Ode to the Bestower of Wealth, Kanaka Dhara
Stora III
O Great Mother
Worshipped by celestials !
Consort of Purusha
The Unmoved Mover
With eyes like lotus
The Creatrix and the
The Dispensatrix and
the Executrix
Of Justice Universal
O Bestower of
I salute Thee entire !
Namo stu devyai
Namo stu visnorusasi sthitayai
Namo stu lakshmai kamala layayai
Namo stu damodara vallabhayai ||
A salutation to Thee
Can impart Prosperity
Happiness Absolute
Bliss Eternal
Is bestowed by Thee
Worshipping Thee
Removes miseries
Confers pentitude
O Glorious Mother !
Namo stu kanyai kamalekshanayai
Namostu bhutyai bhuvana prasutyai
Namo stu devadibhi rarcitayai
Namo stu nandatmajavallabhayai ||
He who worships
Thy glance divine
Is blessed with Prosperity
O Queen of the Universe
Who dominates the heart
Of the Lord Universal
My obeisancances
In word, thought and deed
Sampatka rani sakalendriya nandanani
Samrajya dana niratani saroruhakshi
Tvadvandanani durita paharonodyatani
Mameva mata ranisam kalayastu manye ||
Our hearts are
By Thy Presence
O Thou seated on the
Holding Lotus Flower
Dressed in white pur
Adorned with garlands
And sandalwood paste
Show compassion, O
O Consort of
On this humble devotee
Yatkataksha samupa sana vidhih
Sevakasya sakalardha sampadah
Santanoti vacana gamanasai
Stvam murari hrdaye svar im bhaje ||
O Daughter of the Ocean of Milk
O Mother of worlds
The celestial elephants
Bathe you every day
With waters of Ganges
From golden vessels
O All Compassionate
I prostrate before Thee !
Sarasijanayane | Saroja haste
Dhavala taram suka gandhamalya sobhe |
Bhagavati | Harivallabhe | Manojne |
Tribhuvana bhutikari | Prasida mahyam ||
O Consort of the Lotus
Purusha, Lord of
Direct Thy Glance
Thy Glance all merciful
On this humble devotee
Erase my miseries
My poverty, obscurity
And bless me with
Prosperity !
Dighastibhih kanaka
kumbha mukha vasruta
Svarvahini vimala caru jalap plutangim
Pratar namami jagatam janani masesa
Lokadhi natha grhini mamrutabdhi putrim ||
O Controller of the
Protector of humanity
Forgive my sins !
I surrender myself
To Thy Lotus Feet
Self is afflicted by
May Thy glance
Favor me with Prosperity !
Kamale! kamalaksha vallabhe | tvam
Karunapura tarangitai rapamgaih
Avalokaya mama kincananam
Prathamam patra makrtrimam dayayah ||
Those who sing
These verses divine
Praising Mother
Become prosperous !
Fortune grace them
Intellectual strength,
Prajna Bala
Grace them
They become famous
Due to Her Grace !
Stuvanti ye stutibhi
ramubhi ranvaham
Trayi mayim tribhuvana mataram Ramam |
Gunadhika gurutara bhagya bhajino
Bhavanti te bhuvi budha bhavita sayah ||
O Gracious Mother
To Thee our salutations
Thou art seated in the
Of the Lotus thousand
Symbolising that Thee
Control all arts mystic
Of golden hue
The Eightfold
Before Thee, we
prostrate !
Bilvatavi Madhya lasatsaroje
Sahasra patre sukhi sannivistam |
Astapadambhuruha panipadmam
Stuvarna Varnam pranamami lakshmeem ||
As I am afflicted
By misery and poverty
Maybe due to Karma
Erase that Karmic balance
And bestow me with Thy
Thy Grace which
Prosperity manifold !
Purifying me
And taking me to Moksha
Kamala sana panina lalate
Likhita mokshara punkti masya jantoh |
Parimarjayam mata ranghrinate
Dhanika dvara nivasa dukha doghrim ||
Thy Origin and Birth
Is the Flower Lotus
Thou adorn
The Chest of the Lord
Grace my lotus heart
And make me grateful
To Thy Benediction
Thou art Padmini
Lotus Born
The Lotus Thousand
Symbolism of mystic
Mystic secrets sprung
from Heaven !
Amho ruham janma gruham bhavatya
Vaksha sthalam bhartu gruham murareh
Karunyatah kalpaya padma vase |
Leelagruham mehrudaya ravindam ||
These verses glorious
Composed by Sankara
Ace philosopher and poet
Are divine by nature
Those who chant these
Suvarna dhara stotramya
Chankara carya nirmitam
Trisandhyam yah padeth nnityam
Sakubera samo bhaveth ||