A Hymn to the Mother Divine By 


To elevate our Consciousness, Sankara wrote a Hymn to the Divine Mother, the Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam. This octet is good and can make our Kundalini rise !

Ambaa shaambhavi chandramaulir abalaa.aparnaa umaa paarvathi
KaaLii haimavatii shivaa trinayanii kaatyaayanii bhairavii .
Saavitrii navayauvanaa shubhakarii saamraajyalakshmiipradaa
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings
Thou art the Mother of the Universe,
The daughter of the mighty Himalayas,
The consort divine of the Divine Lord
With eyes triune - past, present and future
Thou art the conferror of Royalty & Fortune
With the splendour of a thousand suns !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa mohini devataa tribhuvanii aana.ndasa.ndhaayinii
VaaNii pallavapaaNiveNumuraLii gaanapriyaalolinii .
KalyaaNii uDuraajabi.mbavadanaa dhuumraakShasa.mhaariNii
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

Thou art enchanting and tempting
O Mother of all the three worlds
Thou art the Seven Octaves of Music
Thou art the Song and the Poem
Thou art the bestower of Auspiciousness
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa nuupuraratnaka~NkaNadharii keyuurahaaraavaLii
Jaajiichampakavaijayantilaharii graiveyavairaajitaa .
ViiNaaveNuvinodamaNDitakaraa viiraasanaasa.msthitaa
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii


O Mother embellished with jewels
O Mother of the relative states
Waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa raudriNi bhadrakaaLi bagaLaa jvaalaamukhii vaiShNavii
BrahmaaNii tripuraa.ntakii suranutaa dediipyamaanojjvalaa .
Chaamu.nDaashritarakShapoShajananii daakShaayaNii pallavii
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother fierce and dreadful
O Time Personified
O Devourer of all as Time
O Wisdom Personified
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa shuuladhanuHkushaa.nkushadharii ardhe.ndubi.mbaadharii
Vaaraahii madhu kaiTabhaprashamanii vaaNiiramaasevitaa .
Mallaadyaasuramuukadaityadamanii maaheshwarii a.mbikaa
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Universal Mother who destroys evil
Lust, greed, anger, jealousy,
Sloth, covetousness, gluttony
The negative elements of the human mind
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !


Ambaa sR^iShTivinaashapaalanakarii aaryaavisa.mshobhitaa
Gaayatrii praNavaakSharaamR^itasaraH puurNaanusa.ndhiikR^itaa .
OMkaarii vinutaa suraarchitapadaa uddanNDadaityaapahaa
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother Divine of the Vedas
O Mother personified as Gayatri
The Mantra which protects the chanter
Gayath thrayate iti gayathri
O Thou personified as AUM
Which represents the states triune
Waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep
And also Transcendence
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa shaashvata aagamaadi vinutaa aaryaa mahaa devataa
Yaa brahmaadi pipiilikaa.nta jananii yaa vai jaganmohinii .
Yaa pa~nca praNavaadi repha jananii yaa chitkaLaamaalinii
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Deity of all deities
O Thou who enchant the Universe
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !

Ambaa paalitabhaktaraajiranisha.m a.mbaaShTaka.m yaH paThet
AmbaalokakaTaakShaviikShalalitaa aishvaryamavyaahataa .
Ambaa paavanama.ntraraajapaThanaaddantiishamokShapradaa
Chidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Prosperity Personified
O Thou who art the Prosperity Eightfold
O Conferror of Bliss Absolute
O Mother Divine of the nature of Consciousness
O Celestial Deity Great
With the noble attributes six
O Queen of all queens and kings !
Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial !






