187 304 68 21 289 289 49 SWATHI 15 14.62 1
28-04-21 14 202 304 69 22 289 289 49 VISHAKHA 16 13.96
29-04-21 15 218 304 69 23 289 289 49 ANURADHA 17 13.30
30-04-21 16 233 304 70 24 289 289 49 JYESHTA 19 12.62 1
01-05-21 16 247 304 70 26 289 289 48 MOOLA 20 11.94 13
02-05-21 17 261 304 71 27 289 289 48 POORVASHAD 21 11.24
03-05-21 18 275 304 72 28 289 289 48 UTHRASHADA 22 10.53
04-05-21 19 289 305 72 29 289 289 48 SRAVANA 23 9.81
05-05-21 20 302 305 73 31 289 289 48 DHANISHTA 24 9.09
06-05-21 21 314 305 73 32 289 289 48 SATHABHISH 25 8.35
07-05-21 22 327 305 74 33 289 289 48 POORVABHAD 26 7.60
08-05-21 23 339 305 75 34 289 289 48 UTHARABHAD 27 6.84
09-05-21 24 351 305 75 35 289 289 48 REVATI 28 6.08 8.
10-05-21 25 3.3 305 76 37 289 289 48 ASWINI 29 5.30 5.8
11-05-21 26 15 305 76 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 4.30 3
12-05-21 27 27 306 77 39 289 289 48 KRITHIKA 30 3.49 0.
13-05-21 28 39 306 78 40 289 289 48 KRITHIKA 1 2.67 21.
14-05-21 29 51 306 78 42 289 289 48 ROHINI 2 1.84 18.9
15-05-21 30 62 306 79 43 289 289 48 MRIGASIRA 3 1.00 1
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 ARIDRA 4 0.15 13.
17-05-21 32 87 306 80 45 289 289 48 PUNARVASU 5 23.36
18-05-21 33 99 306 81 47 289 289 47 PUSHYA 6 22.49 10
19-05-21 34 112 306 81 48 289 289 47 ASLESHA 7 21.62
20-05-21 35 125 306 82 49 289 289 47 MAGHA 8 20.74 8
21-05-21 36 138 307 83 50 289 289 47 PUBBA 9 19.85 8
22-05-21 37 152 307 83 51 289 289 47 UTHARA 10 18.95 9
23-05-21 38 166 307 84 53 289 289 47 HASTHA 11 18.05 10
24-05-21 39 181 307 84 54 289 289 47 CHITHRA 12 17.14 13
25-05-21 40 196 307 85 55 289 289 47 SWATHI 13 16.22 16
26-05-21 41 211 307 86 56 289 289 47 VISHAKHA 15 15.30 1
27-05-21 42 226 307 86 58 289 289 47 ANURADHA 16 14.37
28-05-21 43 241 307 87 59 289 289 47 MOOLA 17 13.43 1
29-05-21 44 256 307 87 60 289 289 47 POORVASHAD 18 12.48
30-05-21 44 270 307 88 61 289 289 47 UTHRASHADA 19 11.53
31-05-21 45 284 307 89 62 289 289 47 SRAVANA 20 10.58
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 DHANISHTA 21 9.61
02-06-21 47 311 307 90 65 289 289 47 SATHABHISH 22 8.64
03-06-21 48 324 308 91 66 289 289 47 POORVABHAD 23 7.66
04-06-21 49 336 308 91 67 289 289 47 UTHARABHAD 24 6.68
05-06-21 50 348 308 92 69 289 289 47 REVATI 25 5.69 3.
06-06-21 51 .27 308 92 70 289 289 47 ASWINI 26 4.69 0.4
07-06-21 52 12 308 93 71 289 289 47 ASWINI 27 3.07 21.8
08-06-21 53 24 308 94 72 289 289 47 BHARANI 28 2.05 19
09-06-21 54 36 308 94 73 289 289 46 KRITHIKA 29 1.02 16.
10-06-21 55 48 308 95 75 289 289 46 ROHINI 30 24.06 13.5
11-06-21 56 59 308 95 76 289 289 46 MRIGASIRA 1 23.03 1
12-06-21 57 71 308 96 77 289 289 46 ARIDRA 2 21.99 8.
13-06-21 58 84 308 97 78 289 289 46 PUNARVASU 3 20.95
14-06-21 59 96 308 97 80 289 289 46 PUSHYA 4 19.90 4
15-06-21 60 108 308 98 81 289 289 46 ASLESHA 5 18.85
16-06-21 61 121 308 98 82 289 289 46 MAGHA 6 17.80 2
17-06-21 62 134 308 99 83 289 289 46 PUBBA 7 16.75 1
18-06-21 63 148 308 100 84 289 289 46 UTHARA 8 15.69
19-06-21 64 161 308 100 86 289 289 46 HASTHA 9 14.63
20-06-21 65 175 308 101 87 289 289 46 CHITHRA 10 13.57
21-06-21 66 190 308 102 88 289 289 46 SWATHI 11 12.51
22-06-21 66 204 308 102 89 289 289 46 VISHAKHA 12 11.44
23-06-21 67 219 308 103 91 289 289 46 ANURADHA 13 10.38
24-06-21 68 234 308 103 92 289 289 46 JYESHTA 14 9.31
25-06-21 69 249 308 104 93 288 288 46 MOOLA 15 8.24 1
26-06-21 70 264 308 105 94 288 288 46 POORVASHAD 17 7.1
27-06-21 71 278 308 105 95 288 288 45 UTHRASHADA 18 6.1
28-06-21 72 293 308 106 97 288 288 45 SRAVANA 19 5.02
29-06-21 73 306 308 107 98 288 288 45 DHANISHTA 20 3.95
30-06-21 74 319 308 107 99 288 288 45 SATHABHISH 21 2.87
01-07-21 75 332 308 108 100 288 288 45 POORVABHAD 22 1.
02-07-21 76 345 308 109 101 288 288 45 UTHARABHAD 23 0.
03-07-21 77 357 308 109 103 288 288 45 REVATI 24 23.69 1
04-07-21 78 8.8 308 110 104 288 288 45 ASWINI 25 22.61 15
05-07-21 79 21 308 110 105 288 288 45 BHARANI 26 20.62
06-07-21 80 32 308 111 106 288 288 45 KRITHIKA 27 19.53 1
07-07-21 81 44 308 111 107 288 288 45 ROHINI 27 18.44 7
08-07-21 82 56 308 112 109 288 288 45 MRIGASIRA 28 17.35
09-07-21 83 68 307 113 110 288 288 45 ARIDRA 29 16.26
10-07-21 84 80 307 113 111 288 288 45 PUNARVASU 30 15.17
11-07-21 85 93 307 114 112 288 288 45 PUNARVASU 1 14.09
12-07-21 86 105 307 115 114 288 288 45 PUSHYA 2 13.01
13-07-21 86 118 307 115 115 287 287 45 ASLESHA 3 11.93
14-07-21 87 131 307 116 116 287 287 44 MAGHA 4 10.85
15-07-21 88 145 307 116 117 287 287 44 PUBBA 5 9.78
16-07-21 89 158 307 117 118 287 287 44 UTHARA 6 8.70
17-07-21 90 172 307 118 120 287 287 44 HASTHA 7 7.63
18-07-21 91 186 307 118 121 287 287 44 CHITHRA 8 6.57
19-07-21 92 200 307 119 122 287 287 44 SWATHI 9 5.51
20-07-21 93 214 307 120 123 287 287 44 ANURADHA 11 4.45
21-07-21 94 229 307 120 124 287 287 44 JYESHTA 12 3.40
22-07-21 95 243 307 121 126 287 287 44 MOOLA 13 2.34
23-07-21 96 258 306 122 127 287 287 44 POORVASHAD 14 1.
24-07-21 97 272 306 122 128 287 287 44 UTHRASHADA 15 0.
25-07-21 98 287 306 123 129 287 287 44 SRAVANA 16 23.28
26-07-21 99 301 306 123 130 287 287 44 DHANISHTA 17 22.25
27-07-21 100 314 306 124 132 286 286 44 SATHABHISH 18 21.
28-07-21 101 328 306 125 133 286 286 44 POORVABHAD 19 20
29-07-21 102 340 306 125 134 286 286 44 UTHARABHAD 20 19
30-07-21 103 353 306 126 135 286 286 44 REVATI 21 18.14
31-07-21 104 5.0 306 127 136 286 286 44 ASWINI 22 17.12
01-08-21 105 17 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 15.11
02-08-21 106 29 305 128 139 286 286 44 KRITHIKA 24 14.10
03-08-21 107 41 305 128 140 286 286 44 ROHINI 25 13.10
04-08-21 108 52 305 129 141 286 286 43 ROHINI 26 12.10 2
05-08-21 108 64 305 130 142 286 286 43 MRIGASIRA 27 11.11
06-08-21 109 77 305 130 144 286 286 43 ARIDRA 28 10.13
07-08-21 110 89 305 131 145 286 286 43 PUNARVASU 29 9.1
08-08-21 111 102 305 132 146 286 286 43 PUSHYA 30 8.18
09-08-21 112 115 305 132 147 286 286 43 ASLESHA 1 7.22
10-08-21 113 128 304 133 148 285 285 43 MAKAM 2 6.26
11-08-21 114 141 304 133 149 285 285 43 PUBBA 3 5.32
12-08-21 115 155 304 134 151 285 285 43 UTHARA 4 4.38
13-08-21 116 169 304 135 152 285 285 43 HASTHA 5 3.45
14-08-21 117 183 304 135 153 285 285 43 CHITHRA 6 2.52
15-08-21 118 197 304 136 154 285 285 43 SWATHI 7 1.61
16-08-21 119 211 304 137 155 285 285 43 VISHAKHA 8 0.70
17-08-21 120 225 303 137 157 285 285 43 ANURADHA 9 23.8
18-08-21 121 239 303 138 158 285 285 43 JYESHTA 10 22.98
19-08-21 122 253 303 139 159 285 285 43 MOOLA 11 22.10
20-08-21 123 267 303 139 160 285 285 43 UTHRASHADA 13 21
21-08-21 124 282 303 140 161 285 285 43 SRAVANA 14 20.3
22-08-21 125 295 303 140 162 285 285 42 DHANISHTA 15 19.5
23-08-21 126 309 303 141 164 285 285 42 SATHABHISH 16 18.
24-08-21 127 323 303 142 165 284 284 42 POORVABHAD 17 17
25-08-21 128 336 302 142 166 284 284 42 UTHARABHAD 18 16
26-08-21 129 348 302 143 167 284 284 42 REVATI 19 16.15
27-08-21 130 .79 302 144 168 284 284 42 ASWINI 20 15.33
28-08-21 131 13 302 144 169 284 284 42 ASWINI 21 13.63 2
29-08-21 132 25 302 145 171 284 284 42 BHARANI 22 12.84
30-08-21 133 37 302 145 172 284 284 42 KRITHIKA 23 12.06
31-08-21 133 49 302 146 173 284 284 42 ROHINI 23 11.29 1
01-09-21 134 60 302 147 174 284 284 42 MRIGASIRA 24 10.52
02-09-21 135 72 301 147 175 284 284 42 ARIDRA 25 9.77
03-09-21 136 85 301 148 177 284 284 42 PUNARVASU 26 9.0
04-09-21 137 97 301 149 178 284 284 42 PUSHYA 27 8.30
05-09-21 138 110 301 149 179 284 284 42 ASLESHA 28 7.58
06-09-21 139 123 301 150 180 284 284 42 MAGHA 29 6.88
07-09-21 140 137 301 151 181 284 284 42 PUBBA 30 6.18
08-09-21 141 151 301 151 182 284 284 42 UTHARA 1 5.50
09-09-21 142 165 301 152 183 284 284 41 HASTHA 2 4.82
10-09-21 143 179 300 153 185 284 284 41 CHITHRA 3 4.16
11-09-21 144 193 300 153 186 283 283 41 SWATHI 5 3.51
12-09-21 145 208 300 154 187 283 283 41 VISHAKHA 6 2.87
13-09-21 146 222 300 155 188 283 283 41 ANURADHA 7 2.2
14-09-21 147 236 300 155 189 283 283 41 JYESHTA 8 1.63
15-09-21 148 250 300 156 190 283 283 41 MOOLA 9 1.02
16-09-21 149 264 300 156 192 283 283 41 POORVASHAD 10 0
17-09-21 150 278 300 157 193 283 283 41 UTHRASHADA 11 23
18-09-21 151 291 300 158 194 283 283 41 SRAVANA 12 23.3
19-09-21 152 305 300 158 195 283 283 41 DHANISHTA 13 22.7
20-09-21 153 318 299 159 196 283 283 41 SATHABHISH 14 22.
21-09-21 154 331 299 160 197 283 283 41 POORVABHAD 15 21
22-09-21 155 344 299 160 198 283 283 41 UTHARABHAD 16 21
23-09-21 156 357 299 161 199 283 283 41 REVATI 17 20.65
24-09-21 157 8.8 299 162 201 283 283 41 ASWINI 18 20.14 1
25-09-21 158 21 299 162 202 283 283 41 BHARANI 19 19.07
26-09-21 159 33 299 163 203 283 283 41 KRITHIKA 20 18.60
27-09-21 160 45 299 164 204 283 283 40 ROHINI 21 18.14
28-09-21 161 56 299 164 205 283 283 40 MRIGASIRA 22 17.70
29-09-21 162 68 299 165 206 283 283 40 ARIDRA 23 17.27
30-09-21 163 80 299 165 207 283 283 40 PUNARVASU 24 16.8
01-10-21 164 93 299 166 208 283 283 40 PUNARVASU 25 16.4
02-10-21 165 105 299 167 210 283 283 40 PUSHYA 26 16.05
03-10-21 166 118 299 167 211 283 283 40 ASLESHA 27 15.67
04-10-21 167 131 299 168 212 283 283 40 MAGHA 28 15.30
05-10-21 168 145 298 169 213 283 283 40 PUBBA 29 14.95
06-10-21 169 159 298 169 214 283 283 40 UTHARA 30 14.61
07-10-21 170 174 298 170 215 283 283 40 CHITHRA 1 14.28
08-10-21 171 188 298 171 216 283 283 40 SWATHI 2 13.96
09-10-21 172 203 298 171 217 283 283 40 VISHAKHA 3 13.66
10-10-21 173 218 298 172 218 283 283 40 ANURADHA 4 13.3
11-10-21 174 232 298 173 219 283 283 40 JYESHTA 5 13.09
12-10-21 175 247 298 173 221 283 283 40 MOOLA 7 12.82
13-10-21 176 261 298 174 222 283 283 40 POORVASHAD 8 12
14-10-21 177 275 298 175 223 283 283 40 UTHRASHADA 9 12
15-10-21 178 288 298 175 224 283 283 40 SRAVANA 10 12.0
16-10-21 178 302 298 176 225 283 283 40 DHANISHTA 11 11.8
17-10-21 179 315 298 177 226 283 283 40 SATHABHISH 12 11.
