The Zodiacal Sign of Libra comprises of the last two lunar mansions of Alpha Virginis ( Chitra ) , four quarters of Alpha Bootis ( Swathi )  and the first three quarters of Beta Librae ( Vishakha ). 

For Libra Moon Signs


Venus  in the Fourth   can  give good    sensory pleasures, prosperity for children and increase of  bliss.

Sun in the 2st damages the purse.

Jupiter is  negative   in the  Eighth  and  can give unlucky breaks.   

Saturn is  negative  in the  5th and blocks mental peace. 


In an imperfect  world, infested with Ignorance, the only solution is to win everything with Love & Patience. Resilience is a major virtue, whch reveals the  Light of Success. 

Avoid calculated risks.


Ekagrata can bring success.

Rahu's Transit 

Money takes away mental peace. You have to store treasures in Heaven for gaining the peace that passeth understanding. Do Punya and eschew Papa, this is the essence of the millions of books on Wisdom, Ethics and Morality. Friends increase. Paropakarya Punyaya Papaya Para Peedanam. 

You will find that money is a killer. Money kills many a relationship. Due to friction between the family members, lack of mental peace will result. But this transit is not without its positive side. There may be increase in largesse, social recognition, acquisition of knowledge and improvement of the communication ability.




Chandrashtama - The Black Hole of Natal Astrology


When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon, Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in Hindu Astrology.  

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Anything of the flesh will be affected during this phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.  You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension, physical discomfort, delays in undertakings and travel, misplaced documents, sporadic clashes with partner - all these mark your pitiable state. During this 2 1/4 days, you are advised to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary representing the Mind, the Moon, traverses through the dreaded Eighth House, mental peace makes a strategic retreat. 


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