Buddha Poornima
Buddha Poornima is called Vesak, because it happens on the Full Moon Day of Vaishakha, the second lunar month in the Hindu Lunar Calendar. One of the greatest philosophers ( according to Russell ) was born on this day ! Sir Edwin Arnold called Him the Light of Asia !
Poornima or Full Moon happens when the Moon is 180 degrees away from the Sun, astronomically.
Asita, the Sage, saw the formidable four planet configuration in Aries and told King Shuddodana. The Sun, the Atma Karaka, exalted in Aries, Cancer rising, indicating the Descent of the Avatar !
From thy royal root
A Heavenly Lotus springs !
The noble Indians revere Him as an incarnation of the Lord !
Thou manifested as Buddha
The Enlightened One
In the Symbolic Ten Incarnations
This was Thy Ninth Incarnation
This Symblic Theory
Depicts Evolution
The Evolution of Consciousness
As well the Evolution of the Species !
Buddha differred from the conservative Faith philosophers and asserted that Man can be saved by the Fourfold Path
1) Sorrow
2) Sorrow's Cause
3) Sorrow's Ceasing
4) Nirvana or Enlightenment
As Liberation is possible only through intuitive Gnosis, he encouraged Meditation
The First Truth is of Sorrow, be not mocked
The Life that ye prize is a long drawn agony
Only its pains abide, its pleasures are like
Like the birds which stay and fly !
Buddha became a medicant and renounced worldly life. The King was shocked to see him sitting beneath a tree and said
Thy royal race counteth a thousand thrones !
Buddha's reply was classic
- Sir Edwin Arnold, the Light of Asia
Buddhist Pilgrim Centers
Bodhi Gaya in India. One of the best Buddhist pilgrim centers. In Bihar and 10 kms away from the Holy City of Varanasi. It is said that Buddha got Enlightenment at this place.
Sarnath in India, in Uttar Pradesh. 10 kms from the Sacred City of Varanasi. Lord Buddha preached his first sermon here.
Raigir in India, in Southern Bihar. 74 kms from Bodh Gaya. Lord Buddha spent 12 years in Raigir.
Kaushambi, in India. in Uttar Pradesh. 50 kms from Allahabad. Lord Buddha visited this place twice after His enlightenment.
Sravashti, in India, in U P. Lord Buddha spent 24 years here.
Vaishali, in India, in Bihar. 55 kms from Patna. Lord Buddha preached His last sermon here.
Nalanda, in India, in South Bihar. World famous Center of Learning for Buddhists.
Dhamasala, in India, in Himachal Pradesh. The Home of the Dalai Lama.