Sphuta Siddhanta The Moon,
in his journey of the Zodiac, through the 27 constellations, creates the 27
Nakshatras, which have been defined
as the Lunar Mansions of Hindu Astronomy, each one of them occupying 13 degrees
20 minutes of the Zodiac. Chandra
Siddhanta, Lunar Theory This is the
Equation given for the Moon’s largest perturbation. The Moon seems to be
carried away by the immense gravitational pull of the Sun, causing its Ecliptic
longitude to vary as much as 1.3
degrees. This has been referred to as the third major angle, Kendra, between
Sthithi & Mandoccha in Ganitha Nirnaya and as the second Anomaly in Greek
Astronomy, anomaly being the angle between position and perihelion. Third Kendra Sin ( 2*T - Mc ) * 4467 Where Mc =
Chandra Madhyamam, Mean longitude of Chandra, T = Thidhi
= Longitude of Chandra – Longitude of Soorya
Working on Chandra Siddhanta,
Major Theory of the Moon,
Fourteen Kendras, angles were plotted
By ace astronomers
Small, small Manda anomalies,
Angles between position & aphelion
As fourteen major perturbations
Of the Moon were identified !
The Essence of Sidddhantas Eighteen
Is the Sanskrit Ganita Nirnaya
Puliyoor studied all eighteen
Plus Aryaabhaateeya, Maha Bhaskareeya,
Siddhantas Arya, Brahma Sphuta
And came out with a gem
Based on Parameswara’s Model Geometric !
The Longitude Corrected Thrice,
Manda, Parinathi & Sheeghra
Manda means Reduction to Heliocentric
Parinathi means Reduction to Ecliptic
And Sheeghra means Reduction to Geocentric
To get longitudes true !