Harivarasanam, the Ayyappa Bhajan                                                                                                      

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Worship I the son of both
Destroyer  and Preserver
Seated on the throne royal
Who captivates the worlds triune
Who indulges in Cosmic Dance
Vanquisher of enemies
I take refuge in Thee !

Harivarasanam Vishwamohanam
Haridadhiswaram Aaradhyapadhukam
Arivimardhanam Nithyanarthanam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

He who is worshipped by all
The Lord of the Elemental Five
With the radiant hue of Dawn
Who recharges mind of devotees
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver !

Saranakirtanam Shakhtamanasam
Bharanalolupam Narthanalasam
Arunabhasuram Bhoothanayakam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

He who is Verity Itself
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Endearing to Life Iself
Who created the Universe
Fond of Music Sacred
The very essence of AUM
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver !
O Rider of the horse
O with face beauteous
With the revered mace
Whose Darshan is great
Whom Vedas sing praise
Who showered his mercy
On the son of his Guru
Lover of all Music divine
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyer and Preserver !

Thuragavahanam Sundarananam
Varagadhayudham Vedavavarnitham
Gurukrupakaram Keerthanapriyam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa


One who is worshipped in worlds triune
The Self of all celestials
Son of the Three Eyed
Worshipped by celestials !
The Boon Giver, provider of welfater
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver !

Tribuvanarchitam Devathathmakam
Trinayanam Prabhum Divyadeshikam
Tridashapoojitham Chinthithapradam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

The Destroyer of Samsar
The Process transmigatory
The Bringer of happiness
Rider on a white elephant
Adorned with ashes divine
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver !

Bhavabhayapaham Bhavukavaham
Bhuvanamohanam Bhoothibhooshanam
Dhavalavahanam Divyavaranam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

He who is exceedingly ravishing
Alwayes with a face smiling
Softer than the softest
Attracted by chants holy
The rider on the lion's back
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver

Kalamrudusmitham Sundarananam
Kalabhakomalam Gathramohanam
Kalabhakesari Vajivahanam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

The Darling of His devotees
The Bestower of all desire
Praised in the eternal Vedas
Giver of life to ascetics
The Captivator par excellence
The Lover of Sacred Music
Him I worship, the son of both
Destroyerr and Preserver

Srithajanapriyam Chinthithapradam
Sruthivibhushanam Sadhujeevanam
Sruthimanoharam Geethalalasam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye

Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa
Sharanam Ayyappa Swamy sharanam Ayyappa

Translation By