18-10-21 180 328 298 177 227 283 283 39 POORVABHAD 13 11
19-10-21 181 340 298 178 228 283 283 39 UTHARABHAD 14 11
20-10-21 182 353 298 179 229 283 283 39 REVATI 15 11.11
21-10-21 183 5.1 298 179 230 283 283 39 ASWINI 16 10.95
22-10-21 184 17 298 180 231 283 283 39 BHARANI 17 10.65
23-10-21 185 29 298 181 232 283 283 39 KRITHIKA 17 10.53
24-10-21 186 41 298 181 233 283 283 39 ROHINI 18 10.42
25-10-21 187 53 298 182 234 283 283 39 ROHINI 19 10.33 2
26-10-21 188 65 298 183 235 283 283 39 MRIGASIRA 20 10.25
27-10-21 189 76 298 183 236 283 283 39 ARIDRA 21 10.17
28-10-21 190 88 298 184 237 283 283 39 PUNARVASU 22 10.1
29-10-21 191 101 298 185 238 283 283 39 PUSHYA 23 10.06
30-10-21 192 113 298 185 239 283 283 39 ASLESHA 24 10.03
31-10-21 193 126 298 186 240 283 283 39 MAGHA 25 10.00
01-11-21 194 139 298 187 241 283 283 39 PUBBA 26 9.99
02-11-21 195 153 299 187 242 283 283 39 UTHARA 27 9.99
03-11-21 196 167 299 188 243 283 283 39 HASTHA 28 10.00
04-11-21 197 182 299 189 244 283 283 39 CHITHRA 29 10.02
05-11-21 198 197 299 189 245 283 283 38 SWATHI 30 10.05
06-11-21 199 212 299 190 246 283 283 38 VISHAKHA 2 10.09
07-11-21 200 227 299 191 247 283 283 38 JYESHTA 3 10.14
08-11-21 201 242 299 191 248 283 283 38 MOOLA 4 10.20
09-11-21 202 257 299 192 249 283 283 38 POORVASHAD 5 10
10-11-21 203 271 299 193 250 284 284 38 UTHRASHADA 6 10
11-11-21 204 285 299 193 251 284 284 38 SRAVANA 7 10.4
12-11-21 205 298 299 194 252 284 284 38 DHANISHTA 8 10.5
13-11-21 206 312 299 195 253 284 284 38 SATHABHISH 9 10.
14-11-21 207 325 299 196 253 284 284 38 POORVABHAD 10 10
15-11-21 208 337 299 196 254 284 284 38 UTHARABHAD 11 10
16-11-21 209 350 299 197 255 284 284 38 REVATI 12 11.07
17-11-21 210 1.9 300 198 256 284 284 38 ASWINI 13 11.22
18-11-21 211 14 300 198 257 284 284 38 BHARANI 14 11.70
19-11-21 212 26 300 199 258 284 284 38 BHARANI 15 11.89
20-11-21 214 38 300 200 258 284 284 38 KRITHIKA 16 12.09
21-11-21 215 50 300 200 259 284 284 38 ROHINI 17 12.30 1
22-11-21 216 61 300 201 260 284 284 38 MRIGASIRA 18 12.51
23-11-21 217 73 300 202 261 284 284 37 ARIDRA 19 12.74
24-11-21 218 85 300 202 262 284 284 37 PUNARVASU 19 12.9
25-11-21 219 97 300 203 262 284 284 37 PUSHYA 20 13.21
26-11-21 220 109 301 204 263 285 285 37 ASLESHA 21 13.46
27-11-21 221 122 301 204 264 285 285 37 MAGHA 22 13.71
28-11-21 222 135 301 205 264 285 285 37 PUBBA 23 13.98
29-11-21 223 148 301 206 265 285 285 37 UTHARA 24 14.25
30-11-21 224 161 301 206 266 285 285 37 HASTHA 25 14.53
01-12-21 225 175 301 207 266 285 285 37 CHITHRA 26 14.81
02-12-21 226 190 301 208 267 285 285 37 SWATHI 28 15.10
03-12-21 227 205 301 208 267 285 285 37 VISHAKHA 29 15.40
04-12-21 228 220 302 209 268 285 285 37 ANURADHA 30 15.7
05-12-21 229 235 302 210 268 285 285 37 JYESHTA 1 16.01
06-12-21 230 250 302 211 269 285 285 37 MOOLA 2 16.32
07-12-21 231 265 302 211 269 285 285 37 POORVASHAD 3 16
08-12-21 232 280 302 212 270 285 285 37 UTHRASHADA 5 16
09-12-21 233 294 302 213 270 286 286 37 DHANISHTA 6 17.3
10-12-21 234 308 302 213 270 286 286 37 SATHABHISH 7 17.
11-12-21 235 321 303 214 271 286 286 37 POORVABHAD 8 17
12-12-21 236 334 303 215 271 286 286 37 UTHARABHAD 9 18
13-12-21 237 347 303 215 271 286 286 37 REVATI 10 18.69
14-12-21 238 359 303 216 272 286 286 36 REVATI 11 19.05
15-12-21 239 11 303 217 272 286 286 36 ASWINI 12 19.42 1
16-12-21 240 23 303 218 272 286 286 36 BHARANI 12 20.54
17-12-21 241 35 304 218 272 286 286 36 KRITHIKA 13 20.93
18-12-21 242 47 304 219 272 286 286 36 ROHINI 14 21.32 1
19-12-21 243 58 304 220 272 286 286 36 MRIGASIRA 15 21.71
20-12-21 244 70 304 220 272 286 286 36 ARIDRA 16 22.11
21-12-21 245 82 304 221 272 287 287 36 PUNARVASU 17 22.5
22-12-21 246 94 304 222 272 287 287 36 PUSHYA 18 22.92
23-12-21 247 106 305 222 272 287 287 36 PUSHYA 19 23.33
24-12-21 248 119 305 223 272 287 287 36 ASLESHA 20 23.73
25-12-21 249 131 305 224 272 287 287 36 MAGHA 21 0.08
26-12-21 250 144 305 225 271 287 287 36 PUBBA 22 0.49
27-12-21 251 157 305 225 271 287 287 36 UTHARA 23 0.90
28-12-21 252 170 306 226 271 287 287 36 HASTHA 24 1.32
29-12-21 253 184 306 227 270 287 287 36 CHITHRA 25 1.73
30-12-21 254 198 306 227 270 287 287 36 SWATHI 26 2.14
31-12-21 255 213 306 228 270 288 288 36 VISHAKHA 27 2.56
01-01-22 256 228 306 229 269 288 288 35 JYESHTA 28 2.97
02-01-22 257 243 307 229 269 288 288 35 MOOLA 29 3.38
03-01-22 258 258 307 230 268 288 288 35 POORVASHAD 1 3
04-01-22 259 273 307 231 268 288 288 35 UTHRASHADA 2 4
05-01-22 260 288 307 232 267 288 288 35 SRAVANA 3 4.6
06-01-22 261 302 307 232 266 288 288 35 DHANISHTA 4 5.0
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 16.49
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 16.49
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 15.77
11-05-21 26 18 306 77 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 10.24 8
11-05-21 26 18 306 77 38 289 289 48 BHARANI 30 10.24 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 257 100 279 3.3 236 278 278 55 POOYAM 17 18.84
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
16-05-21 31 77 306 80 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 5.49 18
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 0.17 13
16-05-21 31 74 306 79 44 289 289 48 THIRUVATHI 4 0.17 13
01-01-21 257 99 279 3.2 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 15.77
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-12 256 340 6.4 146 290 184 184 229 UTHRATTATH 8 17.
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
30-05-21 45 273 307 88 62 289 289 47 UTHRADAM 20 16.57
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-05-21 17 251 304 70 26 289 289 48 MOOLAM 20 18.41 2
01-01-22 256 228 306 229 269 288 288 35 THRIKKETTA 28 3.8
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 47 301 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 22 14.59 13
01-06-21 46 298 307 89 64 289 289 47 AVITTAM 21 9.30 8
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-01-21 256 96 279 3.1 236 277 277 55 POOYAM 17 10.15
01-07-21 75 335 308 108 100 288 288 45 UTHRATTATH 22 6.3
01-07-21 75 335 308 108 100 288 288 45 UTHRATTATH 22 6.3
01-01-22 256 231 306 229 269 288 288 35 THRIKKETTA 28 9.4
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
15-07-21 89 147 307 117 117 287 287 44 UTHRAM 5 13.82
15-07-21 89 148 307 117 117 287 287 44 UTHRAM 5 14.77
16-07-21 89 158 307 117 118 287 287 44 UTHRAM 6 8.40
30-07-21 103 356 306 126 135 286 286 44 REVATI 22 22.52
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.58
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
01-08-21 105 20 305 127 138 286 286 44 BHARANI 23 20.42
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
04-08-21 108 55 305 129 141 286 286 43 MAKAYIRAM 26 17.3
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 28 16.5
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 28 16.8
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 79 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.27
06-08-21 110 80 305 130 144 286 286 43 THIRUVATHI 28 15.43
07-08-21 111 92 305 131 145 286 286 43 PUNARTHAM 29 14.2
11-08-21 115 146 304 134 150 285 285 43 POORAM 3 12.69
12-08-21 116 160 304 134 151 285 285 43 ATHAM 4 12.59
30-08-21 133 39 302 146 172 284 284 42 KARTHIKA 23 17.31
30-08-21 133 39 302 146 172 284 284 42 KARTHIKA 23 17.31
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
31-08-21 134 51 302 146 173 284 284 42 ROHINI 24 16.51 2
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
04-09-21 138 100 301 149 178 284 284 42 POOYAM 27 13.42
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
05-09-21 139 113 301 149 179 284 284 42 AYILYAM 28 12.67
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 65 301 147 175 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 19.1
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
01-09-21 135 63 302 147 174 284 284 42 MAKAYIRAM 25 15.7
Gulika Rising is considered malign. Beware !
1 Mon 1 30 3 0
2 Sat 6 0 7 30
3 Fri 7 30 9 0
4 Wed 10 30 12 30
5 Thu 9 0 10 30
6 Tue 12 0 1 30
7 Sun 3 0 4 30
Yamakanadaka is a benign satellite of Jupiter. Ganymede?
1 Mon 10 30 12 0
2 Sat 1 30 3 0
3 Fri 3 0 4 30
4 Wed 7 30 9 0
5 Thu 6 0 7 30
6 Tue 9 0 10 30
7 Sun 12 0 1 30
1 26/04/22 Thrip
2 12/05/22 Guruv
3 01/03/22 Deepa
4 02/05/22 Trikk
5 / / Naray
6 20/12/21 Thirv
7 / / Kuche
8 24/04/22 Patha
9 16/04/22 Chith
10 03/05/22 Aksha
11 08/08/21 Katak
12 20/11/21 Ashta
13 07/10/21 Nava
14 13/10/21 DURGA
15 14/10/21 MAHA
16 15/10/21 VIJAY
17 30/05/22 Kala
18 17/10/21 Tula
19 20/03/22 Easte
20 18/03/22 Good
21 17/03/22 Monte
22 14/01/22 Ponga
23 17/07/21 Ramay
24 08/02/22 Makar
25 07/03/22 Kumbh
26 14/04/21 Vishu
27 17/10/21 Tula
28 18/01/22 Makar
29 12/08/21 Start
30 21/08/21 Onam
31 20/08/21 First
32 22/08/21 Avani
33 23/08/21 Chath
34 14/01/22 Makar
35 08/08/21 Katak
36 24/07/21 Guru
37 11/10/21 Sanka
Longitudes of Planets at Sunrise - Guruvayur proximate to September 22
Start of the Hindu Lunar Months
Start Month Rithu No Cno
14/01/21 Pausha Hemanta 1 10
12/02/21 Magha Sisira 2 11
14/03/21 Phalguna Sisira 3 12
13/04/21 Chaitra Vasanta 4 1
12/05/21 Vaishakha Vasanta 5 2
11/06/21 Jyeshta Greeshma 6 3
11/07/21 Ashada Greeshma 7 4
09/08/21 Sravana Varsha 8 5
08/09/21 Bhadra Varsha 9 6
07/10/21 Aswina Sharath 10 7
05/11/21 Kartika Sharath 11 8
05/12/21 Margahirsh Hemanta 12 9
Ascensional Difference- Chara- for different Latitudes in Minutes
Lat D1 D5 D10 D15 D20 D25 D30 D23a
1 4 21 42 64 87 112 139 104
2 8 42 85 129 175 224 277 208
3 13 63 127 193 262 336 416 313
4 17 84 170 258 350 448 555 417
5 21 104 212 322 438 561 695 522
6 25 126 255 387 526 674 835 627
7 29 148 298 452 615 788 976 732
8 34 169 341 518 704 902 1117 839
9 38 191 384 584 793 1017 1259 945
10 42 212 428 650 883 1132 1402 1052
11 47 234 471 716 974 1248 1546 1161
12 51 256 516 783 1065 1365 1692 1269
13 55 278 560 851 1157 1483 1838 1379
14 60 300 605 919 1250 1602 1986 1490
15 64 322 650 988 1344 1723 2136 1601
16 69 345 696 1058 1438 1844 2287 1704
17 73 368 742 1128 1533 1967 2440 1828
18 78 391 788 1199 1630 2092 2595 1944
19 83 414 835 1271 1728 2218 2752 2061
20 87 438 883 1343 1827 2345 2931 2179
21 92 462 931 1417 1928 2474 3073 2300
22 97 486 980 1492 2029 2606 3237 2421
23 102 511 1030 1568 2133 2741 3405 2545
24 107 536 1081 1644 2238 2876 3575 2671
25 112 561 1132 1723 2345 3015 3748 2800
26 117 587 1184 1802 2454 3154 3925 2930
27 122 613 1237 1883 2565 3299 4105 3064
28 128 640 1291 1966 2678 3445 4291 3200
29 133 667 1346 2050 2793 3584 4480 3339
30 139 695 1402 2136 2911 3748 4673 3480
31 144 723 1460 2224 3032 3904 4872 3625
32 150 752 1518 2313 3155 4064 5075 3773
33 156 782 1578 2405 3281 4231 5285 3925
34 162 812 1636 2499 3411 4399 5481 4082
35 168 843 1702 2595 3544 4573 5723 4242
36 174 875 1766 2694 3680 4753 5952 4408
37 181 907 1833 2796 3820 4937 6189 4578
38 188 941 1900 2900 3965 5129 6435 4753
39 194 975 1970 3028 4114 5324 6690 4936
40 201 1010 2042 3118 4268 5527 6954 5122
41 209 1047 2116 3233 4427 5739 7230 5321
42 216 1084 2192 3351 4591 5958 7517 5516
43 224 1123 2271 3473 4762 6186 7818 5725
44 232 1163 2353 3599 4939 6423 8133 5942
45 240 1205 2437 3730 5123 6671 8463 6169
46 249 1248 2525 3866 5314 6929 8812 6404
47 257 1292 2616 4008 5514 7201 9181 6651
48 267 1338 2710 4155 5722 7486 9572 6909
49 276 1386 2809 4309 5941 7786 9988 7182
50 286 1436 2911 4469 6170 8102 10434 7468
51 296 1489 3018 4637 6410 8438 10914 7468
52 307 1543 3130 4814 6664 8795 11435 8092
53 318 1600 3248 4996 6932 9175 12003 8432
54 330 1660 3371 5194 7215 9583 12629 8817
55 343 1723 3500 5400 7517 10021 13330 9185
56 356 1789 3637 5618 7838 10496 15061 10063
57 370 1858 3781 5848 8181 11014 15061 10063
58 384 1932 3934 6094 8550 11584 16203 10548
59 400 2009 4096 6356 8948 12217 17741 11058
60 416 2092 4268 6637 9379 12928 21600 11689
61 433 2179 4452 6938 9850 13685 0 12960
62 452 2273 4648 7263 10367 14708 0 13118
63 471 2373 4859 7615 10941 15860 0 14016
64 492 2480 5086 7998 11584 17510 0 15067
65 514 2595 5332 8418 12314 21600 0 16427
66 529 2719 5599 8880 13160 0 0 18464
67 565 2854 5890 9394 14167 0 0 0
68 594 3002 6210 9970 15425 0 0 0
69 625 3161 6562 10624 17153 0 0 0
70 660 3338 6955 11377 21600 0 0 0
0 21877 -23.09 64996 -23.06
4 21894 -22.74 65107 -22.69
8 22000 -22.27 65212 -22.20
12 22097 -21.67 65309 -21.59
16 22185 -20.97 65395 -20.87
20 22261 -20.16 65470 -20.05
24 22326 -19.25 65533 -19.12
28 22378 -18.24 65584 -18.11
51 22418 -17.14 65622 -17.00
55 22444 -15.89 65647 -15.82
59 22458 -14.72 65658 -14.56
63 22458 -13.41 65657 -13.24
67 22446 -12.04 65644 -11.86
71 22424 -10.62 65620 -10.44
75 22391 -9.15 65586 -8.96
101 22349 -7.65 65543 -7.46
105 22296 -6.12 65492 -5.92
109 22242 -4.56 65434 -4.37
113 22179 -2.99 65371 -2.79
117 22111 -1.42 65302 -1.22
121 22040 0.17 65231 0.36
125 21968 1.74 65158 1.94
129 21895 3.31 65086 3.50
152 21823 4.86 65014 5.05
156 21753 6.38 64944 6.57
160 21686 7.88 64878 8.07
164 21623 9.34 64815 9.52
168 21565 10.60 64758 10.94
172 21514 12.13 64708 12.30
176 21470 13.45 64665 13.62
180 21434 14.71 64630 14.87
204 21408 15.91 64606 16.06
208 21388 17.04 64586 17.17
212 21378 18.09 64577 18.21
216 21382 19.06 64577 19.18
220 21385 19.94 64587 20.05
224 21402 20.82 64604 20.73
228 21427 21.43 64631 21.51
251 21460 22.36 64665 22.10
255 21499 22.53 64705 22.58
259 21544 22.92 64750 22.96
263 21592 23.20 64798 23.23
267 21642 23.38 64849 23.39
271 21694 23.44 64901 23.44
275 21746 23.40 64952 23.39
279 21796 23.24 65003 23.22
303 21843 22.97 65049 22.94
307 21885 22.61 65090 22.56
311 21921 22.14 65125 22.07
315 21950 21.56 65153 21.48
319 21970 20.89 65172 20.79
323 21983 20.12 65184 20.15
327 21986 19.26 65186 19.15
331 21980 18.32 65178 18.19
354 21963 17.28 65161 17.16
358 21937 16.20 65133 16.05
362 21902 15.03 65097 14.87
366 21857 13.80 65051 13.64
370 21805 12.52 64997 12.35
374 21745 11.17 64937 11.00
378 21678 9.78 64869 9.61
401 21605 8.35 64796 8.20
405 21588 6.89 64718 6.70
409 21446 5.39 64636 5.20
413 21362 3.87 64551 3.68
417 21277 2.33 64466 2.13
421 21192 0.78 64381 0.58
425 21108 -0.78 64298 -0.97
429 21027 -2.33 64217 -2.53
453 20950 -3.89 64140 -4.08
457 20877 -5.41 64069 -5.62
461 20811 -6.95 64003 -7.14
465 20753 -8.44 63946 -8.63
469 20704 -9.91 63898 -10.09
473 20665 -11.34 63861 -11.51
477 20637 -12.72 63834 -12.89
481 20621 -14.05 63820 -14.31
504 20617 -15.32 63816 -15.47
508 20626 -16.52 63828 -16.66
512 20648 -17.64 63852 -17.78
516 20685 -18.69 63890 -18.82
520 20735 -19.65 63942 -19.76
524 20798 -20.51 64007 -20.61
528 20873 -21.27 64084 -21.36
552 20960 -21.93 64172 -22.00
556 21056 -22.47 64269 -22.53
560 21161 -22.90 64375 -22.95
564 21272 -23.20 64487 -23.23
568 21389 -23.39 64604 -23.40
572 21508 -23.44 64723 -23.44
576 21628 -23.38 64843 -23.36
580 21746 -23.18 64960 -23.15
584 21860 -22.86 65073 -22.82
Table of Reffraction Correction for different Latitudes
Lat D0 D10 D15 D20 D23
0 188 191 195 200 205
10 191 194 198 204 209
20 200 204 208 215 224
30 217 222 227 236 245
35 230 235 242 253 262
40 245 252 261 274 287
45 266 274 286 304 322
50 293 304 319 346 373
55 328 344 368 409 458
60 376 401 440 515 629
A useful Table used in EQT Computation showing varations
300 -20.15 13 20
330 -11.47 21 69
0 0.00 24 121
30 11.47 21 170
60 20.15 12 221
90 23.45 0 272
120 20.15 -12 323
150 11.47 -20 373
180 0.00 -23 423
210 11.47 -21 474
240 -20.15 -13 523
270 23.45 0 572
The Lunation Degrees
120 YEARS IS Total Period-
Out of which Venus gets 20
and Saturn gets 19 et al.
PLANET blord clord dasa y m d mas din
SATURN SATURN SATURN 19 3 0 21 5 24 0
SATURN SATURN KETU 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN VENUS 19 3 0 21 6 3 0
SATURN SATURN SUN 19 3 0 21 1 24 54
SATURN SATURN MOON 19 3 0 21 3 1 30
SATURN SATURN MARS 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN RAHU 19 3 0 21 5 25 48
SATURN SATURN JUPITER 19 3 0 21 4 26 24
SATURN MERCURY KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MERCURY MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 3
SATURN MERCURY MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN KETU SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN KETU MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN KETU MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN KETU SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN KETU MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN VENUS VENUS 19 3 0 1 6 3 0
