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Guru Paduka Stotra or Hymn to the Guru    

                         astrovedica,gurupaduka stotra, hindu astrology software consultancy and research


I bow before the divine sandals of my Guru  

Who is like the boat to cross this ocean of Samsar 

The ocean of worldliness, of sorrow, suffering

Who inspires me to devotion divine

Who helps me attain Renunciaton

Which paves the way for  Liberation !



Anantha samsara samudhra thara naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam,
Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.


O  Ocean of Poesy
Resembling Full Luna
The water holy putting out the fire
Of misfortunes which afflict
O Remover of distress galore
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Before the divine sandals of my Guru, I bow !


Kavithva varasini sagarabhyam, dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam,
Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam,, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.




O Compassionate One, O Ocean of Mercy
O Thou who makest the dumb, orators
Which maketh  all prostrate before Thee
Even if they are poor or rich
Before the divine sandals
Of my Guru, I bow !


Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu kadachidapyasu daridra varya,
Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam,namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.


O Ocean of Knowledge

Who attracts us
To devotion divine
Who cures us
Of desires unwanted
Who helps to fulfill
Desires of devotees

Before the divine sandals

Of my Guru, I bow !

Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam, nana vimohadhi nivarikabyam,
Nama janabheeshtathathi pradhabhyam namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

O Thou Destroyer of Ignorance
Who shines like the Jewel in the Crown
Who makes beggars princes
Who shines like a maid
In a crocodile infested river !
Before the divine sandals
Of my Guru, I bow !

Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi sariddha raja jjashakanyakabhyam,
Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

O Master Liberator !
Who is like the series of Suns



Driving away the dark sins

Who, like the King of eagles,
Drives away the cobras, miseries
The Ocean of Ignorance
Is burnt up by Thee
Before His diivine sandals
I bow !

Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,
Jadyadhi samsoshana vadaveebhyam namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

O Glorious One,
Who endows us
With the six virtues
Who imparts Bliss
Self Actualisation Absolute
Who imparts Love Divine
Devotion to the Lord !
Before His diivine sandals
I bow !

Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam,Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam,
Ramadhavadeegra sthirha bhakthidabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

O Lover of the Absolute !

Who bestows all desires
Of disciples devoted
Who are ever involved
In service divine
Helping aspirants
Attain Liberation
From this cycle
Of births and deaths !
Before His diivine sandals
I bow !
Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam, swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam,
Swanthachad bhava pradha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.

O Master of Knowledge Absolute
Who like Garuda, the bird divine
Drives away the serpent of Lust
Providing one, with Knowledge
And wisdom transcendental !
Blessing one, with Enlightenment
Speedy Liberation
From this cycle transmigratory
Before His divine sandals
I bow !
Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam, viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam,
Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukhabyam.


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