
        Z O D I A C      EPHEMERIS    - D A I L Y  P A N C H A N  G       



           Today'Star              : MOOLA            Moon 242.47         

           At                      :   6.20 AM  Standard Time             

           Today                   : 21-10-2020  wednesday                

           At Place                : TRICHUR                              

           Longitude               :  76.15  East                          

           Latitude                : 10.30  North                         

           Sunrise                 : 6.15 AM                              

           Sunset                  : 6.05 PM                              

           Time Zone               :  5.30  East Of Greenwich             

           Local Mean Time         : Standard Time    -25  Mins           

           Sidereal Time           : 839.7 Minutes                        

           SolarTransit-NjattuVela : CHITHRA          Sun 183.96          

           Kalpa                   : Sveta Varaha                         

           7th Manvantara          : Vaivaswata                           

           Ahargana - Elapsed Days :    1870678                            

           Equinoctial Cycle       : 28th Chathur Yuga                    

           Karana - Half Lunation  : Puli                                 


     Z Ephemeris / ePanchang 8.0 / 072020 / 21-10-2020 15:25:14           

     Software : www.eastrovedica.com M 93885 56053       g4marry.com      

     guruvayur4u.com email - info@eastrovedica.com       eastro.mobi      








     Sidereal Longitudes Of Planets                                       



     Planet    Rasi         Sphutam      Star       Quarter   Longitude   



     SUN       LIBRA         3:57:51    CHITHRA            4    183 :57 :51

     MARS      PISCES       24:46:52R   REVATI             3    354 :46 :52

     JUPITER   SAGITTARIUS  25:28:57    POORVASHADA        4    265 :28 :57

     VENUS     LEO          27:23:49    UTHARA             1    147 :23 :49

     SATURN    CAPRICORN     1:34:38    UTHRASHADA         2    271 :34 :38

     MERCURY   LIBRA        14:12:33R   SWATHI             3    194 :12 :33

     MOON      SAGITTARIUS   2:27:57    MOOLA              1    242 :27 :57

     RAHU      TAURUS       28:35:19    MRIGASIRA          2     58 :35 :19

     KETU      SCORPIO      28:35:19    JYESHTA            4    238 :35 :19

     LAGNA     LIBRA         4:31:24    CHITHRA            4    184 :31 :24

     GULIKA    SAGITTARIUS  20:32:20    POORVASHADA        3    260 :32 :20



     CHAITRA PAKSHA AYANAMSA         :  24  DEG    7  MIN   33  SEC       


     ELAPSED  KALI DINA NUMBER  ( AHARGANA)   :     1870678               





     CHANDRA KRIYA     :   SHIRASCHEDAM                                    

                                                                       = 2=


     CHANDRA AVASTHA   :   PRANAHANI                                      


     CHANDRA VELA      :   VANITHAKELI                                    


     AYANA             :   DAKSHINAYANA                                   


     RITHU             :   SHARATH                                        





      |                 |             |             |                 |   

      |       MAR       |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |     RAH     |                 |   

      |                 |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |             |                 |   


      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |          MOOLA            |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      ____________________      Transit Chart       ____________________  

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |                           |  VEN            |   

      |  SAT            |          21-10-2020       |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   


      |       MOO       |             | SUN     MER |                 |   

      |             JUP |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |         KET |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |     LAG     |                 |   

      |  GUL            |             |             |                 |   


               Table of Rahu Kala                                         



           1  Mon         7 30  9  0                                      

           2  Sat         9  0 10 30                                       

           3  Fri        10 30 12  0                                      

           4  Wed        12  0  1 30                                      

           5  Thu         1 30  3  0                                      

           6  Tue         3  0  4 30                                      

           7  Sun         4 30  6  0                                      



     Moorthithve Parikalpitha Sasabrutho Varma Punarjanmanam              

     Athmethmavidham Kruthuscha Yajatham Bharthamara Jyothisham           

     Lokanam  Pralayodayasthithi  Vibhuschanekada  Ya Sruthau             

     Vacham Na  Sa  dathunaikakirana  Trailokya   Deepo  Ravi             


     O Whose light makes Luna Shine ! O Originator of the Solar Path !    

     O Self of the philosophers ! O lord of the luminaries !              

     Thou Preserver  Destroyer and Creator ! O well extolled !            

     O Time Eternal! give me the divine gift of articulate speech !       

     Dr B V Raman Hypothesis                                              


          Astrology is the Mother of All Sciences                         



                                                                       = 3=

          One Maths Professor was talking to me about the                 

          glory of Maths. I paraphrased him saying that One               

          Zero & Infnity ( esoteric symbols of Advaita Shoo-              

          nyavada &  Poornada ) are all Maths !                           


          Then I told him that today is Chova Azhcha and                  

          Chova means Chomanna Graham - Mars the Red Planet               

          and that Mars is Tiv and Tiv's Day became Tuesday               

          and that Tuesday is consecrated to Mars- adding                 

          credence to the Dr B V Raman Hypothesis !                       


          The Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava                        


          Parallel to the Tan Tables of Brahma Gupta we have              

          the Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava which gives            

          correct sine values for every 3 degrees 45 minutes.             


          Actually they are not Sine Tables but the Tables of             

          R Sine Differences.                                             


          Suppose a planet has traversed 30 degrees. Its RSine             

          will be 206265 Seconds * Sin (30).                              


          Circumference  = 2 Pi R                                         

                           = 360 degrees                                             

                  R        = 360/2 Pi                                               

                           = 360/2* 3.14                                             

                           = 360/6.28                                                 

                           = 57.3 degrees                                                 


          into Minutes   = 57.3 * 60                                       



          into Seconds  = 57.3 * 60 *60                                   


                           = 206265* Sin(30)                                            




     Stars are owned by the Nine Revolving Heavens -                      

     and so we have 9*3=27 constellations.                                


     A star rules for almost 24 hours.                                    


     Some are benign  and some malign.                                     


     Record#  NAME            NATURE       EFFECT       SNAME             

           1  Natal Star      Adverse      Unfavorable  Janma              

           2  Wealth Star     Benevolent   Favorable    Sampat            

           3  Crisis Star     Adverse      Dangerous    Vipat             

           4  Prosperity      Benign       Favorable    Kshema            

           5  Obstacle Star   Blocking     Adverse      Pratyak           

           6  Smooth Star     Benign       Favorable    Sadhana           

           7  Death Star      Destructive  Malign       Naidhana          

           8  Friend Star     Benign       Favorable    Mitra             

           9  Very Friendly   Benevolent   Benign       Para Mitra        




     We have analysed all Nithya- Karthru - Shad Doshas                   


     Nava Doshas come under Nithya Doshas                                 

     Sayahna Sandhya- 6 8 12 Moon- Venus & malefic aspects.               


     Karthru Doshas are renunciation of 1 3 5 7 stars & 8th Sign          

     from Moon & Asc along with 108th and 88th quarter.                   



     Stellar Cusp  - Nakshatra Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes               

     Lunation Cusp - Thidhi Sandhi - Renounce 24 minutes                  


     Pratha Sandhya & Sayahna Sandhya -                                   

     Renounce for all Electional Hours                                    



     Soorya Samkrama Dosha - Sun's entry into a Zodiacal Sign             


     When the Sun enters 0 degrees of a Sign this Dosha is caused.        

     Renounce 3 hours ( normally it is 6 hours ) before and after         

     the Solar ingress.                                                   


     The Solar Ingress into Aries & Libra                                 

     Renounce one day before & after that date                            


     The Solar Ingress into Cancer & Capricorn                            

     Renounce 3 days before & after that date                             



     Lunation - Day Yoga ( Dagdha Yoga ).                                 

     Renounce 90 minutes after Sunrise                                    


     Wednesday & 2nd Lunation; Tuesday & 5th                              

     Thursday and 6th; 8th Lunation and Friday !                          

     Monday & the 11th; 9th & the Day of Saturn                           

     12th & the day of Sun; coincidence of these                           

                                                                       = 5=

     Are Dagdha Yoga called !                                             



     Timings for Marriage- Auspicious months & dates (Ishta Krishnashtami.


