Worship the Overself or  Bhaja Govindam III

                                                                                   eastrovedica, hindu astrology software consultancy and research, bhaja govindam              


Vayasi gate kaç kámavikáraç
Ůuúke nire kaç kásáraç
kúiďe vitte kaç pariváro
iňáte tattve kaç samsáraç.


Where is Lust  

When Youth is gone?  

Or the lake supernal

When water has evaporated?

Whither dependents
When money is gone ?
Where empirical process
Called Sansar
When Absolute is actualised ?
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má kuru dhanajanayauvanagarvam
harati nimeúát kalaç sarvam,
máyámayam idam akhilam hitvá,
brahmapadam tvam praviůa viditvá.
Do not be proud
Of wealth,youth or kindred
Know that this Universe
Is a projection of Mind Universal
And actualise the Self !

dinayáminyau sáyam prátaç
ůčůiravasantau punar-áyátaç
kálaç krčăati gacchaty-áyus-
tapapi na muňcaty-áůaváyuç.(12)
Of the bipolarities of Nature
We are aware
Dusk and dawn, night and day,
Winter and Spring
Repeatedly comes
Time sports
Life is fleeting
Yet Desire does not leave Man !

ká te kántá-dhana-gata-cintá
vátula kim tava násti nivantá
trijagati sajjana sańgatir eká
bhavati bhavárďava-taraďe nauká.(13)



Why worry at all

About wife, family, wealth
Is there no Ordainer ?
Satsang or camaraderie with the good
Alone can pave the way for Release !

aďgam gallitam palitam muďăam
daůanavihinam játam tuďăam
vřddho yáti gřhitvá daďăam
tadapi na muňcaty-áůapiďăam.

Body becomes decrepit
Grey has become head
Mouth is toothless
Old man grasps stick
Still Desire does not leave !

agre vanhiç přúűhe bhánü
rátrau cubuka-samarpita-jánuç
karatalabhikúas tarutalavásas
tapadi na muňcaty-áůapáůaç.

Fire at the front
Sin at the back
Ascetic sits
With knees stuck to chin
Receives alms in his palms
Lives under trees
Yet Desire does not leave him !

kurute gańgáságaragamanam
vrataparipálnam athava dánam,
jňánavihčnaç sarvamatena
muktim na bhajati janmaůatena.


People go on pilgrimages
Where Ganga joins sea
Observe vows religious
Donate  gifts to all
But if he be devoid
Of Self Knowledge
Never actualises Self
Even in hundred lives !


Translation By