Bhaja Govindam or Worship the Lord 

                                                                                          eastrovedica, hindu astrology software consultancy and research             


Worship the Lord

Turn to Him for succour
Acquire Wisdom divine
For, at the time of departure
Of soul from body
Worldliness cannot save thee !
Bhaja govindam bhaja govindam
Bhaja govindam müăhamate,
Samprápte sannihite kále
Na hi na hi rakúati dukřňkaraďe.

Lust, anger, avarice, pride
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Renounce and know Thyself
The fool devoid of Self Knowledge
Will find himself in abysmal Hell !
Kámam krodham lobham moham
Tyaktvá'tmánam bhávaya ko'ham
Atmjňanavihčná muăhás
Te pacyante narakanigüăháç.

Do not run after females seductive
They are just flesh and fat !
Mind gives the value of seduction
Think of this over and over !


Dřúűvá má gá moháveůam,
Manasi vicintaya váram váram

Wealth can put you in trouble
As if Wealth gives happiness !
If wealthy, you have to fear sons
Or sons in law !
This is the regular law
Ruling everywhere !
Artham anartham bhávaya nityam
Násti tataç sukhaleůaç satyam
putrádapi dhanabhájam bhčtiç
Sarvatraiúá vihitá rčtiç.
The ascetic who dons the ochre robe
With his head shaven
Who grows hair
Such a one is a fool !
He does not see
Though pretends to be seeing !
He sees indeed
Who sees the regal Self !
Such religious dress
Is for belly only !

jaűilo muďăi luňchitakeůaç
paůyannapi ca na paůyati müăho
hyundaranimittam bahukřtaveúaç.

Escape from this Cycle of Transmigration
By being devoted to your Master !
Through Mind Control and sense control
Behold the Deity in your heart !

samsárád-acirád-bhava muktaç
drakúyasi nijahřdayasthqam devam

This Life ephemeral
Is like the water drop on lotus leaf !
Unsteady, unstable
Devoured by disease and conceit
And smitten with sorrow !
Knowing Life as such
Transcend !
nalinčdalagatajalam atitaralam
tadvaj-jčvitam atiůayacapalam,
viddhi vyádhy-abhimána-grastam
lokam ůokahatam ca samastam.

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