     Excellent is the Eighth Lunar Day after Full Moon !                  

     Never the last half of Pisces                                        

     No to Sagittarius- Cancer- Virgo- Aquarius !                         

     Excellent the Uttara triune                                          

     Moola- Anuradha- Rohini- Hasta- Mrigasira                            

     Magha- Revathi-Never the Birth Star of Boy                           

     & Also malefics in Seventh !                                          



     Non Annabha Stars ( considered Inauspicious                          


     Bharani - Aridra - Aslesha - Karthika - Magha -                      

     Pubba - Jyeshta -Moola - Poorvashada - Poororuttathi -               



     Rest are all Auspicious Stars.                                       



     Karthru Doshas ( Asthaseethithamasakam Pariharel..... )              


     Never the 88th Quarter nor the 108th                                 

     Renounce the First Third Fifth & Seventh Stars !                     

     Also the 8th Sign From Ascendant!                                    

     These are Karthru Doshas called !                                    



     Rahu Kala - Start & End - Renounce for all Electional Hours          


     The Calender gives you only Gross Rahu Kala which is not enough      

     for an astrologer.                                                    


     The equation of Rahu Kala is                                         


     R K = Sunrise + Aharmana/8.                                          


     Sunrise & the Diurnal Duration are variables. This program gives     

     you the Subtle R K.                                                   


     You can use the formula                                              


     Mother Sat Father With Their Two Sons                                


     counting from M for Monday whose R K starts from roughly 0730 onwards

     (M - Monday;Sat - Saturday;F - Friday;With- Wednesday;Their -Thursday

     Two - Tuesday; & Sons - Sunday )                                     




     The Auspicious Abhijit Muhurta                                       


     Abhijith is the 28th constellation and is considered male-           

     in contrast to the 27 wives of the Moon- the 27 constellations       

     which tenant the Ecliptic                                            


     Mythology has it that Moon used to stay with his 27 wives             

                                                                       = 6=

     and loved Rohini more. He is exalted in Taurus.  Abhijith            

     starts from 6 deg 40 minutes in Sidereal Capricorn and               

     extends upto 10 deg 53 min 40 seconds in that Sign.                  


     A Muhurta is 48 minutes or 2 Nadis ( 2* 24 minutes ).  Diurnal       

     or nocturnal duration is divided by 15 and we get 15 Muhurtas        

     in a day.  The 8th Muhurtha occurring  in a day is the auspicious    

     Abhijith Muhurtha.                                                   


     Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for this Electional Hour.            




           Muhurta        Vara       Start End     Rise  Set               



           1  Rahu Kala  Wednesday  12 10 13 38   615   605               

           2  Abhijit    Wednesday  11 40 12 27                           

           3  Brahma     Wednesday   4 33  5 21                           









     SATELLITE     RASI    SPHUTAM   STAR      PADA   LONGITUDE           


     VYATHIPATH  TAURUS    12:50: 9 ROHINI       1     42 :50 : 9         

     PARIVESHA   SCORPIO   12:50: 9 ANURADHA     3    222 :50 : 9         

     INDRACHAPA  LEO       17: 9:51 PUBBA        2    137 : 9 :51         

     UPAKETU     VIRGO      3:33:51 UTHARA       3    153 :33 :51         

     YAMAKANDAK  LIBRA      2:17:50 CHITHRA      3    182 :17 :50         

     KALA        ARIES      5:12:51 ASWINI       2      5 :12 :51         

     MRITHYU     CANCER     3:35: 4 PUSHYA       1     93 :35 : 4         

     ARDHAPRAHA  LEO       16:53:49 PUBBA        2    136 :53 :49         

     YAMASUKRA   SCORPIO   28:38:53 JYESHTA      4    238 :38 :53         




     The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles In Destiny.             


     Natural Benefics are Jupiter Venus and Moon and Natural              

     Malefics are Mars Saturn Rahu et al.                                 


     FUNCTIONAL Benefics are owners of trines and quadrants and Functional

     Malefics are the Trika lords of 6 8 and 12.                          


     The most dangerous is Kharesa -lord of the 22nd decanate. He is a    

     killer. Also the Ascending Decanate Lord.                            


     Most positive  planet is Bhagyaprada. Also Lagnesa.                  


     The native's form wii resemble the form of the Ascending Navamsa Lord-

     Lagna Navamsapa tulya tanu syath.                                    


     Varesa offsets the affliction of Gulika.                             


     Badhakesa is negative. We will define the House of Badha.             

                                                                       = 7=


     For Quadrants - 11th House                                           

     For 2 5 8 11  - Ninth House                                           

     For 3 6 9 12  - Seventh House                                        

     Are afflicted / Badha Houses                                         


     Charodaye Labha Grihe tu Badha                                       

     Sthithe pi Rasau Navame Vichintya                                    

     Tadobhaye Kama Grihe trayanam                                        

     Kendrasthitairithyapare vadanti                                      


     The help of Kala Horesa is needed for any enterprise.                

     IF Chandramsesa is stronger - Kala Chakra Dasa to be applied.        




      The Functionalities of Planets & Their Roles in Destiny             


           1  Ascending D2 Lord              Lagna Horesa         SUN     

           2  Ascending D12 Lord             Lagna Dwadasesa      MAR     

           3  Ascending D30 Lord             Lagna Trimsamsesa    MAR     

           4  Ascending D7 Lord              Lagna Saptamsesa     MAR     

           5  Ascending Sign                 Lagna                LIB     

           6  Lunar Ascendant                Chandra Lagna        SAG     

           7  Lord of Birth Star             Nakshatresa          KET     

           8  Ascending Star Lord            Lagna Nakshatresa    MAR     

           9  Lunar Ascendant lord           Chandra Lagnesa      JUP     

          10  Lunar Decanate Lord            Chandra Drekkanesa   JUP     

          11  Lord of Lunar Navamsa          Chandra Navamsesa    MAR     

          12  Ascending Decanate Lord        Lagna Drekkanesa     VEN     

          13  Ascending D9 Lord              Lagna Navamsesa      MAR     

          14  Lord of 22nd Decanate          Lagna Kharesa        VEN     

          15  Lord of Lunar 22nd Decanate    Chandra Kharesa      MOO     

          16  Lord of 64th Star Quarter      Chatu Shashti Padesa JUP     

          17  Lord of 88TH Star Quarter      Ashtaseethih Padesa  MOO     

          18  Lord of 108TH Star Quarter     Ashtothara Sata Pade MER     

          19  Lord of Weekday                Varesa               MER     

          20  Dispositor of Gulika           Mandeesa             JUP     

          21  Afflicted Lord                 Badhakesa            SUN     

          22  Temporal Horary Lord           Kala Horesa          MER     

          23  Functional Benefic             Bhagyaprada          MER     

          24  Ascendant lord                 Lagnesa              VEN     


     SHAD BALAS OF PLANETS                                                




     PLANET                 SUN   MOON   MARS   MERC     JUP    VEN    SAT



     Hour Strength           0.00   0.00   0.00  60.00   0.00   0.00   0.00

     Diurnal Strength       31.67  28.33  28.33  60.00  31.67  31.67  28.33

     Tribhaga Strength       0.00   0.00   0.00  60.00  60.00   0.00   0.00

     Year Strength           0.00   0.00  15.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00

     Month Strength          0.00   0.00  30.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00

     Week Strength           0.00   0.00   0.00  45.00   0.00   0.00   0.00

     Solstice Strength      32.52  59.75  39.39  48.11   2.04  34.26  56.69

     Fortnight Strength     40.50  39.00  40.50  40.50  19.50  19.50  40.50

     Intrinsic Strength     60.00  51.43  17.14  25.70  34.28  42.85   8.57

     Exaltation Strength     2.01   9.82  41.07  50.26   3.17   9.87  36.14

                                                                       = 8=

     Quadrant Strength      60.00  15.00  15.00  60.00  15.00  30.00  60.00

     Decanate Strength      15.00   0.00   0.00  15.00   0.00  15.00   0.00

     Odd Signs Strength     15.00   0.00   0.00  30.00  15.00   0.00   0.00

     Sevenfold Divisional  108.75  67.50  97.50  75.00 101.25  82.50 142.50

     Directional Strength    9.00  49.50  47.94  34.90  11.14  38.81  50.89

     War Strength            0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00

     Motional Strength       0.00   0.00  56.00  57.78  29.15  23.96  29.92

     Aspectual Strength     -2.54  -1.77  21.08   0.02 -11.62   9.82  -2.54

     Total Points          371.91 318.56 448.95 662.27 310.58 338.24 451.00

     Strength In Rupas       6.20   5.31   7.48  11.04   5.18   5.64   7.52

     % Strength              1.24   0.88   1.50   1.58   0.80   1.02   1.50



             The Sequential Order of Weekdays                             

                     is derived from                                       

             The Sequential Order of Planetary Hours                      


     The 25th Planetary Hour of Sunday is ruled by the Moon and so Moon's 

     Day became the next day.                                             


     These are the 24 Lords of Kala Hora.                                 


