Make Life a Daring Do Adventure
Too much comfort in our lives and work is as unhealthy for personal
growth as too much risk and danger. The key to taking risks is to
learn the 7 keys of personal change. 1. First Change Yourself. When we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory position that is due to circumstances beyond our control, such as a job we no longer enjoy or people we no longer like, most of us try to change the situation. We complain, moan, criticize, judge, and condemn. None of which works. That's because there is only one way to change an unsatisfactory situation. And that's to change ourselves. 2. Let Go Of Old Positions. When we stay entrenched in old positions, even if they are no longer relevant, there is no possibility of change or improvement. That's when it is time to take a risk. That's what Mikhail Gorbachev did in the 1980's when he recognized the changes in the world around him. In his meetings with the US President Reagan, Gorbachev took a huge risk in offering a one-sided reduction in nuclear weapons. The risk meant the ending of the arms race and with it unprecedented changes in the history of the world. 3. Think Like A New Start. When we start a new adventure or a new enterprise, there is a buzz about us. We've all felt it. It's like the first day at a new school or a new job. Sadly, we soon lose that feeling beneath familiar routines and habits. In taking personal risks, we can re-discover it. As Ray Kroc, founder of McDonalds said: "When you're green you grow; when you're ripe, you rot."
4. Re-Invent Yourself. Real personal change comes when we do more
than just learn a few new skills and habits. It comes when we
re-invent ourselves. Re-inventing ourselves is a way of casting off
one identity and putting on another. Tom Peters goes so far as to
say that the imagination and zeal to regularly re-create yourself is
the definition of greatness. And it doesn't have to be something you
do just a few times in a lifetime; it can be something you do each
new day.
----- (c) Eric Garner, If you enjoyed this article, why not subscribe to our FREE 10-day email course in Leadership Skills? All you have to do is send a blank email to and you're under way. And don't forget. There are lots of other great FREE training resources at ManageTrainLearn. Manage: to get it right! Train: to stay on top! Learn: to be a success! Article source: |