We are puny parts of the Great Whole, the Absolute, the Poornam. Everything contains an inward determination of the parts by the function & purpose of the Whole. Holistic Philosophy, Yoga & Holistic Medicine, Ayurveda, dominate India.
Another Defining Feature - Liberalism
You can follow any System of Philosophy.
There are many systems and you can follow any. Monism, Advaita, Qualified
Monism, Vishishtadvaita, Dualism Dvaita, Agnosticism, Ajneyavada, Atheism, Nir
Eeswara vada et al. There is none to excommunicate you.
You can follow any Deity
There are many Deities and you can follow any. Ekam Sat, Only the One Exists,
the Pure Existent and Sages call it by many names, vipra bahuda vadanti. So
there is no compulsion on you to follow any single Redeemer.
You can follow any Guru
There are many Gurus and you can follow any. A bona fide Guru can take you to
Self Actualisation. Out of the Four, Mother, Father, Guru & the Lord, Guru
is the greatest, Tasmat Sastrasya Siddhanto Brahma daye Guru para. If the Lord
gets angry, the Guru will save you, but if the Guru gets angry, who will save
you ? ( Sivau rushte Gurur sratha Gurau rushte na Sankara ).
You can bring in your own theories
There are many theories and you can follow any.