     The Indian is more complicated. Everything is referenced to Sunrise  

     and Sunset.                                                          


     The Equation for Abhijit is Sunrise + Aharmana/15 and for Rahu       

     Kaal it is Sunrise + Aharmana/8.                                     


     The Equation of Kala Hora is Sunrise + Aharmana/12.                  


     We have 12 Day Lords and 12 Night Lords. Day Lords follow a          

     1 + 5 order (thata shashta shashta kramena) and Night Lords          

     follow a 1 + 4 order (nisayam tu varesvarath panchamadya)            





     Record#  SUN      MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT                         


           1  SUN      MOO MAR MER JUP VEN SAT                            

           2  VEN      SAT SUN MO0 MAR MER JUP                            

           3  MER      JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR                            

           4  MOO      MAR MER JUP VEN SAT SUN                            

           5  SAT      SUN MOO MAR NER JUP VEN                            

           6  JUP      VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR MER                            

           7  MAR      MER JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO                             

           8  SUN      MOO MAR MER JUP VEN SAT                            

           9  VEN      SAT SUN MO0 MAR MER JUP                            

          10  MER      JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR                            

          11  MOO      MAR MER JUP VEN SAT SUN                            

          12  SAT      SUN MOO MAR NER JUP VEN                            

          13  JUP      VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR MER                            

          14  MAR      MER JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO                            

          15  SUN      MOO MAR MER JUP VEN SAT                            

          16  VEN      SAT SUN MO0 MAR MER JUP                            

          17  MER      JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR                             

          18  MOO      MAR MER JUP VEN SAT SUN                            

          19  SAT      SUN MOO MAR NER JUP VEN                            

          20  JUP      VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR MER                            

          21  MAR      MER JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO                            

          22  SUN      MOO MAR MER JUP VEN SAT                             

                                                                       = 9=

          23  VEN      SAT SUN MO0 MAR MER JUP                            

          24  MER      JUP VEN SAT SUN MOO MAR                            


     These are the 12 Nocturnal Lords of Kala Hora for Nativity           

     and the start of their Planetary Hour is given                       





           1             MER  1  6 15                      375            

           2             MOO  2  7 15                      435            

           3             SAT  3  8 15                      495            

           4             JUP  4  9 15                      555            

           5             MAR  5 10 15                      615            

           6             SUN  6 11 15                      675            

           7             VEN  7 12 15                      735            

           8             MER  8 13 15                      795            

           9             MOO  9 14 15                      855            

          10             SAT 10 15 15                      915            

          11             JUP 11 16 15                      975            

          12             MAR 12 17 15                     1035            

          13             SUN 13 18 15                     1095            



      |                 |             |             |                 |   

      |       MAR       |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |     RAH     |                 |   

      |                 |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |             |                 |   


      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |          MOOLA            |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      ____________________      Transit Chart       ____________________  