SATURN VENUS SUN 19 3 0 1 1 24 54
SATURN VENUS MOON 19 3 0 1 3 1 30
SATURN VENUS MARS 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN VENUS RAHU 19 3 0 1 5 25 48
SATURN VENUS JUPITER 19 3 0 1 4 26 24
SATURN VENUS SATURN 19 3 0 1 0 0 0
SATURN VENUS KETU 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN SUN SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN SUN MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN SUN MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
SATURN SUN JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN SUN SATURN 19 3 0 24 0 0 0
SATURN SUN MERCURY 19 3 0 24 5 5 42
SATURN SUN KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN MOON MOON 19 3 0 6 3 1 30
SATURN MOON MARS 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON RAHU 19 3 0 6 5 25 48
SATURN MOON JUPITER 19 3 0 6 4 26 24
SATURN MOON SATURN 19 3 0 6 0 0 0
SATURN MOON MERCURY 19 3 0 6 5 5 4
SATURN MOON KETU 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON VENUS 19 3 0 6 6 3 0
SATURN MOON SUN 19 3 0 6 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN MARS JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN MARS SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN MARS MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN MARS KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN MARS SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU RAHU 19 2 10 4 5 25 48
SATURN RAHU JUPITER 19 2 10 4 4 26 24
SATURN RAHU SATURN 19 2 10 4 0 0 0
SATURN RAHU MERCURY 19 2 10 4 5 5 42
SATURN RAHU KETU 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN RAHU VENUS 19 2 10 4 6 3 0
SATURN RAHU SUN 19 2 10 4 1 24 54
SATURN RAHU MOON 19 2 10 4 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU MARS 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN JUPITER KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN JUPITER SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN JUPITER MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN JUPITER MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
MERCURY KETU KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY KETU SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY KETU MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY KETU MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY KETU JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY KETU SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY VENUS VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY VENUS SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY VENUS MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY VENUS MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY VENUS RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY VENUS JUPITER 17 2 6 30 3 27 1
MERCURY VENUS SATURN 17 2 6 30 4 4 3
MERCURY VENUS KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN SUN 17 2 6 15 1 14 6
MERCURY SUN MOON 17 2 6 15 2 13 12
MERCURY SUN MARS 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN RAHU 17 2 6 15 4 20 42
MERCURY SUN JUPITER 17 2 6 15 3 27 18
MERCURY SUN SATURN 17 2 6 15 4 4 30
MERCURY SUN KETU 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN VENUS 17 2 6 15 4 26 42
MERCURY MOON MOON 17 2 6 19 2 13 1
MERCURY MOON MARS 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON RAHU 17 2 6 19 4 20 42
MERCURY MOON JUPITER 17 2 6 19 3 27 1
MERCURY MOON SATURN 17 2 6 19 4 4 3
MERCURY MOON KETU 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON VENUS 17 2 6 19 4 26 4
MERCURY MOON SUN 17 2 6 19 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY MARS JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY MARS SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY MARS KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY MARS SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU RAHU 17 2 7 18 4 20 42
MERCURY RAHU JUPITER 17 2 7 18 3 27 18
MERCURY RAHU SATURN 17 2 7 18 4 4 30
MERCURY RAHU KETU 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY RAHU VENUS 17 2 7 18 4 26 42
MERCURY RAHU SUN 17 2 7 18 1 14 6
MERCURY RAHU MOON 17 2 7 18 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU MARS 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY JUPITER SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY JUPITER MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY JUPITER MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY SATURN KETU 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN VENUS 17 2 8 3 4 26 4
MERCURY SATURN SUN 17 2 8 3 1 14 6
MERCURY SATURN MOON 17 2 8 3 2 13 1
MERCURY SATURN MARS 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN RAHU 17 2 8 3 4 20 42
KETU KETU KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU KETU SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU KETU MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU KETU MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU KETU JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU KETU SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU VENUS KETU 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS VENUS 7 0 5 25 0 24 52
KETU VENUS SUN 7 0 5 25 0 7 28
KETU VENUS MOON 7 0 5 25 0 12 25
KETU VENUS MARS 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS RAHU 7 0 5 25 0 23 51
KETU VENUS JUPITER 7 0 5 25 0 19 53
KETU VENUS SATURN 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS MERCURY 7 0 5 25 0 21 7
KETU SUN SUN 7 0 5 7 0 7 28
KETU SUN MOON 7 0 5 7 0 12 25
KETU SUN MARS 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN RAHU 7 0 5 7 0 23 51
KETU SUN JUPITER 7 0 5 7 0 19 53
KETU SUN SATURN 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN MERCURY 7 0 5 7 0 21 7
KETU SUN KETU 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN VENUS 7 0 5 7 0 24 52
KETU MOON MOON 7 0 5 13 0 12 25
KETU MOON MARS 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON RAHU 7 0 5 13 0 23 51
KETU MOON JUPITER 7 0 5 13 0 19 53
KETU MOON SATURN 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON MERCURY 7 0 5 13 0 21 7
KETU MOON KETU 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON VENUS 7 0 5 13 0 24 52
KETU MOON SUN 7 0 5 13 0 7 28
KETU MARS MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU MARS JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU MARS SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU MARS KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU MARS SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU MARS MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
KETU RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
KETU RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
KETU RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
KETU RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
KETU RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
KETU RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 5 20 0 19 53
KETU JUPITER SATURN 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER MERCURY 7 0 5 20 0 21 7
KETU JUPITER KETU 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER VENUS 7 0 5 20 0 24 52
KETU JUPITER SUN 7 0 5 20 0 7 28
KETU JUPITER MOON 7 0 5 20 0 12 25
KETU JUPITER MARS 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER RAHU 7 0 5 20 0 23 51
KETU SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
KETU SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
KETU SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
KETU SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
KETU SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
KETU SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY KETU 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY VENUS 7 0 5 21 0 24 52
KETU MERCURY SUN 7 0 5 21 0 7 28
KETU MERCURY MOON 7 0 5 21 0 12 25
KETU MERCURY MARS 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY RAHU 7 0 5 21 0 23 51
KETU MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 5 21 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY SATURN 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
VENUSI VENUS VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS VENUS MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 24
VENUS VENUS MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS VENUS RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS VENUS JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 18
VENUS VENUS SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS MERCURY 20 3 4 20 5 22 3
VENUS VENUS KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS SUN SUN 20 3 4 30 2 0 54
VENUS SUN MOON 20 3 4 30 3 11 24
VENUS SUN MARS 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN RAHU 20 3 4 30 6 14 42
VENUS SUN JUPITER 20 3 4 30 5 12 18
VENUS SUN SATURN 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS SUN MERCURY 20 3 4 30 5 22 30
VENUS SUN KETU 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN VENUS 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MOON 20 3 4 16 3 11 24
VENUS MOON MARS 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON RAHU 20 3 4 16 6 14 42
VENUS MOON JUPITER 20 3 4 16 5 12 18
VENUS MOON SATURN 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MERCURY 20 3 4 16 5 22 3
VENUS MOON KETU 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON VENUS 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON SUN 20 3 4 16 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS MARS JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS MARS SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
VENUS MARS KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU RAHU 20 3 0 12 6 14 42
VENUS RAHU JUPITER 20 3 0 12 5 12 18
VENUS RAHU SATURN 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU MERCURY 20 3 0 12 5 22 30
VENUS RAHU KETU 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS RAHU VENUS 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU SUN 20 3 0 12 2 0 54
VENUS RAHU MOON 20 3 0 12 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU MARS 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS JUPITER SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 3
VENUS JUPITER KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS JUPITER MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS JUPITER MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN SATURN 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN MERCURY 20 3 2 1 5 22 3
VENUS SATURN KETU 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN VENUS 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN SUN 20 3 2 1 2 0 54
VENUS SATURN MOON 20 3 2 1 3 11 24
VENUS SATURN MARS 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN RAHU 20 3 2 1 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN JUPITER 20 3 2 1 5 12 18
VENUS MERCURY KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS MERCURY SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS MERCURY MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 2
VENUS MERCURY MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS MERCURY JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 1
VENUS MERCURY SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS KETU KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS KETU MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS KETU MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS KETU JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS KETU SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
SUN SUN SUN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MOON 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MARS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN RAHU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN JUPITER 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN SATURN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MERCURY 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN KETU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN VENUS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN MOON MOON 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MARS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON RAHU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON JUPITER 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SATURN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MERCURY 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON KETU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON VENUS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SUN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MARS MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN RAHU RAHU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU JUPITER 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SATURN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MERCURY 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU KETU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU VENUS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SUN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MOON 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MARS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER JUPITER 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SATURN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MERCURY 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER KETU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER VENUS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SUN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MOON 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MARS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER RAHU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SATURN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MERCURY 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN KETU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN VENUS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SUN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MOON 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MARS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN RAHU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN JUPITER 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY KETU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY VENUS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SUN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MOON 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MARS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY RAHU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY JUPITER 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SATURN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN KETU KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN VENUS VENUS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SUN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MOON 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MARS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS RAHU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS JUPITER 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SATURN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MERCURY 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS KETU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
MOON MOON MOON 10 0 10 27 0 25 22
MOON MOON MARS 10 0 10 27 0 17 45
MOON MOON RAHU 10 0 10 27 1 18 36
MOON MOON JUPITER 10 0 10 27 1 10 30
MOON MOON SATURN 10 0 10 27 0 25 22
MOON MOON MERCURY 10 0 10 27 1 13 1
MOON MOON KETU 10 0 10 27 0 17 45
MOON MOON VENUS 10 0 10 27 1 20 42
MOON MOON SUN 10 0 10 27 0 15 12
MOON MARS MARS 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON MARS RAHU 10 0 10 18 1 18 36
MOON MARS JUPITER 10 0 10 18 1 10 30
MOON MARS SATURN 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON MARS MERCURY 10 0 10 18 1 13 12
MOON MARS KETU 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON MARS VENUS 10 0 10 18 1 20 42
MOON MARS SUN 10 0 10 18 0 15 12
MOON MARS MOON 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON RAHU RAHU 10 1 6 21 1 18 36
MOON RAHU JUPITER 10 1 6 21 1 10 30
MOON RAHU SATURN 10 1 6 21 0 25 22
MOON RAHU MERCURY 10 1 6 21 1 13 12
MOON RAHU KETU 10 1 6 21 0 17 45
MOON RAHU VENUS 10 1 6 21 1 20 42
MOON RAHU SUN 10 1 6 21 0 15 12
