

Transit of Moon through the Zodiacal Signs, the different Constellations and Lunations

Apart from Upachayas, that is 3,6,10 and 11 Houses, the inconstant Moon tests the native through challenges, trials and tribulations. His sidereal period is 27 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes and 33.1 seconds. His daily motion of mean longitude is 47434 seconds per day, that is in Vedic terms, between 52 Nadis and 68 Nadis.

As he represents Mind, he becomes very important. Mind is indeed omnipotent. We have given him great importance and here we give the effect he produces, through his great journey through the Zodiacal Signs, the different constellations and lunations !

As Mind is the most powerful element in the Universe ( Mind is omnipotent - Freud ), Luna assumes tremendous importance.Mind is its own place and can make a Heaven of Hell or a Hell of Heaven - averred Milton. Three Ms - Mind ,Medicine &- Mother Are signified by Him who is benevolent, In 1 3 6 9 10 houses, the Upachayas, Mano Matharo Oushadho Sheetarasmi. When He transit 8th House, He may stike at us ! He is only benign in Janma & Upachaya Janma Upachayasamstha Gochara Indu.

High risks high returns is the biz motto. So there is nothing wrong with taking risks. Some say predictions positive have a great impact, as an positive astro prediction can unlock the formidable power of the subconscious. Such an inspired man will take more risks and make more money. So this Science can identify auspicious and inauspicious time and good time can be capitalised. Napolean became an Emperor during the North Node's period and was defeated when Jupiter's dasa began. Same man, same calibre !

There will be more ego satisfaction. Romance blossoms and you get recognition from the opposite sex. Surprisingly health will be OK. Marital prospects are in the air.

Courage to fight enemies will be imparted by the Nine Revolving Heavens and this is positive as Dhairya Lakshmi is the greatest Lakshmi. Without courage who can win a war? War is a biological necessity, an outlet for the human desire to compete and excel.

Romance blossoms and there will be good relations with partner. You will enjoy the support of powerful friends who extoll you. Plan Your Work and work your plan. Not only business plans, but plans of travel, which will uplift you psychologically.

Remember Expenditure tend to rise with income and you have to control expenses. ?"