      |                 |                           |                 |   

      |                 |                           |  VEN            |    

      |  SAT            |          21-10-2020       |                 |   

      |                 |                           |                 |   


      |       MOO       |             | SUN     MER |                 |   

      |             JUP |             |             |                 |   

      |                 |         KET |             |                 |   

      |                 |             |     LAG     |                 |   

      |  GUL            |             |             |                 |   



     Longitudes of Planets From Kanni onwards- at Sunrise - Guruvayur     


              Date        Sun   Mar  Jup   Ven    Sat    Mer   Moo   Rah  K


           1  17-09-2020  0 28  3 36 23 15 17 44  1 18 22 45 24 28  0 23  0

           2  18-09-2020  1 27  3 29 23 16 18 52  1 16 24  8  9 33  0 20  0

           3  19-09-2020  2 25  3 22 23 17 19 59  1 15 25 29 24 43  0 17  0

           4  20-09-2020  3 24  3 13 23 18 21  7  1 14 26 50  9 46  0 13  0

           5  21-09-2020  4 22  3  4 23 20 22 15  1 14 28  9 24 35  0 10  0

           6  22-09-2020  5 21  2 54 23 21 23 23  1 13 29 27  9  1  0  7  0

           7  23-09-2020  6 20  2 44 23 23 24 32  1 12  0 43 23  4  0  4  0

           8  24-09-2020  7 19  2 32 23 25 25 40  1 12  1 58  6 44  0  1  0

           9  25-09-2020  8 17  2 20 23 28 26 49  1 11  3 11 20  1 29 57 29


          10  26-09-2020  9 16  2  7 23 30 27 58  1 11  4 23  3  0 29 54 29

          11  27-09-2020 10 15  1 53 23 33 29  7  1 11  5 33 15 43 29 51 29

          12  28-09-2020 11 14  1 39 23 35  0 16  1 10  6 41 28 14 29 48 29

          13  29-09-2020 12 13  1 24 23 38  1 25  1 10  7 47 10 34 29 45 29

          14  30-09-2020 13 12  1  9 23 39  2 35  1  7  8 51 22 47 29 45 29

          15  01-10-2020 14 11  0 34 23 42  3 45  1  7  9 52  4 51 29 42 29

          16  02-10-2020 15 10  0 15 23 45  4 55  1  7 10 51 16 50 29 40 29

          17  03-10-2020 16  9 29 57 23 49  6  5  1  7 11 47 28 45 29 37 29

          18  04-10-2020 17  8 29 38 23 53  7 15  1  8 12 40 10 35 29 34 29

          19  05-10-2020 18  7 29 18 23 57  8 25  1  8 13 29 22 25 29 31 29

          20  06-10-2020 19  7 28 59 24  1  9 35  1  9 14 15  4 16 29 28 29

          21  07-10-2020 20  6 28 39 24  6 10 46  1 10 14 58 16 11 29 25 29

          22  08-10-2020 21  5 28 18 24 10 11 56  1 11 15 36 28 15 29 22 29

          23  09-10-2020 22  4 27 58 24 15 13  7  1 12 16  9 10 32 29 10 29

          24  10-10-2020 23  3 28 25 24 20 14 17  1 13 16 38 23  7 29  7 29

          25  11-10-2020 24  2 28  4 24 25 15 28  1 14 17  1  6  5 29  4 29

          26  12-10-2020 25  1 27 43 24 31 16 39  1 16 17 18 19 30 29  2 29

          27  13-10-2020 26  1 27 22 24 36 17 50  1 17 17 29  3 25 28 59 28

          28  14-10-2020 27  0 27  1 24 42 19  1  1 18 17 33 17 49 28 56 28

          29  15-10-2020 28  0 26 40 24 47 20 13  1 20 17 29  2 40 28 53 28

          30  16-10-2020 28 59 26 20 24 53 21 24  1 22 17 18 17 49 28 50 28

          31  17-10-2020 29 59 25 59 24 59 22 36  1 23 16 58  3  7 28 48 28

          32  18-10-2020  0 58 25 39 25  6 23 47  1 25 16 30 18 23 28 45 28

          33  19-10-2020  1 58 25 19 25 12 24 59  1 27 15 53  3 27 28 42 28

          34  20-10-2020  2 58 25  0 25 19 26 11  1 29 15  7 18  9 28 39 28

          35  21-10-2020  3 57 24 41 25 25 27 23  1 32 14 13  2 26 28 36 28

          36  22-10-2020  4 57 24 22 25 32 28 35  1 34 13 12 16 15 28 34 28

          37  23-10-2020  5 57 24  4 25 39 29 48  1 36 12  4 29 37 28 31 28

          38  24-10-2020  6 56 23 47 25 47  1  0  1 39 10 52 12 36 28 28 28

          39  25-10-2020  7 56 23 30 25 54  2 12  1 41  9 37 25 15 28 25 28

          40  26-10-2020  8 56 23 14 26  1  3 25  1 44  8 21  7 39 28 22 28

          41  27-10-2020  9 56 22 59 26  9  4 37  1 46  7  6 19 50 28 19 28

          42  28-10-2020 10 56 22 44 26 17  5 50  1 49  5 55  1 53 28 17 28

          43  29-10-2020 11 56 22 30 26 25  7  3  1 52  4 51 13 50 28 14 28

          44  30-10-2020 12 56 22 17 26 33  8 15  1 55  3 54 25 43 28 11 28

          45  31-10-2020 13 55 22  5 26 41  9 28  1 58  3  6  7 34 28  8 28

          46  01-11-2020 14 55 21 53 26 49 10 41  2  1  2 30 19 25 28  5 28

          47  02-11-2020 15 55 21 43 26 58 11 54  2  5  2  4  1 18 28  2 28

          48  03-11-2020 16 56 21 32 27  7 13  7  2  8  1 50 13 14 27 59 27

          49  04-11-2020 17 56 21 23 27 15 14 20  2 12  1 48 25 15 27 56 27

          50  05-11-2020 18 56 21 15 27 24 15 34  2 15  1 56  7 25 27 44 27

          51  06-11-2020 19 56 21 41 27 33 16 47  2 19  2 15 19 47 27 41 27

          52  07-11-2020 20 56 21 34 27 43 18  0  2 22  2 44  2 24 27 39 27

          53  08-11-2020 21 57 21 28 27 52 19 13  2 26  3 22 15 19 27 36 27

          54  09-11-2020 22 57 21 22 28  1 20 27  2 30  4  8 28 38 27 33 27

          55  10-11-2020 23 57 21 17 28 11 21 40  2 34  5  1 12 22 27 30 27

          56  11-11-2020 24 57 21 13 28 20 22 54  2 38  6  0 26 33 27 27 27

          57  12-11-2020 25 58 21 10 28 30 24  8  2 42  7  4 11  8 27 24 27

          58  13-11-2020 26 58 21  7 28 40 25 22  2 46  8 14 26  4 27 22 27

          59  14-11-2020 27 58 21  6 28 50 26 35  2 51  9 27 11 12 27 19 27

          60  15-11-2020 28 59 21  5 29  0 27 49  2 55 10 44 26 24 27 16 27

          61  16-11-2020 29 59 21  5 29 10 29  3  2 59 12  4 11 29 27 13 27

          62  17-11-2020  1  0 21  6 29 21  0 17  3  4 13 27 26 18 27 10 27

          63  18-11-2020  2  0 21  8 29 31  1 31  3  8 14 52 10 45 27  8 27

          64  19-11-2020  3  1 21 11 29 42  2 45  3 13 16 18 24 45 27  5 27

          65  20-11-2020  4  1 21 14 29 52  3 59  3 18 17 46  8 18 27  2 27

          66  21-11-2020  5  2 21 18  0  3  5 13  3 23 19 15 21 25 26 59 26

          67  22-11-2020  6  2 21 24  0 14  6 27  3 27 20 46  4  8 26 56 26

          68  23-11-2020  7  3 21 29  0 25  7 42  3 32 22 16 16 32 26 53 26

          69  24-11-2020  8  3 21 36  0 36  8 56  3 37 23 48 28 42 26 51 26


          70  25-11-2020  9  4 21 44  0 47 10 10  3 42 25 20 10 41 26 48 26

          71  26-11-2020 10  5 21 52  0 58 11 25  3 48 26 52 22 34 26 45 26

          72  27-11-2020 11  5 22  1  1 10 12 39  3 53 28 25  4 24 26 42 26

          73  28-11-2020 12  6 22 10  1 21 13 53  3 58 29 58 16 15 26 39 26

          74  29-11-2020 13  7 22 20  1 33 15  8  4  3  1 31 28  8 26 36 26

          75  30-11-2020 14  7 22 31  1 44 16 22  4  9  3  5 10  7 26 33 26

          76  01-12-2020 15  8 22 43  1 56 17 37  4 14  4 38 22 13 26 31 26

          77  02-12-2020 16  9 22 55  2  8 18 51  4 20  6 12  4 27 26 18 26

          78  03-12-2020 17 11 23 27  2 25 20  6  4 26  7 46 16 51 26 16 26

          79  04-12-2020 18 12 23 40  2 37 21 21  4 31  9 20 29 27 26 13 26

          80  05-12-2020 19 13 23 54  2 49 22 36  4 37 10 53 12 16 26 10 26

          81  06-12-2020 20 14 24  8  3  1 23 50  4 43 12 27 25 20 26  7 26