MOON RAHU MOON 10 1 6 21 0 25 22
MOON RAHU MARS 10 1 6 21 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER JUPITER 10 0 10 10 1 10 30
MOON JUPITER SATURN 10 0 10 10 0 25 22
MOON JUPITER MERCURY 10 0 10 10 1 13 1
MOON JUPITER KETU 10 0 10 10 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER VENUS 10 0 10 10 1 20 42
MOON JUPITER SUN 10 0 10 10 0 15 12
MOON JUPITER MOON 10 0 10 10 0 25 22
MOON JUPITER MARS 10 0 10 10 0 17 45
MOON JUPITER RAHU 10 0 10 10 1 18 36
MOON SATURN SATURN 10 1 7 0 0 25 22
MOON SATURN MERCURY 10 1 7 0 1 13 1
MOON SATURN KETU 10 1 7 0 0 17 45
MOON SATURN VENUS 10 1 7 0 1 20 42
MOON SATURN SUN 10 1 7 0 0 15 12
MOON SATURN MOON 10 1 7 0 0 25 22
MOON SATURN MARS 10 1 7 0 0 17 45
MOON SATURN RAHU 10 1 7 0 1 18 36
MOON SATURN JUPITER 10 1 7 0 1 10 30
MOON MERCURY MERCURY 10 0 10 13 1 13
MOON MERCURY KETU 10 0 10 13 0 17 45
MOON MERCURY VENUS 10 0 10 13 1 20 4
MOON MERCURY SUN 10 0 10 13 0 15 12
MOON MERCURY MOON 10 0 10 13 0 25 2
MOON MERCURY MARS 10 0 10 13 0 17 45
MOON MERCURY RAHU 10 0 10 13 1 18 36
MOON MERCURY JUPITER 10 0 10 13 1 10 3
MOON MERCURY SATURN 10 0 10 13 0 25 2
MOON KETU KETU 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON KETU VENUS 10 0 10 18 1 20 42
MOON KETU SUN 10 0 10 18 0 15 12
MOON KETU MOON 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON KETU MARS 10 0 10 18 0 17 45
MOON KETU RAHU 10 0 10 18 1 18 36
MOON KETU JUPITER 10 0 10 18 1 10 30
MOON KETU SATURN 10 0 10 18 0 25 22
MOON KETU MERCURY 10 0 10 18 1 13 12
MOON VENUS VENUS 10 0 10 20 1 20 42
MOON VENUS SUN 10 0 10 20 0 15 12
MOON VENUS MOON 10 0 10 20 0 25 22
MOON VENUS MARS 10 0 10 20 0 17 45
MOON VENUS RAHU 10 0 10 20 1 18 36
MOON VENUS JUPITER 10 0 10 20 1 10 30
MOON VENUS SATURN 10 0 10 20 0 25 22
MOON VENUS MERCURY 10 0 10 20 1 13 1
MOON VENUS KETU 10 0 10 20 0 17 45
MOON SUN SUN 10 0 10 15 0 15 12
MOON SUN MOON 10 0 10 15 0 25 22
MOON SUN MARS 10 0 10 15 0 17 45
MOON SUN RAHU 10 0 10 15 1 18 36
MOON SUN JUPITER 10 0 10 15 1 10 30
MOON SUN SATURN 10 0 10 15 0 25 22
MOON SUN MERCURY 10 0 10 15 1 13 12
MOON SUN KETU 10 0 10 15 0 17 45
MOON SUN VENUS 10 0 10 15 1 20 42
MARS MARS MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MARS JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MARS SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS MARS KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MARS VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MARS SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS MARS MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
MARS RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
MARS RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
MARS RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
MARS RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
MARS RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
MARS RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS JUPITER SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS JUPITER SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS JUPITER MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS JUPITER MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS JUPITER RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
MARS SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
MARS SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
MARS SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
MARS SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
MARS SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
MARS SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
MARS MERCURY KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MERCURY VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MERCURY SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS MERCURY MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS MERCURY MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MERCURY RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MERCURY SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS KETU SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS KETU MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS KETU MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS KETU JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS KETU SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS KETU MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS VENUS VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS VENUS SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS VENUS MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS VENUS MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS VENUS RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS VENUS JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS VENUS SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS VENUS MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS VENUS KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
MARS SUN MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS SUN MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS SUN JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS SUN SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS SUN KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS SUN VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MOON MOON 7 0 0 0 0 12 25
MARS MOON MARS 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON RAHU 7 0 0 0 0 23 51
MARS MOON JUPITER 7 0 0 0 0 19 53
MARS MOON SATURN 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON MERCURY 7 0 0 0 0 21 7
MARS MOON KETU 7 0 0 0 0 8 42
MARS MOON VENUS 7 0 0 0 0 24 52
MARS MOON SUN 7 0 0 0 0 7 28
RAHU RAHU RAHU 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU RAHU JUPITER 18 2 9 26 4 11 24
RAHU RAHU SATURN 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU RAHU MERCURY 18 2 9 26 4 19 48
RAHU RAHU KETU 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU RAHU VENUS 18 2 9 26 5 14 24
RAHU RAHU SUN 18 2 9 26 1 19 12
RAHU RAHU MOON 18 2 9 26 2 22 12
RAHU RAHU MARS 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER JUPITER 18 2 9 10 4 11 24
RAHU JUPITER SATURN 18 2 9 10 5 7 48
RAHU JUPITER MERCURY 18 2 9 10 4 19 48
RAHU JUPITER KETU 18 2 9 10 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER VENUS 18 2 9 10 5 14 24
RAHU JUPITER SUN 18 2 9 10 1 19 12
RAHU JUPITER MOON 18 2 9 10 2 22 12
RAHU JUPITER MARS 18 2 9 10 1 27 36
RAHU JUPITER RAHU 18 2 9 10 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN SATURN 18 2 10 12 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN MERCURY 18 2 10 12 4 19 48
RAHU SATURN KETU 18 2 10 12 1 27 36
RAHU SATURN VENUS 18 2 10 12 5 14 24
RAHU SATURN SUN 18 2 10 12 1 19 12
RAHU SATURN MOON 18 2 10 12 2 22 12
RAHU SATURN MARS 18 2 10 12 1 27 36
RAHU SATURN RAHU 18 2 10 12 5 7 48
RAHU SATURN JUPITER 18 2 10 12 4 11 24
RAHU MERCURY KETU 18 2 9 18 1 27 36
RAHU MERCURY VENUS 18 2 9 18 5 14 24
RAHU MERCURY SUN 18 2 9 18 1 19 12
RAHU MERCURY MOON 18 2 9 18 2 22 12
RAHU MERCURY MARS 18 2 9 18 1 27 36
RAHU MERCURY RAHU 18 2 9 18 5 7 48
RAHU MERCURY JUPITER 18 2 9 18 4 11 24
RAHU MERCURY SATURN 18 2 9 18 5 7 48
RAHU KETU KETU 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU KETU VENUS 18 2 9 27 5 14 24
RAHU KETU SUN 18 2 9 27 1 19 12
RAHU KETU MOON 18 2 9 27 2 22 12
RAHU KETU MARS 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU KETU RAHU 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU KETU JUPITER 18 2 9 27 4 11 24
RAHU KETU SATURN 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU KETU MERCURY 18 2 9 27 4 19 48
RAHU VENUS VENUS 18 2 9 12 5 14 24
RAHU VENUS SUN 18 2 9 12 1 19 12
RAHU VENUS MOON 18 2 9 12 2 22 12
RAHU VENUS MARS 18 2 9 12 1 27 36
RAHU VENUS RAHU 18 2 9 12 5 7 48
RAHU VENUS JUPITER 18 2 9 12 4 11 24
RAHU VENUS SATURN 18 2 9 12 5 7 48
RAHU VENUS MERCURY 18 2 9 12 4 19 48
RAHU VENUS KETU 18 2 9 12 1 27 36
RAHU SUN SUN 18 2 9 19 1 19 12
RAHU SUN MOON 18 2 9 19 2 22 12
RAHU SUN MARS 18 2 9 19 1 27 36
RAHU SUN RAHU 18 2 9 19 5 7 48
RAHU SUN JUPITER 18 2 9 19 4 11 24
RAHU SUN SATURN 18 2 9 19 5 7 48
RAHU SUN MERCURY 18 2 9 19 4 19 48
RAHU SUN KETU 18 2 9 19 1 27 36
RAHU SUN VENUS 18 2 9 19 5 14 24
RAHU MOON MOON 18 2 9 26 2 22 12
RAHU MOON MARS 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU MOON RAHU 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU MOON JUPITER 18 2 9 26 4 11 24
RAHU MOON SATURN 18 2 9 26 5 7 48
RAHU MOON MERCURY 18 2 9 26 4 19 48
RAHU MOON KETU 18 2 9 26 1 27 36
RAHU MOON VENUS 18 2 9 26 5 14 24
RAHU MOON SUN 18 2 9 26 1 19 12
RAHU MARS MARS 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU MARS RAHU 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU MARS JUPITER 18 2 9 27 4 11 24
RAHU MARS SATURN 18 2 9 27 5 7 48
RAHU MARS MERCURY 18 2 9 27 4 19 48
RAHU MARS KETU 18 2 9 27 1 27 36
RAHU MARS VENUS 18 2 9 27 5 14 24
RAHU MARS SUN 18 2 9 27 1 19 12
RAHU MARS MOON 18 2 9 27 2 22 12
JUPITER JUPITER SATURN 16 2 2 12 3 13 48
JUPITER JUPITER KETU 16 2 2 12 1 15 36
JUPITER JUPITER VENUS 16 2 2 12 4 9 54
JUPITER JUPITER SUN 16 2 2 12 1 9 0
JUPITER JUPITER MOON 16 2 2 12 2 4 48
JUPITER JUPITER MARS 16 2 2 12 1 15 36
JUPITER JUPITER RAHU 16 2 2 12 4 4 48
JUPITER SATURN SATURN 16 2 6 24 3 13 48
JUPITER SATURN KETU 16 2 6 24 1 15 36
JUPITER SATURN VENUS 16 2 6 24 4 9 54
JUPITER SATURN SUN 16 2 6 24 1 9 0
JUPITER SATURN MOON 16 2 6 24 2 4 48
JUPITER SATURN MARS 16 2 6 24 1 15 36
JUPITER SATURN RAHU 16 2 6 24 4 4 48
JUPITER SATURN JUPITER 16 2 6 24 3 13 48
JUPITER MERCURY KETU 16 2 2 19 1 15 36
JUPITER MERCURY SUN 16 2 2 19 1 9 0
JUPITER MERCURY MOON 16 2 2 19 2 4 4
JUPITER MERCURY MARS 16 2 2 19 1 15 36
JUPITER MERCURY RAHU 16 2 2 19 4 4 48
JUPITER KETU KETU 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER KETU VENUS 16 2 2 15 4 9 54
JUPITER KETU SUN 16 2 2 15 1 9 0
JUPITER KETU MOON 16 2 2 15 2 4 48
JUPITER KETU MARS 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER KETU RAHU 16 2 2 15 4 4 48
JUPITER KETU JUPITER 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER KETU SATURN 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER KETU MERCURY 16 2 2 15 3 20 24
JUPITER VENUS VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER VENUS SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER VENUS MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER VENUS MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER VENUS RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER VENUS JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER VENUS SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER VENUS KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER SUN MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER SUN MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER SUN JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER SUN SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER SUN MERCURY 16 2 2 8 3 20 24
JUPITER SUN KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER SUN VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER MOON MOON 16 2 2 8 2 4 48
JUPITER MOON MARS 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER MOON RAHU 16 2 2 8 4 4 48
JUPITER MOON JUPITER 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER MOON SATURN 16 2 2 8 3 13 48
JUPITER MOON MERCURY 16 2 2 8 3 20 2
JUPITER MOON KETU 16 2 2 8 1 15 36
JUPITER MOON VENUS 16 2 2 8 4 9 54
JUPITER MOON SUN 16 2 2 8 1 9 0
JUPITER MARS MARS 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER MARS RAHU 16 2 2 15 4 4 48
JUPITER MARS JUPITER 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER MARS SATURN 16 2 2 15 3 13 48
JUPITER MARS MERCURY 16 2 2 15 3 20 24
JUPITER MARS KETU 16 2 2 15 1 15 36
JUPITER MARS VENUS 16 2 2 15 4 9 54
JUPITER MARS SUN 16 2 2 15 1 9 0
JUPITER MARS MOON 16 2 2 15 2 4 48
JUPITER RAHU RAHU 16 2 5 10 4 4 48
JUPITER RAHU JUPITER 16 2 5 10 3 13 48
JUPITER RAHU SATURN 16 2 5 10 3 13 48
JUPITER RAHU MERCURY 16 2 5 10 3 20 24
JUPITER RAHU KETU 16 2 5 10 1 15 36
JUPITER RAHU VENUS 16 2 5 10 4 9 54
JUPITER RAHU SUN 16 2 5 10 1 9 0
JUPITER RAHU MOON 16 2 5 10 2 4 48
JUPITER RAHU MARS 16 2 5 10 1 15 36
SATURN SATURN SATURN 19 3 0 21 0 0 0
SATURN SATURN KETU 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN VENUS 19 3 0 21 6 3 0
SATURN SATURN SUN 19 3 0 21 1 24 54
SATURN SATURN MOON 19 3 0 21 3 1 30
SATURN SATURN MARS 19 3 0 21 2 4 12
SATURN SATURN RAHU 19 3 0 21 5 25 48
SATURN SATURN JUPITER 19 3 0 21 4 26 24
SATURN MERCURY KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MERCURY MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 3
SATURN MERCURY MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MERCURY RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN KETU SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN KETU MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN KETU MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN KETU RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN KETU JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN KETU SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN KETU MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN VENUS VENUS 19 3 0 1 6 3 0
SATURN VENUS SUN 19 3 0 1 1 24 54
SATURN VENUS MOON 19 3 0 1 3 1 30
SATURN VENUS MARS 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN VENUS RAHU 19 3 0 1 5 25 48
SATURN VENUS JUPITER 19 3 0 1 4 26 24
SATURN VENUS SATURN 19 3 0 1 0 0 0
SATURN VENUS KETU 19 3 0 1 2 4 12
SATURN SUN SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN SUN MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN SUN MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
SATURN SUN JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN SUN SATURN 19 3 0 24 0 0 0
SATURN SUN MERCURY 19 3 0 24 5 5 42
SATURN SUN KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN SUN VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN MOON MOON 19 3 0 6 3 1 30
SATURN MOON MARS 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON RAHU 19 3 0 6 5 25 48
SATURN MOON JUPITER 19 3 0 6 4 26 24
SATURN MOON SATURN 19 3 0 6 0 0 0
SATURN MOON MERCURY 19 3 0 6 5 5 4
SATURN MOON KETU 19 3 0 6 2 4 12
SATURN MOON VENUS 19 3 0 6 6 3 0
SATURN MOON SUN 19 3 0 6 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MARS 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS RAHU 19 3 0 3 5 25 48
SATURN MARS JUPITER 19 3 0 3 4 26 24
SATURN MARS SATURN 19 3 0 3 0 0 0
SATURN MARS MERCURY 19 3 0 3 5 5 42
SATURN MARS KETU 19 3 0 3 2 4 12
SATURN MARS VENUS 19 3 0 3 6 3 0
SATURN MARS SUN 19 3 0 3 1 24 54
SATURN MARS MOON 19 3 0 3 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU RAHU 19 2 10 4 5 25 48
SATURN RAHU JUPITER 19 2 10 4 4 26 24
SATURN RAHU SATURN 19 2 10 4 0 0 0
SATURN RAHU MERCURY 19 2 10 4 5 5 42
SATURN RAHU KETU 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN RAHU VENUS 19 2 10 4 6 3 0
SATURN RAHU SUN 19 2 10 4 1 24 54
SATURN RAHU MOON 19 2 10 4 3 1 30
SATURN RAHU MARS 19 2 10 4 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER JUPITER 19 3 0 24 4 26 24
SATURN JUPITER KETU 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER VENUS 19 3 0 24 6 3 0
SATURN JUPITER SUN 19 3 0 24 1 24 54
SATURN JUPITER MOON 19 3 0 24 3 1 30
SATURN JUPITER MARS 19 3 0 24 2 4 12
SATURN JUPITER RAHU 19 3 0 24 5 25 48
MERCURY KETU KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY KETU SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY KETU MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY KETU MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY KETU RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY KETU JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY KETU SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY VENUS VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY VENUS SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY VENUS MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY VENUS MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY VENUS RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY VENUS JUPITER 17 2 6 30 3 27 1
MERCURY VENUS SATURN 17 2 6 30 4 4 3
MERCURY VENUS KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN SUN 17 2 6 15 1 14 6
MERCURY SUN MOON 17 2 6 15 2 13 12
MERCURY SUN MARS 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN RAHU 17 2 6 15 4 20 42
