Union via Universal Love ( Bhakthi Yoga
The noblest Union is Union via Love. Love is an outpouring of the
heart and Love is Love's reward.
Love is a glory from Eternity's spheres
He is still the Godhead that can make all change
Love should never cease to be upon the earth
Love is the bright link betwixt earth and heaven
Love is the far Transcendent's angel here
Love is man's lien on the Absolute ( Aurobindo )
All other yogas are difficult to practice. Raja Yoga ( Union via
psychic control ) is difficult because we have to keep up
Brahmacharya ( continence ), Jnana Yoga is difficult because of the
philosophic subtlety of the concepts & Karma Yoga is difficult
because its end is far, far away. On the other hand Bhakti Yoga or
Union via Love is simple to practise because there are no
restrictions in this noblest and blest Union via Love.
The Ninefold Bridal Mysticism, the Nava Vidha Bhakthi Yoga
Sravanam - Hearing His exploits
Keerthanam- Singing his praises
Archanam - Worshipping Him
Pada Sevanam - Service for Him
Arpanam - Consecration to the Divine
Vandanam - Bowing before the Tutelary Deity
Dasyam - Being His servant
Sakhyam - Eternal Friendship with Love Immortal
Atma Nivedanam - Sacrificing for Him
Having a Tutelary Deity is the first step. This Deity should be
worshipped in thought, word and deed.
" By giving thyself up in heart and soul to Me, thou shalt
overcome all difficulties by My Grace " says He in the Geetha.
Only Universal Love can redeem the world. The salvation of the world
is in love and through love.
"Take away Love and the whole world becomes a tomb" said
Man is endowed with many positive qualities. Truth, Ethics, Peace,
the Discriminative intellect & Love are the major five positive
qualities in man. Of these, Love is the greatest positive quality.
If we incorporate love, we can see that our lives become peaceful
& spiritually resplendent. We are asked to incorporate this
supreme quality, which is a prerequisite for Liberation or Self-Realisation.
Freud identified Thanatos ( Death Instinct ) as the destructive
element in Man. Contray to Thanatos is Eros or the Life Instinct. It
is true that Thanatos ( Death Instinct ) or the Vedantic Thamas is
the villain of the piece as far as this sin-sick world is concerned.
The Mr Hyde in man is very powerful. In Man there is an eternal
fight going on between Conscience and Expedience. between Eros and
Thanatos! We have not yet defined the Life instinct. This anti-Thanatos
principle is Love !
In the Divina
Commedia, Beatrice criticises Dante for following Philosophy and not
Religion. Under Beatrice's compulsion Dante changes over to Bhakti
Yoga, away from Being and Becoming !
3) Vanaprastha - Once responsibilities are over, one should seek the
So the preserving quality is Love. Love alone is the Saviour, Love
alone is the Redeemer. He who embraces Love is blessed and he alone
can save the world.
His light and life is given to balance here
The dark account of mortal ignorance!
It is this quality which is highly favoured by Heaven !
Love rules the court, the camp and the grove,
All men below and saints above
For Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love !
As one Great One
Love all beings
That is enough !
Or Alexander Pope
He prayeth best who loveth best
Both bird and man and beast
When it comes to Jnana & Bhakti Yogas, it is said that He,
before whom even the Vedas remain mute, prefers Union via Love to
Union via Wisdom.
It is like the wife and lady love. Jnana Yoga is the wife and
Bhakthi Yoga is the lady love.
Jnana Yoga is like the wife. It asks " Why didnt you actualise
the Self ?"
Bhakti Yoga is like the lady love. It asks " No problem ; there
is still time for you to actualise"
The forms of saints & holy men who died
Hereafter martyred and hereafter crucified
And the Great Rose upon its leaves displays
Love's triumph and the angelic roundelays
With splendour upon splendour multiplied
And Beatrice again at Dante's side!
No more rebuking but smiling her words of praise ( Longfellow )
The strict restrictions in other Yogas make it difficult to practise
them. On the other hand, there are no restrictions in Bhakthi Yoga.
The process of spiritual evolution is automatic and all blocks will
be removed by Divine Grace.
In the Geetha, He hath declared that Bhakthi is the greatest of all
yogas. The bliss that accrues from sheer devotion is ineffable !
The basic dictums of Bhakthi Yoga are simple. They are
Love All
Serve All
Help Ever
Hurt Never
Hate None
Nurture All
Educate All
If we can do this spontaneously, we have reached Universal Love.
"I shall deliver thee from all sin and evil" says He in
the Geetha. The debit in our Karmic balance sheet will be exhausted
& we become eligible for Self-Actualisation.
As Robert Bach said " At the end of our terrestrial journey,
one question will be asked. How much did we love and what is the
quality of our love ? "
Love your neighbour because he is like you; and love your enemy
because enmity is a misunderstanding.
Start the day with Love
End the day with Love
Spend the day with Love
Fill the day with Love
That is the way to the Divine ( Sai )
The simple wisdom which is Love can redeem us & this world!
Economists say that Money makes the world go around. While this
statement is true superficially, when we go deeply, we find that
some other emotion makes the world go around. It is Love that makes
the world go around!
When we ask one thing, God gives that one thing but when we ask
nothing, He gives everything, He gives Himself & also the
spontaneous boons of His love! Our prayer should be like the prayer
of the poet who prayed " I desire nothing
from Thee, I desire only Thee ! ".
The Fourfold Dharma & the Fifth Dharma
The Law asks us to practice the Fourfold Dharma
They are
1) Brahmacharya - During pre-marriage days one should steadfastly
follow Dharma
2) Garhastya - Once married, should do both duties - worldly &
4) Sanyasa - To walk in the Self; to embrace none but Him.
There is a fifth Dharma. It is called Prajna Dharma, the Highest
Wisdom is Love!
The Four Purusharthas ( objectives ) & the Fifth Purushartha
There are four purusharthas. They are Artha ( Wealth ), Dharma (
Ethics & Morality), Kama ( Desires ) & Moksha ( Self-Realisation
There is a fifth Purushartha. It is Prema, Love !
Premam Brahma - Love is He ! The highest knowledge is Love !
The equation of Jnana Yoga - Prajnanam Anandam Brahma (The Self is
Consciousness & Bliss ) is replaced by the more powerful
equation of Bhakthi Yoga - Premam Anandam Brahma ( Self is Love and
Bliss ) ! Love alone can confer Bliss!
Love is a manna sent from Heaven, a spark of the Immortal Fire, sent
by the Lord to elevate our low desire!
The heart is 60 times more powerful than the brain. There is only
one language and it is the language of the heart!
" Only via Love can anybody reach me " says Lord Krishna
in the Gita. Same statement is attributed to Jesus " No one
cometh to the Father, but via Me ". All these smack of the high
importance the Yogis have given to this supreme quality, Bhakthi or
Universal Love !
All wisdom is contained in Love and love alone can heal this
sin-sick world, as love is divine medicine!
It is said that the Lord is playing hide and seek! Himself the play,
Himself the player, Himself the playground!
The Universal
Governor of life lies in us
He is playing hide and seek with his own force
Eternal, He assents to Fate and chance
Immortal, He dallies with mortality
Divine, he wears the form of animal and man
He whose transcendence rules the pregnant vasts
Prescient lay in our subliminal depths
A luminous individual power, alone
- ( Aurobindo )
And His mantra is LOVE !