          82  07-12-2020 21 14 24 23  3 13 25  5  4 48 14  1  8 41 26  4 26

          83  08-12-2020 22 15 24 38  3 25 26 20  4 54 15 35 22 20 26  1 26

          84  09-12-2020 23 16 24 54  3 38 27 34  5  0 17  8  6 18 25 59 25

          85  10-12-2020 24 17 25 10  3 50 28 49  5  6 18 42 20 34 25 56 25

          86  11-12-2020 25 18 25 27  4  2  0  4  5 12 20 16  5  7 25 53 25

          87  12-12-2020 26 19 25 45  4 15  1 19  5 18 21 50 19 52 25 50 25

          88  13-12-2020 27 20 26  3  4 28  2 34  5 24 23 24  4 42 25 47 25

          89  14-12-2020 28 21 26 21  4 40  3 49  5 31 24 58 19 30 25 45 25

          90  15-12-2020 29 22 26 40  4 53  5  3  5 37 26 32  4 10 25 42 25

          91  16-12-2020  0 23 27  0  5  6  6 18  5 43 28  6 18 33 25 39 25

          92  17-12-2020  1 24 27 20  5 19  7 33  5 49 29 40  2 36 25 36 25

          93  18-12-2020  2 25 27 40  5 32  8 48  5 56  1 15 16 15 25 33 25

          94  19-12-2020  3 26 28  1  5 45 10  3  6  2  2 49 29 28 25 30 25

          95  20-12-2020  4 27 28 22  5 58 11 18  6  9  4 24 12 18 25 28 25

          96  21-12-2020  5 28 28 44  6 11 12 33  6 15  5 59 24 47 25 25 25

          97  22-12-2020  6 29 29  6  6 24 13 48  6 22  7 34  6 59 25 22 25

          98  23-12-2020  7 30 29 29  6 37 15  3  6 28  9  9 18 59 25 19 25

          99  24-12-2020  8 31 29 52  6 51 16 18  6 35 10 45  0 51 25 16 25

         100  25-12-2020  9 32  0 15  7  4 17 33  6 41 12 21 12 40 25 13 25

         101  26-12-2020 10 33  0 39  7 17 18 48  6 48 13 57 24 31 25 10 25

         102  27-12-2020 11 34  1  3  7 31 20  3  6 55 15 33  6 28 25  8 25

         103  28-12-2020 12 35  1 27  7 44 21 18  7  1 17  9 18 34 25  5 25

         104  29-12-2020 13 36  1 52  7 58 22 33  7  8 18 46  0 50 24 52 24

         105  30-12-2020 14 39  2 26  8 12 23 49  7 15 20 25 13 20 24 50 24

         106  31-12-2020 15 40  2 51  8 25 25  5  7 22 22  2 26  4 24 47 24

         107  01-01-2021 16 41  3 16  8 39 26 20  7 29 23 39  9  2 24 44 24

         108  02-01-2021 17 42  3 42  8 53 27 35  7 36 25 17 22 13 24 41 24

         109  03-01-2021 18 44  4  8  9  7 28 50  7 43 26 55  5 38 24 38 24

         110  04-01-2021 19 45  4 34  9 20  0  5  7 50 28 33 19 14 24 35 24

         111  05-01-2021 20 46  5  1  9 34  1 20  7 57  0 11  3  1 24 33 24

         112  06-01-2021 21 47  5 28  9 48  2 35  8  3  1 50 16 58 24 30 24

         113  07-01-2021 22 48  5 55 10  2  3 50  8 10  3 28  1  4 24 27 24

         114  08-01-2021 23 49  6 22 10 16  5  5  8 17  5  6 15 17 24 24 24

         115  09-01-2021 24 50  6 50 10 30  6 21  8 25  6 45 29 35 24 21 24

         116  10-01-2021 25 51  7 18 10 44  7 36  8 32  8 23 13 57 24 19 24

         117  11-01-2021 26 52  7 46 10 58  8 51  8 39 10  1 28 17 24 16 24

         118  12-01-2021 27 53  8 14 11 12 10  6  8 46 11 38 12 32 24 13 24

         119  13-01-2021 28 54  8 43 11 26 11 21  8 53 13 15 26 37 24 10 24

         120  14-01-2021 29 55  9 12 11 40 12 36  9  0 14 51 10 28 24  7 24

         121  15-01-2021  0 56  9 41 11 54 13 51  9  7 16 25 24  1 24  4 24

         122  16-01-2021  1 57 10 10 12  8 15  7  9 14 17 58  7 13 24  2 24

         123  17-01-2021  2 58 10 40 12 22 16 22  9 21 19 30 20  4 23 59 23

         124  18-01-2021  3 59 11  9 12 36 17 37  9 28 20 59  2 36 23 56 23

         125  19-01-2021  5  0 11 39 12 50 18 52  9 36 22 26 14 50 23 53 23

         126  20-01-2021  6  1 12  9 13  4 20  7  9 43 23 49 26 52 23 50 23

         127  21-01-2021  7  2 12 40 13 19 21 22  9 50 25  9  8 44 23 47 23

         128  22-01-2021  8  3 13 10 13 33 22 38  9 57 26 24 20 33 23 44 23

         129  23-01-2021  9  4 13 41 13 47 23 53 10  4 27 34  2 24 23 42 23


         130  24-01-2021 10  5 14 12 14  1 25  8 10 11 28 39 14 22 23 39 23

         131  25-01-2021 11  6 14 43 14 15 26 23 10 19 29 36 26 31 23 27 23

         132  26-01-2021 12  9 15 16 14 30 27 40 10 26  0 29  8 56 23 24 23

         133  27-01-2021 13 10 15 48 14 44 28 55 10 33  1 11 21 39 23 21 23

         134  28-01-2021 14 11 16 19 14 59  0 10 10 40  1 44  4 41 23 18 23

         135  29-01-2021 15 12 16 50 15 13  1 25 10 47  2  7 18  2 23 15 23

         136  30-01-2021 16 13 17 22 15 27  2 40 10 55  2 19  1 41 23 12 23

         137  31-01-2021 17 14 17 54 15 41  3 55 11  2  2 21 15 33 23 10 23

         138  01-02-2021 18 14 18 26 15 55  5 11 11  9  2 11 29 36 23  7 23

         139  02-02-2021 19 15 18 58 16 10  6 26 11 16  1 50 13 44 23  4 23

         140  03-02-2021 20 16 19 30 16 24  7 41 11 23  1 18 27 54 23  1 23

         141  04-02-2021 21 17 20  2 16 38  8 56 11 30  0 36 12  4 22 58 22

         142  05-02-2021 22 17 20 35 16 52 10 11 11 37 29 45 26 10 22 55 22

         143  06-02-2021 23 18 21  8 17  7 11 26 11 44 28 46 10 13 22 53 22

         144  07-02-2021 24 19 21 40 17 21 12 41 11 51 27 41 24 12 22 50 22

         145  08-02-2021 25 20 22 13 17 35 13 56 11 59 26 31  8  5 22 47 22

         146  09-02-2021 26 20 22 46 17 49 15 11 12  6 25 20 21 52 22 44 22

         147  10-02-2021 27 21 23 19 18  3 16 27 12 13 24  8  5 31 22 41 22

         148  11-02-2021 28 21 23 52 18 17 17 42 12 20 22 58 18 59 22 39 22

         149  12-02-2021 29 22 24 26 18 32 18 57 12 27 21 51  2 14 22 36 22

         150  13-02-2021  0 23 24 59 18 46 20 12 12 34 20 50 15 14 22 33 22

         151  14-02-2021  1 23 25 33 19  0 21 27 12 40 19 54 27 58 22 30 22

         152  15-02-2021  2 24 26  6 19 14 22 42 12 47 19  5 10 26 22 27 22

         153  16-02-2021  3 24 26 40 19 28 23 57 12 54 18 23 22 39 22 24 22

         154  17-02-2021  4 25 27 14 19 42 25 12 13  1 17 50  4 39 22 21 22

         155  18-02-2021  5 25 27 48 19 56 26 27 13  8 17 24 16 32 22 19 22

         156  19-02-2021  6 26 28 22 20 10 27 42 13 15 17  6 28 20 22 16 22

         157  20-02-2021  7 26 28 56 20 24 28 57 13 21 16 55 10 10 22 13 22

         158  21-02-2021  8 27 29 30 20 38  0 12 13 28 16 52 22  6 22  1 22

         159  22-02-2021  9 29  0  2 20 52  1 29 13 35 16 58  4 16 21 58 21

         160  23-02-2021 10 30  0 36 21  6  2 44 13 42 17  8 16 43 21 55 21

         161  24-02-2021 11 30  1 11 21 20  3 59 13 48 17 24 29 32 21 52 21

         162  25-02-2021 12 30  1 45 21 34  5 13 13 55 17 45 12 45 21 49 21

         163  26-02-2021 13 30  2 20 21 47  6 28 14  2 18 12 26 22 21 46 21

         164  27-02-2021 14 31  2 54 22  1  7 43 14  8 18 43 10 23 21 44 21

         165  28-02-2021 15 31  3 29 22 15  8 58 14 15 19 19 24 42 21 41 21

         166  01-03-2021 16 31  4  3 22 28 10 13 14 21 20  0  9 13 21 38 21

         167  02-03-2021 17 31  4 38 22 42 11 28 14 28 20 44 23 49 21 35 21

         168  03-03-2021 18 31  5 13 22 56 12 43 14 34 21 32  8 23 21 32 21

         169  04-03-2021 19 31  5 48 23  9 13 58 14 40 22 23 22 50 21 30 21

         170  05-03-2021 20 31  6 23 23 23 15 13 14 47 23 18  7  5 21 27 21

         171  06-03-2021 21 31  6 58 23 36 16 28 14 53 24 16 21  7 21 24 21

         172  07-03-2021 22 31  7 33 23 49 17 43 14 59 25 16  4 57 21 21 21

         173  08-03-2021 23 31  8  8 24  3 18 57 15  5 26 19 18 34 21 18 21