MERCURY SUN JUPITER 17 2 6 15 3 27 18
MERCURY SUN SATURN 17 2 6 15 4 4 30
MERCURY SUN KETU 17 2 6 15 1 21 18
MERCURY SUN VENUS 17 2 6 15 4 26 42
MERCURY MOON MOON 17 2 6 19 2 13 1
MERCURY MOON MARS 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON RAHU 17 2 6 19 4 20 42
MERCURY MOON JUPITER 17 2 6 19 3 27 1
MERCURY MOON SATURN 17 2 6 19 4 4 3
MERCURY MOON KETU 17 2 6 19 1 21 18
MERCURY MOON VENUS 17 2 6 19 4 26 4
MERCURY MOON SUN 17 2 6 19 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MARS 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS RAHU 17 2 6 22 4 20 42
MERCURY MARS JUPITER 17 2 6 22 3 27 18
MERCURY MARS SATURN 17 2 6 22 4 4 30
MERCURY MARS KETU 17 2 6 22 1 21 18
MERCURY MARS VENUS 17 2 6 22 4 26 42
MERCURY MARS SUN 17 2 6 22 1 14 6
MERCURY MARS MOON 17 2 6 22 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU RAHU 17 2 7 18 4 20 42
MERCURY RAHU JUPITER 17 2 7 18 3 27 18
MERCURY RAHU SATURN 17 2 7 18 4 4 30
MERCURY RAHU KETU 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY RAHU VENUS 17 2 7 18 4 26 42
MERCURY RAHU SUN 17 2 7 18 1 14 6
MERCURY RAHU MOON 17 2 7 18 2 13 12
MERCURY RAHU MARS 17 2 7 18 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER KETU 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER VENUS 17 2 6 30 4 26 4
MERCURY JUPITER SUN 17 2 6 30 1 14 6
MERCURY JUPITER MOON 17 2 6 30 2 13 1
MERCURY JUPITER MARS 17 2 6 30 1 21 18
MERCURY JUPITER RAHU 17 2 6 30 4 20 42
MERCURY SATURN KETU 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN VENUS 17 2 8 3 4 26 4
MERCURY SATURN SUN 17 2 8 3 1 14 6
MERCURY SATURN MOON 17 2 8 3 2 13 1
MERCURY SATURN MARS 17 2 8 3 1 21 18
MERCURY SATURN RAHU 17 2 8 3 4 20 42
KETU KETU KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU KETU SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU KETU MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU KETU MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU KETU JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU KETU SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU KETU MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU VENUS KETU 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS VENUS 7 0 5 25 0 24 52
KETU VENUS SUN 7 0 5 25 0 7 28
KETU VENUS MOON 7 0 5 25 0 12 25
KETU VENUS MARS 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS RAHU 7 0 5 25 0 23 51
KETU VENUS JUPITER 7 0 5 25 0 19 53
KETU VENUS SATURN 7 0 5 25 0 8 42
KETU VENUS MERCURY 7 0 5 25 0 21 7
KETU SUN SUN 7 0 5 7 0 7 28
KETU SUN MOON 7 0 5 7 0 12 25
KETU SUN MARS 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN RAHU 7 0 5 7 0 23 51
KETU SUN JUPITER 7 0 5 7 0 19 53
KETU SUN SATURN 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN MERCURY 7 0 5 7 0 21 7
KETU SUN KETU 7 0 5 7 0 8 42
KETU SUN VENUS 7 0 5 7 0 24 52
KETU MOON MOON 7 0 5 13 0 12 25
KETU MOON MARS 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON RAHU 7 0 5 13 0 23 51
KETU MOON JUPITER 7 0 5 13 0 19 53
KETU MOON SATURN 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON MERCURY 7 0 5 13 0 21 7
KETU MOON KETU 7 0 5 13 0 8 42
KETU MOON VENUS 7 0 5 13 0 24 52
KETU MOON SUN 7 0 5 13 0 7 28
KETU MARS MARS 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS RAHU 7 0 5 9 0 23 51
KETU MARS JUPITER 7 0 5 9 0 19 53
KETU MARS SATURN 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS MERCURY 7 0 5 9 0 21 7
KETU MARS KETU 7 0 5 9 0 8 42
KETU MARS VENUS 7 0 5 9 0 24 52
KETU MARS SUN 7 0 5 9 0 7 28
KETU MARS MOON 7 0 5 9 0 12 25
KETU RAHU RAHU 7 1 1 27 0 23 51
KETU RAHU JUPITER 7 1 1 27 0 19 53
KETU RAHU SATURN 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU MERCURY 7 1 1 27 0 21 7
KETU RAHU KETU 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU RAHU VENUS 7 1 1 27 0 24 52
KETU RAHU SUN 7 1 1 27 0 7 28
KETU RAHU MOON 7 1 1 27 0 12 25
KETU RAHU MARS 7 1 1 27 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER JUPITER 7 0 5 20 0 19 53
KETU JUPITER SATURN 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER MERCURY 7 0 5 20 0 21 7
KETU JUPITER KETU 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER VENUS 7 0 5 20 0 24 52
KETU JUPITER SUN 7 0 5 20 0 7 28
KETU JUPITER MOON 7 0 5 20 0 12 25
KETU JUPITER MARS 7 0 5 20 0 8 42
KETU JUPITER RAHU 7 0 5 20 0 23 51
KETU SATURN SATURN 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN MERCURY 7 1 1 3 0 21 7
KETU SATURN KETU 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN VENUS 7 1 1 3 0 24 52
KETU SATURN SUN 7 1 1 3 0 7 28
KETU SATURN MOON 7 1 1 3 0 12 25
KETU SATURN MARS 7 1 1 3 0 8 42
KETU SATURN RAHU 7 1 1 3 0 23 51
KETU SATURN JUPITER 7 1 1 3 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY KETU 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY VENUS 7 0 5 21 0 24 52
KETU MERCURY SUN 7 0 5 21 0 7 28
KETU MERCURY MOON 7 0 5 21 0 12 25
KETU MERCURY MARS 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
KETU MERCURY RAHU 7 0 5 21 0 23 51
KETU MERCURY JUPITER 7 0 5 21 0 19 53
KETU MERCURY SATURN 7 0 5 21 0 8 42
VENUS VENUS VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS VENUS MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 24
VENUS VENUS MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS VENUS RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS VENUS JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 18
VENUS VENUS SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 48
VENUS VENUS MERCURY 20 3 4 20 5 22 3
VENUS VENUS KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS SUN SUN 20 3 4 30 2 0 54
VENUS SUN MOON 20 3 4 30 3 11 24
VENUS SUN MARS 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN RAHU 20 3 4 30 6 14 42
VENUS SUN JUPITER 20 3 4 30 5 12 18
VENUS SUN SATURN 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS SUN MERCURY 20 3 4 30 5 22 30
VENUS SUN KETU 20 3 4 30 2 11 6
VENUS SUN VENUS 20 3 4 30 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MOON 20 3 4 16 3 11 24
VENUS MOON MARS 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON RAHU 20 3 4 16 6 14 42
VENUS MOON JUPITER 20 3 4 16 5 12 18
VENUS MOON SATURN 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON MERCURY 20 3 4 16 5 22 3
VENUS MOON KETU 20 3 4 16 2 11 6
VENUS MOON VENUS 20 3 4 16 6 22 48
VENUS MOON SUN 20 3 4 16 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS MARS JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS MARS SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
VENUS MARS KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS MARS VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS MARS SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS MARS MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU RAHU 20 3 0 12 6 14 42
VENUS RAHU JUPITER 20 3 0 12 5 12 18
VENUS RAHU SATURN 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU MERCURY 20 3 0 12 5 22 30
VENUS RAHU KETU 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS RAHU VENUS 20 3 0 12 6 22 48
VENUS RAHU SUN 20 3 0 12 2 0 54
VENUS RAHU MOON 20 3 0 12 3 11 24
VENUS RAHU MARS 20 3 0 12 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS JUPITER SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 3
VENUS JUPITER KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS JUPITER SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS JUPITER MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS JUPITER MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS JUPITER RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN SATURN 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN MERCURY 20 3 2 1 5 22 3
VENUS SATURN KETU 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN VENUS 20 3 2 1 6 22 48
VENUS SATURN SUN 20 3 2 1 2 0 54
VENUS SATURN MOON 20 3 2 1 3 11 24
VENUS SATURN MARS 20 3 2 1 2 11 6
VENUS SATURN RAHU 20 3 2 1 6 14 42
VENUS SATURN JUPITER 20 3 2 1 5 12 18
VENUS MERCURY KETU 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY VENUS 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS MERCURY SUN 20 3 4 20 2 0 54
VENUS MERCURY MOON 20 3 4 20 3 11 2
VENUS MERCURY MARS 20 3 4 20 2 11 6
VENUS MERCURY RAHU 20 3 4 20 6 14 42
VENUS MERCURY JUPITER 20 3 4 20 5 12 1
VENUS MERCURY SATURN 20 3 4 20 6 22 4
VENUS KETU KETU 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU VENUS 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU SUN 20 3 4 10 2 0 54
VENUS KETU MOON 20 3 4 10 3 11 24
VENUS KETU MARS 20 3 4 10 2 11 6
VENUS KETU RAHU 20 3 4 10 6 14 42
VENUS KETU JUPITER 20 3 4 10 5 12 18
VENUS KETU SATURN 20 3 4 10 6 22 48
VENUS KETU MERCURY 20 3 4 10 5 22 30
SUN SUN SUN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MOON 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MARS 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN RAHU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN JUPITER 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN SATURN 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN MERCURY 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN KETU 6 0 4 5 0 5 29
SUN SUN VENUS 6 0 4 5 0 18 16
SUN MOON MOON 6 0 4 10 0 10 57
SUN MOON MARS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON RAHU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON JUPITER 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SATURN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON MERCURY 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON KETU 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON VENUS 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MOON SUN 6 0 4 10 0 5 29
SUN MARS MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN MARS MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN RAHU RAHU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU JUPITER 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SATURN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MERCURY 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU KETU 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU VENUS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU SUN 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MOON 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN RAHU MARS 6 0 11 19 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER JUPITER 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SATURN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MERCURY 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER KETU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER VENUS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER SUN 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MOON 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER MARS 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN JUPITER RAHU 6 0 4 14 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SATURN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MERCURY 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN KETU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN VENUS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN SUN 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MOON 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN MARS 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN RAHU 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN SATURN JUPITER 6 0 12 24 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY KETU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY VENUS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SUN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MOON 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY MARS 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY RAHU 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY JUPITER 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN MERCURY SATURN 6 0 4 15 0 5 29
SUN KETU KETU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU VENUS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SUN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MOON 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MARS 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU RAHU 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU JUPITER 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU SATURN 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN KETU MERCURY 6 0 4 6 0 5 29
SUN VENUS VENUS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SUN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MOON 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MARS 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS RAHU 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS JUPITER 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS SATURN 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
SUN VENUS MERCURY 6 0 4 18 0 5 29
Sun VENUS KETU 6 0 4 18 0 6 23
Njattu Space No
ASWINI 0.0000 1
BHARANI 13.3333 2
KARTIKA 26.6660 3
ROHINI 39.9990 4
MRIGASIRA 53.3320 5
ARIDRA 66.6650 6
PUNARVASU 79.9980 7
PUSHYA 93.3310 8
ASLESHA 106.6640 9
MAGHA 119.9970 10
PUBBA 133.3300 11
UTHARA 146.6630 12
HASTA 159.9960 13
CHITHRA 173.3290 14
SWATHI 186.6620 15
VISHAKHA 199.9950 16
ANURADHA 213.3280 17
JYESHTA 226.6610 18
MOOLA 239.9940 19
POORVASHAD 253.3270 20
UTHARASHAD 266.6600 21
SRAVANA 279.9930 22
DHANISHTA 293.3260 23
SATABHISHA 306.6590 24
POORVABHAD 319.9920 25
UTHARABHAD 333.3250 26
REVATHI 346.6580 27
SUN 3590.0 149.58 78.77272
MOON 47435 1976.5 102.65420
JUPITER 299.00 12.46 170.27333
VENUS 5787.0 241.13 287.71796
MERCURY 14732 613.83 233.45276
MARS 2340.0 97.50 131.79800
NODES 190.77 7.95 0.00000
SATURN 120.00 5.00 248.64500
Relation between Nine Gems & the Nine Revolving Heavens
Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology
& Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine
planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the
planet governing fortune can generate fortune. Gemology post-
ulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have thera-
peutic properties which can be used in the medical field.
Scholars who have done research in the subject are unani-
mous in their opinion that by wearing the gem of a functional
benefic in a Susthana one can not only enhance fortune
but also overcome many difficulties including diseases.
Its therapeutic properties are used in Cosmic Ray Therapy.
Gems have changed the destiny of many prominent individuals and
if you wear the stone prescribed by Computer you can also see
the remarkable transformation taking place in your career.
Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the
earth have the ability to heal diseases.
Similarly if you wear the gem of a Functional Benefic
you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colours radiated by
the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating
Colour hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colours are absorbed
by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body.
The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical
body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease).
Scientific Research done in Astro-Gemology - The Rationale
The seven primary colours of the spectrum and the two secondary
colours correspond to the nine revolving heavens.(VIBGYOR & infra-
red and ultra-violet ).
The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the
very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours
that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the
visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the long-
est wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength
of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match
those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s).
Researches show that the wavelength of light emanating from
the Sun is identical to the wavelength of light emanating
from Ruby - Red.
Among all the elements in nature gemstones constitute the most
condensed form of concentrated color. Gems therefore provide
an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays.
Here we give the Cosmic Colour and the Gem corresponding to the
Nine revolving heavens.
( The term 'planet' used in Sidereal Astrology refers to cel-
estial bodies or mathematical points. A star(Sun) the two ma-
thematical points where orbits of the Sun (Earth-in-reflex)
and the Moon intersect - viz the North and South Nodes of the
Moon - ( Rahu & Ketu ) are referred as planets.)