         174  09-03-2021 24 31  8 43 24 16 20 12 15 11 27 24  2  0 21 15 21

         175  10-03-2021 25 31  9 19 24 29 21 27 15 17 28 32 15 15 21 13 21

         176  11-03-2021 26 31  9 54 24 42 22 42 15 23 29 42 28 19 21 10 21

         177  12-03-2021 27 31 10 29 24 56 23 57 15 29  0 54 11 12 21  7 21

         178  13-03-2021 28 31 11  5 25  9 25 11 15 35  2  7 23 54 21  4 21

         179  14-03-2021 29 30 11 40 25 22 26 26 15 41  3 23  6 23 21  1 21

         180  15-03-2021  0 30 12 16 25 35 27 41 15 47  4 40 18 40 20 58 20

         181  16-03-2021  1 30 12 51 25 48 28 56 15 53  5 59  0 47 20 56 20

         182  17-03-2021  2 30 13 27 26  0  0 11 15 58  7 20 12 44 20 53 20

         183  18-03-2021  3 29 14  3 26 13  1 25 16  4  8 42 24 34 20 50 20

         184  19-03-2021  4 29 14 38 26 26  2 40 16  9 10  5  6 21 20 47 20

         185  20-03-2021  5 29 15 14 26 39  3 55 16 15 11 31 18 10 20 44 20

         186  21-03-2021  6 28 15 50 26 51  5  9 16 20 12 57  0  4 20 32 20

         187  22-03-2021  7 29 16 20 27  4  6 25 16 26 14 27 12 11 20 29 20

         188  23-03-2021  8 29 16 56 27 16  7 40 16 31 15 56 24 36 20 26 20

         189  24-03-2021  9 28 17 32 27 29  8 54 16 37 17 27  7 24 20 23 20


         190  25-03-2021 10 28 18  8 27 41 10  9 16 42 19  0 20 38 20 20 20

         191  26-03-2021 11 27 18 44 27 53 11 23 16 47 20 34  4 20 20 18 20

         192  27-03-2021 12 26 19 20 28  6 12 38 16 52 22  9 18 30 20 15 20

         193  28-03-2021 13 26 19 56 28 18 13 52 16 57 23 45  3  4 20 12 20

         194  29-03-2021 14 25 20 32 28 30 15  7 17  2 25 23 17 55 20  9 20

         195  30-03-2021 15 24 21  8 28 42 16 22 17  7 27  2  2 54 20  6 20

         196  31-03-2021 16 23 21 44 28 53 17 36 17 12 28 43 17 53 20  4 20

         197  01-04-2021 17 23 22 20 29  5 18 51 17 16  0 25  2 42 20  1 20

         198  02-04-2021 18 22 22 56 29 17 20  5 17 21  2  8 17 16 19 58 19

         199  03-04-2021 19 21 23 33 29 28 21 19 17 26  3 53  1 31 19 55 19

         200  04-04-2021 20 20 24  9 29 40 22 34 17 30  5 39 15 26 19 52 19

         201  05-04-2021 21 19 24 45 29 51 23 48 17 35  7 27 29  1 19 50 19

         202  06-04-2021 22 18 25 21  0  3 25  3 17 39  9 16 12 18 19 47 19

         203  07-04-2021 23 17 25 58  0 14 26 17 17 43 11  6 25 19 19 44 19

         204  08-04-2021 24 16 26 34  0 25 27 32 17 47 12 58  8  6 19 41 19

         205  09-04-2021 25 15 27 11  0 36 28 46 17 52 14 51 20 41 19 38 19

         206  10-04-2021 26 14 27 47  0 47  0  0 17 56 16 46  3  5 19 35 19

         207  11-04-2021 27 13 28 23  0 58  1 15 18  0 18 42 15 19 19 32 19

         208  12-04-2021 28 12 29  0  1  9  2 29 18  3 20 40 27 24 19 30 19

         209  13-04-2021 29 11 29 36  1 19  3 43 18  7 22 39  9 21 19 27 19

         210  14-04-2021  0  9  0 13  1 30  4 57 18 11 24 39 21 13 19 24 19

         211  15-04-2021  1  8  0 49  1 40  6 12 18 15 26 41  3  1 19 21 19

         212  16-04-2021  2  7  1 26  1 51  7 26 18 18 28 44 14 48 19 18 19

         213  17-04-2021  3  6  2  2  2  1  8 40 18 22  0 48 26 37 19  6 19

         214  18-04-2021  4  5  2 31  2 11  9 55 18 25  2 54  8 33 19  3 19

         215  19-04-2021  5  3  3  7  2 21 11  9 18 29  5  0 20 39 19  0 19

         216  20-04-2021  6  2  3 44  2 31 12 23 18 32  7  7  3  2 18 57 18

         217  21-04-2021  7  0  4 21  2 41 13 37 18 35  9 15 15 46 18 54 18

         218  06-10-2022 18 35 27 31  8 20 14 12 24 38  1 10 28 39 20 42 20

         219  06-10-2020 19  6 29 26 24  4  9 35  1 13 14 15  4 16 29 23 29

         220  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         221  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         222  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         223  06-10-1992 19 46 19  1  5 23 20 11 18  9  4 54 22  5  1 17  1

         224  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         225  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         226  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 21 18  5 19 33 26 20  0 45  0

         227  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         228  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         229  16-10-1992 29 41 23 30  7 29  2 23 18  5 19 35 26 44  0 45  0

         230  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         231  08-10-2020 21  4 28 48 24 13 11 55  1 14 15 35 28 12 29 16 29

         232  08-10-2020 21  4 28 48 24 13 11 56  1 14 15 35 28 15 29 16 29

         233  08-10-2020 21  4 28 48 24 13 11 56  1 14 15 35 28 15 29 16 29

         234  08-10-2020 21  4 28 48 24 13 11 56  1 14 15 35 28 15 29 16 29

         235  16-10-1992 29 40 23 29  7 29  2 22 18  5 19 34 26 26  0 45  0

         236  09-10-2020 22  4 28 29 24 18 13  6  1 15 16  9 10 34 29 13 29

         237  09-10-2020 22  3 28 30 24 18 13  6  1 15 16  8 10 29 29 13 29

         238  10-10-2020 23  3 28 11 24 23 14 17  1 16 16 37 23  6 29 10 29

         239  09-10-2020 22  4 28 30 24 18 13  6  1 15 16  9 10 31 29 13 29

         240  09-10-2020 22  4 28 30 24 18 13  6  1 15 16  9 10 32 29 13 29

         241  11-10-2020 24  2 27 51 24 28 15 28  1 17 17  0  6  4 29  7 29

         242  11-10-2020 24  2 27 51 24 28 15 28  1 17 17  0  6  4 29  7 29

         243  11-10-2020 24  2 27 51 24 28 15 28  1 17 17  0  6  4 29  7 29

         244  12-10-2020 25  2 27 32 24 33 16 39  1 19 17 18 19 29 29  3 29

         245  13-10-2020 26  3 27 12 24 39 17 53  1 20 17 29  3 54  8  5  0

         246  17-10-2020 29 59 25 58 25  2 22 36  1 26 16 57  3  6 29 39  0

         247  15-10-2020 28  2 26 34 24 51 20 15  1 23 17 29  3 10  9 59  0

         248  16-10-2020 28 59 26 16 24 56 21 24  1 25 17 17 17 48 28 40  0

         249  16-10-2020 28 59 26 16 24 56 21 24  1 25 17 17 17 48 28 40  0


         250  17-10-2020 29 59 25 58 25  2 22 36  1 26 16 57  3  6 29 39  0

         251  17-10-2020 29 59 25 58 25  2 22 36  1 26 16 57  3  6 28 48 28

         252  18-10-2020  0 58 25 39 25  9 23 47  1 28 16 29 18 22 28 44 28

         253  19-10-2020  1 58 25 21 25 15 24 59  1 30 15 52  3 26 28 41 28

         254  20-10-2020  2 58 25  4 25 22 26 12  1 32 15  6 18 14 28 38 28

         255  20-10-2020  2 58 25  4 25 22 26 11  1 32 15  6 18 11 28 38 28

         256  21-10-2020  3 57 24 46 25 28 27 23  1 34 14 12  2 25 28 35 28

         257  21-10-2020  3 57 24 46 25 28 27 23  1 34 14 12  2 27 28 35 28

         258  21-10-2020  3 57 24 46 25 28 27 23  1 34 14 12  2 27 28 35 28


     Scientific Terms of Indian Astronomy - The 18 Siddhantas             


     M = Mean Anomaly of the planet                                       

     A = Aphelion of the Planet                                           

     L = Mean Longitude of the Planet                                      

     e = Orbital eccentricity                                             

     mjv = Orbital eccentricity in seconds                                


     Sheegra Kendra = The Anomaly of Conjunction                          


     Sheegroccha = Perihelion;  Mandoccha = Aphelion;                     

     Sheeghra Phala = The Angle between the Planet the                    

     Sun and Earth;  Oja = Odd; Yugma = Even;                             


     Manda Kendra = The angle between position and Aphelion;              

     Sheeghra Kendra Ardha = A/2- half of Sheegra Kendra;                 

     Kranti Vritta = Ecliptic;  Vikshepa Vritta = Heliocentric Circle;    

     Kshithija = Celestial Horizon; Bha Chakra = Zodiac;                   

     Vishuvat Vritta = Celestial Equator;                                 

     Khagoleeya Dhruva Rekha = Celestial Meridien;                        

     Vishu Vat Bhoga = Right Ascension( R A );                            


     Meshadi = The First Point of Aries;                                  

     Thuladi = The First Point of Libra;                                  

     Karkyadi = The First Point of Cancer;                                

     Makaradi = The First Point of Capricorn;                             


     Theta = True Longitude of the planet;                                 

     v = True Anomaly; Manda Karna = Radius Vector- heliocentric distance;

     Sheeghra Karna = geocentric vector- distance of the planet from the  



     Ravi Manda Karna = Sun's distance;                                   

     Nathamsa = Altitude of the Planet;                                   

     Digamsa = Azimuth.  Bhaga- Kala - Vikala = Deg- Mins- Secs;          


     Madhyama Manda Karna = Average Vector;                               

     Patha = Node; Thidhi - D or Day or Lunar Day- the first Lunar        

     Day being the Moon within 12 degrees of the Sun;                     


     Vara - Day of the Week; Bhujajya = R Sin; Kotijya = R Cos;           

     Sparsajya = Tan;                                                     


     Sparsachapa= Atan; Bhujachapa = Asin; Kotichapa = Acos;              

     Pranakalanthara= Difference between Tropical Longitudes              

     and R A- the difference between Right Ascension & Oblique Ascension; 

     Kala Hora = Planetary Hours; Hora = Hour; Chara Jya = Sin C;         

     Manda Jya = Sin M; Parinathi Jya = Sin h;                             


     Guru Sani Karsha - Perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn;               


     Chandra Karsha - Perturbations of the Moon;                          


     Chathurdasa Jya Samskaras - 14 trignometric corrections              

     to the Moon; Vikshepa - Celestial Latitude; Kranti - Declination;    

     Dhruva = R A ; Sphuta = Celestial Longitude;                         


     Indra - Uranus; Varuna = Neptune; Rudra = Pluto; Kala = Phobos;      

     Mrityu = Deimos; Gulika = Titan; Yamakandaka = Ganymede;             

     Vipatendu = Mean Longitude of the Moon - Node of the Moon ;          

     Manda Karna - heliocentric distance;                                 


     Sheegra Karna - geocentric distance of the planet                    

     Parama Vikshepa/ Sara - the angular distance of the orbital plane    

     from the Ecliptic.                                                    


     Parama Manda Karna - Maximum Vector- Laghu Manda Karna - Minimum Vecto


     Vipata Kendra - the angle between Position and the Node;             


     Sheegra Kendra - the angle between Position of the planet and the    

     Earth Sun Vector.                                                    


     Sara - Reverse Sine- 1-cos x                                         

     Chapa - Arcsine. The Arcsine resembles a Bow -Chapa and Versine- Arrow

     according to the Indian mathematicians !                             


     Tropical Zero Point - Sayana Meshadi                                  

     Sidereal Zero Point - Nirayana Meshadi                               

     Luni-Solar Zero Point - Chaitradi                                    


     Vipata Anomaly -  Vipata Kendra                                      

     Solar Anomaly  -  Ravi Manda Kendra                                  

     Lunar Anomaly  -  Chandra Manda Kendra                               


     Mean Lunar Longitude - Node = Rahu na Chandra Madhyamam              


     Daily Motion of the Mean Longitude- Graha Madhyama Dina Gathi        

     Daily Motion of Aphelion- Mandocha Dina Gathi                        

     Daily Motion of Node- Patha Dina Gathi                               



        Vedic Astronomy & Trignometry                                     



        In the Great Circle of Light which is 360 degrees ( the Bha Chakra-

        the Kala Chakra- the Zodiac )- the first 90 degrees are Oja Pada  

        ( Odd Tri Signs ) and the next 90 degrees are Yugma Pada ( Even   

        Tri Signs ). There are two major Indian Planetary Models -        

        the Eccentric Model and the Epicycle Model. In the Eccentric Model-

        the Mean Circle is called Manda Pratimandala- that is the circle  

        traversed by the mean angular motion of the planet. In the Epicycle

        Model- the Planet is on the epicycle- known as Manda Paridhi.     


                 The Equation of Bhuja                                    


     The degrees traversed by a planet is called Bhuja and the degrees    

     yet to be traversed by a planet is called Koti in an Odd Sign. In    

     an Even Sign-the degrees traversed by the planet is called Koti      

     and the degrees yet to be traversed by a planet is called Bhuja.     

     In other words- the degrees traversed by a planet is the same         


     in the first 0 - 90 degrees and in the second Pada- it is 180        

     - degrees traversed. In the 180-270 degrees arc-                     

     it is distance traversed - 180 degrees and in the 270-360 degrees arc

     it is 360 - distance traversed. This is known in Vedic Astronomy as  

     the equation of Bhuja or Sine. Bhujajya is radius multiplied by modern



     This mighty Circle of Light- Zodiac                                  

     Is divided by four into Four Quadrant                                 

     Distance traversed is Bhuja in Odd Sign                              

     In Even Sign- it is Koti called !                                    


     Bhuja is Radius * Modern Sine                                        


     More at http://www.eastrovedica.com                                  





     Surya Siddhanta                                                      

     Pitamaha Siddhanta                                                   

     Vyasa Siddhanta                                                      

     Vasishta Siddhanta                                                   

     Atri Siddanta                                                        

     Parasara Siddhanta                                                   

     Kashyapa Siddhanta                                                    

     Narada Siddhanta                                                     

     Garga Siddhanta                                                      

     Marichi Siddhanta                                                     

     Manu Siddhanta                                                       

     Angira Siddhanta                                                     

     Lomasa Siddhanta                                                     

     Paulasa Siddhanta                                                    

     Yavana Siddhanta                                                     

     Chyavana Siddhanta                                                   

     Bhrigu Siddhanta                                                      


     And Others                                                           


     Maha Bhaskareeya by Bhaskara I                                       

     Arya Siddhanta by Aryabhata I                                        

     Maha Siddhanta by Aryabhata II                                       

     Siddhanta Siromani by Bhaskara II                                    

     Aryabhateeya by Aryabhata                                            

     Aryabhateeya Bhasya by Neelakanta Somayaji                           

     Sphuta Nirnaya by Achyuta Pisharodi                                  

     Siddhanta Darpana by Neelakanta                                      

     Ganitha Adhyaya by Bhaskara                                          

     Ganitha Nirnaya by Puliyoor                                           

     Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta by Brahmagupta                               

     Siddhanta Shekhara by Sripathi                                       

     Siddhanta Tatva Viveka by Kamaleswara                                

     Siddanta Deepika by Parameswara                                      

     Tantrasangraha by Neelakanta                                         

     Venvaroha by Madhava                                                 

     Yukthi Bhasha by Jyeshta Deva                                         

     Jyothir Meemamsa by Neelakanta                                       

     Gola Deepika by Parameswara                                          

     Drig Ganitha - By Parameswara                                         

     Grahana Nyaya Deepika by Parameswara                                  


     Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy by Prof K V Sarma                   

     Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India by T A Saraswathy             

     Indian Journal of History Sciences by A K Baig                       

     The Science of Ancient Hindu Geometry by B Dutta                     

     Parameswara's Rule by R C Dutta                                      

     Indian Journal of History Sciences by R C Dutta                      

     Madhava of Sangramagrama by Journal of Kerala Studies                

     On the Quadrature of the Circle by C T Rajagopal                      

     Medieval Kerala Mathematics - Archive of History of Science by C T Raj

     Laghu Bhaskareeya by Sankara Narayanan                               

     Geometry of Sree Yantra by N C Bolton                                

     Mayoora Shikha ( The Crest of the Peacock ) by Dr Joseph             


     The Cultural Foundations of Mathematics by Dr C K Raju               

     Bharateeya Ganitha                                                    

     Bharateeya Pari Sthithi                                              


     On the Hindu Quadrature of the circle and the infinite series        

     of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited     

     in the four Sastras - the Tantra Sahgraham Yucti Bhasha              

     Carana Padhati and Sadratnamala by Charles Mathew Whish              



     Decanate Nature and its Lord                                         


     Drekkanakara Cheshto Yojayeth Buddhi Heto .........                  