Cosmic Colour Planet Gemstone
Red Sun Ruby
Orange Moon Pearl
Light Blue Jupiter Yellow Sapphire
Ultra-Violet Rahu Hessonite
Green Mercury Emerald
Indigo Venus Diamond
Infra-red Ketu Cat's Eye
Violet Saturn Blue Sapphire
Yellow Mars Coral
Now due to the pioneering research work done by Zodiac the
secrets of this science is brought within the reach of the layman.
The points of exaltation debilitation and the relational
nature of planets are considered while assessing the positional
strengths of planets ( Sthanabala )
Following are the percentage points of planets as per Rasibala
100% - Exaltation
75% - Moolatrikona
50% - Swakshetra
25% - In friend's House
12.5% - In Neutral House
6.75% - In Enemy's House
0% - Debilitation
Trinal lords are considered to be benefics in Vedic Astrology.
After all the trines are defined as moral triangles. The Ninth
lord is the lord of Fortune the fifth lord is the ninth from
the ninth ( fortune) and the First Lord or Lagnadhipa the most
important planet as it rules the greatest of all wealth Health.
Functional Benefics
Any planet who owns a quadrant and a trine is considered to
be a functional benefic. Functional benefics are the planets
which can do immense good to the native.
Natural benefics are the Moon Jupiter Mercury and Venus...
Temporal benefics are the friendly planets of the Ascendant
In the West Pythagorus discovered the the Law of Vibration.
This Law states that each number has a particular vibration.
Astro-Numerology is the synthesis of Astrology and Numerology
the perfect integration between the science of the Heavens and
the Science of Numbers!
The nine numbers correspond to the nine planets in Astrology.
One represents the luminary SUN
Two represents the luminary MOON
Three represents the planet JUPITER
Four represents the planet RAHU
Five represents the planet MERCURY
Six represents the planet VENUS
Seven represents the planet KETU
Eight represents the planet SATURN
Nine represents the planet MARS
We will define Ketu and Rahu. They are the Nodes of the Moon.
The Moon's Ascending Node is Rahu and the Descending Node
is Ketu. The orbit of the Sun and the Moon intersect at
two points and they are these Nodes. Since now we know
which planet represents which number
different properties of the nine base numbers
The concept of the Fadic Number
If you add up all the digits which comprise your date of
birth eg -( 23/06/1955 = 2+3+0+6+1+9+5+5 = 31
you get the combined Fadic Number . Here in this example
it is 31 . 3 plus 1 = 4. So 4 is the Fadic Number Find
out the Fadic Number of the person concerned. There are
effects for both Fadic and the Combined Fadic Numbers.
Once you find the Fadic Number of the person
that person will have the characteristics of the planet
representing that Number. Now we are giving here the
effects for Unitarians
10th bhava lord's strength 346.20
11th bhava lord's strength 545.75
12th bhava lord's strength 344.53
Total Wealth Points in Sexagesimal units 1857.62
Their Average 464.40500000000000
SUN 487.33
MERC 545.75
VEN 346.20
MARS 368.55
JUP 397.57
SAT 406.47
SAT 406.47
JUP 397.57
MARS 368.55
VEN 346.20
MERC 545.75
MOON 344.53
Wealt 1857.6
Avg P 464.41
All planets have dual aspects like Man- the Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde aspects- the positive and the negative aspects and
corresponding mantras are chanted to reduce their negativity. .
Nava Graha Stotra means the ninefold Stotra of the planets
For the Sun
Japa Kusuma Sankasham
Kashyapeyam Mahadyuthim
Thamognam Sarvapapagnam
Pranathosmi Divakaram
O Destroyer of the Darkness
of Ignorance ! O Annihilator
of all sins !
My saluations to Thee !
For the Moon
Dhadhi Shankha Thusharabham
Ksheerodharnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam
Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam
O Thou who adorns the head of the mighty Lord Siva ! My obeisances to
For Jupiter
Devanamscha rishinamscha
Gurum kanchana sannibham
Bandhubhootam trilokesam
Tam namami brahaspathim
O Beloved of all Rishies and Yogins !
O Preceptor of all who follow the Path Divine !
I bow down to Thee !
For Rahu ( North Node )
Ardhakayam Mahaveeryam
Chandradithya Vimardhanam
Simhika Garbha Sambhootam
Tham Rahum pranamamyaham
O Devourer of the Apollo and Diana !
I bow down to Thee !
For Mercury
Priyangu Kalika Shyamam
Roopena Prathimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Gunopetham
Namami Shashinam Sutham
O Son of the Moon and Representer of all
academic Knowledge ! My salutations to Thee !
For Venus
Himakunda mrinalabham
Daityanam Paramam Gurum
Sarvashastra pravaktharam
Bharghavam prnamamyaham
O Preceptor of the Demons !
O Representer of all Sciences ! I bow down to Thee !
For Ketu ( South Node )
Palasa pushpa sankasam
Tharakakara Vigraham
Ugrascha Vividhakara
Tham Ketum Pranamamyaham
O Destroyer and Terrible of Form !
I bow down to Thee !
For Saturn
Neelanjana Samabhasam
Raviputram Yamagrajam
Chaya Marthanda Sambhootham
Tham Namami Sanaiswaram
O Son of the Sun and the Imparter of
Patience and Perseverance. I bow down to Thee !
For Mars
Dharanee Garbha Sambhootham
Vidyut Kantha Samaprabham
Kumaram Shakthi Hastham cha
Mangalam Pranamamyaham
O Son of Earth and Defence Minister of the
celestial Army ! My salutations to Thee !
These stotras are powerful and astrologers chant
it every day for the propitiation of the Nine Revolving Heavens !
In order to pacify the negative aspects of the planets
and to augment their positive aspects the following mantra
should be recited after this Nava Graha Stotra.
Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha
Thesham Grahanam Shubhaphalam Prarthayartham
Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha
Thesham Grahanam Anukoolyam Siddhayartham
O Nine Heavens ! Please pacify Thy immanence
in all that is bad and activate Thy immanence
in all that is good!
Nava Graha Gayatris
For the Sun
Om Ashwadhwaja Vidmahe Pasa Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soorya Prachoday
For the Moon
Om Padmadwajaya Vidmahe Hema Roopaya Dheemahi. Thanna Soma Prachodayat
For Jupiter
Om Vrishabhadwajaya Vidmahe Ghrini Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Guru Prac
For Rahu
Om Nagadwajaya Vidmahe Padma Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Rahu Prachodaya
For Mercury
Om Gajadwajaya Vidmahe Shuka Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Budha Prachoday
For Venus
Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Dhanur Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Shukra Pracho
For Ketu
Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe Shoola Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanna Ketu Prachoda
For Saturn
Om Kakadwajaya Vidmahe Khadga Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Manda Prachoda
For Mars
Om Veeradwajaya Vidmahe Vighna Hasthaya Dheemahi. Thanno Bhauma Pracho
For Navagraha Yantra
Sooryaya Namah
Somaya Namah
Bhoo Putraya Namah
Budhaya Namah
Shanaishwarayai Namah
Brahaspathe Namah
Rahave Namah
Shukraya Namah
Kethave Namah ( 3 - 3 times )
Navagraha Peeda Hara Stothra ( Mantras for destroying
the afflictions of the planets )
For the Sun
Grahanam Adiradithyo
Loka Rakshana Karakah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham
Peedam Harathu Me Ravih
For the Moon
Rohineesa Sudha Moorthim
Sudhagathra Sudhasanah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham
Peedam Harathu Me Vidhuh
For Mars
Bhoomi Putro Maha Thejo
Jagatha Bhayakrith Sada
Vishtikrith Vrishti Hartha Cha
Peedam Harathu Me Kujah
For Mercury
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham
Chandraputro Mahadyuthi
Soorya Priya Karo Vidwan
Peedam Harathu Me Budhah
For Jupiter
Deva Manthri Vishalakshah
Sada Loka Hithe Rathah
Aneka Shishya Sampoornah
Peedam Harathu Me Guruh
For Venus
Daithya Mantri Gurusthesham
Pranadascha MahamathiH
Prabhusthara Grahanam Cha
Peedam Harathu Me Brighu
For Saturn
Soorya Putro Deergha Deho
Vishalaksha Siva Priyah
Mandachara Prasannatma
Peedam Harathu Me Shanih
For Rahu
Aneka Roopa Varnaischa
Shathasotha Sahasra sa
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham
Peedam Harathu Me Thamah
Mahasiro Mahava
For Kethu
Maha Sira Maha Vakthro
Deergha Dhamshtro Mahabalah
Athanushchordhwa Keshascha
Peedam Harathu Me Sikhih
with VARA BEING M with
Asthu Trailokya Deepaya
Bhaktapi matha dayine
Samastha Vidya Nirmana
Kavaye Ravaye Nama
Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health.
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body.
The Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House the Feet.
Medical Astrology if incorporated in Astrology Software can
be of immense help in relieving patients' of their misery.
The Law of Correspondences of Classical Philosophy has
another term " The Doctrine of Signatures". This doctrine states
that objects - animate and inanimate - are governed by planets and
Classical Astrology has taken this concept beyond " The Law of Cause
and Effect " and has defined it as Archetypal or Psychological.
Reflections of the intrinsic qualities of the planets can be seen
in people plants animals & minerals. All that we see touch
consume & harvest has a correspondence. By knowing our own planetary
signature we can consume those materials which correspond to
our planetary signature and thus a healthy balance can be maintain
( In my horoscope Jupiter is posited in Cancer and hence powerful in
positional as well as directional strength. If I am afflicted by
any sort of disease the escape route is the Jupiterian Way - viz
consuming more vegetables and fruits as he rules fruits and
vegetables. If I do that I will be implementing what the Great
Seers said long ago " Naturopathic food is medicine and medicine
is food " )! Since the Zodiacal Signs represent the Five Elements
( Ether Fire Air Earth & Water ) the ancient astrological
savants assigned everything in the Universe to a planetary
ruler and considered all as the manifestation of the Elemental
Five and their respective qualities - hot and dry cold and dry
hot and humid cold and humid. Jupiter rules "Kapha" and the
Sun "Pitta' ( the three humors of Ayurveda ). These elements were
understood in a physical & metaphysical sense as per the principle
As Above So Below
in Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic ( predominance of Kapha) the Bilious
( preponderance of Pitta ) & the Windy ( predominance of Vata ).
There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine -
Sanguine Phlegmatic Choleric and Melancholic. Medical Astrology
here becomes Ayurvedic Astrology analysing the human body made
of Vata Pitta and Kapha and the seven gross tissue elements all
ruled by the Nine Revolving Heavens.
Ayurvedic Therapy
The Seven Planets correspond to the Three humours ( Doshas ) in Ayurve
In the Ayurvedic Model the Seven Revolving Heavens are classified
thus ( Vatam Pittayutha Karothi Dinakrith)
Vata & Kapha
Pitta Vata & Kapha
Vata & Kapha
The seven planets correspond to the Seven Gross Tissue- elements ( dha
Bone Marrow
Seminal Energy
By analysing the horoscope the astrologer can discern the badly place
and the corresponding Dhatu or gross tissue element which has caus
problem and can prescribe Ayurvedic remedial measures ( " Dushthithasy
Dhatustho Rogeenam Roga Eeryatham " )
Medical Astrology's perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac
House Organ
Ist House Head
2nd House Face
Third House Throat
Fourth House Heart
Fifth House Place beneath the heart
Sixth House Stomach
Seventh House Generative Organ
Eighth House Upper Thigh
Ninth House Thigh
Tenth House`````Knee
Eleventh House Calf
Twelfth House Feet
If in the Astrology Chart the 6 House is afflicted there can be
digestive tract disorders. Natural malefics in the 6 H may create
hyperacidity and gas trouble. Affliction either to the 7th house
means disorders of the digestive tract hyperacidity and gas trouble
( Papa Saptamagah Tadodara Ruja ). The same holds good for the 6 H
( Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja ). If the 6 H or the 7 H is afflict
one should be very careful about the body's acidity level. The body's
PH value should be kept at 7. Anything less than 7 is dangerous.
The 80% alkaline nature of the body should be kept up & acidity
should not be above 20%. The best foods to be taken are Vedic Foods
which are low acidity low cholesterol diet.The Acidity- Alkalinity
ratio should be kept at 80% -20%. That ratio can be maintained if you
consume 100 grams fruits and 300 grams vegetables daily and avoid
non-natural food. Natural foods are alkaline and non-veg basically
acidic. From experience it can be discerned that not only malefic
planets bring in problems from enemies but also problems to
the stomach ( Pape Shashtopagathe Vrina Bhayaschora Satru Peeda Cha ).
If the 12 H is afflicted by malefic planets there can be affliction
to the feet. We have seen many a patient suffering from 12 H afflictio
and which manifests as problems on the feet. One should beware of
hidden enemies as well !
There are some astrologers who take this from the Horoscope of the
Cosmic Man that is from His Ascendant Aries. This method also
yields results but from our experience we follow the dictum of
Natal Astrology that it is the Ascendant of the native which
is the head and the Descendant the stomach region. I know many an
astrologer who follow this from Aries Asc & if a malefic is
posited in Virgo in the 6 H of the Kalapurusha ( Cosmic Man )
he predicts stomach problems for the native. ( Kalanarasya Avayavath
Purushanam Kalpayeth ). Or if a malefic is posited in Taurus he
predicts wounds on the face for the native.
Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding
part of the body. North Node - or any other malefic - in the
Sixth is indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house
affliction means that the heart is afflicted and first house
affliction means that the head is afflicted. ( Pape Lagnagathe
Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja )
The planets correspond to the different systems of Man thus
Sun The Bone System
Moon The Circulatory System
Mars The Muscular System
Mercury The Veins
Venus The Reproductive System
Jupiter The Digestive System
Saturn The Excretory System
From experience Vedic Medical Astrology is found to be very
accurate. In my father's horoscope he had a specific yoga for
Arthritis with Jupiter in Libra Asc and Saturn in Aries. My mother
has Saturn in the 12 H; she has a problem in the leg. My co-brother
has Mars in the 12 H; he is suffering from some nerve problem on
the feet. I personally have the North Node in the 6 H and I have
hyperacidity and gas trouble ( Papa Shashtagatha Tadodararuja ) !
It is time Astrology Vedic programs incorporated Medical Astrology !
Three sorts of formulae are given in the Anushtana Paddhati dealing
with Medical Astrology. Roga Sutra is the formula for disease Mrityu
Sutra is the formula for Death and Jeeva Sutra for escaping from
disease ! Vedic astrologers who study vedic horoscopes should
incorporate the Prasna Anushtana Paddhati by Puliyoor to hone up
their astro skills !
Ayurvedic Gem Therapy
The following stones are prescribed in Ayurveda for specific disorders
Skin Diseases
Cat's Eye Lapis Lazuli Insomnia
Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire Ruby
Blue Sapphire
Topaz Coral
White Coral Diamond Emerald Topaz
Liver problems
Coral Emerald Topaz
Gastric Ulcer
Blue Sapphire
Jade Lapis Lazuli
Cat's Eye Cholera
Cat's Eye Topaz Abdominal Complaints
Heart Troubles
Diamond Pearl Ruby Lapis Lazuli
Blue Sapphire
Chest Pain
Emerald Ruby
Astrology and Medicine are two great branches of Knowledge and
only if they come together can humanity be served. The true
astrologer can find out the disease from the birth chart vedic
and can give remedial measures to redeem the patient.
Fadic Number Nine expresses Him
The Fadic no 9 occurs not only in Vedic
computations- but in Maths also.
Circumference of Circle or Ellipse = 360
That converted into minutes = 360*60
That converted into seconds = 360*60*60
pi = 3.14159265
year = 365.256
e = 2.718
day = 24*60=1440 minutes
day = 864000 seconds
half day = 720 minutes
Radius in seconds =57.3*60*60 =206280 secs.