     The Decanate reveals the Figure & Nature                              



                   Summary of Decanates/ Nature                           



           1  Ascendant            VEN        Manushya/Merchant           

           2  Udaya                VEN        Manushya/Merchant           

           3  6th House            SUN        Manushya/Armed              

           4  Lunar Ascendant      JUP        Chathu/Manush/Visha         

           5  Kharesha             VEN        Sthree/Agni                 

           6  2nd House            MAR        Sarpa/Agni                  

           7  3rd House            SUN        Manushya/Armed              

           8  4th House            SAT        Nigala/Pasa/Visha           

           9  5th House            SAT        Nigala/Pasa/Visha           

          10  7th House            MAR        Sarpa/Agni                  

          11  8th House            MAR        Chathushpad/Armed           

          12  9th House            SAT        Pakshi/Visha                

          13  10th House           JUP        Chathu/Manush/Visha         

          14  11th House           VEN        Manushya/Merchant           

          15  12th House           SAT        Pakshi/Visha                


      Important Mathematical Points                                       



           1  Ascending Degree      Udaya Lagna Sphuta         185        

           2  Descending Degree     Astha Lagna Sphuta         365        

           3  Mid Heaven-MC         Madhya Lagna Sphuta         93        

           4  Imum Caeli            Patala Lagna Sphuta        273        

           5  Lunar Ascending Degr  Chandra Lagna Sphut        242        

           6  Ascending Node        Rahu                        59        

           7  Descending Node       Ketu                       239        

           8  Subtle Triune Longit  Sookshma Tri Sphuta        351         


           9  Physical Longitude    Deha Sphuta                 40        

          10  Vital Longitude       Prana                      103        

          11  Death Longitude       Mrityu Sphuta              208        

          12  Triune Longitude      Tri Sphuta                 328        

          13  Fourfold Longitude    Chatu Sphuta               151        

          14  Fivefold Longitude    Pancha Sphuta              210        

          15  Long of Yama Sukra    Yama Sukra Sphuta          239        

          16  Nuptial Longitude     Veli Sphuta                211        

          17  (Long(Sun+Venus+Jup)  Beeja Sphuta               237        

          18  (Long(Moo+Mars+Jup))  Kshetra Sphuta             143         


     Trisphuta Dasa - Its Rationale                                       



     Similar to Udu Dasa in Natal Astrology  Horary uses  another Dasa    

     known as Trisphuta Dasa.It is a 360 days cycle with the 9 planets    

     having their proportionate share.The periods/subperiods of malefics  

     given below will be bad & benefics will do good                      


     In the periods & subperiods of  malefics                              

     Transfer economic ruin crises galore say                             

     Destruction of Masters.If in the periods                             

     Of lords of Eighth; Stars Three Five Seven                           

     Misery & if Transit Saturn or Jove adverse                           

     Proclaim Death if other factors negative!                            


      TRISPHUTA DASA                                                       



     Record#  START      END        DASA                                   

           1  27-09-2020 28-09-2020 SUN                                   

           2  28-09-2020 28-10-2020 MOON                                  

           3  28-10-2020 18-11-2020 MARS                                  

           4  18-11-2020 11-01-2021 RAHU                                  

           5  11-01-2021 28-02-2021 JUPITER                               

           6  28-02-2021 26-04-2021 SATURN                                

           7  26-04-2021 16-06-2021 MERCURY                               

           8  16-06-2021 07-07-2021 KETU                                  

           9  07-07-2021 05-09-2021 VENUS                                 


      Longitudes of Planets in October- at Sunrise - Guruvayur            


             Day   Date     Sun   Mar  Jup   Ven    Sat    Mer  Moo   Rah 



           1  W 21-10-2020  3 57 24 46 25 25 27 23  1 32 14 13  2 28 28 36



     The Kali Yuga started at 3102 BCE. ( 18 Feb 3102 BCE to be exact ). We

     + 2020 = 5122  th year of Kali Yuga.                                  


     To get the Saka Era minus 78 from the English Era. This year it is 194

     subtracted from 2020.                                                


     It is 5122 nd year of the Kali Yuga ( 3102+2020 = 51228). ( Unfortunat

     is a "secular" country following the Gregorian ! In Thailand they foll

     Buddhist Calendar . In the  Buddhist Calendar we are in the 2563rd yea

     543- 543 BCE beng the date when Buddha attained Parinirvana)         


     In the Masonic Calendar we are in the 6020 th year ( 2020+4000) ). In 


     we are in the year 5782.                                             


     Njattu Velas are Solar Transits through the Sidereal Zodiac          

     Jagath. A constellation is 13 deg 20 minutes in length and the Sun tak

     days to transit a constellation. Aswathy Njattuvela means the Solar Tr

     Aswathy and Thiruvathira Njattuvela means the Solar Transit of Betelge

     or Thiruvathira. Astro Meterology has been founded by observation    

     than modern Meteorology when it comes to predicting the weather. In Ke

     Varsha ( Solar Transit from the  15th degree of Taurus ) and Thula Var

     Transit from the First Degree of Libra ) comes dot on time.          


      Lunations are 12 degrees in length. Lc - Lr = T that is the longitude

         long Sun = Thidhi.                                               

     Most of the Hindu festivals are based on Lunations                   

         Vijaya Dasami et al.                                             


      he Lunar Months - the Chaitradi Chandra Masas are reckoned from the E


         The Full Moon is called Poornima and New Moon - Amavasya.        


         The Twelve Solar Months Meshadi Dwadasa Masas are caused by Sun's

         Zodiac of Signs- the Dwadasa Rasyatmaka Jagath.                  


         The Sexagesimal ( 1/60 th  ) Division of Day & The Computation of


         One Asu is 4 seconds and 6 such Asus constitute a Vinadi ( 24 seco

         is 60 Vinadis 24 minutes) . 60 such Nadis constitute a day of 24 H

         Chatur Vimshati Smrithah. Or 15 degrees = 1 Hour. Ardha Rasi Bhave



         Fifteen such Days constitute a Fortnight- Pancha Dasa Ahani Paksha

         Fortnights -Bright Fortnight                                     

          ( Tad Shuklam Krishnas cha ).                                   


        Thirty days make a month. Two such months constitute an Indian Seas

        Six months constitute a Solstice                                  

        Duration equal Day Duration and they are Vishu and Thula Vishu. ( Y

        / Thada Ahoratranam Samanani Bhavanthi).                          


        There are two Solstices                                           

        that is the southerly journey of the Sun is Dakshinayana( Karkyadi

        uchyathe )                                                        

        ke Uttarayanam Uchyathe ). Twelve such solar months constitute a So

        Dwadasa Masa Vatsara Smritha).  43                                

        Yuga  and  1000 such Equinoctial Cycles or 4.32 billion years const

        Brahma Kalpa ( Chatur Yuga Sahasram Indraharina dinam uchyathe) . A

        Brahma Span                                                       


        ( Source of Sanskrit definitions - The Maha Bhagavata ).          


         Thousand Equinoctial Cycles                                      

         Is one Day of Brahma                                             

         Same duration is  Night                                          

          So the scholars averr !                                         


          Sahasra Yuga Paryantham                                         

          Aharyal Brahamano Vidu                                          

          Ratrim Yugah Sahasrantham                                       

          The Ahoratra vido Janah                                          