Diameter in seconds =57.3*2*60*60 =412560 secs
Pi = 180
Pi/2 = 90
Pi/4 = 45
Sin 90 = 1
Sin 270 = -1
Tan 45 = 1
Tan 135 = 1
Tan 225= 1
Tan 315 = 1
Cot 45 = 1
Cot 135 = 1
Cot 225 = 1
Cot 315 = 1
Exponentiation of 3 or its multiples.
3*3 = 9
3*3*3 = 27
3^4 = 243
6^2 = 360
6^3 = 216
And what is this NINE?
It is the number of Mars of
materiality and Man.
How many gems are there? Nine.
How many digits are there? Nine.
How many planets are there? Nine.
The Ninth Prosperity = Cosmic
In the Vedic-27 constellations are divided by 4
and so we have 108 Lunar Mansions. precession of
the Equinoxes are 72 years per degree (which is
also one human Life Span).
Kali Yuga 432000
Treta 864000
Dwapara 1296000
Satya 1728000
4.32 billion years
Age Cycle ( 72*30) = 2
Precessional Cycle (72*360) = 25920 ye
Equinoctial Cycle (2000*2160) = 43 200
Cosmological Cycle ( 2 million * 2160 ) = 4.32 billi
One Cycle of Brahma = 100 Brahma years
One Day of Brahma = 4.32 billion years
Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or
Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 311.04 trillion years
One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one
Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be
one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand
Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles!
No wonder He is defined as the Great Geometer !
There are 18 Sciences
18 Arts
18 Siddhantas
18 Samhitas
18 Horas
18 Smritis
18 Upa Smritis
18 Steps
18 Principles
Cosec 270= -1
cos 180 = -1
sec 180 = -1
Ninefold Intelligence Theory was postulated by Gardiner.
Ninefold Bridal Mysticism- Nava Vidha Bhakti Yoga- is
most important.
Ninefold Deity of Durga is worshipped on Nine Nights
Nine Lunations- on Nava Ratri
D9 Chart is the most important in the Scienc
Nine Gems included Dhanvantari- Kalidasa and Varaha
in the Court of Vikramaditya.
Ninth House is the most important in Astrology.
Any numbr multplied by 9 will give 9 as Fadic Number
Rightly He has been defined as the Geometrician or the
The Absolute Being assuming the role of Numbers
The Timeless who is Infinity becomes O
He stands alone. He becomes Two as Consciousness and Forc
He assumes the role of Creator Preserver & Destroyer He
Three. He becomes Four as the Four Vedas. He becomes Fiv
sense organs.As the Six Shastras He becomes Six. He becom
as the Sevenfold Chord Of Being - Life Mind Matter Supermi
Knowledge and Bliss. He becomes Eight as the Ashta Aiswar
becomes Nine as the Nine planets and the Nine base digits.
Infinite is Thy play as Numbers !
Thy triune eyes Past Present & Future
Thy faces four are the fourfold Veds
Thy smile Maya Thy movement Time
Blessed be Thine Universal Form!
The Absolute Being as Time Infinite & as Wisdom Infinite
( The concepts of Kalapurusha & Vedapurusha )
The Absolute Self as Time Eternal
Lies coiled as the mighty Zodiac!
Aries is His head & Pisces His Feet!
The IC His heart & the MC His thighs!
The Six Auxiliary Sciences form His body
In His other aspect as Wisdom Eternal!
Poetics is His Feet Astrology His eyes
Grammar His Face & His ears Definition!
O Thou manifest in the Heavens
As the mighty Circle of Light
As the Zodiac - Sidereal & Tropical
Give us strength to overcome crises!
Asthu Trailokya Deepaya
Bhaktapi matha dayine
Samastha Vidya Nirmana
Kavaye Ravaye Nama
Moon Sign Aries - Meda Kooru- Mesha- ( Aswini- Bharani- Karthika 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 7th House you
should be careful about your approach to partner
and people belonging to the opposite sex.There may
be misunderstandings and rifts wihin the lute-
Yuvati Jnita Badhaam
As Transit Sun is in the 6th house there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthana Manadi Labham You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted
As Transit Mars is in the 6th -House there can be profes
ssional rise Sthana Manadi Labham. You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in your 7th House you will be known for your jovial
qualities. You will be versatile and knower of many subjects.
Educational attainements will not be of mean order.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You become a more aggressive man. Will not see eye to eye with
loved ones or perhaps wife at least for a few days. Take care not
to lose your self control and reputation by impulsive acts. You
can look forward to a more sparkling social life ahead with your
wife soon. Not a conducive time for education and literary
activities. This period is also known as Kandaka Sani.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You will see a change in the happenings and your luck now. Your
merits will be recognized though you think that it is delayed.
You will be a rich man. Expansion of assets is likely. There will
be happy events in the family. You tend to sacrifice leisure time
to catch up with odd jobs. You put on performances which prove
effective. There will be a tendency to flirt. All these may be
difficult for your wife to absorb.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
You will have the fortune to meet many eminent spiritual personages.
This transit is neither good for children nor father. You may gain
from speculation and investment.
Even though this phase is good for economic gains- health problems
may plague you. You can try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation
Response- leading to good health. There will be tension galore and
you can try Astro Therapy. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah -
in a state of purity.
Beware of thieves. Also loss of largesse. You may be misunderstood
by your family. On the positive side- there can be gains of a high
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Losses accrue as the planet of Finance enters the unfavourable
10th. Great patience and perseverance are needed to reach the
pinnacle of success. Loss of position and wandering about indi-
cated. Avoid sinful deeds and the resultant loss of respect.
30-09-2021 ................... 21-11-2021
Jupiter suddenly becomes benevolent and gains and prestige accrue
Romance blossoms. Wife becomes happy. Income increases and yo
u get
the help of your elder co-borns. Promotional prospects. You become
inspired and will-power to survive increases. Inner strength is
more now than ever.
21-11-2021 .................. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
10 10-10-2021 172.7819 221.1366
10 10-10-2021 11-10-2021
Moon Sign Taurus - Edava Kooru- Vrishabha- ( Karthika 3/4- Rohini- Mrigasira 1/2 )
As Transit Venus tenants your 6th House you
will be afflicted with crises galore.
Solution - Indulge in Bhakti and jnana yogas.
As Transit Sun tenants your 5th house relationships
with children may be affected. Happiness from children
may be affected by 5th Transit Sun.Many hindrances in the
path of life indicated as the 5th is one of the moral
As Transit Mars tenants your 5th -House relationships with
children may be affected. Happiness from children may be affected
by 5th Transit Many hindrances in the path of life indicated as the
5th is one of the moral triangles.
As Mercury is in your 6th House you will have less enemies than
the ordinary man. A benefic posited in the 6th destroys enemies.
You will be free from debts as Mercury destroys all liabilities.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Avoid indulgence in sinful actions. However careful you are some
losses are bound to take place. Income may be retarded. Although
the influence of Saturn is generally not favourable you may
develop useful contacts during this period which may help you in
the coming years. Maintain a tight budget. Your wife may not like
it initially.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
You become a more aggressive man. Will not see eye to eye with
loved ones or perhaps wife at least for a few days. Take care not
to lose your self control and reputation by impulsive acts. You
can look forward to a more sparkling social life ahead with your
wife soon. Not a conducive time for education and literary
activities. This period is also known as Kandaka Sani.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Transit of Nodes
While there may be some lucky breaks in Profession- health problems
may overwhelm you. Rahu can rob you of the much needed mental peace.
Try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation Response. Great tension
indicated. The Rahu mantra Om Rahave Namah can be used to store
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter turns benign and you have successfully crossed over to a
more prosperous period. Happziness which has eluded you so far now
embraces you. You become aware that there is still a reservoir of
good will towards you. Prestige gets enhanced. You gain respect
from the good. You will be known as an altruist as your social and
humanitarian aspect gets recognised.
30-09-2021 ................... 21-11-2021
Losses accrue as the planet of Finance enters the unfavourable
10th. Great patience and perseverance are needed to reach the
pinnacle of success. Loss of position and wandering about indi-
cated. Avoid sinful deeds and the resultant loss of respect.
21-11-2021 .................. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
12 12-10-2021 174.7594 249.9067
12 12-10-2021 13-10-2021
Moon Sign Gemini - Mithuna Kooru- Mithuna- ( Mrigasira 1/2- Aridra- Punarvasu 3/4 )
As Transit Venus tenants your 5th House auspicous
events in the making and happiness via children -
Putra Labdim.
As Transit Sun is in the 4th house you will be affli-
cted by many problems which affect your mental peace
You may not enjoy maternal property 4th Transit Sun is
a hindrance to mental peace and happiness Mental peace
takes a beating as many domestic problems crop up
Heart troubles indicated Avoid cholesterol foods
Eggs meat & all non veg and alcohol are all high chole-
sterol foods Revert to Vedic Foods ( mainly fruits and
vegetables ) The fourth represents our heart and any
malefic posited therein means trouble to the heart.
As Transit Mars is in the 4th -House you will be affli-
cted by many problems which affect your mental peace.You may
not enjoy maternal property. 4th Transit is a hindrance to
mental peace and happiness. Mental peace
takes a beating as many domestic problems crop up.
Heart troubles indicated. Avoid cholesterol foods. Eggs meat & all
non veg and alcohol are all high cholesterol foods. Revert to Vedic
Foods ( mainly fruits and vegetables ).The fourth represents our
heart and any malefic posited therein means trouble to the heart.
In Gem Therapy Emerald Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire are used.
Mercury rules nerves Moon the heart Mars the blood and brain & Transit
Mars the brain and heart.
As Mercury is in your 5th House you will attain a high position
on the socio-economic level.You will have children who will rise
upto your expectations.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
There will be increase in rivalry but you will act like a strong
man against onslaught of enemies in time . Restriction on
movements and death of a near relative is likely. Confusion and
problems caused by governmental or court actions will have to be
faced. Take special care while acquiring new things or property.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
Avoid indulgence in sinful actions. However careful you are some
losses are bound to take place. Income may be retarded. Although
the influence of Saturn is generally not favourable you may
develop useful contacts during this period which may help you in
the coming years. Maintain a tight budget. Your wife may not like
it initially.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
Improving skills becomes a must and this is the time to do that.
Social skills are considered very important. Friends and good
will increase. Economic benefits can ensue and this is the time
to store treasures in Heaven. This will accelerate your spiritual
evolution and take you Godward !.
You may be subject to discliplinary action by the Powers That Be.
On the positive side- you will gain the Grace of Gurus. There
will be gains from profession. But beware of burns and obstru-
ction in intellectual pursuits.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys
and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles
and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health
and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings
with wife and children likely.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Jupiter turns benign and you have successfully crossed over to a
more prosperous period. Happziness which has eluded you so far now
embraces you. You become aware that there is still a reservoir of
good will towards you. Prestige gets enhanced. You gain respect
from the good. You will be known as an altruist as your social and
humanitarian aspect gets recognised.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
14 14-10-2021 176.7389 277.7286
14 14-10-2021 15-10-2021
Moon Sign Cancer - Karkitadaka Kooru- Kataka- ( Punarvasu 1/4- Pushya- Aslesha )
As Transit Venus is in the 4th House lucky breaks
can visit you and your friends.
As Transit Sun is in the 3rd house there can be profe-
ssional rise-- Sthna Maaaaadi Labham You beome the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Transit Mars is in the 3rd -House there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthna Maaaaadi Labham. You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in the 4th House you will attain a high position
in life. You will enjoy all the comforts of life. A benefic
posited in the 4th is a sarvaristabhanga yoga ensuring longevity.
Educational attainments will come to you automatically.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Saturn tries to create a gloomy mood in you during this period.
The solution lies in your making an effort to see the brighter
side of things. No doubt you are a man of achievements and
blessings. You may have to travel against your wish during this
period of Kandaka Sani. It may upset your wife as well.
30-09-2021 .................. 17-01-2023
There will be increase in rivalry but you will act like a strong
man against onslaught of enemies in time . Restriction on
movements and death of a near relative is likely. Confusion and
problems caused by governmental or court actions will have to be
faced. Take special care while acquiring new things or property.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Be careful about romantic relationships. A rift within the lute can
occur at any time. It may widen soon and make the music mute. On the
positive side- economic gains can accrue. Enemies increase. So also
expenditure. Financial tightness indicated.
On the negative side- there may be disagreement with life partner. But
this is offset by profit from investments and speculation. Your mer
its may be appreciated by VIPs. Your enemies may try this time to
humiliate you.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader
in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement
in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and
friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted
Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys
and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles
and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health
and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings
with wife and children likely.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
16 16-10-2021 178.7204 304.5597
16 16-10-2021 17-10-2021
Moon Sign Leo - Chinga Kooru- Simha ( Magha- Pubba- Uttara 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 3rd House - along
with some struggle there may b progress- vibhootim
As Transit Sun is in the 2nd your wealth may be taxed
by the government. You will have excess wealth and will
be an expert in business management Your shrewdness will
bring home the bacon. On the negative side you may be
afflicted by diseases on the face.
As Transit Mars is in the 2nd your wealth may be
taxed by the government. You will have excess wealth
and will be an expert in businessmanagement. Your shrew
dness will bring home the bacon. On the negative side
you may be afflicted by diseases on the face.
As Mercury is in the 3rd House your relationships with the
younger co-borns should be cared for. You will be known for your
valour and chivalry.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are a happy man now compared to your experiences in the past.
Your enemies will now find your strength better than before. Good
period to start new ventures. There will be advancement in career.
You will be known as a wealthy man now. Good news will reach you.
Make the best use of your masculine talents to consolidate your
30-09-2021 ................. 17-01-2023
Saturn tries to create a gloomy mood in you during this period.
The solution lies in your making an effort to see the brighter
side of things. No doubt you are a man of achievements and
blessings. You may have to travel against your wish during this
period of Kandaka Sani. It may upset your wife as well.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
You can improve your 13 skills and talk your way to the top- as the
Transit of the Nodes is benign. Friends increase. Good will also.
You become the cynosure of all eyes. There will be economic gains
and gain of friends. You can use this time to Love All and Serve
All- thereby increasing your Credit in the Cosmic Ledger.
While the Nodes favor Enlightenment- they can cause eye diseases .
While the cash will be good- there can be trouble to uncles and
aunts. So be careful.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Unhappzy you will be as the planet of Wealth transits the adverse
6th. Despite your having all conveniences you lack happziness.
You are confronted by enemies who plot and conspire against you.
Mental peace takes a beating. The remedy is to turn to prayer and
meditation to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader
in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement
in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and
friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted
Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
18 18-10-2021 180.7039 330.5189
18 18-10-2021 19-10-2021
Moon Sign Virgo - Kanni Kooru- Kanni ( Uttara 3/4- Hasta- Chitra 1/2 )
As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace
you- Vithasiddhim.
As Transit Sun is in Janma you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth-- there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
You will be endowed with the qualities great
of worldly prudence and political ablility.
You will enjoy all the comforts of life.
You will have the knowledge of politics and
economics which will make you an adept in
worldly life.
As Transit Mars is in Janma you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham - Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury tenants your 2nd House you will be wealthy and
endowed with education. Family life will be happy and healthy.
Mercury endows you with entreprenauership & oratorial ability.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
There will be problems from young members in the family. As a
father you will become patient. Separations cause unhappiness.
You can cheer up with the hope that the transit of Saturn is soon
going to become beneficial to you.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You are a happy man now compared to your experiences in the past.
Your enemies will now find your strength better than before. Good
period to start new ventures. There will be advancement in career.
You will be known as a wealthy man now. Good news will reach you.
Make the best use of your masculine talents to consolidate your
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
You should be careful about health during this phase. Mental peace
makes a strategic retreat. You can do TM- which can trigger the
Relaxation Response ( Dr Herbert Benson). The professional field
will give you tension and face all with equanimity of mind. If
health troubles you- you can chant the Health Mantra- Dhanwantari
Mantra. If Wealth- the Wealth Mantra- the Sree Sookta Mantra and
for Wisdom- the Gayatri ! The mantra of Rahu can be chanted to
reduce the maleficence of the North Node.
On the positive side- you may undertake pilgrimages and there may be
meritorious awards to your children. There will be chances of foreign
travel and you may take some correct decisions. On the negative side-
there will be impediments in your relationships and health hazards to
life partner.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny
gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery
will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to
acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of
30-09-2021 .............. 21-11-2021
Unhappzy you will be as the planet of Wealth transits the adverse
6th. Despite your having all conveniences you lack happziness.
You are confronted by enemies who plot and conspire against you.
Mental peace takes a beating. The remedy is to turn to prayer and
meditation to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity.
21-11-2021 .............. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
for Moon Sign Libra - Thula Kooru- Thula ( Chitra 1/2- Swathi- Vishakha 3/4 )
As Transit Venus is in Janma immense sensory
pleasures indicated-Akhila Vishya Bhogam.
As Transit Sun is in 12 H you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth-- there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
As Transit Mars is in 12 H you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth there may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury tenants your Janma House you will be considered
scholarly & jovial. Academic learning is the prerogative
of Mercury. There will be academic distinctions and excellence
in many fields.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Physical problems or mental worries are likely. Your fear and
apprehension of problems are more damaging than the problems
themselves. Try to be a positive and optimistic man. You may
travel a lot and stay away from home during this period. As a
result your wife may be unhappy. Take extra efforts to keep your
friends and loved ones in good spirits during this period of
Kandaka Sani.
30-09-2021 .............. 17-01-2023
There will be problems from young members in the family. As a
father you will become patient. Separations cause unhappiness.
You can cheer up with the hope that the transit of Saturn is soon
going to become beneficial to you.
17-01-2023 .............. 29-03-2025
Money takes away mental peace. You have to store treasures in Heaven for
gaining the peace that passeth understanding. Do Punya and eschew Papa-
this is the essence of the millions of books on Wisdom- Ethics and Mora-
lity. Friends increase. Paropakarya Punyaya Papaya Para Peedanam.
You will find that money is a killer. Money kills many a relationship.
Due to friction between the family members- lack of mental peace will
result. But this transit is not without its positive side. There may
be increase in largesse- social recognition- acquisition of knowledge
and improvement of the communication ability.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Financial tightness and enmity trouble from relatives mark the
entry of Jupiter into the 4th. Domestic happziness takes a beating
Worries on account of the loved ones. You worry more about their
health. Financial strains compound your woes. The pandavas lost
their kingdom when Jupiter transited the 4th and you are in a
similar situation.
30-09-2021 ....... 21-11-2021
Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny
gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery
will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to
acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of
21-11-2021 ........ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
23 23-10-2021 185.6657 31.9292
23 23-10-2021 24-10-2021
for Moon Sign Scorpio - Vrischika Kooru- ( Vishakha 1/4- Anuradha- Jyeshta )
As Transit Venus tenants your 12th House--
lucky breaks can grace you.
As Transit Sun is in the 11th House there can be profes
ssional rise-- Sthana Manadi Labham You become the cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Transit Mars is in the 11th -House there can be profes
ssional rise- Sthana Manadi Labham. You become th cynosure
of all eyes and your talents are accepted.
As Mercury is in your 12th House you may change profession.
You may have to move away from your chosen karma or profession.
12th Mercury can bestow immense educational attainments.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
Influence of Saturn is favourable now. You will receive good news.
Recognition of your talents and success in undertakings can be
anticipated . Health will improve. You will gain income from
unexpected sources. There will be no shortage of food or material
comforts required for a man of your background. You will get
nearer to your masculine goals.
30-09-2021 ................ 17-01-2023
Physical problems or mental worries are likely. Your fear and
apprehension of problems are more damaging than the problems
themselves. Try to be a positive and optimistic man. You may
travel a lot and stay away from home during this period. As a
result your wife may be unhappy. Take extra efforts to keep your
friends and loved ones in good spirits during this period of
Kandaka Sani.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
This is the time to take calculated risks. The envious rivals may attack
you with vicious propaganda. Rahu can take away your mental peace and the
Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted to get the maximum benefits
of the 7th Nodal Transit.
Be careful about relationship with neighbors. There will be a lack of
self confidence. On the positive side- you become more spiritual. Journeys
will be undertaken and you will get profit from investment and speculation.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
It is said that Lord Brahma lost his head during the transit of
3rd Jupiter and this period calls for courageous handling of work
situations and fiscal matters. You should not be detered by obst-
acles and hindrances in the path. Your wife becomes happzy as
changes in place of residence or work becomes imminent.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Financial tightness and enmity trouble from relatives mark the
entry of Jupiter into the 4th. Domestic happziness takes a beating
Worries on account of the loved ones. You worry more about their
health. Financial strains compound your woes. The pandavas lost
their kingdom when Jupiter transited the 4th and you are in a
similar situation.
21-11-2021 ................ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
26 26-10-2021 188.6541 67.3433
26 26-10-2021 27-10-2021
for Moon Sign Sagittarius - Dhanu Kooru ( Moola- Poorvashada- Uttarashada 1/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 11th House you will have
income from many sources.
As Transit Sun tenants the 10th House you will
have wealth of no mean order Transit Sun in the
Dasama House makes you learned in the scriptures &
endows chivalry and valour. You become an expert in
the science of politics as the Sun is a political
As Transit Mars tenants the 10th -House you will have wealth
of no mean order Mars in the Dasama -House makes you learned in
the scriptures & endows chivalry and valour. You become an expert
in the science of politics as the Transit is a political planet.
As Mercury is in your 11th House you will have exceptional
gains. Mercury tenanting the sarvabhistasthana is excellent
for Labha or gain. Gains due to publishing books and period-
icals literature poetry and art.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You have crossed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But
general unhappiness and a sorrowful mood may prevail. However
there may be bright moments which will cheer up your male ego.
Do not allow small disagreements with wife to end up in quarrels.
Guard your wealth and self respect carefully.
30-09-2021 ............... 17-01-2023
Influence of Saturn is favourable now. You will receive good news.
Recognition of your talents and success in undertakings can be
anticipated . Health will improve. You will gain income from
unexpected sources. There will be no shortage of food or material
comforts required for a man of your background. You will get
nearer to your masculine goals.
17-01-2023 ............... 29-03-2025
You can store your treasures in Heaven- which in turn will give you good
will from the people. Your talent will be recognised by the multitude. Be
careful about money transactions. Overwork may take its toll. Mental peace
takes a beating and you can overcome it by Prayer and Meditation. The Rahu
Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted in a state of purity.
Regarding Realty- there may be disputes. Beware of health hazards to
mother and elderly relatives. On the positive side- you may gain respect
and recognition- which you richly deserve.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Your work gets appzreciated by your bosses. Your abilities as a
leader gets recognised and you will play an important role in
social work. Speculative profits make you happzy. Domestic happzi-
ness improves. Enjoyment with wife and children. Financial posit-
ion improves under favourable stars.
30-09-2021 ............... 21-11-2021
It is said that Lord Brahma lost his head during the transit of
3rd Jupiter and this period calls for courageous handling of work
situations and fiscal matters. You should not be detered by obst-
acles and hindrances in the path. Your wife becomes happzy as
changes in place of residence or work becomes imminent.
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
28 28-10-2021 190.6489 91.2344
28 28-10-2021 29-10-2021
for Moon Sign Capricorn - Makara Kooru ( Uthrashada 3/4- Sravana- Dhanishta 1/2 )
As Transit Venus tenants the 10th House you will have
misunderstandings or quarrels. Only Intellectual
Love can resolve misunderstandings.
As Transit Sun is in the 9th House you may lack
happiness from father. Wealth you will have in a
moderate way You will enjoy all the comforts of life
You may be afflicted by many hindrances on the path
as the 9th is a moral triangle.
As Transit Mars is in the 9th -House you may lack happiness
from father. Wealth you will have in a moderate way. You will
enjoy all the comforts of life. You may be afflicted by many
hindrances on the path as the 9th is a moral triangle.
As Mercury is in your 10th House you can rise to be a lect-
urer or professor or a big businessman. Mercury's influence
on the Dasama House tends one to the scholastic profession.
Excellence in the academic field.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are in the middle of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is
generally a bad period. As a man trying your best to emphasise
your success you should be very careful and cautions. Enmity
from your own people aimless wanderings breakdowns loss of
confidence etc are predicted when Saturn moves through Janma
Rasi which is the position now in your case. You may have to
face humiliating situations and financial problems. This will be
a heart breaking experience for a self respecting man like you.
Determined and a disciplined prayerful approach to face problems
is the need of the hour.
30-09-2021 .............. 17-01-2023
You have crossed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But
general unhappiness and a sorrowful mood may prevail. However
there may be bright moments which will cheer up your male ego.
Do not allow small disagreements with wife to end up in quarrels.
Guard your wealth and self respect carefully.
17-01-2023 ............. 29-03-2025
This is the time to store treasures in Heaven. Nature rewards good
deeds. What goes around- comes around. If you help people- people
will help you. You can try TM and Holistic Medicine- which can save
you from tension and health problems.
You may be worried about children. Speculation is taboo. On the posi-
tive side- you may be interested in the Occult. You may socialise and
gain recognition from society. Intellectual pursuits will be rewarded.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Adverse Jupiter causes unnecessary wanderings and journeys and
economic loss. This is a malefic period detrimental to health.
Avoid specualtive investments. Quite possible that you may have
to travel away from home. Misunderstandings with loved ones quite
30-09-2021 .............. 21-11-2021
Your work gets appzreciated by your bosses. Your abilities as a
leader gets recognised and you will play an important role in
social work. Speculative profits make you happzy. Domestic happzi-
ness improves. Enjoyment with wife and children. Financial posit-
ion improves under favourable stars.
21-11-2021 ............. 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
3 03-10-2021 165.8768 121.0776
3 03-10-2021 04-10-2021
for Moon Sign Aquarius - Kumbha Kooru- ( Dhanishta 1/2- Satabhisha- Poorvabhadra 3/4 )
As Transit Venus is in the 9th House you will have
immense Sensory pleasures -sthree sukhaptim
As Transit Sun is in 8th House you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydra This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth There may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth-- Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham-- Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam
As Transit Mars is in 8th -House you will be subject
to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a
ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to
both healh and wealth. There may be Sthana Bhramsam
and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana
Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.
As Mercury is posited in your 9th House you will have sons
wealth and all sorts of comforts. You will be charitable and
religious. Educational attainments will be of the highest
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You are in the starting period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). Being
an ambitious man a turbulent period in your life is to be
expected. Since you see trouble all around you tend to give a
negative interpretation to any change you experience. You can
anticipate more comings and goings in your circle. Cautious
approach to problems is warranted. Strive against getting upset
on minor issues. Learn to appreciate the needs and feeling of
others and try to be an understanding husband. Hardwork will see
you safely through this period.
30-09-2021 ................. 17-01-2023
You are in the middle of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is
generally a bad period. As a man trying your best to emphasise
your success you should be very careful and cautions. Enmity
from your own people aimless wanderings breakdowns loss of
confidence etc are predicted when Saturn moves through Janma
Rasi which is the position now in your case. You may have to
face humiliating situations and financial problems. This will be
a heart breaking experience for a self respecting man like you.
Determined and a disciplined prayerful approach to face problems
is the need of the hour.
17-01-2023 ................. 29-03-2025
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Malefic Jupiter in the 12th creates separation from loved ones.
Unnecessary wanderings and journeys long distance travel which
becomes unpleasant heavy expenditure. Sickness manifests as Jove
takes an adverse stance. It is better to warn your business part-
ners and wife about the potential problems in the offing.
30-09-2021 ................ 21-11-2021
Adverse Jupiter causes unnecessary wanderings and journeys and
economic loss. This is a malefic period detrimental to health.
Avoid specualtive investments. Quite possible that you may have
to travel away from home. Misunderstandings with loved ones quite
21-11-2021 ............... 13-04-2022
While there may be some lucky breaks in Profession- health problems
may overwhelm you. Rahu can rob you of the much needed mental peace.
Try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation Response. Great tension
indicated. The Rahu mantra- Om Rahave Namah- can be used to store
equilibrium !
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
6 06-10-2021 168.8330 162.6199
6 06-10-2021 07-10-2021
Moon Sign Pisces - Meena Kooru- ( Poorvabhadra 1/4- Uttarabhadra- Revathi )
As Transit Venus is in the 8th House you will be
blessed by lucky breaks- Sampadam.
As Transit Sun is in the 7th house you will
be insulted by members of the opposite sex Misunder
standings and quarrels surface You will be plagued by
quarrels and misunderstanding You should be
careful about your approach to partner.
As Transit Mars is in the 7th -House you will be insulted
by members of the opposite sex. Misunderstandings and quarrels
surface. You will be plagued by quarrels and worried about your
approach to partner.
As Mercury is in your 8th House you will be truly versatile
and reputed for your excellent qualities. Your knowledge and
enviable qualities will get the praise of many.
Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through
the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and
significant from the perspective of fortune.
You will see a change in the happenings and your luck now. Your
merits will be recognized though you think that it is delayed.
You will be a rich man. Expansion of assets is likely. There will
be happy events in the family. You tend to sacrifice leisure time
to catch up with odd jobs. You put on performances which prove
effective. There will be a tendency to flirt. All these may be
difficult for your wife to absorb.
30-09-2021 ................... 17-01-2023
You are in the starting period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). Being
an ambitious man a turbulent period in your life is to be
expected. Since you see trouble all around you tend to give a
negative interpretation to any change you experience. You can
anticipate more comings and goings in your circle. Cautious
approach to problems is warranted. Strive against getting upset
on minor issues. Learn to appreciate the needs and feeling of
others and try to be an understanding husband. Hardwork will see
you safely through this period.
17-01-2023 .................. 29-03-2025
Happiness will be found wanting. Envious rivals take this phase to
attack you. You may lose some friends also. If you Love All and
Serve All- you can store treasures in Heaven. You can get the
goodwill of society. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - and
chant it minimum 12 times a day.
There may be mental tension galore and worries. Worries are two
types - past regrets and future fears. You find that mental strength
has zapped. You may have to travel and you may be worried about
health of life partner.
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier-
archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has
got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial
dimension comes within his domain.
Jupiter suddenly becomes benevolent and gains and prestige accrue
Romance blossoms. Wife becomes happy. Income increases and you get
the help of your elder co-borns. Promotional prospects. You become
inspired and will-power to survive increases. Inner strength is
more now than ever.
30-09-2021 ................. 21-11-2021
Malefic Jupiter in the 12th creates separation from loved ones.
Unnecessary wanderings and journeys long distance travel which
becomes unpleasant heavy expenditure. Sickness manifests as Jove
takes an adverse stance. It is better to warn your business part-
ners and wife about the potential problems in the offing.
21-11-2021 ................ 13-04-2022
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon
Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe
Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid
major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th
transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in
Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this
phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.
You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension=
physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and
travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes
with partner - all these mark your pitiable
state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised
to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and
seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary
representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses
through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace
makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu
Be careful about these days
8 08-10-2021 170.8064 191.7824
8 08-10-2021 09-10-2021